Nikolai Petrovich Shilov ladybug. Shilov Nikolay. Magic Clock: game program for ml. shk

Kapitonova, N. A. Shilov Nikolay Petrovich [ Electronic resource] / N. A. Kapitonova. CHODB: Chelyabinsk. Access mode:

Children's poet. Screenwriter.

Nikolai Petrovich can be called the most famous poet for children in the South Urals. Ten of his funny and clever books have already been published. Songs have been written to his poems. The guys are very fond of meeting Nikolai Petrovich in schools, libraries, these meetings are always a holiday.

Here is how he once said about himself: "Shilov Nikolai Petrovich is a rather large poet. His height is one meter eighty-five centimeters, and his weight is ninety kilograms, like ten huge watermelons. But he writes poetry for little ones ...". He really A tall man, also a very nice, kind, cheerful person, as a children's poet should be. Only his poems are interesting not only for small children, but also for adults and adults.

Nikolai Petrovich was born on April 12, 1947 in the city of Shchuchye Kurgan region in a working family. His father fought in the Great patriotic war, drove a formidable car "Katyusha", more than once fell under the bombing. He returned from the war and until the end of his days carried 12 fragments from enemy shells in his body. Despite this, he never lost heart, he was a great inventor. The son must have learned it from his father.

While still at school, Nikolai began to write poetry. After finishing eight classes, he came to Chelyabinsk to enter a technical school. But he was not accepted there because of poor eyesight. Then Nikolai entered the school of culture. He graduated with honors and went to study at the Leningrad (Petersburg) Institute of Culture. There he learned and saw a lot: museums, theaters, libraries. And Shilov was also lucky: together with other students, he visited Germany, got acquainted with beautiful, old German cities, learned the culture of the people of Germany.

After graduating from the institute, Nikolai Petrovich returned to Chelyabinsk, taught at the same school that he graduated from, and served in the army. He learned to write poetry, made friends with the children's poet Lev Rakhlis, whom readers already knew from books: "Is it true, or not?", "Shishel - Myshel." In 1982, Shilov began working with Rakhlis at the Institute of Culture (now the Academy of Culture and Art). They taught students how to organize holidays, festive performances. Then they began to write script books for kindergarten teachers and teachers together. lower grades, came up with different Interesting games, contests, shows. These books helped adults a lot in working with children.

It so happened that Shilov's friend left for America forever. Nikolai Petrovich continued the common cause. Became a professor, lectures to students, writes serious scientific work. Writes scripts for big holidays. Not everyone knows that the Day of the City, the Bazhov Festival, the Crystal Drop festival are held according to his scenarios. But, despite being very busy, Nikolai Petrovich always finds time for children's poems. There is a lot of fiction, fantasy, mischief in his poems. There are poems - riddles, poems - games, counting rhymes. But they do not just entertain, but also make you think, fantasize, rejoice and be surprised by the Russian language, the word. The poet is also a good gardener, so there are so many interesting observations of animals, birds, insects, and plants in his poems.

Nikolai Petrovich is a master at coming up with titles for his books: "Doctor Fly - Throat - Nose", "Initiation into Frogs", "Three Rains Ago", "Summer in Jars", "The Piglet That Was a Dog"...

Recently, Nikolai Petrovich has published not only books. In the city of Kurgan they released a CD "ABC that you can sing", where Shilov's poems, and Elena Mikhailovna Poplyanova's music. This is not the first work of the poet and Chelyabinsk composer. Their common book "Pam - Param Joyful Holiday: Musically - poetic performance for a very cheerful choir and mischievous soloists" was published.

Despite the fact that Lev Rakhlis has been living and working in America for a long time, the friendship of the two poets continues. Nikolai Shilov's poems are published in Atlanta, in a newspaper published by Rakhlis. And in Chelyabinsk, with the help of Nikolai Petrovich, collections of poems by Rakhlis are published: "They gave the fish an umbrella", "On the green island of Borneo". A joint collection of scripts "A whale named "N", a whale named "B", a whale named "F" was also published. What is hidden under the mysterious letters? Observation, imagination and fantasy.

