High degree of self-organization. Manifestation of the effect of self-organization in groups of people. Use it in raising the level of an organization. What is self-organization of personality

Self-education aims at acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to improve the quality of life, developing the ability to self-organize and organize.

Self-education is an independent increment of knowledge, an elevation in mastery: the more versatile and deeper the knowledge and experience, the more accurate the choice of a solution and actions for its implementation. Mastery entails the recognition of others, which elevates a person, affirms him in life, helps to realize himself.

Self-education is the necessary spontaneous desire of a person or organization to change the internal database and knowledge base. To organize self-education, it is necessary to use work time leader. The organization of self-education consists in setting a goal, determining priorities (main directions), choosing a method and ensuring the regularity of work on oneself.

Self-education can be carried out in the usual forms of public education (higher, secondary and professional education) on the basis of public and private educational institutions, as well as independently according to an individual methodology. The manager needs to know much more than any of his specialist-subordinates.

The main components of self-management:

    self-knowledge (knowledge of oneself, one's place and one's role in this reality);

    self-organization (organization of one's life and activities);

    self-education (formation of priority qualities);

    self-regulation (maintaining internal balance);

    self-control (assessment and adjustment of one's activities);

    choice of goals in life and personal work;

    personal time planning;

    information search;

    rationalization of thinking;

    self-education (improving the quality of life);

    health technology (preservation and strengthening of health as the fundamental basis of high working capacity and a full life);

  • rhythms and harmony;

    group work;

    risk of creative thinking;

    work with conflicts.

Self-knowledge has as its goal the knowledge of oneself as a person, as a leader, one’s properties and abilities, one’s strengths and weaknesses, awareness of one’s relationships with other people, mastering the images, ideas and things of the objective world, an attempt to understand the understanding of the meaning of life and career, in one’s own inner world, in purpose and calling. Self-knowledge is impossible without evaluating yourself in comparison with other people.

Self-knowledge includes the knowledge of the following components: the meaning of life, vocation, interests, needs, motives, ideal (the image of the "internal goal" and activity), dreams (imagination directed to the future, to the perspective of life and activity), beliefs (understood and felt a person of judgment and opinion, the truth of which he does not doubt and which is guided in his work), faith in himself, abilities.

Self-knowledge toolkit:

    concentration - focusing and partial fixation of attention on any internal or external object;

    contemplation - sensory knowledge associated with obtaining information about oneself through the senses and the formation of sensations, perceptions and ideas;

    observation - purposeful, systematic perception;

    imagination - the creation of images-representations of the new, i.e. the fact that in the past this person did not perceive, with which he had not met before, the emergence of a visual image of what is yet to be created;

    intuition is an inner vision, an inner voice, a certainty that one must act in a certain way.

self-organization its goal is to master the methodology and methods of organizing the life and activities of the individual, the development of abilities and skills through self-education, self-education, self-control, etc.

Self-organization includes the following components: the ability to introspection, self-control, self-regulation, the ability to foresee, purposefulness, independence, determination, perseverance, masculinity, energy, initiative, self-control, restraint, self-criticism, self-discipline, patience.

Self-education has as its goal self-management of the individual, a conscious, purposeful, creatively transforming activity, during which the individual, by volitional effort, in accordance with the chosen goal, according to the requirements of external circumstances, develops in himself socially and personally significant natural inclinations and abilities, new qualities, freeing himself from habits. and properties that hinder its self-realization and success.

The whole process of self-education is expressed in the search for answers to three key issues: What was I? what have I done)? what have I become?

Self-education requires developed intellect, professional knowledge and wide erudition. According to M. Woodcock and D. Francis, a manager needs the following skills and abilities:

    the ability to manage oneself;

    reasonable personal values;

    clear personal goals;

    emphasis on continuous personal growth;

    problem solving skills;

    resourcefulness and ability to innovate;

    high ability to influence others;

    knowledge of modern management approaches;

    ability to lead;

    ability to train and develop subordinates;

    the ability to form and develop effective working groups.

When implementing a self-education program, it is recommended to pay attention to the following ten points:

    Set clear goals for yourself: people sometimes fail because they have little idea of ​​the goals they are striving for.

    Determine how you will judge success: goals are much more useful if they can be measured.

    Be content with modest progress: An impulsive person who hopes to change himself in the blink of an eye rarely achieves this. Success fuels success.

    Take risks in unfamiliar situations. Often you have to choose between taking risks and going back to safety. At the same time, the uncertainty of the new situation becomes negative factor and hinder progress.

