How to restore brain function after severe stress. How to restore yourself after a lot of stress. Recovery of organ systems

It's no secret that strong emotional experiences affect our general condition. Facial skin is no exception. Doctors around the world have long argued that stress is a risk factor for many diseases. Our internal state is reflected externally. First of all - on the face. In women, hormonal levels are often disturbed from experiences, hence skin rashes or menstrual cycle failure.

In general, we can conclude that stress is bad for the skin. Just calm down and return inner harmony it is not always possible, but a woman wants to look dazzling every day. In order to restore the skin after the effects of stress, there are several ways.

Mechanisms of the effect of stress on the skin

First, let's look at what it is. Stress is a strong emotional shock. In response to such a “blow”, the body responds with chemical reactions, adaptation to dramatically changed conditions takes place. Any quarrel, unpleasant conversation with a person or a minor setback is stressful.

It affects the skin through a chain of hormonal reactions. Emotional experiences stimulate the release of corticosteroids by the adrenal glands. These hormones are necessary for activity to run or attack. That's how nature intended it modern man does not always get into a fight or hide from negative people. Therefore, the urgently generated energy is not wasted and begins to corrode the body from the inside:

  • The production of sex hormones responsible for the youthfulness of the skin is suppressed.
  • Stress stimulates the release of the enzyme hyaluronidase. It breaks down hyaluronic acid, which is involved in the formation of skin elasticity. She becomes dehydrated and takes on a dull color.
  • Then the work of metalloproteinases starts. These enzymes break down collagen and elastin, the framework of the dermis. Wrinkles appear.
  • During stress, peripheral capillaries constrict. As a result, blood circulation in the skin worsens, which disrupts its nutrition.
  • Regular stress reduces the body's immune defenses. Inflammations become more frequent, including local ones, in the form of pimples.
  • Corticosteroids directly stimulate sebum production. Glitter on the face and acne is a vivid proof of this.
  • The nervous system is in tension, the sensitivity of the skin increases. As a result, even slight temperature changes can damage the epithelium, cause peeling, itching or rashes on the skin of the face.

You can suppress the manifestations of stress with the help of cosmetic procedures.

Aesthetic medicine can work wonders, eliminating the effects of moral and physical fatigue. However, the best thing for the skin and the body as a whole is to get rid of the stress factor or calmly survive it. There are several ways to calm the nervous system:

  • Yoga and meditation.
  • Sanitary resort vacation or travel. Last but not least, take a vacation and relax.
  • Taking a warm bath. Possibly with aromatherapy.
  • Regular moderate physical activity. Spend at least 30 minutes a day walking outdoors.
  • Daily skin care.
  • Psychologist consultation.

All of these methods are effective when done regularly. But women always want to look good, so signs of fatigue should be eliminated as much as possible. short time. Aesthetic medicine comes to the rescue.

Cosmetological anti-stress procedures

In this case, they are inappropriate. Cosmetologists have long noticed that in women under stress, the result from or does not last as long as in people without it. The effect often does not live up to expectations, which negatively affects the reputation of clinics, although doctors have absolutely nothing to do with it - this individual characteristics organisms, about which customers are warned in advance.

In cosmetology centers, they offer to focus on the following anti-stress procedures:

  • Spa massage. A nice way to relax and forget about the negative. The blood supply to the skin improves, it returns to its tone and acquires a healthy, rested appearance.
  • Mesotherapy. An individually selected cocktail is injected under the skin. Their composition is varied. Most often, it includes vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The skin is nourished and protected from the aggressive effects of stress.
  • . The method effectively eliminates the signs of stress. The cellular composition of the skin is updated, which gives the effect of rejuvenation.
  • Masks. Provides nourishment and hydration to the skin.

Completely eliminate the effects of stress only external influences impossible. For more effective recovery, it is first necessary to calm the nervous system.

All the main organs and systems of the human body are exposed to the negative effects of strong prolonged stress, but to the greatest extent negative emotions and experiences affect the nervous system.

