What are the personality traits. Example: Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a student. What is the nature of personality

Before proceeding with the classification and enumeration of human character traits, it is necessary to understand what meaning and concept is attached to this term. Translated from Greek, "character" means a difference, sign or sign. The personality of each person is multifaceted and in each there is an interweaving of a large number of personal properties that determine the behavior of a person in a given situation. What are the character traits?

Classification of personality traits

Conventionally, the main character traits are divided into three main groups.

  • the first characterizes emotions;
  • the second is will;
  • the third is intellect.

There is also a division according to the direction of influence.

  1. First of all, this is characterized by the attitude to the external environment - society and the surrounding people.
  2. Secondly, by the attitude towards one's own person;
  3. In the third - to activity, that is, work and learning.

An emotional group that includes traits such as:

  • aggressiveness;
  • lethargy;
  • artistry;
  • irascibility;
  • impressionability;
  • good nature;
  • cheerfulness;
  • isolation;
  • impulsiveness;
  • capriciousness;
  • love of love;
  • melancholy and others

All of them are formed in early childhood, when the child's psyche undergoes a stage of formation under the influence of many different factors.

Strong-willed character traits are acquired throughout life:

  1. might;
  2. masculinity;
  3. assertiveness;
  4. resourcefulness;
  5. obsession;
  6. discretion;
  7. pedantry;
  8. devotion, etc.

The intellectual group includes:

  • insight;
  • reasonableness;
  • prudence;
  • independence;
  • smartness;
  • intelligence;
  • wholeness, etc.

Of decisive importance here is the natural predisposition, which is influenced by hereditary genes and temperament.

However, the environment of the child cannot be discounted: it would be more correct to say that it plays the same role in the formation of the personality, as well as what is laid down by nature.

The baby grows, gains experience of interacting with outside world and a set of positive and negative personality traits. This process continues throughout life and the list of existing character traits is constantly updated with new personality traits. And if at first this process occurs unconsciously, reflexively, then later, when a person is aware of his actions, he can already make a choice. This conscious choice opens up opportunities for character transformation, that is, personal growth.

Basic personality traits

To date, the list of character traits consists of several hundred different definitions.

Their most different combinations can be found in the same person. But in general, the personal properties that exist today are divided into positive and negative.

However, it is impossible to say with absolute certainty that this is a bad character trait, and this is a good one.

For example, adventurism can be called both a negative trait and a positive one, depending on what effect it has on human behavior.

If he is excessively and thoughtlessly carried away by various adventures of an incomprehensible nature, then this, most likely, will not bring him to good.

The healthy adventurism inherent in a successful businessman allows him to move forward, invest in promising projects and prosper. Or, for example, envy. Everyone will say that this trait is extremely negative.

But psychologists say that it is the engine of progress, forcing people to strive forward and achieve more than others have. In most cases, it is worth talking about certain sets of properties that, depending on the current situation, can have a greater impact on a person. But from a social and moral point of view, they can all be divided into positive and negative.

Negative character traits

Here are some of them:

The negative qualities of a person include rudeness, boasting, familiarity, gloom, vanity, obstinacy, bitchiness, arrogance, licentiousness, etc.

List of positive personality traits

Here are some of them:

The positive qualities of a person include meekness, sincerity, caring, gullibility, restraint, politeness, nobility, accuracy, etc.

How many people, so many characters, and it is impossible to predict a person's behavior in a certain situation, even knowing him well. Throughout life, you can cultivate positive traits in yourself and try to downplay the power of negative ones, but few can do this.

Only those who are ready to grow spiritually are able to change themselves and their lives for the better.

Being born, a new personality receives a unique character as a gift. Human nature can consist of traits inherited from parents, or it can manifest itself in a completely different, unexpected quality.

Nature not only determines behavioral reactions, it specifically affects the manner of communication, attitude towards others and one's own person, to work. Character traits of a person create a certain worldview in a person.

A person's behavioral responses depend on the nature

Temperament or character?

These two definitions create confusion, because both of them are involved in the formation of personality and behavioral responses. In fact, the character and temperament are heterogeneous:

  1. The character is formed from a list of certain acquired qualities of the personality's mental make-up.
  2. Temperament is a biological quality. Psychologists distinguish four types of it: choleric, melancholic, sanguine and phlegmatic.

Having the same warehouse of temperament, individuals can have a completely different character. But temperament has an important influence on the development of nature - smoothing or sharpening it. Also, human nature directly affects temperament.

