Magnitogorsk Medical College admission committee. Additional professional education

In the current 2019, the volume of publications and forecasts on the topic of the upcoming "offensive of robotization" in the economy has clearly increased different countries. Analysts are trying to calculate the impact of this process on the situation in the field of employment and labor market trends.

Thus, according to the results of the latest RANEPA study on this topic, we can conclude that by 2030, about 20 million Russians may lose their jobs or be forced to change their qualifications due to the acceleration of the process of "automation and digitalization" in a number of areas. Among officially employed Russians, the competencies of more than a third may be irrelevant in 10-15 years.

As for specific areas of employment, analysts believe that robots can be entrusted with most of the functions in the hotel and restaurant business, manufacturing, agriculture and forestry, retail, and mining.

At the same time, it is emphasized that it is correct to talk about the exposure of workers to automation, and not about a sharp replacement of personnel with software or robotic technologies. This process will be extended in time, and not one-stage.

By the way, some analysts are inclined to see in the discussed possible transition to a four-day working week connection with the preparation of the employment sector for the release of millions of citizens.

Ural State Agrarian University invites schoolchildren to preparatory courses.

Classes to prepare for success passing the exam will be conducted by leading teachers of USAU.

Anyone can be trained in one or more disciplines: "Mathematics", "Russian language", "Biology", "Physics", "Social science". Each program of 100 academic hours is designed for 7 months. Classes will begin on October 1, 2019 and will last until April 30, 2020.

Admission to budget places is carried out for orphans, disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups, low-income single-parent families with one parent with a disability of the 1st group.

This season in Chelyabinsk for the first time 15 thousand first-graders sat down at their desks. The city also has “record-breaking schools” in terms of the number of first grades (these are located mainly in the new microdistricts of the city - Churilovo, Parkovy, Newton).

At the same time, on a national scale, there are more powerful “record-breaking schools” in terms of the number of first grades - for example, new school in Krasnodar is designed for 1550 places in one shift, and from total number in a hundred classes, 24 are precisely the first (with letter indices from “A” to “Sh”)!

The Russian labor market is approaching the new decade in the unfavorable demographic conditions of a decrease in the number of young people entering the working age. One result is a downward trend in the influx of young workers into Russia's workforce.

This pattern is directed to the medium term, so it can be predicted that the country's employers will more often face both qualitative and quantitative labor shortages for certain qualifications.

There is a high probability of a decrease in competition for jobs among candidates, and the need for employers in well-trained young personnel will increase.

In the neighboring Sverdlovsk region, USAU launched an innovative educational project"Agroschool".

August 23, 2019 and. O. Rector of the Ural State agricultural university ON THE. Yurchenko signed an agreement with the head of the Education Department of the city of Yekaterinburg E.A. Sibirtseva.

According to the document, as early as this year, specialized agricultural classes will start working in the city's schools, where children will receive deeper knowledge in botany, ecology, zoology and other sciences, and in addition, they will be able to implement their own projects for landscaping and landscaping school areas. .

For training in agricultural classes, USAU scientists, together with school teachers, will develop training modules on floriculture, vegetable growing, bioengineering and agribusiness for students in grades 1-11. In addition, university teachers will select the necessary educational and methodical literature and will hold a number of meetings with schoolchildren as part of excursions, lectures, conferences, sports and patriotic events.

It is planned that in the near future agricultural classes will work in all 30 municipalities of the Sverdlovsk region. According to the initiators of the project, this will make it possible to acquaint schoolchildren with the agricultural sector and the basics of scientific and practical activities.

A draft law has been submitted to the Russian State Duma, which should oblige higher educational institutions to accrue additional 11 points to the USE for applicants with a gold school medal.

The initiators of the document suggest setting a minimum bonus of 11 points, but not setting the maximum “additional bonus”.

Magnitogorsk Medical School begins its history along with the history of the city and with the beginning of the construction of a metallurgical plant near Mount Magnitnaya. The birth of the largest metallurgical production in 1929 laid the foundation for the birth of the new city of Magnitogorsk. The population of the city grew rapidly, mainly due to visiting volunteers and immigrants. These people needed to be provided with housing, food, a certain amount of medical care. The medical care of the population was largely limited by the lack of an insufficient number of medical personnel, including medium ones.

