What Bellingshausen discovered and in what year. Message about Bellingshausen. Circumnavigation. Service

Admiral F.F. Bellingshausen.

Outstanding navigator, discoverer Antarctica, Admiral of Russia Imperial Navy Faddey Faddeeevich Bellingshausen Ostsee German by origin. He was born on the island of Ezel (now Estonian Saarema) on September 9 (20), 1778 in a noble family; his real name - Fabian Gottlieb Thaddeus von Bellingshausen.

At the age of 11 Fabian Gottlieb Thaddeus who took Russian name Thaddeus, enters the Naval Corps. His naval career was destined for him. He later spoke of himself as follows: “I was born in the sea; just as a fish cannot live without water, so I cannot live without the sea.”.

In 1795 Bellingshausen becomes a midshipman, the next year he makes a long voyage to the shores of England, and in 1797 he is promoted to midshipman and for several years serves on the ships of the squadron of the Baltic Fleet.

In 1803-1806 midshipman Bellingshausen I was lucky enough to participate in the first round-the-world voyage of Russian ships. On "Hope" he went around the globe and proved himself with the best side. “Our fleet, of course, is rich in enterprising and skillful officers, but of all of them, whom I know, no one, except Golovnin, can equal Bellingshausen”- this is how the captain described it "Hope" and expedition leader Ivan Fyodorovich Kruzenshtern. By the way, most of the cards included in "Atlas for a trip around the world of Captain Kruzenshtern", were made by the hand of the future discoverer of Antarctica.

The sloops "Neva" and "Nadezhda" during a round-the-world voyage. Artist S.V.Pen.

At the end of the swim Thaddeus Bellingshausen receives the rank of Lieutenant Commander. In 1809-1819 he commanded ships - first a corvette "Melpomene" in the Baltic, and then frigates "Minerva" And "Flora" on the Black Sea, takes part in the fighting off the Caucasian coast.

In 1819, the captain of the 2nd rank F.F. Bellingshausen appointed head of the round-the-world Antarctic expedition, which had purely scientific goals: to achieve "possible proximity to the Antarctic Pole" with the aim of "acquisitions complete knowledge about our the globe» . At the same time, participants in long-distance navigation were required to "every diligence and the greatest effort to reach as close as possible to the pole, looking for unknown lands".

And also “Bellingshausen was charged by the strong men of Freemasonry to find the island of Grande at the South Pole, where in a cave, in the middle of an unquenchable fire, there is the Book of Genesis, guarded by the spirits of darkness”. Do not laugh: this is not a quote from a tabloid newspaper, but from a solid 15-volume "History of the Russian army and navy" published on the eve of the First World War. And the author of the quoted chapter is the outstanding historian of the Russian fleet, Lieutenant Nikolai Kallistov(1883-1917). You just need to keep in mind that two centuries ago, ideas about the southern hemisphere were so vague that in the minds of even enlightened people, scientific knowledge easily coexisted with mysticism and all sorts of absurdities.

The Antarctic expedition included two - 985-ton "East" and 885-ton "Peaceful". The first of them commanded himself Bellingshausen, the second - a talented naval officer, Lieutenant Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev - in the future an admiral and one of the most prominent Russian naval commanders.

Admiral M.P. Lazarev.

move the first Russian Antarctic expedition, which lasted from June 1819 to August 1821, deserves a separate story. Here we list only its results: Russian sailors explored vast areas of the world's oceans, discovered the sixth continent - Antarctica, the islands of Shishkov, Mordvinov, Peter I - a total of 29 islands and 1 coral reef. For the first time, accurate surveys of the Tuamotu Archipelago were made, descriptions and maps were compiled, unique ethnographic, botanical and zoological collections were collected, sketches of Antarctic species and rare representatives of the fauna were made.

Sloop "Vostok". Artist M. Semyonov.

Upon returning to Kronstadt Bellingshausen was promoted to captain of the 1st rank, and two months later - to captain-commander. Behind "immaculate seniority in officer ranks of 18 six-month naval campaigns" he became a Knight of the Order of St. George IV degree. He wrote a book about the course of the unprecedented expedition and its results. "Two-time surveys in the Southern Arctic Ocean and sailing around the world in the course of 1819, 1820 and 1821". True, it was published only in 1831 - 10 years after the completion of the voyage.

