How to be a good person class hour. Classroom means being human. Open extracurricular activity

« Class hour in grade 4 Class hour in grade 4 “What does it mean to be a good man? Purpose: 1.Formation ethical standards and rules of behavior in society. 2. Correction of the emotional-volitional sphere on ... "

Class hour in 4th grade

Class hour in grade 4 "What does it mean to be a good person?"


1. Formation of ethical norms and rules of behavior in society.

2. Correction of the emotional-volitional sphere based on exercises in the choice between what is easier and how it is necessary to act, building relationships with other people.

3. Fixing the idea of ​​moral behavior in society.

Lesson progress

1. Introductory conversation.

The topic of our class hour is “What does it mean to be a good person?”. The answer to this question is already written on the blackboard: “It is difficult to be a human being. Becoming a Human is a lot of work." - said the poet E. Mezhelaitis. The word "Man" is capitalized, but this is not a mistake. A man with a capital letter is a real good man. But if it's hard to be good, then why be good? And how can you tell the good from the bad? We will answer these questions in today's lesson.

A man was born, small, defenseless. He doesn't know anything and he can't do anything. But everyone loves him. About this poem by Valentin Berestov.

They love you for no reason

Because you are a grandson

Because you are a son

For being a baby

For what you grow

Because he looks like mom and dad.

And this love until the end of your days

It will remain your faithful support.

But here a person grows, learns to speak, walk, do something. He learns to communicate first with his parents, and then with other people in the kindergarten, at school, on the street and in other places. And because of what actions he does, what he does, we can say whether he is a bad person or a good one. After all, a person is judged by his deeds and deeds.

But small man does not always know which actions and deeds are bad and which are good. He still needs to be taught. He is taught, first of all, by his parents, teachers, educators and his comrades. Books teach this. Here is the answer to the question of what is good and what is bad, the poet V.V. Mayakovsky gives.

2. Reading text

The little son came to his father and asked the little one: - What is good and what is bad? - I have no secrets, - listen, kids, - I put this answer in the book. - If the wind tears the roof, if the hail rumbled, - everyone knows - it’s bad for walking. It rained and passed. The sun is in the whole world. It’s very good for both big ones and children. the boy is very cute, he is doing well. they say: a bad boy. If a boy loves work, pokes his finger in a book, they write about this here: he is a good boy. He ran away from a crow, groaning. This boy is just a coward. bird. Brave boy, well in life This one got into the mud and is glad that his shirt is dirty. They say about this: he is bad, a slob. the son of a pig, if the son is a pig, The joyful boy went, and the baby decided: "I will do well, and I will not - badly."

During the reading of the poem, cards are attached to the board, with bad or good qualities of a person written on them in accordance with the passage read.


Clean Dirty

Defender Brawler

Hardworking Hooligan

Brave Coward

Neat Slob

Let's talk about what you need to be to be considered a good person.

Learning to be kind, fair, to do good deeds is difficult. But we must help our friends to make the right decisions, to act in such a way as not to do bad things to ourselves and other people.

3. Read short stories that describe conflict situations. At the end of the story, there is a question that you must answer.

1. Text of the story

“Anna Ivanovna had been retired for a long time, but she still worked as a technician at school. Her efforts on the floor was always clean and comfortable. And now, having done her business, she walked along the corridor and looked with a master's eye to see if everything was in order. Suddenly Anna Ivanovna saw dirty footprints on the floor that led to the sixth grade. She went into the classroom and saw Alyosha Smirnov, who was sitting at a desk in dirty shoes. He never changed his shoes because he was too lazy to do so. Anna Ivanovna asked him to change his shoes and clean up the dirt behind him. But Alyosha rudely replied that it was her duty to wash the floors and she was paid money for this. The old woman silently left the classroom. All the guys heard this conversation, but no one supported Alyosha. They were ashamed of what their classmate had done. They decided to talk to Alyosha."

2. Text of the story

“At the lesson, the children read the story and prepared to answer questions on the text. The teacher Natalya Sergeevna asked the first question, and all the children raised their hands in unison. Vasya really wanted to be asked first. He stretched out his hand above all, shaking it, trying in every possible way to attract the attention of the teacher. But Natalya Sergeevna looked sternly at him and asked the quiet girl Zhenya. Vasya frowned, slammed the textbook shut with a noise and showed with his whole appearance that he was offended. And when the teacher asked him, Vasya refused to answer. The next day, he also behaved at the reading. The lesson is over. Natalya Sergeevna let all the guys go, and asked Vasya to stay and talk. ”

Do we have situations like this in our class?

Tell how you help your comrades correct their mistakes.

Is it difficult to get rid of bad habits?

4. Let's check ourselves guys. Are we able to make the right decisions in difficult situation. We will now play the game "Troubles from the barrel."

