Source: open job bank oge (fipi). Rosobrnadzor: we hear about alleged leaks in the exam every year

FIPI Unified State Examination, OGE 2019 free download (links)


Unified State Exam (USE)- centrally held in Russia examination in secondary educational institutions- schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, the form of the GIA on educational programs middle general education. It serves as both a final exam from school and an entrance exam to universities. When conducting an exam throughout Russia, the same type of tasks and uniform methods for assessing the quality of work performance are used. After passing the exam, all participants are issued certificates of USE results(in everyday life they are often called certificates), which indicate the points received in subjects. Since 2009, the Unified State Examination has been the only form of final exams at school and the main form of entrance exams to universities, while there is the possibility of repeated passing the exam in subsequent years. .

Main State Exam (OGE)- This is a mandatory exam at the end of grade 9 high school in Russia, an analogue of the USE for 11th grade. Serves to control the knowledge gained by students over 9 years, as well as for admission to secondary schools vocational education(colleges and technical schools). It is one of the three forms of GIA.

GIA - State final certification is a form of state control (assessment) of mastering by graduates of grades 9 (10) and 11 (12) of the main general educational programs of basic general and secondary general education in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard secondary general education.
The state final certification of 9 (10) grade graduates is carried out in the form of a unified state exam, as well as in the form of a state final exam.
The state final certification of graduates of grades 9 (10) is carried out in the form of the main state exam (OGE) using control measuring materials, which are sets of tasks in a standardized form; for certain categories of persons - in the form of written and oral exams using texts, topics, assignments, tickets (state final exam), the implementation of which allows you to set the level of development of the federal state standard basic general education.



Documents are presented that determine the structure and content of the control measuring materials of the unified state exam:
- codifiers of content elements and requirements for the level of training of graduates of educational institutions for the unified state exam;
- specifications of control measuring materials for the unified state examination;
- demonstration versions of control measuring materials of the unified state exam.

Download USE 2019(Demos, specs, codifiers):
PHYSICS (2.2 Mb)
ENGLISH (29.4 Mb)
GERMAN (27.7 Mb)
SPANISH (33.1 Mb)
FRENCH (30.1 Mb)
CHINESE (4.2 Mb)
Information about changes in KIM USE 2019 (271.1 Kb)
BIOLOGY (2.9 Mb)
HISTORY (4.8 Mb)

Download USE 2018(Demos, specs, codifiers):


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Documents are presented that determine the content of the control measuring materials of the main state exam (OGE):
- codifiers of content elements and requirements for the level of training of students who have mastered the basic general education programs of basic general education;
- specifications of control measuring materials for conducting the main state exam in general education subjects for students who have mastered the basic general education programs of basic general education;
- demonstration versions of control measuring materials for conducting the main state exam in general education subjects for students who have mastered the basic general education programs of basic general education.

Download OGE 2019(Demos, specs, codifiers)

Let's get ready for the OGE together!

Open Bank of FIPI tasks

Unit 2 Reading Assignments

Job format

Task 9– test for establishing correspondence between headings and text

Maximum score - 7 points

Tasks 10 - 17- a test to establish the correspondence of the given statements to the read text ( True/ False/ Not stated)

Maximum score - 8 points

The maximum score for the correct completion of all tasks of Section 2 (Reading) – 15 points

Task 9

Read the texts and match between the texts and their headings: for each text marked with letters A–G, select the appropriate heading marked with numbers. Use every number just one time. The assignment has one extra title.

  1. The birthplace of the city
  2. multifunctional construction
  3. The first traffic jams
  4. A perfect location
  5. safety gates
  6. Defeating pollution
  7. navigation season
  8. The royal birds

A. Almost 2,000 years ago, the army of Ancient Rome landed on the coast of Britain and headed north. Soon they came to a wide, deep river. The army could neither walk across it nor find an alternative route. The only solution was building a bridge. The Romans found a place where the river was relatively narrow and built a bridge. Then they founded a settlement, which they called Londinium. Today it is known as London.

b. The Romans soon discovered that Londinium was an ideal site for a port. Their bridge prevented large ships from going up the river, so all trading ships had to stop and unload at Londinium. It made Londinium an important trading center and stimulated the growth and development of the city.

C. The first London bridge over the Thames was built of wood – and then rebuilt time and time again. Later, a stone bridge was constructed. By the 1350s there were nearly 200 houses and shops on top of the bridge, and the road across it was very narrow. It was very difficult for carriages, horses and people to move across the bridge. They often couldn't pass one another and had to spend hours on the bridge.

