Eleven phrases that smart people never say. Eleven phrases that smart people never say

There are phrases that you should never, under any circumstances, say out loud at work.

These words have a special negative power. They can make you look bad, whether you're right or wrong.

Remember that the word is not a sparrow. Having said these phrases out loud, you will not be able to return them back and correct the impression made.

No matter how subtle your remarks are, they can demonstrate your self-doubt and work incompetence, which is very bad for career advancement.

You can be very talented, excellent at work, but the above phrases can forever change the opinion of you as a good employee and leave an extremely negative impression. The reason is the strong negative charge of these phrases.

Let's see which of them you have already heard or said personally.

1. "It's not fair"

Life is unfair, that's a fact. Saying such a phrase, you show that you demand the utmost honesty from this world, dividing it into white and black, which is a sign of immaturity and some naivety.

If you do not want to seem naive, you should abandon such a phrase, stick to facts and constructiveness. Interpret events in your favor. For example, if you're interested in a raise, you might say to your boss, “I noticed you assigned Anna to this project. Could you tell us why this decision was made? I think I could also apply for this position. Tell me, maybe I need to improve some skills?

2. "I always do this"

Technological progress does not stand still, innovations appear very quickly. And methods that worked just six months ago may not work today. Claiming that you always act only in a certain way, you show yourself as a lazy person who does not want to learn new things, or a retrograde. It may also lead your boss to ask why you are not trying to optimize your workflow. Even if you always adhere to a certain scheme of work, this does not mean that it cannot be improved.

3. "No problem"

Some respond to gratitude or a request for a favor with the phrase “no problem.” She may seem polite, but in fact she hints to the interlocutor that his case could be a problem. The person may get the impression that he has burdened you with his difficulties.
On the contrary, you need to show people that you are happy to help, especially if it is a colleague or boss. Phrases like "I'll be glad to help" are more appropriate. The difference between the words is small, but the impact can be enormous.

4. "You can ask a stupid question ... / I think ... / Maybe this is a bad idea ... "

The problem is the passivity of these phrases, they can undermine your image. confident person. Even if you come up with a great idea, its value will be diminished if people think you are doubting yourself.

Don't become your own critic. If you are not confident in your words, then others will never believe in them. If you really have doubts about your own knowledge and skills, you can say: "I do not have this information, but I will definitely clarify this issue and let you know."

5. "It only takes a minute"

With this phrase, you downplay your skills, it seems that you are literally breaking through the work. Except in situations where the task really takes no more than a minute, you should not call a strict time frame. Suffice it to say "it won't take long". Do not give people false ideas about the true duration of work.

6. "I'll try"

The words "I'll try" or "I'll try" make your speech lack confidence, create doubt that you are able to cope with the task. You must take full responsibility for your own abilities. Work requests should be answered with consent or an alternative offered. But avoid the word "I'll try" at all costs: it looks like you're not putting enough effort into the work.

7. "He's incompetent/lazy/stupid"

Avoid disparaging remarks towards your colleagues. You will not receive any benefit from your words. Even if you are right about the personal and mental qualities of a person, everything is already in the know, you should not once again focus on this. And if the phrase is not too accurate, you yourself can be in the role of a fool.

Get ready for the fact that in any job there will be incompetent people, about the shortcomings of which all colleagues are aware. Criticism will work only if you can directly influence these people: help them improve their skills or, on the contrary, fire them. Otherwise, you won't achieve anything. On the contrary, when talking about the stupidity or incompetence of a colleague, you look like you are trying to stand out from his background. Rude phrases will make other colleagues think badly of you too.

8. "It's not my responsibility"

This phrase is too sarcastic. In addition, it looks as if you are ready to perform only the bare minimum of duties to receive wages, but the security of your employment will be in question.

It is better to carry out the instructions of the boss with enthusiasm. Of course, provided that what you are asked for is absolutely acceptable from the point of view of morality, and the request itself is formulated politely and correctly. Only after completing the task can you have a one-to-one discussion with your boss about your position, the role you play in the company, and ask for a review of the scope of work or salary, if necessary. This is how you show your importance to the company. In addition, it will establish a strong, strong relationship with your boss and give him a clear understanding of your job responsibilities and rights.

