Learning technical English gives you more. What is technical English? Listening: podcasts and videos

And what do they eat it with? The term "technical English" can be conditional, which means it can be used in various fields activities such as IT, where knowledge of web development prevails, engineering, where mechanisms and communications are encountered, or Navy where people control everything that shoots and moves. That is why at the initial stage it is important to clearly identify English in which field of activity you are interested in. Interestingly, even the British themselves do not know all the terms associated with technical English, just as we cannot know those highly specialized words and expressions that are used in aviation, shipbuilding and the automotive industry.

It is important to note that technical English is, first of all, a special vocabulary, which, in combination with grammar, allows you to communicate and correspond with people who revolve with you in the same professional circle. It is necessary to clearly understand that, associating yourself with technical English, you must know every term, every expression that will help you give the most accurate instructions and unambiguously interpret any task.

In order to be as fast as possible, you must have knowledge of grammar and spelling. It is very important to understand that the same term can have many meanings, and their translation can be radically different. That is why you must master not only English synonyms and variants, but also memorize their Russian equivalents.

To overcome the subtleties of professional English, it is necessary to work properly with specialized literature, which is aimed at translating technical texts. Also, take a look at the numerous dictionaries and tutorials designed specifically for those who work with technical English. These may include the following collections:

Read English scientific texts. Course for beginners.

English-Russian explanatory scientific and technical dictionary on system analysis, programming, electronics and electric drive. Volume 1

English-Russian Dictionary computer terms

Technical dictionary (English-Russian, Russian-English). X-polyglossum. Publisher: IDDC-2006 Recommended for technical professionals.

English textbook for technical universities and universities Orlovskaya I.V., Samsonova L.S., Skubrieva A.I. (For students of technical universities and universities of machine and instrument-making profile).

The tutorials mentioned above will help you overcome technical English on your own. However, in order to achieve the goal as quickly as possible and come to an understanding of what real technical English is, a specialist in this field can come to your aid. The easiest option is to find good ones, where they will help you master all the intricacies of the technical field, and on your own you can work at home, practicing the knowledge gained in practice.

Remember that everyone who is connected with the technical field simply must be aware that even Technical English is always updated with new words and expressions, and you simply have no right not to know them, because sometimes not only correct work may depend on you mechanisms, but also the lives of people.

Today is programmer's day. On this occasion, there is a holiday in our office, balloons, fireworks (actually, no: we are working hard). But we could not ignore such a day, so we prepared an article about technical English for IT specialists.

Why does the developer need English (this question made me laugh). The answer is obvious: English is needed for understanding terminology, working with English-language interfaces, reading technical documentation, studying professional literature, conferences and webinars... And, of course, for the possibility of working abroad.

Developers already know a lot English words(at least listen to ours: they don’t seem to speak Russian at all, but only “fix”, “debate”, “asapyat”). But using professional slang does not mean that you have a full command of the English language. Therefore, we have collected resources in the article, thanks to which you can fully upgrade English for work.

The content of the article "English for developers":

We are looking for professional vocabulary:

Downloading skills:

English Dictionary for Programmers: Vocabulary Sources

The vocabulary for developers is extensive. Those who the layman can call "IT" include a dozen different specializations: frontend developers, backend developers, testers, web designers, products and others (but they all need to be able to "fix a computer").

We have collected sources where you can find both basic and highly specialized vocabulary.

1. English for IT-specialists: textbooks

Textbooks are especially suitable for those who decide to learn the language on their own, as they offer a ready-made lesson program.

English for Information Technology- suitable for entry level. Includes the main basic vocabulary.

Career Path Software Engineering is a lexical guide for programmers that combines specialized vocabulary and work situations to develop communication skills. Topics: software development, testing, user interface, modeling, career options, etc.

Oxford English for Information Technology- another complete course. Suitable for intermediate level. Includes student workbook and audio course.

Professional English in Use ICT- The course is suitable for intermediate level. The book is built from simple to complex, all units are divided into topics.

Check Your English Vocabulary for Computers and ITworkbook designed to improve understanding of technical vocabulary. Includes crosswords, puzzles, and more.

2. English for it: online courses

On the Internet, you can find sites with various online simulators for your technical English.

You can also find specialized vocabulary on the websites:

The sites are in English, but ours will translate any word in two clicks.

