Priority project digital educational environment. Modern digital educational environment: sails of the information ocean. Modernization of vocational education, including through the introduction of adaptive, practice-oriented and flexible

Today, in accordance with the law, online education is not an independent form of education, but a technology that no one forbids educational institutions to use. For this reason, the leaders of Russian universities, who are accustomed to working in conditions of regulation of everything and everything, treat it with apprehension. Project "Modern digital educational environment in Russian Federation(SCOS) aims to address these concerns.

According to Yuri Belonozhkin, First Vice President of the organization "Professionals distance learning”, the founder of the training center EduCons.Online, there is still no state policy in the field of online education in Russia. “At the legislative level, it is generally illegal. There is only the right to use online technologies within the traditional face-to-face and distance learning, says the expert. “Behind this right there are a lot of conditions that are not always related to online activities.” Thus, today our country is at a disadvantage compared to other countries. “It is necessary to mobilize scientific, professional, public and state resources to get out of this impasse,” he says.

Problems of the Russiane-learning

A serious problem of today's online education is the lack of quality content that allows you to gain knowledge on your own. Online courses are created within individual educational institutions and are often kept in them "with seven seals". However, their quality often leaves much to be desired. According to George Saatchyan, General Director of RFTechno, the quality of remote educational programs directly depends on two conditions. On the one hand, the decisive role is played by the intellectual and pedagogical talent of their creators, as well as the cohesion of the team working on distance learning programs. On the other hand, in order to achieve High Quality individual courses, and even more so complex educational programs, require considerable funds. “The cost of producing a course on Russian literature based on reading is significantly lower than the cost of a course on computer literacy, which is an interactive simulator,” the expert gives an example.

There are also aggregators that provide access to a wide variety of online courses. For example, the educational platform "Open Education", created by the association "National Platform open education”, the founders of which are Moscow State University, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg State University, MISiS, NRU HSE, MIPT, UrFU and ITMO. Member universities of the association and partner universities can place online courses on it. The quality of online courses is controlled, first of all, by the developer university itself. “In the developer university itself, there is a system for quality control of online courses, there is a check of compliance with the requirements of the Open Education platform,” says Vasily Tretyakov, Chairman of the Board of the National Platform for Open Education Association. “Online courses are constantly being refined and improved based on the collected feedback from students and universities that include them in their educational programs.”

The issue of payment for the services of online course producers has not been settled.

The issue of paying for the services of manufacturers of online courses that schoolchildren and students will use in the learning process has not yet been resolved. Organization of online consultations for distance learning with teachers, such as a forum, Skype session, webinar or correspondence e-mail remains in the hands of the educational institutions themselves. Also responsible educational organizations is the wages of teachers.

According to Saatchyan, the problem of creating a network of joint testing centers in Russia, where students studying remotely could take exams, still remains unresolved. “In theory, a consortium of universities should pay for their existence. A student of any university should come to such a center with a passport, and the task of a technical worker is to verify his identity, put him at a computer with the Internet and make sure that the student does not use additional materials. The student himself enters the desired system, takes the exam and leaves. It fits so well modern form learning and the traditional approach to passing exams,” he clarifies.

Why SCOS is useful

The solution, which is planned to be implemented as part of the priority project "Modern Digital Educational Environment in the Russian Federation", will allow collecting information on all high-quality online courses suitable for both formal and non-formal education on one Internet resource. “It is planned that in 2017 a new Internet portal will appear, which will unite online learning platforms. This will be a catalog of online courses that can be taken as part of an educational program higher education or secondary vocational education. For example, one of the online platforms whose courses will be presented on this portal will be Open Education, says Tretyakov.

Some of the online courses studied by applicants can be completely or partially re-credited after entering the university and not re-study, explains Alexander Molchanov, Deputy Head of the Committee for Vocational Education and Personnel Training " Business Russia”, Vice President of the ProObraz company, founder of the Professional Electronic Education company, coordinator of the public and business council for priority projects in the Education strategic direction. “Thus, the SCSE will allow creating educational programs at regional universities, where students will take part of the disciplines online with the best teachers from the country's leading universities,” continues Alla Noskova, founder of educational marketplaces and

Some of the studied online courses can be fully or partially recredited after entering the university.

It is also planned to resolve the issue of compensating educational platforms for tuition fees of students already enrolled in universities, if online courses were used as an elective discipline or were built into educational process. At the moment, this is being solved by the network form of implementing educational programs in accordance with article 15 of the law on education.

First steps towards universal distance learning

Today, the Ministry of Education and Science is working on the formation of the regulatory framework necessary for the creation of a modern digital educational environment in Russia. Several legislative acts have already been amended, some are still being agreed upon. In particular, the order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated April 5, 2017 No. 301 “On Approval of the Procedure for Organizing and Implementing Educational Activities in Educational Programs of Higher Education – Bachelor’s Programs, Specialist’s Programs, Master’s Programs” was re-developed.

An updated version of the application procedure for organizations implementing educational activities, e-learning, distance educational technologies in the implementation of educational programs. getting ready guidelines on the use of online courses. The issues of legalization of virtual academic mobility and many others.

The project is being worked on behind closed doors.

“Unfortunately, the main conditions are not visible in the SCOS - support for developers and promotion of the online courses themselves. But all efforts are focused on the regulation of online learning, - says Yuri Belonozhkin. - As a result, we will see the conservation of those approaches to online learning that were yesterday. And the emergence of new solutions will require constant refinement of norms and rules.” A significant drawback of the work on the project is that it takes place behind closed doors, which, according to the expert, contradicts the principles of openness and competitiveness in protecting the results of scientific activity.