F. Bellingshausen's book "Double surveys in the Southern Arctic Ocean and sailing around the world ..." with applications.

All later career Bellingshausen- numerous voyages, military service, participation in hostilities. In the years 1822-1825, he occupied coastal posts, but after being promoted to rear admiral, for the next two years he commanded a detachment of ships in the Mediterranean. In 1828, as the commander of the Guards crew, he, along with his subordinates, traveled by land from St. Petersburg to the Danube and participated in the war with Turkey. On the Black Sea, he leads the siege of Varna and other Turkish fortresses, for which he is awarded the Order of St. Anna, I degree.

In December 1830 Bellingshausen becomes vice admiral and is appointed head of the 2nd division of the Baltic Fleet, annually sails with her in the Baltic. In 1839, he occupied the highest military post - he was appointed the chief commander of the Kronstadt port and the military governor of Kronstadt. Every year from spring to autumn, he is also the commander of the Baltic Fleet. In 1843 he was promoted to full admiral, and in 1846 he was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir I degree.

Monument to F.F. Bellingshausen in Kronstadt.

Admiral M.P. Lazarev subsequently recalled Bellingshausen as "skilled, fearless sailor", which at the same time was "warm soul man". Faddey Faddeyevich possessed rare qualities for his time: a broad outlook, a high cultural level, a humane attitude towards the lower ranks. He became the founder of the Kronstadt Maritime Library, one of the largest in Russia. In the same Kronstadt, he significantly improved the living conditions of ship crews, was engaged in the construction of barracks and hospitals, landscaping the city, and achieved an increase in meat rations for sailors. According to maritime historian E.E. Shvede, after the death of the admiral, a note was found on his desk with the following content: “Kronstadt should be planted with such trees that would bloom before the fleet goes to sea, so that the sailor gets a particle of the summer tree smell”.

Faddey Faddeevich Bellingshausen - Russian navigator, an outstanding naval figure who took part in the first round the world expedition Russian navigators under the command of I. F. Kruzenshtern. Subsequently, he was also entrusted with the command of a round-the-world expedition, during which Bellingshausen discovered Antarctica.

The beginning of a maritime career

Faddey Faddeevich was born on September 20, 1778 on the island of Ezel in a noble family of Baltic Germans. From early childhood, the boy wanted to connect his fate with the sea, and at the age of ten he entered the Naval Cadet Corps. After graduating in 1796 with the rank of midshipman, the young Bellingshausen set sail for the coast of England.

A year later, having received his first officer rank of midshipman, the navigator joined the expedition of I.F. Kruzenshtern, which made the first in history Russian fleet trip around the world.

Rice. 1. F. F. Bellingshausen.

Bellingshausen took an active part in compiling maps, which were later included in the famous Atlas of Krusenstern. He was trusted to carry out important hydrographic surveys.

Having received the rank of lieutenant commander in 1806, Bellingshausen commanded various ships of the Black Sea and Baltic fleets.

Bellingshausen's round-the-world trip

In preparing the next round-the-world expedition, I.F. Kruzenshtern persistently recommended Bellingshausen's candidacy for the role of commander. The goal of the upcoming trip was simple and at the same time difficult to implement - a thorough study of the Antarctic Pole.

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The expedition consisted of two sloops - Mirny and Vostok. In the summer of 1819, ships left Kronstadt and headed for Rio de Janeiro. Then the Russian navigators headed south, where they explored the Sandwich Islands and discovered three new islands along the way.

Rice. 2. Bellingshausen expedition.

In January 1820, the ships reached the coast of Antarctica and, moving east, explored the continental shelf covered with ice. So Bellingshausen discovered a previously unknown continent, which he dubbed "ice".

After that important event the ships separated and went to Australia: one - on the water surface of the Indian Ocean, the second - the South. During this journey, new islands and picturesque atolls were discovered.

In the fall, the expedition again headed towards the south polar seas, and crossed the Arctic Circle three times. Encountering an obstacle in the form of solid ice on their way, the sailors were forced to change course and head north. In the summer of 1821 the expedition safely returned to Kronstadt.