Have you noticed in yourself a feeling of depression, weakness, apathy and other similar moments after a strong emotional shock? With a high degree of probability, this indicates the fact of the transferred harmful effects of stress on the nervous system.

By reading the information below, you will learn about the causes and signs of stress, as well as get useful advice, the observance of which will help you cope as quickly as possible with the transferred and restore your vitality.

Causes and signs of stress

After the transferred irritating factors, which are the primary causes of stress, the human body can undergo a wide variety of changes. At the same time, almost anything can lead to stress:

  • quarrel with a loved one;
  • problems at work;
  • misunderstanding in the family;
  • serious illness, death of someone close;
  • a variety of factors that are essentially not the most significant. For example, a person may experience oppression and depression after moving, losing an insignificant amount of money, etc.

Often, stress is caused by emotions that have arisen after inner experiences and against the background of various personal qualities.
To find out if you're experiencing stress after a recent shock, check out the list of signs of stress below.

The following symptoms may indicate the presence of stress:

  • sleep and appetite disturbances;
  • a state of chronic fatigue, depression, depression, loss of interest in real life;
  • headache;
  • constant feeling of anxiety, inability to concentrate, relax, remember something;
  • the emergence of various "nervous" habits such as lip biting, leg swinging, etc.;
  • aggression and irritability;
  • indifference to relatives, friends and loved ones.

Possible effects of prolonged stress

The need to take measures as soon as possible to recover from the stress experienced is best told possible consequences such a state.
After prolonged stress, a person is more likely to experience various violations functions of the main organs and systems. The consequences can be aggravated up to the appearance of such diseases as:

  • ulcer;
  • neurosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • eczema;
  • diabetes;
  • oncology;
  • digestive disorders;
  • asthma;
  • impotence, etc.

These problems are only the most common - the list of diseases that occur after prolonged stress can be continued for a very long time. But more significant is not information that sanctifies the list of possible complications, but recommendations on actions to recover from prolonged stress.

Recommendations for effective restoration of the nervous system
First of all, experts strongly recommend visiting a psychotherapist - his support will help you recover much faster and more efficiently. Many patients ignore this need and try to restore the nervous system on their own, using all kinds of pills and even psychotropic drugs. You can't do it.

First, uncontrolled treatment can only aggravate the situation.
Secondly, not every stress is depression, and it is much more expedient to start the fight against depression with the use of more gentle methods and less serious drugs.

To minimize the harmful effects of stress, do the following:

  • be a physically active person. You can do absolutely any sport that brings pleasure and you like it. If there is no time for full-fledged workouts, at least do exercises at home and walk more;
  • watch more comedy films and TV shows than melodramas and crime chronicles;
  • get a pet;
  • eat foods that improve the functioning of the nervous system and brain;
  • change the environment. In any way: meet friends and relatives, go somewhere, etc.;
  • find a hobby you like and devote more time to it;
  • try yoga;
  • listen to uplifting music;
  • get enough sleep and stick to a sleep and rest regimen.

But the first thing you should do is to get rid of the causes that led to the emergence of stress. If these factors are beyond your control, try to set yourself up for a less critical attitude towards them, do not overload the nervous system and be more positive.

Folk recipes for stress

You can use any kind of medication to deal with stress only as directed by a doctor - if used incorrectly, medications can seriously harm. But there are many folk recipes that allow you to calm down and get rid of unnecessary worries. There is only one contraindication to their use: individual intolerance to any component present in the composition.

