The development of thinking in children examples. Features of thinking of secondary school students. Verbal - logical thinking

Anastasia Kondratieva
Thinking: forms, properties, types, methods of development in children

Thinking- the process of mediated and generalized cognition (reflection) of the surrounding world. Its essence is in reflection: 1) general and essential properties of objects and phenomena, including those properties that are not perceived directly; 2) essential relationships and regular connections between objects and phenomena.

Basic forms of thinking

There are three main forms of thinking: concept, judgment and inference.

A concept is a form of thinking that reflects the general and, moreover, essential properties of objects and phenomena.

Each object, each phenomenon has many different properties, signs. These properties, features can be divided into two categories - essential and non-essential.

Judgments reflect the connections and relationships between objects and phenomena of the surrounding world and their properties and features. A judgment is a form of thinking that contains the assertion or denial of a position regarding objects, phenomena or their properties.

Inference is a form of thinking in which a person, comparing and analyzing various judgments, derives a new judgment from them. A typical example of inference is the proof of geometric theorems.

Properties of thinking

The main properties of human thinking are its abstractness and generalization. The abstractness of thinking lies in the fact that, thinking about any objects and phenomena, establishing connections between them, we single out only those properties, signs that are important for solving the question we are facing, abstracting from all other signs, in this case we not interested: listening to the explanation of the teacher in the lesson, the student tries to understand the content of the explanation, highlight the main thoughts, connect them with each other and with their past knowledge. At the same time, he is distracted from the sound of the teacher's voice, the style of his speech.

The abstractness of thinking is closely related to its generalization. Highlighting the most important aspects, connections and relationships that are essential from one point of view or another, we thereby focus our thoughts on the general thing that characterizes entire groups of objects and phenomena. Each object, each event, phenomenon, taken as a whole, is unique, as it has many different sides and signs.

Types of thinking

In psychology, the following simple and somewhat conditional classification of types of thinking is common: 1) visual-effective, 2) visual-figurative, and 3) abstract (theoretical) thinking. There are also intuitive and analytical thinking, theoretical, empirical, autistic and mythological thinking.

Visual-active thinking.

In the course of historical development, people solved the problems that confronted them, first in terms of practical activity, only then did theoretical activity stand out from it. Practical and theoretical activities are inextricably linked.

Only as practical activity develops does it stand out as a relatively independent theoretical mental activity.

Not only in the historical development of mankind, but also in the process mental development for each child, the starting point will be not purely theoretical, but practical activity. It is within this latter that children's thinking first develops. In predo school age(up to three years inclusive) thinking is mainly visual and effective. The child analyzes and synthesizes cognizable objects as he practically separates, dismembers and reunites, correlates, connects with each other these or those objects perceived at the moment with his hands. Inquisitive children often break their toys in order to find out "what's inside."

Visually- creative thinking.

In its simplest form, visual-figurative thinking occurs mainly in preschoolers, i.e., at the age of four to seven years. The connection between thinking and practical actions, although they retain, is not as close, direct and immediate as before. In the course of the analysis and synthesis of a cognizable object, the child does not necessarily and by no means always have to touch the object that interests him with his hands. In many cases, systematic practical manipulation (action) with the object is not required, but in all cases it is necessary to clearly perceive and visualize this object. In other words, preschoolers think only in visual images and do not yet master concepts (in the strict sense).

Distracted thinking.

On the basis of practical and visual-sensory experience, children at school age develop, at first in the simplest forms, abstract thinking, that is, thinking in the form of abstract concepts.

Mastering concepts in the course of mastering the basics by schoolchildren various sciences- mathematics, physics, history - is of great importance in the mental development of children. The formation and assimilation of mathematical, geographical, physical, biological and many other concepts in the course of school education is the subject of numerous studies. The development of abstract thinking in schoolchildren in the course of assimilation of concepts does not at all mean that their visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking now ceases to develop or disappears altogether. On the contrary, these primary and initial forms of all mental activity continue to change and improve as before, developing together with abstract thinking and under its influence.

Intuitive and analytical thinking.

Analytical thinking is characterized by the fact that its individual stages are clearly expressed and the thinker can tell another person about them. An analytically thinking person is fully aware of both the content of his thoughts and their constituent operations. Analytic thinking in its extreme form takes the form of careful deductive (from general to particular) inference.

Intuitive thinking is characterized by the fact that it lacks clearly defined stages. It is usually based on a folded perception of the whole problem at once. The person in this case arrives at an answer, which may be right or wrong, with little or no awareness of the process by which he got that answer. Therefore, the conclusions of intuitive thinking need to be verified by analytical means.

Intuitive and analytical thinking complement each other Through intuitive thinking, a person can often solve problems that he would not solve at all or, at best, would solve more slowly through analytical thinking.

theoretical thinking.

Theoretical thinking is thinking that does not lead directly to practical action. Theoretical thinking is opposed to practical thinking, the conclusion of which is, in the words of Aristotle, an act. Theoretical thinking is guided by a special attitude and is always associated with the creation of a specific "theoretical world" and the drawing of a fairly clear boundary between it and the real world.

empirical thinking.

There are at least three vital functions of empirical thinking.

First, empirical thinking provides a person with an awareness of similar and different. The most important task thinking in a collision with an infinite variety of sensually given properties and relations of things consists in their separation, in focusing on similar and different, in highlighting general idea about items.

Secondly, empirical thinking allows the subject to determine the measure of similarity and difference. Depending on practical everyday tasks, a person can define the same objects, phenomena, situations as more or less similar and different.

Thirdly, empirical thinking makes it possible to group objects according to generic relations, to classify them.

Ways to develop thinking

The development of visual - effective thinking of children.

By the age of 5-6, children learn to perform actions in their minds. The objects of manipulation are no longer real objects, but their images. Most often, children present a visual, visual image of an object. Therefore, the thinking of the child is called visual-effective.

For the development of visual-effective thinking, the following methods of working with children should be used:

1) Teaching the analysis of a visual image (an adult can draw the child's attention to individual elements of objects, ask questions about similarities and differences).

2) Learn to determine the properties of objects (children do not immediately understand that different objects may have similar properties; for example: “Name 2 objects that have three features at once: white, soft, edible”).

3) Learning to recognize an object by describing possible actions with it (for example, riddles).

4) Learning to find alternative ways of acting (for example, "What if you need to know the weather outside?").

5) Learning to compose plot stories.

6) Learning to draw logical conclusions (for example, "Petya is older than Masha, and Masha is older than Kolya. Who is the oldest?").

Development of logical thinking of children.

To develop the logical thinking of preschool children, the following techniques are used:

1) Teaching the child to compare objects (for example, "Find 10 differences in the following pictures").

2) Teaching the child to classify objects (for example, the game "What is superfluous?").

3) Teaching the child to search for the same properties or signs of objects (for example, among toys, invite the child to find 2 identical ones).

Development of logical thinking of children of primary school age:

1) The use of exercises aimed at developing the ability to divide objects into classes (for example, “Read the words (lemon, orange, plum, apple, strawberry) and name the berries and fruits”).

2) Formation of the ability to define concepts.

3) Formation of the ability to highlight the essential features of objects.

Thinking acts mainly as a solution to problems, questions, problems that are constantly put forward before people by life. Solving problems should always give a person something new, new knowledge. The search for solutions is sometimes very difficult, so mental activity, as a rule, is an active activity that requires focused attention and patience. The real process of thought is always a cognitive process.


1. Brief psychological dictionary / ed. A. V. Petrovsky, M. G. Yaroshevsky. - Rostov-ND, 1998.

2. Gippenreiter Yu. B. Introduction to general psychology: Tutorial/YU. B. Gippenreiter. - M. : Omega L, 2006.

3. Tertel A. L. Psychology. Course of lectures: Textbook / A. L. Tertel. – M. : Prospekt, 2006.

4. Diagnosis and correction of the mental development of preschoolers: Textbook / Ed. Ya. L. Kolominsky, E. A. Panko. - Mn., 1997.

5. Uruntaeva G. A. Workshop on child psychology: Textbook / G. A. Uruntaeva, Yu. A. Afonkina. - M .: Education, 1995.

A special process of cognition of the world around a person is thinking. Preschool children quickly go through stages of development, which is reflected in the development of types of thinking.

