Biology abstract 7. Biology lesson summary (Grade 7): General characteristics of angiosperms and their classification (abstract). Student work in groups

Phrase. Simple sentence.

Punctuation marks at the end

and inside a simple sentence

Goals: to systematize knowledge about the phrase and a simple sentence; develop the skills of isolating phrases from sentences.

During the classes

I . Organizing time

I I . Checking homework

The teacher checks exercise 20.

One of the students lists all nouns in the first paragraph, indicating their declension and case, the other - the highlighted adjectives, indicating their gender and case, the third - verbs in the second paragraph, indicating their form and conjugation.

III. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Conversation.

- What is a phrase?(This is a combination of words that are interconnected in meaning, one of which is subordinate to the other. That is, one word is the main one, and the other is dependent)


- What is an offer?(This is a combination of two or more words, interconnected in meaning and grammatically, and representing a complete thought. In a sentence, unlike a phrase, there must be main members.)

- What groups are the proposals divided into?(For simple and complex.)

- What is a simple sentence?(This is a sentence with only one subject and one predicate.)

- What groups are divided into simple sentences? (On narrative, interrogative and exclamatory.)

- What is the basis for this division?(This division depends on which punctuation mark is placed at the end of the sentence and with what intonation this sentence is read. If a period is put, then this is a declarative sentence. If a question mark is a question mark. And if an exclamation mark, then it is an exclamation.)

2. Performing exercise 31.

- Do you know what is homogeneous members offers? (These are sentence members that refer to one) and the same word and characterize it on the one hand.)

Member of the proposal

Part of speech


noun, pronoun, adjective in the meaning of a noun


verb, short adjective






adverb, noun with preposition

I V . Test dictation

The teacher dictates the text. Students write it down in their notebooks and then complete the tasks.

Every person has their favorite time of the year. Many people love summer when you can relax, swim, sunbathe. Most of all, children love summer, because it is in the summer that the weather is beautiful and sunny. We all love to relax in the country. After all, only there you can go to the garden and pick fragrant, sweet, tasty strawberries. There are also various beautiful flowers and delicious berries growing there. And the air is so fresh clean that you don’t want to return to the city at all!


1. Write out phrases from this text. Find in them the main word and the dependent.

2. Write out simple sentences. Underline in them the main members and minor ones. Indicate what parts of speech are the members of sentences. Find homogeneous members of the sentence. Underline them.

This assignment is graded. At the end of the lesson, the teacher collects the notebooks for review.

V . Lesson summary

- What is a phrase?(This is a combination of words related in meaning, one of which is subordinate to the other.)

- How is it different from a proposal?(The fact that the proposal must necessarily have the main members.)

- What is an offer?(This is a combination of two or more words, related in meaning and grammatically, and representing a complete thought.)

Homework: exercises 28 and 30.

Topic: One-part sentences with the main member of the subject.

1) Educational:

To acquaint students with a denominative sentence as a type of one-part sentence with the main member - the subject;

Strengthen students' ability to identify grammatical basis.

2) Developing:

To develop in students the ability to find nominal sentences in the text;

To develop in students the ability to compare denominative sentences with synonymous two-part and one-part sentences of the verb type and determine their differences;

Develop the speech culture of students.


Raise interest in the Russian language;

Enrich lexicon students.

Lesson type: combined.

Lesson methodology: teacher's word, conversation.

Equipment: textbook "Russian language" Grade 8, ed. MM. Razumovskaya.

Lesson structure:

1) Organizational moment and goal setting.

2) Vocabulary and spelling work.

3) Explanation of the new material.

4) fastening.

5) Summing up.

6) Homework.

Literature: textbook "Russian language" Grade 8, ed. MM. Razumovskaya.

During the classes.

1) Organizational moment and goal setting.

"Hello guys! Glad to see you. Sit down! We open notebooks and write down the date, classwork and topic. Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with a nominal sentence as a type of one-part sentence with the main member - the subject, and we will also learn how to compare nominal sentences with synonymous two-part and one-part sentences of the verb type and determine their differences.

2) Vocabulary and spelling work.

M. Tsvetaeva's poem "On Saturday" is projected onto the board with the help of a projector.

It's getting dark... getting ready for tea...

Asya is dozing under her mother's fur coat.

I'm reading a scary story

About the old toothless sorceress,

About the old witch and gnomes,

About the princess gone by sunset.

How terribly unfamiliar in the forest

Wander with her blind brother!