“Even in the current configuration, in conditions of high independence of educational organizations, we have a sufficient regulatory framework for the development of online learning,” Alexander Molchanov disagrees with him. “Difficulties usually arise at the intersection of the state and non-state sectors, as well as in matters of financial relations between state educational organizations and educational platforms.” In his opinion, lists of best practices and recommendations from leading organizations in the field of online learning, such as Universarium, Lectorium, National Open Education Platform, their experience of working with educational organizations, as well as active work could help here. associations in the field of e-learning development, such as "Electronic Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan" or Omsk Regional Electronic University.

“It is important for the state that the basic principles laid down in the federal legislation are observed, and that there are high-quality regulations within the university itself,” the expert sums up. “Unfortunately, the fear of inspections in the context of the constant reduction of universities leads to a state of stagnation in the field of launching new educational projects. This is a stagnation not only in online education, but also in the development of network forms for the implementation of educational programs together with employers, and in the development of entrepreneurial universities with the protection of diplomas in the form of start-ups and many others.”

This is an open set of information systems designed to provide various tasks of the educational process. The word "open" means the ability and the right to use different information systems as part of the DSP, replace them or add new ones at your own discretion.

Wednesday fundamentally different from the system in that it includes completely different elements: both coordinated with each other, and duplicating, competing and even antagonistic. This allows the environment to develop more dynamically.

System, unlike the environment, is created for specific purposes and in an agreed unity. The faster the external conditions provided for in the project initially change, the shorter the life of the system itself.

To cope with rapid changes in the information technologies first they switched to “platforms”, and now they are talking more and more about “ecosystems”.

Platform- such a construction of an information system that allows third-party developers, using the open tools provided by the platform, to build their own products that can work and interact with other products on the same platform.

Ecosystem- such a construction of information systems that does not require third-party developers to use specific tools for their products: it is enough to implement an agreed data exchange protocol. This allows you to ensure the interaction of any information systems in the case of the implementation of this protocol.

Currently, Russia is implementing a number of initiatives aimed at creating necessary conditions for the development of the digital economy, which increases the country's competitiveness, the quality of life of citizens, ensures economic growth and national sovereignty. First of all, these are the “Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation for 2017-2030” and the “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” Program. The participation of the expert and business communities in the planning, implementation, development and evaluation of the effectiveness of the program is coordinated by ANO "Digital Economy" created by successful Russian high-tech companies. By 2024, it is planned to achieve the following indicators:

  • More than 10 competitive leading companies in global markets.
  • More than 10 successfully functioning industry digital platforms for the main subject areas of the economy.
  • More than 500 successfully functioning small and medium enterprises in the field of creating digital technologies and platforms and providing digital services.

Organizational principles for building a DSP:

Unity- coordinated use in a single educational and technological logic of various digital technologies that solve different specialized tasks in different parts of the DSP.
openness- freedom to expand the DSP with new technologies, including by connecting external systems and including mutual data exchange based on published protocols.
Availability- unlimited functionality of both commercial and non-commercial DSP elements in accordance with the license terms of each of them for a specific user, usually via the Internet, regardless of the connection method.
Competitiveness- freedom to completely or partially replace DSP with competing technologies.
Responsibility- the right, duty and opportunity of each entity, at its own discretion, to solve informatization tasks in its area of ​​responsibility, including participating in the coordination of tasks for data exchange with related information systems.
Adequacy- compliance of the composition of the information system with the goals, powers and capabilities of the subject for which it was created, without redundant functions and data structures that require unjustified maintenance costs.
Utility- formation of new opportunities and/or reduction of user labor costs due to the introduction of DSP.

The key principle of informatization of education is to reduce the bureaucratic burden through automation tools, artificial intelligence in favor of the focus of teachers, educational organizations directly on the tasks of the educational process.

IT is a very young field of activity in Russia, which, due to the complex political transformation of the first years of independence, for a long time could not keep pace with technological development Western countries. But the success of the educational process depends not only on the applied IT, but also on the programs, qualifications of teachers, their readiness to work on new specific competencies. Education is inevitably waiting for digital transformation - new technologies have a huge potential to respond to the challenges of our time and prepare within the framework of training programs, starting with elementary school not to the past, but to the future.

On November 9, NUST MISIS hosted a press conference on the topic: "Modern digital educational environment in the Russian Federation", which is a new platform in the field of online education. The project was presented in September at the international educational conference #EdCrunch-2017. The speakers at the press conference were Nurlan Kiyasov and Taras Pustovoi, members of the working group for the development of a free plan for the STSOS project. At the event, they spoke in detail about the current status of the project.

Goals and benefits of the project

The goal of the SCOS project is to improve the quality and expand the possibilities continuing education through the digital space. It is planned that in 2025 over 11 million people will master online educational courses. Quality education can be obtained by citizens of different social status and age, because this type of e-learning is free.

The main advantage of the new multifunctional Internet portal is the principle of "one window", where video lessons from the best teachers Russian universities. quality modern education will become available to everyone, regardless of where in Russia the student will be.