4. Professional literature: blogs, magazines for IT specialists

Most effective method replenishment vocabulary- "take out" words from a living context. For example, read an article about a professional issue and write out new words from there. Such vocabulary will be better remembered, because it will be associated with a qualitative context.

Materials on Lingualeo: technical English for programmers

The Lingualeo material library contains over 250,000 authentic texts, videos, audios, and more. The main feature is that you can 1. click on an unfamiliar word ⇒ 2. see the translation ⇒ 3. add a word to study ⇒ 4. learn it with . And the context will always be with you.

We have a huge amount of materials on IT topics: collection, collection, etc.

Also, vocabulary and ideas can be drawn from and from special. And we have collected cool examples of Elevator pitch.

How to search for materials: enter any technical term in English and sort the materials by difficulty level and format (video, audio, book). Link instructions.

Magazines and blogs in English for developers

The principle of working with texts on other sites can be just as convenient: 1. install ⇒ 2. poke on unfamiliar words ⇒ 3. and add them for study.

Where to find lyrics:

  • news.ycombinator.com
  • blog.codinghorror.com
  • www.improgrammer.net
  • www.smashingmagazine.com
  • designm.ag
  • sdtimes.com
  • www.drdobbs.com
  • www.creativebloq.com

Working with other skills: listening, speaking practice

Full knowledge of a foreign language includes 4 skills: reading (we named many sites for it), listening, writing and speaking (that is, speech). We will find additional resources for listening and speaking.

1. Listening: podcasts and videos

Part of the collections on Lingualeo that I talked about above - are collections with videos that will also help you improve your listening skills. Now let's find some more podcasts:

  • Herding Code - technology podcasts with Scott Allen, Kevin Dente, Scott Kuhn and John Galloway.
  • To summarize: English for web designers, IT specialists

    • Like any specialist, developers need not only basic English, but also highly specialized. Basically, it concerns special vocabulary.
    • Vocabulary can be found in professional dictionaries and materials in English. The second option is preferable: this way you will learn even the most difficult words better.
    • Do not forget other skills: listening (listen to podcasts, watch videos and TV shows) and speaking (communicate with English-speaking colleagues on special forums and social networks).

    Well, once again, congratulations to those involved on the holiday! And now let's go. 🙂

— Streamline 200 taxi holding point 27;

— Taxi holding point 27 Streamline 200.

Not every fluent English-speaking person is able to understand the meaning of the dialogue above. This small excerpt from the communication of the captain of the aircraft with the air traffic controller of one of the French airports is typical example technical English.

The concept of "Technical English" is extremely versatile and covers many professional areas: IT industry, engineering, heavy industry, mining, mechanical engineering, aviation and many other areas up to the army and merchant navy.

So who can use technical English?

First of all, it is necessary for specialists in various professional fields, for example, to study literature in English.

It often happens that relevant foreign books, manuals, articles, reviews, instructions and other information necessary for work come out in Russian quite late, already outdated. Or, Russian-language analogues to foreign materials simply do not exist.

Also, many specialists need to practice or study abroad, where the entire process of study and communication with teachers and other students is conducted in English, with a wide use of specialized terms.

As one example, there is a regular refresher course that Russian pilots go through. civil aviation Boeing in the US and Airbus in France. All information that pilots receive during training, and communication of company employees with them, is conducted exclusively in English with extensive use of professional vocabulary.

As another example, let's take specialists from the IT industry working with many applications that have not been translated into Russian. Due to the fact that the IT industry is extremely subject to rapid changes, specialists need to quickly study large amounts of news and information. analytical in English.

As a rule, it is permissible for a technical specialist not to have serious English skills. Enough to know the basics English vocabulary, grammar and speak English at least in basic level. Knowledge in the field of technical English for such specialists is usually guaranteed to grow as they use it. foreign literature and communication with foreign colleagues.

As can be understood from the above examples, a strong command of technical English not only allows a specialist to grow significantly professionally, but also gives him an undeniable advantage in the labor market.

Despite the fact that professional linguist translators, as a rule, are doing remarkably well with the grammar and vocabulary of the English language, they encounter serious problems, in the form of a lack of knowledge in a particular area, which interfere with the understanding of specialized texts and specialized vocabulary.

Unlike specialists working in a certain field, for whom technical English rather plays a supporting role, professional translators need serious knowledge in the field of English, since working with languages ​​is their main field of activity. The translator is required to be fluent in English and Russian, to be able to competently and literally translate the most complex texts.

