Addition and subtraction for children 4 years old. Synopsis of the femptem lesson: “Addition and subtraction. Entertaining activities on the math board

Subject: Addition.


  1. to form an idea of ​​addition as a union of groups of objects, of adding addition using the + sign;
  2. to form the experience of independently overcoming difficulties under the guidance of a teacher on the basis of a reflexive method, the experience of self-control, to consolidate the method of action “if I don’t know something, I’ll think of it myself, and then I’ll check myself according to the textbook”;
  3. to train the ability to identify and name the properties of objects, the ability to compare objects by properties;
  4. train mental operations - analysis, comparison, generalization, abstraction, develop attention, memory, speech, imagination, logical thinking, initiative, creativity, communication skills, fine motor skills hands

Materials for the lesson


  1. 3 transparent plastic bags.
  2. Models of apples and pears.
  3. Worksheet for the work of the educator for task 3.1.
  4. Cards for the designation of wagons for task 5.1.
  5. Sample task 5.2(a).
  6. Sample task 5.2 (b).


  1. Broken vase game (1 vase for each child). All vases are the same, cut differently.
  2. Worksheet for task 3.1.
  3. Ticket cards for boarding the tram for task 5.1.

Lesson progress

1. Introduction to the game situation.

Didactic tasks: to motivate children to be included in game activities, to update children's knowledge about the world around them, to develop speech.

Children sit on chairs.

The teacher gathers the children around him and says that mother asked Tanya and Vanya to go to the store with her. While mom was getting ready, Tanya and Vanya started a game of tag.

Do you think the kids did the right thing?

What games can not be played at home?


The teacher says that during the game, Tanya and Vanya dropped their mother's favorite vase and broke it.

The teacher invites the children to correct the situation.

How can I do that? (You can glue the vase.)

Do you want to help Tanya and Vanya glue the vase together?

Can you do it?

2. Updating knowledge

2.1. Broken vase game.

Didactic tasks:

  1. To update the idea of ​​the whole and its parts, the relationship between them, the ability to make a whole out of parts;
  2. Train mental operations - analysis and comparison, develop attention, speech, communication skills.

Children of 4-6 people approach the table, on which there are images of vases cut into two parts (for each). All parts are mixed.

The teacher says that the vase has broken into 2 parts, and offers to help Tanya and Vanya fold the vase in two parts. Each child must fold one vase.

After all the children have completed the task, the teacher asks the question:

How many pieces was the vase broken into? (For 2 parts.)

Show one part, another part.

What did you do to make the vase whole? (We put the pieces together.)

What is larger - a whole vase or any part of it? (A whole vase is larger than any part of it.)

2.2. The game "In the store."

Didactic tasks:

  1. Update ideas about the action of adding groups of objects;
  2. Train mental operations - analysis and comparison, develop memory, speech, imagination.

Children sit on a chair on the carpet. The teacher invites one of the girls to become Tanya for a while, and one of the boys - Vanya. The teacher gives these children a transparent plastic bag. The teacher will be a mother, who will also have a package.

The teacher says that after the children glued the vase together, they went to the store with their mother. Mom bought Tanya a pear (the teacher puts a pear in Tanya's bag). Vanya's mother bought an apple (the teacher puts an apple in Vanya's package). Mom didn't buy anything for herself.

What parts did the whole purchase consist of? (One part is an apple, the other part is a pear.)

Near the house, the children met their father, who came home from work early to go to the zoo with the children.

Do you think it's ok for children to bring freshly bought fruit with them?

If the children answer in the affirmative, you need to ask them if it is possible to eat with dirty hands, is it possible to eat unwashed fruits?

Children can offer to feed animals in the zoo with these fruits.

What is written on the cages in the zoo? (Feeding the animals is prohibited.)

Why do you think this can't be done?

Tanya and Vanya decided to put the fruits in their mother's bag and go to the zoo with their bags.

The teacher puts the fruits in the third bag and brings result: parts (points to small bags) folded , connected, combined into a whole (points to a large bag).

3. Difficulty in a game situation.

  1. Game letter to grandma.

Didactic tasks:

  1. Clarify children's ideas about the action of addition and create a motivational situation for writing addition using the + sign;
  2. To form an experience under the guidance of an educator of fixing the difficulty, understanding its causes and goal-setting experience;
  3. Develop attention, imagination, logical thinking, speech.

Children sit at the tables and work on the sheet for task 3.1.

The teacher says that the brother and sister want to write to their grandmother and tell them what they bought in the store and how they then put everything in their mother's bag.

What did mom buy Tanya? (Pear.)

Draw a yellow apple in one small bag.