What is character

Psychologists, speaking of character, mean a certain combination of traits of an individual, persistent in their expression. These traits have the maximum impact on the behavioral line of the individual in diverse relationships:

  • among people;
  • in the work team;
  • to one's own personality;
  • to the surrounding reality;
  • to physical and mental labor.

The word "character" is of Greek origin, it means "to mint". This definition was introduced by the naturalist Ancient Greece Theophrastus philosopher. Such a word really, very accurately defines the nature of the individual.

Theophrastus first coined the term "character"

The character seems to be drawn as a unique drawing, it gives rise to a unique seal that a person wears in a single copy.

Simply put, character is a combination, a combination of stable individual mental characteristics.

How to understand nature

To understand what kind of nature an individual has, you need to analyze all his actions. It is behavioral reactions that determine examples of character and characterize the personality.

But this judgment is often subjective. Far from always a person reacts as intuition tells him. Actions are influenced by upbringing, life experience, customs of the environment where the person lives.

But you can understand what kind of character a person has. Observing and analyzing the actions of a certain person for a long time, one can identify individual, especially stable features. If a person is completely different situations behaves in the same way, showing similar reactions, makes the same decision - this indicates the presence of a certain nature in him.

Knowing which character traits are manifested and dominated by a person, it is possible to predict how she will manifest herself in a given situation.

Character and traits

A character trait is an important part of a personality; it is a stable quality that determines the interaction of a person and the surrounding reality. This is a defining method of resolving emerging situations, so psychologists consider a trait of nature as a predictable personal behavior.

Variety of characters

A person acquires features of character in the course of the entire life span, it is impossible to attribute individual features of nature to innate and characterological. In order to analyze and assess the personality, the psychologist not only determines the totality of individual characteristics, but also highlights their distinctive features.

It is the character traits that are defined as leading in the study and compilation of the psychological characteristics of the individual.

But, defining, evaluating a person, studying the features of behavior in the social plan, the psychologist also uses knowledge of the content orientation of nature. It is defined in:

  • strength-weakness;
  • latitude-narrowness;
  • static-dynamic;
  • integrity-contradiction;
  • integrity-fragmentation.

Such nuances constitute a general, complete description of a particular person.

List of personality traits

Human nature is the most complex cumulative combination of peculiar features, which is formed into a unique system. This order includes the most striking, stable personal qualities, which are revealed in the gradations of human-society relationships:

Relationship system Inherent traits of an individual
Plus Minus
To self fastidiousness Condescension
Self-criticism Narcissism
Meekness Boastfulness
Altruism Egocentrism
To the people around Sociability Closure
Complacency Callousness
Sincerity deceitfulness
Justice Injustice
Commonwealth Individualism
sensitivity Callousness
Courtesy shamelessness
To work organization Laxity
obligatory stupidity
diligence slovenliness
Enterprise inertia
industriousness laziness
to items frugality Waste
thoroughness Negligence
Neatness Negligence

In addition to character traits included by psychologists in the gradation of relationships (a separate category), manifestations of nature in the moral, temperamental, cognitive and sthenic spheres were identified:

  • moral: humanity, rigidity, sincerity, good nature, patriotism, impartiality, responsiveness;
  • temperamental: gambling, sensuality, romance, liveliness, receptivity; passion, frivolity;
  • intellectual (cognitive): analyticity, flexibility, inquisitiveness, resourcefulness, efficiency, criticality, thoughtfulness;
  • sthenic (volitional): categoricalness, perseverance, obstinacy, stubbornness, purposefulness, timidity, courage, independence.

Many leading psychologists are inclined to believe that some personality traits should be divided into two categories:

  1. Productive (motivational). Such traits push a person to commit certain acts and actions. This is the goal-feature.
  2. Instrumental. Giving personality during any activity individuality and way (manners) of action. These are traits.

Gradation of character traits according to Allport

Allport's theory

Famous American psychologist Gordon Allport, an expert and developer of gradations of personality traits of an individual, divided personality traits into three classes:

Dominant. Such features most clearly reveal the behavioral form: actions, activities of a certain person. These include: kindness, selfishness, greed, secrecy, gentleness, modesty, greed.

Ordinary. They are equally manifested in all the numerous spheres of human life. These are: humanity, honesty, generosity, arrogance, altruism, egocentrism, cordiality, openness.

Secondary. These nuances do not have a particular effect on behavioral responses. These are not dominant behaviors. These include musicality, poetry, diligence, diligence.