Swimming Bellingshausen can rightfully be called one of the most difficult and dangerous. He was able to prove to the whole world that the study of the polar regions is possible even on two modest sloops, completely unsuitable for passing through the ice.

Rice. 3. Antarctica.

During world travel Bellingshausen discovered 29 islands and one coral reef in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. A total of 92,000 km were traveled by brave sailors, rich naturalistic collections were brought.

Faddey Faddeevich died at the age of 73 as military governor of Kronstadt and with the rank of admiral.

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Admiral Faddey Faddeevich Bellingshausen was born on the island of Ezel (now Saaremaa, Estonia) on September 9 (20), 1778. Descended from the Baltic German nobles.
His first acquaintance with Kronstadt was associated with his studies at the Marine cadet corps in 1789-1897, and later - with the service as an officer in the Baltic Fleet. In 1803, he left Kronstadt as part of the first Russian round-the-world expedition of Ivan Fedorovich Krusenstern, and in 1819 he himself led the expedition on the ships Vostok and Mirny, which resulted in the discovery of Antarctica.
In 1839, fate will finally connect the admiral with Kronstadt - he will take the post of military governor and chief commander of the Kronstadt port. In the house number 2 on Knyazheskaya Street (now - Communist), - now this house is called the "Marinesko House", - there was an official apartment of the military governor Feddey Faddeevich Bellingshausen.

Made Kronstadt green

At the beginning of the activities of Thaddeus Faddeevich Bellingshausen as governor, Kronstadt was an unsettled city in terms of everyday life and culture. The only city gardens were Romanovsky (now the Metallist Garden), Engineering (on the corner of Vosstaniya and Zosimova streets), and the Public Garden on the site of the modern Summer Garden, with residential buildings adjoining it from the era of Peter I.
It is known that Faddey Faddeevich was a great lover of gardening, a successor to the ideas of his predecessor, Admiral P. M. Rozhnov, in planting greenery in the city. This enthusiasm of his transformed the city: the first trees were planted by the admiral on Aleksandrovsky Boulevard (Zosimova Street), in engineering garden and on the first alley near the grating of Petrovsky Park; parks were laid out on Bolshaya Ekaterininskaya (now Sovetskaya Street), Northern Boulevard (now Vosstaniya Street), and the Summer Garden was expanded.
Since the military governor himself supervised the state of gardens and parks, many trees were preserved in our city for a long time. And it should be noted that many of the subsequent military governors of the city were very zealous about the landscaping of Kronstadt. As a result, in 1875, a branch of the Imperial Horticultural Society was even established in the city. Later, the military governor, Vice-Admiral N. I. Kaznakov, was a great lover of gardening, who instilled in the townspeople a love for plants and nature in general.

Not only planted
but also built

Even before his appointment as military governor, Bellingshausen, together with Lieutenant Commander I.N. Skrydlov, founded a library in 1832 with private donations and became its first director, and the books collected by the admiral became the basis of the first library fund.
At the same time, acting as military governor and chief commander of the Kronstadt port, Bellingshausen was chairman of the "Committee for the Arrangement of the City", which was actually engaged in the improvement of Kronstadt and the territory of Kotlin Island. Under his supervision, new forts, docks, harbors were built and old ones were rebuilt; plans were considered for the construction of new residential buildings, the city administration building, the Steamboat Plant, the expansion of the Lutheran cemetery and other projects. At the insistence of Bellingshausen, hospitals were set up on ships, food for sailors was improved.