What did mom buy Vanya? (Apple.)

Draw a green triangle in another small bag.

What did the children do next? (They put everything in my mother's bag.)

The teacher clarifies: parts of the purchase folded, united into one.

The teacher says that in order to show addition, it is not necessary to pour the parts together - you can put an icon between the parts that tells you that the parts are folded.

What sign can we write?

We must bring them to the fact that we do not know how the sign of addition is written.

What will we do if we don't know something? (You can ask someone who knows.)

4. Discovery of new knowledge.

4.1. The game "Letter to Grandma" (continued).

Didactic tasks:

  1. Clarify the meaning of addition and introduce the notation of addition using the + sign;
  2. Train self-control skills, mental operations - analysis, comparison, generalization, develop imagination, logical thinking, initiative, creativity, speech, fine motor skills of hands.

Who knows this sign?

After the children's answers, the teacher writes a + sign on the board between small bags and says that the addition action is indicated by such a sign. Children write the + sign in their notebooks.

What turned out to be in mom's big bag after the children put the parts of the purchase there? (Apple and pear.)

Draw an apple and a pear in a big bag.

Children draw in their notebooks, the teacher - on the blackboard.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to two small bags with a sign between them and to a large bag.

In the first case, we put the parts together and got the whole with the help of a sign, and in the second case, we put the parts in one package and also got the whole.

We got two integers.

Do you think these integers are equal? (Equal.)

Why do you think so? (Because two small bags contain an apple and a pear, and one large bag contains the same apple and pear.)

How can this be checked? (Hold magic strings.)

What sign can be put between the small bags and the big one? (Sign =.)

The teacher writes an equal sign on the board, the children write in notebooks.

Show parts of the purchase.

Show the whole purchase.

The caregiver does conclusion :

  1. The plus sign says that the parts (points to small bags) folded, connected, combined into a whole (points to a large bag);
  2. The equal sign indicates that two parts added together equal the whole.

5.Inclusion of new knowledge in the child's knowledge system.

5.1. Game "Tram".

Didactic tasks:

  1. To consolidate ideas about the action of addition and its recording using the + sign;
  2. Train mental operations - analysis and comparison, develop attention, imagination.

The teacher invites the children to go to other stores with Tanya and Vanya.

What can you drive around the city?

Children list city transport. Take, for example, the tram.

In order to get on the right tram, each child receives a card on which two bags are drawn with geometric shapes and the + sign between them. Each bag should contain one figure.

The teacher distributes tickets to the children.

On the chairs, standing in different places of the group, there are cards with large bags with geometric shapes drawn on them. Each child must complete the addition and go to the "tram" on which the corresponding number is located, that is, the result of the addition.

The task is checked individually for each child. Ticket cards are taken from children.

We've arrived. Our stop.

5.2. Work in a notebook.

Didactic tasks:

  1. To consolidate ideas about the action of addition and its recording, to train the ability to add groups of objects and write it down using the + sign;
  2. Train self-control skills, mental operations - analysis and comparison, develop attention, memory, speech, fine motor skills of hands.

No. 1. Children sit at the tables. The teacher offers to consider the task.

What store did the brother and sister go to? (To the bakery.)

What did Tanya bring from the bakery? (3 bagels.)

Is it the whole purchase or part of it? (Part.)

What was Vanya carrying? (Baton is the other part.)

The teacher asks the children to complete the addition.

What sign was placed between the bags so that it was clear that bagels and a loaf should be folded? (+ sign.)

How will you do the addition?

The children, together with the teacher, say: first, in a large bag, I will draw the first part, that is, 3 circles, then the second part, that is, 1 oval.

How to check if the addition is correct? (You need to draw magic strings.)

What sign should be placed between the small bags and the big bag? (Sign =.)

The children check the correctness of the task according to the model that the teacher sets.


Sometimes the goats wanted the same dinner, sometimes, like this time, everyone dreamed of their own dinner.

What does the goat on the left want for lunch? (Watermelon and yellow apple.)

What does the goat on the right want for dinner? (Melon and red apple.)

What should you do to find out what you need to bring to your brother goats for dinner? (It is necessary to add both parts of the dinner.)

Children do the addition on their own.

6. The result of the lesson.

Didactic tasks: conduct a reflection of the activity in the lesson.

The teacher gathers the children around him.

Where have you been today?

What did you do that was useful?

What new knowledge gave you the opportunity to write a letter to your grandmother, get on the right tram, feed the goats?

The teacher helps the children formulate the answer: because we have learned to add groups of objects.