The texts of "troubles"

“There was a boy in the class who was not understood and rejected. Nobody wanted to be friends with him. What advice would you give to your classmates?"

"Sunday. There is an interesting film on TV. But your mother asked you to urgently go to the store for bread. How will you do it?

“A boy in the dining room, during his afternoon snack, chose the largest apple and put it next to his plate. What can you say about the boy?

“Your classmate smokes. He needs money for cigarettes. You saw how he took 100 tenge from a first grader. Your actions"

5.Situation 1:

Mom says to Natasha every day:

- Daughter, dear, as soon as school is over, go home right away, I need help in the garden.

“Mom, but the guys from the class want us to play a little together after school,” Natasha answers.

“You don’t have time to play, you need to hurry home,” says the mother.

What do you recommend? (Natasha and mother.)

Situation 2:

Sasha and her mother went to the store. Mom was shopping, and Sasha looked at the chocolates on display in the window. He really wanted chocolate Santa Claus.

- Mom, buy me Santa Claus.

“I can’t, son, I don’t have much money left.

“What an unkind mother you are,” Sasha said and was very offended.

- Return your thoughts to the analyzed situations and say: Is it easy to be kind? (hard, you have to learn it).

How should one behave in relation to close people?

6. Task I read out a list of qualities that you should divide into two columns: in one column write the qualities that you consider good, in the other - bad.

Accuracy, carelessness, attentiveness, pride, rudeness, caring, isolation, vindictiveness, sincerity, capriciousness, slowness, perseverance, indecision, touchiness, sociability, responsiveness, suspicion, irritability, restraint, compassion, patience, haste, cowardice, selfishness.

There are qualities on this list that are neither good nor bad. Try to find them and name them. (Hurry, slowness, isolation, sociability). In what cases are these qualities useful, and in what cases are they harmful? Give examples.

Highlight the qualities you see in yourself.

What qualities were more difficult to recognize as "one's own" - positive or negative?

7. Game "Polite-impolite".

Speak harsh words.

Hurt the little ones.

Play with your younger sister or brother.

Say hello when you meet.

Push, don't apologize.

Help the elderly cross the road.

Pay for the bus fare.

Wash dishes at home, go to the store.

Complain about others.

Do not give up your seat on the bus to an adult.

Say thanks".

Task 8 "How well have you developed your skills?"

Useful Skills Always Often Rarely Never

I'll finish the job

I am demanding of myself

I can overcome difficulties

I know how to manage time

Consider the opinions of others

I am a man of my word

Exchange leaflets with a neighbor on the desk. Evaluate each other by putting your own assessment next to his (only not according to the principle “you - to me, I - to you”). Compare your grades with the grades your neighbor gave you. Are you satisfied with these ratings? How honestly did you evaluate your friend? Maybe you were afraid to upset him? Or vice versa? Who rated you more strictly: a neighbor or yourself?

9. Final part.

In fact, there are no people who are only bad or only good. Each of us has both good and bad. But in order for there to be more good, you need to try very hard, work on yourself. And then you will succeed in life.

There is a lot of good in each of you. I will hand out the sheets to you now, you write in them what good qualities is in you.

At today's lesson, we once again clarified what is good and what is bad, discussed what you need to be in order to be considered a good person.

OF THE SECOND CONVENTION December 31, 2015 No. 23 On the budget of Lakha-Varandinsky rural settlement Grozny municipal ... "

"The practical part of the material. Conclusions. Job prospects. Bibliography. Appendix 1 /Presentation...»

Class hour - Good man,

Uh hello everyone!

Guys, what does the word hello mean?

We wish each other good health

W-good health, but how else can you say hello?

D- (good morning, good afternoon, good evening)

Look, it has become pleasant and good in the classroom, even the sun smiles at us through the window and sends good rays. Before you say something, you first need to think well, then do it. A good word - a good deed - what they heard in common (good). What kind of person does a good deed? (Kind).

The theme of our class hour is Good Man.

Remember the books you read in which we met good heroes, good people. (Steel ring, Gavroche, Snow Queen, Cinderella).

Right! Well done!

Today I will read you a children's parable called Firefly.

Taking a small bug in his tiny palm, the kid asked, Mom, what kind of bug is this? This is a firefly. Even though it is small, it can emit light. Did the kid think and ask? Why does he glow? The firefly is a child of light, but it only shines at night. When other bugs sleep, he stands guard over the light, lighting the way for those who need it. Fireflies light their lanterns, and people think that these are precious stones scattered on the ground. How good it is to be a firefly, the baby clapped his hands joyfully! I would love to be a firefly. My sun, my mother affectionately said, when a person does good and gives love, he brings light with him, the more good deeds he does, the stronger the light flares up in him. It is difficult to see such people among other people, you can feel them with your heart, because their flashlights are their hearts!