A strong relationship is formed between the traits of nature existing in a person. This regularity forms the final character of the individual.

But any existing structure has its own hierarchy. The warehouse of man was no exception. This nuance is traced in Allport's proposed gradation structure, where minor features can be suppressed by dominant ones. But in order to predict the act of a person, it is necessary to focus on the totality of the features of nature..

What is typicality and individuality

In the manifestation of the nature of each personality, it always reflects the individual and typical. This is a harmonious combination of personal qualities, because the typical serves as the basis for identifying the individual.

What is a typical character. When a person has a certain set of traits that are the same (common) for a particular group of people, such a warehouse is called typical. Like a mirror, it reflects the accepted and habitual conditions for the existence of a particular group.

Also, typical features depend on the warehouse (a certain type of nature). They are also a condition for the appearance of a behavioral type of character, in the category of which a person is “recorded”.

Having understood exactly what signs are inherent in a given personality, a person can make an average (typical) psychological picture and assign a certain type of temperament. For example:

positive negative
Activity Incontinence
Energy irascibility
Sociability Aggressiveness
Determination Irritability
Initiative Rudeness in communication
Impulsiveness Behavior instability
Phlegmatic person
persistence Low activity
performance slowness
calmness immobility
Consistency uncommunicative
Reliability Individualism
good faith laziness
Sociability Rejection of monotony
Activity Superficiality
benevolence Lack of persistence
adaptability bad perseverance
Cheerfulness Frivolity
Courage Recklessness in actions
Resourcefulness Inability to focus
Sensitivity Closure
Impressionability Low activity
diligence uncommunicative
Restraint Vulnerability
cordiality Shyness
Accuracy Poor performance

Such typical character traits corresponding to a certain temperament are observed in each (to one degree or another) representative of the group.

individual manifestation. Relationships between individuals always have an evaluative characteristic, they are manifested in a rich variety of behavioral reactions. The manifestation of individual traits of an individual is greatly influenced by emerging circumstances, a formed worldview and a certain environment.

This feature is reflected in the brightness of various typical features of the individual. They are not the same in intensity and develop in each individual individually.

Some typical features are so powerfully manifested in a person that they become not just individual, but unique.

In this case, typicality develops, by definition, into individuality. This classification of personality helps to identify the negative characteristics of the individual that prevent them from expressing themselves and achieving a certain position in society.

Working on himself, analyzing and correcting the shortcomings in his own character, each person creates the life he aspires to.

A. Attitude to the team, to peers. The predominance of the collectivistic or egoistic orientation of the individual. Participation in community service and her motivation. Manifestations of organizational skills (initiative or passive; organizer or performer). Attitude towards people. Communicative character traits: positive traits (humanity, kindness, tolerance, justice, manifestations of friendship and camaraderie, honesty and sincerity in relation to people and to their duties, etc.); negative traits (cruelty, envy, intolerance, indifference, callousness, rudeness, etc.).

Relations with older children, adolescents and young men in the microdistrict and in other areas of extracurricular communication. Relationships with boys and girls.

B.Attitude towards work. Participation in various types of labor (socially useful, productive, domestic work in the family). Motives for participation in work. Diligence, conscientiousness, accuracy (or their opposite qualities). Labor skills and abilities.

Special abilities to various types professional activity (technology, construction, art, etc.).

IN.Attitude towards learning activities. Does he love to study? What are the motives for teaching? The level of development of cognitive interests. Attitude towards success and failure academic work. Persistence in overcoming difficulties.

G.Attitude to oneself, to close people, to teachers. Self-assessment and the level of claims of the student. Confidence or self-doubt. On what does he build his self-esteem: on intellect, on organizational skills, on special abilities for science, sports, art, technology, etc .; at increased adulthood; on physical strength, etc.? Self-criticism and self-criticism. Relations with parents: respect and love, recognition of their influence or indifference, alienation? Attitude towards teachers and educators, their authority for the student.

V. The position of the student in the system interpersonal relationships in the class team.

sociometric status of the student. Does it belong to groups? His position in the group: leader - follower. On what interests and what activities is the group community built? The attitude of the group, which includes the student, to the class team.

VI. Emotional and volitional personality traits.

The temperament of the student (choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic). Which of them is close to his temperament? What emotions predominate: joy, anger, fear, sadness? Features of emotional states (moods, affects, etc.). The ability to control your emotions. Development of higher feelings (moral, intellectual, aesthetic).