worthy wife

Lutheran by religion, he was an honorary parishioner of the Church of St. Elizabeth in Kronstadt. Interestingly, his family was multi-confessional. Faddey Faddeevich's wife, Anna Dmitrievna (nee Baikova, born March 6, 1808) was Orthodox. Anna Dmitrievna came from the family of Second Major Dmitry Fedoseevich Baikov, commander of a sapper battalion who served in our city and built the buildings of the Military Department in St. Petersburg and Kronstadt. Bellingshausen first met the family of his future wife when he was preparing a trip to the South Pole, and the wedding of 18-year-old Anna Baikova and 48-year-old Faddey Bellingshausen took place in Kronstadt after the trip - in 1826.
Of the seven children of Anna Fedoseevna and Faddey Faddeevich, two sons and a daughter died in infancy; Elizaveta, Ekaterina, Maria and Elena remained in the upbringing. Anna Dmitrievna not only raised her daughters, but also actively engaged in social and charitable activities: for many years she was a trustee of the Kronstadt parochial school, organized a canteen for the children of the fallen naval lower ranks, and organized charity evenings. For her labors, she was granted the “lesser cross of the Order of St. Catherine”, on the reverse side of which was engraved in Latin: “By labors she is compared with her husband.” After the death of her husband, Anna Dmitrievna left for the Pskov province, to her small estate. She died on December 16, 1892 and was buried in the churchyard of Gorki in the Novosokolnichesky district of the Pskov region. The grave of Anna Dmitrievna has been preserved thanks to the activities local history museum the city of Novosokolniki is kept in proper condition.

Descendants remember

The death of Admiral Bellingshausen in 1852 mourned the whole of Kronstadt and the Fleet. "Marine Collection" published an obituary.
His grave was located at the Lutheran (German) cemetery in Kronstadt, but, unfortunately, was lost. Already in our time, a cenotaph was installed at the site of the alleged burial.
On September 11, 1870, a monument was unveiled in the Catherine (Soviet) Park with the inscription “To our polar navigator Faddey Faddeevich Bellingshausen. 1870". At the opening of the monument, a solemn ceremony took place with the consecration and marching of the Kronstadt sailors and units of the Kronstadt artillery. Subsequently, the opening ceremony of the monument to Thaddey Faddeevich Bellingshausen formed the basis for the grand opening of two other monuments: to Pyotr Kuzmich Pakhtusov in Kronstadt and to Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern in St. Petersburg.
13 geographical points are named after Bellingshausen on the world map, including a mountain in Antarctica, a cape on Sakhalin, islands, a sea and a basin in pacific ocean off the coast of Antarctica. For a long time, the USSR Navy included the expeditionary oceanographic vessel "Thaddeus Bellingshausen", which in 1983 repeated, together with the vessel "Admiral Vladimirsky", well known to the Kronstadters, the route of the Bellingshausen and Lazarev expedition of 1819-1821. The name of Faddey Faddeevich Bellingshausen is now especially honored in the Children's Maritime Center "Young Sailor". Every year in September, in the Soviet park near the monument to Bellingshausen, a holiday of initiation into the cabin boy is held.
So in our city they try to keep the connection of times.

Svetlana Kislyakova,
Museum of the History of Kronstadt

Russian navigator, admiral (1843), discoverer of Antarctica (1820).

Fabian Gottlieb Tadeus Bellingshausen was born into a family of Baltic noblemen on the Pilguze family estate on the island of Ezel (now Saaremaa, Estonia). In 1789-1797 he studied at the Naval Cadet Corps in. In the Russian service he was called Faddey Faddeevich.

In 1803-1806, F. F. Bellingshausen participated in the 1st Russian round-the-world expedition on the Nadezhda sloop under the command of I. F. Kruzenshtern. Upon his return, he commanded a corvette and a frigate in the Baltic and the Black Sea. During voyages in the Baltic and Black Seas, he carried out cartographic and astronomical research.

In 1819-1821, he led a round-the-world expedition on the sloops Vostok (commander F. F. Bellingshausen) and Mirny (commander), sent to Antarctica with the goal of maximum penetration to the southern polar zone and discovery of unknown lands.

On January 16 (28), 1820, the expedition discovered Antarctica, approaching it in the area of ​​the modern Bellingshausen ice shelf. Russian ships approached the continent on January 21 (February 2), as well as on February 5 and 6 (17 and 18), 1820. The observations made by F.F. Bellingshausen led to the conclusion that there was an “ice continent” in front of them.

In January 1821, the expedition discovered an island named after, and a coast named after. Further, Russian ships reached the group of South Shetland Islands, where a new group of islands was discovered and explored, named after major battles. Patriotic War 1812 (, etc.), as well as the names of prominent maritime figures.