9. "It's not my fault"

Blaming an outsider or turning arrows almost always ends badly. Don't be afraid to take responsibility, especially if you're borrowing leadership position even a small one. Even if not, try to solve the situation: explain why the task was not possible, offer an alternative solution to the problem. State the facts clearly in your story. Let the authorities and colleagues decide for themselves who is to blame for the situation served.

You should always avoid accusations. Otherwise, others may think that you do not know how to be responsible for your own actions. This creates a negative impression and makes people nervous. They will have doubts about the success of the case, and they will try to avoid joint work. And in case of failure, they will try to blame you.

10. "I can't"

This phrase is the twin of the one described above. People don't like to hear that you can't do something. They feel like you don't really want to do it. The phrase "I can't" shows that you won't put enough effort into the work.

If you really do not have the opportunity, skills, time to complete the task, you can offer an alternative solution. Don't talk about what you can't do - talk about what you are ready to do.

For example, instead of saying "I can't stay late tonight," say "I'll be at work early tomorrow." Instead of "I can't do the calculations," it's better to say, "I don't know how it's done yet. Maybe someone will tell me what to do, and I will prepare everything?

11. "I hate this job!"

This is the last phrase that superiors want to hear from a subordinate in the workplace. Complaints about your work and hate speech are categorically unacceptable. Such phrases, like no other, emphasize your negative attitude and can even lower the morale of the entire group. Your boss may think you're a real corporate breaker, executives have a real nose for these kinds of people. In this case, you may find a replacement: someone more enthusiastic and ready to do anything to take your place.

Just remove the listed phrases from your vocabulary, and you will immediately notice a change for the better. Remember that a well-structured conversation can bring considerable benefits. The danger of these phrases is that they strive to jump off the tongue, and for many they have already become a habit. Therefore, it is better to gradually change the very train of thought in order to permanently get rid of negative and uncertain words. And so on until you learn to do without them altogether.

We simply do not have enough social mobility in order to accurately understand all the underlying meanings of what was said. We are too focused on our behavior and do not notice the action rendered on the interlocutor. But not to use the power of the word to the fullest is simply stupid.

Here, for example, are the 10 most common phrases in any society that a smart person will never say. Start following the speech: the effort is really worth it.

"I could"

The very beginning of the phrase tells the interlocutor that you are not going to do something.
You can use this wording in a very limited number of cases:

  • if you threaten;
  • if you feel immeasurably superior to your counterpart;
  • if you just don't think when you speak.

"Not bad idea"

It just sounds great - "not a bad idea." What does this even mean? Did you like it? You didn't like it and you just don't want to offend? Don't be afraid to be more categorical in your judgments. This is a much better solution than leaving the interlocutor at a loss.

"Wow, you've lost weight!"

Great compliment, indeed. Especially, it will be nice to hear this for a person who has always been embarrassed about his excess weight. An extra reminder of the problems - The best way bring on an ill-wisher. Try not to make this mistake.

"You just got younger!"

Try to say a similar phrase to a girl. It would be better to perform this trick over the phone: even so, you can be sure that you have made yourself a lot of trouble.
No one likes the extra mention of irretrievably gone years.


One - this word is enough to turn the whole meaning of everything said before.

“We are the largest company in this field, we can handle any order, however, that's what we can't do."

Seems like a pathetic excuse. Do not belittle your dignity with such petty tricks.

"You look tired"

Tired people are incredibly attractive - they have dull eyes, tangled hair, problems with concentration and, of course, they are very happy to see everyone around. The statement of the fact “you look tired” has not helped anyone yet.
One such phrase can spoil the mood for the whole day - that's why you should remove it from your vocabulary once and for all.

"Don't be offended, but..."

Double negatives have never done anyone any good.
By starting a sentence in this way, you are already setting the person up for self-defense.
Whatever you say next will make no sense to the listener:
he will remember only the main message.
Do not use this phrase unless you want to deliberately piss off the interlocutor.

