Modern problems of science and education. Modern problems of science and education Order 1547 of 05.12 of the Ministry of Education


The method of monitoring the student environment was tested and an analysis of the results characterizing the general criteria for assessing quality was given. educational activities organizations carrying out educational activities of the humanitarian direction for posting on the official website. Suggested and recommended for monitoring in higher educational institutions version of the questionnaire for recipients of educational services - students, which is posted on the website of the North Caucasian branch of the Moscow Humanitarian and Economic Institute ( An analysis of the results of monitoring students to assess the quality of educational activities is given. The conducted survey on the study of the main indicators characterizing the general criteria for assessing the quality of the educational activities of the institute showed a different degree of their severity: greater satisfaction with some criteria and less with others, which allows in the future to build targeted work on the development and improvement of the educational activities of a higher educational institution.

quality of educational activities

criteria for evaluation


educational services

2. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated December 5, 2014 No. 1547 "On approval of indicators characterizing the general criteria for assessing the quality of educational activities of organizations engaged in educational activities."

3. Avanesov V.S. Composition test items. M.: Center for Testing, 2002. - 239 p.

4. Boyazitova I.V., Belous V.V. et al. System study of human individuality. Collective monograph. Pyatigorsk: PSLU, 2011. - 269 p.

5. Mishina T.N. Psychological culture university. Mineral water: Polygraphprom, 2012.

6. Khrebina S.V., Yundin R.N. Development of personal readiness for building a successful career (monograph). Saarbrucken, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. kg. 2012. - 303 p.

At present, the Ministry of Education and Science is pursuing an active policy in the field of quality improvement higher education. One of the steps is the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 05, 2014 No. 1547 “On approval of indicators characterizing the general criteria for assessing the quality of educational activities of organizations engaged in educational activities”, aimed at improving the activities of higher educational institutions. This document was submitted to the ConsultantPlus system on February 12, 2015.

It was believed that in order to implement this Order, it is necessary to develop and test a methodology for monitoring the recipients of educational services - the student environment, in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1547.

Goals of work were the development and testing of a methodology for monitoring the student environment and analysis of the results that characterize the general criteria for assessing the quality of the educational activities of an organization carrying out educational activities in the humanitarian direction, for posting on the official website of the organization.

Experimental technique

The use of testing is considered as one of the relevant forms of quality control of student training, which allows you to objectively assess the volume and quality of the discipline learned. However, in this case, the survey is used as a method for obtaining objective information that characterizes the general criteria for assessing the quality of the educational activities of a higher educational institution.

In Order No. 1547, indicators characterizing the general criteria for assessing the quality of educational activities are divided into four categories. These indicators from four points of view characterize the general criterion for assessing the quality of the educational activities of the organization:

1) openness and availability of information about the organization;

2) the comfort of the conditions in which educational activities are carried out;

3) goodwill, courtesy, competence of employees;

4) satisfaction with the quality of educational activities of the organization.

It should be noted that the evaluation criteria (indicator values) for items 1-2 have units of measurement in points (from 0 to 10), and for items 3-4 - in percentages (from 0 to 100%).

The criterion "openness and accessibility of information about the organization" implies: a) the completeness and relevance of information about the organization posted on its official website; b) information about teaching staff; c) the availability of interaction with recipients of educational services by phone, e-mail, through electronic services presented on the official website of the organization; d) availability of information on the course of consideration of applications from recipients of educational services.

The second criterion "comfort of the conditions in which educational activities are carried out" implies: a) material, technical and information support of the organization; b) availability of conditions for the protection and promotion of health, catering for students; c) conditions individual work with students; d) the possibility of developing the creative abilities and interests of students, including their participation in competitions, exhibitions, sports events, etc.; e) the possibility of providing psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance to students; f) availability of conditions for organizing training and education of students with handicapped health.

The criterion "goodwill, courtesy, competence of employees" characterizes the proportion of recipients of educational services: a) positively evaluating the goodwill and courtesy of employees of the organization (%); b) satisfied with the competence of employees of the organization.

The fourth criterion "satisfaction with the quality of the educational activities of the organization" characterizes the share of recipients of educational services: a) satisfied with the organization's material and technical support; c) the quality of the educational services provided; d) willing to recommend the organization to relatives and friends.

