Pavel Ivanovich bought an American car 1609 65. How many kilometers in a mile are there now

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« American mile equals 1609» - 36 jobs found

Job B1()

(impressions: 2155 , answers: 551 )

Pavel Ivanovich bought an American car, on the speedometer of which the speed is measured in miles per hour. An American mile is equal to 1609 m. What is the speed of the car in kilometers per hour if the speedometer reads 45 miles per hour? Round your answer to the nearest whole number.

Answer: 72

Job B1()

(impressions: 2100 , answers: 532 )

Pavel Ivanovich bought an American car, on the speedometer of which the speed is measured in miles per hour. An American mile is equal to 1609 m. What is the speed of the car in kilometers per hour if the speedometer reads 30 miles per hour? Round your answer to the nearest whole number.

Answer: 48

Job B1()

(impressions: 2016 , answers: 517 )

Pavel Ivanovich bought an American car, on the speedometer of which the speed is measured in miles per hour. An American mile is equal to 1609 m. What is the speed of the car in kilometers per hour if the speedometer reads 60 miles per hour? Round your answer to the nearest whole number.

Answer: 97

Job B2()

(impressions: 2144 , answers: 401 )

Pavel Ivanovich bought an American car, the speedometer of which shows the speed in miles per hour. An American mile is equal to 1609 m. What is the speed of the car in kilometers per hour if the speedometer reads 65 miles per hour? Round your answer to the nearest whole number.

Answer: 105

Job B1()

(impressions: 1903 , answers: 401 )

Pavel Ivanovich bought an American car, on the speedometer of which the speed is measured in miles per hour. An American mile is equal to 1609 m. What is the speed of the car in kilometers per hour if the speedometer shows 29 miles per hour? Round your answer to the nearest whole number.

Answer: 47

Job B1()

(impressions: 1997 , answers: 398 )

Pavel Ivanovich bought an American car, on the speedometer of which the speed is measured in miles per hour. An American mile is equal to 1609 m. What is the speed of the car in kilometers per hour if the speedometer shows 53 miles per hour? Round your answer to the nearest whole number.

Answer: 85

Job B1()

(impressions: 2071 , answers: 371 )

Pavel Ivanovich bought an American car, on the speedometer of which the speed is measured in miles per hour. An American mile is equal to 1609 m. What is the speed of the car in kilometers per hour if the speedometer reads 25 miles per hour? Round your answer to the nearest whole number.

Answer: 40

Job B1()

(impressions: 1782 , answers: 367 )

Pavel Ivanovich bought an American car, on the speedometer of which the speed is measured in miles per hour. An American mile is equal to 1609 m. What is the speed of the car in kilometers per hour if the speedometer shows 46 miles per hour? Round your answer to the nearest whole number.

More than 80,000 real tasks of the Unified State Exam 2020

You are not logged into the system "". It does not interfere with viewing and solving tasks Open bank of USE tasks in mathematics, but to participate in the competition of users to solve these tasks.

The result of the search for USE assignments in mathematics on request:
« American mile equals 1609» - 36 jobs found

Job B1()

(impressions: 2155 , answers: 551 )

Pavel Ivanovich bought an American car, on the speedometer of which the speed is measured in miles per hour. An American mile is equal to 1609 m. What is the speed of the car in kilometers per hour if the speedometer reads 45 miles per hour? Round your answer to the nearest whole number.

Answer: 72

Job B1()

(impressions: 2100 , answers: 532 )

Pavel Ivanovich bought an American car, on the speedometer of which the speed is measured in miles per hour. An American mile is equal to 1609 m. What is the speed of the car in kilometers per hour if the speedometer reads 30 miles per hour? Round your answer to the nearest whole number.

Answer: 48

Job B1()

(impressions: 2016 , answers: 517 )

Pavel Ivanovich bought an American car, on the speedometer of which the speed is measured in miles per hour. An American mile is equal to 1609 m. What is the speed of the car in kilometers per hour if the speedometer reads 60 miles per hour? Round your answer to the nearest whole number.

Answer: 97

Job B2()

(impressions: 2144 , answers: 401 )

Pavel Ivanovich bought an American car, the speedometer of which shows the speed in miles per hour. An American mile is equal to 1609 m. What is the speed of the car in kilometers per hour if the speedometer reads 65 miles per hour? Round your answer to the nearest whole number.

Answer: 105

Job B1()

(impressions: 1903 , answers: 401 )

Pavel Ivanovich bought an American car, on the speedometer of which the speed is measured in miles per hour. An American mile is equal to 1609 m. What is the speed of the car in kilometers per hour if the speedometer shows 29 miles per hour? Round your answer to the nearest whole number.

Answer: 47

Job B1()

(impressions: 1997 , answers: 398 )

Pavel Ivanovich bought an American car, on the speedometer of which the speed is measured in miles per hour. An American mile is equal to 1609 m. What is the speed of the car in kilometers per hour if the speedometer shows 53 miles per hour? Round your answer to the nearest whole number.

Answer: 85

Job B1()

(impressions: 2071 , answers: 371 )

Pavel Ivanovich bought an American car, on the speedometer of which the speed is measured in miles per hour. An American mile is equal to 1609 m. What is the speed of the car in kilometers per hour if the speedometer reads 25 miles per hour? Round your answer to the nearest whole number.

Answer: 40

Job B1()

(impressions: 1782 , answers: 367 )

Pavel Ivanovich bought an American car, on the speedometer of which the speed is measured in miles per hour. An American mile is equal to 1609 m. What is the speed of the car in kilometers per hour if the speedometer shows 46 miles per hour? Round your answer to the nearest whole number.

Answer: 74

Task B1 (

Very often in English and American literature you can find not entirely clear metric units such as miles, feet, yards, inches - especially if the translator is too lazy to convert them into meters and kilograms that are convenient for our perception.