D. When the Thames flooded, it covered London with water. After a bad flood in 1953, people began to look for a way to control the river. In 1982 the Thames Barrier opened. When its gates are raised, they form a steel wall more than half a kilometre long across the Thames. It prevents flood water from reaching London. More than 90 times the Thames Barrier has saved the capital from flooding.

E. Nowadays, Tower Bridge is one of the most famous bridges in the world. The walkway between the two bridge towers provides a perfect sightseeing platform to enjoy a magnificent view over London. Inside the towers there is exhibition, which tells the history of the bridge via photos, films, and other media. Tower Bridge also performs its original function of providing a road across the River Thames.

F. In Britain, swans have privileged status. Since the 1100s, all unmarked swans on any public lakes or rivers in the country have belonged to the Crown. The swans on the River Thames are called Mute Swans. They have a bright orange beak with a black spot on the top. Every July, a special ceremony called “Swan Upping” takes place on the Thames at Windsor. All the swans are caught and their markings are checked and recorded.

G. nowadays, the River Thames is the cleanest river in the world that flows through a big city. This is a great achievement only fifty years ago because the river was so dirty and poisoned that it was declared biologically dead. Special plants to clean the water were built in the 1950s. Soon, special laws were issued to stop factories letting their dirty water go into the river. Strict government measures have saved the river.

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

Tasks 10 - 17

Read the text. Determine which of the following statements 10 17 correspond to the content of the text (1 true) which do not match (2 false) and what the text does not say, that is, on the basis of the text, neither a positive nor a negative answer can be given (3 not stated). In the answer field, write down one number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer.

Sports in Great Britain

It is interesting how many of today’s sports games originated in Britain – football, rugby, tennis, boxing, rowing and horse racing among them. Of course, horse racing was popular with the Greeks and Arabs long before the British began to put them into practice; and people had been playing football in one form or another for thousands of years all over the world. But it was the British who created special rules for these sports and sports games.

Football is a good example. In the Middle Ages people in Europe, Japan and Asia all played some forms of the game. A sort of football was also very popular in England, especially as a contest between villages. But at that time there were very few rules. When the students of English schools started to play football, the rules then became necessary. They were changed several times and by the middle of the 19th century football had become very much the game that we know and like today. By the way, the first serious football rules were written at Cambridge University.

A similar story can be told about some other sports. Why did this happen in Britain before other countries? There are some possible explanations: after the Norman invasion of 1066, Britain was quite a peaceful country. As a result people had time to develop sports. Later, after Britain's industrial revolution, English factories were based on highly organized work and strict time keeping. The same discipline was applied to sport. So uniforms, referees and punishments were introduced to football and other games. British authorities thought that team games were good training for future military and industrial careers.

Every country has its own list of favorite sports. What is the British list? There are lots of games apart from football. Schoolgirls, for example, play a game which seems a lot like basketball. It is called netball. Netball is different from basketball in many details: for example, the ball is lighter, the court is bigger and netball has seven players in each team (not five). There is something very strange about netball – it is never played by boys. There is no biological reason for this, it is simply a tradition. It is popular throughout the English-speaking world, and the Australians and New Zealanders usually win the competitions.

But the most famous and popular British sport is cricket. Cricket is an important part of English summer life. You can watch it all day on TV or even listen to it on the radio. News programs keep you up-to-date with the score. Men, when they meet, always exchange a few words about the state of the game.

One of cricket's distinguishing features is that the games are very long. In an ordinary game at a boys' school it takes up to a whole afternoon. But the big international games are up to five days long.

10. Football was the most popular game in the ancient world.


11. The rules for modern football were created in Great Britain.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


12. Allthe students had to play football and other team games at british schools.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


13. Basketball and netball are the same game under different names.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


14. Netball was invented in a British boarding school for girls.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


15. Teams from Great Britain always win the international netball competitions.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


16. The British mass media pay lots of attention to cricket.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


17. according to the rules, a game of cricket lasts no longer than an hour and a half.

Source: FIPI Open Bank, option 65

(1) A model of an atom with a silvery nucleus and electrons fixed in wire orbits stood on a rickety shelf supported by Zinochka Kryuchkova, a very small and very proud girl with a sharp face. (2) Around against the background of glass cabinets, diagrams and tables of the physical cabinet, a stormy life was in full swing.