In order to obtain objective information as a result of monitoring the recipients of educational services - students, questionnaires were developed. The requirements for the questionnaires were:

The questions in the questionnaires must reflect the four criteria of Order No. 1547;

Questions must exactly correspond to the content of the paragraphs of Order No. 1547;

Questionnaires should be anonymous in order to increase the objectivity of the results;

Questionnaire data must be processed on a computer using the "Statistics" program.

Experimental results and discussion

A sociological survey of students was conducted in the North Caucasian branch of the Moscow Institute for the Humanities and Economics in order to study their opinions about the quality of the institute's educational activities. The survey was conducted by students of the specialty "Psychology" under the guidance of teachers of the department "Applied Psychology". The survey involved 462 people - students of all faculties of the institute. The confidentiality of the data obtained during the survey was guaranteed.

The results of the survey conducted to study the quality of the educational activities of the Institute are shown in Table 1.

Table 1

The results of the survey on the study of the quality of the educational activities of the institute

Indicators relating to the openness and accessibility of information about the institute

Availability of interaction with recipients of educational services by phone, by e-mail, using electronic services

Availability of information on the course of consideration of citizens' appeals received by the organization from recipients of educational services

Indicators relating to the comfort of the conditions in which educational activities are carried out

Logistics of the organization

Information support of the organization

Availability necessary conditions for the protection and promotion of health

Availability of necessary conditions for catering for students

Conditions for individual work with students

Possibility of developing creative abilities (participation in competitions, olympiads, reviews, sports and other public events)

Availability of the possibility of providing psychological and pedagogical assistance

Possibility to provide medical and social assistance

Availability of conditions for organizing training and education of students with disabilities and disabled people

in % of all respondents

Indicators relating to the competence, courtesy and friendliness of the institute's employees

Friendliness and courtesy of employees

Satisfaction with the competence of the employees of the organization

Indicators relating to satisfaction with the quality of educational activities

Satisfaction with logistics

Quality of provided educational services

The results presented in Table 1 are presented in the form of a histogram in Figure 1. An analysis of the data obtained during the survey shows that among the indicators characterizing the general criteria for assessing the quality of the educational activities of the institute, the indicators relating to the competence of employees, their politeness and goodwill are in the lead - the average percentage of satisfaction is 90% . The indicators characterizing the quality of the institute's educational activities are slightly inferior to them (the average percentage is 87%). The majority of students studying at the institute are satisfied with the quality of the services provided (90%), the material and technical support of the institute (87%) and are ready to recommend the institute to their relatives, friends and acquaintances (83.9%).

Rice. 1. Indicators of openness and accessibility of information about the institute and the comfort of the conditions in which educational activities are carried out. The column number corresponds to the question number in table 1

Indicators characterizing the comfort of the conditions in which educational activities are carried out occupy the third position in the survey. Among the indicators of this group, the highest rating is given to such indicators as “availability of the necessary conditions for labor protection and health” ( GPA 8.6), “logistical and information support of the institute” (average score 8.1). Students also highly appreciate the availability of opportunities to develop their creative abilities (average score 8.0). Close to them are the availability of opportunities to provide psychological and pedagogical assistance (average score 7.8). Below students assess the availability of the necessary conditions for catering (average score 7.3), the possibility of providing medical and social assistance (average score 6.9), the availability of conditions for individual work (average score 6.6) and for the education and upbringing of students with handicapped and disabled (mean score 6.3). This may be due to the fact that the majority of students do not use the information on the institute's website about teaching students with disabilities.

A relatively lower rating was given to indicators relating to the openness and accessibility of information about the institute. The availability of information on the course of consideration of students' applications is estimated at an average of 6.9 points, and the availability of interaction with recipients of educational services by phone, e-mail or through any electronic services - at 6.7 points. This, apparently, is due to the fact that, in practice, students' appeals are resolved directly in the process of communication in dean's offices and departments, and decisions on them are not postponed.


1. The methodology for monitoring the student environment and taking into account these results, which characterize the general criteria for assessing the quality of educational activities for posting on the official website of an organization engaged in educational activities in the humanitarian direction, has been tested.

2. A version of the questionnaire for recipients of educational services - students, which is posted on the website of the North Caucasian branch of the Moscow Humanitarian and Economic Institute, has been proposed and recommended for monitoring in higher educational institutions.