A mile (from Latin milia passuum - a thousand double Roman steps) is a travel measure for measuring distance.

1 mile = 1.609344 kilometers

The mile was used in a number of countries in antiquity, as well as in many modern countries before the introduction of the metric system of measures. In countries with a non-metric system of measures, the mile is still used today. The size of a mile is different in different countries and ranges from 0.58 km (Egypt) to 11.2 km (Old Bohemian mile).

  • Ancient Roman (milliatrius): 1 mile = 1.598 km (according to other sources 1.480 km)
  • Starorusskaya: 1 mile = 7 versts = 7.4676 km
  • British and American: 1 mile = 8 furlongs = 1.6093 km
  • Geographic (German): 1 mile = 1/15° equator = 7.420 km

Nautical mile- a unit of distance used in navigation and aviation.

The nautical mile was originally defined as the length of an arc great circle on a surface the globe one arc minute in size. Thus, a movement of one nautical mile along the meridian roughly corresponds to a change geographical coordinates one minute latitude.

By modern definition, an international nautical mile is equal to 1852 meters (exactly).

International nautical mile = 10 cable

UK nautical mile = 1853.184 meters (until 1970).

The French had at least two miles - land and sea, and their dimensions were displayed as part of the length of the arc of the earth's meridian. How many kilometers in a land mile, calculated from 1/25 ° of the earth meridian, and this is 4444.4 meters, that is, almost 4.5 kilometers, similarly, a nautical mile, 1/20 ° of the earth meridian, and this is 5.555 km.

Milliatrius, she is the ancient Roman mile, equals 1.482 km. The old Russian mile was equal to seven versts, and now it is almost 7.5 kilometers, about the same value - 7420 meters is the German one mile. How many kilometers the Swedes and Norwegians equate to one mile is 10.668 km and 11.298 km respectively. True, after the adoption of the law on metric measures, both countries equated a mile to exactly ten kilometers.

How many kilometers in a mile are there now

Now there is a concept of two miles - nautical And land.

The nautical mile is equal to 1862 meters, the American land mile is equal to 1.609344 kilometers.

To calculate how many kilometers are in a mile, for an approximate value, simply multiply the number in miles by 1.6. That is, approximately 1609 meters are obtained. A nautical mile is also larger than a land mile and includes approximately 1,852 kilometers or 1,852 meters.

So, a car speed of 40 miles per hour would be approximately equal to the metric 65 kilometers per hour.

1 mile is equal to:

  • 1.609344 km;
  • 1609.344 m;
  • 16093.44 dm;
  • 1609344000 µm;
  • 63360 inch;
  • 1609344 mm;
  • 160934.4 cm;
  • 5280 ft;
  • 1760 yards;


This measure of length came to us from antiquity and has many varieties and, as a result, values ​​- from 580 meters in an Egyptian mile to more than 11 kilometers in a Norwegian one. However, in the vast majority of cases, a mile is understood as a British (or American) mile - 1609 meters 34 centimeters. So if in a text or a movie you come across a mention of the length in miles, and you need to roughly estimate how much it will be in kilometers, feel free to multiply by 1.5. However, it is also necessary to distinguish the nautical mile, which is used in navigation and aviation - it is slightly longer and is 1852 meters.


According to legend, the length of the upper phalanx of the thumb was taken as the basis of the inch. Of course, finger to finger is different, and therefore the generally accepted value is 2.54 centimeters. So if now your child asks how tall Thumbelina was in Andersen's fairy tale, you can answer with accuracy.


Since a foot is 12 inches, it is quite easy to calculate the value: 30.48 centimeters. Thus, if you come across a value in feet, and you are more accustomed to being aware of it in meters, then simply divide it by three. So, the old sea wish “fair wind and seven feet under the keel” meant that 2 meters 10 centimeters should be enough so that the ship does not hit the ground.


That's three feet, or 91.44 centimeters. Since the yard is only slightly short of the meter, then if you do not need high accuracy, you can not even translate this metric unit. And the name of the famous comedy with Bruce Willis "The Nine Yards" no longer seems like an incomprehensible set of letters. (However, in fairness, we note that the name is a phraseological unit and is translated as "everything to the end, without a trace").


A word that is often used in crossword puzzles and is the answer to the question "English measure of area." Indeed, by an acre, the ancient English meant a piece of land that a pair of bulls cultivates in a day. Equals an acre to exactly 4046.86 square meter, or approximately 1/250 of a square kilometer. You will not envy that pair of bulls, which will have to process a square kilometer of land - after all, they will have to work for eight whole months!


Not to be confused with foot! If a foot means distance, then a pound means the mass of an object. By the way, the pound sterling was originally a pound of silver coins, 453.6 grams, that is, almost half a kilo. Very often, modern exercise machines such as a bicycle or a treadmill offer to enter body weight before starting a session. Be careful, because if the simulator is made in England or the USA, then most likely it asks you to specify the weight in pounds. But this is not a problem - just double your weight in kilograms and report it to the simulator. (But starting to cook in the old Russian cookbooks, keep in mind that the Russian pound is smaller, only 410 grams.)


This is 1/16 of a pound, which is 28.35 grams. It is used in medicine for weighing preparations, as well as in perfumery. Look at the packaging of your perfume - you will probably find a designation like 3.3 fl. oz. - this is the designation of the mass (or, more precisely, volume) of perfume in ounces.

For most cases, the listed units will be enough, so now you do not have to puzzle over the English notation for length or mass. Simple Rules not only will they keep peace of mind when reading an interesting book that has not been processed by a lazy translator, but will also make you more erudite. After all, if a penalty kick in football breaks through from a distance of 12 yards, then it’s not so difficult to convert this value into meters, right?

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