"I could be wrong, but..."

Another way to negate all subsequent words. Do not try to insure yourself against a possible mistake - no one will appreciate it. Doubt the correctness of your judgment, but think that you should express it? Deprive your words of all "saving" words and phrases. Confidence is the first thing people remember.

"As you know, many people"

Who knows? And who are these thousands of knowledgeable people? To build a phrase in this way means to show in advance your ignorance of the subject of the conversation.
A person who knows the material will not resort to such vague wording, designed only to divert the attention of the interlocutor.

"She didn't deserve you"

Of course, because your interlocutor does not know how to understand people at all and problems with his own self-esteem make him choose a partner of a lower rank over and over again.
At least, that's how this phrase sounds from the outside.
The ideal option would be not to interfere in other people's relationships at all, but if this happened, then try to at least avoid such clichés.

Some phrases in a conversation put you in a bad light, show stupidity, naivety and immaturity. What phrases are never spoken smart people? Don't make these mistakes.

Words sometimes fail us, although we speak hackneyed expressions. According to the conversation, others evaluate the interlocutor and his level of human intelligence. Watch your language.

What phrases do smart people never say?

1. "It's always been done that way." The modern world is developing very quickly and what was normal recently becomes obsolete in a month. This phrase shows a person as lazy and incapable of change.

2. "It's not fair." Everyone knows that life is unfair. But the one who says it looks naive, stupid and immature. Try to be more constructive and factual.

3. "You always..." Generalization does not allow to establish communication, but looks like criticism. Healthy conversation will not come out of this.

4. "I'll try." These words indicate that you doubt your abilities and capabilities. These are the words of extremely insecure and weak people.

5. "That might be a dumb idea/question." Such phrases undermine your authority, and people are critical of the interlocutor in advance.

6. "I can't." When people hear this, they think it is tantamount to "I won't" and "I don't want to." So you don't try and do your best, even though you could.

7. "No problem." By saying this to a person, we mean that this was a problem, but we level our help and reduce the significance. It's better to say "please".

8. "He's lazy/stupid/weird." Disparaging words about your friend or colleague show you are not better side. Saying this, the interlocutor thinks that you can say the same about him. You will be treated worse.

9. "I hate work / business / occupation." Such a phrase makes a person a whiner, a skeptic and a pessimist. And they don't like these people.

Every word we say has a special energy. Some phrases are destructive. They should never be said to yourself, so as not to lose happiness and good luck.

People have always been prone to self-criticism. Very often we scold ourselves for mistakes, speak negatively about our appearance or criticize our mental abilities. Such statements not only affect self-esteem, but also destroy our energy background. Thus we lose our luck and feel unhappy. The site site team presents to your attention the 5 most destructive phrases that are forbidden to be spoken in your address.

Destructive phrases that you can not say about yourself

Sometimes the words spoken by another person can offend us. However, some phrases that we said to ourselves can do much more harm, destroy our happiness and good luck. To prevent this from happening, you need to know that you can not talk about yourself. If you avoid these expressions, you can change your life for the better.

I will never be happy. Every person in life experiences moments of disappointment in himself, but this is not a reason to predict failures for himself in the future. If you are now haunted by a black streak, you must try to change this situation. Whatever happens in your life, always be sure that tomorrow everything will change for the better. This statement will only deprive you of self-confidence, faith in the future and the desire to try, and without them we will never achieve happiness.

I am not handsome. When we look at ourselves in the mirror, we certainly see minor flaws, but we should remember that every person has them. Sometimes, in a conversation with strangers, we begin to list them, without even thinking about the fact that our interlocutor is also not perfect. Praise yourself in front of the mirror as often as possible to avoid failure. Think of your flaws as what sets you apart from others. Over time, you will be able to love them and will no longer be so critical of your own appearance.

I am stupid. Of course, our mental abilities may be far from ideal, but this does not mean stupidity. People differ from each other in thoughts and opinions, and if your statements differ from those that the interlocutor said, and he looks at you with a mockery, there is no need to be upset. If all people thought the same way, then life would be boring. If you failed to realize your ideas or your actions appeal to the discontent of others, you should not pay attention. On the contrary, praise yourself as often as possible and always openly express your thoughts.

