Abstract thinking and its forms of logic. What is abstract thinking in simple words. Three stages in the development of thinking

Abstract thinking has great importance for all people. High level its development allows not only to improve the quality of life, but also to achieve much greater success. You should be engaged in the development of this type of thinking already in childhood, but with growing up you should not stop training. Only regular classes will improve and maintain your intellectual abilities. Knowing how to develop abstract thinking in adults and children. All methods can be applied in practice independently, without resorting to outside help.


Abstraction is the abstraction of some properties of objects from others in order to identify their features. The definition of abstract thinking is pretty much the same. By this phenomenon is meant a type of intellectual activity, during which a person thinks about the situation, separating it from some details. Abstractness has a significant impact on the physiology of thinking and allows you to cross certain boundaries, discovering new knowledge.

This type of thinking develops in parallel with ontogeny from an early age. It first manifests itself at the moments when the child begins to fantasize, writing his own stories or playing out unusual situations, and abstract from toys, preferring to think about their certain properties.

Abstract thinking is divided into forms, each of which corresponds to the features of the thought process, accompanied by abstraction. There are 3 in total:

  1. Concept. It implies the definition of one common property for different objects. Very important point is the significance of this unifying feature. For example, legs at tables or green leaves at different trees.
  2. Judgment. In judgment, the assertion or denial of a certain event occurs. Everything, as a rule, is described by a phrase or a short sentence. Judgments are either simple or complex. In the first case, they relate to one active object or person (for example, "the boy bought milk"). In the second, the judgment affects several sides at once (“clouds appeared, it became dark outside”). It can also be true, based on subjective conclusions, or false, based on self-interest.
  3. Inference. A conclusion is understood as a thought, the formation of which occurs on the basis of several judgments. It consists of a premise, a conclusion and a conclusion. All three processes occur in the human head sequentially. It all starts with initial judgments (premises), then moves on to the stage of reflection (conclusions), and ends with the formation of a new judgment (conclusion).

Abstract thinking can be applied in any of these three forms. An adult person uses them all in everyday life. Nevertheless, it is necessary to develop them even for those who are good at abstracting.

Modern artificial intelligence is endowed with abstract thinking, which is superior in quality to human.


Abstract thinking is used by children from the first years of life. It begins to manifest itself along with the development of articulate speech. Child younger ages fantasizes, thinks about unusual things, explores the world, compares his toys, using abstraction skills. They are underdeveloped, but still manage to use them.

School age is combined with an increase in the importance of abstract thinking. The student will need to think outside the box when they have to solve various problems. This is especially true of mathematics, where abstraction plays a big role. Later, when a teenager is in high school, the importance of such thinking will become even higher.

Also, abstract thinking is used in philosophy, writing, engineering, managerial psychology, time management and many other areas. His good development allows him to succeed in any field.


Abstract thinking has its own characteristics. They allow you to distinguish it from the background of other thought processes and better understand why abstraction is so useful for a person.


  1. Reflection of the surrounding world without the involvement of the senses. A person does not need to use the senses and contact with the object in order to obtain information about it. It is abstraction that allows you to use the old existing knowledge to solve a particular problem.
  2. Generalization of phenomena. When summarizing various subjects and identifying them characteristic features a person gets the opportunity to quickly access their knowledge. If he is able to identify certain patterns and similarities, then in the future it will be much easier to remember and find the necessary information in memory.
  3. language expression. All thoughts are easily expressed in the form of an internal dialogue that can be translated into a real one. At the same time, abstract concepts can be thought about in the head without the use of a linguistic expression at all, and the result will be a final judgment that will be easy to express in speech.

The development of abstract thinking allows you to improve all of the above signs, which are also useful skills, without which it is difficult to succeed.

Impact on a person

It is difficult for the average person to imagine exactly what someone who has a very developed abstract thinking looks like. Such people, as a rule, always achieve their goals, they are successful and happy. At the same time, something always happens in their head: they reason, ponder events, imagine the future figuratively, and solve difficult problems. Most often they speak a complex language, which causes difficulties in communication. High performance allows them to occupy high positions, and developed intellect makes them very important for any company.

Such people may face a number of problems. Often they are too selfish, which makes it difficult for them to find true friends. At the same time, people with developed abstract thinking cannot show enough physical activity and are passive in practical work. Sometimes they are careless appearance which repels those around you.

Most often, men of technical professions have developed abstract thinking.