Nikolai Petrovich has a good family, two adult sons - a historian and a physicist. His work is highly appreciated, he is the Honored Worker of Culture of Russia, the winner of many literary competitions. Each A new book Nikolai Shilov - a great gift for the guys.

Books by N.P. Shilov

Doctor Fly - Throat - Nose. - Chelyabinsk: 1997.- 31 p.

Samsusam. - Chelyabinsk: T. Lurie Publishing House, 1999. - 56 p.

Terrible beast. - Chelyabinsk: Publishing House of T. Lurie, 2000. - 28s.

Bearless Samsusam. - Chelyabinsk: Publishing House - in T. Lurie, 2001. - 56s.

Initiation into frogs. - Chelyabinsk: "AutoGraph", 2001.- 44 p.

Initiation into frogs. - Chelyabinsk: "AutoGraph", 2004. - 44 p.

Piglet that was a dog. - Chelyabinsk: ChGAKI, 2004.- 105 p. Series: Academic Muse.

Three rains ago. - Chelyabinsk: Tatyana Lurie, 2006. - 37 p.

Summer in banks: Poems for children. - Chelyabinsk: AutoGraph, 2006. - 104 p.

Petrov's dialogues. - Chelyabinsk: Tatyana Lurie, 2007. - 24 p.

If you fall from the moon. - Chelyabinsk: Publishing House of Marina Volkova, "ALIM", 2008. - 48 p. For family reading. From 7 to 12.

N.P. Shilov's works in periodicals and collections:

Poems. About him. Photo. // Chronicle.-1995.-№36.- P.12.

A selection of poems // Hello!. - 1996. - No. 34. - 35.- P.10 - 11.

Poems // Path.- 1996.- No. 1.- P.8,19,23, No. 2.- P.2-3.

Poems // Path. - 1997.- No. 4.- P. 7.11, No. 6- P. 20 - 39, No. 7. -29 - 31 (About myself - P.29).

Poems // Path. - 1998. - No. 2. S.2, 6.

Rakhlis L., Shilov N. Visiting Pimpamponchik: Add a book // Path. - 1998. - No. 2. - S. 32 - 33, No. 4. -.2nd p. region

(Poems) // Reader on the literature of the native land. 1 - 4 cells. - Chelyabinsk: "Vzglyad", 2002. - S.26 - 28, 85 - 86, 152.

Vseznay Vseznaev // Modern Literature. - biobibliographer. directory. - Chelyabinsk: "Svetunets", 2005. - P.281.

(Poems) // Literature of the Urals. Children's literature of Chelyabinsk: originality and tradition. Book 2. Poems and stories // Chelyabinsk, 2006. - P.91 - 109.

As he writes: To the 70th anniversary of Lev Rakhlis // Luch. - 2006. - No. 1. - P.12.

(Poems) // Luch. - 2007. - No. 4 (28). - P.8 - 9.

(Poems) // From 7 to 12: Writers of the Southern Urals - for children. - Chelyabinsk: Publishing House of Marina Volkova, 2007. - S. - 4 - 17.

(Poems) // South Ural: Liter. alm. - 2007. - 5 (36). - S.305 - 309.

Dream (poems) // I'll sit a little!: Collection of poems and prose for children younger age. - Chelyabinsk - Haifa: Publishing house. House Gutenberg, 2008. - S. 179 - 194.

List of works by N.P. Shilov

for kindergarten teachers, primary school teachers and music workers.

Rakhlis L.Ya., Shilov N.P. A whale named "N". A whale named "B". A whale named "F". Scenarios of entertaining and educational activities for older groups of kindergarten. - Chelyabinsk: ChGAKI, 2005. - 255 p.

Poplyanova E.M. Merry holiday Pam - Param: Musical and poetic performance for a very cheerful choir and mischievous soloists / Poems by N. Shilov, Fig. A. Razboinikov. - Chelyabinsk: AutoGraph, 1999.- 56 p.

About NP Shilov and his books.

Adulthood children's poet //gaz. Human. - 1999.- No. 5. Sinetskaya T.M. Shilov Nikolai Petrovich // Chelyabinsk. Encyclopedia. - Chelyabinsk: Stone belt, 2001. - S.1028.