- (3) Well, so no one will help hammer in a nail? Galya Vishnyakova, the most beautiful girl in the school, was indignant. (4) She, along with Zinochka, could not cope with the shelf in any way. - (5) Boys, I have already knocked off all my fingers.

(6) Lyosha would very deftly hammer this nail. (7) Not a great feat, but still it would be somehow easier: universal recognition could save him from the bitter feeling of loneliness. (8) But as soon as he approached the girls, how Gali again had a desire for independence. (9) She was clearly expecting something else. (10) And waited. (11) Hammer intercepted by a slender giant
in sweatpants - Vakhtang.

(12) Zinochka took pity on Lyosha.

- (13) Let this type beat - to console Lyosha, Zinochka
She nodded dismissively at Vakhtang—he is taller.

(14) Lyosha looked sadly as Vakhtang, having done a few
"warm-up" movements, hit with a hammer past the nail and jumped, blowing on
bruised fingers. (15) Forgetting about Lyosha, the girls laughed favorably: Vakhtang was forgiven everything.

(16) Lyosha walked away from them with a contemptuous gesture: “This shelf of yours is waist-deep.” (17) But the gesture did not help: the bitter feeling did not pass.

(18) And suddenly, in a beam of light falling from the window, Lyosha saw a new one. (19) From an inconspicuous girl, she has now turned into the most noticeable. (20) With glasses, chocolate brown from the southern tan, girl so
smiled at him that he even looked around.

(21) But no one else, to whom this smile could be intended,
was not nearby.

- (22) Is your name Lesha? the girl asked, and Lyosha realized that she had been watching him for a long time.

(23) Lyosha did not answer right away, because in such cases, as you know,
the invisible conductor gives a sign to the invisible violins, and to enter into the sounding
an orchestra is not easy for an unaccustomed person.

- (24) I remember, - Lyosha said carefully and, it seems, did not spoil anything.

- (25) Because I’m reading about Clairaut, and his name was Alexis.

- (26) And you are Zhenya Karetnikova, from Krasnodar, - Lyosha answered, fearing that the conversation would get stuck on the unknown Alexis.

- (27) I remember, - Zhenya said. (28) Gradually Lyosha realized that the orchestra was not performing so
difficult melody, that some liberties are possible in it, and that he, Lyosha,
also quite up to par.

- (29) Why do you look out the window all the time in class? Zhenya asked and went to Lyosha's window. - (30) What did you see there?

(31) Lyosha stood next to Zhenya.

(32) From the window they could see the large open pavilion "Fruits and Vegetables", located on the other side of the street. (33) Nearby, a glass telephone booth reflected the dazzling blue of the autumn sky.

- (34) Is it necessary to listen to what the teachers say in the lessons? - Lyosha asked with irony, which he had never been able to demonstrate to any girl.

- (35) If you didn’t come up with something new instead of: “I taught, but forgot.”

(36) Lyosha laughed.

- (37) These words must be carved in marble, - he said.

- (38) You can ... at my table ... (39) I am also sitting alone, Zhenya suggested. (According to M.G. Lvovsky *)

* Mikhail Grigorievich Lvovsky (1919-1994) - Russian Soviet songwriter, playwright, screenwriter.

2. Which answer option contains the information necessary for justification the answer to the question: “Why did Lyosha want so much to be noticed by his classmates?”

1)Around against the backdrop of glass cabinets, diagrams and tables of the physical office, a stormy life was in full swing.

2)Not a great feat, but still it would be somehow easier: universal recognition could save him from the bitter feeling of loneliness.

3)Lyosha did not answer right away, because in such cases, as you know, an invisible conductor gives a sign to invisible violins, and joining a sounding orchestra is not easy for an unusual person.

4)- Do you have to listen to what teachers say in class? - Lyosha asked with irony, which he had never been able to demonstrate to any girl.

3. In what version of the answer is the means of expressiveness of speech metaphor?

1)A model of an atom with a silvery nucleus and electrons fixed on wire orbits stood on a rickety shelf supported by Zinochka Kryuchkova, a very small and very proud girl with a sharp little face.

2)The hammer was intercepted by a slender giant in sweatpants - Vakhtang.

3)And suddenly, in a beam of light falling from the window, Lyosha saw a new one.

4)Gradually, Lyosha realized that the orchestra was not playing such a difficult melody, that some liberties were possible in it, and that he, Lyosha, was also quite up to par.