3. An analysis of the results of monitoring students to assess the quality of educational activities is given. The survey conducted on the study of the main indicators characterizing the general criteria for assessing the quality of the educational activities of the institute showed a different degree of their severity: greater satisfaction with some criteria and less with others, which allows in the future to build targeted work on the development and improvement of the activities of the North Caucasian branch of the Moscow Humanitarian economic institute.


Boyazitova I.V., Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Director of the Institute of Human Studies, Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University, Pyatigorsk;

Khrebina S.V., Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head of the Department of Psychology of Personality and Professional Activity, Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University, Pyatigorsk.

Bibliographic link

URL: (date of access: 01.02.2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"
    Application. Indicators characterizing the general criteria for assessing the quality of educational activities of organizations engaged in educational activities

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 5, 2014 N 1547
"On approval of indicators characterizing the general criteria for assessing the quality of educational activities of organizations engaged in educational activities"

In accordance with Part 5 of Article 95.2 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598; 2013, N 19, Art. 2326, 23, item 2878, N 27, item 3462, N30, item 4036, N 48, item 6165; 2014, N 6, item 562, item 566, N 19, item 2289, N 22, Article 2769, No. 23, Article 2933, No. 26, Article 3388, No. 30, Article 4257, No. 30, Article 4263) I order:

Approve the attached indicators characterizing the general criteria for assessing the quality of educational activities of organizations engaged in educational activities.

D.V. Livanov

In 2014, amendments were made to various legislative acts providing for an independent assessment of the quality of services in the areas of culture, social services, health care and education.

Criteria for evaluating educational activities have been approved.

Yes, by point system(from 0 to 10) the completeness and relevance of information posted on the Internet about the organization, the availability of data on teaching staff are evaluated. The material and technical support, conditions for individual work with students are analyzed.

As a percentage (from 0 to 100), the share of recipients of educational services who are ready to recommend the organization to relatives and friends, out of the total number, is determined.

Information about the evaluation results is posted on the Internet.

In pursuance of paragraph 54 of the Regulations on the Department of Customs Statistics and Analysis, approved by order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated May 4, 2016 No. 892, in order to improve the organization of work of the customs statistics departments of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation, I ORDER:

1. Approve:

1) Model regulation on the division of customs statistics of the regional customs administration ();

2) Model regulation on the division of customs statistics of customs ().

2. Heads of regional customs departments and customs offices to bring the provisions on customs statistics units in line with the model provisions specified in paragraph 1 of this order.

3. Recognize as invalid the order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated December 24, 2012 No. 2616"On Approval of Model Regulations on Customs Statistics Subdivisions of Customs Bodies".

4. To impose control over the execution of this order on the Deputy Head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, T.N. Golendeeva.

V.I. Bulavin


I. General provisions

2. The division in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, the law of the Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter referred to as the EAEU), the legislation of the Russian Federation on customs, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory and other legal acts of the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Federal Customs Service of Russia, legal acts of the RTU, as well as this standard provision.

3. Organizational, methodological guidance and control over the activities of the Division is carried out by the Department of Customs Statistics and Analysis of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, and in terms of fulfilling the tasks and functions assigned to the Division, by the Deputy Head of the RTU, who coordinates and controls the activities of the Federal Customs Revenue Service.

4. The subdivision is headed by the head of the subdivision, who is directly subordinate to the deputy head of the RTU, who coordinates and controls the activities of the federal customs revenue service.

5. The work of the Division is built on the basis of the work plans of the RTU and the Division, a combination of the principle of unity of command in resolving issues of performance and the responsibility of each officer of the Division for the state of affairs in the assigned area and for the implementation of individual assignments.

The work plan of the Division is approved by the Deputy Head of the RTU, who coordinates and controls the activities of the Federal Customs Revenue Service.

6. The subdivision solves the tasks assigned to it both directly and through the subdivisions of customs statistics of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation located in the region of activity of the RTU (hereinafter referred to as subordinate customs authorities), as well as in cooperation with other structural subdivisions of the RTU.

II. Tasks of the Unit

9. Organization, coordination and control of the activities of subordinate customs authorities for maintaining customs statistics of foreign trade of the Russian Federation, including statistics of mutual trade of the Russian Federation with the member states of the EAEU, for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation located in the region of operation of the RTU, in accordance with the Unified methodology for maintaining customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade of the member states of the Customs Union, as well as special customs statistics in accordance with the established procedure for maintaining special customs statistics.