Characteristics of thinking

Thinking is one of the main psychological processes. Its formation has been well studied. It has been proven that it is closely related to speech. And it has the following features:

As the child matures and socializes, improvement occurs nervous system and thinking. For their development, you will need the help of adults who surround the baby. Therefore, from the age of one, you can start classes aimed at shaping the cognitive activity of children.

Important! It is necessary to consider with what objects and how the child is ready to work. Taking into account the individual characteristics of children are selected educational materials and assignments.

Features of thinking of this age group are determined by the following:

  • generalization - the child is able to compare and draw conclusions about similar objects;
  • visibility - the child needs to see facts, observe various situations in order to form his own idea;
  • abstraction - the ability to separate features and properties from the objects to which they belong;
  • concept - a representation or knowledge about a subject related to a specific term or word.

Systematic development of concepts occurs already at school. But groups of concepts are laid down earlier. Along with the development of abstraction in children, there is a gradual mastery of inner speech.

Types of mental activity in preschoolers

IN preschool age children are able to acquire knowledge about the world around them. The more they know the synonyms and characteristics of objects, the more developed they are. For children of the preschool stage of development, the ability to generalize, to establish connections between objects is the norm. At 5–7 years old, they are more inquisitive, which leads to numerous questions, as well as independent actions to discover new knowledge.

Types of thinking characteristic of children before school:

  • visual-effective - prevails at the age of 3-4 years;
  • figurative - becomes active in children older than 4 years;
  • logical - mastered by children aged 5-6 years.

Visual-effective thinking involves the child observing visually different situations. Based on this experience, chooses the desired action. At 2 years old, the baby's action occurs almost immediately, he goes by trial and error. At 4 years old, he first thinks and then acts. As an example, the situation with opening doors can be used. A two-year-old baby will knock on the door, and try to find the mechanism for opening it. Usually he manages to carry out the action by accident. At 4 years old, the baby will carefully examine the door, remember what they are, try to find the handle and open it. This different levels development of visual-effective thinking.

It is important to actively develop thinking based on images in preschool age. In this case, children acquire the ability to perform the tasks assigned to them without the presence of an object in front of their eyes. They compare the situation with those models and schemes that they have met before. At the same time, children:

  • highlight the main features and characteristics that characterize the subject;
  • remember the correlation of the subject with others;
  • able to draw a schematic of an object or describe it in words.

In the future, the ability to distinguish from an object only those features that are needed in a particular situation develops. You can verify this by offering the baby tasks like “remove the excess”.

Before school, the child can, operating only with concepts, reason, draw conclusions, characterize objects and objects. This age period is characterized by:

  • start of experiments;
  • the desire to transfer the acquired experience to other objects;
  • search for relationships between phenomena;
  • active generalization of own experience.

Basic mental operations and their development

The first thing that a baby masters in the cognitive sphere is the operations of comparison and generalization. Parents identify a large number of items with the concept of "toys", "balls", "spoons", etc.

From the age of two, the operation of comparison is mastered. Often it is based on opposition, so that it is easier for children to form judgments. The main comparison parameters are:

  • color;
  • magnitude;
  • form;
  • temperature.

Generalization comes later. For its development, an already richer lexicon child and accumulated mental skills.

It is quite possible to divide objects into groups for children of three years of age. But to the question: “What is it?” they may not answer.

Classification is a complex mental operation. It uses both generalization and correlation. The level of operation depends on various factors. Mostly by age and gender. At first, the baby is only able to classify objects according to generic concepts and functional features (“what is it?”, “what is it?”). By the age of 5, a differentiated classification appears (dad's car is a service truck or a personal car). The choice of the basis for determining the types of objects in preschoolers is random. Depends on the social environment.

Questions as an element of improving mental activity

Little "why" - a gift and a test for parents. The appearance of a large number of questions in children indicates a change in stages preschool development. Children's questions are divided into three main categories:

  • auxiliary - a preschool child asks older people to help in his activities;
  • cognitive - their goal is to obtain new information that interested the child;
  • emotional - their purpose is to receive support or certain emotions in order to feel more confident.

Before the age of three, a child rarely uses all kinds of questions. It is characterized by chaotic and unsystematic questions. But even in them a cognitive character can be traced.

A large number of emotional questions is a signal that the baby lacks attention and self-confidence. In order to compensate for this, it is enough to communicate face-to-face for 10 minutes during the day. Children aged 2-5 will assume that their parents take a lot of interest in their personal affairs.

The absence of cognitive questions at age 5 should alert parents. More tasks should be given for thinking.

The questions of children of younger and older preschool age require answers of different quality. If at the age of three a child may not even listen to the answer, then at the age of 6 they may have new questions in the process.

Parents and teachers of the preschool development system should know how detailed and in what terms it is necessary to communicate with the child. This is the peculiarities of thinking and raising kids.

The prerequisites for asking cognitive questions in children appear about 5 years old.

Auxiliary questions are typical for the period up to 4 years. They can help you develop the skills you need to further development and life at home.

How to develop thought processes in preschoolers?

For the development and improvement of thought processes in the preschool period, it is necessary to gradually build up the conceptual apparatus and characteristics of objects. You can refer to the following data:

  • improvement based on imagination;
  • activation of arbitrary and mediated memory;
  • the use of speech as a tool for setting and solving mental problems.

Attentive attitude to the child is a kind of guarantee of the normal development of cognitive activity. For those who want to save money, it is important to know that games can be bought "for growth". At the same time, a younger child should be shown some actions and explain basic characteristics. Over time, complicate actions and concepts.

To help in the development of thinking in preschool age can:

  • various types of board games (lotto, dominoes, inserts, etc.);
  • active dialogues with the child during walks or at home, which are not in the nature of separate lessons;
  • explanations of actions carried out by surrounding people or animals;
  • modeling, applications, drawing;
  • learning poetry, reading books.

Important! Sometimes malnutrition and lack of vitamins lead to inhibited work of the nervous system, rapid fatigue of the child, which also affects the development of thinking.

In order for mental activity to be normal, you need to monitor the sufficient amount of B vitamins, iron, zinc, and magnesium in the food of children.

Thus, the psychology of the child involves a gradual immersion in the complex world of objects and phenomena of the external environment. The stringing of concepts, knowledge, actions develops the thinking of preschoolers. Only joint activity allows you to successfully acquire the skills that are needed for later life.

Reading strengthens neural connections:



Thinking- the process of mediated and generalized cognition (reflection) of the surrounding world. Its essence is in reflection: 1) general and essential properties of objects and phenomena, including those properties that are not perceived directly; 2) essential relationships and regular connections between objects and phenomena.

Basic forms of thinking

There are three main forms of thinking: concept, judgment and inference.

A concept is a form of thinking that reflects the general and, moreover, essential properties of objects and phenomena.

Each object, each phenomenon has many different properties, signs. These properties, features can be divided into two categories - essential and non-essential.

Judgments reflect the connections and relationships between objects and phenomena of the surrounding world and their properties and features. A judgment is a form of thinking that contains the assertion or denial of a position regarding objects, phenomena or their properties.

Inference is a form of thinking in which a person, comparing and analyzing various judgments, derives a new judgment from them. A typical example of inference is the proof of geometric theorems.

Properties of thinking

The main properties of human thinking are its abstractness and generalization. The abstractness of thinking lies in the fact that, thinking about any objects and phenomena, establishing connections between them, we single out only those properties, signs that are important for solving the question we are facing, abstracting from all other signs, in this case we not interested: listening to the explanation of the teacher in the lesson, the student tries to understand the content of the explanation, highlight the main thoughts, connect them with each other and with their past knowledge. At the same time, he is distracted from the sound of the teacher's voice, the style of his speech.

The abstractness of thinking is closely related to its generalization. Highlighting the most important aspects, connections and relationships that are essential from one point of view or another, we thereby focus our thoughts on the general thing that characterizes entire groups of objects and phenomena. Each object, each event, phenomenon, taken as a whole, is unique, as it has many different sides and signs.