  1. Effective soothing collection. To prepare this remedy, valerian, fennel, as well as cumin and motherwort are taken in equal proportions. Pour a large spoonful of the collection with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for a couple of hours, then divide it into 3 parts and take it throughout the day. The recommended duration of such folk treatment is a month. Preventive courses should be carried out in spring and autumn.
  2. Tea for depression. Pour a small spoonful of St. John's wort with a glass of boiling water, let cool slightly and drink. Take twice a day like regular tea. You can add honey to improve the taste.
  3. Coriander for stress. Take a small spoonful of seeds, fill them with a glass of boiling water and send them to a water bath. After holding the broth there for 15 minutes, remove and let cool. Take 4 times a day for 25-40 ml. Coriander perfectly relieves irritability - when you feel better, you can stop treatment.
  4. Mint tea. The simplest drink has long been known for its soothing properties. The best taste is wild mint tea. Additionally, it is recommended to add honey (preferably lime) and lemon. After drinking the tea, eat the lemon without forgetting the skin. Tea made from calendula, lemon balm and other medicinal herbs has a similar effect.
  5. Motherwort. Pour a share of dry grass with 5 shares of medical alcohol. Take 20 drops three times a day. You can stir in water. Motherwort helps to normalize the heart rate and get rid of anxiety.
  6. Aromatherapy. For maximum effect, purchase an aroma lamp. Orange, lavender and pine oils are effective against stress. When adding oil to the lamp, adhere to the following proportion: no more than 1 drop for every 5 sq.m. spaces around. In the absence of a lamp, you can add a couple of drops of oil to the bath.
  7. Coniferous baths. Add pine needle extract (available at the pharmacy) to the bath, following the instructions. Take a comfortable position in the bath and stay in it for 15 minutes. Maintain a 10-day course of treatment.

diet for stress

There are a number of products that help normalize mood and quickly restore the nervous system after stressful situations. These include:

  • low-fat dairy products;
  • oily fish;
  • nuts;
  • buckwheat and oatmeal;
  • chocolate (the most effective is the one that contains over 70% cocoa);
  • natural honey;
  • seaweed;
  • meat products;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits.

Thus, even the strongest stress can be overcome and forgotten. If you can’t do it yourself, do not hesitate to contact a qualified specialist - he will definitely help.

Respond in a timely manner to adverse changes in your condition, follow medical recommendations and be healthy!

The modern realities of life force us to regularly ask ourselves how to restore the nervous system after prolonged stress.

Hard work, lack of money and time, trouble: we often rush into the pool without thinking about the consequences.

And the price that has to be paid much later is often too high.

How stress affects our organs

To ensure the body recovers from stress, first of all, you need to understand how such a condition affects a person.

adrenal glands

It is this organ that first suffers from stressful situations.

When anxious, our nervous system causes the adrenal glands to secrete hormones such as cortisol.

This is necessary to suppress digestion and immunity in favor of other bodily functions that contribute to the fight against stress.

That is, the heart rate increases, blood sugar levels rise, and so on.

Long-term stress and, accordingly, adrenal dysfunction, over time lead to the following problems:

  1. Feelings of anxiety and sleep disturbance
  2. Decreased immunity and chronic fatigue
  3. The occurrence of allergic reactions
  4. Infertility and chronic depression
  5. Fatigue, insomnia, headaches
  6. Hypertension, asthma and even cancer

Gastrointestinal tract

chronically elevated level cortisol can cause increased levels of stomach acid, an imbalance in the intestinal flora, and abnormal immune responses to certain foods.

In some cases, this leads to food allergies, inflammation of the colon, and intestinal irritability.

reproductive organs

When stressed, the body begins to produce cortisol from pregnenolone to provide other hormones in the body.

Under the worst set of circumstances, this becomes the cause of infertility.

Recovery of the body after stress: instructions

During the rehabilitation period after prolonged stress, it is necessary not only to return to the usual way of life, but also to make up for the lack of positive emotions in the body.

Therefore, you should definitely please yourself with various things.

We have put together a short guide that will make you feel much better.

Point one

Spend time in nature to replenish your natural energy balance.

Walking barefoot on sand, dirt or grass will calm the nervous system and improve blood circulation.

You can start studying the practice of anuloma-viloma pranayama, it is also carried out in the fresh air.

Point two

Do nice things for others.

It is very important to bring as much good into your life as possible. that is why experts recommend doing some good deed every day.

If, due to certain circumstances, you do not have the opportunity to perform a positive act, just focus on what you did before or remember the pleasant things that once made you happy.

For example, you can treat yourself to a cup of tea with buckwheat honey or any other useful yummy.