    Remember that you are mainly in control of your development. At all times in life, people have a choice - to learn and grow from life experience, or to ignore the lessons learned, focus on safety and let themselves be defeated. Personal effectiveness requires that you learn to take responsibility for the course of your own life.

    Your change may cause concern to those around you.

    Don't miss out on opportunities. The ability to recognize and seize opportunities distinguishes people who work on themselves.

    Be willing to learn from others.

    Learn from your failures and mistakes. If you are wrong, be prepared to admit it.

    Enjoy your development.

Self-regulation aims to bring oneself back to normal, to a normal state, to maintain, including automatically, constancy or change in the required order, either at the initiative of the manager himself or of an adaptive type, which essentially boils down to a simple adaptation to the existing environment.

Self-regulation algorithms can be divided into:

    Three Rules for Analyzing Anxiety Problems: impartial and objective collection of facts about the problem (anxiety usually disappears in the light of knowledge); analysis and comprehension of these facts, decision making; taking action to solve the problem;

    six rules for overcoming the habit of worrying before it overcomes you: a person suffering from anxiety should completely forget himself in work; do not allow yourself to be upset over trifles; ask yourself: “What are the chances that the event that I worry about will ever happen?”; reckon with the inevitable; when you are tempted to persist in a hopeless cause, set a "limiter"; do not try to "cut sawdust" (do not repeat past mistakes);

    Five Rules for Developing Peace of Mind: think and act cheerfully and you will feel cheerfully; do not try to settle scores with your enemies, because by doing so you will do yourself much more harm than they do; instead of worrying about ingratitude, do not expect gratitude and do good for your own joy; count your successes, not your troubles; do not imitate others, but rather try to find yourself;

    Five rules to follow to prevent fatigue and anxiety, as well as maintain a high tone and good mood: rest without waiting for fatigue, and you will add an hour a day to your active life; learn to relax at work; relax at home; apply labor skills (do things in order of their importance; when a problem arises, solve it immediately if you have the facts necessary to make a decision; learn to organize work, delegate responsibility and exercise control); try to work with enthusiasm.

Goals can be formulated using two personal documents: a life plan and a career plan, and the process of finding goals can be carried out using four steps (according to L. Seivert):

    development of general ideas about life aspirations;

    differentiation in time of life goals;

    development of guiding ideas in the professional field;

    goal inventory.

This approach is combined with Enkelmann's classification of human goals:

    professional goals;

    personal goals relating to private life;

    health promotion goals;

    goals related to the satisfaction of cultural needs.

Personal time planning The goal of the leader is to manage and save time by developing a life plan, the qualitative parameters of which are "meaning of life", "quality of life", "standard of living", "way of life" (way of life).

The initial beginning of planning is the structuring of time. Time planning by the Alps method includes the following stages:

    the first stage is the preparation of tasks, a list of the main tasks of the day and a weekly (monthly) plan;

    the second stage is an assessment of the duration of the actions (put down the approximate time for completion against each task, sum up and determine the approximate total time);

    the third stage is the reservation of time in reserve, the plan should cover no more than 60% of the time and approximately 40% should be left as reserve time;

    fourth stage- making decisions on priorities, reductions and reassignment in order to reduce the time allotted for the implementation of tasks;

    the fifth stage is the control and transfer of the undone.

Among the rules for effective planning of personal time of the head, the following can be distinguished:

    planning should cover no more than 60% of the working time, since every day you have to deal with unforeseen business in advance;

    all costs of working time must be documented and rechecked, how and for what they are used;

    all outstanding planned tasks should become the basis for drawing up a plan for the next time period;

    planning personal time of the head should be regular and systematic;

    only the volume of tasks that can actually be performed should be planned;

    plans are made not to calm conscience, but to achieve personal goals;

    time losses should be replenished immediately, it is better to work longer than to catch up later;

    personal time planning must be carried out in writing of your own sample;

    plans should fix the desired results, and not some actions;

    each item of the plan should have a clear time frame;

    the plan should establish priorities (degree of importance) in the implementation of tasks;

    when planning, it is necessary to note which tasks must be performed personally, and which are permissible and expedient to delegate to other persons;

    all unforeseen business and visitors are "sinkers" of personal time;

    planning should cover both working and free personal time of the manager;

    when planning, it is necessary to take into account the time for preparatory and creative work;

    when planning time for unproductive work, it is necessary to reduce as much as possible;

    planning of personal time must be correlated with the plans of superiors, subordinates, colleagues.