Types of thinking

In psychology, the following simple and somewhat conditional classification of types of thinking is common: 1) visual-effective, 2) visual-figurative, and 3) abstract (theoretical) thinking. There are also intuitive and analytical thinking, theoretical, empirical, autistic and mythological thinking.

Visual-active thinking.

In the course of historical development, people solved the problems that confronted them, first in terms of practical activity, only then did theoretical activity stand out from it. Practical and theoretical activities are inextricably linked.

Only as practical activity develops does it stand out as a relatively independent theoretical mental activity.

Not only in the historical development of mankind, but also in the process of mental development of each child, the starting point will be not purely theoretical, but practical activity. It is within this latter that children's thinking first develops. At preschool age (up to three years inclusive) thinking is mainly visual and effective. The child analyzes and synthesizes cognizable objects as he practically separates, dismembers and reunites, correlates, connects with each other these or those objects perceived at the moment with his hands. Inquisitive children often break their toys in order to find out "what's inside."

Visual-figurative thinking.

In its simplest form, visual-figurative thinking occurs mainly in preschoolers, i.e., at the age of four to seven years. The connection between thinking and practical actions, although they retain, is not as close, direct and immediate as before. In the course of the analysis and synthesis of a cognizable object, the child does not necessarily and by no means always have to touch the object that interests him with his hands. In many cases, systematic practical manipulation (action) with the object is not required, but in all cases it is necessary to clearly perceive and visualize this object. In other words, preschoolers think only in visual images and do not yet master concepts (in the strict sense).

Distracted thinking.

On the basis of practical and visual-sensory experience, children at school age develop, at first in the simplest forms, abstract thinking, that is, thinking in the form of abstract concepts.

Mastering concepts in the course of assimilation by schoolchildren of the basics of various sciences - mathematics, physics, history - is of great importance in the mental development of children. The formation and assimilation of mathematical, geographical, physical, biological and many other concepts in the course of school education is the subject of numerous studies. The development of abstract thinking in schoolchildren in the course of assimilation of concepts does not at all mean that their visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking now ceases to develop or disappears altogether. On the contrary, these primary and initial forms of all mental activity continue to change and improve as before, developing together with abstract thinking and under its influence.

Intuitive and analytical thinking.

Analytical thinking is characterized by the fact that its individual stages are clearly expressed and the thinker can tell another person about them. An analytically thinking person is fully aware of both the content of his thoughts and their constituent operations. Analytic thinking in its extreme form takes the form of careful deductive (from general to particular) inference.

Intuitive thinking is characterized by the fact that it lacks clearly defined stages. It is usually based on a folded perception of the whole problem at once. The person in this case arrives at an answer, which may be right or wrong, with little or no awareness of the process by which he got that answer. Therefore, the conclusions of intuitive thinking need to be verified by analytical means.

Intuitive and analytical thinking complement each other Through intuitive thinking, a person can often solve problems that he would not solve at all or, at best, would solve more slowly through analytical thinking.

theoretical thinking.

Theoretical thinking is thinking that does not lead directly to practical action. Theoretical thinking is opposed to practical thinking, the conclusion of which is, in the words of Aristotle, an act. Theoretical thinking is guided by a special attitude and is always associated with the creation of a specific "theoretical world" and the drawing of a fairly clear boundary between it and the real world.

empirical thinking.

There are at least three vital functions of empirical thinking.

First, empirical thinking provides a person with an awareness of similar and different. The most important task of thinking when faced with an infinite variety of sensually given properties and relations of things is to separate them, to focus on similar and different, to single out a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bobjects.

Secondly, empirical thinking allows the subject to determine the measure of similarity and difference. Depending on practical everyday tasks, a person can define the same objects, phenomena, situations as more or less similar and different.

Thirdly, empirical thinking makes it possible to group objects according to generic relations, to classify them.

Ways to develop thinking

The development of visual - effective thinking of children.

By the age of 5-6, children learn to perform actions in their minds. The objects of manipulation are no longer real objects, but their images. Most often, children present a visual, visual image of an object. Therefore, the thinking of the child is called visual-effective.

For the development of visual-effective thinking, the following methods of working with children should be used:

1) Teaching the analysis of a visual image (an adult can draw the child's attention to individual elements of objects, ask questions about similarities and differences).

2) Learn to determine the properties of objects (children do not immediately understand that different objects may have similar properties; for example: “Name 2 objects that have three features at once: white, soft, edible”).

3) Learning to recognize an object by describing possible actions with it (for example, riddles).

4) Learning to find alternative ways of acting (for example, “What to do if you need to know the weather outside?”).

5) Learning to compose plot stories.

6) Learning to draw logical conclusions (for example, " Petya is older than Masha, and Masha is older than Kolya. Who is the oldest?").

Development of logical thinking of children.

To develop the logical thinking of preschool children, the following techniques are used:

1) Teaching a child to compare objects (for example, "Find 10 differences in the following pictures").

2) Teaching a child to classify objects (for example, the game "What's superfluous?").

3) Teaching the child to search for the same properties or signs of objects (for example, among toys, invite the child to find 2 identical ones).

Development of logical thinking of children of primary school age:

1) Application of exercises aimed at developing the ability to divide objects into classes (for example, “Read the words (lemon, orange, plum, apple, strawberry) and name berries and fruits”).

2) Formation of the ability to define concepts.

3) Formation of the ability to highlight the essential features of objects.

Thinking acts mainly as a solution to problems, questions, problems that are constantly put forward before people by life. Solving problems should always give a person something new, new knowledge. The search for solutions is sometimes very difficult, so mental activity, as a rule, is an active activity that requires focused attention and patience. The real process of thought is always a cognitive process.


1. Brief psychological dictionary / ed. A. V. Petrovsky, M. G. Yaroshevsky. - Rostov-ND, 1998.

2. Gippenreiter Yu. B. Introduction to General Psychology: Textbook / Yu. B. Gippenreiter. - M. : Omega L, 2006.

3. Tertel A. L. Psychology. Course of lectures: Textbook / A. L. Tertel. – M. : Prospekt, 2006.

4. Diagnosis and correction of the mental development of preschoolers: Textbook / Ed. Ya. L. Kolominsky, E. A. Panko. - Mn., 1997.

5. Uruntaeva G. A. Workshop on child psychology: Textbook / G. A. Uruntaeva, Yu. A. Afonkina. - M .: Education, 1995.

Development of thinking in preschool age

In order to understand how a small person perceives the reality around him, you need to have an idea of ​​​​how the child comprehends and systematizes the information received from outside world information.

Therefore, understanding the patterns of development of thought processes in preschool children will make communication between parents and a small child more productive and enjoyable.

Thinking of preschoolers: stages and features

Visual Action Thinking

In the earliest period of his life, at the age of one and a half - two years, the baby "thinks" with his hands - he disassembles, explores, sometimes breaks, thus trying to explore in an accessible form and form his own idea of ​​​​what surrounds him.

Therefore, we can talk about a visual-effective way of thinking. That is, the thinking of the child is completely determined by his active actions aimed at researching and changing the objects around him.

Ways to develop visual - effective thinking

At this stage, the main task of parents is not to interfere with the desire of the little researcher to try everything with his own hands. Despite the fact that, undoubtedly, in the course of his actions, the baby can break something, break, damage, and even injure himself. Therefore, it is important to encourage his desire to learn, while not forgetting about security measures.

This type of thinking is well trained by toys, the elements of which somehow reflect the result of the child’s actions - sorters, sets for applied activity, classes with different materials- loose sand, grains, water, snow.

Try to ensure that the baby forms a clear connection during the game - “action-result of action”, this will be useful for future lessons in logic and mathematics.

Visual-figurative type of thinking

At the next stage, from the age of three or four to the first grade, a visual-figurative type of thinking is actively formed in the child. This does not mean that the previous, visually effective, is being forced out, no. It’s just that in addition to the already existing skills of mastering the surrounding objects through the active perception of their “hands”, the baby begins to think using a system of images. This type of thinking is especially clearly reflected in the child's emerging ability to draw.

When drawing any object, for example, a house, children rely on their idea of ​​​​it, on those of it character traits(roof, walls, window), which are imprinted in their memory. At the same time, the resulting image is not individualized - it is only an image that has developed in the mind of the baby at a given point in time.