Exercises for adults

It is rather difficult for an adult to develop abstract thinking, because his intellect has long been formed. Nevertheless, with the help of some exercises, it will still be possible to achieve results. It is recommended to perform them daily for several weeks.

The most effective exercises:

  1. Representation of emotions. It is required to mentally imagine how exactly different emotions are manifested in a particular person. It is recommended to use the complete set possible feelings of people.
  2. Reverse reading. Turn the book over and read it in reverse order. In parallel with this, it is required to establish logical connections between various events. It is best to choose simple works written in easy language.
  3. Communication analysis. You should remember all the people with whom you had to talk during the day. It is necessary to analyze not only the conversation itself, but also the facial expressions, gestures and voice of the interlocutor. It is recommended to do this with your eyes closed.
  4. Inventing contradictions. You just need to think different phrases which seem to be contradictory. They can be absolutely anything (hot ice, bitter candy, etc.).
  5. Making abbreviations. It is enough to come up with any phrase, reduce it to the first letters, and then decipher it during the day. For example, independent development of thinking (SPM).
  6. Enumeration of the functions of objects. It is required to choose any available thing and list all its functions. You can even come up with unusual appointments that are not customary to use.
  7. Brainstorm. You need to choose any letter of the alphabet and write it on a piece of paper. The task is to remember the maximum number of words for this letter in a limited amount of time, writing them all down on paper.
  8. Word compatibility. On one sheet you need to write nouns, and on the second adjectives. This should not be done right away. It's best to start with just one noun. It will need to pick up suitable, as well as completely incompatible adjectives. All of them should be written in different columns.
  9. The name of the picture from life. It is required to visually fix any event that happened in reality and give it an unusual name. It should be what the artist could call the picture.
  10. Painting. You need to paint any pictures using colored paints. In the process, the characteristics of all objects present should be presented. If it is not possible to use paints, you can start with regular pencil drawing.

These methods will also help develop abstract thinking in a teenager or an elderly person. You just need to apply them on a regular basis, without missing regular classes.

Exercises for children

It is easiest to develop in childhood. At this time, the brain is open to external influence and is subject to any changes. Exercises for children are different from those offered by adults, but are no less effective.

Best Exercises:

  1. Reverse reading of inscriptions. Parents should invite the child to play a game in which he will read the signs he sees in reverse order. It will be very difficult to do this with all the advertising posters. Therefore, additional conditions should be negotiated (for example, read only red signs).
  2. Drawing unusual animals. The child must draw an animal made up of parts of other animals. When the drawing is ready, you need to come up with an unusual name for the new species.
  3. Shadow play. With the help of hands on which light from a lamp falls in the dark, the child must create unusual shadows depicting certain things. You can even invite him to play his favorite fairy tale with the help of shadows.
  4. mental arithmetic. The child will need to calculate simple examples with the help of special accounts called "abacus". Such training will also develop perseverance and general intelligence.
  5. Puzzle. You need to choose puzzles, puzzles, anagrams, etc. games, taking into account the preferences of the baby. His task will be to solve all the problems provided. At an older age, crossword puzzles can be added to them.
  6. The study of the clouds. The child must look at the clouds with his parents and name what exactly he sees. The ability to visually evaluate each cloud for similarity with different objects or animals increases the chances of successful development.
  7. Construction. Parents need to give their baby a task, which consists in building certain objects from toy blocks. This will develop imaginative thinking and creativity.
  8. Associations. The kid needs to come up with associations to everything that he sees or feels. You can also ask him to represent animals by the sounds they make.
  9. Classification. The child needs to sort all the available things or toys according to certain criteria. For example, in shape, weight or purpose. Parents should supervise the process and give hints if necessary.
  10. Questions. Parents should ask their child “why?”, “what if?” etc. to make him think and analyze the situation. You can ask at any time.

Such simple exercises will allow you to achieve good results in a few weeks of training. It is recommended to combine them with other activities that will be aimed at developing general intelligence.

Thinking is one of the most interesting and at the same time complex cognitive processes of our psyche. It is thinking that allows us to know, to explore the world, compare, draw conclusions, build judgments and come to conclusions, and, of course, create, create something fundamentally new based on past experience.

Each of us is endowed with this ability, which allows us to successfully interact with each other. It must be understood that our thinking has a certain classification and peculiar stages of development. The highest form of development of thinking is abstract-logical.

This type of thinking is based on the concepts of "abstraction", "abstract"; and it is the meaning of the word "abstraction" or "abstract" that makes it possible to better understand the nature of this type of thinking. So, abstraction is a concentration of attention on important, essential aspects of an object or phenomenon. As a result of abstraction, abstraction arises, i.e. some generalization that results from this abstraction.