The witch has one concern:

Lead him straight to the abyss!

It's getting dark... Today is Saturday.

And a sad mother wakes up.

It's getting dark... You don't remember the hour.

From the dining room they called us to tea

Curled up Ace

I'm reading a scary story.

Do you remember when you first read this poem? (In 3rd grade)

Emphasize grammatical basics. (One student names all the grammatical bases)

How many one-part sentences did you find? (6)

Name the types of one-part sentences with the main member - the predicate. (Impersonal, definitely personal...)

What types and types of spelling can you mark in the text? (Unstressed vowel in the root, double consonants in the root, etc.)

Rewrite the text of the poem in a notebook and graphically indicate the conditions for choosing orthograms.

Find the participial phrases in the poem. What explains the choice or absence of a sign when participial turnover? Graphically indicate the conditions for choosing punctograms. (The student answers from the place, completing the assessment task)

Disassemble the composition of the words of the departed and curled up.

What structural features of these forms can you note? (Fundamentally - shed- there is an alternation of sound d with zero sound; cf. walked, and the root is ver- is related, it is not used without a prefix; cf. turn around, turn around.)

Find multiple words in the text. (Old, let me down.)

Give examples when they are used in other meanings. (An old friend, old books, an old dress; sum up, sum up a comrade, raise eyebrows.)

Find a word that has a homonym. (Abyss 1 is a "steep cliff" and abyss 2 is a "large number".)

Give an example from which the meaning of the word - homonym will be clear. (People are lost there.)

Well done! You have done well in this task.

3) Explanation of the new material.

1. A dialogue leading to the formulation and solution of the problem is used.

Write the quatrain in your notebooks. One student at the blackboard.

Autumn. Fairy tale,

All open for review.

clearings of forest roads,

Looking into the lakes

Highlight the grammatical foundations of the sentences. (Emphasize autumn, hall, clearings).

What type are these offers? (One-part)

name main member suggestions? (Subject)

What will be the topic of the lesson? (One-part sentences with the main member - subject)

What tense do you think is expressed in these sentences? (The present)

Try to change the time plan, for example, to translate these sentences into the past or future tense. (It was autumn. - There will be autumn.

There was a fabulous palace ... - There will be a fabulous palace ...)

What happens when you change the time plan? (The proposal becomes two-part)

What phenomena are discussed in one-part sentences with one main subject member? (About events, phenomena that exist in the present)

Compare 1 and 2, 3 sentences. What is the difference? (The first sentence is not common, and the second and third are common)

What minor members are in the second sentence? And in the third? (Definitions and additions)

Everyone agrees that in the 3rd sentence the minor member is an addition? (No, there is also a definition in the 3rd sentence)

Prove it. (The noun clearing has a subject meaning, not the meaning of an action, and the noun roads indicates the sign of these clearings - they are near roads)

What kind of definition is this? (Inconsistent definition)

What minor members can be in one-part sentence with the main member - the subject? (Agreed and inconsistent definitions)

The sentences we have considered with the main member - the subject are called nominal.

Based on the observations made, formulate the definition of denominative sentences. (Formulate a definition)

2. Conversation. Reading the definition of denominative sentences in the frame of the textbook on p.198

Compare the textbook definition with yours.

What did you learn from the text in the box?

What is the meaning of denominative sentences?

What are their structural features?

What parts of speech do you think the subject can be expressed in? (nouns and pronouns)

What can be denominative sentences for the purpose of the statement? (Post., prompt., question.)

In what style of speech do you think nominal sentences are predominantly used? (in fiction)

Think of your own examples of denominative sentences. (Winter. Here is snow. Severe frost.)

4) Fixing.

Compare the written sentences.

It's dawning. Dawn. Dawn is coming.

What unites these proposals? (The same meaning - it is asserted that the phenomenon exists in the present.)

What is the difference between them? (In the structure: 1- One-part impersonal, 2- One-part nominative, 3- Two-part.)

Let's execute ex. 276-complicated cheating - the ability to find one-part nominal sentences according to the algorithm develops:

Find the grammatical basis of the sentence.

Determine the number of main members.