At the end of July 1821, the expedition of F.F. Bellingshausen returned to, having traveled 50 thousand miles in two years and having carried out extensive hydrographic and climatic studies. She brought valuable botanical, zoological and ethnographic collections with her. The results of the expeditions of 1803-1806 and 1819-1821 F. F. Bellingshausen outlined in the book "Two-time surveys in the Southern Arctic Ocean and sailing around the world in 1819, 1820 and 1821, committed on the sloops "Vostok" and "Mirny" (1831 ).

In 1828-1829, Rear Admiral F.F. Bellingshausen participated in Russian-Turkish war, later commanded a division of the Baltic Fleet. In 1839 he was appointed military governor



Russian Antarctic research station on the island. King George (Waterloo) in the group South Shetland islands, near the north. tip of the Antarctic Peninsula. Opened in February 1968 (the first Soviet station off the coast of West Antarctica). Serves as a base for route research. Named after the discoverer of Antarctica F. F. Bellingshausen.

Dictionary of modern geographical names. - Yekaterinburg: U-Factoria. Under the general editorship of Acad. V. M. Kotlyakova. 2006 .


Faddey Faddeevich (Fabian Gottlieb) (1778–1852), Russian navigator, discoverer of Antarctica, admiral (1843). In 1803–06 took part in the first round-the-world voyage of I.F. Kruzenshtern and made almost all the maps on this journey. In 1819–21 led a round-the-world expedition on the sloops Vostok (he was his captain) and Mirny (captain M.P. Lazarev). Near about. South George, four islands were discovered and it was found that the one found by J. cook“Sandwich Land” is an archipelago (South Sandwich Islands), from which the underwater South Antilles Range stretches. In January 1820, Bellingshausen saw the coast of the Antarctic continent in the area of ​​the Princess Martha Coast, and in February again approached the continent at 15 ° E. where the Princess Astrid Beach is located. Thus, the Bellingshausen expedition discovered the sixth continent - Antarctica. In July - August 1820, Bellingshausen discovered a number of inhabited atolls, and in January 1821 he again approached Antarctica and discovered about. Peter I and the mountainous coast of Alexander I Land. Bellingshausen compiled the first classification of Antarctic ice and determined the position of the South with great accuracy. geomagnetic pole. His name is immortalized in the names of the sea, an underwater basin, an ice shelf, three islands, a cape, a scientific station, and a number of other objects on the map of Antarctica.

Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Under the editorship of prof. A. P. Gorkina. 2006 .