It is necessary to consider not only general provisions but also abstract thinking and its forms. After all, it manifests itself in quite a variety of ways.

So, psychologists distinguish the following forms of abstract thinking:

1. Concepts are the simplest and most basic form of mental activity, since other, more complex ones are based on it. This form combines many phenomena or objects with similar features into one concept. For example, the concept of "chair" is furniture that is used for sitting, it has a seating surface, a back, often legs (one or four), designed for one person.

2. Judgment is a more complex form, which does not consist of one concept, but of several, and with the help of judgment we are able to state the fact of something, and we can also describe objects and phenomena or their relationship. Distinguish between simple and complex sentences:

  • Simple is a short phrase, such as "It's raining" or "The plane is flying."
  • Complex is a chain short phrases, which gives a more detailed understanding of what is happening, for example, "It's cold outside, it's snowing and the wind is blowing."

3. Inference - the most complex form, which is the union of several judgments, on the basis of which we can draw a conclusion, and therefore create a new judgment. For example: “It’s cold outside and the wind is blowing, so you need to dress warmly.” It is a mental process that allows the development of theoretical knowledge.

Our life consists of constantly operating with both concepts and judgments that lead us to new conclusions. Each of us goes from visual to figurative thinking to an abstract and logical kind of thinking.

There are also the main features of the abstract type of thinking:

  • The ability to operate with abstract concepts (happiness, law, life, truth).
  • Ability to summarize and analyze information.
  • The ability to create a system based on the information received.
  • Revealing the patterns of the world around you without actually interacting with it (for example, to understand that it is cold outside by looking at the weather forecast on the Internet).
  • Ability to establish causal relationships.


The main question that interests almost everyone is the development of abstract thinking, how it happens and whether it can be influenced. So, according to experts, this type of mental activity develops in the younger school age, starting from the age of 7, so it can be developed already in the first grades.

Contributes to its development, of course, the game, it is through the game that the child is able to learn the basic concepts, learn to operate with them, and also build conclusions based on judgments. It is also important to involve the child in solving various problems, especially logical ones or those where there are abstract concepts, such as "perimeter" or "area".

Creative activity also helps develop the ability to think abstractly. These can be drawing, modeling, reading poetry or prose, designing, and so on - the choice of the type of creativity should directly depend on the child's abilities.

If we talk about the development of an abstract and logical type of thinking in adults, then they are also recommended to engage in creativity, delve into the understanding of what art is, turn to philosophical concepts and categories. It’s good to give yourself the opportunity to solve puzzles from time to time, to try a non-standard approach to solving everyday problems.

All this allows you to take a fresh look at the world around, and, consequently, expand the functions and possibilities of your thinking. It must be remembered and understood that the ability to think abstractly in different people is not developed equally, so you should not compare your results with someone else's - it's better to follow how you were able to develop abstract thinking in yourself and how it changes. Author: Daria Potykan

The abstract thinking of a person may seem to someone not such an important mental process. For example, why would anyone need to think about what the Universe is, try to solve in advance unsolvable problems of being, or look for the meaning of life?

However, experts will not agree with this, because abstract thinking makes it possible to abstract from trifles and try to look at the situation as a whole. For example, we can consider abstract and concrete thinking: looking out the window you can see Lada Kalina, Toyota Karina, etc. at the entrance, but if you evaluate it concretely, and if abstractly, then there are cars near the house ... And this is the ability of a person to look at the world from different angles.

Abstractness in thinking does not allow a person to stagnate, obsessing over trifles, it allows you to go only forward, crossing the existing limits and norms. This is how innovative discoveries appear in the world and the most difficult vital tasks are solved.

Even as a child, a person must acquire the ability to think abstractly and intensively develop this ability. In the future, this will help to assess the overall picture of ongoing events, draw your own conclusions, and not only look for a rational solution, but also find a way out of any, even deadlock situations.

What are the abstract types of thinking

There are three forms of abstract thinking, without knowing which there will be no realization of what it means to think abstractly:

Intermediate judgments leading to a single conclusion are called "premises", and the final conclusion is a "conclusion".

Abstract - this means unencumbered, free thinking, the ability to operate with judgments, independently draw conclusions. Without these mental processes everyday life would be meaningless.