Greetings to all readers of my blog. Mathematics for preschoolers is a very broad concept. Let's first talk about the stages of development of preschool children, we will understand what activities are suitable for each age. Then I will share with you some fun DIY tasks that are easy to prepare with your own hands. I will share a wonderful math game that you can download. And I will give my feedback on the notebooks with examples that my child is using.

All photos in this article will enlarge when you click on them.

The age of preschoolers is of course different, and the possibilities in mathematics for a three-year-old child will be very different from a five-year-old. Everything that will be described in this article, you can change to the level of your child.

Preschool age - stage mental development child in the age range of 3 to 7 years. It includes three periods:

  1. Jr preschool age- from 3 to 4 years;
  2. average preschool age - from 4 to 5 years;
  3. senior preschool age - from 5 to 7 years.

All parents know that the more interesting the training is, the more the child is aware of it. Mathematics is not equally easy for everyone, so it is in this subject that attention should be paid to interactive classes. It doesn’t matter if these are games, tasks, logical tasks, you need to try to make them pass in an interesting form for a preschooler. To set the baby up for a lesson, you can spend a fun physical education session with him.

An entertaining game - Cooking pancakes

I'll start with a game that was a big hit with my son, who is now 4 years 11 months old. It took me 10 minutes to prepare the material.

I needed:

  • Thick cardboard;
  • marker;
  • scissors;
  • an object helping to draw a circle;
  • kitchen spatula.

I took a sheet of cardboard from the box, which I cut into circles. These are our pancakes, I even gilded their edges with a marker. I wrote examples on the front side, and on reverse side answers. The child is invited to cook delicious pancakes for mom, but they will be tasty only if he gives the correct answer.

I was an active participant in this entertaining game in mathematics and, of course, reacted violently to the quality of the cooked fritters. I will say that while watching the child, I realized another skill that is being practiced here. It took a while for my preschooler to flip the pancakes with a kitchen spatula. Be sure that this fun game also develops coordination of movements.

After all the pancakes were ready, Alexander decided to continue the game according to his own rules. He took the rest of the box and informed me that it was my plate. Gently with a kitchen spatula, the child transferred all the pancakes to an imaginary plate. Then mom had to eat them. That's when I got to know the memory of my son! He offered to try each circle by calling it a different name.

- Mom, this is a kulebyaka with rice, meat and a little fried onion. And this is a rum baba with chocolate sauce.

And so with all 12 mugs that I was offered to taste. The interesting thing is that the child never ate those dishes that he called. He learned about them from the books we read and from classes in English or French.

Entertaining activities on the math board

When I saw this video on YouTube, I really wanted to do something similar, and I was not mistaken! My son found this kind of math very entertaining.

I had a board in stock, which was bought to work with plasticine, but was not used for its intended purpose. Its color is brown and I decided not to paint it with black paint. The preparation of the game was 5 minutes.

I needed:

  • Thin plank;
  • hammer;
  • stationery carnations;
  • crayon;
  • rubber bands.

As you can see from the photo, we have used this board many, many times. At first I wrote examples only for addition, then only for subtraction, then I began to alternate them.

Math for preschoolers with a board, as well as with a game of pancakes, has great potential. In both cases, the mother can write examples according to the level of knowledge of her own child. The board can be easily used with two children - erased, wrote for the second. In addition to mathematical abilities, we train fine motor skills with rubber bands and carnations. And most importantly, that the training takes place in an entertaining way and the child enjoys it.

Entertaining tasks - Collect the flower

My son loves stationery cloves. Having made the board described above, I realized that the child's interest would be even greater if he himself had to stick the carnations. Already having the practice of such activities, I took a piece of foam, it does not leave marks from the tip and can be used many times. It took 15 minutes to make the material.

I needed:

  • colored paper;
  • a piece of foam;
  • stationery carnations;
  • chenille wire;
  • hot gun;
  • marker,
  • mitten for rubbing the machine (you can get by with colored paper).

At the time of the lesson, we had prepared cores 80, 90 and 100. The child is offered one core and many petals and leaves. A preschooler is quite capable of finding examples whose answer is the number written in the center. Thus he collects the flower.

For entertaining tasks you can make petals for addition, subtraction, in the future I plan to do multiplication and division. It all depends on the level of the preschooler in mathematics.

I advise you not to make each flower a different color, otherwise the child will simply collect the color scheme without bothering to count.

Here is a finished flower that can be easily disassembled and you can collect the next one. I complete the numbers as much as possible and keep all the paper pieces in a zip bag.

Our mathematics for preschoolers in games is described. I highly recommend reading about mobile and board games.

