The title of honorary teacher. List of Honored Teachers of the Russian Federation. Benefits for honorary workers of general education of the Russian Federation

One of the main directions of development and improvement of the quality of education is the use of the moral and material interest of employees. The awarding of a badge of distinction to a teacher is a recognition of his merits in the education and upbringing of students. There are two main types of awards: state and departmental.

Awards of the Ministry of Education

There are several departmental awards established by the Russian Ministry of Education, which are awarded for merit in the field of education.

Medal K.D. Ushinsky

This award, which appeared in 1999, has a long history. Its establishment was timed to coincide with the anniversary date. In 1946, the Soviet Union widely celebrated the 75th anniversary of the death of the outstanding Russian teacher Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky, who is considered the founder of pedagogy in our country.

The insignia appeared in May 1946. This happened after the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR. It was assumed that the medal would be awarded to teachers who distinguished themselves in the field of pedagogy. In addition, the basis for the award was the creation of good textbooks, and much more. The award could be received from the hands of the Minister of Education of the RSFSR.

There are many well-known personalities among the recipients. This is Professor Bradis, the creator of the famous tables, the children's writer Sergei Mikhalkov, the famous speech therapist S.S. Lyapidevsky.

Breastplate "Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation"

The sign was established by order of the department in January 1999. It is assumed that the most distinguished teachers, educators, other employees of educational institutions of various levels, including correctional institutions intended for orphans, etc., have the right to receive it.

The basis for encouragement is great achievements in the organization of education, introduction into the learning process modern technologies. In addition, the presentation is carried out for notable achievements in the practical training of students, and much more.

People encouraged by this sign are entitled to receive a monthly salary increase of up to 20%. The additional payment is made from the finances of the educational institution.

Badge "Honorary Worker of Primary vocational education Russia"

Established in the fall of 2004, employees of primary educational institutions, primary vocational education institutions, and some other persons are entitled to apply for the award. The reason for the award may be the achievements of the candidate in the organization educational process, merits in financial and economic work, etc.

Sign "Honorary worker of secondary vocational education of the Russian Federation"

Employees of secondary educational institutions, personnel of organizations of secondary vocational education can receive a similar badge, introduced in the fall of 2004. In addition, employees of other departments and enterprises can apply.

The grounds for promotion are similar to the above badges. There is also the award "Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation". The reasons for the award are the same.

Sign "Mercy and charity

Such an encouragement can be given to a person working in any scientific and educational institutions. They can have any form of ownership. In addition, persons working in education management structures and other organizations are awarded.

The award is made for the introduction modern forms education of students in combination with charitable activities. Among the holders of the sign are people who regularly hold various events with the participation of children, which are organized by the Ministry of Education, as well as persons who help educational institutions financially.

Sign "Honorary worker of science and technology of the Russian Federation"

This badge, established in the fall of 2004, is intended to reward the personnel of research institutes, research departments of higher educational institutions, people who work in education management structures, etc. you can get it for your contribution to research related to education, the development of new theories, the creation of modern scientific schools, and much more.

You can become the owner of the mark only if you have 15 years of work experience in a scientific institution. The award is a star with eight rays of a silvery shade. Persons who have such an award can count on a monthly 20 percent increase in salary. The payment is made from the funds of the institution.

Diploma of Honor of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

This type of promotion appeared in the fall of 2004. Applicants for obtaining a certificate are persons working in the structures of education management, educational institutions etc. The form of ownership can be any. To be encouraged, it is necessary to have merits in the activities of training scientific specialists, improving their qualifications, and much more.

Badge Honorary Worker of the Youth Policy of the Russian Federation

This award has been presented since autumn 2004. It is awarded to persons whose duties include working with youth. The reason for the encouragement is merit in the implementation of programs at various levels in the field of youth policy. The people who developed these programs are also noted. Rewarding is carried out for the introduction of modern forms of work with youth, some other achievements.

The holders of the mark have the right to claim financial incentives - an increase in salary, added from the organization's funds.

Gratitude of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

A similar form of moral stimulation appeared in October 2004. Employees of ministries, educational management organizations, scientific institutions can be marked with it. This can be done as an incentive for organizing various events that were held on the instructions of the Ministry of Education, for achievements in the field of labor, administrative, and other activities.