4. From sentences 24–25 write out a word in which the spelling prefixes depends on the deafness - the voicedness of the subsequent consonant.


5.From sentences 28–33 write down the word in which the spelling suffix not is determined by the general rule (is an exception).


6. Replace the spoken word "sadanul" in sentence 14 stylistically neutral synonymous. Write this synonym.


7. Replace the phrase "physical office", built on the basis of agreement, by a synonymous phrase with a connection control. Write the resulting phrase.


8. Write out grammatical basis suggestions 6.


9. Among sentences 21–26, find the sentence With homogeneous members . Write the number of this offer.


10. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers for the commas introductory words.

Lyosha did not answer immediately, (1) because in such cases (2) as is known, (3) the invisible conductor gives a sign to the invisible violins, (4) but join
into a sounding orchestra is not easy for an unusual person.

I remember (5) Lyosha said carefully and, (6) Seems, (7) Nothing
didn't spoil.

Because I’m reading about Clairaut, (8) and his name was Alexis.


11. Specify quantity grammar basics in sentence 7. Write down the answer in numbers.


12. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down a number indicating a comma between parts of a complex sentence related subordinating connection.

Lyosha looked sadly (1) like Vakhtang, (2) making a few "warm-up" movements, (3) hit with a hammer past the nail and jumped, (4) blowing on bruised fingers. Forgetting about Lyosha (5) the girls laughed benevolently: Vakhtang was forgiven everything.


13. Among sentences 26–29, find difficult sentence With homogeneous subordination adnexal. Write the number of this offer.


14. Among sentences 8–15, find unionless compound offer. Write the number of this offer.


15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous linguist A.A. Reformed: “What is it about a language that allows it to do it? leading role communication function? This is the syntax.Arguing your answer, give 2 (two) examples from the read text. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

15.2. Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the text fragment: “Lyosha did not answer right away, because in such cases, as you know, an invisible conductor gives a sign to invisible violins, and joining a sounding orchestra is not easy for an unusual person.” In your essay, give 2 (two) arguments from the read text that confirm your reasoning. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word LOVE? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay on the topic " What is true love”, taking as a thesis the definition given by you. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments confirming your reasoning: one example- give an argument from the read text, and second - from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Relevance: Format 2015

messed up


physics classroom

Lyosha would have scored

How are the security and objectivity of the USE ensured? Are the control measures for the participants of the national exam not too strict? Were there any leaks real tasks on the exam 2018? The correspondent of the "Social Navigator" talked about this with the head of the Department for assessing the quality of general education of Rosobrnadzor Igor Kruglinsky.

Igor Konstantinovich, the USE has become the personification of a single educational space in the country. His model is unique, like Russia itself - a country with ten time zones. What do you see as the main features and advantages of this model?

I will highlight the most important thing: a unified state exam throughout the territory Russian Federation and in foreign educational organizations (and the USE is held in more than fifty countries) is conducted according to the same technology and rules. In Nakhodka, the northern uluses of Yakutia, Sevastopol, Moscow, Washington or Addis Ababa, the model and technology of the exam are the same everywhere. They are clear, transparent and known to all.

All students who pass the exam are on an equal footing. This actually makes it possible to ensure the objectivity of the results obtained.

In 2018, the technology for printing control measuring materials at the examination points was fully implemented. How did this affect his information security?

Indeed, this year, all 5,500 examination sites (EPS), with the exception of those equipped at home, in hospitals and places of deprivation of liberty, all 50,000 classrooms themselves printed examination materials.

Previously, when we dealt with paper media, teachers or employees of municipal education authorities had to come to the regional center early in the morning or at night to pick them up. Overcoming the long distances separating the capital of the region and the examination points. So, to be in time by 7:30 in the morning, as provided for by the regulations. Now there is no such need.

Encrypted materials on CDs are delivered to the region, from where they can be delivered to municipalities or educational organizations in advance without being tied to the test date.

Another advantage of digital discs is that with their introduction, we have virtually eliminated the possibility of access to exam materials before the exam.

I would add one more component of safety applied this year. In more than half of the examination points, the forms with the answers of graduates were immediately scanned and sent, but already in electronic form, for processing. That is, now, after the exam, the chances of entering some information into the forms are equal to zero.

- Is the CD really unbreakable?

To decrypt it, two components are needed: a special key that only a member of the SEC has, it is called a token, and a password that comes to the PES half an hour before the start of the examination procedure.