Auxiliary material for Zaitsev's table

Many people use the Zaitsev table and there comes a moment when the parent is already denied the fantasy of its entertaining use. We have, though not for long, an auxiliary table. It took me 10 minutes to make it.

I needed:

  • A sheet of colored paper;
  • marker;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • laminator (you can take cardboard, then the laminator is not needed).

Having measured the size of the compartments on the Zaitsev table, I drew five rectangles. The middle remains open. The numbers on the left, right, top and bottom open in the form of windows. The child is invited to put an open window on any number chosen by him, and try to count what numbers are in the other four windows.

I had an idea to make the same entertaining table the next day, only with numbers -2, +2, -20, +20. I would need to flip a sheet of colored paper horizontally to fit the windows. But this was not necessary, as Alexander stated:

- Mom, this is a stupid game!

Here's the trend I've been seeing over the past few months. My son is very fond of cartoons that he watched as a kid and is happy to review them. He loves books that we read a couple of years ago and periodically asks to re-read them. Even toys for kids attract Alexander's attention, he can ask where his pyramid is, because he wants to collect it. But! If in mathematics I give my preschooler tasks that he easily completes, then they are not interesting to him. So, under a stupid game, he meant “Mom, what's there to count!”.

Nevertheless, I think that some parents will like the idea, and they will be able to diversify the classes on the Zaitsev table with their children.

Math for preschoolers - download game

My son brought a board game from the lyceum where he studies. They were tiny hand-drawn cards, apparently by the caregivers. But I really liked the meaning of the game and I decided to make it good quality for my subscribers.

for older preschool children

Goals and objectives: to consolidate the ability to add and subtract; to form the concepts of what is "plus" and what is "minus"; develop attention, memory; to cultivate a desire to perform actions, to go towards the goal, to bring the work begun to the end.

Materials and equipment: Dunno, plus and minus cards, 3 large square modules and 2 small square modules, counting material: 5 apples and one hedgehog for each child.


Guys, today we will talk with you ... (knock on the door) - Who is this? (includes "Dunno" and a hedgehog).

“Dunno”, - Hello guys, I was in such a hurry to visit you that I fell and everything was messed up in my head, I didn’t show you some strange signs so that you could help me figure out what it was, and since I mixed everything up, I I probably won't understand anything! (cries).

“Educator”, - Guys, maybe we can help our “dunno” to figure out what kind of signs he has?

(Children's answers.)

(The teacher shows the children "plus", "minus".)

Guys, do you know these signs? - What are their names? (plus and minus)

Well done boys! - And what helps us to make a "plus"? ("Plus" can add one number to another.)

What does "minus" do? (“Minus” can subtract one number from another.)

Well done, right!

"Educator", Dunno, do you understand what these signs are? (Yes.)

Guys, let's first show the "dunno" how to add objects to each other?

Children, look, there are 5 squares in front of you, look carefully at them and tell me what are their differences?

(3 large squares and 2 small squares.)

Well done, right!

Guys, how much will it be if we subtract 3 large squares from 5 squares? (2 small squares.)


If we subtract 2 small squares from 2 small squares, how much will it be? (That's right, 0 squares.)

And if we subtract 1 large square from 5 squares, how many squares will remain? (There will be 2 large squares and 2 small squares.)

Well done, right!

And now let's try to add squares, what sign will we put? ("Plus.)

Well done! All right!

Danil will try to come to me and add 1 more small square to the 1st small square! - How many Danilos, will there be a total of squares? (get 2 small squares) - Well done, right!

Now you need to add 3 large squares to 2 small squares, how many squares will you get? (a total of 5 squares will turn out) - Well done!

And the last task, listen carefully: add 1 large square to 2 large squares, will it work? .. (3 large squares)


“Educator”, “Dunno”, did you understand everything, what are the plus and minus signs for?

“Dunno”, yes, I understood everything, “plus” is needed in order to add, and “minus” in order to take away, right guys? (Yes).

"Educator", well, guys, now let's have a little rest and spend a physical with you. wait a minute:

Here are my helpers (Hands forward).

Turn them however you want.

Twisted, turned

And they wanted to work.

One two three four five,

We all know how to write

We can also rest

Put your hands behind your back

On toes higher, higher

And breathe more calmly.

(2 times)

Well done, sit down at the tables! - Each of you, look, has 5 apples, and one hedgehog, now you are "Dunno", we will give you tasks, and you will do it, you just need to listen very carefully, otherwise nothing will come of us! - Fine? - Well, then listen:

1st task:

The hedgehog needs to put 5 apples on his needles, and the hedgehog crawled home while he was crawling, he lost 2 apples, guys, how many apples did the hedgehog have left on the needles? (the hedgehog has 3 apples left on its needles). - Well done, right! The hedgehog crawls further, and has lost 2 more apples, how many apples does the hedgehog have left? (One apple.)

