Lesson summary measuring length with a conditional measure. Summary of educational activities “Measurement. Tasks by educational areas

Alla Cheremisova
Synopsis of GCD for FEMP in older children preschool age"Measuring a segment using a conditional measure"

Municipal Autonomous preschool educational institution

municipal formation of the city of Nyagan "Kindergarten

general developmental type with priority implementation of activities

in the cognitive-speech direction of development children

№ 6 "POCK"

Synopsis of GCD for FEMP in children of senior preschool age

Subject: «»


Cheremisova Alla Ivanovna, teacher

first qualification category

MADOU DO Nyagan Kindergarten No. 6 "Pock"

Abstract Mathematics classes in the preparatory group.

Subject: « Measuring a segment using a conditional measure»

Goals: Learn measurement with a conventional measure, form at children arbitrariness and the ability to perform actions simultaneously, develop imagination children, learn children navigate on a sheet of paper, fix in memory children the names of the days of the week in their sequence, learn to associate the events of your life with certain days of the week.


Demonstration material

Calendar, a strip of paper 3 cm wide, 24 cm long (the length of the strip is a multiple of 4 and 6 cm, two cardboard measurements: one long 4cm, the other 6cm, circle.


A strip of paper 3 cm wide, 24 cm long (the length of the strip is a multiple of 4 and 6 cm, two cardboard measurements: one long 4cm, the other 6cm, pencil.

GCD progress

1. Organization children

One two three four five

Let's have fun playing

compare and to measure,

Answer questions!

Guys, we sit down at the tables as quietly as the leaves fall to the ground.

2. Repetition of a number series.

Guys, let's look at the board. – What do you see? (numbers). Let's count together from 0 to 10. Now let's count back from 10 to 0.

Well done, now let's count to ourselves, with our eyes up to 10 and back.

3. Explanation of the topic of the lesson

Guys, today we will be with you measure a line with a yardstick. Look, each of you has a strip of paper on the table. Exactly the same in my hands.

(Children are given measurements. One group children measuring length 4cm, other 6cm. No advance notice of the difference.)

I suggest you compare your strips. Are they all the same?

Look, my stripe is the same size too (compare with the stripes of some children)

Guys, pay attention to the board. Now I'll show you the way measuring strips with a yardstick. Let's apply measure so to edge measurements and stripes matched, With using a pencil, draw a line along the edge measurements. Next, we apply measure already to the line marked on the bar.

And now, I propose to you, on your own measure your cuts, not forgetting that dimension starts from the edge of the strip. The edges of the strip and measurements must match., at the next measuring yardstick applied to the line marked with a pencil.

Let's get to the task. And while I finish measuring your strip.

4. Independent work children

Guys next to measured with a strip, put a number indicating how many times your measure fully laid down on a strip of paper.

My measure went all the way 4 times.

(Ask a question to a child who has measured 6 times)

How many times your measure completely within the strip?

(Answer: "Six times")

Six? And I only have four.

Were the stripes the same? (Refer to the children to whom the strip was previously compared)

Anyone else measured six times? Raise the figure "6".

And someone measure did it all the way four times? Show the number "4".

The stripes were the same. I saw that everything measured correctly. And why did some get 6, others 4?

(Sayings children)

Right, measurements were different..

(Invite to the board one person from those who got 4 and one who got 6)

Guys let's make sure measurements are not the same. I will ask two people to come to me, one who has measure fit 4 times and one from whom measured 6 times.

The method of application, we made sure that measurements are different.

How many times did your measure? (refer to a child with a smaller measure)

(Answer :6 times)

And you?

(4 times)

Look how interesting! Small measured six times, large - four times.

Physical education minute:

Get up quickly.

Get up quickly, smile

Pull up higher, pull up.

Come on, straighten your shoulders

Raise, lower

Turned left, turned right

They touched their hands with their knees.

Sit down, get up, sit down, get up

And they ran on the spot.

5. Game "Name the Neighbors"

Now guys, put the strips aside and measurements and lay out in front of you a series of numbers from 0 to 10.

Let's play a game "Name the Neighbors".

I will call a number, and you have to put forward two numbers - "neighbors" and explain why these two numbers are neighbors. For example, the number 7 is "neighbours" 6 and 8 because 6 is one less than 7 and 8 is one more than 7.