And the fire in them is bright and warm. Do love and kindness and become a firefly!

- what did you feel?

- what do you want to say?

Would you like to become such a firefly! And do good?


Let's see if it's hard to be kind to each other.

I invite….

Let's play. The game is called "Baby and Kitten"

- which of you will be a kitten?

The kitten bends its arms at the chest. Closing his eyes, he sleeps, the child wakes up, but gently, strokes his head, cheeks, ears, nose, the kitten wakes up, he feels good, pleasant. (Change roles)

Is it nice to receive affection and attention?

Did you feel kindness towards each other? What conclusion can be drawn?

Conclusion: both people and animals should be treated kindly.

U- sometimes there are situations in the class when you quarreled. Let me teach you how to make up in a special way.

I call two boys.

Give one hand to each other, shake, and the other hand. Stroke each other (you can on the shoulder, say kind words to each other.

This is how our kindness will be shown towards each other.

— I think that everyone wants to participate, to prove themselves. You are sitting in a pair, turn to each other, put your palm on your palm, warm your hands with your kindness, your warmth and looking into your eyes wish kind words to each other.

We've all talked about what a good person does. What kind of a good man is he? How do you imagine it?

I call two students. Task: Draw a good face on the balloons.

Conclusion: the face of a kind person is kind eyes and a kind smile. Let's try to collect a portrait of a kind person. With a face already clear! The body remains. I distribute multi-colored puzzles, you have to guess by the color where the arms, legs and torso are. 3 groups work (on the arms and legs, the quality of a kind person, on the body - actions)

YouVod: A kind person is one who loves people and is ready to help in difficult times. A kind person always speaks politely to his interlocutor. If a friend has good luck, a kind person will congratulate him, and if there is trouble, he will comfort him with a kind word. A kind person loves nature and protects it. And having done good, a person becomes better cleaner, brighter. Here we have such a portrait of a kind person. Who do you think we can give it to? Who can use it? (For first graders)

Bottom line: we did a good job, close your eyes. Put your head on the desk, take a rest. You are kind to me! Beautiful, sweet and I love you very much. Let's love and understand each other (open your eyes, smile at me, at each other, at the guests). Classroom is over.


  • Educational: Contribute to the formation of a moral and ethical culture, positive traits of one's character; to bring children to the understanding that the conscious improvement of a person is a good deed.
  • Developing: Develop the ability to communicate with people, analyze their actions and evaluate them; the ability to make informed choices.
  • Educational: Cultivate mutual respect, kindness, politeness; moral responsibility for their actions.

Equipment: green and red cards for the game; cards "heart", "cry-baby", "indifference"; individual cards.

Event progress

1. Introductory part.

Let's start class now
And let's have a conversation
About important words
Dear, brave,
Labor and strict,
Humble and poor.

- I am human! Can anyone on Earth say that about themselves?

Before answering this question, tell me, what, besides external signs, should a person have? ( a person must have good and pure thoughts, good qualities of character, a kind and loving heart, an educated mind, he must do good deeds, a person must be human)

Wise words about the importance of what you just said were written by M.M. Prishvin "Everything beautiful on earth is from the sun, everything good is from man."

The beauty of nature exists thanks to the warmth and light of the sun, and everything good that exists on Earth is created good people. Bad things are done bad people who are not worthy to bear the proud title of man. People, when they want to encourage someone to become better, they say: “Be human!” (“Become a man!”). That is, they call to manifest everything that you spoke about. Thus, we call man not the body, not appearance, and that inner world, that inner man, which we do not see, but which is manifested in everything that a person does.

- Let's answer the question: can everyone say to himself "I am a man!" ( no, only the one who is kind, has a loving heart, good qualities of character)

Tell me, so what will be discussed at the class hour, what topic is it on? ( that it is necessary to help those who are in difficulty; about the ability to make friends; about respect for elders; about kindness and a loving heart; about politeness; about doing noble deeds without demanding anything in return).

That is, we will try to answer the question: what does it mean to be ... ( real person). This will be the topic of our class hour. We will talk about those human qualities that help each of us make friends, find mutual understanding, and become a real person.

Gets expensive
Happiness difficult roads.
What good have you done
How did you help people?
This measure measures
All earthly works.
Maybe grow a tree
Are you in your city?
Ile under snow powder
Whose life are you saving?
Doing good things for people
Be nice yourself!

- If you like class hour today, you will take something useful and necessary for yourself, raise a card with a heart; if not, then cry. And who will remain indifferent, an empty sheet.