Point three

Healthy sound sleep is the most important factor in the restoration of the nervous system after stress.

Go to bed before 11 pm and get at least 10 hours of sleep.

This way you maximize the effect of hormones that restore and heal your body.

To fall asleep as quickly as possible, take a bath with a few drops of bitter orange oil.

It will perfectly relax the muscles.

Item four

Engage in workouts.

Physical activity contributes to the release negative emotions and substances. Yoga classes will be no less useful.

Unlike simple workouts, it helps to find harmony with yourself.

Tip: adjust the intensity of the exercises depending on your condition. You should start with light loads. In no case do not bring your body to exhaustion.

Item five

Minimize exposure to chemicals.

Proper healthy nutrition, drinking exclusively purified water and using dishes made from organic ingredients will help you recover from severe stress.

Eliminate the following foods from your diet for a while:

  1. Chocolate
  2. Caffeine
  3. Sugar
  4. Alcohol
  5. white flour products
  6. Nutritional supplements
  7. Oils
  8. Carbonated and artificially sweetened drinks
  9. Roast

Point six

Say no.

Don't overwork, don't settle for what you don't want to do.

Live for yourself, let your body rest and recover. Pamper yourself with a Japanese or Ayurvedic massage that will improve your emotional state.

How to restore the nervous system after severe stress

In terms of its properties and mode of action, stress is practically no different from any serious illness.

It contributes to the creation of such living conditions under which a person gradually begins to perceive everything negative that happens to him as something natural and familiar.

Anxiety holds us back, preventing us from looking around and forcing us to focus only on negative emotions.

Among other things, while staying in this state, we lose precious time that could be spent on joyful moments, on the full enjoyment of life.

Stress isolates us from others, reduces our ability to make rational decisions, and contributes to a further deterioration not only in general well-being, but in life in general.

To restore nerves after severe stress, you should understand that this feeling is irrational.

And to avoid further negative consequences described above, you need to learn how to manage this feeling.

Each of the methods below needs additional support.

Remember to strengthen your body during the recovery period by consuming vitamins from natural products.

Three ways to recover from stress:

  1. Fun
  2. Meditation

After severe stress, it helps to recover, no matter how trite it may sound, the time spent with relatives, friends, relatives.

Equally helpful are doing what you love and enjoying every second. carried out for a pleasant job.

Tip: pets are not only beloved pets, but also natural antidepressants. So if stress becomes a permanent part of your life, get a kitten or puppy. It will definitely make you smile even at the end of the most difficult day at work.

Meditation will help restore the nervous system after stress

Meditation allows you to identify the emotions that consume you, observe the effect they have, and learn how to manage them.

Instead of blindly reacting to external stimuli, you can optimize your thinking process and respond exactly as you see fit.

Awareness of one's thoughts and feelings contributes to the exit from a stressful state and the stability of peace of mind.

Aligning the work of the nervous system will help solve problems that necessarily arise as a result of prolonged exposure to an anxiety state.

It is most important to pay attention to:

  1. Mental condition
  2. inner harmony

The consequences of the impact of negative emotions on the human body are frightening not only in themselves, but also in the number of side effects.

They are especially hard on women, in particular, on pregnant women and on mothers during the feeding period.

Loss of milk can be one of those symptoms that should be dealt with as soon as possible, as it affects the health of the baby.

It is possible to restore lactation after stress only when the mother has completely got rid of the stimulus.

Returning the processes of milk formation to normal will help restore sleep after stress.

Since exactly how, how much and when we sleep affects the overall well-being and quality of life.

As soon as a person begins to get the required number of hours of sleep and finds a way to stabilize the process of falling asleep, almost every aspect of life returns to normal.

You can fall asleep to relaxing music for relaxation.

Tip: start the treatment for any wrong condition with sleep. This is not about the use of sleeping pills, but rather about natural stabilizers. Drink herbal tea with the addition of chamomile, mint or linden.

One of the most difficult questions that arise at a time when the source of anxiety is already behind is the following: how to restore the psyche after stress?