(the game is repeated 3-4 times)

6. Working with a template

Guys, pay attention to the board. You see sample drawings (fish, ladybug, mouse, eye, fungus, piglet, etc. e). Consider them carefully.

What did you pay attention to? (the teacher traces the shape of the leaf in each picture with his finger)

(answers children)

Right! All drawings have a similar shape "Leaf"

I want to invite you to create your own drawings. In front of you on the table lies a landscape sheet, a template in the form of a leaflet, with its help you can create your own drawings using all the free space on the album sheet.

(children draw)

I see many have finished. Who wants to go to the blackboard and talk about their drawing?

(those who wish to tell and show about their drawing, what is shown in the upper right corner, in the lower left, in the middle, etc.)

7. Game - relay race "Name Yourself"

Well done! And now we will play a game "Name Yourself"

- The rules of the game are:

everyone sits on chairs, then I show the direction from whom we start and everyone gets up one by one, naming their first and last names, the next one gets up as soon as the previous one sits down. Get up no earlier and no later than this time. When all the children have named themselves, the game is repeated, starting from the last one, who now becomes the first.

(play 2-3 times)

8. Working with the calendar.

Guys, what month are we now?

And what is the number?

What day of the week? Right. Let's mark this day on the calendar together.

Look, on the board, I put up a sign with the name of today's day of the week. What is the name of the previous day of the week?

(answers children)

What day will tomorrow be?

(a card with the name is displayed)

Let's remember what day the week starts on. What days of the week are missing? Let's put the cards with the names in order and call the chorus the days of the week.

Guys, let's remember together the most memorable events that happen regularly these days and mark them with a symbol.

(draw on the board)

9. Outcome of GCD

Let's summarize our lesson. Today we have learned a lot of interesting things.

What did we talk about today?

What did you do?

Did you like it?

(answers children)

Well done boys! You were all active today! Each of you gets a funny emoticon.

Subject:"Length measurement"


1. Give an idea of ​​the number as a result of measuring length.

Sort items by quantity, size;

Determine your location among the objects of the environment.

3. Continue to form an idea of ​​the concepts of "quadrilateral", "triangle".

Demo Material: 2 houses, 2 paths, conditional measurement - a strip of paper; 2 gnomes (flat); scales, 2 bags of sugar, scoop.

Handout: 5 cubes; 5 balls; subject cards; triangles, quadrangles.

Lesson progress

The teacher and the children stand in a semicircle in front of the blackboard. Attached to the board are 2 houses, 2 paths leading to them, and two gnomes (flat ones).

There lived two cheerful gnomes,

Here are their two wonderful houses.

And the paths lead to them

The gnomes are going home.

But one goes laughing -

His path is a little shorter.

And the other does not lose heart

What a long way he walks.

Which house will the dwarf come to faster? Why did you decide so?

Children explain that one path is long, the other is short.

How did you measure these paths? You spotted it by eye. And you can more accurately determine the length. How is length measured? (Children's guesses.)

- No matter how long they measured before: fingers, elbows, hands. Now there are rulers, centimeter tapes. What if there is no line? Can be measured with a yardstick.

The teacher shows a measure - a strip of paper. Explains to the children that with this measure you can measure the length.

- See how I do it. I take measurements at the beginning of the path. I measured once. Set aside one cube. I'll take another measurement right away. Set aside another cube. And once again the measure fits. Set aside another cube.

- How many times did the measure fit on this path? (3 times.)

Now let's measure another path.

The teacher does the same with the other path.

- How many times did the measure fit on this path? (2 times.)

“Now you can immediately see that one path is longer.

Gnomes bought sugar

They shared it all day long.

Soon the night will come

We need to help the gnomes.

The children go to the tables. On the tables are cards with objects drawn on them (from 1 to 5).

— The gnomes decided to clean up the apartment and put the scattered objects in a row. Arrange item cards from 1 to 5 in a row, starting with a card with one item.

Children complete the task, the teacher checks. Then draws the attention of children to balls and cubes.

Gnomes took toys

Of course they weren't removed.

Soon the night will come

We need to help the gnomes.

- Lay out, girls, in order the balls: from the largest to the smallest.

- And the boys will arrange the scattered cubes in order, starting with the smallest.

The teacher reinforces the concepts with the children: “the biggest”, “the smallest”, “smaller”, “bigger”, etc.