2. The main part.

To do good to people, you must first of all be a polite person, because “politeness” is one of the most important qualities of a well-mannered person. Until the 16th century, “vezha” meant “expert”, this is someone who knows the rules of decency, a form of expressing a good attitude towards people. Sometimes guys behave rudely, it seems to them that in these cases they act as independent, independent and almost adults. Listen to A.L. Barto's poem "Confession" and say what rules of politeness can be learned from it.

1 student:

Go find out, go understand

He all in one unfortunate day
Almost brought me to tears.
His name is - stands like a stump,
As if rooted to the ground.

2 students:

Look, do not drink raw water,
Neighbor recommends.
One glass, then another
Andryusha drinks in response.
Go find out, go understand
What happened to the eight year old guy?

3 students:

You come to dinner at 3 o'clock, -
His mother told him.
He muttered: - I know myself,
And he showed up at 5.
Well, what about you, Andryushenka?
And the son confessed to her:
When I don't listen to you
I look older.

- Guys, do we have people like Andryushka in our class?

Children: No.

(student gets up and says):- Can I be like Andryushka?

Children: Yegor, be a man!

- Guys, what rules of politeness can you name after listening to this poem? ( no need to be rude; don't make trouble, don't offend anyone; be considerate of people). Can the author A.L. Barto be called a real person? ( Yes; after all, using the example of other children, she teaches us to be attentive to others, listen to the advice of elders, and do only good deeds).

slide 1- So, the rules of courtesy, read in unison.

  • Be attentive to people.
  • Don't be rude.
  • Don't cause trouble or hurt to others.

- Disrespectful attitude towards people is a sign of bad upbringing. Not only boys, but also girls are ill-mannered, angry, rude with their parents, their comrades and complete strangers. Listen to a poem by A.L. Barto "Lyubochka" and tell me, what kind of person should you be?

4 students:

Little blue skirt, ribbon in a braid.
Who doesn't know Lyubochka? Everyone knows love.
Girls at the party will gather in a circle.
How Lyubochka dances! Best of all friends!
The skirt is spinning, and the ribbon in the braid.
Everyone looks at Lyubochka, everyone rejoices.
But if you come to this Lyubochka's house,
You will hardly recognize this girl there.
She screams from the threshold, announces on the go:
- I have a lot of lessons, I won’t go for bread!
Lyubochka rides on a tram - she does not take a ticket.
Pushing everyone apart with his elbows, he makes his way forward.
She says pushing: - Fu! What tightness!
She says to the old woman: - These are children's places.
“Well, sit down,” she sighs.
Little blue skirt, ribbon in a braid.
Here is Lyubochka in all her glory.
It happens that girls are very rude,
Although not necessarily they are called Love.
- Guys, do we have people like Lyubochka in our class?

Children: No.

(student gets up and says): Can I be like Lyubochka?

Children: Egor, be a man.

- Guys, what kind of person should you be? ( be hardworking and responsive; help kids, respect elders; do not insult people; help those who are in difficulty.

Slide 2:- Let's read in chorus, remember and be the same.

  • Help someone who is having a hard time.
  • Be hardworking and responsive.
  • Respect the elders, help the little ones.
  • Do not offend people by word or deed.

- Respect your elders, your comrades. What is respect? (benevolent attitude towards a person). Respect means:

  • be ready to help him;
  • speak politely;
  • sit at the same desk in the classroom;
  • play together at recess.

- And now let's play a little and find out your knowledge of magic words. Think what conclusion can be drawn? We answer in chorus.

The game "Dictionary of magic words."

  1. Even an ice block will melt from a warm word ... ( Thank you).
  2. The old stump will turn green when it hears ... ( Good afternoon).
  3. If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom … (Thank you).
  4. A polite and developed boy speaks when meeting … (Hello).
  5. When you are scolded for pranks, say ... ( forgive me please).
  6. Both in France and Denmark they say goodbye ... ( Goodbye).

What conclusion can be drawn? ( always be polite).

- Let's read it in unison. slide 3

  • Be polite in word and deed.

- Guys, do we have children in our class who do not know the magic words?

Children: No.

(student gets up and says):– Can I be that person?

Children: Egor, be a polite person.

- Tell me, can a polite person be evil?

Children: No.

- Why? (student answers).

Of course not. After all, politeness is real when it is sincere, natural, which means that it is next to kindness, a benevolent attitude to each other, to all living things. No wonder the Russian says folk proverb"It's good for him who has a good heart." After all, kindness helps people live.

5 students:

Being kind is not at all easy,
Kindness does not depend on growth.
Kindness does not depend on color.
Kindness is not a gingerbread, not a candy.
Kindness never gets old
Kindness will warm you from the cold.
If kindness shines like the sun
Adults and children rejoice.

6 students:

The earth was circled by thin threads
Threads of parallels and green rivers.
Reach out your hand, reach out your hand

Warm with a word, caress with a look,
A good joke even melts the snow.