Faddey Faddeevich (1778–1852), Russian naval figure, navigator, admiral (1843), discoverer of Antarctica.
Born on the island of Ezel (now the island of Saaremaa, Estonia) on September 9, 1778 in a family of Baltic noblemen. Since childhood, he dreamed of becoming a sailor, writing about himself: “I was born in the middle of the sea; just as a fish cannot live without water, so I cannot live without the sea.”
In 1789 he entered the Kronstadt Naval Cadet Corps. He became a midshipman and in 1796 sailed to the coast of England. He successfully sailed around the Baltic on the ships of the Revel squadron, in 1797 he was promoted to midshipman (first officer rank). The love for science was noticed by the commander of the Kronstadt port, who recommended Bellingshausen I.F. Kruzenshtern.
In 1803–1806, Bellingshausen served on the ship Nadezhda, which participated in the expedition of Krusenstern and Yu.F. Lisyansky, which made the first Russian circumnavigation of the world. During this journey, he compiled and executed graphically almost all the maps included in Atlas for a trip around the world by Captain I.F. Kruzenshtern.
In 1810-1819 he commanded a corvette and a frigate in the Baltic and Black Seas, where he also carried out cartographic and astronomical research.
When preparing a new round-the-world expedition, Kruzenshtern recommended Bellingshausen, who had already become a captain of the 2nd rank, as its leader: “Our fleet, of course, is rich in enterprising and skillful officers, but of all of them, whom I know, no one, except Golovnin, can equal him." At the beginning of 1819, Bellingshausen was appointed "leader of an expedition to search for the sixth continent," organized with the approval of Alexander I.
In June 1819, the sloops Vostok under the command of Bellingshausen and Mirny under the command of a young naval lieutenant MP Lazarev left Kronstadt. On November 2, the expedition arrived in Rio de Janeiro. From there, Bellingshausen headed south. Rounding the southwestern coast of the island of New Georgia, discovered by Cook (about 56 degrees south latitude), he examined the southern Sandwich Islands. On January 16, 1820, the ships of Bellingshausen and Lazarev approached an unknown "floe continent" in the area of ​​the Princess Martha Coast. This day marks the discovery of Antarctica. Three more times this summer, the expedition explored the coastal shelf of the open sixth continent, crossing the Antarctic Circle several times. In early February 1820, the ships approached the Princess Astrid Coast, but due to snowy weather they could not see it well.
In March 1820, when navigation off the coast of the mainland became impossible due to the accumulation of ice, both ships headed for Australia in different ways and met at the port of Jackson (now Sydney). From it they went to the Pacific Ocean, where 29 islands were discovered in the Tuamotu archipelago, which were named after prominent Russian military and statesmen.
In September 1820, Bellingshausen returned to Sydney, from where he again went to explore Antarctica in the Western Hemisphere.
In January 1823, he discovered the island of Peter I and the coast, called the Coast of Alexander I. Then the expedition reached the group of the South Shetland Islands, where a new group of islands was discovered and explored, named after the major battles of the Patriotic War of 1812 (Borodino, Smolensk, etc.) , as well as the names of prominent maritime figures of Russia. At the end of July 1821, the expedition returned to Kronstadt, having traveled 50,000 miles in two years and carried out extensive hydrographic and climatic studies. She brought valuable botanical, zoological and ethnographic collections with her. The success of the expedition was largely determined by the outstanding personality of the travel leader. He brilliantly owned a pen and vividly described in his diary both his scientific discoveries and the customs of the peoples he met. His book "Double surveys in the Southern Arctic Ocean and sailing around the world in the course of 1819-1821, carried out on the sloops Vostok and Mirny" awakened in many future explorers of Antarctica a passion for travel.
Bellingshausen's expedition is considered one of the most difficult to this day: the famous Cook, who was the first to reach the south polar ice in the 70s of the 18th century, having encountered them, even considered that it was impossible to move further. Almost half a century after Cook's expedition, Bellingshausen proved the inaccuracy of his statement and went to Antarctica on two small sailing ships not adapted for navigation in ice.
After the expedition, Bellingshausen was awarded the rank of Rear Admiral. For two years he commanded a naval crew, for three years he held staff positions, and in 1826 he led a flotilla in the Mediterranean. Participating in the Turkish campaign of 1828-1829, he was among those who besieged and took the fortress of Varna from the sea. After commanding a division of the Baltic Fleet. In 1839 he was appointed military governor of Kronstadt, chief commander of the port of Kronstadt. In this position, he did a lot for the port, founded the maritime library, and by the end of his life he rose to the Order of Vladimir I degree and the rank of admiral. In personal communication, he was friendly, in extreme situations cold-blooded. He married late but had four daughters
On May 11, 1852, he died and was buried in Kronstadt, in 1870 a monument was erected to him there. A sea and an island in the Pacific Ocean, a cape on Sakhalin Island, an island in Atlantic Ocean, an ice shelf of Antarctica, and also opened on February 22, 1968 at the southwestern tip of Antarctica - Cape Fidles (62 ° 12 "S, 58 ° 56" W) - a scientific station in the group of the South Shetland Islands. It was the first Soviet station off the coast of West Antarctica.
Compositions: Bellingshausen F.F. Double surveys in the Southern Arctic Ocean and sailing around the world in the continuation of 1819, 20 and 21, carried out on the sloops "Vostok" and "Mirny". Ed. 3rd. M., 1960.
Lev Pushkarev, Natalya Pushkareva
Shokalsky Yu.M. Centenary since the departure of the Russian Antarctic Expedition under the command of F. Bellingshausen and M. Lazarev on July 4, 1819 from Kronstadt. - News of the State. Rus. geogr. Society. 1928. T. 60. Issue. 2.
Bolotnikov N. Ya. Faddey Faddeevich Bellingshausen and Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev. - In the book: Russian navigators. M., 1953
Fedoseev I.A. F.F. Bellingshausen. - Issues of the history of natural science and technology. M., 1980. Issue. 67–68

Encyclopedia Around the World. 2008 .

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