Volitional traits: purposefulness and independence. Activity and initiative. Stability of behavior or suggestibility, the tendency to succumb to the influence of others. Discipline and the degree of its consciousness. Endurance and self-control. Strength of will. Shortcomings of the will (stubbornness, indecision, negativism, deceit, inability to bring things to the end, etc.).

VII. Learning activities and mental development of the student.

Academic achievement. Ability to various academic subjects.

Features of attention: stability and distractibility; ease of switching from one activity to another; the ability to distribute one's attention. Observation. memory features. Memory type. The amount of RAM. Possession of meaningful memorization and reproduction techniques.

features of the imagination. Poverty or richness of images, their originality, emotionality. The realism or fantasy of the work of the imagination. State of the art spatial imagination. Its manifestations in the lessons of geometry, drawing, etc. The work of the imagination in the perception of art, reading fiction.

The level of development of visual-figurative and abstract, verbal-logical thinking. What type of knowledge and personality does he gravitate towards: mental, artistic, average? The development of educational, intellectual skills: analyze, highlight the main thing, plan, generalize. Development of reproductive thinking and "wit" ( creative thinking). The development of the qualities of the mind.

Ability to express thoughts orally and in writing.

VIII. Conclusions.

Immediate and promising educational tasks. Proposed ways to solve them.

Introspection Plan extracurricular activities

Class _____________________ Topic _____

Date _____________________

1. Give a pedagogical justification for the topic of the lesson.

2. What were the goals and objectives of the event?

3. How was the preparation of students for this event organized? What is the extent of their involvement?

4. Expand the content and methodology of extracurricular activities.

5. What is the educational and cognitive value of the selected material?

6. What personal qualities of students is this lesson aimed at forming?

8. Analyze the techniques and methods used in the lesson, their compliance age characteristics students and the level of development of children in this class.

9. Have you taken into account individual characteristics students during the preparation and conduct of the lesson?

10. Analyze the characteristics of the teacher's personality: conviction, emotionality, contact with children, knowledge of children, pedagogical tact.

11. What is the pedagogical value of this activity?

Were you able to fully achieve your goals? If not, what tasks and why?

Appendix 6

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Mariysky State University»

Department of General and Applied Psychology

By teaching practice 4th year students

specialties "___________________"

Multifaceted, deep and unique. For centuries, being the subject of comprehensive research for various scientific fields, still remains unexplored. Thanks to the accumulated and systematized knowledge, the main personality traits are highlighted. Getting to know them helps a person to better understand himself, which, in turn, allows you to make adjustments to your beliefs, self-motivation system, change your usual ways of acting to improve the quality of your life and increase your level of happiness.

Personality structure

There are a large number of different theories of human personality traits. IN domestic psychology The personality structures of such authors as Platonov K.K., Leontiev A.N., Kovalev A.G. are widely known.

In the table below, the personality structure according to Kovalev A.G.

In the works of the well-known domestic psychologist A. G. Kovalev, personality is defined as an integrative formation of mental processes, states and formed personality traits of a person.

Psychological processes

Psychological processes determine the foundation of a person's mental life, since they provide him with interaction with environment and are responsible for shaping his life experience. There are a lot of such processes both in consciousness and in the subconscious. They are the most dynamic and short-lived. Among them are emotional, volitional and cognitive mental processes. The last group includes perception, sensation, representation, thinking, memory, attention, imagination.

Psychological conditions

Psychological states are already more stable formations that are formed from psychological processes. They are relatively unchanging in time internal integral characteristics of the individual psyche. Each such state can be characterized by one or more parameters that distinguish it from many others. Depending on what kind of activity or what kind of behavioral act this state provides, the dominance of certain cognitive, emotional or volitional mental processes is manifested.

Psychological properties

Mental properties or personality traits of a person are individual psychological characteristics that underlie the permanent ways of his interaction with the world. They characterize a person as a system of certain subjective attitudes towards himself, towards people around him, various groups and the world as a whole, which manifests itself in communication and interaction with them.

While the formation of common stable personality traits is just beginning, the child is characterized as a whole by his prevailing psychological conditions. For example, they talk about him as calm, balanced, shy, capricious, affective, excitable, depressive. With the change, the appearance of the child's personality also changes. Under certain conditions, one of these states can become fixed and in the future manifest itself in some features of its character.

The formation of personality traits is carried out from mental processes that occur against the background of mental states. They are the most stable and stable, little subject to change and at the same time slowly accumulating mental formations. As such, A. G. Kovalev identified four main categories. The list of personality traits of a person is as follows:

  • temperament;
  • orientation;
  • character;
  • capabilities.