It is very important that the child likes to visualize, embody in reality, the images that arise in his mind.

This is well facilitated by drawing, modeling, designing, and appliqué.

Verbal - logical thinking

At the age of 5-7 years, preschoolers begin to actively develop the following type of thinking - verbal-logical. The ability not only to report facts, but also to subject them to a detailed analysis in verbal form speaks of a well-developed verbal-logical thinking.

For example, if a kid of three or four years old is asked, “What is a cat?”, Then he will say: “The cat is Fluffy, and he lives with his grandmother in the yard.” A child of five or six years old will most likely answer this question like this: "A cat is an animal that catches mice and loves milk." Such an answer demonstrates the child's visual ability to analyze - one of the most important mental operations, which is a kind of "engine" for the development of thinking in preschool children.

Creative thinking

This type of thinking characterizes the ability to be creative - that is, the creation of new, non-standard solutions. Successful development The creative abilities of the child will largely depend on the desire of the parents to develop creativity in him.

Unlike the previous types of thinking, the creative type is not determined by the factors of growth and formation of the child's intellectual abilities.

Such forms of mental activity as fantasies and imagination are characteristic of any child and are an essential condition for the emergence of the creative process. It is only important to create an environment in which a small person can develop his creative impulses. Absolutely all types of creativity will help with this: literary, visual, choreographic, musical.

There are no children incapable of creativity, parents of a preschooler should remember this. Even children who are lagging behind in development are able to find original creative solutions to the proposed problems, if classes with parents and teachers contribute to this.

Mental operations and their role in the development of thinking in preschoolers

Universal mental operations inherent in human thinking are analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization and classification. It is the ability to use these operations that determines the development of thinking in preschool children.


In order for a child to fully be able to use this category, it is necessary to teach him the skill of seeing the same in the different, and the different in the same. Starting from the age of two, teach your baby to compare and analyze objects by comparing homogeneous features, for example: shape, color, taste, texture, set of functions, etc.

It is necessary that the child understands the importance of analysis based on homogeneous features, knows how to identify and name them. Expand the horizons of the concepts being compared - let it be not only objects, but also natural phenomena, seasons, sounds, properties of materials.


This mental operation becomes available to a preschooler at the age of 6-7 years. A child at the age of three or four years perfectly operates with the words "cup", "spoon", "plate", "glass", but if you ask him to name this entire group of objects in one word, he will not be able to do it.

However, as the vocabulary and coherent speech are filled, the use of generalizing concepts will become available to preschoolers, and they will be able to operate with them, expanding their mental abilities.


This way of thinking makes it possible to "partition" the analyzed object, phenomenon into its constituent components, or to reveal a number of individual signs and features characteristic of it.

Ask the child to describe the plant. At the age of 3-4 years, he, most likely, will already point out and name its parts without difficulty: stem, leaves, flower, thus demonstrating his ability to analyze. The analysis can be directed not only to the "dismemberment" of the concept, but also to the selection of exceptional features peculiar only to it.


A mental operation inverse to analysis. If, while analyzing, the child “dismembers” the object, the concept of the phenomenon, then the synthesis, as a result of the analysis, will allow him to combine the features obtained separately.

This operation is very well illustrated by the preschooler's mastering the skills of coherent reading. From individual elements (letters and sounds), he learns to add syllables, from syllables - words, words form sentences and text.


Mastering this way of mental action will allow the child to identify the similarities or differences of certain objects, concepts and phenomena. By highlighting one, but, as a rule, significant feature, the baby can classify the group of objects under consideration.

For example, toys can be classified according to the material from which they are made - these are toys made of wood, plastic, soft toys, natural materials, etc.

Exercises to develop the skills of analysis, synthesis and classification

"What's extra?"

Put in front of the child several pictures depicting objects that he understands. You can use children's loto cards, you can make pictures yourself.

For example, the following items are shown in the pictures: an apple, a candy and a book. The child must analyze and correctly classify these items. An apple and a candy can be eaten, but a book cannot.

So, the picture with the book in this row will be superfluous.

"Pig in a poke" (we train the skills of analysis and synthesis)

One of the players (in case the child is still small and does not speak very well, let it be an adult) takes a picture from the children's loto and describes what is shown on it without showing it to another player. In this case, the object itself can not be called!

The other player must guess, based on the description, what is shown in the picture. Over time, when the child grows up (starting from 4-5 years old), you can change roles - let the child describe what is shown in the picture, and the adult player guesses. In this case, not only mental abilities are trained, but also coherent speech skills.

“Pick up a couple” (training analysis, comparison)

You need two sets of children's lotto with the same cards. One child (player) takes a card and, without showing it, explains to other players what is drawn on it.

Other players, analyzing, offer their own version of the card, which, in their opinion, depicts what the first child described. If the description and guess match, two identical cards are removed from the game, and the game continues on, with the remaining cards.

"What is this?" (analysis, comparison, generalization)

Invite the child to describe the following vocabulary series using a generalizing word.

  • glass, plate, fork, knife; /dishes/;
  • plum, apple, orange, banana; /fruits/;
  • sparrow, stork, goose, dove; /birds/;
  • cat, pig, rabbit, sheep; /animals, pets/;
  • rose, tulip, lily of the valley, poppy; /flowers/.

Come up with vocabulary rows on your own, complicate tasks over time, move from simple objects to concepts and phenomena (seasons, human feelings, natural phenomena, etc.).

The development of thinking in preschool children is a task, the solution of which directly depends on how successfully the child has mastered and can use the above mental operations.

Classes and games aimed at their training will ensure not only the intellectual development of a preschooler, but the harmonious formation of the personality of a growing child as a whole, because it is developed thinking that distinguishes a person among other living beings.

Teacher, specialist of the children's development center Druzhinina Elena

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The development of thinking in preschool children through didactic games

Development of thinking in preschool children through didactic games

The importance of the development of thinking in a child, probably, no one doubts - this is a big plus. It is thanks to thinking that one can substantiate many life phenomena, explain abstract concepts, teach a child to defend his point of view.

Through thinking, complex mathematical theorems and simple worldly judgments are built. It helps to sensibly assess the world and others, to understand the whole complex process of the flow of time called "life".

I believe that only by developing and improving the ability to think, reason and act correctly, the child will be able to turn into a sane person. It is precisely to help him in this serious and vital matter that my work experience is directed.

Correct thinking has the main techniques - comparisons, analysis and synthesis, abstraction and generalization, concretization. All these techniques need to be developed already at preschool age, since the development of thinking affects the upbringing of a preschooler, positive character traits develop, the need to develop one’s own good qualities, efficiency, activity planning, self-control and conviction, interest, desire to learn and know a lot.

Sufficient preparedness of mental activity, in the future, relieves psychological overload at school, preserves the health of the child.

COMPARISON - a technique by which the similarity and difference of objects are established. There is a basic comparison rule: you can only compare objects that are being compared, that is, only those that have some common features and there are differences.

ANALYSIS AND SYNTHESIS. Analysis is a technique by which a child mentally divides an object into parts.

Synthesis is a technique by which a child mentally combines the separate parts of an object dissected in the analysis into a single whole.

Analysis and synthesis are two techniques that are always inextricably linked with each other.

ABSTRACTION AND GENERALIZATION. Abstraction is a technique by which the child mentally singles out the essential properties of objects and is distracted from signs that are not essential at the moment. The result of abstraction is called abstraction.

Abstracting, the child mentally combines these objects into groups and classes according to their common and, moreover, essential features.

Abstraction and generalization are a single, inseparable process. With their help, the child receives general concepts. In the process of generalization, the child, as it were, moves away from specific objects, being distracted from the mass of their own signs.

But all this is done in order to, having known the general, to penetrate deeper into the essence of the individual.

SPECIFICATION - a technique by which the child comprehensively cognizes single objects.

Cognizing the surrounding reality, the child compares objects with each other, establishes their similarities and differences, through analysis and synthesis reveals the essence of objects, highlights their features, abstracts and generalizes the features. As a result of these operations, the child develops concepts about the objects of the environment.

All this enhances the culture of thinking. For the development of mental literacy, training is necessary.