“We tried not to put anything extra into the project. In Russia, from the very beginning, we have been betting that learning on our online platform will be taken into account during the exams. At the same time, there will be a mandatory confirmation of identity on the portal so that we can know for sure that this particular person took the course and passed the final test. Therefore, the exam will be conducted in real time and the process of passing the test will be filmed using a webcam. What a person does will be recorded so that no one cheats. This information will be stored for several years, so that at any time it can be confirmed that the student took the course on his own. We have taken a different path, which can change the entire education system. In addition, by 2020 there will be no correspondence education at all and only electronic education. Among other things, we launched two online master's programs that are already actively working," he told reporters. Taras Pustovoy.

“This platform helps to improve the quality of education at NUST MISIS branches. Our students have already completed some online courses and they have been credited during the exams. For example, more than a thousand people from our university have taken a course in data analysis and mechanical engineering. First-year students are very fond of online education, because it absolute freedom You can create your own study schedule. On average, the entire course is designed for 10-12 weeks. Students have the opportunity to listen not only to teachers from their own university, but also from others. In particular, we are launching such courses that are not yet in the curriculum at universities - these are blockchain, SMM, etc. Courses with the study of professions of the future are very popular, ”added Nuran Kiyasov.

According to preliminary estimates, by 2020 new educational portal will be used by about six million students from all over Russia.

M.Kurnikov- Good evening, 20:04 in Moscow, at the microphone Maxim Kournikov, usually at this time we have the Blog Out program, but Michael Nucky is on a business trip, and today instead of listening to Blog Out we will talk about modern digital educational environment in Russia. Our guest is Marina Borovskaya, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. Good evening.

M.Borovskaya- Good evening.

M.Kurnikov“Let’s immediately understand what today, in principle, we mean by the digital environment and online education, at the level high school?

M.Borovskaya- We understand the creation of certain platforms, the opportunity for teachers, teachers, professors, people involved in science to digitalize their courses, knowledge, build a system by which a student, student, graduate student can supplement, improve this knowledge, we are working on this system For many years, the world has become digital, actively digital. And this forces the system of higher education to also work on the creation of new products that increase contacts, improve the speed and quality of information processing, allow in a short period to give more knowledge, back it up with literary references, sources, scientific references. So this is expanding.

M.Kurnikov- When we talk about the role of the Ministry of Education, do you just watch here and help universities that do this? Or do you create such platforms yourself?

M.Borovskaya“The task of the ministry is to create tools. And, probably, even at the first stage, to support such platforms with state funds. Therefore, various kinds of projects appear from time to time, the creation of a digital environment, the development of various kinds of online courses, programs, platforms, today such online platforms appear actively. In particular, whole line platforms such as the modern educational environment today is the subject of discussion in the scientific and pedagogical community.

Therefore, our task is not just to create a tool, but through approbation, pilot approbation, to carry out implementation activities so that the faculty, and most importantly, the students themselves, feel the effectiveness of such tools, of such events.

M.Kurnikov Again, I'm just trying to understand. What is online education? It's just a way to get knowledge remotely. Or are there any differences from what we used to call distance education?

M.Borovskaya- You know, this is a very serious topic in terms of understanding. In general, this is a technology, a technology for transferring knowledge, one of the forms that allows you to transfer a larger amount of knowledge in a short period and check with the help of tests, one-time tasks in a shorter operational period, how much the student has achieved.

M.Kurnikov“Then I don’t understand why the Ministry of Education is doing this. Well, some teacher wanted, for example, to record his lecture, he posted his lecture - here you are, online education. Or not?

M.Borovskaya- The state is a regulator, the state regulates the system. And if the state today sees for itself a new stage of development, a new milestone in the digital economy, the task of the state is to create tools, methods and technologies, according to which not only all institutions, authorities, state structures and, in fact, the universities themselves, if we talk about educational institutions they will master it. That is, they will saturate their infrastructures with the digital economy and build a digital environment.

And the second task of the state is to educate the population, personally, to use these digital platforms, digital environments, the system of personal accounts, access to electronic payments, various electronic resources created in the system. This is the function and task of the state. And further, when the regulation in this part is restored, first - legal. Then - economic, financial, social regulation, when all these instruments have already been put into operation, so to speak, then the system begins to live an independent life.

Now we have come to the stage when the world of the digital platform, the world of online learning is entering an attempt at independent living. That is, now interest in online learning has begun to increase sharply, a number of national projects - the digital economy, the national project "Science," Education "pushed us to this. And today we understand what is on the verge of such new decisions, which, in fact, are already emerging from the state institutional structure into real life.

M.Kurnikov- By the way, I remind you that our listeners can ask questions. SMS number - +7-985-970-45-45, in the next part I will definitely go to them. Just from what you said, I have a few sub-questions.

First, life forces, the world changes. When we talk about this online learning system that you are now implementing in Russia. We are guided by some ready-made samples, are we inventing our own wheel? If we focus on who? Who is the leader in this environment, who has already filled some bumps, maybe?

M.Borovskaya“Well, the process of immersing yourself in such an attempt at Wednesday did not begin today. The first experience was in 2005, when the first national project “Education” was in place and the first system was being modernized, the first federal universities, new digital solutions appeared, digital campuses began to be created. Then this system was actively developed. We are always in contact with the world, we are always in contact with the leading universities of the world, this contact has never been interrupted. And in educational system, in the world of science, these contacts are quite long and long, we are interested in this.

In the world of science, a lot of projects today take place through virtual contacts, when you can transfer your material, your sample, your experiment, which will be carried out for you on real equipment by those, in fact, the participants who possess this equipment, this is a system of centers for collective use. This system is in operation today. Online platforms are the same use centers where a set of courses is uploaded, and you can use these courses.