Well done!

Guys, in such a situation, what kind of plus or minus sign can be put? (minus).

Why? (Because the hedgehog was losing apples on the way back home.)

Well done! Right!

2nd task:

The hedgehog was very upset that he had lost apples on the way and decided to return and find the lost apples, so he crawled and found 2 apples at first, and how many apples did he have? (now the hedgehog has 3 apples), crawled further and found another apple, how many apples did the hedgehog have now? (the hedgehog has 4 apples).

Guys, what sign was used now? ("plus").

Well done! Right!

Guys, but the hedgehog crawled to the place from where he started his journey, and he didn’t find any more apples, how many apples does he miss? (one apple) - Why is one apple not enough? (Because when the hedgehog started his journey, he had 5 apples, and now he has 4 apples.)

What do you think needs to be done?

(Add one apple.)

Where are we going to get it if it's not there?

(Let's draw.)

Fine! Let's!

3rd task:

Look, each of you has a white apple on the table, let's color it with you and give it to our hedgehog so that he does not get upset!

Get to work!

(Each child colors their apple and hangs it on their hedgehog.)

"Dunno" - Well done, guys, you coped with my tasks, and everyone helped me remember! Thank you very much! Now I can go back to my home! Goodbye, guys!

"D" - Goodbye "Dunno" and a hedgehog!

"Educator" - Guys, now let's remember what we did today?

Who came to visit us?

What is plus and minus?

If we add, what sign is needed?

What if we take it away?

What did we color today?

Why did we do it? (helped the hedgehog get his apple back).

(Children's answers.)

Well done! Today you have completed all the tasks! Did you enjoy helping the "dunno" and the hedgehog?

You can be free! Go play!

Why do I call mine easy way and even surprisingly light? Yes, simply because I have not yet seen a simpler and more reliable way to teach kids to count. You yourself will soon see this if you use it to teach your child. For a child, this will be just a game, and all that is required from parents is to devote a few minutes a day to this game, and if you follow my recommendations, then sooner or later your child will definitely begin to count against you. But is this possible if the child is only three or four years old? It turns out it's quite possible. Anyway, I've been doing it successfully for over a decade.

I describe the entire learning process below in great detail, with a detailed description of each educational game, so that any mother can repeat it with her child. And, in addition, on the Internet on my site "Seven Steps to a Book" I posted videos of fragments of my activities with children to make these lessons even more accessible for playback.

First, a few introductory words.

The first question that arises in some parents is: is it worth it to start teaching a child to count before school?

I believe that it is necessary to teach a child when he shows interest in the subject of education, and not after this interest has faded away. And interest in counting and counting appears early in children, it only needs to be slightly nourished and imperceptibly complicate games day by day. If for some reason your child is indifferent to counting objects, do not tell yourself: "He has no inclination for mathematics, I also lagged behind in mathematics at school." Try to arouse this interest in him. Just include in his educational games what you have missed so far: counting toys, buttons on a shirt, steps when walking, etc.

The second question is: what is the best way to teach a child?

You will get the answer to this question by reading here the full presentation of my methodology for teaching mental counting.

In the meantime, I want to warn you against using some teaching methods that do not benefit the child.

"In order to add 3 to the 2nd, you must first add 1 to the 2nd, you get 3, then add another 1 to the 3rd, you get 4, and finally add 1 more to the 4th, as a result there will be 5" ; "- In order to subtract 3 from 5, you must first subtract 1, leaving 4, then subtract another 1 from 4, leaving 3, and finally, subtract another 1 from 3, as a result, 2 will remain."

This, unfortunately, common method develops and reinforces the habit of slow counting and does not stimulate the mental development of the child. After all, counting means adding and subtracting at once in whole numerical groups, and not adding and subtracting one by one, and even by counting fingers or sticks. Why is this method not useful for a child so common? I think because it's easier for the teacher. I hope that some teachers, having familiarized themselves with my methodology, will refuse it.

Do not start teaching your child to count with sticks or fingers and make sure that he does not start using them later on the advice of an older sister or brother. Learning to count on fingers is easy, but hard to unlearn. While the child is counting on his fingers, the memory mechanism is not involved, the results of addition and subtraction in whole numerical groups are not stored in memory.

And finally, in no case should you use the one that appeared in last years line counting method:

"In order to add 3 to the 2nd, you need to take a ruler, find the number 2 on it, count from it to the right 3 times in a centimeter and read the result 5 on the ruler";

"To subtract 3 from 5, you need to take a ruler, find the number 5 on it, count from it to the left 3 times by a centimeter and read the result 2 on the ruler."