10. Ensuring the processing and analysis of information on customs statistics of foreign trade of the Russian Federation, including statistics of mutual trade of the Russian Federation with the member states of the EAEU, for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation located in the region of activity of RTU, based on the use of modern information technologies taking into account the requirements of technical protection of information.

11. Organization, coordination and control of the activities of customs authorities to ensure control over compliance by Russian persons with the established procedure for submitting information specified in the statistical form for recording the movement of goods (hereinafter referred to as the statistical form) and necessary for the formation of an official statistical information on mutual trade of the Russian Federation with the member states of the EAEU.

12. Ensuring the reliability and efficiency of the formation of data on customs statistics of foreign trade of the Russian Federation, including statistics on the mutual trade of the Russian Federation with the member states of the EAEU, for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation located in the region of activity of RTU.

13. Providing, taking into account the competence of the Division, information on customs statistics of foreign trade of the Russian Federation, including statistics of mutual trade of the Russian Federation with the member states of the EAEU, for the federal district and for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation located in the region of activity of the RTU, and special customs statistics of territorial bodies of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and other bodies determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

14. Organization of the publication of data on the foreign trade of the Russian Federation, including statistics on the mutual trade of the Russian Federation with the member states of the EAEU, for the federal district and for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation located in the region of activity of the RTU, by posting them on the official website of the RTU in accordance with the established procedure .

15. Improving the forms and methods of work in the areas of activity of the Division.

III. Functions of the Division

16. Carries out the maintenance of customs statistics of foreign trade of the Russian Federation, including statistics of mutual trade of the Russian Federation with the member states of the EAEU, for the federal district and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation located in the region of operation of the RTU, as well as special customs statistics in accordance with the established procedure.

17. Provides methodological and practical help subdivisions of customs statistics of subordinate customs authorities on matters of maintenance within the competence of the Subdivision of Customs Statistics of Foreign Trade of the Russian Federation, including statistics of mutual trade of the Russian Federation with the member states of the EAEU, and special customs statistics.

18. Prepares:

1) materials on the export and import of goods based on the data of the customs statistics of foreign trade of the Russian Federation, including statistics on the mutual trade of the Russian Federation with the member states of the EAEU, for the federal district and for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation located in the region of activity of RTU;

2) analytical materials on the trends in the development of foreign trade of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including statistics on the mutual trade of the Russian Federation with the member states of the EAEU located in the region of RTU activity;

3) analytical materials on foreign trade in certain goods using data from customs statistics of partner countries in order to identify possible violations the rights of the EAEU and the legislation of the Russian Federation on customs.

19. Organizes the processing and analysis of information on customs statistics of foreign trade of the Russian Federation, including statistics of mutual trade of the Russian Federation with the member states of the EAEU, for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation located in the region of activity of RTU, based on the use of modern information technologies.

20. Controls:

1) the completeness and reliability of the information contained in the databases of the customs authorities used in the formation of customs statistics. foreign trade of the Russian Federation;

2) the completeness of the collection of statistical forms by subordinate customs authorities in the region of RTU activity;

3) the timeliness of the submission of statistical forms in the region of RTU activity and the reliability of the information contained in them.

21. Ensures the publication of data on the foreign trade of the Russian Federation for the federal district and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation located in the region of RTU activity, by posting them on the RTU official website in accordance with the established procedure.

22. Considers, in accordance with the established procedure, requests received by the Division from federal executive authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, other organizations and citizens on issues within the competence of the Division.

23. Participates within its competence together with the structural subdivisions of RTU:

1) in the implementation of programs for the development of customs in the Russian Federation and other member states of the EAEU;

2) in the preparation of a report on the performance of the RTU performance indicators;

3) in the development of action plans that ensure the improvement of technologies for collecting, controlling and processing data on customs statistics of foreign trade of the Russian Federation, including statistics on mutual trade of the Russian Federation with the EAEU member states, for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

4) in carrying out functional, inspection checks of the activities of subordinate customs bodies and service checks in relation to officials of the RTU and subordinate customs bodies.

24. Participates in raising the level of qualifications of officials of subordinate customs authorities on issues within the competence of the Division.