Information retrieval Its purpose is to satisfy the information needs of the manager. Personal behavior and activities in the information field are primarily the result of the applied methods of rational reading and active listening. Rational reading helps you better deal with the flow of information, since unsystematic reading means wasting time and wasting money.

General Tips:

    Sort your reading material and read only what you absolutely need to get information. The sorting process is subject to the answers to six questions: What should I read? What should I read? What do I want to read? What do I want to do about it? What could be read later? What should I not read at all?

    Collect small texts of the same (or similar) profile for serial study into work blocks and reserve at least one hour in your weekly plan for reading them.

    Use three methods of reading “while reading”: orienting reading (the first general perception of the content, the last check on whether it is necessary to process this text, delve into it); studying reading (search, highlighting the essential in the text, determining what information is important, less important or not needed at all); generalizing reading and critical evaluation of the material read (fixation of the main thoughts, conclusions from what was read).

    when viewing and reading the text, think about what information you want to get from it;

    review chapter and section titles, abstract, preface, introductory remarks, and introduction;

    do not linger on footnotes, small print, statistics, detailed descriptions and digressions;

    first of all, follow the semantic content and idea of ​​the text;

    pointers in the form of the following words draw attention to the most important introductory remarks, accents: introductory signals (“especially”, “hence”, “therefore”, “thus”, “because”, etc.) indicate the main or explanatory thought; amplifying signals(“also”, “besides”, “additionally”, etc.) emphasize an idea that has already been briefly stated earlier; changing signals(“but”, “not saying”, “on the other hand”, “however”, “opposite”, “despite”, etc.) indicate that the direction (or tendency) of the course of thought is changing to the opposite;

    omit uninformative passages and slow down the pace of reading in important parts of the text;

    take into account the specifics of the structure of various texts: reference texts in newspapers and magazines contain the most important information at the beginning; in comments and statements on any issue, essential information (conclusions) is given, as a rule, in the final sentences; special articles contain a description of the problem in the introduction, the development of ways to solve it in the main part, and conclusions in the final part;

    process the text using all sorts of notes, extracts, index marks, etc.

Methodical rules active listening:

    subordinate the conversation to the goal of finding the necessary information;

    follow main idea, do not be distracted by particulars;

    focus on the topic of the interlocutor's monologue, do not interrupt him unnecessarily;

    do not get distracted while talking;

    do not ask too many questions, it is enough to ask one or two questions for one story to clarify what the partner said (while emphasizing what exactly you did not understand);

    use approving (encouraging) and clarifying short remarks, since the more the speaker feels approval, the more accurately he will express his thought;

    look for the true meaning of the words of the interlocutor, since not all information can be put into the word, it is supplemented by changes in the tone and color of the voice, facial expressions, gestures, movements and body inclinations;

    adjust the pace of thinking to the pace of speech; a bad listener, when talking with a slow interlocutor, allows himself to be distracted and even doze off, which can lead to the loss of valuable information;

    learn to find the most valuable material contained in the oral information you received;

    when listening, make appropriate notes on paper, do not rely on memory (this also applies to telephone conversations).

Organization of communication its goal is to improve interpersonal communications, achieve greater mutual understanding with subordinates, colleagues, managers, partners, improve the culture of business communication in the organization. Methodical rules of the art of communication:

    do not shirk responsibility for communication. Remember, at least two people participate in communication: one speaks, the other listens, and everyone should act as a listener in turn;

    clarify your ideas before communicating them. This means that you need to develop the habit of systematically thinking about and analyzing the questions, problems, solutions that you want to make the objects of communication;

    be receptive to potential semantic problems, anticipate possible "semantic noise". Spare no effort to eliminate ambiguous words or statements from the message. Speak with your partner in the same language. Remember to take into account the commonality of the "field of experience";

    watch the language of your own postures, gestures, facial expressions and intonations. This is necessary so as not to send conflicting signals. Try to look at yourself more often and hear yourself in the same way as the interlocutor sees and hears you;

    learn to recognize the feelings of a partner by observing the expressive characteristics of his appearance, especially the expression of his eyes, since facial expressions are associated with the mental qualities of a person. You should pay attention to the movements of the hands, especially the hands (gestures), to the movements and positions of the body (pantomime);

    radiate empathy (close attention to the feelings of other people, the ability to put yourself in their place) and openness. Actively using empathy when exchanging information, we, as it were, set up the receiving party accordingly and at the same time adapt the variant of encoding and transmission of the message to the partner (individual or group) and the situation; And create a climate of respect and trust in employees in the organization, including through informal contacts and structures. If managers are open and honest with their employees, the latter in communication, in the exchange of information, respond in the same way;

    form a style of communication, relying primarily on personal authority. Effective business communication is about partnerships;

    be careful with the word. The word was and remains the main means of communication. A kind word of a manager can inspire a subordinate, awaken self-respect in him, become an important catalyst for social creativity, while a bad word can injure for a long time, unsettle him;

    remember that the main thing in the culture of communication is respect for a person, the need and ability to understand another.

Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Ogarkov, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Dean for Research and Education, Volgograd Academy public service under the President of the Russian Federation.

SELF-ORGANIZATION - an integral set of natural and socially acquired properties, embodied in the perceived features of the will and intellect, behavioral motives and realized in the orderliness of activity and behavior. This is an indicator of personal maturity. self-organization can be expressed in varying degrees, it is not characteristic of infantile subjects, i.e., those people who, in the process individual development did not have the conditions for the full development of self-regulation mechanisms. self-organization they did not acquire a clear focus, awareness, controllability. The first sign of high self-organization should be considered active self-awareness yourself as individuals. And if the process of self-education is mainly directed to the future, then self-organization assumes that this process is taking place at the present time. One of the indicators of the development of self-organization is the correspondence of life choices (professions, friends, etc.) individual characteristics personality, its interests and aspirations.

A. Maslow, in a conversation with his students, always repeated one phrase “You should not strive to do well things that no one needs.” Each person initially has a certain energy potential. And if this potential is aimed at achieving the right goals in life, then there is a chance to reach the upper level of self-actualization. “It’s like a ball thrown up……..”

Thus, Self-organization of personality - the activity of the individual in a clear orderliness of his life; ability and ability to organize themselves. Self-organization is manifested in purposefulness, introspection and strict self-control, self-esteem, self-limitation of oneself in everything.

A self-organizing person is able to plan time and work, quickly make decisions and implement them, and spend energy and money economically. A self-organized person works on himself, his character, especially the emotional-volitional sphere. This is a person with a high sense of duty, with a highly developed personal dignity.

Practice shows that young people who start studying at a university strive not only to master the profession, but also to develop and improve, while, unfortunately, often not knowing how to do this and where to start, how to organize themselves. In this regard, there was a need for this course of lectures intended for students to master systematically organized knowledge in this area.

The study of this course of lectures is aimed at developing in the student an appropriate conscious attitude to self-organization at a high level, to overcome difficulties, to correctly assess their capabilities and understand their own goals, needs and interests; in general - on the desire for further professional and personal self-development, implying a personal-active attitude to the upcoming activity and to oneself as its participant.

In psychology, there are quite a few different concepts of personality development. For a long time, psychology was dominated by the theory of preformism, according to which development was understood as growth, maturation with predetermined stages. So, until the 17th and 18th centuries, childhood was seen as a preparation for life, and the child as an adult, only of a small size, immature and unreasonable. Gradually, personality development began to be approached as an irreversible process of quantitative and qualitative states, expressed in their significant transformations.

Currently, there are many different theories of development: psychosexual (Z. Freud), social learning theory (A. Bandura, C. Miller), genstalt theory (K. Levin), genetic (J. Piaget), humanistic (K. Rogers, A. Maslow), activities of L.S. Vygotsky and others. According to the latest theory, it is believed that the development of the cognitive sphere of the personality goes in line with various leading activities that successively replace each other in ontogenesis.

Task 1. Make a table of existing theories of personality development, reveal them summary

In a word, the development of the personality as a whole occurs due to the variety of activities and interaction with other people. Joint activity determines the development of personality. Choosing different social positions, in the course of joint activity, the personality is transformed from an object into a subject of development, becoming an increasingly active creator, supplementing the development process with purposeful self-development.

It is thanks to self-development that a person realizes his abilities, improves, as a result of which he becomes the initiator of the development of the community in which he is located, thereby introducing his warehouse into the cultural and historical development of society, i.e. individual self-organization determines the process of social self-organization.

At the same time, the basis of the ability to self-development is:

The ability of a person to see their shortcomings and limitations;

Analyze their causes in their own activities;

Critically evaluate the results of their work, not only successes, but also failures.