A gloomy person will become kind and cheerful.
- Guys, do we have angry, rude children in our class?

Children: No.

(student gets up and says):- Can I be like that?

Children: Egor, be a kind person.

Slide 4:

  • Be good.
  • “Sow the reasonable, the good, the eternal…” – once said the poet N.A. Nekrasov. These words can be a great motto for you.
  • Give joy and smiles. Let's smile at each other now and sing a wonderful song by V. Shainsky "Smile".

The song "Smile" is performed.

To do good, one must first of all possess it. Each person has their own path to kindness. It is not given to us from birth, it is not inherited. It is necessary to try hard, day after day, to cultivate it in yourself - kindness. Kindness begins with love for people. Breathe in your heart, do not lose the joy of love, the power of goodness.

7 students:

Good people, nothing can stop us
And do not slam open doors.
We will be kind, and the world it will be kinder,
We will be kind, and life will be kinder.
Do a miracle, stretch out your hand.
It is necessary that a person believe in friendship.
It's so wonderful to be with you
The unfamiliar gloomy man smiled.

- Having done good, enjoy the fact that the other person has become good, comfortable. “They don’t look for good from good,” says a Russian folk proverb. It would be nice to learn to sincerely give good, without expecting any benefit and response. If you learn this, you are a real person.

3. Final part.

And now let's check how you learned and how much you remembered the rules of an educated real person. I will name the situation, and you will determine whether the actions in it were polite, well-mannered or not. If yes, raise the green card, if not, raise the red one. We work in pairs.

The game "Polite-impolite".

  • Speak harsh words.
  • Hurt the little ones.
  • Play with your younger sister or brother.
  • Say hello when you meet.
  • Push, don't apologize.
  • Help the elderly cross the road.
  • Pay for the bus fare.
  • Wash dishes at home, go to the store.
  • Complain about others.
  • Do not give up your seat on the bus to an adult.
  • Say thanks".

- Well done, well learned the rules of good breeding. But is it only a polite, kind, good person should be a real person? (student answers)

- Remember the work of S.Ya. Marshak “The Story of unknown hero". Who is this piece about? (about a simple guy who saved a girl during a fire)

Why does the author call him a hero? (seeing the fire, he rushed to the aid of a complete stranger; unexpectedly appeared and disappeared in the same way, not expecting gratitude, beautiful words to your address; not everyone can do this)

What can you say about this guy? What is he? ( courageous, daring, modest)

So what should a real person be like? There are sheets of paper in front of you, underline the words that characterize a real person ( ind. Job) Examination Slide 5.

What are you like in life? Can you give examples of your current behavior? (student answers)

I wish each of you to grow up to be a good, polite, kind, real person.

8 students:

Wherever the wind blows, there are clouds.
An obedient river flows along the channel.
But you are a man, you are strong and brave.
Make your own destiny with your own hands.
Go against the wind, do not stand still.
Understand that there is no easy way.
Now they do not trust miracles as before.
Don't hope for a miracle, take charge of your own destiny.

- In the suffocation of cities in our restless age
Feel the breath of nature
A real person is capable
In love with freedom.
A real person is not rich in money,
He does not know how to see an idol in them.
Treasures of the soul - his priceless treasure,
Which never fails.
A real person knows how to give
And that's why it gets richer.
A real person will not be discouraged,
Solving complex problems in life.
A real person only does good deeds,
Rejecting petty passions.
A real person cannot do evil.
And so I wish everyone happiness.

- I would like to know your opinion. If you liked the class hour, took a lot of useful things for yourself, then raise the card with a heart. If not, then cry. And who remained indifferent to what we talked about, an empty sheet. slide 6(small conversation about choice).

– I want to thank you for listening and trying to understand what you heard, for your help. When I say "thank you" to you on the board "good - I give"), this means that I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart. Try to thank people for all the good things they do for you. I hope that each of you will be a real person and give only joy to others.

Slide 7:

– I want to end the class hour with the words of the great Russian writer K.G. Paustovsky “A person must be smart, simple, fair, brave and kind. Only then does he have the right to bear this high title - a man.


Strizhak I.A.

State Institution "Novokolutonskaya Secondary School"

The class hour was held as part of the celebration of the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in grades 5-7

Subject What does it mean to be a good person
Target: Form the rules of conduct in society; develop respect for people. Continue the formation of such moral concepts as kindness, politeness. Learn how to do tasks on your own. To develop adequate evaluation activities aimed at analyzing one's own behavior and the actions of people around.


1. To educate students in goodwill, responsiveness, kindness, tolerance for other people's opinions and beliefs, empathy; develop logical thinking, To make a conclusion.
2. Formation of the ability to argue your point of view. Work on developing positive character traits.
3. To cultivate feelings of camaraderie and friendship, mutual respect, polite treatment, the ability to feel, understand oneself and another person.