Some of the types of awards listed above require the applicant to comply with the conditions for seniority and qualifications. In particular:

  • To obtain the badge "Honorary Worker of General Education" you need 12 years of experience. In addition, the candidate must have the 1st or higher category.
  • A certificate of honor can be obtained with 5 years of experience.
  • To qualify for the badge "For Mercy and Charity" you need to work for at least 12 years.

State awards

In addition to the awards of relevant departments, there are also state awards, which are awarded to people whose place of work is educational institutions. They are considered the highest form of employee incentives and are awarded for notable achievements in the field of education.

In accordance with Presidential Decree No. 1099, signed in the fall of 2010, two ranks were introduced. These are the Honored Teacher of Russia and the People's Teacher of Russia. In addition, among the state awards, two awards can be named - Russian President and the Government.

"Honored Teacher"

The title of "Honored Teacher" is part of the state award system of our country. Its owner can be a teacher or lecturer with high professionalism and qualifications, who has significant merits in his work, thanks to which students receive in-depth knowledge. The basis is the timely detection and further development individual abilities of students, and much more.

The rank is accompanied by a breastplate made of silver, 40 × 30 mm in size. To obtain the title, the candidate must have at least 20 years of teaching experience. Another condition is the presence of an industry or departmental award, for example, a K.D. Ushinsky. The title is awarded on the basis of a presidential decree. Such a title existed in the days of the USSR. It was established back in 1940.

"People's teacher"

This title is considered today the highest form of distinction for people involved in pedagogical activities. It is assigned for outstanding achievements in development Russian education. The titles are awarded to people whose students have achieved excellent results in various fields.

A person can become a "people's teacher" no earlier than 10 years after he was awarded the previous title - "Honored Teacher". Usually a candidate for such an award has higher qualification. The corresponding Decree is signed by the President every year before Teacher's Day. Simultaneously with the assignment of the title to a person, a silver badge measuring 40 × 30 mm is awarded.

Public awards of the military historical and cultural center

Appropriate incentives are also founded by some public institutions. Among them is the center of history and culture under the Russian Government. The organization has established:

  • Sign "For active work on patriotic education Russian citizens". Such an honorary badge is awarded to persons for a significant contribution to the formation and strengthening of the patriotism of Russian citizens. It is also awarded for the implementation of programs for the development of patriotism.
  • "Patriot of Russia". This commemorative medal is awarded to people who have achieved notable achievements in their work on the education of patriotism, and some other merits.

There are also regional incentives. They are established by the Governor, as well as the Ministry of Education of a particular area. Among them are gratitude, diplomas, titles.

Benefits, incentives

People who have been awarded a presidential or government award, as well as persons who have become winners of the Teacher of the Year competition, can expect that when they reach retirement age, they will be paid an additional amount of money along with their pension.

Such material remuneration is assigned according to the relevant law of Russia No. 21, which provides for additional payments to persons who have great achievements in front of the country. In order for payments to begin to be made, a person must apply with an appropriate application. The amount of the additional amount is 330 percent of the base part of the pension. It is paid together with the labor pension.

All people encouraged by state or departmental awards have the right to receive benefits provided by Russian law. For example, to get a "Veteran of Labor", you need to be the owner of some award, a title received at the time Soviet Union or after the formation of the Russian Federation, as well as the insignia of the department. The same law contains a list of all awards that can serve as a basis for obtaining a veteran title.

In addition to the forms of encouragement listed above, a person can become a "veteran" if he has the status of "Honored Teacher", as well as some Soviet awards. Among them is the title of "Excellent worker of public education." The badge of the Central Council of the All-Union Pioneer Organization "For Active Work with the Pioneers" is taken into account. Certificates of honor of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR and the specialized trade union committee are taken into account.

In addition, departmental badges for long-term productive activity in the relevant profile are taken into account. Do not count towards promotions that were founded various companies, military units, and public organizations. Veteran title is not given for VDNKh medals either.

How the award is made

All events during which the education workers of our country are awarded have their own peculiarities. First of all, an award order signed by the head of the institution is issued. The document details exactly what merits were the reason for the promotion this employee. The exact type of award is indicated. All employees of the educational institution must be familiar with the document.

For granting for State awards, it is required to proceed from the accepted ratio. You can imagine one person out of a thousand employees of an educational institution. For the awards of the Ministry of Education, a different proportion is presented by one employee out of a hundred.