Now we are talking about the next stage of loading, rebooting, when we want to teach how to use these courses to everyone who has not yet felt the interest, importance, and effectiveness of such solutions. Creating an online industry, an online platform, an online infrastructure is a process that is difficult for both parties. Difficult for a teacher, because at first glance it seems that he wrote a course and sleep freely, rest when someone comes to read and use it. In fact, this is hard virtual work that needs to be supported all the time.

The second point: there is a lot of information, the creation of digital technologies has led to the fact that a huge amount of information creates a delusion that this is knowledge. This is not knowledge. The information world today requires verification of knowledge. And here we need teachers, teachers, people who carry out this verification of knowledge. That is, we had to change teaching methods, we had to teach not to expand the knowledge base, but to verify this knowledge.

M.Kurnikov“From what we got, testing and everything, yes. But we will definitely look at how it works in more detail, I have rather more philosophical questions for now. And how do universities react to this, do all universities say: “Excellent, this is what you need”? Or there are those who ask why, what for, they personally teach that it is better… Universities understand you?

M.Borovskaya- You know, today we probably have more supporters who say they understand, but in fact they are not completely immersed. The stage when everyone rejected and refused en masse - we have already passed this. Today we have more people who hope that everything will be fine, that everything will be implemented. And they are also trying to create some online stories.

In fact, while more are mimicking this story. And here it is - important point, a period has come when each teacher simply has to personally understand if he wants to remain in the profession. It is important for him to enter this system today. Moreover, to enter is not always the creator, but more the user of those online courses and online projects that are offered to him.

And if this teacher today checks for himself how these online stories work, how this knowledge is collected and accumulated, and tests himself to what extent he meets these requirements, he will gain a foothold in this profession. Now is the time when it is important to do this. And just mimicking in the expectation that everything will pass by will not work.

M.Kurnikov- That is, there is a part of universities or teachers who say: “Well, okay, they came up with a fashionable thing, now we will endure, we will pretend that we are doing everything,” but in fact they are not imbued with the idea?

M.Borovskaya Yes, that time has already passed. Today, it seems to me, more and more of our colleagues, teachers, professors understand that the success of their profession lies precisely in mastering new technologies.

M.Kurnikov- Are there any universities that you can call leaders in such online learning?

M.Borovskaya- Yes, it just took place, for example, we just… Summed up the results of the top 100 project, we deserved leading universities. And there, each of them demonstrated absolutely brilliant achievements in this area, created online courses, projects, and a training system. That is, the ability to use these technologies in training, in the organization scientific research, which is also important.

And today we were at MISiS, opening the next project session on subject rankings Times Education, and also observed how these online technologies, online platforms are actively being introduced into such a turnover today. Therefore, there are many universities that participate in this. I can name federal universities, there are 10 of them, they are very active. National Research. Literally two weeks ago, we also completed another summing up of the results of summarizing the flagship universities, regional universities, there are 33 of them participating in this project today. And you know, they are also very good, they began to understand that network programs, network projects are the solution to many problems.

Today, through network partnerships with leading universities, they can optimize many of their tasks and build an optimal learning system. They are also actively involved.

M.Kurnikov- What is the most important task you set for yourself? For online learning to replace the classic university walks with couples or not?

M.Borovskaya- No. The fact is that this is one of the technologies, one of the forms of education. We can say, and we see this in a number of examples and projects, that visual projects, visual practices, they expand the forms of memorization, technologies of mastering. We see from the residual knowledge that young people who, through the visualization program, studied, for example, Baikal, they had the opportunity to walk along the shore of Lake Baikal in these pictures, see the depth of the waters, the degree of occurrence of rocks, and study all the nature that is in the environment.

And after a certain check, measurements, when they tried to evaluate their residual knowledge, it turned out that the assessment of knowledge in this kind of mastering the material rises to 90-92%.

M.Kurnikov- Visualization can also be done at a lecture, if the teacher gets confused, he can do it. However, look. At the Higher School of Economics, if I remember correctly, most of the lectures will be transferred online, because students often do not attend. But the online mode will be great. How do you feel about such statements and to what extent is this the future of our education?

M.Borovskaya- In the education system, everything is good in moderation, we have a system for checking, again, the same residual knowledge, by which we see how and to whom in an individual trajectory which product benefited. Sometimes it is desirable for a person to read for himself and using his eye contact improves comprehension. The other needs to solve it himself, the third needs to hear, the fourth must definitely try and check how it works in practice.

All the mechanisms and learning tools that have been created today, they all work well. We know that the combination of skillful practices, lectures, seminars, a competent live real professor and a leading world leader who is ready to show you the main accents of the subject, that is, the area in which you are immersed, is a rather important combination.

The task of universities is to find this combination model. The main thing is to properly adjust. And here the center of responsibility, the degree of responsibility is transferred to the student himself. And he must choose for himself the technology that suits him best.

M.Kurnikov- So, ideally, when a student comes to a university, he will say: “So, this is what I study, I go to lectures, I will take an online course” and so on?

M.Borovskaya- Yes, sure. Today this possibility exists.

M.Kurnikov- Is it legally possible?

M.Borovskaya- Certainly. In the Law “On Education”, every young person has the opportunity to form an individual trajectory today, who can collect a certain line of courses that he will take in real time, which he will take in online learning, which he will transfer from one semester to another. The credit-modular system that we are talking about, it works. But it must work effectively. And young people studying at the universities of the Russian Federation have all the grounds and rights today.