If there is one main member, determine which part of speech is expressed:

Noun. (Mutual check)

The thin whistle of a hazel grouse, reddish windows at dusk, a bonfire that parted the darkness. Pine paw on the window in a canned food jar, strawberry white. But now I think that a person needs, probably, to know all the delights of civilization before coming to such an understanding of happiness. V.Belov

Let's execute ex. 279 - selective dictation - the skill of finding nominal sentences and identifying their stylistic function is fixed. (Check by chain)

Rare stars, weakened by the yellowish light of the moon. Warm steppe breeze. Silhouettes of acacias, fences of dachas. Silver-dusty wormwood, its unique night smell. The gleam of the tram rails, as if gliding into the distance and there turning and fading away in the midst of coal darkness. P. A. Bunin

5) Summing up.

What kind of sentences did you learn in class? (naming or nominative)

What meaning can these sentences express?

What is the stylistic function of denominative sentences? (Image of nature, environment, internal state of a person.)

6) Homework.

1. Learn the definition in the textbooks on p.198.

2. Learn by heart M. Tsvetaeva's poem "On Saturday" and prepare for self-dictation.

MOU "Bulyninskaya secondary school"

Lesson summary

in Russian according to the program

"School of Russia"

on this topic"Spelling words with soft sign at the end and in the middle of a word

(grade 2)

Conducted by: Alekseeva N.G.,

primary school teacher

MOU "Bulyninskaya secondary school",

Pskov region

Velikoluksky district.

Spelling of words with a soft sign at the end and before other consonants.

Target:repeat the ways of indicating the softness of consonants in writing using the letter b.

Planned results: students will learn to indicate the softness of consonant sounds in writing; communicate verbally and in writing.


1) Educational:

  • to consolidate students' skills in spelling words with a soft sign at the end and in front of other consonants;
  • to promote the formation of communicative, informational and key competencies;
  • Teach students the techniques of self-assessment, mutual assessment.

2) Developing:

  • develop critical thinking skills problematic issues, put forward hypotheses, generalize the obtained data and draw conclusions
  • develop oral and written speech;
  • develop spelling vigilance, attention and thinking of students;
  • develop the independence and responsibility of the student for the process and the result of their activities.

3) Educators:

  • nurture creative activity;
  • to cultivate a culture of communication in a group with peers;
  • create conditions for the formation of cognitive interest in the Russian language.


Computer, media projector, presentation for the lesson;

Picture with the image of the cat Leopold;

Ladder of success;

Cards - mood signals;

Cards of different colors with differentiated tasks.

During the classes.

I. Organizing time.

The long-awaited call is given, the lesson begins. We have guests at the lesson today, greet our guests.

- Sit down. slide 1.

Positive attitude.

Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a calm breath in and out. Imagine all sides around us. Mentally in each direction send the wish "Peace, goodness, love to everyone who is to my right, to my left, who is in front, who is behind me."

I am glad to see your faces again, your eyes. And I think that today's lesson will bring us all the joy of communicating with each other. Good luck to you and good luck!

I would like to start our lesson with the song of the cat Leopold. Listen to her, and whoever knows the words can sing along. Slide 2.

How would you like to see our today's lesson? What mood do you start with? “Beep”, please show me the card that matches your mood.

Slide 3.

The lesson begins, He will go to the children for the future, Try to understand everything, Learn to discover secrets, Give complete answers, To get only a mark of “five” for work!

II. Knowledge update.

1. A minute of calligraphy.

Let's start our lesson with a minute of calligraphy. slide 4.

- What can you say about the record? (On the board: b b b b b…) (Game "Catch the ball"

- Write down, continuing the pattern. Pay attention to the slope, height, width of the letters. Don't forget the landing rules.

- What is the proposal? Read the proverb. When do they say so?

On the slide: Seven times measure cut once.

Will we use this proverb in our lesson?

- Write it down, separating the words with a dash for hyphenation, underline the soft sign.

- Who coped with the work "excellent" - raise your hand?

2. Spelling minute.

Slide 5.

Here is how the writer L. Izmailov said about the soft sign:

Soft sign - tricky sign

Don't say it at all.

It doesn't pronounce

But the word is often asked.

Why does the house have a corner

Has it turned into charcoal?

No fire, just like that?

It made a soft sign!

Why does the soft sign ask for a word? (To indicate the softness of consonants).

Name the words with a soft sign (coal, say).

What are the spellings of these words? (soft sign in the word coal, say; unstressed vowel in the word say)

How can we check an unstressed vowel? (choose a test word - say)

3. Vocabulary work.

What rule did we just remember? (unstressed vowel that can be checked)

True, but there are words in Russian with unverifiable unstressed vowels. What are these words called? (dictionary)

Why? (we check in the dictionary).