25. Exercises control over the execution by customs statistics units of subordinate customs authorities of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory and other legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, instructions and guidelines in terms of maintaining customs statistics of foreign trade of the Russian Federation and statistics of mutual trade of the Russian Federation with the member states of the EAEU.

26. Participates on behalf of the RTU management in the preparation of information and analytical materials for the media within its competence.

IV. Division Rights

27. The subdivision for the performance of the tasks and functions assigned to it has the right:

1) submit proposals for consideration by the Deputy Head of the RTU, who coordinates and controls the activities of the Federal Customs Revenue Service, on issues within the competence of the Division;

2) request and receive from structural subdivisions of the RTU and subordinate customs authorities, in accordance with the established procedure, documents, reports, analytical materials and other information necessary for the implementation of the functions of the Subdivision;

3) use, in accordance with the established procedure, departmental information systems and create their own databases;

5) make proposals for holding meetings to resolve issues within the competence of the Division;

6) make proposals in accordance with the established procedure on the involvement of officials of the structural divisions of the RTU and subordinate customs authorities in the execution of individual instructions;

7) take part in seminars, meetings and working meetings held by RTU and the Department of Customs Statistics and Analysis of the Federal Customs Service of Russia;

8) apply in accordance with the established procedure for clarifications on issues within the competence of the Division to the Federal Customs Service of Russia;

10) receive, for review and accounting in work, legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory and other legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, as well as legal acts and other documents issued by the RTU and subordinate customs authorities on issues within the competence of the Division;

11) take part in the preparation and holding of meetings of the Board of RTU, meetings, conferences and other events held by RTU;

12) to represent, in accordance with the established procedure, the interests of RTU and subordinate customs authorities in state bodies, local governments, organizations when considering issues within the competence of the Division;

13) to make, in accordance with the established procedure, proposals for the selection, placement of personnel, as well as proposals for improving their level of qualification;

14) hold meetings with officials of customs statistics units of subordinate customs authorities on issues within the competence of the Unit;

15) submit proposals for consideration by the management of the RTU on conducting internal audits on the facts of non-performance or improper performance of official duties by officials of the customs authorities, participate in their conduct, as well as on the conduct of functional and inspection audits of subordinate customs authorities;

16) enjoy other rights provided for by legislative and other legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory and other legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, legal acts of the RTU.

V. Final provisions

28. The structure and staffing of the Unit are established within the framework of the staff list approved by the order of the RTU.

29. The head of the Division is appointed to a position (including when concluding a contract for service in the customs authorities for a new term) and is dismissed from his position by order of the RTU in agreement with the Department of Customs Statistics and Analysis of the Federal Customs Service of Russia (except for dismissal of his own free will). During the absence of the head of the Unit, the performance of his official duties is assigned to his deputy or to another official appointed in the prescribed manner.

Other officials of the Division are appointed to positions and dismissed from their positions by orders of the RTU.

30. Job duties, rights and responsibilities of officials of the Unit are regulated by job descriptions and job regulations approved in accordance with the established procedure.

31. Officers of the Division are appointed from among persons who meet the established qualification requirements.

32. Head of Division:

2) takes part in meetings and seminars held by the RTU, when considering issues within the competence of the Division;

4) ensures the timely submission of reports, information and analytical materials and information on the activities of the RTU on issues within the competence of the Division to the Federal Customs Service of Russia;

5) participates in the selection, placement of personnel of the Division, ensures that officials of the Division comply with official discipline;

6) signs and approves documents within its competence, gives instructions that are obligatory for execution by officials of subordinate customs bodies;

7) creates conditions for improving the level of professional training of the officials of the Division and the introduction of advanced methods and methods of work;

8) submits to the head of the RTU submissions on the assignment of special ranks to the employees of the Unit, the appointment of officials of the Unit, as well as proposals for their encouragement and the imposition of disciplinary sanctions on them;

9) takes measures to ensure the necessary conditions for the service of the officials of the Division;

10) represents the interests of RTU in state bodies and organizations on issues within the competence of the Division, in accordance with the established procedure;

11) enjoy other rights, perform other duties and bear responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

33. The Head of the Division is responsible for the implementation of the functions assigned to the Division, including the implementation of programs, plans and performance indicators of the RTU in terms of the competence of the Division.

34. The assignment to the Division of functions not provided for by this model regulation, except for special (address) instructions of the head of the RTU, is not allowed.