Of course, the ideal technical translator is seen as a person with two diplomas: technical and linguistic. However, for a number of objective reasons, there are very few such specialists.

How can you improve your knowledge of technical English?

There are two main ways to learn technical English - these are specialized courses and self-study.

In the first case, the student will be able to fully explore the nuances of technical English on the professional topics he needs with a teacher. If the student is lucky, the technical English course can be specialized (for pilots, for programmers, etc.). However, this option may not suit a number of students because of the training schedule that does not coincide with their work schedule (if students, for example, work on a rotational or shift basis) or due to cost.

For those who want to learn technical English on their own, there are several ways to learn. These can be training programs, online courses, tutorials and specialized literature. However, in this case, the effectiveness of training will depend only on the student himself.

According to statistics, more than 75% of development orders software comes to domestic specialists from foreigners and almost all customers prefer to communicate in English. That is why every IT specialist should own it on good level. In this article, we will tell you how English can help you in your work and what resources you should use when learning English for programmers.

Why does a programmer need English

If you have already started working in the IT field, then you perfectly understand that programmers cannot do without English. However, some people believe that technical English can not be taught: almost all the terminology came from English, so everything will be clear and so. For those who are not sure whether it is worth spending time on learning a foreign language, we will give some weighty arguments.

  1. Understanding terminology

    Most programming languages ​​are keyword based in English.

  2. Choice of development tools

    Some of them do not have a Russified interface.

  3. Reading technical documentation

    Almost all reference materials and terms of reference are written in English (if you are interested in orders from abroad).

  4. Communication with customers

    Many foreign companies actively use the services of Russian IT specialists, and in order to accurately understand the needs of customers, you need to know English well.

  5. The study of professional literature

    The latest books and articles in the IT field are published in English. Programmers need to constantly be aware of all the news and updates, so it's worth learning English.

  6. Attending online courses and webinars

    On the Internet, you can find hundreds of training free courses from programming gurus. And on paid courses you can get an international diploma - a big plus for your resume.

  7. Finding Solutions on the World Wide Web

    In your work, do you occasionally encounter challenging tasks and some problems, the solution of which can be found in the English part of the Internet.

  8. Chance of getting a job abroad

    It's no secret that almost all IT giants are based in the US. Such firms constantly require competent specialists, but in order to communicate with colleagues and management, you need to know English. Want to work in Silicon Valley? Learn English.

Read how our student learns English to promote his PC game on Steam, now communicates freely with colleagues from the European office, and learn English for career prospects.

Your strengths and weaknesses: how to teach English to a programmer

In learning English, as in any other business, you should use your strengths and try to work on your weaknesses. Let's find out what you have to work on.

  1. Your strengths:
  • Logical thinking

    How to use: Grammar is a logical structure, so with constant practice, it will not be difficult for you to learn it.

  • Wide vocabulary

    How to use: it will be easier for you to learn English for IT, because you already have a good base of vocabulary. As you study words, you will notice that many of the "technical" words you are familiar with have a different meaning in general English.

  • Your weak sides:
    • Uncertain knowledge of grammar

      Cause: technical texts tend to use complex terminology but very simple grammatical constructions, so you might not pay enough attention to grammar. Everything is solved by studying the structures and performing practical exercises.

    • The language barrier

      Cause: You had very little or no speaking practice. Because of this, the so-called “dog syndrome” develops, that is, you understand everything, but you cannot say for yourself. The practice of oral speech will solve this problem.

    • hearing barrier

      Cause: programmers rarely have to perceive information in English by ear, so you may have problems understanding the interlocutor's speech. Working with audio materials will save you from this.

    We have found out your strengths and weaknesses, and now we need to decide how to learn English for programmers. Based on our experience, you should start studying specialized English for IT after you have completed the Pre-Intermediate course. Before that, it is better to study general spoken English in order to lay a solid foundation for professional knowledge.

    Where is the best place to learn a language? It is almost impossible to find special courses for learning English for developers, so the best solution would be individual sessions with a teacher. And it will be even more convenient to study English without leaving your favorite computer, and we suggest you do this. If you want to study exactly English for IT, we recommend that you, in this case, in the lessons you will study the materials of your subject, that is, you will learn only what you need.

    Basic English vocabulary for a programmer

    In this section, we would like to introduce you to the basic concepts in English that will be useful to almost every IT specialist. For convenience, we have identified a set of IT-related verbs, as well as words related to the Internet, hardware and software.