Rubinsky K. Exam for the tadpole // Ural. courier. - 2001.- No. 200. - C.3.

Shilov Nikolai Petrovich // Reader on the literature of the native land. 1 - 4 class. - Chelyabinsk: "Vzglyad", 2002. - S.340 - 342.

Valeev A. Translations from fly // Chelyab. Worker. - 2002. - No. 44. - C.4.

Morgules I. Up the ladder of poetry // Morgules I. Dry pages of new books published in Chelyabinsk. - South Ural. panorama. - 2002. - No. 22.

Sedov Yu. "It's easier than semolina porridge ..." // Chelyab. Worker. - 2003.- No. 61.- P.7.

Shilov N.P. Why look to the sky? //South Ural. panorama. - 2003.- No. 97. - P.12.

Shilov N.P. My great-grandfather Krylov: Conversation / Conducted by S. Simakova. - //Evening. Chelyabinsk. - 2003. - No. 114. - P. 7: portr.

Shilov N.P., Zemlyanskaya N. Who invented pancake fall and drove the scarecrow into a corner?. - //Komsom. Truth. - 2003. - No. 207. - p.3: portrait.

Bobina T.O. "And look with all your eyes ..." // Shilov N.P. Piglet that was a dog. - Chelyabinsk: ChGAKI, 2004. - S. 8-14.

Shilov Nikolai Petrovich // Modern liter. - biobibliographer. directory. - Chelyabinsk: Ed. house "Svetunets", 2005. - S.141 - 143.

Pikuleva N. "How to become famous?" //Modern Liter. - biobibliographer. directory. - Chelyabinsk, "Svetunets", 2005. - S. 269 - 273. (About N. Shilov's book "Initiation into the Frog")

Bobina T. "We must think not about bread, but about the stars and the sky ..." // Literature of the Urals. Children's literature of Chelyabinsk: originality and tradition. Book. 1. Articles, reports. - Chelyabinsk. 2006. - S. 67 - 78.

Loginova E. Knocking at the Child's Soul: The Poetry of Lev Rakhlis and Nikolai Shilov // Literature of the Urals. Children's literature of Chelyabinsk: originality and tradition. Book. 1. Articles, reports. - Chelyabinsk, 2006. - P.27 -36.

Shilov N.P. Ten watermelon Nikolai Shilov: Conversation / hosted by E. Gizatullin - // Arguments and Facts. - 2006.- No. 23.- P.3.

Dedicated three times to: (About N. Shilov): Litvinova O. Initiation into the profession; Malysheva D. Initiation into teachers; Yagodintseva N. Dedication to childhood //Autograph. Chelyabinsk - art.: magazine. - Chelyabinsk, 2006. - No. 3. - P.100 - 104.

Kapitonova N.A. Shilov Nikolai Petrovich //Calendar of significant and anniversaries. 2007. - Chelyabinsk, 2006. - P. 142 - 148.

Radchenko E., Shilov N. Rain on call: Chelyab. poet N. Shilov - a real "children's man" // Chelyab worker. - 2007. - No. 39.

Yushina N. Today is a holiday for the guys! Shilov will be today! // District Bulletin (Chelyabinsk). - 2007. - No. 22. Guest lit. Living room b - Key im. D.N. Mamin - Siberian.

Shilov N. A frivolous person: A conversation with Chelyab. children's poet /Vel. And Skripov. //Ros. newspaper. - 2007. - No. 239. - P.18. (Professor of ChGAKI was awarded the municipal prize "Golden Lira" in the nomination "Literature")

Rychkova O. August - November: (Prizes) // At the bookshelf. - 2007. - No. 4. - P.31 -34.

Sinetskaya T. Shilov Nikolai Petrovich // Chelyabinsk region: Encyclopedia in 7 volumes - V.7. - Chelyabinsk, 2007. - P.401.

Kapitonova N. Shilov - cheers! //From 7 to 17 (Chelyabinsk). - 2008. - No. 14 (22).