Characteristic signs of abstract thinking

This type of thinking is necessary for the full life of people and there are features of abstract thinking that you should be aware of:

There is a conditional division of the thinking process into 2 stages:

  • thinking that does not use language;
  • self-communication, which is called "internal dialogue".

You should not even question the fact that people get most of their information from print media, television programs, and the Internet. And everything happens with the use of spoken language.

That is, when receiving information from a source, a person processes it, creates a new one, which is fixed in memory. This confirms that language is, in addition to a means of expression, also a method of fixing information.

If everything is generalized, then abstract mental processes give the person the opportunity to:

  • the ability to use concepts, groups and criteria that do not exist in the real world;
  • summarize and analyze the information received;
  • systematize knowledge;
  • identify patterns without the need to interact with objects and phenomena of the surrounding world;
  • build cause-and-effect relationships, create new models of any ongoing processes.

Logic is the basis of abstract thinking

The root of an abstract phenomenon is considered to be logic, which comes from ancient countriesAncient Greece, India and the Chinese state. That is, this concept arose long before the creation modern world, And historical facts confirm that it existed as early as the 4th century BC.

The experts were able to find out that practical use logic occurred simultaneously in different parts of the world. This only confirms that world development is impossible without mental abstractions or logical judgments. They are necessary for the study of individual objects, phenomena or the overall world picture.

Today logic is the whole scientific field, which has a clear definition as a philosophical branch, a science that studies reasoning, laws and rules used to obtain correct conclusions about the objects under study.

Thus, we can say that logic uses abstract thinking as the main tool, which makes it possible to abstract from the material and build consistent conclusions.

abstract logical thinking has deep roots, because logic arose during the appearance of man, and accompanies him in the process of all stages of development.

Diagnosis of mental abstraction abilities

In modern psychology, the ability for abstract thinking is revealed even in childhood.

Various tests have been developed to find out how this type of thinking is developed in a person:

  1. Testing that determines the types of thinking. Naturally, in this case, a positive result is the predominance of the identified type of thinking. Such tests often take the form of questionnaires based on working with images or choosing expressions that suit you. The main purpose of testing is to identify relationships between phenomena and their results (causal relationships). In this case, a person receives the initial data, and on their basis, it is necessary, by applying logic, to come to the correct conclusion. Often, specialists use non-existent terms, this makes it possible to assess how detached a person is and whether he has a stable ability to move away from distracting small details.
  2. Tests, during which a person receives some verbal combinations and must try to discover the patterns by which they are combined. Then they spread to other groups of words.

Opportunities for Process Improvement

Having general definition, abstract thinking is individual for each person. Examples of this can always be taken from life - the mother draws beautifully, the daughter has literary abilities, and the son can think abstractly.

However, the formation of abstract thinking in everyone takes place in childhood, and then this aspect should be developed - the child should learn to think independently, he should be encouraged to think and various kinds of fantasies should be encouraged.

Today you can purchase various educational material - collections logical tasks, riddles, rebuses and other puzzles that make the brain work. If the development of abstract thinking in an adult individual is required, then this is quite possible. It is enough to spend 30 minutes-1 hour a day to solve logic tasks in order to get the desired result.

Of course, the children's brain is much more flexible and is able to decide even difficult tasks(an example of this is the numerous children's riddles, which often lead adults to a dead end, but do not cause any difficulties for a child), but training the brain activity of an adult will allow you to think abstractly. It is important to choose those types of tasks that are especially difficult.

The child, on the other hand, must be constantly provided with the necessary “food for the mind”, since the ability to think abstractly will not interfere with creative activity, but will help in the future to master numerous scientific disciplines based on such skills.

Of course, a person must develop comprehensively, taking into account all mental aspects and his own abilities. People with developed abstract thinking are distinguished by high efficiency, devotion to their favorite work and the ability to independently find a way out of any situation. And these qualities are also necessary for a harmoniously developed personality.

Thinking in psychology is called cognitive process, in which reality is generally and indirectly reflected. Indirectly - means, knowing some properties through others, the unknown - through the known.

In the process of development of the psyche, a person goes through a difficult path, moving from concrete thinking to more and more abstract, from objective to internal, classifying thinking according to form. In psychology, there are:

- visually effective

— Visual-figurative

- figurative

— Abstract-logical thinking.

This is a kind of stage of human development.

The child learns the world by examining objects by touch, taste, taking apart, breaking, scattering, throwing, observing, etc., that is, through practical actions. These are manifestations of visual-effective thinking, its period is approximately from 1 year to 3 years.