In my work, I rely on pedagogical activity innovative methods and use the heritage of such teachers as Doronova T. N. "Kid and Mathematics", Fidler M. "Mathematics is already in kindergarten", Peterson L. G. "Player", Montesori M. "Early development methods".

I want to dwell in more detail on the figurative thinking of older preschoolers. The very concept of “figurative thinking” implies operating with images, carrying out various operations (thinking) based on ideas.

Preschool children (up to 5.5 - 6 years old) have access to this type of thinking. They are not yet able to think abstractly (in symbols), distracted from reality, a visual image. Therefore, I focus my efforts on developing in children the ability to create various images in their heads, that is, to visualize.

Approximately at the age of 6-7 years, the child begins to form two new types of thinking for him - verbal-logical and abstract. I believe the success of schooling depends on the level of development of these types of thinking.

After all, if a child has insufficiently developed verbal-logical thinking, then this leads to difficulties in performing any logical actions (analysis, generalizations, highlighting the main thing when drawing conclusions and operations with words). The games I use to develop this type of thinking are aimed at developing the child's ability to systematize words according to a certain attribute, the ability to distinguish generic and specific concepts, the development of inductive speech thinking, the function of generalization and the ability to abstract. It should be noted that the higher the level of generalization, the better developed the child's ability to abstract.

In the course of verbal-logical thinking, there is a transition from one judgment to another, their correlation through the mediation of the content of some judgments by the content of others, and, as a result, a conclusion is formed.

Development of verbal-logical thinking through decision logical tasks, it is necessary to select such tasks that would require inductive ( from individual to general) deductive(from general to singular) and traductive(from the singular to the singular, from the general to the general, from the particular to the particular, when premises and conclusions are judgments of the same degree of generality), inferences.

Traductive inference (lat. traductio - movement) is an inference by analogy, it can be used as the first step in learning the ability to solve logical problems, in which, by the absence or presence of one of the two possible signs in one of the two discussed objects, a conclusion follows, respectively, the presence or absence of this , an attribute of another object. For example: "Natasha's dog is small and fluffy, Ira's is big and fluffy. What is the same about these dogs? Is it different?"

Insufficient development of abstract-logical thinking - the child has a poor command of abstract concepts that cannot be perceived with the help of the senses (for example, an equation, area, etc.) The functioning of this type of thinking occurs based on concepts. Concepts reflect the essence of objects and are expressed in words or other signs.

I would like to dwell on intuition, because there is a series of logic games for its development, which, I think, is also important. In addition to the main five senses, there is also the so-called sixth sense - INTUITION.

This word comes from Latin word intueor - I look closely. The exact, encyclopedic interpretation of the meaning of the word "intuition" sounds like this: "this is the ability to comprehend the truth by direct observation of it, without substantiation with the help of evidence; the subjective ability to go beyond the limits of experience by mental grasping ("insight") or generalization in the figurative form of patterns.

But, in addition, intuition is an invisible and intangible feeling that is most developed in young children. They follow an intuitive impulse, without carefully considering their own actions, without analyzing them. They just follow own feeling intuition.

Thus, I believe that in order to achieve the most complete and perfect development of the child, it is necessary to focus not only on the basic methods of cognition, but also not to forget about the feeling of intuition. It is necessary to develop it, since it is clear that it contributes not only to further creative development, but even to physical development.

In order to make it easier for a child to master all the wisdom of thinking, in my work I try to be guided by the following principles:

I try to take into account individual characteristics child, because children have different temperaments and types of perception of information;

I pay maximum attention to children who find it difficult to complete the required task, I try to repeat the work with them individually;

I always try to praise the child for the result achieved independently;

I encourage the child's desire to learn something new;

I try to encourage the child to independently find solutions

tasks assigned to him;

I hold conversations with parents about the achievements and failures of the child (in his absence), I try to give recommendations on how the child can best overcome difficulties;

I play with children in various didactic games.

The child often proceeds correctly in his reasoning, but due to the lack of logic in them, he hardly substantiates and expresses his thoughts. overcome this weak side I help with didactic games.

Didactic games are based on two principles of learning: “from simple to complex” and “independently according to abilities”. This alliance allowed me to solve in the game several problems at once related to the development of thinking in children.

Firstly, didactic games can provide food for thought.

Secondly, their tasks always create conditions for advancing the development of abilities.

Thirdly, each time rising independently to its ceiling, the child develops most successfully.

Fourthly, didactic games can be very diverse in their content, and besides, like any games, they do not tolerate coercion and create an atmosphere of free and joyful creativity.

Fifthly, by playing these games with children, we imperceptibly acquire very important skill- to restrain, not to interfere, the child to think and make decisions on his own, not to do for him what he can and should do himself.

Each series of games that I use is designed to form certain mental structures or prepare for the assimilation of a certain mathematical idea.

To develop ingenuity

They help children to show the speed of their individual thinking, develop logic. With the help of these games, children quickly switch from one activity to another.

They are also ideal for stirring up sluggish and lazy children, forcing them to think and express themselves through trial and error. Thus, logic games for the development of ingenuity are very useful for general development children.

For the development of creative abilities

These games help develop imagination and oratory skills, as well as win psychological barriers associated with fear of communication.

For understanding

All comprehension games are very useful for children of almost any age. They develop thinking, train ingenuity and develop a reaction. Such games teach the child to find various associations in the world around him and, thus, better understand it.

Child, game loving understanding, will develop psychologically faster and better prepare for the complexities of future adult life.

Games for the development of artistic and figurative thinking

Games are aimed at the development of imagination, figurative thinking. They contribute to the emergence of associativity.

games for intuition

Games contribute to the development of thinking, the development of imagination and fantasy, intelligence, and, of course, intuition.

Games for the development of intelligence

They are aimed at developing the main qualities of the intellect, this is the ability to compare facts, analyze and find their own, simpler solutions.

Linguistic games

Develop ingenuity and speed of thinking. Allows for imagination. The more a child has a developed vocabulary, the better he develops intellectually.

He improves memory, logical thinking, perception becomes more accurate.

I came to the conclusion that logic games help develop thinking various directions already in junior groups, this allows you to further facilitate its development in older preschool age.

In the future of my work, I will continue to develop different types of thinking in older preschool children. I consider the main task for myself: through logic games, to form in children such an attitude to the world around them, which would be emotionally effective in nature and expressed in the form of cognitive interest, humanistic and aesthetic experiences, practical readiness to create around them.

The process of forming attitudes towards the surrounding world is a complex process. Difficulties are associated primarily with the fact that it is hidden. While the direct formation is going on, we do not know what relation we will get as a result.

I really hope that it will not be consumerist, but creative. The experience, methods, technologies that I use will help me achieve a positive result.

Educator of the second qualification category Voytyuk Maria Valerievna MKDOU No. 194


Features of thinking of preschool children

Thinking is undoubtedly one of the most important components of the human psyche. It is difficult to imagine the implementation of any type of activity without connecting thinking. As L. S. Vygotsky emphasized, the development of thinking is central to the entire structure of consciousness and to the entire system of activity of mental functions.

At the age of three or four, the child, albeit imperfectly, tries to analyze what he sees around him; compare objects with each other and draw conclusions about their interdependencies. In everyday life and in the classroom, as a result of observing the environment, accompanied by explanations from an adult, children gradually gain an elementary idea of ​​​​the nature and life of people.

The child himself seeks to explain what he sees around. True, it is sometimes difficult to understand him, because, for example, he often takes the consequence for the cause of the fact.

Compare, analyze younger preschoolers in a visual-effective plan. But some children are already beginning to show the ability to solve problems based on representation. Children can compare objects by color and shape, highlight differences in other ways. They can generalize objects by color (it's all red), shape (it's all round), size (it's all small).

In the fourth year of life, children are somewhat more likely than before to use in conversation generic concepts such as toys, clothes, fruits, vegetables, animals, utensils, include in each of them a larger number of specific items.

At the age of four or five, figurative thinking begins to develop. Children are already able to use simple schematic images to solve simple problems. They can build according to the scheme, solve labyrinth problems.

Anticipation develops. Children can tell what will happen as a result of the interaction of objects based on their spatial arrangement.

Thinking in general and more simple processes, its components (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification), cannot be considered in isolation from the general content of the child's activity, from the conditions of his life and upbringing.