    Useful verbs

    to back up (backup)back up
    to bootdownload, load (e.g. about a device or operating system)
    to burnwrite to optical disc
    to createcreate
    to compilecompile
    to compresscompress (for example, by an archiver)
    to connectconnect, connect
    to copycopy
    to cutcut to clipboard
    to debugdebug
    to decryptdecipher
    to deletedelete
    to deploydeploy (e.g. an application on a server)
    to developdevelop
    to disabledisable, deactivate
    to disconnectdisconnect, disconnect
    to displaydisplay
    to downloadupload, download
    to ejecteject (device)
    to enableturn on, activate
    to encryptencrypt, encrypt
    to executeperform
    to formatformat
    to implementimplement, implement
    to initializereset, initialize
    to installinstall, install
    to integrateintegrate, combine into one system
    to link torefer to something
    to loadload
    to pastepaste from clipboard
    to plug inconnect
    to press (button)press (button)
    to readread
    to rebootreload, reload
    to restorerestore
    to savekeep
    to scroll up/downscroll up/down (like a web page)
    to sortsort
    to switch on/offenable/disable
    to uninstalluninstall, remove
    to updateupdate
    to upgradeimprove, modernize
    to uploadupload, upload
    to verifycheck

    Hardware - hardware

    a bustire
    a cablecable
    a central processing unit (CPU)CPU
    a computer casecase of the system unit
    a devicedevice
    a fancooling fan, cooler
    a graphics card (display card, display adapter, graphics adapter)video card (graphic adapter)
    a graphics processing unit (GPU)GPU
    a hard disk drive (HDD)HDD
    a laptoplaptop, portable computer
    a light-emitting diode (LED)Light-emitting diode
    a motherboard (mainboard)motherboard
    a network cardnetwork adapter (network card, network card)
    a portconnector, port
    a power supply unit (PSU)power unit
    a solid-state drive (SSD)solid state drive
    a sound card (audio card)sound card
    a storage devicestorage device, storage device
    a touch screentouch screen
    air coolingair cooling
    an expansion cardexpansion card (board)
    an optical disk driveoptical drive
    an uninterruptible power source (UPS)uninterruptable power source
    random access memory (RAM)random access memory (RAM)
    read-only memory (ROM)Read Only Memory (ROM)
    removable mediaremovable media
    water coolingwater cooling
    output devices:
    • a monitor
    • a printer
    • a speaker
    • headphones
    output devices:
    • monitor
    • Printer
    • column (acoustic)
    • headphones
    input devices:
    • a keyboard
    • a mouse
    • a scanner
    • a digital camera
    • a joystick
    Input Devices:
    • keyboard
    • scanner
    • digital camera
    • joystick

    Software - software

    a compilercompiler
    a databasedatabase
    a debuggerdebugger
    a desktop application/appdesktop application
    a device driverdevice driver
    a graphical user interface (GUI)graphical user interface
    a kernelkernel (e.g. operating system)
    a mobile application/appmobile app
    a plug-in (plugin)plug-in, extension, additional software module
    a programming languageprogramming language
    a queryrequest
    a scroll barscroll bar
    a snapshotsystem snapshot
    a spreadsheetspreadsheet
    a status barstatus bar
    a templatesample
    a version control system (VCS)version control system
    a web application/appweb application
    a word processorword processor
    a text editortext editor
    a utilityutility (utility program)
    acceptance testingacceptance testing
    agile methodologyagile development methodology
    an algorithmalgorithm
    an arrayarray
    an encodingencoding
    an enterprise applicationcorporate application
    an executable (file)executable file
    an interpreterinterpreter
    an operating system (OS)operating system
    application softwareapplication software
    aspect-oriented programming (AOP)aspect-oriented programming
    binary databinary data
    commercial softwarepaid software
    datadata, information
    data processingdata processing
    extreme programmingextreme programming
    firmwarefirmware, firmware
    freewarefree software
    incremental developmentincremental development model
    integrated development environment (IDE)integrated development environment
    iterative developmentiterative development model
    malicious software (malware)malware
    object-oriented programming (OOP)object-oriented programming
    open source softwareopen source software
    prototypingprototyping, prototyping
    rapid application development (RAD)rapid application development (methodology)
    regression testingregression testing
    runtime (runtime environment)code runtime
    server softwareserver software
    spiral developmentspiral development model
    spywarespyware, spyware
    system softwaresystem software
    unit testingunit (block, component) testing
    waterfall modelwaterfall development model