In the future, visual-figurative thinking is connected, which is still based on a practical study of reality, but already uses images that it creates and stores. These images may not be based on specific sensations (for example, fairy-tale heroes). This is thinking, presented in the form of images and ideas based on visual, tactile, auditory perception. The peak of visual-figurative thinking falls on the age of about 4 to 7 years, but it also persists in adults.

The next step is figurative thinking. At this stage, images are born with the help of imagination or are retrieved from memory. In the case of using figurative thinking, the right hemisphere of the brain is involved. Unlike visual-figurative thinking, verbal constructions and abstract concepts are widely used in figurative thinking.

Finally, in abstract-logical thinking, symbols, numbers and abstract concepts are used that are not perceived by our senses.

Abstract thinking

Abstract thinking is engaged in the search and establishment of general patterns inherent in nature and human society. Its purpose is to reflect through concepts and broad categories of certain general connections and relations. In this process, images and representations are secondary, they only help a more accurate reflection.

Thanks to the development of abstract thinking, we can perceive a general, holistic picture of phenomena and events, without focusing on the details, abstracting from them. Going this way, you can go beyond the usual rules and make a breakthrough by discovering something new.

The development of abstract thinking was largely facilitated by the creation of a language system. Words were assigned to objects, abstractions and phenomena. The meaning inherent in the words became possible to reproduce regardless of the situations associated with these objects and their properties. Speech made it possible to turn on the imagination, imagine this or that in the mind and consolidate the skills of reproduction.

Abstract thinking reflects reality in the form of concepts, judgments and conclusions.

The concept reflects and unites objects, phenomena and processes through some essential features. It has become the primary and predominant form of mental abstract reflection of events. Examples of concepts: "wolf", "1st year student", "tall young man".

Judgments either deny or confirm phenomena, objects, situations, etc., reveal the presence or absence of any connections or interactions between them. They are simple and complex. An example of a simple one: "a girl plays ball", a complex one - "the moon came out from behind the clouds, the clearing lit up."

Inference is a thought process that allows you to draw completely new conclusions from an existing proposition (or from propositions). For example: “All birches shed their leaves in autumn, I planted a birch, therefore, it will also shed leaves in autumn.” Or the classic: "All people die, I am a man, therefore, I will die too."

Abstract-logical thinking through logical operations with concepts reflects the relationship, the relationship between objects and phenomena in the world that surrounds us. It favors the search for unusual solutions to a variety of problems, adaptation to constantly changing conditions.

There are some features inherent in abstract-logical thinking:

— Knowledge of concepts and criteria, both existing and only supposedly existing in the real world, and the ability to use them.

- Ability to analyze, summarize and systematize information.

- The ability to identify the patterns of the surrounding world, even without direct interaction with it.

- Ability to form cause-and-effect relationships.

Abstract-logical thinking is the basis of the learning process, and it is applicable in any conscious activity, both in science and in everyday life.

The development of abstract thinking occurs in childhood, and it is very important to pay due attention to it. In one of the following articles, we will talk about how to develop abstract-logical thinking in a preschool child.

The flexible mind and receptivity of the child in early age make this period the most optimal for classes. However, an adult can also develop his abilities, logical skills, improve ingenuity and ingenuity. Abstract-logical thinking is helped to develop exercises to identify patterns, combine words based on a common feature, and any logical tasks.

It has been proven that until old age we can develop the abilities of our brain, improving its functions such as thinking, attention, memory, perception. Classes can be carried out in a fun way, with the help of.

We wish you success in self-development!

You need to think abstractly, broadly. What does it mean? Dont clear. In the note, the site will consider what abstract thinking is in simple terms.

Concrete thinking is unambiguous. Example: Vasya, if you do not remove this brick from the edge, then Andryukha will hit it with his elbow and we will smash those cars down there.

Abstract thinking is ambiguous, inaccurate. Example: it is possible to die from a brick falling on your head, bricks are heavy and due to negligence they are killed every day.

The product of abstract thinking are conclusions that come from generalizations. Extra information is cut off. This speeds up the process of analyzing the situation with the brain.

With abstract thinking:

  • Man tries to connect in a logical chain general properties various phenomena, events and objects;
  • The process of thinking is limited by the amount of knowledge that a person possesses. It is an "internal dialogue".

Processing the information received, a person forms new knowledge and fixes it in his memory. In the course of abstract thinking, a person uses tools: concepts, evaluation criteria, generalizations, analysis, information, knowledge.