Deputy Chief
Office of Customs
statistics and analysis

2. The division in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, the law of the Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter referred to as the EAEU), the legislation of the Russian Federation on customs, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory and other legal acts of the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Federal Customs Service of Russia, legal acts of the regional customs administration (hereinafter referred to as RTU), as well as this standard provision.

3. Organizational, methodological guidance and control over the activities of the Division is carried out by the customs statistics division of the RTU, and in terms of fulfilling the tasks and functions assigned to the Division, by the deputy head of customs, coordinating and controlling the activities of the Division.

4. The Division is headed by the Chief of the Division, who reports directly to the Deputy Chief of Customs, who coordinates and supervises the activities of the Division.

5. The work of the Division is built on the basis of the work plans of the customs and the Division, a combination of the principle of unity of command in resolving issues of performance and the responsibility of each officer of the Division for the state of affairs in the assigned area and for the implementation of individual assignments.

The work plan of the Division is approved by the Deputy Head of Customs, who coordinates and supervises the activities of the Division.

6. The subdivision solves the tasks assigned to it both directly and in cooperation with other structural subdivisions of the customs and customs posts subordinate to customs (hereinafter referred to as subordinate customs posts).

7. Office work and measures to ensure the secrecy regime in the Division are carried out in accordance with the established procedure.

8. In carrying out its activities, the Division complies with the requirements of the legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of Russia on information security.

II. Tasks of the Unit

9. Organization of maintenance, within the competence of the customs, of the customs statistics of foreign trade of the Russian Federation, including statistics of mutual trade of the Russian Federation with the member states of the EAEU, for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation located in the region of the customs, in accordance with the methodology for maintaining customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade of the EAEU member states, as well as special customs statistics in accordance with the established procedure.

10. Ensuring the processing and analysis of information on customs statistics of foreign trade of the Russian Federation, including statistics of mutual trade of the Russian Federation with the member states of the EAEU, for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation located in the region of customs activity, based on the use of modern information technologies, taking into account the requirements of technical protection of information .

11. Ensuring control over compliance by Russian persons with the established procedure for submitting information specified in the statistical form for recording the movement of goods (hereinafter referred to as the statistical form) and necessary for the formation of official statistical information on mutual trade between the Russian Federation and the EAEU member states.

12. Ensuring the reliability of data used in the formation of customs statistics of foreign trade of the Russian Federation, including statistics of mutual trade of the Russian Federation with the member states of the EAEU, in the region of customs activity, based on modern information technologies.

13. Providing, taking into account the competence of the Division, information on customs statistics of foreign trade of the Russian Federation, mutual trade of the Russian Federation with the member states of the EAEU and special customs statistics of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and other bodies that are determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

14. Ensuring the publication of data on the foreign trade of the Russian Federation, including statistics on the mutual trade of the Russian Federation with the member states of the EAEU, for the federal district and for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation located in the region of the customs, by posting them on the official website of the customs in accordance with the established procedure<1>.


III. Functions of the Division

15. Carries out maintenance, within the competence of the customs, of the customs statistics of foreign trade of the Russian Federation, including statistics of mutual trade of the Russian Federation with the member states of the EAEU, for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation located in the region of the customs, and special customs statistics in accordance with the established procedure.

16. Performs registration and cancellation of statistical forms<2>.


<2>By decision of the head of customs, this function may be assigned to officials of subordinate customs posts.

17. Prepares:

1) materials on the export and import of goods based on the data of customs statistics of foreign trade of the Russian Federation, including statistics of mutual trade of the Russian Federation with the member states of the EAEU, for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation located in the region where the customs operates;

2) analytical materials on trends in the development of foreign trade of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including statistics on the mutual trade of the Russian Federation with the member states of the EAEU, in the region where the customs operates;

3) analytical materials on foreign trade in certain goods in order to identify possible violations of the law of the EAEU and the legislation of the Russian Federation on customs.

18. Provides, within the competence of the customs, the collection and processing of information on customs statistics of the foreign trade of the Russian Federation, including statistics on the mutual trade of the Russian Federation with the member states of the EAEU, for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation located in the region of the customs, based on the use of modern information technologies.

19. Carries out a set of measures aimed at ensuring the reliability of the information contained in the statistical forms in the region where the customs operates.