"Professor of holidays" (To the 60th anniversary of N. Shilov) // Big Ural. World of Events: Yearbook. 2007. - Chelyabinsk: Real-Media Company, 2008. - P.218.

Shavkatov M. "If you fall from the moon, you will fall on the "Ladoshka". //From 7 to 17 (Chelyabinsk). - 2008. - No. 21 (29)

Rogotovskaya L. Poetry - a way of life: Lit. the living room again gathered poetry lovers // Vector of Education (Chelyabinsk). - 2008. - No. 2.

Shilov Nikolai Petrovich(b. 04/12/1947, Shchuchye, Kurgan region), poet, director, teacher, member of the SPR (1999), Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation (1995). After the end of Leningrad. in-ta culture them. N. K. Krupskaya (1970) teacher of directing in Chel. CPU. Since 1982 at ChGIIK (ChGAKI): teacher, since 1984 head. Department of directing theatrical. performances and holidays, since 1992 Associate Professor. During his leadership, the department became methodical. center for organizers of holidays in Chel. and areas. Methodical developments of specialists of the department are used by employees of the centers of Nar. creativity pl. regions of Russia. Scientific area. Sh.'s interests are scriptwriting, directing, scripting the basics of acting and entertaining. programs. Sh. held master classes for screenwriters and theater directors. performances and holidays in the years. Yekaterinburg, Kurgan, Moscow, Perm, Tyumen, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and others. creative laboratories, in which kindergarten teachers are trained in Chel. and other cities of the region; The original is used in the classroom. author's methods Sh. Sovm. with L. Ya. Rakhlis published collections of didactic. mat-lov (games, scripts, verse, etc.): “Flower-seven-flower - a round-color trip”, “Hello, grandmother’s chest”, “Winnie the Pooh School: Lessons in word creation and fun writing”, “Whom the stork brought in its beak ? (Birthday holiday)”, “World of Wonders: Game Marathon Program”. Ruk. agitation theater "Sofit" (ChelGU), pers. KVN team "Formula 1". Screenwriter and director of the games "Phone of Fortune" and "Feast for the Whole Air" on Chel. TV; programs of the festival of children's arts. creativity "Crystal drops", the Bazhov festival, the holiday "Presidential Games", etc. In 1997-2002, deputy. ch. editor of the children's "Path", leading heading " Kindergarten". Author of poetry collections. for children: “Doctor Fly-Throat-Nose” (1997), “Terrible Beast” (2000), “Beardless Samsusam”, “Initiation into Frogs” (2001), “Pig that was a dog” (2004), “Three rain ago" (2006), "Summer in the banks" (2006), "Petrov's Dialogues" (2007), published in Chel. Comp. E. M. Poplyanova wrote songs for verse. Sh., included in Sat. "Pam Param Holiday" (1999). Sh. Board of people SPR departments (since 2004). Diploma Lit. competition them. L. N. Tolstoy in the nomination "Children's Literature" (Moscow). Laureate ave. mountains. administration "Golden Lyre" (2007). Sh.'s wife is a teacher V. V. Shilova, and her son is a historian D. N. Shilov.

Nikolai Petrovich Shilov - head of the department of holidays at the Chelyabinsk Institute of Culture and Art - unusually charming, intelligent, cheerful and a kind person, children's poet, member of the Writers' Union of Russia.
Shilov Nikolai Petrovich is a fairly large poet. His height is one meter eighty-five centimeters, and his weight is ninety kilograms, like ten huge watermelons. But he writes poetry for little ones.
Every day in the morning he eats oatmeal and says:
- Thank you! After such yummy, I really want to work.
After that, Shilov Nikolay Petrovich gets on the tram, shows the controller his ticket and goes to the institute, while he looks around. He sees, say, a fussy fly on the window, a capricious boy on his mother's knees or a sad watchdog under the seat and immediately inserts them into poetry.
Shilov Nikolai Petrovich teaches students at work. Tells you how to celebrate New Year, March 8th and birthday. Because students study at the Institute of Art and Culture.
Shilov Nikolai Petrovich has a lot of friends in this institute. Some dance, others play on copper pipes with three buttons, and still others write all sorts of books with prefaces. True, all friends are adults and you can only talk seriously with them.
In the evening Shilov Nikolai Petrovich says:
- Goodbye!
And again sits on the tram.
At home, Shilov Nikolai Petrovich first drinks coffee, and then sits down to write books for children. And he tries to call them funny. For example, "Doctor Fly-throat-nose."
This is the life of the children's poet Shilov Nikolai Petrovich.


met on it
Dog and cat.