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original name

Honored Teacher Russian Federation


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A country Type To whom is awarded

teachers and lecturers

Who is awarded

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Grounds for awarding

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Statistics Options

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Date of establishment First award Last award

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Number of awards

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senior award

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Junior Award

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Honorary title "Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation" included in the state award system of the Russian Federation.

Grounds for assignment

The title of "Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation" is awarded to highly professional teachers and lecturers general education schools, colleges, lyceums, gymnasiums, institutions primary education and institutes for training and advanced training of educators for personal merit:

  • V pedagogical activity providing students and pupils with high-quality general education;
  • in identifying and developing the individual abilities of students and pupils, revealing their scientific and creativity;
  • in the preparation of winners of regional, all-Russian and international olympiads;
  • in the scientific, methodological and methodological improvement of the educational process and educational standards, in creating innovative teaching aids, programs and author's methods;
  • in the training and retraining of qualified teaching staff.

The honorary title "Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation" is awarded, as a rule, not earlier than 20 years from the start of implementation. teaching activities and if the person presented for the award has an industry award (honorary badge, industry honorary title or medal of K. D. Ushinsky) of the federal government body or government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Order of assignment

Honorary titles of the Russian Federation are awarded by decrees of the President of the Russian Federation on the basis of submissions made to him as a result of consideration of the application for awarding and the proposal of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation for state awards.

Title history

The honorary title "Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation" was established on December 30, 1995 No. 1341 "On the Establishment of Honorary Titles of the Russian Federation, Approval of the Regulations on Honorary Titles and Description of the Badge for Honorary Titles of the Russian Federation" to replace the previous "Honored Teacher of the School of the RSFSR", which existed since 1940 . The same decree approved the original Regulations on the honorary title, which stated:

The honorary title "Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation" is awarded to highly professional teachers, lecturers, educators and other employees preschool institutions, educational institutions of all kinds, institutions of additional (out-of-school) education, orphanages, institutions of primary, secondary vocational education, institutions of higher teacher education, institutes for advanced training of educators, educational authorities, research institutes of the education system for merits in pedagogical and educational activities that ensure that students and pupils receive in-depth knowledge, develop and improve their creative potential, in the creation of innovative teaching aids, programs, author's methods, participation in the scientific and methodological support of the educational process and working in the specialty for 15 years or more.

In its present form, the Regulations on the honorary title were approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 7, 2010 No. 1099 "On measures to improve the state award system of the Russian Federation".

Chest sign

The breastplate has a uniform form for honorary titles of the Russian Federation and is made of silver 40 mm high and 30 mm wide. It has the shape of an oval wreath formed by laurel and oak branches. The ends of the branches crossed at the bottom are tied with a bow. On the top of the wreath is the State Emblem of the Russian Federation. On the front side, in the central part, a cartouche with an inscription - the name of the honorary title - is superimposed on the wreath.

On the reverse side there is a pin for attaching the badge to clothing. The badge is worn on the right side of the chest.

Transition period

In Russia, before the adoption of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 30, 1995 No. 1341, legal acts on the establishment of honorary titles of the RSFSR were in force. After changing the name of the state from "Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic" to "Russian Federation" (see Law of the RSFSR of December 25, 1991 No. 2094-I), the name "RSFSR" in the names of all honorary titles was replaced by the words "Russian Federation", such Thus, from 1992 to 1996, the same type of honorary title of the RSFSR, which existed since 1940, was awarded with the identical modern name “Honored School Teacher of the Russian Federation”.

see also

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An excerpt characterizing the Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation

The door opened, and Caraffa stood on the threshold again. But now he seemed very dissatisfied with something. And I could roughly guess what ... Caraffa was no longer sure of his victory. This worried him, since he had only this, the last chance.
- So, what did you decide, madonna?
I gathered all my courage not to show how my voice was trembling, and quite calmly said:
“I have already answered this question for you so many times, Holiness! What could have changed in such a short time?
There was a feeling of fainting, but, looking into Anna's eyes shining with pride, all the bad things suddenly disappeared somewhere ... How bright and beautiful my daughter was at that terrible moment! ..
“You are out of your mind, madonna!” Can you really just send your daughter to the basement? .. You know perfectly well what awaits her there! Come to your senses, Isidora!
Suddenly, Anna came close to Caraffe and said in a clear clear voice:
– You are not a judge and not God!.. You are just a sinner! That's why the Ring of Sinners burns your dirty fingers!.. I think it's not by chance that you are wearing it... For you are the meanest of them! You won't scare me, Caraffa. And my mother will never obey you!
Anna straightened up and... spat in Papa's face. Caraffa turned deathly pale. I have never seen anyone turn pale so quickly! His face literally turned ash gray in a split second ... and death flashed in his burning dark eyes. Still standing in the "tetanus" from Anna's unexpected behavior, I suddenly understood everything - she deliberately provoked Karaffa so as not to pull! .. To quickly solve something and not torment me. To go to my death myself... My soul was twisted with pain - Anna reminded me of the girl Damiana... She decided her fate... and I could not help. Couldn't interfere.
– Well, Isidora, I think you will greatly regret it. You are a bad mother. And I was right about women - they are all the devil's creation! Including my poor mother.
– Excuse me, Your Holiness, but if your mother is the offspring of the Devil, then who are you then?.. After all, you are flesh of her flesh? – sincerely surprised by his delusional judgments, I asked.
- Oh, Isidora, I have long ago destroyed this in myself! .. And only when I saw you, a feeling for a woman awakened in me again. But now I see that I was wrong! You are just like everyone else! You are terrible! .. I hate you and your kind!
Caraffa looked crazy ... I was afraid that this could end for us with something much worse than what was planned at the beginning. Suddenly, abruptly jumping up to me, the Pope literally yelled: - "Yes", or - "no"?! .. I ask you for the last time, Isidora! ..
What could I answer this insane person? .. Everything has already been said, and I could only remain silent, ignoring his question.
“I give you one week, madonna. I hope that you still come to your senses and feel sorry for Anna. And myself ... - and grabbing my daughter by the arm, Karaffa jumped out of the room.
I just now remembered that I need to breathe ... Dad so dumbfounded me with his behavior that I could not come to my senses and kept waiting for the door to open again. Anna mortally insulted him, and I was sure that, moving away from a fit of anger, he would definitely remember this. My poor girl! .. Her fragile, pure life hung by a thread, which could easily be cut off by the capricious will of Caraffa ...
For a while, I tried not to think about anything, giving my inflamed brain at least some respite. It seemed that not only Caraffa, but with him the whole world I knew had gone crazy... including my brave daughter. Well, our lives were extended for another week... Could anything have been changed? In any case, at the moment there was not a single more or less normal thought in my tired, empty head. I stopped feeling anything, stopped even being afraid. I think that's how people who went to their deaths felt...
Could I have changed anything in just seven short days, if I had not been able to find the “key” to Caraffa for four long years? .. In my family, no one ever believed in chance ... Therefore, hoping that something unexpectedly bring salvation - it would be the desire of the child. I knew there was no help to be found. Father clearly could not help if he offered Anna to take her essence, in case of failure ... Meteora also refused ... We were alone with her, and only we had to help ourselves. Therefore, I had to think, trying to the last not to lose hope, that in this situation it was almost beyond my strength ...
The air began to thicken in the room - the North appeared. I just smiled at him, feeling neither excitement nor joy, because I knew that he had not come to help.
- Greetings, Sever! What brings you back…?” I asked calmly.
He looked at me in surprise, as if not understanding my calmness. He probably did not know that there is a limit to human suffering, which is very difficult to reach ... But having reached, even the worst, it becomes indifferent, since even fear does not remain strong ...
“I'm sorry I can't help you, Isidora. Is there something I can do for you?
No, Sever. Can not. But I'll be glad if you stay by my side... I'm glad to see you," I answered sadly and, after a pause, added: "We got one week... Then Caraffa, most likely, will take our short lives. Tell me, are they really worth so little?.. Will we leave just as easily as Magdalene left? Is there really no one who would cleanse our world, the North of this nonhuman? ..
– I didn’t come to you to answer old questions, my friend... But I must confess that you made me rethink a lot, Isidora... You made me see again what I tried hard to forget for years. And I agree with you - we are wrong... Our truth is too "narrow" and inhuman. It suffocates our hearts... And we become too cold to correctly judge what is happening. Magdalena was right when she said that our Faith is dead... Just as you are right, Isidora.
I stood dumbfounded staring at him, unable to believe what I was hearing!.. Was it the same, proud and always right North, which did not allow any, even the slightest criticism of his great Teachers and his beloved Meteora? !!
I did not take my eyes off him, trying to penetrate his pure, but tightly closed from everyone, soul ... What changed his opinion, which had been established for centuries?! What prompted you to look at the world more humanely? ..
“I know I surprised you,” Sever smiled sadly. “But even the fact that I revealed myself to you will not change what is happening. I don't know how to destroy Caraffa. But our White Magus knows this. Do you want to go to him again, Isidora?