- Now take all of one geometric figure. The gnomes have prepared them for you and want to play with you. The task is:

Whoever has triangles, stand on the right side of the table;

Who has quadrangles, stand so that the board is

behind you;

Whoever has rectangles, stand so that the table is in front of you.

The teacher thanks the children for their work.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 54 "Crane"

city ​​of Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic


directly - educational activities in the educational field "Cognition"

Theme: "Measurement"

with children of the preparatory group

Developed and implemented:

Afonina N.V.

caregiver 1


Target:development of cognitive interests in children.

Educational tasks:

Continue to acquaint children with the properties of dry and wet sand (flowability), the ability to pass water, filter it; that sand consists of very small particles - grains of sand.

Development tasks:

To develop the ability to master the means of cognitive activity by methods of examining an object, the ability to experimental activities establish causal relationships. Expand understanding of sand, its qualities and features. Stimulate the desire for independent study of objects and objects of inanimate nature.

Educational tasks:

To cultivate interest in the world around us, to teach children to experience a sense of emotional satisfaction from the work done, to develop goodwill.

Dictionary activation:

Loose, sticky, loose, magnifying glass, experiments, tricks.

Methodical techniques: - Riddles

Viewing a presentation on a laptop

Physical education minute

Game-focus "Multi-colored miracle"


Two types of sand, plastic bottles, molds, sticks, boxes, oilcloths, funnels, water, cups, spoons, magnifiers, a laptop, a tape recorder.

Activity structure:

Educator: Guys, today we have a very interesting lesson, and on what topic, you will find out for yourself if you guess the riddle:

"He's yellow and fluffy

Heaped in the yard.

If you want, you can take

Play it all day."

What is this - ?

Children: Sand

Educator: What do you think the sand is for?

Children: For games, sprinkle the track in winter.

Educator: Quite right, sand is also used in the construction of roads, buildings, in the production of dishes, glass, in hourglasses. Where can you find sand?

Children: In the sandbox, at the construction site, by the river, by the sea.

I suggest you watch a short presentation on where sand is used (viewing the presentation on a laptop).

Sand - pieces of rock. Sand is obtained when a stone disintegrates (shows a stone), under the influence of water, natural conditions, glaciers. The largest deposits of sand exist - these are deserts and seashores, where beaches are usually located. Sand can be multi-colored (brown, yellow, white and even black).

Educator: Sand can be sea and river (show and compare)

What is the difference between sea sand and river sand? today we will compare the properties of the river sand with which we played all summer and the sea sand that I brought for you from the sea.

Educator: You have a lot of interesting things on your tables and now we will conduct experiments with sand. You have 2 plates of sand on the tables. Try to guess which one is which? Touch it, what do you think?

Children's answers.

Let's take the scoops and pour some sand into the box (children do). Does sand flow easily?

Children: Easily.

Educator: Because the sand is loose. Is it easy to take? Those. is he a lump or not? The sand is loose.

Educator: Now let's take this device, who knows what it's called?

Children: Magnifying glass.

Educator: That's right, that's what it is called, because it magnifies, and you can also say - a magnifying glass, a lens.

Let's take a magnifying glass and carefully consider what the sand consists of?

Children: Grains - grains of sand.

Educator: How do they look?

Children: They are small, round, white, yellow, transparent.

Educator: Are they similar to each other? How are they similar? What is the difference?

(children's answers)

Children: Sea sand has smaller grains of sand, while river sand has larger grains.

Educator: In the sand, each grain of sand lies separately, it does not stick to its "neighbors".

Conclusion: Sand consists of grains of sand that do not stick to each other.

Educator: Let's do another experiment. " Wind". What happens to the grains of sand?

Children: They scattered, blown away, move easily.

Educator: And now I will pour some water, wet the sand and create wind again. Are the sand grains blown away?

Children: No.

Educator: Conclusion: Dry grains of sand are blown away, "run away" from the wind, but wet ones do not.

caregiver : Need to find out if the sand has a head start? How to do it?

Children's answers.

Pour sand into a glass. Easily?

Now scoop it up with a spoon. Has its shape changed?

And how to pour sand into a small bottle? It turns out? Or not? - take a funnel and try to pour it as carefully as possible ..

Independent activity of children.