Conduct form: conversation, game, drawing, testing, a moment of silence.


  1. Crossword
  2. Drawings
  3. folk wisdom
  4. book exhibition

Resources: blanks for drawing, test, memo, music center

Structural elements of the class hour:

  1. organizational moment (1 min.);
  2. introductory speech of the presenter (2 min.);
  3. game (2 min.);
  4. crossword puzzle (3 min)
  5. conversation about the moral qualities of a person (4 min)
  6. conflicts (4 min.);
  7. drawing (5 min.);
  8. test (4 min.);
  9. relaxation (4min);
  10. conclusion (3 min.)

The course of the classroom.

1. Organizational stage.
Classroom teacher

Our class hour is called “What does it mean to be a good person” and is dedicated to International Day child.

Let's learn a new game called "Hello friend!". To do this, we need to stand in a circle, join hands, pay for the "first" and "second" - this is the signal to start the game. On command, we say in unison:

hello sun

I am your ray.

Hello, I -

Key from the heart.

After these words, the “first” numbers turn left to the “second” numbers, while looking into the eyes of their partner and saying:

Hello Friend!

Hello Friend!

You are the most beautiful of all around!

Then the "first" numbers turn to the "second" numbers to the right of them, looking into their eyes and pronouncing all the same words:

Hello Friend!

Hello Friend!

You are the most beautiful of all around!

Classroom teacher

Today we will answer the question: What does it mean to be a good person?
This is the purpose of the classroom.
To make it easier for us to communicate, we will unite in teams (by class)
I ask you to come one by one -choose your team name.
Well-wishers Respectable Conscientious Kind-hearted

There is something in common in the name of your teams. What is this?
What does kindness mean? How do you understand this word?
Children answer (each team).
Guys! Today we will talk about kindness and good deeds. What does good mean to you? (Children's answers.)
It's true, it's all good, kind, beautiful. What about evil? (Children's answers.)
This is something opposite to good: this is trouble, misfortune, everything bad.
We live with you on planet Earth. If good and evil exist on our planet, then people can do both good and evil deeds.
In each of us there is a small sun - kindness.
A kind person is one who loves people and helps them.

Busy with good deeds at home
Kindness quietly walks around the apartment.
Good morning with us
Good afternoon and good hour,
good evening, good night,
it was good yesterday.
And where, you ask,
There is so much kindness in the house.
Teacher Kindness is a person's desire to give happiness to all people. Our imagination, memory, attention will help us with this.
Don't stand by indifferently
When someone is in trouble.
You need to rush to the rescue
Any minute, always.
And if ever someone
Your kindness will help
your smile,
Are you happy that day
Wasn't lived in vain
That you live for years not in vain.
How do you understand the words: "you need to rush to the rescue"? (children's answers)

Right. Remember that kindness and mercy have been developed over the centuries in order to make life easier for everyone, to communicate with each other, so that this communication brings joy. This is how each of us should live. More Kyrgyz legendary hero Manas bequeathed that everyone should live in harmony.
Good and Evil are the main, basic concepts of morality (morality). Everything that helps man and nature benefits them, - good . What hurts this evil . Supreme Manifestation peace and love are good: to the motherland, to mother, to other people near and far, to the living and the dead, to business, nature, etc. The highest manifestation of evil is war, murder.
Classroom teacher

Guys, have you ever met evil people in your life? Draw an evil person. (draw on blanks)

Show your work to your friends. Do you like these faces? When you drew them, what was going on in your soul? What did you feel? Why? Why can a person be offended, angry?

Questionnaire (individual sheets)

Please answer a few questions

I. Do you often have conflicts with peers:a) almost always b) quite often c) sometimes d) rarely

II. Who is the initiator of these conflicts?a) me b) another person

III. What is causing these conflicts?a) rude attitude, insult, b) The desire to be a leader in the group, authority among peers;

C) an unfair act, deceit D) a mismatch of points of view on something e) another

IV. How long do your conflicts with peers last?a) quite a long time b) something in between

c) run out quickly

V. Who is more likely to seek reconciliation in conflicts? a) me, b) the other, c) both

VI. What is your behavior in conflict?a) stop talking b) being rude, calling names c) fighting

d) I try to turn other children and adults against my opponent

What is the harm of conflicts? (children's answers)

  1. Firstly, human dignity suffers from conflict.
  2. Secondly, for every minute of the conflict, there are 20 minutes of subsequent experiences, when the work does not go well, and in general, everything falls out of hand.
  3. Third, suffering physical health- Nerves, heart, blood vessels are affected.

Very often lately conflict situations end in suicide.Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to prevent various conflicts.