We treat the body for a long time, distract from bad thoughts and struggle with noticeable consequences, but there are also aspects that initially do not have any symptoms.

Mental disorders can make themselves felt both immediately and after many years.

And then you will no longer connect the problems that have appeared with those that were earlier.

These difficulties can be prevented by contacting a specialist in a timely manner.

Recovery of mental balance after stress takes a very long time.

Do not try to rush this process, let everything go on as usual, and then you will achieve breathtaking results!

Do not be afraid to ask friends for help, use anti-stress toys, learn a new hobby, and then you yourself will not notice how quickly you will feel much better.

More and more people are asking the question: "How to restore the nervous system after prolonged stress?" Modern world endlessly confronts people with stressful situations in all areas of life. A person strives to take everything and more from life. But due to lack of time, you often have to sacrifice: the duration of sleep, the quality of food, walks and rest.

At first, the body successfully copes with difficulties. But soon the nervous system is exhausted, and the person becomes depressive and irritable, constantly feeling tired and apathetic. If the necessary measures are not taken in a timely manner to restore the system, the consequences are reflected in human health in general. No wonder they say that any disease from the nerves. After all, this system controls the work of all internal organs.

Features of prolonged stress

Even the most minor mental disorders must be eliminated as quickly as possible in order to avoid serious consequences. And what to say about protracted stressful situations, here you need to act immediately. After all, prolonged stress carries with it a huge health hazard. It leads to: ulcers and cardiovascular diseases, allergies and neurosis, atherosclerosis and asthma, depression, constipation and diarrhea, oncology and diabetes. Immunity also decreases, and the body begins to age in an accelerated mode.

Against the background of prolonged stress, these are the most common problems, but, unfortunately, this list can be supplemented with rarer diagnoses for a long time. Accordingly, the longer the stress persists, the more time it takes to recover from stress.

It was once believed that nerve cells were unable to regenerate. Now scientists know that regeneration occurs in these cells. But this process is too slow. To speed up recovery nerve cells, it is not necessary to make huge efforts, for a start it is enough to reconsider your worldview, rethink life values and set new priorities.

Yoga, meditation, breathing exercises.

If you are faced with stress or depression, do not immediately switch to various pharmacy medicines. Try the most simple methods and oddly enough, sometimes even more effective. For example, such as:


This practice allows not only to relieve stress, but also to get rid of the symptoms of unjustified anxiety and depression. Yoga helps to focus on the sensations of the human body and at the same time release the accumulated internal tension to the outside. Consider the most simple exercises available to everyone:


Recovery from stress through meditation is gaining great popularity among the population. After all, the method is really valid and it takes only ten minutes to spend.
Take any comfortable position in a quiet place where no one will disturb you. Forget about the surrounding problems and the bustle of the city. Start feeling every part of your body. Look at yourself from the outside, examine yourself in detail from head to toe. Begin to gradually relax your entire body, starting with your toes and ending with the muscles of your face. With each inhalation and exhalation, begin to count to ten, when finished, start over. Don't let your mind think about pressing issues, keep meditating. Open your eyes after ten minutes.

Breathing practices

How to recover from stress quickly? Breathing exercises give instant results. This practice not only relieves muscle and emotional tension, but also normalizes blood pressure.

Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt, slowly inhale with your stomach. Further, a sharp exhalation, at the same time throwing your hands forward, we pronounce the sound “HA”. At this moment, visualize all your inner negativity spilling out. Repeat exercises 10-15 times

Folk remedies

How to restore the nervous system after prolonged stress with the help of traditional medicine. Our grandmothers knew exactly how to support and restore the body using the forces of nature. In addition, such methods do not carry any danger or side effects for the body. Consider the most affordable and effective means folk medicine:

Disorders of the nervous system almost always affect appetite. The only difference is that some completely lose interest in food, while others cannot stop, endlessly eating all sorts of goodies.
First you need to bring your appetite back to normal, and after that the recovery process will be much easier. If you have no appetite at all, try eating your favorite food. In case of overeating, switch exclusively to low-calorie foods so that the digestive system is normal.