At the same time, he drew attention to a certain degree of conditionality in the allocation of these structures, since the same properties can characterize both direction and character, and influence the manifestation of abilities. However, considering these structures as relatively autonomous is very important. Indeed, in the presence of the same properties, for example, temperament, people can differ greatly from each other in direction, character and abilities.


The temperament of a person refers to the biologically determined properties of the personality and is the foundation on which its formation takes place. It reflects the differences between people in terms of such criteria as emotional sensitivity, intensity and stability of emotions, pace and vigor of actions, and other dynamic characteristics. The properties of the personality, caused by it, are the most stable and long-term character.

According to the definition of Teplov B. M., one can speak of temperament as a set of mental characteristics characteristic of this particular person, which are associated with the speed of the onset of feelings and their intensity.

Thus, to determine the type of temperament, two main dynamic characteristics are examined - activity and emotionality. The indicator of activity of behavior characterizes the degree of speed, swiftness, vigor or inertia and slowness. The indicator of emotionality characterizes emotional processes, reflecting their sign, positive or negative, and modality - fear, anger, joy, and others. The most common today is the classification proposed by Hippocrates in the 5th century BC. e., distinguishing four types of temperament:

  • sanguine;
  • phlegmatic;
  • melancholic;
  • choleric.

Representatives of the sanguine type have rapidly arising but weak feelings, phlegmatic - slowly arising and weak feelings, melancholic - slowly arising, but strong feelings, choleric - quickly arising and strong feelings. It can also be noted that representatives of the sanguine and choleric types of temperament are characterized by fast movements, general mobility and a predisposition to a vivid external expression of feelings through facial expressions, movements and speech. For representatives of the phlegmatic and melancholic, on the contrary, slow movements and a tendency to a weak expression of feelings are characteristic. In practice, it is very rare to meet people with a pronounced pure type of temperament; mixed types are more common when the features of two types of temperament are combined.

Temperament in no way affects the availability of abilities and talents of a person. outstanding talent in various fields activities can occur with the same frequency in any type of temperament. For example, such famous Russian writers as Goncharov I. A. and Krylov I. A. showed features of a phlegmatic type of temperament, Gogol I. V. and Zhukovsky V. A. - melancholic, Herzen A. I. - sanguine , Pushkin A.S. had pronounced features of choleric. And the two great Russian commanders had opposite types of temperaments: Suvorov A.V. - choleric, Kutuzov M.I. - phlegmatic.

The question of what type of temperament is better is incorrect. Each of them has both its positive and its negative sides. Valuable properties of a sanguine personality are liveliness, mobility, responsiveness, phlegmatic - calmness, lack of fussiness and haste, melancholic - depth and stability of feelings, choleric - energy, passion, activity.

There is a tendency to develop unwanted personality traits:

  • in a sanguine person, such as frivolity and infantilism, a tendency to spray, superficiality of feelings;
  • phlegmatic - inertia, lethargy, indifference;
  • in a melancholic - excessive isolation, excessive shyness, a tendency to plunge headlong into their own experiences;
  • in choleric - sharpness, intemperance, a tendency to emotional "explosions".

Personal orientation

The orientation of the personality acts as the leading characteristic of a person. It is understood as a set of stable motives that guide the activity of the individual and have relative independence from the actual situation. In other words, it is the main motivational core of a person. The orientation of the individual is always socially conditioned and is formed in the process of education. Orientation - these are attitudes that have become personality traits and have found their manifestation in certain forms, each of which is based on the motives of human activity. These forms include:

  • attraction;
  • wish;
  • interest;
  • inclination;
  • ideal;
  • worldview;
  • belief.

Characteristics of directional shapes

In this context, attraction is understood as such a mental state that expresses an indistinguishable, unconscious or insufficiently conscious need. As a rule, attraction is a temporary phenomenon, since the human need manifested in it either fades away or is realized and thus transformed into desire.

Desire is a need already realized by a person and an attraction to something specific. Desire, through sufficient awareness, has a motivating power. It contributes to the vision of the purpose of future actions and the construction of a detailed plan. This form of manifestation of orientation is characterized by awareness, firstly, of one's needs and, secondly, of potential ways to satisfy them.

Striving is usually seen as a felt urge to act. It appears when desire is combined with a volitional component.