    Internet - Internet

    a bookmarkbookmark (in browser)
    a bridgebridge
    a browserbrowser, browser
    a domaindomain
    a firewallfirewall, firewall
    a gatewayGateway
    a hyperlinkhyperlink
    a nodenetwork node
    a packetplastic bag
    a patch cordpatch cable, patch cord
    a routerrouter, router
    a search enginesearch system
    a subdomainsubdomain, subdomain
    a switchswitch, switch
    a websitewebsite, website
    a wireless networkwireless network
    bandwidthbandwidth (data link)
    broadbandbroadband internet access
    client-server architectureclient-server architecture
    cloud computingcloud computing
    cloud storagecloud storage
    dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP)dynamic host configuration protocol
    domain name system (DNS)domain name system
    instant messaging (IM)instant messaging
    Internet Service Provider (ISP)internet provider
    local area network (LAN)the local network
    latencydelay, waiting period
    media access control (MAC) addresshardware address, MAC address
    peer-to-peer (P2P)peer-to-peer network, peer-to-peer network
    twisted pairtwisted pair
    voice over IP (VoIP)voice communication over the Internet, IP-telephony
    wide area network (WAN)global network, wide area network

    Quite a selection, isn't it? But in order to learn to speak English well, it is not enough to know the words, you need to learn grammar, develop listening comprehension skills, etc. Therefore, in the next chapter of our article, we will present 79 resources for improving English. Choose a few of them and storm the heights of knowledge.

    How to learn English for programmers on your own

    English textbooks for programmers

    For entry level:

    For the intermediate level:

    English for Information Technology

    Technical English dictionaries for programmers

    1. multitran.ru

      English-Russian and Russian- English dictionary also useful for translation. For the correct translation of the term, see the translation of the word next to the note "comp." (computer terms).

    2. english4it.com

      A simple and convenient English dictionary in which you can listen to the sound of each word. There are also sentences with all the words, they can also be listened to.

    3. computerlanguage.com

      Dictionary of computer terms in English. Enter an unfamiliar word in the search bar and find out its meaning.

    4. techterms.com

      English-language dictionary of technical terms. All words are sorted into categories, and you can also search for the meaning of a word through the search engine on the site. There are detailed explanations for each concept here. In addition, you can take tests from the Quizzes section to test your knowledge.

    5. computerhope.com

      In the Dictionary section of this site you will find an English-language dictionary of technical terms, which provides a detailed explanation of each concept. In addition, you will be prompted to read a helpful article related to the term you were looking for a definition for.

    6. blogs.gartner.com

      IT dictionary in English. Each concept is given a short clear explanation.

    Resources for learning new words

    1. Sites with tests and vocabulary exercises:
      • businessenglishsite.com - exercises that help you remember the rules for using IT vocabulary in sentences.
      • blairenglish.com - technical texts in which new words are highlighted in bold, and below is a test for knowledge of this vocabulary.
    2. Word learning apps:
      • Lingualeo and Memrise - with these programs you can learn new words, create your own dictionaries for study, watch professional videos, etc.
    3. Browser plugins:
      • LeoTranslator - suitable for Chrome and Firefox, it will be a logical addition to the application of the same name. With the help of "LeoTranslator" you can translate words and whole phrases on the pages of any site, add them to your dictionary and then study them.
      • Google Translator or English dictionary translate pronunciation - extensions for translating words and phrases on the pages of any sites. These are free, handy plugins, however, be aware that there may be errors and inaccuracies in machine translation, so always pay attention to the context.

    Grammar Resources

    Developers can learn grammatical structures from the usual general topics, because the rules do not depend on your profession. While there is no special English grammar for programmers, we recommend using the following resources:

    1. We study the theory:
      • engblog.ru is a simple and convenient grammar guide compiled by experienced teachers. Each article has a quiz to check how well you understand the material.
      • engvid.com - grammar in video lessons from native English speakers. The material is presented in a very accessible way, and almost every video has a test on the topic.
    2. Let's do some practical exercises:
      • learnenglish.de is a website with a large collection of grammar tests and theory explanations in English.
      • tolearnenglish.com - not the best in design, but good in content. To find tests on the topic you need, specify, for example, Article in search line, and you will be given links to exercises for practicing articles.
      • perfect-english-grammar.com - a convenient site where in simple words the grammar of the English language is presented and there are practical exercises for working through the topics studied.
    3. We work with special applications:
      • Learn English Grammar for Android and iOS - allows you to learn grammar rules and provides grammar exercises to practice using these rules in practice.
      • Johnny Grammar's English Quiz for Android and iOS is a handy application with tests on various English grammar topics.