In general, this is just the beginning of solving the problem called "how to recover from stress." The main thing is to choose the right foods in your daily diet that will help calm down and restore the entire system. Basic rules for product selection:

  1. The main enemies of the nervous system: alcohol and smoking. Completely give up these harmful unnecessary habits;
  2. Eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, even in the form of salads, even on their own;
  3. Foods containing Omega-3s are great for overall health, pay special attention to them;
  4. Drink green tea 3-5 times a day, it contains special substances that contribute to the speedy recovery of the nervous system;
  5. Give up sweets, replace them with bananas and dark chocolate, they kill the blues and cheer up and positive attitude

It is worth paying attention to medicines in the most last turn. If you have already tried all the above methods and still do not know how to recover from stress, only then start taking drugs.
Pills for stress and depression are mainly divided into two types:

  • herbal
  • Synthetic

The former act much more slowly, but have the advantage of carrying with them a minimal risk of side effects. The effect of the action of synthetic drugs comes much faster, but there are contraindications. You need to be careful with such pills, although many of them are sold without a prescription, it is better not to use them without a doctor's prescription on your own initiative.

The most popular drugs that can be purchased without a doctor's prescription:
The drug can be taken by women during menopause and children suffering from nervous diseases. In general, these tablets are broad-spectrum. Before using this substance, like any other, read the contraindications, there are plenty of them.
Pills for stress and various diseases of the nervous system are available in tablets and in the form of an alcohol solution. The dosage is prescribed only by the attending physician.
It is most often used to treat unreasonable panic, fears and anxiety. It also has its own contraindications, which can be found in the instructions for use.
There are a lot of pills and drugs that treat this ailment. But only a competent doctor will be able to determine and prescribe exactly what you need in a particular case.
Also effective in the fight against stress and depression will be the combination of several methods at the same time. For example, meditation, proper nutrition and herbal collection.

Prolonged stress is a threat to a person. Poor health, apathy, pathology of internal organs manifests itself against the background of a long-term load on the psyche.

After nervous tension, the body needs recovery

The correct daily routine, diet correction, constant work on the body and one's own thoughts will help to recover from a stressful situation.

Stress can be physical, chemical or emotional. Conditional classification covers 3 stages of stress:

  1. The anxiety stage occurs due to physical and chemical reactions. The adrenal glands begin to work twice as fast due to the interaction of the brain and the nervous system. Prolonged exposure to stress leads to exhaustion of the adrenal glands.
  2. The resistant stage occurs with the adaptation of the adrenal glands. The stage lasts for several months, and contributes to an increase in internal organs.
  3. The final stage - exhaustion, is characterized by the state of a person when he is unable to adapt to stress.

Weakness and confusion are symptoms of emotional burnout and exhaustion of a person. Violations in the work of internal organs entail changes in behavior.

Hormonal imbalance contributes to nervousness and increased anxiety. The work of enlarged adrenal glands affects the general well-being of a person: weakness does not go away day and night.

Stages of stress according to G. Selye

Symptoms of prolonged stress

Cardioneurosis, alopecia, exhaustion and insomnia are common consequences of prolonged stress that can manifest at any time. Diseases of the internal organs, mental disorders and poor health need proper treatment. Eliminating the effects of stress begins with identifying the main symptoms of a neglected condition:

  • increased irritability;
  • sudden mood swings - a person either laughs or suddenly becomes hysterical;
  • fatigue and sleep disturbance;
  • decreased concentration;
  • overeating or fasting;
  • apathy and lack of initiative;
  • pessimistic outlook on life;
  • depressive state.

Feeling unwell is an alarm signal that the body sends. Emotional burnout contributes to the alienation of personality. A person under stress destroys relationships at work and in the family.

To begin to live fully without constant stress on the psyche, it is necessary to restore the correct functioning of the nervous system.

Identify symptoms, treatment and prevention. Disorders in the work of internal organs are treated with medications, and they fight with the blues psychological exercises- a person makes new acquaintances, finds a hobby and clears his head of disturbing thoughts.