M.Kurnikov- I graduated from high school almost a few decades ago ... I can’t imagine this. Well, maybe that's really how it works, but I can't imagine a student going to their dean and saying, "I don't really like it, I can't attend the lecture course for some reason, but I found an online course in this university”, and they don’t have the right to refuse him?

M.Borovskaya- Well, a little, as it were ... I will add how. There is a credit-module system: if you have chosen an engineering course or are studying in some kind of engineering program, but you get that your stratum ... That is, you see yourself in small and medium-sized businesses, and you want to organize your own business, start-up company and so on. Then you understand that you need to get these elective courses, law, economics, investment design, business management. And you need these modules to build your own trajectory.

Today, I’ll express high expectations, but I can say that there are 8-10% of young people in the leading universities of the country, today they are trying to model their own history in this way. Of course, this requires tutors and mentors, this is the mentoring system that is being created. If a young person plans to build his career in a scientific way and stay in science, he needs more philosophy of science, scientific knowledge, methods of scientific research, so he is able to get these modules precisely by strengthening this component. How can a young man from the first or second year decide where he wants to go - I also admit such a question.

To do this, he uses a system of tutors, mentors, practical scientific seminars, access to companies, corporations that are partners of universities. Such experience today at the leading universities works unambiguously. And here I can say this quite calmly, about 30 universities for sure, which live according to this model. Today I believe that 30 universities also understand that this is the real future, for them even the real present. But the percentage of young people who decide on this kind of individual tricks is also not very high yet.

There is a certain fear. Maybe even the personification of responsibility is a little disturbing.

M.Kurnikov- It is clear that there must be some kind of over-motivation here in order to break the usual stereotypes, because we are used to it: you go to lectures, go to seminars, then get a diploma, write term papers. This is where you need to take the initiative.

Do I understand correctly that you motivate universities, among other things, to encourage students to choose some online courses? Or not? Or is such a task not worth it?

M.Borovskaya“Today we want these new technologies to appear in the university community. I myself studied in the direction of "political economy". And then the whole country of political economy studied according to Rumyantsev's textbook. This is not online, but, nevertheless, a standard textbook, according to which we all mastered our knowledge.

Teachers conveyed it to students in different ways, different learning technologies were built, different methods, somewhere by lectures, somewhere by seminars, somewhere by the method of individual trajectories. The most important thing is that it did not frighten anyone, that one textbook - and think about the variety of scientific schools that developed as a result of such mastery of this knowledge. Therefore, today online courses are also one of the technologies and models that allow you to access the best practices. This is the most important thing, I think. Get access to the best practices, where a scientist, a specialist who knows how this equipment works and all its capabilities, will show you through virtual access how you can use the mode of this equipment.

The equipment is expensive, high-precision, it is necessary that the first skills develop in this way. And after that, there is an entry into the profession. Therefore, teachers today are interested in seeing this method of gradual immersion occur through best practices. Because sometimes, by showing a bad example, bad practice on low-quality layouts, you can simply beat off this interest.

It seems to me that this is also the success of online learning, here you can immerse yourself, you can feel, so to speak, real closeness to world names, to world stars, to people who are recognized in the world or in the country for specific courses and practices.

M.Kurnikov- If we talk about goals and objectives, again, with what we have now. Is it possible today to unlearn and get a diploma thanks to online learning? Or not?

M.Borovskaya“First of all, it is possible to do it. And we know a number of world and Russian platforms that require certification at the end of the course, in particular, returning to the Modern Digital Environment project, here I also want to say that at the end of each course, a corresponding certification is expected.

A young person who has completed such an online course can apply for certification, that is, passing their test or exam as part of their curriculum, that is, he passed this course on this platform, looked, completed all the stages of this course, completed all test tasks, which are given in stages. And for his final certification, he returns to his university and takes exams.

He can also use the platform, obtain a certificate and access - it is paid. But the young man is studying on a budget, he already believes that everything worked out for him, that he has access. And here he only expands his possibilities, he received this course from the best lecturer, who today is the best specialist in the country on any particular issue.

Therefore, today we are talking about creating mechanisms and these tools that will allow young people to have purely network programs, access this online resource and with full certification. Of course, the question arises of what will be done by those teachers who remain in those universities that are contracted to provide these courses.

M.Kurnikov- Those who were supposed to teach students who will now study online?

M.Borovskaya- Yes. And so this is the problem that I told you about. That is, today it is important for every teacher in his profession to try to find the niche that will become his professional niche. Mentor, tutor, person who accompanies young people in the field of scientific research, in the field of organization of skills development practices. Because today for our young people, this is the next stage, which we do not discuss today, the topic is a little different. But then there are real practical skills that are needed. It is not enough to learn how to take samples with pipettes from virtual accesses or do some experiments using virtual accesses, you still need to learn how to do it in practice. And this is the task of those universities that are ready and receptive to these new technologies. And expand opportunities for their students.

M.Kurnikov- I, listening to what you say, was most worried about regional universities, which in this situation may be left without those who directly go to their classes. But we will talk about this after the news. Let me just remind you that our guest is Marina Borovskaya, Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

M.Kurnikov We are continuing our program. Let me remind you that Marina Borovskaya, Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, is our guest. And we are talking about online education, about how it is being implemented now, what threatens us. And I said, for example, that I am worried about the regional universities that are in such a system, if suddenly everyone starts to get involved in online education and takes online courses in the best universities, then what will the teachers who stay in these universities do. And won't this devalue the profession of a university teacher if it's not some of the best universities in Russia?