Abstract thinking tools help build causal relationships. Abstract thinking allows you to find correspondences between seemingly unrelated objects and phenomena.

A distinctive feature of abstract thinking is the ability to separate from conventions and particulars, to assess the situation in a clear way.

If you do not develop abstract thinking, you are a fool!

Why celebrate the little things and ignore the big things if it doesn't work? Abstract thinking is possessed by people with high intelligence, thanks to abstract thinking, the horizon of perception of the surrounding world expands. It pushes the limits of judgments, conclusions and conclusions.

6 Types of Abstraction Everyone Should Know

Abstract thinking is closely related to imagination. Their origins are sensory knowledge. In psychology, there are various classifications of types of abstraction. All of them are based on 2 processes: distraction and replenishment. There are abstractions:

  1. Isolating or analytical. Fix the properties of objects. For example, "heat capacity", "moisture resistance", "truthful", etc.;
  2. Generalizing. Formulate the general properties of objects. Example: "sour", "green", "hard", etc.;
  3. Constructivism. Develops real ways to solve problems;
  4. Idealizing. Exaggerating the merits of objects: “absolutely pure water”, “ideal figure”, etc.;
  5. Actual-infinite. Excludes the possibility of fixing something;
  6. Primitively sensual. They divert attention in the process of thinking from some feelings and concentrate it on other emotions.

Forms of abstract thinking

From the general classification of forms of abstract thinking, at least 3 can be distinguished:

  1. Concept: reflects the general features and properties of objects, phenomena or events that can be characterized as the most significant for them. Concepts are divided into scientific and worldly. The first are formed on the basis of knowledge, the second - on personal experience;
  2. Judgment. They have 2 forms - negations and affirmations. The components of judgments are the subject and the predicate (its affirmation or negation). Judgments can be general, singular or particular;
  3. Inference. This form of thinking is the product of the analysis of judgments. On its basis, a conclusion is drawn, which is a new knowledge.

Practical examples of abstract-logical thinking

In the life of every person you can find a lot of examples of abstract thinking. All of them show an extraordinary approach to solving a particular problem. A vivid illustration of abstract thinking is the example of Winnie the Pooh in a balloon trying to get his own honey from the hollow of the “wrong” bees. You can find examples of abstract thinking not only in the life of fairy-tale characters.

An example of abstract thinking #1. Numbers

Mathematical calculations on paper are described using various numbers and signs. And how do calculations occur in the head of a person without paper and a pen? The result of the calculations arises from the game with images. Many people don't even try to visualize the picture of stepwise calculations.

An example of abstract thinking #2. life planning

This element of human life always includes elements of fantasy. For example, someone bought a lottery ticket and, even before the start of the draw, begins to make plans to spend the unreceived winnings.

An example of abstract thinking #3. Idealization

It happens that men and women endow their partners with qualities that they do not have (and never have). The ideal image invented by him can live in their minds until the end of their lives.

The development of abstract thinking in children

There are special programs for the development of abstract thinking in children. It is good for parents to know about them. Child development classes need to start at an early age. To do this, they need to offer them to perform various exercises that develop imagination, logical thinking.

Early childhood development activities may seem simple. Among them: drawing, folding cubes with letters into words, jointly inventing fairy tales and stories. It is very useful to play thinking games. For example, show the child objects and ask him to talk about the associations associated with them.

A child who has not mastered such skills at an early age will not be able to single out something specific from the general in the future. The development of abstract thinking will allow the child to quickly master the school curriculum.

The development of abstract thinking in adults

Despite the fact that learning something new in adults is much more difficult than in children, it is simply necessary to engage in self-development. This develops creative thinking and assists in expanding the range of thinking. To do this, you need to perform a number of specific exercises:

  • Learn to create images of various emotions in your imagination;
  • Give visual images to ideas;
  • Read books upside down
  • Draw as much as possible.

The process of development must be daily and constant. The results of the classes will help change a person's life for the better.

Conclusion: abstract thinking is the foundation of human creativity. It allows him to go beyond what is permitted. People with abstract thinking will always be able to come up with a way to fry eggs on stones in the desert or boil them in sand without water, they will be able to increase sales due to non-standard presentation of goods or replace a torn car belt with women's stockings or pantyhose on the road.

Zhanna Nechaeva

Chief Editor magazine site. Responsible for the quality of the content. Child of the late 80s, experience of relative professional realization. She shoveled about 150 books on psychology, personal effectiveness, finance, motivation and some classics. More details on the page.