The most striking and voluminous characteristic of the orientation of the personality is its interests, being the most important motivating force to the knowledge of the surrounding reality. At the subjective level, interest reveals itself in a special emotional background that accompanies the process of cognition or attention to certain objects. An amazing feature of interest is that when it is satisfied, instead of fading, it, on the contrary, causes a number of new ones, corresponding to more high levels cognitive activity.

Propensity reflects the focus of a person on a certain type of activity. At its core, it is a stable interest in the dynamics of its development developing into a deep and stable human need to perform this or that activity. This happens when the volitional component is connected to the interest.

An ideal is a certain specific image or representation of an objective goal, which a person is guided by, which he strives for through the realization of his inclinations.

Worldview is understood as a system of subjective views of a person on the world, to one's place in it, to one's attitude to oneself and to other people. Here the ideals, value orientations, principles and beliefs of the individual are reflected.

Persuasion is considered the highest form of orientation and is considered as a system of motives of a person's personality, prompting him to act according to his views, principles, worldview. The concepts of motive and motivation are different from each other. The latter is broader and more capacious. A motive is a stable personal property that prompts a person from the inside to take certain actions. In shaping the orientation of the personality, the main role belongs to conscious motives, since they provide activation and direction of behavior. Their formation originates from human needs.


In psychology, character is usually understood as a set of individual mental properties that manifest themselves in forms of behavior and modes of action typical of a given individual. The process of formation of common stable personality traits is carried out in the course of life.

Character traits do not include all of its features, but only the most significant and stable. For example, even very cheerful and optimistic people can experience feelings such as sadness or sadness, but this does not make them pessimists or whiners.

There are a lot of classifications of the main psychological personality traits. Most often in the domestic psychological literature there are two approaches. According to the first, all character traits are tied to mental processes and therefore are divided into three groups. The list of personality traits in this case is as follows:

  • Volitional - independence, organization, activity, perseverance, determination and others.
  • Emotional - impressionability, impulsiveness, ardor, responsiveness, indifference, inertia and others.
  • Intellectual - curiosity, thoughtfulness, resourcefulness, quick wit and others.

According to the second approach, personality traits are described based on the orientation of the personality. In the formed character, the system of beliefs acts as the leading component, which sets the long-term, strategic direction of actions and behavior of a person, provides confidence in the importance and fairness of the work performed by him, and determines perseverance in achieving his goals.

Character traits that determine the attitude to activity are expressed in the sustainable interests of a person. A spineless person has no goals at all or very scattered. The superficiality and instability of their interests are often associated with a large share of imitation, with a lack of independence and integrity of a person's personality. And, on the contrary, the richness and depth of a person's interests testify to his purposefulness and perseverance.

The specific nature of the personality is manifested in situations of choice of methods of action or types of behavior. In this context, we can talk about such a character trait as the degree of motivation to achieve success. It will determine the choice of a person either in favor of actions leading to success - initiative, competitive activity, willingness to take risks, or in favor of the desire to simply avoid failure - avoidance of risks, evasion of responsibility, inactivity, lack of initiative.

All personality traits can conditionally be attributed to two types - motivational and instrumental. The former, respectively, encourage and direct activity, while the latter give it a certain style. For example, when choosing the goal of an action, a motivational personality trait is manifested. However, after the goal is defined, more instrumental character traits are manifested, which determine the choice of certain ways to achieve this goal.

Character is formed gradually and can undergo transformations throughout a person's life. And this process can be made conscious. As the famous English writer William Makepeace Thackeray said, sow an act - you reap a habit, sow a habit - you reap a character, sow a character - and you reap a destiny.

human abilities

According to the approach of the domestic scientist Teplov B.M., abilities are understood as such individual psychological characteristics that, on the one hand, distinguish one person from another, on the other hand, are related to the success of performing any one activity or numerous activities, on the third - do not come down to the knowledge, skills and abilities already available to a person.

A person's abilities determine the degree of ease and speed of acquiring and mastering knowledge, skills and abilities. In turn, the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities provide significant assistance further development abilities, and their absence, on the contrary, serves as a brake on the development of abilities. In psychology, they are most often classified as follows:

  • ability;
  • giftedness;
  • talent;
  • genius.

Successful performance of any activity depends not on any one, but on a combination of several abilities at once. However, the combination leading to the same result can be provided in different ways. In the absence of the necessary deposits to successful development some abilities, their deficiency can be made up for by deeper development and elaboration of others. According to Teplov B.M., abilities cannot exist in the absence of a constant development process. A skill that is not practiced is lost over time. Only through diligence, constant exercise, systematic engagement in such complex activities as mathematics, music, artistic or technical creativity, sports, it is possible to maintain and develop the corresponding abilities.