M.Borovskaya- Maxim, you know, today about 4.2 million young people are studying in our system of higher education. And, of course, each of them has their own expectations from this process. For each of them, the interest is, if possible, the interest of quality education, but education is a two-way process. One gives knowledge, the other receives. The system of filling young people with this knowledge is an important part of the learning process, so everyone chooses for himself where and how to get his knowledge.

Probably, the flow of all those who want to, in fact, is not able to accommodate young people in Moscow and St. Petersburg universities today, this is firstly. Secondly, regional universities, to be fair, are quite active today for the most part.

Teachers of regional universities are also quite active in this, these are their jobs, this is their professional community. So when we see activity regional educators, professors, teachers who actively attend online projects, online conferences that participate on various platforms, when these resources are exchanged, they also try to master these technologies for themselves.

Therefore, the question to the professional community about which of them will be the first in this race, it remains open for now.

M.Kurnikov- We are now talking about a specific platform that you are engaged in, that you are doing. First, explain to me why it was necessary to create this platform, if each university can do it on its own and show its individuality, and so on?

M.Borovskaya- Firstly, we have a lot of such platforms, we must pay tribute. The task today is to build such a single interface so that these courses that are located there are visible and in demand by the entire community. And so the universities themselves, in fact, came to this very need. Initially, the ministry acted as a regulator, supporting those rudiments of a modern digital environment that were accumulating in various educational organizations.

Today, when there are many such platforms, there is a need to integrate them. And those platforms that have collected a high-quality resource began to stand out. Some time ago we discussed this topic with journals, when only high-quality publications appear in the journal, and when the editorial service, the expert community monitors high level publications, the interest in the journal grows and does not fall. We know such world leaders in science who keep their names for years.

The same goes for digital platforms. When these platforms contain a quality resource, and it is evaluated by a whole group of the expert community, when we see how many requests have come for a particular online course, how many young people ... Even today we have already calculated the break-even point at which this online course becomes effective . If more than 17 users contacted him…

M.Kurnikov- Look, let's talk about specific things then. Let's say I'm 18 years old, I graduated from high school. I may even have entered some university. How can I take these online courses and what do I need to do? Do I need to register somewhere, do I need to go to some site? And, most importantly, if at some point I want to quit, what threatens me?

M.Borovskaya“Firstly, there is a first level of access that allows you to simply log in and see what courses are offered.

M.Kurnikov- To each? It doesn’t matter if you have a higher education, no education, you are 15 years old, 17…

M.Borovskaya- For individuals - this is a use for everyone. We are trying to include, and colleagues are now actively working on this, they are trying to include universities here through agreements, because it is important for universities to get access for their students to this platform, to provide this access. And so the university teams are now entering into agreements.

M.Kurnikov- So, all students will be informed and pre-registered?

M.Borovskaya- Yes.

M.Kurnikov- Fine. So, let's say I went and looked. I never taught, I don't know, astrophysics, but I want to. Is there something stopping me, will there be some kind of entry barrier for me so that I can take some course in conditional astrophysics?

M.Borovskaya- No.

M.Kurnikov- So I just take it and listen? It's free?

M.Borovskaya- Yes.

M.Kurnikov- So, in fact, there is a set of lectures on any topic at the university level for free? Does it look like just a set of lectures or do I have to go through after each lecture to get access to the next one, some tests and something like that?

M.Borovskaya- This is probably a good question and an important one. This is not the YouTube system, this is important, because there you connected and watched a lecture in a minute, found yourself an entertaining, popular science channel. This is a system of education, a system that allows... You can quit at any stage, you can take the first or second lecture, you can watch it periodically. But the main thing is not this.

This is a learning system, that is, there is an educational and methodological logic that is laid down.

M.Kurnikov- Is it also a list of literature that I need to read, tests?

M.Borovskaya- This - training course, which allows you to follow hyperlinks from one source to another, to see how some kind of construction works. How does a device work. How you can conduct an experience through virtual proposed descriptions. And the courses are completely different. Some courses with more visualization, where specific exhibits or specific devices are shown. Some courses - with less visualization, with more reading and emotional story, especially when it comes to world names, about people who are famous, popular.

But this is not YouTube, this is a serious educational activity that requires immersion, maximum learning and high dedication, personal responsibility, which, in fact, probably worries.

M.Kurnikov- Are there any time limits for those who decide to study online? That is, every morning at eight in the morning. Or every day at eight o'clock in the evening a person should sit down at the computer. Or he can at any time of the day or night?

M.Borovskaya- There are those when it comes to some kind of contacts. For example, you can talk to a native speaker. And then you will be assigned a certain time cycle when you connect to this carrier.

And there are courses when you turn it on yourself at the right time. But that's a little off the point. You have a course, let's say, for 15 lectures, and you have to master them in 30 days maximum, let's say. And on the 30th day you will have access to this course, you will have to dive again.

Moreover, there are no such restrictions in our platforms yet, but we are increasingly agreeing that it is impossible to leave constantly hanging cycles, because the library of participants is expanding, there are many of them, the courses all look open, but not fully mastered.

This is what today does not allow us to say that now we will all move to online learning, because when you immerse yourself in a specific course, take it, turn to tutors for advice, then you go to your teacher on the course you are studying . It is important for you to talk, to contact about a specific subject. At a real lecture, at a live, at a real seminar, you have the opportunity to ask again, to clarify. Today, we are actively trying to add this option to online products, it is also starting to work, mentors are appearing…

M.Kurnikov- The university will have to keep some kind of staff of people who will answer questions.