First of all, in no case should you use forbidden tricks - these are phrases like: “Come on!”, “What do you understand!”, “You seem to clever man and you're talking such nonsense!"

On the contrary, the words “it seems to me”, “maybe I'm wrong”, “maybe you will agree with me”, etc. produce a simply magical effect.

Correct behavior during conflict will keep you healthy, make you calmer and happier not only for you, but also for others.It is impossible to bear in yourself, and even more so to “cherish and cherish” resentment: the soul will harden, and resentment will “corrode” you from the inside, like rust. Of course, it is very difficult to forgive. Sometimes it seems to us that we must respond to insult and evil with evil. But it's not. To be able to forgive is a destiny strong people. Learn to be strong! Learn to love and forgive!

The absence of bad habits, a strong character give you the opportunity to live interestingly in society, to benefit people
Classroom teacher

A person who does good to others feels happy, a selfish person is unhappy. A person who loves only himself, who has no friends, is left alone when difficult life trials come.
What makes a person kind?
- What kind of person can be kind?
- What kind of instillations of kindness do you think it is necessary to fulfill in order to be kind?
Students' thoughts:
- Will a good person be able to survive in our conditions, despite even the slightest evil?
Can good ever finally defeat evil?
- How can you take revenge on your enemy (try to do more good)
A kind person is one who loves people and is ready to help in difficult times. A kind person is polite and respectful in dealing with comrades and adults. A kind person loves nature and protects it.

Draw such a person. Show it to your friends. Do you like it?
And what kind, “magic words” sound in our speech? How often do you use kind words? Why do you think? (Answers of children).
- Think and tell me what good deeds you can do in the classroom, at home, on the street, in transport, in nature? (Children's answers.)
Do you think it's easy to be kind? What needs to be done for this?

Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon! - you were told.
- Good afternoon! - you answered.
How two strings are tied
Warmth and kindness.
Bon Voyage.
They wish us: "Good luck!"
It will be easier to drive and walk.
Will lead, of course, a good way
Something good too.
- Hello! - you will tell the person.
- Hello! - He smiles back.
And probably won't go to the pharmacy
And will be healthy for many years.
Thank you.
Why do we say "thank you"?
For everything they do for us.
And we couldn't remember
Who was told how many times?
I'm sorry, I won't
Accidentally breaking dishes
And interrupt adults
And what he promised to forget.
But if I forget
I'm sorry, I won't do it again.
Cancel, or something, the word "please" -
We repeat it every minute.
No, perhaps that without "please"
We become uncomfortable.
Good words.
These words are known to everyone for a long time,
You see, they are simple and not new.
But I'll say it again anyway:
- Good people, be healthy!

classroom teacher

Well, we remembered the “magic words”. And now I'm going to read bad advice. Listen carefully to the verses and say what is wrong, harmful in these tips and how you really need to act in these situations.

1st advice.
If you come to friends
Don't say hello to anyone
The words "please", "thank you"
Do not tell anybody.
Turn around and ask questions
Don't answer anyone
And then no one will say
About you, that you are a talker.
2nd tip.
If a friend's birthday
invited you to my place,
You leave a gift at home
will come in handy.
Try to sit next to the cake,
Do not enter into conversations:
you while talking
Eat half as much sweets.
3rd tip.
Girls should never
Nowhere to notice
And don't let them pass
Nowhere and never.
They need to put their feet up
Scared around the corner...
4th advice.
If to dad or mom
Aunt adult came
And leads some important
And a serious conversation
Necessary behind unnoticed
sneak up on her and then
Shout loudly in your ear:
"Stop, give up! Hands up!"
5th tip.
If your friend is the best
Slipped and fell
Point your finger at a friend
And grab your stomach.

Can these tips be followed?

Classroom teacher

Guys, please pay attention to the drawings on the board. What do you think, can the guys depicted in the drawings be called good people? Why?

At the book fair, we prepared books about good people. Why do you think we put a book about N.A. on the first shelf? Nazarbayev. (children's opinions)

From childhood, one must learn kindness, sensitivity, courtesy, respect, because you are the future of our Motherland, and you must build new life. Learn to love the people around you. Be kind and human. Let's stick the kind faces you drew on the board! See how many of us there are!

Alone with myself. (accompanied by the tune "The Lonely Shepherd")

Guys, sit back. Close your eyes. Relax. Imagine that you find yourself in a flower meadow. The rays of the sun warm all the children of the Earth. The light of the sun gives peace to everything around (pause). From the rays of the sun, everything becomes affectionate and friendly (pause). The light of the sun penetrates our heart, connects with our kindest and most tender feelings (pause). The love in our heart is growing, it is getting bigger and bigger. We send our love to our near and dear ones, to our friends, acquaintances and strangers. (pause). All relatives and friends, friends and acquaintances, all those around us accept our love. They are getting better and better. And it is true. This makes us happy and easy. Let's remember this feeling (pause). Let's smile at the world (pause). Let's smile at each other and wish peace, harmony to ourselves and others. Give your love not only in your thoughts, but always make the people around you feel it! Open up your eyes. You are great!