This year's USE exam campaign is over, and you can start preparing for the new one. Will there be any technological innovations in the USE next year, 2019?

There will be no changes that will affect a large number of people. Every year we carry out regular improvement of technologies, imperceptible to non-specialists. Normal systematic work is underway within the framework of previously planned activities.

Don't you think that the techniques and methods used today to control violations during the exam are redundant? All these cameras, metal detectors, observers - is it really justified? Do they create too much stress for USE participants?

Technological control measures implemented at the examination points and regional information processing centers are subject to one single task - to provide equal conditions for graduates, to ensure an objective result of the exam.

Are these measures emergency? Moving around the city from home to work, I analyzed what I saw. He left the entrance - a camera hangs over his visor, went into the bus - he counted five cameras in the cabin.

I went down to the platform, went into the car - there are cameras again. At the entrance to the Rosobrnadzor building, the same thing. I'm not talking about the thorough searches in the security zone of the airport, which have become a familiar episode for everyone.

So, in my opinion, the influence of controls on the level of stress of USE participants is greatly exaggerated. If a graduate is ready for the exam, does not take cheat sheets or technical "prompters" with him, then he will not even pay attention to them.

How is the system for protecting control measuring materials (CMM) of the USE from leaks built? How will it be transformed in the future?

For CMM development unified state exam the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI) was established. And on its basis - special commissions for each subject. The members of these commissions work with the bank of tasks that have accumulated over the years of exams, develop new materials.

This happens in a specially equipped restricted access area, where you can not go with cell phones, use electronic media, and so on.

All the data that these people work with is clearly recorded in the log. The conditions are even tougher than at the Unified State Examination: experts sign for each leaflet issued to them. In the same FIPI there are special units that assemble options for the USE tasks of the current year. Then "commission" all this is encrypted and transferred to federal center testing.

Here we have our own electronic printing house that records materials on CDs. The zone is equipped with metal detector frames, video surveillance system. All actions of employees are recorded.

With such a scheme of work, the developers of KIM themselves do not know to which subject this or that examination option is directed.

The system for protecting the USE from information leaks is developing, but during the USE-2018 information appeared here and there that they were still there. Who needs it and why?

We hear about alleged leaks every year. This problem is also close to colleagues conducting national examinations abroad. There are many different resources on the Runet that are trying to sell either allegedly real versions of KIM, or answers to them, in order to make money on it.

During the examination period, a special KIM monitoring group operates on an ongoing basis on the Internet. Her analysis of "leaks" shows that these resources host either demo versions or selections made from an open bank of tasks. Finally, some incomprehensible experts' own developments also "leak out".

Having come to the exam with these materials, the graduate who decides to use them realizes that this is not at all the same. And besides, he runs the risk of being removed from the audience, which means losing an honestly deserved assessment of his real knowledge.

More specifically, this year, when information appeared on the Web about the posted individual tasks of control measuring materials, a special group was created at FIPI to investigate the incident. Specialists compared online publications with assignments from the closed part of the USE 2018 assignment bank. No matches found.

This suggests that the actual tasks that were used during the exam were not posted on the Web. Although there was enough noise about this for everyone. But what does this lead to?

Here I am, for example, a participant in the exam, tomorrow I have to take the exam. And the media report that the tasks of the upcoming have become available on the network. And so, instead of spending time preparing or having a healthy rest, I sit at the monitor all night trying to download options.

It would be better, in my opinion, to sleep peacefully and come to the exam cheerful, in a good mood, to demonstrate your real knowledge.

What technologies are planned to be used at the USE to develop existing assessment and monitoring procedures?

The array of developments in this area is significant and is regularly updated. Here, for example, are task models using a computer. We are talking about the use of interactive programming environments, interactive maps. About using the Internet to search for information about the activities of a certain historical figure. Or, for example, to work online with a map of a historical battle.

But all these tasks remain in the status of promising. Any innovation must undergo a public and professional discussion, approbation procedures. Readiness is very important educational organizations to innovation. After all, if, for example, in a geography lesson, children did not work with interactive maps, then, probably, it would be incorrect to check this skill at the final certification.

Let's dream. What will the USE look like in five, ten years? What will be its security system, measuring materials, technological and "household" design?

I don’t know, maybe I’ll disappoint you a little here, but I would say this: technology cannot step ahead of content. To begin with, we need to determine the content of the exam, what it will be like in five or ten years, and already impose a technological model on it.