M.Borovskaya- Not a state, this is all - the task of the lecturer and the community that he founded. This is a professor...

M.Kurnikov- And then questions will come to the mail, he will answer them.

M.Borovskaya- And today we see more and more often that these answers are at night, that is, he leads this course as a blog.

M.Kurnikov- Listen, does the lecturer receive a separate salary for this, separate money?

M.Borovskaya- No. See, it's important too. By the way, colleagues also discuss with us. I, as a representative of public authorities, ministries, they are discussing this topic with us. That is, you are interested in having a lot of subscribers on your blog, online course, then you are in constant contact. And the presence of 17 of them, break-even, and then there can be as many as you like. That is, the higher the quality of this resource, the more people connect to this product, the more people see that it is a good broadcast, high-quality presentation and good material and is easily digestible. And with the help of this particular specialist, you mastered complex things easily and affordably. This is an important point.

M.Kurnikov- It is necessary to encourage a specialist for this.

M.Borovskaya- Well, this is the number of subscribers, like ours ...

M.Kurnikov- This is, as they say, social stroking, as they say.

M.Borovskaya- He works. This is his job, his professional. From this, these loans of his are added up, but we have a credit-modular system.

M.Kurnikov- That is, more people want to get to him.

M.Borovskaya- Certainly. And loans are converted into money.

M.Kurnikov- Oh, that's important. Let me remind you again, because we have questions about what kind of service it is. Let me just remind you that our guest is Marina Borovskaya, Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. And we are just talking about the platform that is controlled and dealt with by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

Then continuing the learning process for a particular person, so he took this course, it's free. But any passing of this exam at the end of the course is paid. If I paid and did not pass, and my knowledge was not accepted as satisfactory, what should I do?

M.Borovskaya- Probably, you know, I’ll go back a half step a little more. It's not all free. He entered the budget or the contract, he has access. That is why universities are now signing agreements. That is, he entered here, this university is included in online networks, online platforms, it has access to library knowledge bases, to the Tretyakov Gallery, including this online platform. And from this online platform, he has such an exit.

In other words, universities enter into these relationships with each other and support this network program. The number of subscribers from that university will still be credited to that professor. That is, for a young person there are opportunities for choice. Or he goes to a live lecture to a particular professor, or he chooses online courses, masters it like that.

M.Kurnikov- Some well-known university, some well-known specialist?

M.Borovskaya- Yes. And not only that... Now, when we are trying to reach this system of agreements. When you enter a university, they tell you that this university is subscribed to Cambridge lectures, is subscribed to MISiS lectures, and is subscribed to Stanford lectures. And you understand that you will have these subscriptions available to you. You can learn part of the product, part of your educational programs with the help of such courses.

And then the same teachers who are your tutors and mentors are given to accompany you.

But here is the second question you are talking about. You have completed this course. And now you have to go to the final certification for this course. And, if you are just an independent, individual user who entered this platform without a university, you took this course for free. And he must pay only for the final certification, that is, obtaining the certificate itself and testing.

If you are a student of this university… The university is already in this network.

M.Kurnikov- But for me, as a non-student, what is the order of prices? That is, I pay a thousand, ten thousand?

M.Borovskaya- Now, since this platform is trying to get used to it, the cost of certificates in it is insignificant, it is 1500-2000 rubles. Now we are talking about how the demand for certain courses will develop in the market. Like license agreements, you know, when you sign up for some program, they tell you: “we will draw up a license agreement.”

M.Kurnikov- What does it look like? Is this the paper that will come to me later in the mail? Or will I just print from the printer and that's it?

M.Borovskaya“These are the systems that we are already discussing today, the modern digital educational environment, where for the participant himself Personal Area where the portfolio starts. This portfolio is a document with which young people come from schools to universities today, their successes and steps are tracked there, all this history is digitized, this portfolio is kept by this young man. We want it to be preserved throughout his next production life, because the digital footprint of this young man is accumulating there. Where did he go, what courses did he master... He entered the course but could not master it, entered the course, went through it to the end and could not be tested. Or didn't want to.

And now this digital footprint is being collected, which allows the young person, and, consequently, the partner-employer who wants to see him as an employee, to see what the learning rate is ...

M.Kurnikov- That is, I, as an applicant for some place, can send the employer a link to my profile, and he can see what I really passed. And the Ministry of Education confirms that I have studied this, this and this. And there are grades.

M.Borovskaya“Not the Ministry of Education. An online platform that is certified by the Ministry of Education.

M.Kurnikov- Nevertheless, are there any marks or is there a pass/fail?

M.Borovskaya- Of course, points. That is, the number of points. Various indicators, from 0 to 10. As a rule, the standard is 100% complete development. And there on the percentage line. For each course, depending on these loans, according to which the educational standard is being built today, from these loans, someone has a step - 5 credits, someone - 15.

M.Kurnikov- If we are talking about employers. And if I am an employer, I have a fairly large team, and I understand that I do not have enough specialists, or even specialists in some specialty. I can try to pump them through this platform in this way and get the results in my hands, how did each of them go through all this?

M.Borovskaya- Certainly. You remember this story with "Total Dictation". "Total dictation" at the moment, many business partners, many companies, especially where you have to work with drafting letters, many today instruct their employees to pass this dictation in order to prove their right to write relevant texts.