"Nice pussy
Besides, not bad
Not worth it
fight with her,
The dog decided
which has just been
Removed from the chain -


"Not a dog
And darling -
Thought Cat.
He would like culture
A little.
Perhaps hide
It's time for claws

And so they passed
past each other,
Nobody whined
Didn't hiss with fear.
Tails wagged
And sat in the shade...
Long live


In the ocean
Small fry
Can't live
No whale.
Moms Sprats
The conversation is
- Children!
If a hurricane
stir up
After the hurricane
Main fountain.


You are from the puddle
Do not drink,
from a sunflower
DO NOT peck
In all directions
Don't spit
On road
DO NOT download
Beak in the windows
Don't knock
Near the cats
DO NOT sit down
With starlings
DO NOT fight.
If you do
All not,
You will be right
Only the right ones
NOT called.


One, two
Three four -
Floats in kefir.
I agree that the glass
Not Oka
And not Baikal,
But also a fly
Do not crucian -
Barely you-ka-slave-ka-las.
- Sorry, -
Speaks, -
If very
Sour look.


- Eat, -
Piggy said,
I have
I have long
give her
take away
And tell your husband
Let him find

"Shilov Nikolai Petrovich is a rather large poet. His height is one meter eighty-five centimeters, and his weight is ninety kilograms, like ten huge watermelons. But he writes poetry for little ones ...".
So Nikolai Petrovich introduced himself to the children in the journal "Path" (1997. - No. 7. - P. 29). Indeed, he is a tall man, also handsome, smiling. But children and adults should know that he is not only a poet, but also an associate professor at the Academy of Culture and Art, Honored Worker of Culture of Russia ...
Nikolai Petrovich published several children's books, in small editions. His poems appeared and appear in periodicals. They are hard to miss.
So who is he, a poet and scientist?
Nikolai Petrovich was born on April 12, 1947 in the city of Shchuchye, Kurgan Region, in a working-class family. While still at school, he began to write poetry, some of which were published in the local newspaper. After graduating from the eighth grade, he went to Chelyabinsk to enter a technical school. He was not accepted because of his eyesight, and he entered a cultural education school. Nikolai Shilov graduated with honors in 1966 and was sent to the Leningrad Institute of Culture at the theater department.
In Leningrad, he visited (and more than once), probably in all theaters and museums. He received such a supply of aesthetic, theatrical education that he can be envied. And he was also lucky: in 1968, as part of a small student group, he visited Germany. There he was even awarded for good work. But the main reward is the opportunity to see the famous German cities of Dresden, Leipzig, Berlin, their theaters, to learn the culture of the people.
Shilov graduated from the institute, returned to Chelyabinsk, began to teach at the same school where he studied himself. True, at first he served in the army for one year. In addition to teaching, he wrote scripts with his students, staged plays and concerts.
Since 1970, Nikolai Petrovich began to study in the literary association "Express", which is attached to the Palace of Railway Workers. He made friends with the head of the literary association and children's poet - Lev Rakhlis.
In 1982, he went to work at the Institute of Culture, began to work together with Rakhlis. And at Chelyabinsk University, Nikolai Petrovich creates a very interesting student theater "Sofit". Over the 10 years of its existence, "Soffit" has been a winner in various competitions more than once.
Nikolai Petrovich, together with L. Rakhlis, wrote the first book for kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers (it was 1992) "Flower-Seven-Flower", then "Hello, Grandma's Chest", "Winnie the Pooh School", etc. appeared. ( list of recent works attached). Everyone who works with young children immediately appreciated the merits of scenarios for games, contests, shows, invented by inventors, dreamers, experts in the characters of boys and girls.
Lev Rakhlis by that time was already a well-known children's poet (his books "Is it true, or not?", "Shishel-Myshel ..." readers remember). Friendship with a children's poet, teamwork over the scripts were not for nothing for Nikolai Shilov. Leaving for America, Rakhlis handed over to Nikolai Shilov the baton of the children's poet, the department at the institute. Now Nikolai Petrovich is the head of the department of directing theatrical performances and holidays. It is no coincidence that the article about Shilov was called "Professor of the Department of Holidays." When some big holiday takes place in our city, few people know that the script for this holiday was written by Nikolai Shilov.
With huge employment at the institute, Nikolai Petrovich manages to write poetry for children.
The first poems appeared in the newspaper "Chronicle", where there was a special children's newspaper. From the very first poems of Nikolai Shilov, it became clear that a real children's poet appeared in Chelyabinsk with a special vision, knowledge of children, his own word: cheerful, ironic, imaginative, mischievous.
For example:

I want to meet
With the girl LUDA,
Preferably a crybaby
And a terrible bore.
Number such and such
Call at lunch

Shilov's poems are interesting for both young kindergarteners and students elementary school and their parents, grandparents. These verses could be called a good remedy against boredom, tediousness. They are good to read aloud...

little mice
Books gnawed in the closet,
Young mice
Big letters.

The poems of Nikolai Petrovich make the children think outside the box, fantasize, rejoice at unexpected turns, the richness of the language, and humor. One example:

I told the bee:
You were here
Exactly in the same
-So what,
What was
Maybe that
I ask for forgiveness
Zha proiznoshshenie -
I have a sheichash
Full mouth.

In 1996, the Tropinka magazine appeared in Chelyabinsk, where S.B. Shkolnikov, and Nikolai Petrovich became her deputy and the leader of the column for the smallest - "Kindergarten". The "Path" contains poems by Shilov himself and many good poems by other poets, with which Nikolai Petrovich introduced our little readers. Unfortunately, "Path" has ceased to be published in connection with the departure of the editor-in-chief and organizer of this magazine.
Shilov's poems were published in the Minsk magazine "Kvazhdy-Kva", in the American newspaper "Russian House", which is now published in Atlanta by Lev Rakhlis.
Shilov's first collection of poems was published in 1997 "Doctor FLY-THROAT-NOS". Moreover, the talented Chelyabinsk children's poetess Nina Pikuleva became the first editor of this collection.
Here is a poem by Shilov that gave the name to the collection:

Who needs who
If the Fly after the cold
Seriously get sick
So, Mukha urgently needs
Well, what if you get sick
Cheerful Barbos,
That will help the unfortunate

In 1999 - another collection - "Samsusam". The most complete - 50 poems. "Samsusam" makes it clear to readers, large and small, how much a poet can do, how interesting his riddle poems, game poems, counting rhymes, horror stories, dreamers are.
But it would be wrong to note only humor and mischief in his poems. There are poems that make both the child and the adult think about serious things: "Thoughts", "Summer", "Care"

If the river
Don't save
Will stop
river flow
Overgrown with high
Sharp sedge ...

Many poems by Nikolai Petrovich are dedicated to nature: the wind, flowers, trees, insects. Maybe because he himself is a good gardener, in his poems there are such subtle and accurate observations of everything that grows and lives on earth: "Old Men", "Ladybug", "Insects". A very typical poem:

On the temechka
got up
With parachutes
Only winds
They are waiting -
This is the best weather
For capture
Kitchen garden.

The latest collection was released in 2000 - "The Terrible Beast".
Bright, cheerful poems by Nikolai Shilov "ask" for music. Composer Elena Poplyanova composed a whole musical and poetic merry performance based on the poet's verses - "Pam-Param Jolly Holiday", so now Shilov's verses "sang".
The books of Nikolai Shilov were lucky with the artists: Dima Prokopiev, M. Bubentsova, V. Goryachko, A. Razboynikov understand the poet very well, and their drawings correspond to what the poet is talking about.
Someone will be lucky, and he will attend a meeting with Nikolai Petrovich. Each such meeting is a holiday.
For one such meeting, Nina Vasilievna Pikuleva wrote poetry:

On this merry day of May
I hurried to you from afar,
Head hitting
Cumulus clouds,
A hundred-miracles-on-the-way-performed,
Naughty like Santa Claus
Nikolai Petrovich Shilov,
Tamer of storms and thunderstorms!
Nikolai Petrovich Shilov,
Dr. fly-throat-nose.
Built like Karandashilov
Vigorous and fresh, like an Eskimo,
Nikolai Petrovich Shilov,
Dryer for children's tears.
He is a poet, I know for sure!
To you why from afar
Was he in a hurry for the May Day?
He is happy for you! On-ver-nya-ka!
Nikolai Petrovich Shilov
Will make you laugh to tears!
He is not just K-you-hurry,
He brought his POEMS!
For him, a LIVING WORD -
Both work and play.
Haven't you met this?
So meet the same, it's time!

On the poet's birthday - April 12, 2000, he was admitted to the Writers' Union of Russia.
Two sons grew up with Nikolai Petrovich. One became a physicist, the other a historian. The historian already has his own large and interesting book. On the table of Nikolai Petrovich lie poems in the new collection "Hugging a Giraffe" (with his growth, you can hug a giraffe). The poetic path of Nikolai Shilov is just beginning. There is every reason to hope that there will be more and more new books, that they will be published in large editions, so that everyone who loves children's poems can buy them.
It remains to wish Nikolai Petrovich health, new poems, new scripts to the delight of children and adults.

Poems by N.P. Shilova for children
(according to the funds of the regional children's library)


Shilov N.P. Doctor Fly-Throat-Nose.- Chelyabinsk, 1997. - 31 p.
Shilov N.P. Samsusam.- Chelyabinsk: Publishing House T. Lurie, 1999.- 56p.
Shilov N.P. Terrible beast.- Chelyabinsk: Publishing house T. Lurie, 2000.-28s.

N.P. Shilov's works in periodicals

Shilov N.P. Selection of poems// Hello.-1996.-No. 34-35.-S.10-11.
Shilov N.P. Poems. About him. Photo// Chronicle.-1995.-№36.-S.12.
Shilov N.P. Poems// Chronicle. - 1996.-No. 33.47.-S.12.
Shiorv N.P. Poems// Path.= 1996.- No. 1.-S.8,19,23; No. 2.-C.2-3.
Shilov N.P. Poems// Path.= 1997.-№4.-S.7,11; No. 6.-S.20-3.9; No. 7.-P.29-31 (About myself - P.29).
Shilov N.P. Poems// Path.- 1998.-№2-С.2,6.
Rakhlis L., Shilov N. Pimpamponchik's Visiting: Add a Book// Path.-1998.-№2.-S.32-33; No. 4.-2nd village region

List of works by N.P. Shilova for kindergarten teachers, primary school teachers

Shilov N.P. Everywhere money, money, money; Chin up!; Kolobok: Competitive game programs.- Chelyabinsk: ONMC, 1993.-15p.
Rakhlis L.Ya., Shilov N.P. Whom the stork brought in its beak: Festive igroscopy show for birthdays.- Chelyabinsk, 1992.-56s.
Rakhlis L.Ya., Shilov N.P. World of Wonders: Three scripted-directed series.- Chelyabinsk: ChGIK, 1992.-131p.
Rakhlis L.Ya., Shilov N.P. Hostess - guests; Four rounds of carousel games; Shilov N.P. Turnip: A new game based on the plot of an old fairy tale.- Chelyabinsk: ONMC, 1994.-32s.
Rakhlis L., Shilov N. School of Winnie the Pooh: Word creation and fun writing lessons.- Chelyabinsk: ChGIK, 1992.-48s.

For music workers

Poplyanova E.M. Jolly holiday Pam-Param: Musical and poetic performance for a very cheerful choir and mischievous soloists / Poems by N. Shilov; Rice. A. Razboynikova. - Chelyabinsk: Autograph, 1999.- 56s.

About N.P. Shilove

Zemlyanskaya N. Professor of the Department of Holidays// Komsomolskaya Pravda.-1998.-February 27. - P.12.