Fighting irritability

Due to prolonged stress, a person cannot relax. Constant emotional pressure affects the reactions, attention and behavior of the individual: to restore health means to return to the normal functioning of the body. Experienced psychologists It is advised to cope with increased irritability and aggression:

  • through systematic physical exercises;
  • with the help of laughter therapy (therapy is based on the prolonged exposure to positive impressions);
  • change of environment, work, place of residence - any changes will help to switch from the cause of stress;
  • affirmations are practices based on positive thinking, on the visualization of pleasant events;
  • art therapy shows good results;
  • through zootherapy.

The choice of an activity that will help ease the load on the psyche depends on the wishes of the person. Sports activities (swimming, playing tennis or football) will strengthen the body and allow you to take a breath after an exhausting day. Laughter therapy is available to everyone: a person experiencing stress can watch a comedy or attend an entertainment show.

Art therapy is based on a frank dialogue between the subconscious and the human consciousness. Through clay modeling, painting or dancing, the individual expresses anxieties, acknowledges fears, and reveals traumas.

Zootherapy works through communication with animals. Tactile contacts with animals give positive.

Timely struggle with irritability eliminates severe stress. If a person learns to relieve tension (through drawing, running or watching entertaining films), he is not threatened by a prolonged load on the central nervous system.

Recovery process

Stress occurs as an acute defensive reaction to a stimulus. Frequent contact with an irritating factor contributes to a deterioration in well-being: a person loses energy, at night she is tormented by nightmares, and during the day she does not have enough strength to work. To bring the nervous system in order will help:

  1. Eliminate the irritant. To understand what situation or event prevents you from finding inner harmony, a person starts a diary or observes his own reactions. Removing yourself from people or situations that cause stress will improve the conditions of a person's life.
  2. Working on thinking. The reaction to the situation is due to the upbringing and habits of a person. To deal with increased anxiety, you need a positive attitude. To do this, they use the visualization technique: every day for 20 minutes a person imagines pleasant events, feels them and programs the brain to look for favorable opportunities.
  3. Fight bad habits. Stress eating, smoking, drinking alcohol - a bad habit partially reduces stress. Distraction provides temporary relief. If you get rid of addictions, a person learns to cope with stress and let go of anxiety without harm to health.
  4. Breathing exercises to relieve the condition. A soothing method that can be used at home and outdoors allows you to relax your body. Abdominal deep breathing normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and lowers the level of stress: in a stressful situation, it is necessary to alternate 5 deep breaths and 3 exhalations.
  5. Prevention of stress. Constant work on the body increases stress resistance.

Complex therapy will help you quickly recover from stress - exercises and loads alternate with rest. The rhythm of life and sleep is normalized. A balanced diet will provide Good work nervous system and brain.

Positive experiences are a factor that improves the condition of the affected person. Communication with friends, relatives will make it easier to transfer the recovery period.

Relaxation and rest

The body systems are normalized through rest. Low stability and frayed nerves are the main reasons for respite.

Relaxation is the absence of irritants and disturbing thoughts. During meditation or yoga, a person relaxes the muscles, gives rest to the head, and calms anxieties.

Restoration of the nervous system can be started with simple walks in the fresh air. A change of environment and occupation has a positive effect on people with stress.

Daily regime

From depression and mental stress saves the established schedule of the day. The day is signed at the rate of: 8 hours for sleep, 2 hours during the day for rest, meals every 4 hours. For active physical activities, no more than a third of the day is allotted.

During the day, time is allocated for walks, for sports and communication with like-minded people. A morally exhausted person organizes own life: it obeys the schedule without violations. A person is deprived of spontaneous decisions under the influence of negative emotions. Over time, normal sleep resumes, the need to seize problems at work or in the family disappears.

Meals are taken every four hours

Physical exercise

To improve the condition before going to bed and immediately after waking up, a person is engaged in simple exercises. Recent studies have shown that physical activity contributes to the production of the hormone of happiness. Sports activities take place at home, on the street or in sports clubs.