The same system applies here as well. If a young man brings you a summary that he owns, for example, Excel and prescribes it as a competence that he has, you ask him to check, test, and see the degree of his knowledge. And you understand that his possession is there, but it is only 10% of the skill that is included in this program.

Therefore, this system allows us to give a young person to take this course again. And you will see that this young man has a brilliant rate of sinking, because in five days he has already gone from 10% ownership to 90%.

M.Kurnikov Does the employer have to pay for testing each time?

M.Borovskaya- Differently. It depends on what competencies you include in the entry requirements, but you can put it in the competencies specifically for hiring, because you don’t hire a driver without a driver’s license and then train him, right?

You know, this is also an important part. Already on behalf of the president, they have formed today. And in those federal projects that are being discussed and adopted, there is one federal project called "Education for Everyone." Today we understand that it is also important for adults to enter this digital environment well and competently. And to get these skills through online programs, through online access. Because an adult person already understands more responsibility for his independent learning and knows that he can somehow supplement himself with either additional education or additional professional education when he wants to improve.

And now, through the system of such accesses, we provide them with the opportunity ...

M.Kurnikov- I've just been watching the text messages that come on the air all this time. You know what topic caused the most, so I see, the explosion has begun. Here is the story of how a person has an online footprint. And then you can see what he learned, what he did not learn. Can a person not show it, can he make this profile private? Because, let's say, he scored five courses for himself, but completed only one. And everything else - so, for themselves, as they say. I wanted to see what it is.

And then the employer comes in, looks: “Yeah, he scored, he didn’t finish anything, which means he’s irresponsible.”

M.Borovskaya- Firstly, this does not directly characterize the participant.

M.Kurnikov- Well, you never know. Questions come up, that's why I ask.

M.Borovskaya- And secondly, you know, of course, this profile, it is his personal profile. Moreover, access is regulated there. That is, this cabinet is closed for any external user, we have tax inspection cabinets, we have financial responsibility cabinets, we have personalized plastic card cabinets. All these accesses are closed. And we do not open them to anyone. And, if we want to authorize our access to close family members or somehow describe our rights, we regulate it.

M.Kurnikov- A person decides for himself what to open and what not to open?

M.Borovskaya- Certainly.

M.Kurnikov- I am very ashamed, because I wanted to ask the whole program about this, but you see, I left it until the very end. As far as I understand, such methods of education, such a method of obtaining education solves the problem, including for people with handicapped health, because if there are any problems with the musculoskeletal system... We know, unfortunately, that not all universities were built at the time when we thought about it. How much space do you see here for improving the situation?

M.Borovskaya Why are you ashamed? Because they forgot?

M.Kurnikov Because I ask at the very end. In fact of the matter. Should have asked much earlier.

M.Borovskaya- You know, this is a world of equal opportunities. And today, online learning is probably a very important advantage for these kind of children and people in general, to get access to this kind of software products, this kind of learning systems. Because the opportunities for children who see, for the visually impaired, for the hearing impaired, for all kinds of people with disabilities in musculoskeletal health ... Today they are seriously expanded due to this. A new world of professions is emerging, which is also being actively created by the guys who have such limitations. These are different professions, there are many of them, this world is also changing. Thanks a lot.

M.Kurnikov- Thank you. Let me remind you once again that Marina Borovskaya, Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, was our guest. Goodbye.

M.Borovskaya- Thank you.

Achieving the above set of results will reduce the risks of investing in the creation of online courses, involve a wide range of participants, educational and other organizations, private investors, authors in the creation of online courses, to create and support online courses and online resources for mastering general education subjects attract funds from educational organizations, private investors, interested executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Increasing the number of available courses, increasing the efficiency of online learning, and expanding opportunities for mastering online courses in the formal education system will make it possible to achieve an increase in the number of students in online courses by more than 300 times by 2025.

Technological conditions (domestic software). In parallel, various platforms and services are being developed to improve the quality of online learning, which can be integrated into the overall digital educational environment, which is facilitated by the availability of information standards for integration with information systems of educational organizations, requirements for the use of unified means of identification and authentication of students and standard software solutions. with open source codes that provide a reliable assessment of learning outcomes (including control over the passage of the procedure for assessing learning outcomes), the transfer of reliable learning outcomes to electronic information and educational environments of universities, different kinds communication between students, the implementation of simulators, simulators, virtual laboratories, design work and so on.

Organizational, financial and legal conditions. The principle of freedom of choice of online courses by educational organizations or students provides motivation for educational organizations to develop and support high-quality and popular online courses at the expense of their own or borrowed funds. In the system of formal education, online courses are used in the development of basic professional educational programs and additional professional education. In the system of non-formal education, created online courses provide free access to knowledge and competencies from the best teachers in the country, lifelong learning, self-determination and professional orientation of students, and identification of talented children.

System for evaluating the quality of online courses. The established system for evaluating the quality of online courses will ensure the continuous improvement of the quality of online courses while maintaining competition in the online learning market and involving a wide range of participants. The presence of a quality assessment system and the potential for return on investment will attract businesses and employers, which will allow citizens to gain access to new, sought-after competencies and contribute to successful employment. Personnel conditions. The result of the project will be the creation of conditions for the continuous development of the competencies of teachers and specialists. Online courses will be used as part of individual training trajectories for teachers and specialists. The exchange of experience in the development and use of online courses will be carried out on an ongoing basis.