This method of counting, using such a primitive "calculator" as a ruler, seems to have been deliberately invented in order to wean a child to think and remember. Rather than teach counting like this, it’s better not to teach at all, but to immediately show how to use a calculator. After all, this method, just like a calculator, excludes memory training and slows down the mental development of the baby.

At the first stage of teaching oral counting, it is necessary to teach the child to count within ten. We need to help him firmly remember the results of all the options for adding and subtracting numbers within ten, just as we adults remember them.

At the second stage of training, preschoolers master the basic methods of addition and subtraction in their minds. two-digit numbers. The main thing is no longer automatic extraction from memory ready-made solutions, and understanding and memorizing the ways of addition and subtraction in the next tens.

Both at the first and at the second stage, the teaching of oral counting takes place with the use of elements of the game and competitiveness. With the help of learning games arranged in a certain sequence, not formal memorization is achieved, but conscious memorization using the visual and tactile memory of the child, followed by fixing each learned step in the memory.

Why do I teach oral counting? Because only mental counting develops the memory, intelligence of the child and what we call ingenuity. And this is exactly what he will need in the future. adult life. And writing "examples" with long reflection and calculation of the answer on the fingers of a preschooler does nothing but harm, because. makes you think fast. He will solve examples later, at school, practicing the accuracy of design. And ingenuity must be developed in early age, which is facilitated by oral counting.

Even before starting to teach the child to add and subtract, parents should teach him to count objects in pictures and in kind, to count the steps on the stairs, the steps on the walk. By the beginning of learning mental counting, a child should be able to count at least five toys, fish, birds, or ladybugs and at the same time master the concepts of "more" and "less". But all these various objects and creatures should not be used in the future for teaching addition and subtraction. Teaching mental counting must begin with the addition and subtraction of the same homogeneous objects, forming a certain configuration for each of their numbers. This will allow the child's visual and tactile memory to be used when memorizing the results of addition and subtraction in whole numerical groups (see video file 056). As a manual for teaching mental counting, I used a set of small counting cubes in a counting box (detailed description - below). And to fish, birds, dolls, ladybugs and other objects and creatures, the children will return later, when solving arithmetic problems. But by this time, adding and subtracting any numbers in their minds will no longer be difficult for them.

For convenience of presentation, I divided the first stage of training (counting within the first ten) into 40 lessons, and the second stage of training (counting in the next tens) into another 10-15 lessons. Don't let too many lessons scare you. The breakdown of the entire course of study into lessons is approximate, with prepared children I sometimes go through 2-3 lessons in one lesson, and it is quite possible that your kid will not need so many lessons. In addition, these classes can be called lessons only conditionally, because. each is only 10-20 minutes long. They can also be combined with reading lessons. It is advisable to do it twice a week, and it is enough to devote 5-7 minutes to doing homework on other days. Not every child needs the very first lesson, it is designed only for children who do not yet know the number 1 and, looking at two objects, cannot say how many there are without first counting with their fingers. Their training must be started practically from scratch. More prepared children may start immediately from the second, and some from the third or fourth lesson.

I conduct classes at the same time with three children, no more, in order to keep the attention of each of them and not let them get bored. When the level of preparation of children is somewhat different, you have to deal with them in turn different tasks, all the time switching from one child to another. At the initial lessons, the presence of parents is desirable so that they understand the essence of the methodology and correctly perform simple and short daily homework with their children. But it is necessary to place the parents so that the children forget about their presence. Parents should not interfere and scold their children, even if they are naughty or distracted.

Lessons with children in oral counting in a small group can begin at about the age of three, if they already know how to count objects with their fingers, at least up to five. And with their own child, parents may well engage in initial lessons using this method from the age of two.

Initial lessons of the first stage. Learning to count within five

For initial lessons you will need five cards with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and five cubes with a rib size of about 1.5-2 cm installed in a box. As bricks, I use "knowledge cubes", or "learning bricks" sold in educational game stores, 36 cubes per box. For the entire course of study, you will need three of these boxes, i.e. 108 cubes. For the initial lessons, I take five cubes, the rest will be needed later. If you can’t pick up ready-made cubes, then it will not be difficult to make them yourself. To do this, you just need to print a drawing on thick paper, 200-250 g / m2, and then cut out blanks of cubes from it, glue them in accordance with the available instructions, fill them with any filler, for example, some kind of cereal, and paste over the outside with adhesive tape. It is also necessary to make a box for placing these five cubes in a row. It is just as easy to glue it from a pattern printed on thick paper and cut out. At the bottom of the box, five cells are drawn according to the size of the cubes; the cubes should fit freely in it.