Problem solving can occur in visual-effective, visual-figurative and verbal plans. In children 4-5 years old, visual-figurative thinking prevails, and the main task of an adult is the formation of various specific ideas.

But we should not forget that human thinking is also the ability to generalize, therefore it is also necessary to teach children to generalize. A child of this age is able to analyze objects simultaneously in two ways: color and shape, color and material, etc.

He can compare objects by color, shape, size, smell, taste and other properties, finding differences and similarities. By the age of 5, a child can assemble a picture from four parts without relying on a sample and from six parts using a sample. Can generalize concepts related to the following categories: fruits, vegetables, clothes, shoes, furniture, utensils, transport.

At the senior preschool age (five-six years) figurative thinking continues to develop. Children are able not only to solve the problem visually, but also to transform the object in their mind, etc. The development of thinking is accompanied by the development of mental means (schematized and complex ideas develop, ideas about the cyclical nature of changes) .

In addition, the ability to generalize is improved, which is the basis of verbal-logical thinking. Older preschoolers, when grouping objects, can take into account two features.

As shown in studies by Russian psychologists, children of older preschool age are able to reason, giving adequate causal explanations, if the analyzed relationships do not go beyond their visual experience.

At six or seven years of age, visual-figurative thinking is still the leading one, but by the end of preschool age, verbal-logical thinking begins to form. It involves the development of the ability to operate with words, to understand the logic of reasoning.

And here the help of adults will definitely be required, since the illogicality of children's reasoning when comparing, for example, the size and number of objects is known. At preschool age, the development of concepts begins. Completely verbal-logical, conceptual, or abstract, thinking is formed by adolescence.

An older preschooler can establish causal relationships, find solutions to problem situations. Can make exceptions based on all learned generalizations, build a series of 6-8 consecutive pictures.


Purpose of the game: development of the ability to generalize.

Instruction and course of the game: the child is invited to exclude an extra object (picture, concept) from the proposed series. At first, various toys can be used to play. The number varies depending on the success of the child (from 3 or more). Then you can move on to real objects in the child's field of vision (for example, furniture, dishes). Next, the child perceives the proposed row by ear.

In this game, it is important that the child justifies his choice, even if he does it on the basis of insignificant signs.


Purpose of the game: development of the ability to generalize and classify based on essential features.

Instructions and course of the game: for the game, it is necessary to prepare cards with the image of objects belonging to various categories (animals, mushrooms, dishes, etc.). The cards are shuffled and laid out in front of the child.

An adult asks: “Who lives where? Who lives in the zoo? What's in the kitchen? What's in the basket? And so on. The child needs to sort the objects into the appropriate groups.

For clarity, you can also use pictures depicting "habitats".


Purpose of the game: to teach the child to correlate the concepts and categories to which objects belong, the development of the generalization function.

Instructions and course of the game: an adult thinks of a certain word, and the child tries to guess it by asking the adult questions that can be answered "yes" or "no".

Then the players switch roles. For visual support, you can think of not abstract words, but one of the objects depicted on pre-prepared cards or located in the room.


Purpose of the game: to develop the ability to group objects according to the proposed feature.

Instructions and course of the game: for the game you need cards with the image of various objects, and separate groups of objects must have common (insignificant) features. For example, the "Striped" group may include a zebra, a striped scarf, a watermelon, etc. The cards are shuffled and laid out in front of the child, he is invited to take one of them. “What do you think, which of the cards on the table can be placed next to your card? What do they have in common?

This is the name of the process of cognition of reality, which is based on the formation of relations and connections between phenomena, events, objects in the surrounding world. The curiosity of children is aimed at studying what surrounds them, building their own picture of the outside world. Children's thinking is in constant connection with speech. And the more active the child, the more he asks adults, asking a variety of questions.

So, we learn about the features of the development of thinking in different age periods of personality formation.

Development of thinking in preschool children

At this age, the thought process is based on ideas. The child can think about what he knows and feels from his experience. Therefore, at preschool age, children operate with ideas and images outside of the situation. Their thoughts become abstract, that is, they go beyond the specific situation. This expands the boundaries of their knowledge.

Closer relationships are established between speech and children's thinking. They lead to the formation of a detailed thought process, that is, reasoning. At this age, speech already performs the function of planning, which allows active development of mental operations. Usually, a preschooler's reasoning begins with questions. Their presence is evidence of the problematic thinking, since it reflects the problem that has arisen before the child. practical task. At this age, children's questions are cognitive and inquisitive. Behind innocent, at first glance, children's dilemmas lies the desire to comprehend the problems of being, the laws of the surrounding world, the relationships and causes of various ongoing processes.

The questions of the child are what he cannot see and know, which requires an explanation from dad and mom. They are also born in violation of already formed ideas. So, for example, at preschool age, children cannot realize and understand the problem of death. Knowing from personal experience that recovery comes after an illness, children do not understand why grandparents die, what happens to them, or rather to their bodies, in the future. And in this matter, it is important to form in the child an idea of ​​death as a natural process, to do it competently, without moral trauma. At the same time, even the most accessible explanation of adults is fraught with a lot of questions.

Their children also ask in order to make sure that they themselves have drawn the right conclusions. Children with this always turn to the most authoritative adult (grandmother, mother) to confirm their competence. Further, already at early school age, the number of such appeals will increase if parents can maintain a healthy moral relationship with their children. After all, sometimes the “go-ahead” of dad and mom make the child look for answers to his questions among peers, older brothers or sisters, and these answers are not always tactful, adequate and morally correct.

The preschooler tries to determine the purpose of objects, to establish connections between the features and the purpose of objects, objects. In the process of such knowledge, the understanding of causality increases. So, at 6 years old, children already easily draw conclusions about the sequence natural phenomena: the sky is dark, a thunderstorm is thundering, the wind has broken, it will rain. In understanding causality, the child proceeds from external causes to the identification of internal causes. This gives him the opportunity to build his own assumptions, theories, which develops not only experience, but also independence, independence, originality of thinking. Later it will be called his creativity.

By the beginning of primary school age, the child develops the rudiments of a worldview, an initial understanding of logic, which contributes to the formation of conceptual thinking. And the development of mental operations serves as the basis for the ability to coordinate judgments with each other. This is the beginning of deductive thinking.

The development of thinking in children of primary school age

In this age period, thinking becomes the center of the mental development of the child. It will be decisive among other mental functions of the child.

Mastering the knowledge, skills, abilities, the younger student is attached to the scientific concepts of the initial level. His mental operations are already less connected with practical activities, with visibility. Children of this age, having a certain amount of knowledge, mastering the methods of mental activity, learn to analyze events. They acquire the ability to think and act in the mind, to analyze personal reasoning.

At primary school age, the basic mental techniques and actions are formed. This is a generalization, comparison, highlighting the signs of phenomena and objects, defining concepts, summarizing.

The inferiority of mental activity is displayed on the knowledge of the younger student. They turn out to be fragmented, sometimes erroneous, which complicates learning. Therefore, parents and teachers need to pay attention to the work on the formation of the basic methods of mental activity of children. This allows you to achieve complete mastery of verbal and logical methods of thinking. And the first thing you need to teach a young student is the ability to highlight the properties of objects, their diversity. The skills of comparison and comparison serve this. When a child learns to identify a set different properties subject, then you need to move on to such an element of logical thinking as the formation of the concept of its distinctive and common features. Then you can move on to the ability to distinguish between essential (that is, important) and non-essential (secondary) features and properties.

At primary school age, the ability to draw the right conclusions is formed. To do this, it is necessary to lead to generalizations, an understanding that there is not always a connection between the basis and the consequence. And this is a completely different stage of thinking, different from preschool age. The logical techniques mastered by younger schoolchildren in the study of one topic are subsequently applied to the assimilation of other school subjects in the form of ready-made cognitive means.

Development of thinking of older students

At this age, views and beliefs are developed, a worldview is formed, there is a need to understand one's own "I" and one's environment.