    How to learn to speak English as an IT professional

    In the development of this skill, everything is logical: in order to speak, you must speak. Some people think that it is possible to develop oral speech with the help of manuals and online exercises, but this is not the case. Imagine that you have completely read the Python tutorial, but have not tried programming with it. Will you be able to write a quality program right away? Most likely, it will work with errors, and only after a lot of practice will you learn to write something sensible in this language.

    With English, the situation is similar: no textbook or tutorial will replace your conversational practice with an interlocutor. Therefore, look for a partner for conversations in English. Moreover, you can develop oral speech without leaving home. Use the site

    English is spoken by more than 400 million people worldwide and another 1.5 billion use it as a second language. All programming documentation is originally in English, the 5 million Stack Overflow community communicates in English. Interesting and money orders, latest news from the IT field and much more are closed to developers who do not speak this language. Knowledge of English is a prerequisite for successful employment and career growth as a programmer. To help GeekBrains blog subscribers learn, we with a startup team for learning English via Skype EnglishDom prepared practical advice how to learn technical English quickly and effectively.

    Get busy every day

    This is true for anyone who wants to quickly learn foreign language. Do not look for excuses in well-established phrases like: “five minutes does not solve anything.” During this time, you can read the news in English, learn a few words or watch a thematic video. Look for opportunities, not excuses. Download an English audiobook to listen to while riding the subway or a language-learning app to make the most of those five minutes.

    Learn words by topic

    For a better memory study words in context of usage. For example, to master the English terminology on the topic “Algebra of sets”, read the topic articles and highlight unknown words. After that, practice them by studying materials on the topic until you can do without a dictionary. This way of studying will allow you to understand the shades of the meanings of words, which cannot be achieved simply by memorizing a dictionary.

    Set your goals right

    “Learn technical English” is too abstract a goal. New words appear daily and even native speakers do not know all the subtleties. And when something is too abstract, it is impossible to understand the quality of the result, because of this there is no motivation. That's why set specific, measurable goals, for example: “Fulfill a small order from an English-speaking employer”, “Read such and such a Java book in English”, “Know 100 technical terms”, “Ask for advice on an English-language resource.”

    Read English-language IT forums

    Here you can pick up relevant expressions that programmers around the world use in informal communication. It's not just a fun whim. Knowing the subtleties will be important for subsequent communication with foreign colleagues and customers.

    Subscribe to English-speaking programmers on social networks

    First, it is an inexhaustible source of new words and expressions. Secondly, you will be “in the know” of the latest events and novelties from the IT world.

    Knowledge of vocabulary without the ability to perceive by ear is not enough. In order to successfully communicate with foreign customers and colleagues, you need to be able to perceive the language by ear. In order to acquire this skill, we recommend watching videos from conferences, hackathons, presentations. The main rule is the maximum of live communication. Movies, series, programs are useful, but they will not give the same effect as familiarity with “unfiltered” speech. You can also listen to audio recordings, but watching a video creates the effect of complete immersion in the language environment, everything is tracked, down to the characteristic gestures and facial expressions of the speaker.

    Review material regularly

    A person remembers well only what he uses. This fact due to the fact that the brain considers not used long time skill is irrelevant. That's why it is very important sometimes to repeat even long-studied and obvious words and expressions. It would be better if it were in practice.

    Don't go deep into grammar

    Learn grammar along with vocabulary, this will give a deeper understanding of the language and its structures. When young children learn to speak, they are not drilled into dozens of rules for the use of articles (although, unfortunately, this is often the case when learning languages ​​at school), they just watch how others do it and repeat after them.

    Do not teach by force

    You can make learning even a dry technical language enjoyable. Find a specific topic or news item that interests you in English and try to translate it. When you understand that this will bring you results right now, for example, in the form of new knowledge about technologies, then this is very motivating.


    Everyone talks about it, but not many use this mandatory rule. The absence of a language barrier, the ability to quickly switch to conversational mode and select the right words are one of the most important indicators of language proficiency at an advanced level. Look for any opportunity to speak. For example, you can chat with native speakers in text and video chats.