CONCLUSION: the teacher makes a conclusion together with the children. So,…….

Now let's take a break and do a little warm-up.

(physical education session with audio recording)

Educator: and now take trays with glasses (two) and scoops. Pour sand into two cups, pour a little water into one cup (moisten the sand). Now take a stick and stick it in dry sand, and another stick in wet sand. Which sand is easier to stick with a stick? In wet or in dry?

Children: In dry.

Educator: dry sand is loose, grains of sand are not glued together, so it is easier to stick into dry sand. And now I will pour sand into plastic cups (the same amount), but I will moisten one cup with sand with water. And now we'll see which sand is heavier. We will weigh the dry sand first and then the wet sand.

Which one is heavier?

Children: Wet.

Educator: That's right, because light air is hiding among dry grains of sand, and heavier water is hiding among wet ones.

Guys, now tell me, what kind of sand is used to make a cake from dry or wet?

Children: From wet.

Educator: That's right, wet sand perfectly retains its shape, so it's easy to sculpt from it, you do it many times on a walk in the sandbox.

Guys, sand can filter water, i.e. clean it. Look here. (The teacher takes dirty water and passes it through the sand).

Educator: What happened to the dirty water I poured into the sand? How has she changed?

Children: Became cleaner, more transparent.

Educator: Sand is a natural filter, it purifies water.

Now let's do another experiment. In a tray with sand, add a little water with a spoon and mix. What's going on? (Children answer)

Children: the sand became damp, wet.

caregiver Q: What happened to the water?

Children: she soaked into the sand.

We will do the same with sea sand.

Children: ………………….

Educator: Right …………………..

CONCLUSION: what is the difference between river sand and sea sand? ............ children's answers

caregiver: Who knows: what is the difference between experiment and focus?


caregiver: Today we conducted many experiments with sand and water helped us in this. Let's remember what we know about water?

Children: transparent, has no taste, smell, it is a liquid, it flows and overflows, some substances dissolve in it………etc.

Does water have color? Can it be red, blue or green?

Children: Yes.

Educator: How to do it? ...... Can it be done with magic? Now I will teach you how to do a trick, which is called the “Colorful Miracle”………….. (plain water is poured into a bottle and it is hidden in a magic bag; after several vigorous movements and magic spells, it becomes multi-colored).

Educator: Our research and games are over for today. What do you especially remember? We need to clean everything up. Well done! Thank you all for your work.

"Measurement of length using a conditional measure"

Goals and objectives:

Contribute to the consolidation of the skills of comparing objects in length by visual correlation, overlay and application;

Provide familiarity with the method of measuring length - using a conventional measure:

Lead the children to the conclusion how the length of the measure affects their number needed for measurement (the larger the measure, the less they are required, and vice versa);

To ensure the practical application of the skill of oral counting within 5, correlating the quantity with the conditional designation of the set.

Equipment and materials:

5 pieces of snakes of different lengths, identical snakes and several figures of parrots, elephants, monkeys, small toys - counting material. Cards with dots (count up to 5), measurements of different lengths, music for physical education.

Lesson progress

    Organizational moment.

Guys, we're going to Africa with you. See how many African animals meet us.

    Verbal counting.

Let's count. How many elephants? (monkeys, crocodiles, etc.)

And now let's play, animals will come running to each of you (I distribute cards)

- Guess how many animals you will have (how many points, so many animals)

    Main part.

- Look who's crawling towards us (snake)

- How many? They are identical? What is the difference? (long)

- What is this? (pointing to the longest and shortest)

- And let's build the snakes in order: from the longest to the shortest.


- Hear who is calling us? Yes, they are African animals. They decided to play with us. (conducted to music)

- Guys, the longest snake told me that she has a boa constrictor friend, and he is upset about something. Let's go see what happened to him. (sit down at tables)

On the children's table we lay out the boas according to the number of children.

Getting to know the measure .

Guys, the boa constrictor says that he is very long, but he doesn’t know how long he is. But the smart parrot told the boa constrictor that it could be measured, for example, by parrots or elephants, or monkeys. Let's help the boa constrictor. Here, for example, is how to measure correctly. (I show how to correctly apply “measurements” from the head to the tip of the tail.

Individual work.

I propose to each child to measure the boa constrictor in elephants, monkeys, parrots.