The cognitive and thought processes of older students are based on the differentiation of disciplines, the mastery of scientific concepts, the system of signs that form theoretical thinking. Studying allows the senior student to establish connections between the knowledge received, to control thoughts, to manage them. Senior students learn to operate with hypotheses, assumptions, evaluate them critically and objectively. At this age, independence in learning is clearly traced. In adolescence and senior school age, it is already possible to clearly divide children into the humanities and those who are inclined towards the exact sciences.

They know how to use techniques for memorizing knowledge, to distribute it logically.

The development of mental abilities largely depends on the brain and the maturity of the nervous system. Memory as the basis of thinking and logic becomes more productive, arbitrary, because synaptic connections between brain fibers increase.

Temperament develops in older students, which characterizes the speed of thought processes. So, choleric people think, analyze, make generalizations quickly. Phlegmatic and melancholy people are characterized by slow thought processes. That is, in the senior school age, an individual style of intellectual activity is established. Thanks to him, success in the future professional field and self-realization are achieved.

Older students differ from younger ones in the creativity of their thinking, emotional experiences in cognitive activity, especially in those areas that are of interest to them.

The development of thinking in children with impaired speech, hearing, vision, intelligence

Any defects in physical development leave an imprint on the formation of children's thinking. A hearing-impaired, seeing baby cannot acquire life experience, knowledge at the same pace as a healthy child.

Children with hearing and vision impairments are lagging behind in the development of thought processes, because they simply cannot imitate adults, copy their actions, skills, and acquire life-saving skills.

Violation of these two functions is also a difficulty in the formation of speech, the development of cognitive activity in general.

Deaf psychologists are engaged in discovering the compensatory possibilities of children with hearing impairments. Therefore, without their help, the normal development of the thought processes of such a child is not possible, as well as obtaining a sufficient education. The French philosopher Michel Montaigne back in the 16th century said that deafness is a more serious physical defect than blindness, depriving a person of the main thing - communication as an opportunity to learn about the world and develop.

Today, a common form of correctional assistance with hearing-impaired babies or those who have a hearing impairment is education in specialized children's educational institutions.

Children with intellectual disabilities are characterized by a very low level of mental abilities, including thinking. They lack activity, mastery of objective activity, knowledge as the basis for the formation of thought processes. By the age of three, such children do not distinguish themselves, they have no ideas about the world around them, they have no desires. They are significantly behind in speech, mental, social development. By the end of preschool age, such children do not develop voluntary attention, memorization, memory. The leading form of their thinking is visual-effective. But even it does not reach the level of development of healthy children.

Thus, if by the end of preschool age such boys and girls have not undergone special training, then they do not have a readiness to study at the level of elementary mental processes.

Especially for - Diana Rudenko

A huge number of very important processes take place in the human psyche. But one of the most important of them is thinking. What is it, what types are there, and how does it develop? Let's try to understand this issue.

What is thinking?

IN Everyday life by this term we mean verbal reasoning. From the point of view of psychology, thinking has a broader meaning. It is understood as any mental process that allows a person to solve a particular problem. People in this case perceive things without any analyzers (olfactory, auditory, tactile, visual, pain, etc.), on the basis of speech signals alone.

A bit of history

Thinking, being a type of mental activity, has been of interest to people since ancient times. Even the philosophers of the ancient world tried to study it. They tried to give him an accurate explanation. Thus, Plato equated thinking with intuition. And Aristotle even created whole science- logic. cognitive process he was divided into parts, among which are the concept, judgment and conclusion. And today representatives of different sciences are trying to study the specifics of thinking. However, despite all the ideas expressed and the conclusions obtained as a result of numerous experiments, it has not yet been possible to come to a single clear definition of this process.

Types of thinking in young children

This process is considered by the science of psychology. At the same time, the discipline identifies three main forms of thinking that preschool children have. This is visual-effective and visual-figurative, as well as spatio-temporal, or temporal.

The development of thinking in children is conditionally divided into certain stages. Moreover, each of them the kids go through in the process of learning about the world around them. Let us consider the development of each of the forms of thinking in more detail.

Visual and effective view

The development of thinking of this type occurs due to their direct perception of the world around them. This is the time when the baby begins its interaction with various objects. Of all the processes that develop in the psyche, the main role belongs to perception. All experiences of the little man are focused on those phenomena and things that surround him.

Thought processes in this case are externally oriented actions, which, in turn, are visually effective.

The development of thinking in a visual-effective form allows children to discover for themselves the extensive connections between a person and objects in his environment. During this period, the child acquires the necessary experience. He begins to regularly and persistently reproduce elementary actions, the purpose of which is the result he expects. The experience gained will later become the basis of more complex mental processes.

This stage in the development of thinking in children, which has a visual-effective form, is unconscious. It is only included in the process of movements made by the baby.

Development of visual-effective thinking

In the process of orienting and visual actions performed by him during manipulations with various objects, a certain image is formed in the child. At an early stage in the development of thinking of a visual-effective type, the main sign of a thing for a baby is its size, shape. Color does not yet have its fundamental meaning.

A special role in the development of thinking at this stage will be played by various movements aimed at the development of effective and visual mental processes. Gradually, the baby learns to correlate the sizes of two or more objects, their shape, as well as their location. He strings rings onto the pyramid, puts cubes on top of each other, and so on. It will be much later to take into account the various characteristics of objects and select them in shape and size.

It is not necessary to give any tasks for the development of thinking of this type to the baby, since its formation, as a rule, occurs independently. An adult only needs to interest the little man in a toy and make him want to interact with it.

Features related to the development of thinking of this type are especially pronounced, for example, when playing with a matryoshka. The kid, trying to get the desired result, will apply two halves that are not at all suitable for each other by force. And only after he is convinced that all his actions do not lead to the desired result, he will begin to sort through the details until he gets the right one. In order to speed up the development of thinking in children, manufacturers develop toys in such a way that they themselves “tell” the baby which of the elements is best.

After mastering external orienting actions, the child acquires a skill in the ratio of various characteristics of objects. From this moment, the laying of the foundation will begin visual perception when the baby will compare one toy with others.

The next stage in the development of visual-effective thinking occurs after the children reach the age of 2. Toddlers begin to pick up things visually, based on the existing sample. An adult during such a game offers the child to give him exactly the same object. The little student must react to this and choose the most suitable among all the toys.

Somewhat later, as this type of thinking develops, children are able to acquire permanent patterns. With them, they will continue to compare all objects.

Development of visual-figurative thinking

This type mental process begins to form in babies, whose age is approaching three years. By this time, children perform complex manipulations using a visual-effective form.

For the development of this type of thinking, as well as any other, the baby will need educational toys. This will speed up the process a lot. The most suitable in this case are composite toys, when using which the baby needs to correlate the available parts by color and size.

The child begins to perform the first reproducing actions by the end of the first year of his life. He takes his toys out of the box and then scatters them around. And even after the adult puts things in order in the room, the kid will get them again. A little later, the child begins to collect small-sized toys in the container he has. It is important for an adult to support such an undertaking, and to speed up the process of forming visual-figurative thinking, to show himself how all things can be put in a box or other container. The child in this case will enjoy not the result, but the action itself.

Very useful for children is such a toy as a pyramid. It is important for parents to teach their baby to put on and take off her rings correctly. How to develop thinking with the help of such a toy? An adult should set the rod in front of the child and show him how to properly string and then remove the rings. At the initial stage, the parent can even take the baby’s pen and, putting a pyramid detail into it, string everything together with him. After doing this exercise several times in a row, the child can be allowed to do it on their own.

For older kids, actions with such a toy can be somewhat diversified. They are invited to lay out a track from the rings, arranging the details from larger to smaller.

Games for the development of thinking of a figurative type with preschool children are recommended to be carried out using two pyramids. In this case, the baby is shown, for example, a green ring, and asked to find a part of the same color on the second toy.

The development of thinking in preschool age at the initial stages occurs with the inextricable connection of speech and actions. But some time passes, and the child begins to precede his actions with words. First, he talks about what he is going to do, and then he does what he planned. At this stage of life, there is a transition of visual-effective thinking into visual-figurative. The child already has enough life experience to imagine certain objects in his head, and only then perform certain actions with them.