I want you in the class to also be close-knit and friendly, so that you have these relationships for a long time. You guys should all be friends. When you finish school, you will become workers, doctors, builders, captains ... There are hundreds of professions, among them each of you will choose the one that will be the most interesting for you. But, first of all, you must grow up to be real, good people: kind, courageous, polite. And this needs to be learned.
Long live kindness, respect and sensitivity to each other! In memory of the class hour, I give you the memos “Everything is in your hands!”

(while we are handing out memos, the parable “Everything is in your hands” sounds)

Class hour "My "I" in society"

Objectives: deepening the concept of "I am a person"; education of the best human qualities;formation of the desire for self-knowledge, immersion in one's inner world and orientation in it;

developing the ability to recognize one's own personal qualities and qualities of other people.

Equipment: laptop, screen, projector, class hour presentation;

Course progress.

"Love people if you want people to love you" - said the ancients.

Hello! The topic of the class hour is "My "I" in society".

What is "I" (student answers).

What is a society? (student answers)

How do you understand "My "I" in society"? (student answers)

Slide : Society - family, school, class, teachers, shop, street, etc.

What we're going to talk? (student answers)

Guys, look at the slide.

Slide . I am FAMILY.

Who is my family? (student answers)

Do you need a family? What does the family provide? (student answers)

What should you be like in a family in order to maintain a relationship? (student answers)

Slide A: I am a school.

Do you need a school? For what? (student answers)

What should you give to the school? (student answers)

If you give and take, you will be able to maintain your relationship with the school.

Teachers are also part of society. Do you agree? (student answers)

Do you need teachers? What are they needed for? (student answers)

Tell us about your relationship? (student answers)

How do you feel about them? (student answers)

So you were able to build your relationship? (student answers)

Let's move on to the next part.

Slide : I am class.

What is class for you? (student answers)

What to do to stay among your classmates and feel comfortable? (student answers)

Let's move on to the next part of society.

Slide: I am public places.

What about public places? (student answers)

Tell me, guys, do you have to have your own place in public places? (student answers)

What is this place? (student answers)

What is required of you to keep this place? (student answers)

Guys, let's conclude: in this way I, that is, a person, is ...slide: students read. Do you agree with this?

Slide: Parts of society (in honeycombs)

Guys, in front of you is a slide, what do you see? (student answers)

Our society, which consists of many different parts, is very much like a honeycomb. And each of us inside this big and beautiful world. And in order to survive, one must be demanding not only to the members of society, but also to oneself.

And then our life will become beautiful, interesting and meaningful.

Slide: Human societies are characterized relationships between people. Society in a broad sense is a form of association of people with common interests, values ​​and goals.And.

Slide: And now I ask, and you answer.

- Who will lift you up to heaven?

- Only myself.

Who will bring you down from above?

- Only you.

Where are the keys to your bitter fate forged?

- Only in you.

How will you pay for the lost battle?

- Only by yourself!

Summing up

Guys, what did you get useful for yourself today? (student answers)

Guys, thank you for your active participation, thank you for your smiles, for your clear eyes.

Guys, thank you very much.Goodbye.

2) A letter to remember (to each student).

Dear friend!

Always and everywhere remember the basic norms of morality!

Human duties are divided into 4 types:

responsibilities to oneself, to the family,

before the state, before other people in general.


1. You live among people. Do not forget that your every action, your every desire is reflected in the people around you. Know that there is a line between what you want and what you can. Check your actions with a question to yourself: are you doing evil, inconvenience to people? Do everything so that the people around you feel good.

2. You use the benefits created by other people. People give you the happiness of childhood. Pay them well for it.

3. All the blessings and joys of life are created by labor. One cannot live honestly without labor. The people teach: who does not work, he does not eat. Always remember this commandment. A loafer is a drone that devours the honey of industrious bees. Teaching is your first work. When you go to school, you go to work.

4. Be kind and sensitive to people. Help the weak and defenseless. Help your comrades in need. Do no harm to people, respect and honor your mother and father - they gave you life, they educate you, they want you to become an honest citizen, a person with a good heart and a pure soul.

5. Do not be indifferent to evil. Fight against evil, deceit, injustice. Be irreconcilable to those who seek to live at the expense of other people, causing harm to other people, robbing society.

Love people if you want people to love you.

Yours Gulnara Vakilievna,

teacher MBOU secondary school Zyak-Ishmetovo