How many elephants fit in a boa constrictor? (monkeys, parrots)

Who fit more? Who is less?

Why are there fewer elephants and more parrots?


- Guys, but there are not always monkeys, elephants and parrots at hand. Therefore, you can measure the length using another measure, for example, like this (cardboard strip)

- Let's try. (measuring measurements)

- How many measurements did you get? And you?

- Why do you need more measurements and you need less?

4. Independent work on sheets (on the topic "Longer - shorter")

5. The result of the GCD:

- Well done! All completed the tasks. The boa says a big thank you to us!

Synopsis of GCD in senior group
using ICT and health-saving technologies.
Purpose: consolidation of mathematical concepts in children of the older group.
create conditions for:
children's exercises in comparing volumes of liquids using measurement;
strengthening the ability to increase and decrease the number by 1;
continuing the exercise in distinguishing and naming geometric shapes according to two features: color, shape;
revitalization and enrichment vocabulary children;
development of memory, attention, imagination, logical thinking;
educate social skills: the ability to work in a group, negotiate;
foster a culture of behavior in the classroom.
Material and equipment:
two different bowls of milk
large bowl;
glass, cup, spoon;
a set of geometric shapes of different colors and sizes;
cards for laying out a pattern;
GCD progress
GCD structure. Methods and techniques. Teacher activities Children activities
Organizing time.
A moment of surprise.
Review and comparison.
Formulation of the problem.
Fizminutka (ball game)
Work in pairs with geometric shapes.
D / and "Say the opposite" (presentation) (individual work).
Reflection. The teacher holds two toy kittens in his hands.
-Guys, look who I found in the group this morning.
- What are they?
In front of the children are two jars of different sizes, but with the same amount of milk.
- Guys, these kittens quarreled a little, because they don't know if they have the same amount of milk in cans? How can we help find this out?
- What will we measure? - What can serve us as a measure?
- Then let's measure the milk of a gray kitten with a glass, and the milk of a white kitten with a ladle.
- Well done, do not let yourself be confused! Let's remember the rules of measurement: how should the measure be filled?
- And what should we do in order not to get confused and accurately determine the number of measurements?
- Dima, try to measure the milk with a glass, and the rest at the table put chips away.
- Alice, now you try to measure the volume of milk from the second bowl. And the guys lay off the green chips.
- Guys, how many chips are red and how many are green?
- Let's try to measure with another measure, for example, with this children's ladle.
Why are there more bowls of milk than glasses?
- So, our kittens will get the same amount of milk?
- Thank you for helping them, now they will not quarrel. - Let's get some rest now, shall we?
Let's stand together in a circle. I will throw the ball and call the number, and you must increase it by one unit, for example - 1 - 25-7-
(can be made more difficult by taking a step back - the circle expands)
Now let's decrease by one unit:
(Reduce - the circle narrows)
- And now we will lay out a pattern of geometric shapes on the card. The teacher, by drawing lots, chooses the leader who dictates the pattern.
-Now exchange cards and check if the task is completed correctly.
- Let's look at the screen and play the game, I say:
- Low shrub
- The house is low,
- The branch is thin,
- The river is wide
- Golfs are long,
- Large chair
- What did you like most about the lesson?
- Which geometric figures did you post today?
- Try at home using a measure to pour the same amount of tea (milk, juice) into different cups for yourself and your mother. The children are sitting at the tables.
Oh those are kittens!
Small, fluffy, etc. You need to measure the amount of milk (volume).
Measure. Any capacity. But it will be more convenient to measure with a small glass or a children's ladle.
No, the measurement must be the same for both measurements.
The measure must be complete.
You need to mark each measurement with a chip.
Children put away chips.
And those and other chips turned out to be 5 pieces. This means that the volume of milk in the bowls was the same. Children lay chips. Both in one and the other bowl of milk turned out to be 10 ladles each.
Because less milk is placed in a ladle than in a glass with which we measured milk before.
Yes. Although the bowls have different shapes, the amount of milk in them is the same.

Children complete the task in pairs.
The children are checking.
and the tree is tall.
the faucet is tall.
and the tree is thick.
and the stream is narrow.
and short socks.
and the chair is small.
I liked measuring the volume of water!
And I have to play the game "Say the opposite"!
Circle, square, rectangle, trapezoid, rhombus, oval.