Tell me these words (from the pictures: bullfinch, coat, bear, carrot, skates). Slides 6-10.

How do these words differ? Slide 11.

Are there any words with a soft sign at the end of the word? Name.

What about words with a soft sign in the middle? Name.

Let's write these words in two columns - in the first column of the word with a soft sign at the end of the word, and in the second - words with a soft sign in the middle of the word. Underline the spelling.

At the blackboard, two students work on separate sides, the rest of the children write in notebooks.

Collective check - if the word is written correctly, then we clap our hands, if it is wrong, then we stomp our feet. Let's evaluate the work of your classmates. slide 12.

Who did an excellent job? Who failed? Why?

Now guess a new vocabulary word.

slide 13 with a note: B E E M L (furniture)

You have been given a strange word,

Almost foreign.

You look at him

And translate for me!

The teacher writes the word on the blackboard. slide 14.

Let's say the word furniture in unison. Explain its lexical meaning. Write down the word, put the stress, underline the spelling. And now you difficult task- Pick up single-root words. Prove your point.

4. The game "Guess the word." Slide 15 with puzzles ( task, belt, room, gate).

And now let's solve puzzles with you, and at the same time we will reveal the most intelligent among us.

Make up a sentence with one of these words, including a new dictionary word in it.

III. Self-determination to activity.

Children, look at all the completed assignments and guess what we will talk about today in the lesson. What will be the topic of our lesson today? (Spelling of words with a soft sign).

Let's test our assumptions. Read the lesson topic on p.125.

Slide 16: Spelling of words with a soft sign at the end and in the middle of a word.

This new topic? (No, we have known each other since the 1st grade and repeated in the 2nd).

What learning goals will we set for ourselves? slide 17.

Today in the lesson we will summarize our knowledge about this letter; we will consolidate the ability to correctly write words with a soft sign at the end and in the middle of a word, we will write beautifully and accurately - this will be taken into account when grading.

Thus, today in the lesson we will exercise, consolidate,

repeat and generalize, and also write, play, check each other's work.

Read the rule on p.125 for yourself. What did you learn from the rule? (Nothing). Where will this knowledge come in handy in real life? What are they for?

IV. Physical education "Sun"

What do you associate joyful mood with? (With the sun.)

Now we will spend a physical education session for the eyes "Sun" ( Eye exercise on slide 18 - 19.

V. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Exercise 206

Pair check. Verification with the sample on slide 20:

School - school, strength - strong, December - December, April - April.

VI. Consolidation of the studied material.

Cat Leopold has prepared for you an interesting task in pairs on cards.

Why do I have cards of different colors in my hand?

Choose a card that suits your skill level and that you can handle. Consult with a partner in a pair.

Work in pairs on cards (cards of different colors with differentiated tasks).

Let's remember the rules for working in pairs. slide 21.

"5" - yellow card


W… blah covered… with white k… vrom on the p… liana stood a small… ate… at l… sy big… fluffy… thick tail.

  1. Define sentence boundaries by marking the beginning and end of sentences correctly.

"4" - green card


W… blah covered… with white to… brom. On the p ... liana stood a small ... kaya ate ... . L ... sy has a big ... fluffy ... thick tail.

  1. Insert and underline the missing spellings.
  2. In the first sentence, find and underline the main terms.

"3" - red card


W… blah covered… with white to… brom. On the p ... liana stood a small ... kaya ate .... L ... sy b ... big fluff ... thick tail.

  1. Insert and underline the missing spellings.

Your work will be checked today, tomorrow you will find out how you coped with the tasks in today's lesson and what marks you received.

VII. Creative homework.

Find and write down a verse in which there are words for the studied spelling.

slide 22.

IX. Summary of the lesson.

What did we do in class today?

What have we learned today? What difficulties did you encounter in class? What questions would you like to ask in this regard? How do you think this knowledge will be useful to us in life? Where? What task were you interested in doing?

X. Reflection. slide 23.

And now let's evaluate our knowledge in today's lesson. Please look at your notebooks - how you coped with the tasks, how carefully you worked in your notebooks. Before you is a ladder of knowledge: put the magnet on the step corresponding to your knowledge: if you put the magnet on the top step, then everything is clear to you; on the second step - you experience difficulties; lower - the material was not mastered at all.

I succeeded ... I was surprised ... I liked it ... I was glad for ... I can praise myself for ... Slide 24.

In what mood do you end it? Leave a card on the desks that matches your mood.

Thank you all for your work in class. I wish you continued success!