List of calming exercises that will help bring the nervous system back to normal:

  1. Breathing exercises. From the strongest stress, the breathing technique "Double exhalation" or "Belly breathing" relieves. When inhaling, the stomach inflates, and when exhaling, it retracts (the stomach stretches towards the spine). Wave-like breathing engages the abdomen and then the chest. Double breathing consists of two exhalations and holding the breath. Instead of the usual inhalation, the person holds the breath for a few seconds and then exhales again. Breathing exercises exercise the abdominal muscles and soothe nervousness.
  2. Jogging. Well distracts from the stressful effects of outdoor activities. Jogging is an intense run that maintains a rhythm. Focus on monotonous task reduces emotional stress.
  3. Swimming. Destroy negative thoughts of classes in water. Water relaxes the muscles, and while swimming, a person is distracted from problems at work.
  4. Good for fatigue and tightness in the body - gymnastics

Classes three times a week give constant good results. Restoring mental balance through sports is useful for a body that suffers from hormonal failures or malfunctioning of the adrenal glands.

Physical exercise saves from depression - a person who takes care of his own body learns to enjoy achievements. Group training in the gym opens a person to communication with new people.

Medical treatment

Complex therapy with medications will help restore nerves after an emotional shock. It is necessary to treat the nervous system:

  • sedative drugs (in difficult cases tranquilizers);
  • herbal medicines;
  • vitamins and mineral complexes.

The medicine prescribed by the doctor restores the nervous system and reduces the load on the psyche. The action of tranquilizers is based on a decrease in the activity of the central nervous system. Sedative medications inhibit a person's reactions: it is difficult for him to concentrate. Strong sedatives are prescribed to reduce anxiety (short use).

"Glycine" has a sedative effect, but does not affect human activity. The remedy is used for a month to reduce temporary stress. You can take medicines on a natural herbal basis without a doctor's prescription.

"Glycine" - a sedative drug

Folk recipes

Adults and children recover from stress with folk remedies. To calm the nerves, safe teas are drunk, aromatherapy and acupuncture are used. The most effective drugs to restore nerves:

  1. Calming collection. For such a collection, soothing dried herbs and inflorescences are useful: fennel, motherwort, cumin and valerian. The dried collection is brewed with boiling water in the proportion of 1 tablespoon of herbs per 250 ml of water. Freshly brewed infusion is divided into 3 doses. The course of treatment is a month.
  2. Tea. St. John's wort, coriander seeds and mint teas will be useful for people who are subject to constant stress. Dried leaves are poured with 250 ml of boiling water (1 tablespoon of herbs) and infused for 10 minutes. Add honey, lemon and other herbs to tea as desired.
  3. Tincture. Motherwort is infused for several days, then poured with alcohol (proportion 1: 5). The daily dose of tincture is 20 drops three times a day. The course of treatment is a month.
  4. Sachet. Bags with fragrant herbs can be made with your own hands: dried lavender, lemon balm, oregano and rosemary are placed in linen bags. Sachets are carried with them in a bag, left in a desk drawer at work or in a closet at home.
  5. Coniferous baths. Relaxing baths restore the nervous system and psyche: pine needle extract is diluted in warm water. Water procedures are taken no more than 20 minutes. The course of treatment is 10 days.

The nervous system is restored with the help of pleasant aromatherapy. The incense uses essential oils of orange, ylang-ylang, cedar and pine tree. Aroma lamps or scented candles are used to diffuse a soothing scent.

They come to their senses after severe stress with the help of acupuncture. The ancient technique is based on acupressure. There are several soothing points on the human body: under the nose, on the bones of the skull under the eyes and under the thumb in the palm of your hand. Impact on the points (within 10-15 seconds) allows you to reduce the level of anxiety.

Fragrant sachets you can make yourself

Diet for a good mood

Food is a source of nutrients and energy. With the help of food, internal metabolic processes are regulated. Correction of the daily diet will improve the functioning of internal organs. Calms the nervous system after a long stress menu that includes.