You have already understood that learning to count at the initial stage will be done with the help of five cubes and a box with five cells for them. In this regard, the question arises: why is the method of learning with five counting cubes and a box of five cells better than learning with five fingers? Mainly by the fact that the teacher can cover the box with his palm from time to time or remove it, due to which the cubes and empty cells located in it are very soon imprinted in the child's memory. And the child's fingers always remain with him, he can see or feel them, and there is simply no need for memorization, the stimulation of the memory mechanism does not occur.

You should also not try to replace the dice box with counting sticks, other counting items, or dice that are not lined up in the box. Unlike cubes lined up in a box, these items are arranged randomly, do not form a permanent configuration, and therefore are not deposited in memory in the form of a memorable picture.

Lesson #1

Before the lesson, find out how many cubes the child is able to determine at the same time, without counting them one by one with his finger. Usually, by the age of three, children can tell immediately without counting how many cubes are in the box, if their number does not exceed two or three, and only a few of them see four at once. But there are children who can only name one thing so far. In order to say that they see two objects, they must count them, pointing with their finger. For such children, the first lesson is intended. The rest will join them later. To determine how many cubes the child sees at once, put alternately in the box different amount cubes and ask: “How many cubes are in the box? Don’t count, tell me right away. Well done! And now? And now? Children can sit or stand at the table. Place the cube box on the table next to the child, parallel to the edge of the table.

For the tasks of the first lesson, leave the children who can only identify one cube so far. Play with them one by one.

  1. Game "Put the numbers to the cubes" with two cubes.
    Put a card with the number 1 and a card with the number 2 on the table. Place the box on the table and put one die in it. Ask the child how many cubes are in the box. After he answers "one", show him and say the number 1 and ask him to put it next to the box. Add a second cube to the box and ask them to count how many cubes are now in the box. Let him, if he wants, count the cubes with his finger. After the child says that there are already two cubes in the box, show him and name the number 2 and ask him to remove the number 1 from the box, and put the number 2 in its place. Repeat this game several times. Very soon, the child will remember what two cubes look like and will begin to name this number immediately, without counting. At the same time, he will remember the numbers 1 and 2 and will move the number to the box corresponding to the number of cubes in it.
  2. Game "Gnomes in the house" with two dice.
    Tell your child that you will now play the game "Gnomes in the house" with him. The box is a make-believe house, the cells in it are rooms, and the cubes are the gnomes who live in them. Put one cube on the first cell to the left of the child and say: "One gnome came to the house." Then ask: "And if another one comes to him, how many gnomes will be in the house?" If the child finds it difficult to answer, put the second cube on the table next to the house. After the child says that now there will be two gnomes in the house, let him put the second gnome next to the first on the second cell. Then ask: "And if now one dwarf leaves, how many gnomes will remain in the house?" This time your question will not cause difficulty and the child will answer: "One will remain."

Then make the game harder. Say: "Now let's make a roof for the house." Cover the box with your palm and repeat the game. Every time the child says how many gnomes were in the house after one came, or how many of them were left in it after one left, remove the roof-palm and let the child add or remove the cube himself and make sure his answer is correct . This helps to connect not only the visual, but also the tactile memory of the child. You always need to remove the last cube, i.e. second from the left.

Elena Galimullina
"Addition". Abstract of a lesson in mathematics in the form of a game

Subject: Addition

Type classes: intellectual and developing.

View classes: formation of elementary mathematical representations.

Conduct form: a game.

Integration of educational regions: "knowledge", "communication", « Physical Culture» , "socialization", "work", "artistic creativity".


1. Form an idea of ​​addition how to combine groups of objects, about recording sign addition«+» ;

2. Train the ability to identify and name the properties of an object, the ability to compare objects by properties;

3. Train mental operations - analysis, comparison, generalization, abstraction, develop attention, memory, speech, imagination, logical abilities, communication skills.


Learning tasks:

1. motivate children to be included in gaming activities;

2. to update the idea of ​​the whole and its parts, the relationship between them, the ability to make a whole out of parts;

3. update ideas about action addition of groups of objects;

4. clarify children's idea of ​​​​action sign addition«+» ;

5. form notion of commutative property additions;

6. consolidate ideas about action additions and its notation with the sign «+» .

Development tasks:

Create conditions for development logical thinking, ingenuity, attention.

Contribute formation mental operations, the development of speech, the ability to argue their statements.