On August 2, 1932, in accordance with the resolution of the City Committee of the Party of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the resolution of the Presidium of the City Council dated 07/27/32 under the City Healthcare of Magnitogorsk - Order No. 100 dated 08/01/32, the MAGNITOGORSK MEDICAL TECHNICIUM was opened. The preparation of secondary medical professionals by specialty: paramedic, sanitary paramedic, with two main departments of 40 students each.

Since 1934, training in the specialty midwife has been introduced. The first issue took place in June 1935. 42 people graduated from the medical technical school, including: the department of assistants to the dignity of doctors - 21 people (sanitary paramedics); department of assistants to attending physicians - 21 people (paramedic). In August 1936, the medical college was renamed the feldsher-obstetric school. Since 1936, the feldsher-midwife school began training specialists in one more specialty: a general nurse. The training of general nurses is carried out in the daytime and evening departments.

During the war years of 1941-1945, the feldsher-obstetric school produced 48 groups - about 1,300 paramedical personnel. The directors of the FAS in those years were: Zimmerman K F., Vashchenko, Volkova NM., Gorenstein S A., Chukmasova T G., Tovstik O V., head teacher, who, together with the teachers, staff and students of the FAS during the war years, side by side worked hard to bring Victory Day closer.

Since 1946, the feldsher-midwife school began to train laboratory assistants. In 1955, the feldsher-obstetric school was renamed into a medical school. Since October 4, 1965, on the basis of the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of August 31, 1965 No. 1008, the Magnitogorsk Medical School bears the name of its former student Hero Soviet Union Nadezhdin Petr Filippovich . Since 2010, our school has been renamed the Magnitogorsk Medical College named after P.F. Nadezhdin.

College classrooms are located in two buildings at the address: st. Pushkina 38. The total area of ​​the premises is 4345.2 sq.m. The classroom fund includes 35 rooms, 16 of which are preclinical practice rooms.

There is a lecture hall for 120 seats, classrooms for:

Human anatomy and physiology
medical genetics
pharmacology and Latin
computer class
preclinical practice rooms

The college has its own honey. point, canteen, dormitory


Magnitogorsk Medical School begins its history along with the history of the city and with the beginning of the construction of a metallurgical plant near Mount Magnitnaya. The birth of the largest metallurgical production in 1929 laid the foundation for the birth of the new city of Magnitogorsk. The population of the city grew rapidly, mainly due to visiting volunteers and immigrants. These people needed to be provided with housing, food, and a certain amount of medical care. Medical care for the population was largely limited by the lack of an insufficient number of medical personnel, including secondary ones.

On August 2, 1932, in accordance with the decision of the City Committee of the Party of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the decision of the Presidium of the City Council dated 07/27/32 at the City Health Department of Magnitogorsk - Order No. 100 dated 08/01/32 was opened MAGNITOGORSK MEDICAL COLLEGE. The training of secondary medical specialists in the following specialties has begun: paramedic, paramedic, with two main departments of 40 students each.

Privatdozent B.S. was appointed head of the medical college. Holland, head of the educational department - Dr. V.V. Rudkovsky.

Since 1934, specialty training has been introduced midwife. The first issue took place in June 1935. 42 people graduated from the medical technical school, including: the department of assistants to the dignity of doctors - 21 people (sanitary paramedics); department of assistants to attending physicians - 21 people (paramedic).

In August 1936, the medical college was renamed midwifery school.

Since 1936, the feldsher-obstetric school began training specialists in one more specialty: general nurse. The training of general nurses is carried out in the daytime and evening departments.

During the war years of 1941-1945, the feldsher-obstetric school produced 48 groups - about 1,300 paramedical personnel. The directors of the FAS in those years were: Zimmerman K F., Vashchenko, Volkova NM., Gorenstein S A., Chukmasova T G., Tovstik O V., head teacher, who, together with the teachers, staff and students of the FAS during the war years, side by side worked hard to bring Victory Day closer.

War veterans are truly the golden fund of the school. They are welcome guests at every holiday, they are not forgotten on weekdays, and on May Days, when the anniversary of the great Victory is celebrated, they are given all the honors, kind words are spoken, and the first spring flowers are presented. They are winners!

Since 1946, the feldsher-obstetric school begins to prepare laboratory paramedics.

In 1955, the medical and obstetric school was renamed into medical School.

Since October 4, 1965, on the basis of the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of August 31, 1965 No. 1008, the Magnitogorsk Medical School has been named after its former student, Hero of the Soviet Union, Nadezhdin Petr Filippovich.

Since 2010, our school has been renamed the Magnitogorsk Medical College named after P.F. Nadezhdin.