20. Controls:

1) the completeness and reliability of the information contained in the customs databases used in the formation of customs statistics of foreign trade of the Russian Federation;

2) the timeliness of submission of statistical forms in the region of customs activity and the reliability of the information contained in them;

3) compliance with the established procedure for making changes to the information contained in the electronic copy of the declaration for goods after the release of goods.

21. Ensures the publication of data on the foreign trade of the Russian Federation, including statistics on the mutual trade of the Russian Federation with the member states of the EAEU, in the region where the customs operates by posting them on the official website of the customs<3>.


<3>Only for the Kaliningrad Oblast, Moscow Oblast, and the Central Energy Customs in terms of foreign trade in energy carriers.

22. Advises officials of subordinate customs posts on issues within the competence of the Division.

23. Considers, in accordance with the established procedure, requests received by the Division from federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, organizations and citizens in the areas of activity of the Division; preparing responses to such requests.

24. Participates, on behalf of the customs administration, in the preparation, within its competence, of information and analytical materials for the media.

IV. Division Rights

25. The subdivision, in order to perform the tasks and functions assigned to it, has the right to:

1) to submit proposals to the Deputy Head of Customs, who coordinates and supervises the activities of the Subdivision, to the Head of the Customs Statistics Department of the superior customs authority:

on issues within the competence of the Division, as well as on the activities of subordinate customs posts;

on holding meetings to resolve issues within its competence;

2) to request and receive from the structural subdivisions of the customs and subordinate customs posts, in accordance with the established procedure, analytical and statistical materials necessary for making decisions on issues within the competence of the Subdivision;

3) use departmental information systems in accordance with the established procedure;

4) interact in accordance with the established procedure with state authorities, local authorities, organizations and citizens on issues within the competence of the Division;

5) take part:

in seminars and meetings held by customs, RTU and the Department of Customs Statistics and Analysis of the Federal Customs Service of Russia;

in targeted inspection checks of subdivisions of subordinate customs posts and service checks in relation to customs officials and subordinate customs posts;

6) represent, in accordance with the established procedure, the interests of customs and customs authorities of the region of activity in state bodies, local governments, organizations when considering issues within the competence of the Division;

7) to make, in accordance with the established procedure, proposals for the selection, placement and improvement of the level of qualification of personnel;

8) enjoy other rights provided for by legislative and other legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory and other legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, legal acts of the RTU and customs.

V. Final provisions

26. The staffing of the Division is established within the framework of the staffing table, approved by the order of the customs.

27. The head of the Division is appointed to a position (including when concluding a contract for service in the customs authorities for a new term) and is dismissed from his position by order of the customs in agreement with the Department of Customs Statistics and Analysis of the Federal Customs Service of Russia (except for dismissal of one's own free will). During the absence of the head of the Unit, the performance of his official duties is assigned to his deputy or to another official appointed in the prescribed manner.

28. Other officials of the Division are appointed to positions and dismissed from their positions by order of the customs.

29. Job duties, rights and responsibilities of officials of the Unit are regulated by job descriptions and job regulations approved in accordance with the established procedure.

30. Officials of the Division are appointed from among persons who meet the established qualification requirements.

31. Head of Unit:

1) manages the activities of the Unit on the basis of the principle of unity of command;

2) takes part in meetings and seminars held by the customs, when considering issues within the competence of the Division;

3) distribute duties between the officials of the Division;

4) participates in the selection, placement of personnel of the Unit, ensures that officials of the Unit comply with official discipline;

5) creates conditions for improving the level of professional training of the officials of the Division and the introduction of advanced methods and methods of work;

6) submits proposals to the head of customs on the assignment of special ranks to employees of the Division, the appointment of officials of the Division, as well as proposals for their encouragement, imposing disciplinary sanctions on them;

7) takes measures to ensure the necessary conditions for the service of officials of the Division;

8) represents the interests of customs in state bodies and organizations on issues within the competence of the Division, in accordance with the established procedure;

9) enjoy other rights, perform other duties and bear responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

32. The Head of the Division is responsible for the implementation of the functions assigned to the Division, including the implementation within the competence of the Division of programs, plans and performance indicators of customs.

33. The assignment to the Division of functions not provided for by this model regulation, except for special (address) instructions from the customs management, is not allowed.

Deputy Chief
Office of Customs
statistics and analysis