Stakeholders are interested in what merits the title of an honorary worker of general education of the Russian Federation is awarded and whether it carries benefits. Let's take a look at these questions in this article. Let's start with what laws regulate the assignment of the title and what is its connection with the status of "Veteran of Labor".

General provisions

Title "Honorary Worker"- This is an award badge, which encourages employees of education. This is an industry non-material award, the presence of which entitles you to certain privileges. She is given out for many years of work, achievements and innovations in the educational industry.

Such an honorary title gives its owner the right to receive other worthy awards, including:

  • the title of "Honored Teacher";
  • title "Veteran of Labor".

The first of the above awards is given to teachers with 20 years of experience and personal contribution to the general education industry. The second title is guaranteed to retired applicants who have received the additional Gold Sign award.

All conditions for conferring the title of "Honorary Worker" are enshrined in the Regulations "On Distinctive Titles in the Field of Science and Education." This set of rules is enshrined in government order No. 84 of October 6, 2004.

For what merits is the status of "Honorary Worker" awarded?

The title of "Honorary Worker of the General Educational Sphere" is awarded to teachers for a twelve-year period of continuous work and special achievements in their field.

Personal contribution - actions aimed at:

  • getting students a better education;
  • revealing the potential, talent of students;
  • preparation of winners of regional olympiads for participation in regional and global competitions;
  • creation of copyright educational methods, scientific programs, feature articles and other materials.

Attention! Upon retirement, an honorary worker can apply for the status of "Veteran of Labor" and receive all the privileges due to this category of citizens, provided that he has earned the "Golden Badge".

Compensation for honorary employees

It should be noted that the salary of a teacher depends on many factors, including experience and position, category and level of qualification. Industry honorary titles entitle applicants to an additional cash bonus. Its size is determined at the regional level and approved by local acts of the educational institution.

Contracts establishing the amount of the premium:

  • collective agreement;
  • payment statement;
  • employment contract.

The local authorities themselves determine the level of additional payments for award bearers, on average, the following percentages are set:

  • 10% for honorary workers;
  • 15-20% - honored teachers;
  • 10%, education staff can count on this level;
  • 10% other MO awards.

Other allowances due to teachers are charged on the rate, taking into account the additional payment for the honorary title. Consequently, the basic part of teachers' earnings increases. In rural areas, the same calculation scheme applies, where all related surcharges are charged to the rate after the bonus for the title of an honorary worker.

The status of "Honorary Worker" does not give its owner any additional benefits at the level of the Federation of the Russian Federation. But local authorities are free to establish other general privileges for teachers in their region. These can be additional vacation days, regional surcharges, discounts on utilities, travel benefits.

Honorary worker and labor veteran, what is the connection?

The presence of the status of "Honorary Worker", and in the future the mark "Golden Badge of Distinction of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation" entitles the teacher to the title of "Veteran of Labour". It occurs when you reach retirement age. This possibility is guaranteed by Art. 7 of the Federal Law "On Veterans" (draft dated January 12, 1995). This bill also stipulates all types of benefits that are guaranteed to veterans. Consequently, honorary teachers can count on them in the future.

Attention! Honorary titles are awarded to teachers, if they have higher education in the field of education.

Benefits for honorary teachers in retirement

So, the distinctions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation give applicants the right to other honorary statuses. Upon reaching retirement age, the holder of the title "Honorary Worker of Education" can apply for the status of "Veteran of Labor". To do this, he needs to go to the department of social protection and submit an application. You need to confirm your right with a package of approved documents.

Already having a “Veteran of Labor” certificate guarantees all its holders in Russia the right to such benefits as:

  • free travel in urban modes of transport;
  • the right to free services, including treatment in the healthcare industry;
  • 50% discount on utility bills;
  • vacation at any time of the year chosen by the veteran;
  • production/repair of dentures for free.