How a great artist was not accepted into the academy

Identification in everyday practice of abilities and skills often leads to erroneous judgments and conclusions, especially in pedagogical practice. The story of how the famous artist V. I. Surikov was not admitted to the Academy of Arts at the initial stage of his development was honored to be included in the psychological literature as an example for a better understanding of the category of "ability".

Surikov V.I.'s passion for drawing was evident from early childhood. For some time he took lessons at the Krasnoyarsk district school. After the death of his father, due to constrained financial circumstances a good education was unaffordable for his family. The young man got into the service as a scribe in the governor's office. Somehow, his drawings caught Zamyatin P.N. - the Yenisei governor, and he saw in them the author's enormous artistic potential. He found Surikov V. I. a patron who was ready to pay for education at the Academy of Arts. But despite this, the first attempt to enter an educational institution was not successful.

Educators made the mistake of failing to distinguish between lack of skill and lack of ability. Despite the fact that the outstanding abilities of the young artist manifested themselves quite early, at that time he still did not have enough skills and drawing skills.

Within three months Surikov V. I. mastered the necessary skills and abilities and as a result was enrolled in the Academy of Arts. During his studies, he received four silver medals for his work and was awarded several cash prizes.

His example shows that you need to believe in yourself, in your dream and persistently achieve your goal.

A characteristic for a student in a military registration and enlistment office is a certificate containing a description of the characteristic and distinctive features and qualities of a teenager and reflecting the opinion educational institution about him. This document is needed in the case when it becomes necessary to evaluate the young man and establish the decisions of the authorities in relation to him. It is on the content of the characteristics that it largely depends on whether the conscript will serve in the army or not. Therefore, the character traits the identity of the student for the military registration and enlistment office must be stated clearly and reliably.

Document for military commissar

Along with other standard documents, the characteristic is attached to the recruit's personal file. After a thorough study by a psychotherapist during recruiting events, depending on its content, a decision is made as to which types of troops the recruit is fit for.

The characteristic from the place of study for the military enlistment office is important in that it contains an assessment of the social activity, initiative and behavior of the young man in society. Such documents play an important role, so here it is necessary to indicate the social and mental nuances of the person being characterized. Equally important are student performance data.

The value of the content of the characteristic

However, this is only in theory, in practice, the characteristic for the military registration and enlistment office from the place of study is purely formal. Most often, its content is taken into account when it comes to distribution to the elite types of troops. In this case, the representatives of the commissariat consider the psychological portrait of the young man. If the information indicated in this document has a negative connotation, then the conscript is unlikely to enter the service in the Airborne Forces, detachments marines or the Presidential Regiment.

Psychologists of the military commissariat carefully study the character of the conscript and, if he wishes, to get into alternative civilian service. Since the pacifist attitude of a young man is difficult to document, the characteristic becomes the main document confirming or refuting the moral attitude of the conscript.

Who can give a personal assessment

A characteristic in the military registration and enlistment office for a student from a school can be presented in two forms: ordinary or psychological. The first option is a mandatory certificate. She writes classroom teacher. In this case, the characteristic will contain the main points that will tell about the student's family, about his progress, intellectual development, O social status occupied in the classroom, the level of self-esteem and basic psychological qualities. Thus, the pedagogical certificate must contain complete and capacious information about the young man.

From a higher or secondary professional educational institution for the military registration and enlistment office, the characteristic features of the personality of a student (student) are recorded by an official - an employee of the dean's office.

Psychological characteristic

Sometimes, at the request of the competent services, a psychological characteristic is requested. Except general information about the conscript, this document should contain paragraphs describing the psychological characteristics of the young man. In this case, the psychologist describes the characteristic features of the student's personality for the military registration and enlistment office.

However, before characterizing a young man, it is necessary to conduct a whole range of studies in order to fully identify his main features. In addition to the results, it will also be necessary to describe the methods used to research and test the student. Of no small importance will be the description of the behavior of the young man during the tests.

Document Form

The characteristic does not have any strict form of filling, however, when making it, certain rules and points that must be indicated should be taken into account. Such an assessment is written in a free style by hand or typed.