In the future, in the thinking of preschool children, an ever greater role is assigned to the word. But still, until about 7 years of age, mental activity remains concrete. In other words, it is not yet isolated from the general picture of the surrounding world. From about the age of 6, the development of figurative thinking allows preschoolers to boldly put into practice the factual material they have. At the same time, children begin to generalize various phenomena and draw the necessary conclusions for themselves.

Visual-verbal thinking

What is typical for this stage child's mental development? Formation occurs most of all on the basis of descriptions and explanations, and not on the perception of objects. At the same time, the baby continues to think in concrete terms. So, the child already knows that metal objects sink in water. That is why he has complete confidence that the nail, placed in a container with liquid, will go to the bottom. Nevertheless, he seeks to back up his knowledge with personal experience.

This is the age when children are very inquisitive. They ask a lot of questions that adults should definitely give them an answer. This is necessary for the development of children's thinking. At first, questions are usually associated with violations of the usual order of things for kids. For example, they need to know why a toy broke. Later, questions about the outside world begin to appear.

The development of thinking of younger schoolchildren, as well as children of middle preschool age, is beginning to pick up speed. The activity of the child who sat down at the desk undergoes significant changes. The development of schoolchildren's thinking is influenced by the expansion of the range of those subjects that arouse their interest. This is where the role of the teacher becomes very important. The teacher should encourage the children in the class to freely express their own thoughts using words. They are encouraged to think first, and then begin to perform certain actions.

And despite the fact that schoolchildren younger age the development of thinking is still at the stage of a concrete-figurative form, its abstract type begins to be laid in them. mental processes little man begin to spread to surrounding people, plants, animals, etc.

The development of memory, attention, thinking of a younger student will depend, first of all, on the correct selection of a training program. Children who are offered material of increased complexity, by the age of 8, show higher abilities for abstract reasoning than their peers who study according to standard teaching aids.

Spatio-temporal thinking

An adult is well aware of the fact that time is a relative and ambiguous concept. The kids have yet to learn about it.

Psychologists have long noticed the fact that a child navigates in time, using a significant impression for him, an expectation of something or a bright event. It turns out that the baby is well oriented in the past and future, but there is no present time for him. The child's current moment is the one that is happening at this moment.

It is much easier to learn time for those children who have been instilled with a specific daily routine from early childhood. After all, their body is already adjusted to the existing rhythm of life. That is why in the brain of such a child, the idea of ​​time periods develops much faster. If today the baby ate at noon, and yesterday his mother fed him in the afternoon at 2 o'clock, then it is rather difficult for him to navigate in time.

In order to speed up and think of the space-time type, parents from the very early age should introduce him to the concept of time. This does not require separate conversations. It is enough just to pronounce temporary concepts in words. This should happen in the process of communicating or playing with the baby. An adult just needs to comment on his plans and actions.

Parents can conduct peculiar lessons in the development of thinking of preschool children starting from the age of two of their child. These kids are already aware of the change of seasons. Adults, on the other hand, need to draw the child's attention to the changes that occur in nature during the transition from one season to another. At the same time, you need to not only tell the baby about them, but also ask, for example, about what changes he sees on the playground or in the park.

Critical thinking

Various tasks involving real objects, the child begins to solve after 4-5 years. This is facilitated by the development of his visual-figurative thinking. Various models and schemes arise in the mind of a preschooler. He is already beginning to analyze and generalize the information received from the outside world. The achievement by the child of this stage in the development of thinking should be the reason for the transition to a new step in life, where a critical form of vision of the world will begin to form. Why is this direction considered important? In order to understand this, it is necessary to define the very concept of critical thinking. IN modern psychology This term has been given several interpretations. However, they all have the same meaning. So, critical thinking is understood as a complex thought process, the beginning of which is the receipt of information by the child. It ends with the adoption of a deliberate decision with the formation of a personal attitude to a particular subject.

The development of critical thinking allows the child to develop the ability to raise new questions, to develop arguments in defense of his own opinion, as well as the ability to draw conclusions. These children interpret and analyze information. They always reasonedly prove their own position, while relying on the opinion of the interlocutor and on logic. Therefore, they can always explain why they agree or disagree with a particular issue.

The development of critical thinking begins in preschool age. This is evidenced, for example, by the question "Why?". The child at the same time shows the adult that he wants to know the causes of natural phenomena, human actions and events that he sees. In this case, it is important for parents not only to answer the question of their child, but also to help him in an objective assessment of the facts. After that, the kid must draw certain conclusions and form his own attitude to the information received. And don't think about it good child should not argue with elders. After all, the principle according to which the baby is obliged to do only what adults tell him is no longer suitable for the existing reality. Of course, in a family it is necessary to respect elders and communicate politely with loved ones, but without the use of critical thinking development technology, it will be difficult for a child to adapt to the requirement when entering school. curricula. After all, most of them require a completely different approach to the study of the material.

High demands in this direction are already made to younger students. The success of studies in the first grade no longer depends on the ability of children to count, write and read. Children are offered the solution of simple logical problems. Besides junior schoolchildren should draw their own conclusions by reading short texts. Sometimes the teacher even invites the child to argue with him, so that the latter proves to the teacher that he is right. This approach in the education system is available in many modern curricula.

Critical Thinking Development Technology offers parents a number of tips that will help them in the right upbringing:

  1. From an early age, the child must be taught to think logically. To do this, with him you need to reason more often and be sure to justify your opinion.
  2. Teach your child to develop critical thinking in various ways, including during the game.
  3. Compare objects with the child, find differences and common features in them. After that, the kid must make his own conclusions.
  4. Don't accept an answer like, "Because I want to." The child must name the real reason, giving his own argument.
  5. Allow the child to doubt. In this case, he will have a distrust of certain facts, and he will want to know more about the object that caused the dispute.
  6. Try to teach the child to draw conclusions only after finding out all the information. Parents should tell them that criticizing something they know nothing about is simply unwise.

Creative thinking

Psychologists distinguish between such a thing as creativity. By this term they understand the ability of a person to see ordinary things in a new light, which allows finding a unique solution to emerging problems.

Creative thinking is the clear opposite of formulaic. It allows you to get away from the usual view, from banal ideas, and contributes to the birth of original solutions.

Researchers of intelligence have long made an unambiguous conclusion that a person's creative abilities have a weak connection with his intellect. In this case, the features of temperament come to the fore, as well as the ability to quickly assimilate information and generate new ideas.

Human creativity is manifested in various types his activities. That is why parents are trying to get an answer to the question: "Is it possible to develop creative thinking in a child?". Psychologists give an unequivocal answer to this: yes. This process will be especially effective at preschool age. Indeed, at this time, the psyche of children is very receptive and plastic. Plus, kids have great imaginations. Thanks to these qualities, the age from 3 to 7 years is very favorable in order to develop the creativity of the individual. There are many ways to do this, and, above all, with parents. The fact is that it is close people who are best able to organize an effective process. creative development for your child. All this is due to the fact that:

  • parents for the child are authority, and he highly appreciates communication with them;
  • mothers and fathers know their child well, and therefore they can choose for him the most effective development opportunities that will be of interest to the baby;
  • the attention of parents is devoted to only one of their children, and the teacher needs to distribute it among a group of children;
  • emotional contacts with significant adults for the baby give him special joy from joint creativity;
  • parents, as a rule, use various means for the effective process of developing memory and thinking, which makes it possible to almost double the effectiveness of the result.

How can this process be accelerated? The technology for the development of thinking involves performing some exercises with the child. One of them is writing. Parents can come up with a fantasy tale with their son or daughter, the main characters of which will be the characters chosen by their child in the form of objects, pictures, simply voiced orally. When writing a story unfamiliar to a child, it is recommended not to choose dogs, foxes and chickens that are familiar to him. Otherwise, it will be quite difficult to move away from the well-known plot. The main character can be one of the home furnishings or household items. You can also come up with a resident who secretly settled in your house. In this case, you can compose a unique story. In general, writing can be done on any topic that comes to mind.

The development of creative thinking will be helped by classes in drawing or folding from paper, wood, plastic and other geometric blanks of certain figures, which later need to be given names.

Parents can also put together plant and animal pictures, collages, pieces of furniture and buildings with their children using pieces of colorful illustrations. The development of creative thinking will also be facilitated by the creation of entire landscapes or portraits from such material.