I won't be able to. When we are expected an important event where it is necessary to prove ourselves, we begin to doubt our abilities. In life, a person very often says that he will not be able to perform a certain action, but at the same time he does an excellent job with the task. However, not everyone can be lucky. Our words can affect our self-esteem and confidence, and if we think we can't do something, then we really won't be able to do it. It is important to always believe in yourself, and then you will find happiness and success.

I am a loser. In the life of every person there are disappointments, and at such moments we feel unhappy. The negative period in life will pass, but your phrase can really make you a loser. Whatever happens, don't say those words. Prove to yourself that you can do it. Believe that in the future you will succeed, and everyone can make a mistake. If you can love yourself, you will become
really happy.

Any phrases have energy, especially if we are talking about ourselves. Scolding yourself in front of a mirror, you harm your energy background. It is for this reason that luck and love can leave your life. We wish you to be healthy and happy, and don't forget to press the buttons and

15.11.2017 07:00

Bad mood is a scourge modern world. For every second person stress and low self-esteem become...

Meanwhile, smart people have long figured out how to replace some taboo statements.

1 You were too good for him!

At first glance, one of those phrases that usually console a friend who has survived a breakup with a partner. However, in fact, this is partly an insult to her taste and evidence of her inability to understand people: “Well, you chose a guy for yourself, and how much time you spent on him!”

What is better to say:
He lost a lot.

2 You look great for your age!

Why shouldn't you say this:
Quite neutral, at first glance, the phrase turns into a condescending consolation: "Compared to other old people, you look even more or less."
What is better to say:
Wow, you look just amazing!

3 I try, but I can't!

Why shouldn't you say this:
A phrase that is forgivable for a 10-year-old girl. It’s not entirely respectable for an adult girl to beg for emotional approval for not achieving her goal. It is better to either recognize the goal as unattainable, or completely change tactics.
What is better to say:
I try as hard as possible.

4 I have achieved everything myself!

Why shouldn't you say this:
From birth, we are surrounded by people who in one way or another influence our formation and development. We, in turn, draw conclusions and extract something from what is happening. But to discount the help of these people is ugly.

What is better to say:
Thanks to my parents and the support of loved ones, I was able to achieve this.

5 It's not fair!

Why shouldn't you say this:
Life is not fair. You have to come to terms with this. Complaining about the slightest manifestations of injustice, you become inexperienced and naive in the eyes of others. Eradicate this phrase and replace it with a more constructive one.

What is better to say:
For example, if the decision of the boss is unfair, in your opinion, you can correctly ask him: “What led to such a decision? May I know why you didn't entrust this to me?"

6 Maybe I'm going to say something stupid, but...

Why shouldn't you say this:
Remember: this phrase sets others up in advance that your opinion will not be entirely competent. Such words are the most unfortunate choice for entry.

What is better to say:
I am not completely sure about this issue, it will be interesting to know your opinion.

7 I told you!

Why shouldn't you say this:
A phrase that is always used only to point out people to their mistakes, which none of us likes. In such a situation, it is better to cheer the person up.

What is better to say:
You won't make that mistake next time.

8 Oh, I had that too!

Why shouldn't you say this:
This phrase can only be said to a friend who just took a pair of shoes to the store that did not fit her at all. However, this should not be said if she shares a personal problem with you. After all, she wants to speak out, and not listen to how it was with you.

What is better to say:
Many face this, but you will definitely cope.

9 Why are you inventing a problem out of the blue!

Why shouldn't you say this:
You cannot speak like that, if only for the reason that you are not a measure of other people's problems.

What is better to say:
Very soon this problem will not be as important for you as it is now. Everything will be alright.

10 You don't love me!

Why shouldn't you say this:
A catchphrase that can play a bad joke on you. Hearing your tearful "You don't love me!" once, the man, of course, will rush to passionately assure you of the opposite, the second time he will coolly ignore it, and the third time he will think carefully: perhaps you are right ...

What is better to say:
I miss you.