Above, we have listed the benefits that all holders of the status of an honorary worker can use in the future. They operate throughout the country. But at the regional level, there are additional privileges for veterans of labor, it is necessary to clarify their list and conditions of provision at the social security departments at the place of residence.

Reader questions

  • Question number 1: Do I understand correctly that in order to receive the status of “Veteran of Labor” in retirement, is it enough for me to receive the award badge “Honorary Worker” or do I still need the title of “Honored Teacher”? Answer: in 2018, to receive a veteran of labor if I have one only the "Honorary Worker" award will fail. Until the end of June 2016, there really was such an opportunity, but from July 1, a different procedure began to operate. The right to veteran pension benefits is assigned only to carriers who need to receive the "Golden Badge of Distinction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation."
  • Question No. 2: Who approves the Golden Sign for teachers and does it give the right to additional benefits? Answer: The governor of the region decides whether to award the applicant the title of "Gold Sign" and the documents are sent for approval. This award sign does not give any additional federal benefits. Regions themselves can establish privileges for its owners. But, this difference gives a person an important advantage - the opportunity to obtain the status of "Veteran of Labor" in retirement and receive all the benefits that this category of the population is entitled to.

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In education, as in other industries, employees are awarded honorary titles for many years of work or special achievements in the profession. Along with non-material forms of encouragement, in the form of certificates and badges, they also provide for other forms of public recognition.

Consider what benefits are provided for honorary workers of general education in the Russian Federation.

Who are given these titles?

Since October 2016, teachers of the main and additional education in the Russian Federation, the title of "Honorary Worker in the Sphere of Education" is awarded.

You can get it for many years of conscientious work with children (at least 12 years in a row) or for significant services to the industry.

The badge of a special sample serves as confirmation. In the future, holders of this title can also receive a higher one: “Honored Teacher”.

This will require not only an industry award, but also 20 or more years of teaching experience, as well as personal contribution:

  • to receive a high quality education;
  • in revealing the abilities and potential of students;
  • in the preparation of winners of subject Olympiads from the regional to the international level;
  • in creating copyright educational programs and methods, scientific and methodological materials.

Additional payments to honorary and meritorious employees

The salary of teachers and employees of additional professional education depends on such parameters as position, length of service, skill level (rank and category), workload, education.

Honorary industry titles of the Russian Federation give honored teachers of Russia the right to a cash bonus.

Its specific size is established by local acts of the institution itself:

  • collective agreement;
  • Regulations on wages;
  • employment contract with a teacher.

The minimum amounts of surcharges are set in the regions. Today, in most of them, teachers with industry awards or titles can count on the following increases, established from paying the rate at 18:00:

  • Honored teachers - 15-20%;
  • Excellence in education - 10%
  • Honorary workers - 10%;
  • awarded with other awards MO - 10%.
The rate, which includes these surcharges, serves as the basis for calculating all other surcharges. Thus, the base part of the earnings of honored workers increases. IN countryside additional payments are also tied to the amount of the increased salary.

Other benefits

Unfortunately, there are practically no additional benefits other than an increase in wages, the legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for honorary and honored workers in the educational sphere. But they can be installed at the regional or local level. For example, in the form extra days holidays or other benefits.

In a number of cases, honorary titles and other awards, together with the experience worked in the field of education, give grounds to apply for the title of “Veteran of Labor” and all the benefits associated with it.

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The state award system of the Russian Federation is the highest form of rewarding citizens for services to the Fatherland. Such employees of the public sector as the military, doctors, educators, cultural figures and teachers can apply for it.

Teachers are awarded the title of Honored Worker of the Russian Federation for special merits in the upbringing and enlightenment of the younger generation. To receive this award, a specialist must meet a number of criteria. Let's consider them in more detail.

Who is entitled to the title

The following categories of professionals can apply for the title of Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation:

  • teachers and teachers of various educational institutions;
  • additional education teachers;
  • educators in preschool institutions;
  • university professors.

One of the important grounds for conferring an award is the applicant's higher education.

The titles can be awarded to persons with undeniable merits in such areas as:

  • pedagogical activity that guarantees high level students' knowledge;
  • work to reveal the internal potential, talents and abilities of students;
  • disclosure of the scientific potential of pupils;
  • preparation of winners of various educational Olympiads;
  • creation of author's methods, implementation innovative technologies in the educational process;
  • improvement and adaptation of the existing curriculum in accordance with the current picture of the day;
  • publication of textbooks and manuals in the profile direction;
  • training of new teaching staff.