Document structure

The rules for writing a characteristic for a student in the military registration and enlistment office mainly consist of certain generally accepted formulations. The structure of the evidence that defines the main character traits of a young man should include:

  • A block with personal information, which indicates the full name of the student, date of birth, address of residence, place of study, year of admission to the educational institution.
  • A block containing information about the composition of the family, financial situation and intra-family relations. Next of kin are listed here.
  • A block describing the psychological portrait of a young man, including information about his moral qualities and behavioral norms.
  • A block informing about behavior at the place of study and relationships with classmates and classmates. The average grade is indicated, the level physical training and knowledge of foreign languages.
  • Successes and achievements in the process of study. Participation in the social life of the educational institution.
  • Hobbies of a young man, his habits.

The characteristic personality traits of a student described in the certificate for the military registration and enlistment office should not only contain good qualities conscript, but also point out his shortcomings. Information should be entered by the responsible person, if the young person has drives to the police station, about conflicts and tendencies to mood swings, outbursts of anger or depression. Despite the fact that many samples of characteristics in the military registration and enlistment office do not contain this item, you should by no means miss it.

The Importance of Accurate Information

Reliable and full information O personal qualities conscript will help to avoid unwanted situations. Timely informing the employees of the military commissariat about the characteristics of the character of the young man prevents the occurrence of possible conflicts during the service.

The specifics of writing the general psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student

Some descriptions of examples of characteristic personality traits of a student for a military registration and enlistment office, in addition to generally accepted points and blocks, may contain detailed information about a deviation in the development or impaired motor skills in physical or cognitive activity and speech features. The points characterizing the mental abilities of the student must necessarily reflect information about the features of the ability to analyze and synthesize information obtained through visual and auditory perception.

Here, the emotional-volitional sphere of the student can also be characterized: sensitivity, prevailing moods, the level of psycho-emotional excitability, the presence of outbursts of anger, subordination, suggestibility. Also, if available, the pathological inclinations of the young man are indicated.

When describing the characteristic features of a student's personality for the military registration and enlistment office, the teacher has the right to draw conclusions about the orientation of the personality. He is obliged to indicate the main interests, criteria for self-assessment and responsibility of the student. The tasks of the responsible person include forming an assessment of the behavior of the norms and rules of the student's behavior in society, determining the place and role in the team, indicating the level of social adaptation of the young man and relationships with others.

In the characteristic being compiled, the responsible person has the right to reflect his own conclusions about the student or indicate the general opinion of the teaching staff.

Sample characteristics of a student in the military registration and enlistment office from school

Characteristics for a student of 11 "B" class

MBOU "Gymnasium No. 5"

Barnaul, Altai Territory

Petrov Vladislav Fedorovich

Petrov Vladislav Fedorovich, born in 1990 has been a student of MBOU "Gymnasium No. 5" since 2008. Currently, he is completing his studies in the 11th grade.

The level of physical fitness is high. Healthy, the physical training group is the main one. Doesn't use alcohol or drugs. Tobacco smoking has a negative attitude. There were no leads to the police.

Height - 172 cm, weight - 70 kg. Physical development corresponds to age norms.

Family Composition:

  • Mother works as a cook in the school canteen, education - secondary special.
  • My father works as a technologist at a woodworking enterprise, his education is higher.
  • My brother is in 6th grade.
  • On the side of the father, there are grandparents on the side of the mother.

They live in their own house, living conditions are good.

The family belongs to the average level of material prosperity.

Family relationships are warm and trusting. At home, the student is treated with care and understanding, they control the observance of school discipline and the level of academic performance. In turn, the student treats his relatives with respect. His father enjoys special authority.

During his studies at school, the young man showed himself on the positive side. Teaching staff characterizes him as a responsible, hardworking and conscientious student. Disciplined, modest, independent, sociable and friendly towards peers. He knows how to defend his own opinion.

For core subjects curriculum rated "good" and "excellent". Average score progress - 4.1

By nature - calm, balanced, tends to prevent conflict situations. When there is a conflict, he tries to come to a compromise. There are many friends, he enjoys authority among his comrades. Always ready to help classmates and support in difficult times.

An active participant in the social and sports activities of the educational institution. She strives to fulfill school assignments with full dedication. From the second grade, she has been involved in athletics and periodically wins prizes in district, city and regional sports events.

Date - 01/15/2018

Director - Cherepanova Galina Petrovna

Class teacher - Frolova Irina Viktorovna


A characteristic for the military enlistment office from the place of study is a kind of resume. Therefore, the definition of the main characterizing qualities and personal assessment must be approached with special responsibility. After all, how accurately and reliably the facts are stated depends not only on the effective distribution to certain troops, but also on the likelihood of conflict situations during military service.