Educational tasks:

To cultivate independence, the ability to understand the educational task and perform it independently.

Cultivate interest in math lessons.

Methods and materials:

Practical: game, physical minute, drawing (draw and color, actions with posters.

Visual: looking at a poster, using illustrations.

verbal: teacher's story, conversation, dialogue, indication, questions.

Game: use of surprise moments.

Encouragement, analysis classes.

Material and equipment:

Posters, pencils, workbooks.

Lesson progress:

1. Entry into the game situation.

The teacher puts the children at the tables and tells that today we will play. To do this, we need to split into commands: 1st row is one team, 2nd row is the second team.

So guys, this morning I found a letter on the table that is addressed to children. senior group. Let's open it up and see what's inside. Oh, there's a letter. I wonder who it's from? Let's read it and everything will become clear to us. Dear guys, this is a letter from the girl Tanya and the boy Vanya, they ask us to help them.

Guys, can we help Tanya and Vanya? (Yes)

That's what happened to them, mom asked Tanya and Vanya to go with her to the forest for mushrooms. While mom was getting ready, Tanya and Vanya started a game of tag.

Do you think the kids did the right thing? (No)

Why do you think so? (because you shouldn't play mobile games at home) games)

1st task:

The teacher says that during games Tanya and Vanya dropped their mother's favorite vase and broke it.

Let's fix this, guys.

How can I do that? (you can glue the vase)

Would you like to help Tanya and Vanya glue the vase together? (Yes)

The teacher says that the vase has broken into 2 parts, and offers the children make a vase in 2 pieces. One person from each team must stack one vase.

After the children complete the task, the teacher asks question:

How many pieces was the vase broken into? (for 2 parts)

What did you do to make the vase whole? (We put together parts)

What is larger - a whole vase or any part of it? (a whole vase is larger than any part of it)

The teacher says that after the children glued the vase, Tanya and Vanya went to the forest with their mother. Tanya found 3 mushrooms in the forest, and Vanya found 2 mushrooms. Before going home, Tanya and Vanya decided put mushrooms in mother's bag.

The teacher puts the mushrooms in the third bag and brings total: parts (points to small bags) folded united, united into a whole (points to the big bag).

2nd task:

How many mushrooms did Tanya find?

A child comes out of team 1 and attaches 3 mushrooms to a small bag.

How many mushrooms did Vanya find?

A child comes out of the second team and attaches 2 mushrooms to another small bag.

What did Tanya and Vanya do then? (put everything in my mother's bag)

The teacher clarifies: find parts folded into one.

The teacher tells that in order to show addition, it is not necessary to pour the parts together - you can put an icon between the parts, which indicates that the parts are folded.

Which icon shows which parts folded(+)

3rd task:

Now guys, let's get some rest.

Get up from the tables.

We are waiting for a physical minute!

Get up quickly, smile

Higher, higher stretch

Come on, straighten your shoulders

Raise, lower

Left, turn right

Touch the floor with the handles

Sit, get up, sit down, get up

And they jumped in place.

4th task:

Tanya ate 4 small apples, and then one large apple. Vanya ate one big apple, and then 4 small apples. But it seemed to Tanya that Vanya ate more apples and they quarreled. Guys, let's help Tanya and Vanya, and count how many apples each of them ate, for this we need to solve an example and attach as many apples as they ate.

1. 4 apples + 1 apple = 5 apples,

2. 1 apple + 4 apples = 5 apples.

So, they ate 5 apples each and they have nothing to quarrel about. Now they have reconciled and thank you guys for your help.

Conclusion: if at addition swap the parts, the whole does not change.

5th task:

This time, Tanya and Vanya were reading a book and saw that the author of the book had made a mistake.

Can you guys fix the bug? (Yes)

The teacher invites one person from each team and explains the task.

On the poster, a group of pictures, determine who or what is superfluous?

1. chicken

2. bell

Well done guys, you did great.

6th task:

And I read the following exercise:

The teacher invites one person from each team and explains the task.

On the poster, a group of pictures must be given common name for these pictures. Tanya and Vanya find it difficult, help them guys.

1. insects

2. trees

Well done guys, you got the job done.

7th task:

Let's see what next task Tanya and Vanya have prepared for us?

The teacher invites one person from each team and explains the task.

The next task is called: "Draw and color".

Well done, this task did not cause any difficulties for you either.

Guys, you have completed all the tasks. Tanya and Vanya are very grateful to you for your help. Guys, did you like our class?

Today all the children worked well, but they were especially active...

And Tanya and Vanya, in gratitude to you for your help, left this chest. Shall we look into it?

Look, these are sweet treats!