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It should be noted that the minimum experience for conferring the title of "Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation" is 20 years.

The basis for the award is also the presence of other distinctions in the professional field. Such a sign can be a D. Ushinsky medal or an industry title.

After conferring the highest professional award, a professional gets access to a number of benefits and state subsidies. Some of them are relevant from the moment of accepting the title, others become available only upon reaching retirement age.

What are the Benefits of a Distinguished Teacher?

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 1997, persons awarded the title of "Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation" can apply for an increase in their basic salary. The exact amount of payments is determined at the regional level and can only be accrued if the teacher has at least 18 working hours per week.

The size of the additional payment should not be less than 15% of the teacher's salary. Also, the assignment of a title is the basis for increasing the labor category of a teacher.


After retirement, persons with the title of "Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation" also receive the "Veteran of Labor of the Russian Federation". The latter guarantees its owner to receive state subsidies in the form of monthly cash payments or social benefits.

Social benefits include:

  • free travel on public transport upon presentation of the certificate "Veteran of Labor";
  • free health care in public clinics, including prosthetics;
  • reduction of utility tariffs by 50%;
  • in the period from September to May, a reduction in the cost of travel by air and water transport by 50%;
  • for employed veterans, the provision of vacations at a convenient time for them.

At the request of the applicant, the above benefits can be converted into UDV (monthly cash payments). Cash grants will be paid to the pensioner for common grounds along with the basic pension.

How to issue

He himself or his leadership can present the teacher for the title. To do this, it is enough to provide a portfolio and a registration package of documents to the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that manage education and science.

After consideration of the application at the regional level, it will be redirected to the federal Commission under the President of the Russian Federation for state awards.

Members of the Commission consider the portfolio of applicants, get acquainted with their biography and professional merits, and make a decision on conferring the title of Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation. The list of awarded teachers is submitted to the President of the Russian Federation for signature.

The Head of State issues decrees on the appointment of the honorary title to the indicated persons.

What documents are needed

To apply for the title of Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, the following documents must be prepared:

  • 2 photocopies of an identity card (name sheet and registration address);
  • 2 photocopies of the work book (all pages, including tabs with marks of difference);
  • a double set of photocopies of documents confirming the presence of other award signs (for example, a copy of the certificate of the owner of the D. Ushinsky medal);
  • letters of recommendation from management;
  • photocopies of the diploma of higher professional education;
  • a double set of photocopies of documents confirming the availability of author's methodological materials, other developments;
  • portfolio.

The portfolio is compiled in any form, but must contain the following information about the applicant:

  • biographical information (date, place of birth, etc.);
  • education data;
  • data on labor activity;
  • information about professional activities (including work on teaching materials, collections, teaching aids, author's methods, etc.).

Depending on the basis on which the person is presented to state award, you must specify a list of achievements that correspond to this basis. Let's consider them in more detail:



1 Providing education at a high level.
  • the presence of the highest qualification category, the term of which does not expire in the year of application;
  • consistently high USE results for students;
  • consistently high results for students in state literacy tests.
2 Identification of individual abilities of pupils, disclosure of their intellectual potential.
  • the presence among the students of winners of olympiads, festivals, exhibitions and other competitions, the upbringing and preparation of which was carried out by the declared teacher;
  • the presence of students who take an active part in extracurricular profile training
  • the presence of graduates who entered the university in the direction associated with the profile training of the declared teacher;
  • the presence of graduates who have taken place in the professional field in the profile subject of the teacher.
3 Preparation of winners of school Olympiads at the regional and federal levels. the presence of winners among students for the current 5 years of work.
4 Scientific and methodological improvement of educational standards, updating the educational process.
  • availability of author's methods, programs, teaching aids;
  • availability of publications on specialized topics;
  • participation in the activities of methodological commissions.
5 Training, retraining of teachers.
  • experience in mentoring young professionals;
  • membership in attestation training commissions;
  • regular training of specialists (lectures, master classes, presentations);
  • the title of laureate / winner of competitions in professional excellence and preparation.

If a teacher has several reasons, his chances of getting the title of "Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation" increase.

This award cannot be re-received. In the case of illegal, criminal acts, the teacher is deprived of this title and the corresponding benefits.