Task: Analyze your shortcomings and limitations that may hinder your further self-development. Check the objectivity of self-assessment through a group survey

1.1.2. The essence of self-development and its main characteristics

Self-development is the fundamental ability of a person to become and be a true subject of his life, to turn his own life activity into an object of practical transformation..

"All that has already passed is the past." Life is what is happening now, in the present, and this present cannot be missed ... "

For the analysis of self-development, the most general concept is vitality as a continuous process of goal-setting, activities and human behavior. Within the framework of life, the process of self-development is also carried out. As soon as a person begins to isolate his I from the world around him, he becomes the subject of your life, as it begins to set goals, obey its own desires and aspirations, taking into account the requirements of others. But the subject of self-development a person becomes only when he more or less consciously begins to set goals for self-affirmation, self-improvement, self-realization, i.e. determine the prospects of what he is moving towards, what he is achieving, what he wants, or vice versa, does not want to change in himself.

Another feature - personality activity. The ability to manifest activity gradually determines the ability of personal choices, i.e. develops a tendency towards subjective freedom. When a person makes his own choice, he learns to take responsibility for others and himself.

An important characteristic of self-development is the level of development of self-consciousness, the ability to self-knowledge. The developed ability for self-knowledge is organically included in the process of self-building of the personality, determination of perspectives, methods and means of self-development.

self-building is a process equal to human life, determined through actions in specific situations. During this process, a person builds a model of the I-real (what I was, what I achieved, how I experienced, what I am now, how I would like to see myself), and this work does not always take place on a conscious level. As a result, a person chooses a strategy of self-building: he recreates himself in the same or in a new capacity.

Task 3. Build your own model of the ideal "I"

So, the essential characteristics of self-development are:

The processes of goal-setting, activities and behavior of a person that are realized in active life,

The level of self-awareness and the ability to self-knowledge, as well as to self-building.

Personal self-development is a fundamental component of the entire life path of a person, a continuous process that always takes place within the framework of purely personal experience.

The peculiarity of the life path is determined by many factors: gender, age, environment, lifestyle, historical events, psychological features and etc.

The unit of psychological analysis of the life path is biographical events: character restructuring, changes in the directions and rates of development and self-development of the individual. Events can be random or regular. In the life of every person, events happened that radically influenced his life: a meeting with an outstanding person, work or study, etc.

N. A. Loginova distinguishes the following types of events:

environment events(something that most often does not depend on the individual: war, natural disasters, death or birth loved one, appointment to office),

behavior events person in environment(the position of the individual, which the individual takes in relation to what is happening, actions associated with self-change and self-formation),

inner life events- refer to inner world a person and reveal the positive value of oneself (new thoughts, the discovery of new traits of one's own personality, the discovery of new abilities in oneself, etc.).

Table. Types of events according to Longvinova

name content
environment events something that most often does not depend on the individual: war, natural disasters, death or birth of a loved one, appointment to a position
behavior events Relate to the behavior of a person in the environment (the position of the person that the person takes in relation to what is happening, actions associated with self-change and self-formation),
inner life events relate to the inner world of a person and reveal the positive value of oneself (new thoughts, the discovery of new traits of one's own personality, the discovery of new abilities in oneself, etc.)

All three groups of events are closely intertwined and form a complex that determines the uniqueness of a person's life path. A person's attitude to these events determines how much he is the author of his life, the subject of self-development.

Much depends on how and when a person becomes the subject of his own life and the subject of his own self-development: if he is not, then life path subject to accidents, coincidences of circumstances, a person seems to “float with the flow” of the events of his life, although, in fairness, it should be noted that such a “float” is not always unsuccessful.

Circumstances can also develop in such a way that luck, despite the lack of desire for self-development, goes into the hands. Reverse situations are also possible, when a person clearly knows what he needs, knows how to manage himself and build himself in a positive direction.

A person striving for self-development based on a deep knowledge of his personality builds his life path more purposefully and realizes himself to a greater extent and, as a rule, achieves greater results than a person whose self-development is subject to external causes

Motivation for self-development. Human development occurs when the next progressive step brings sensations of a new quality, joy and inner satisfaction. Thus, specific experiences characterized by positive emotions from the expectation of achievement or negative, associated with the incompleteness of this provision, contribute to the formation of appropriate motivation. For example, a person may be motivated to self-development by the following motives:

Self-affirmation motive- the desire to establish oneself in society; associated with feeling dignity, ambition, selfishness. A person tries to prove to others that he is worth something, to strive to obtain a certain status in society, he wants to be respected and appreciated.

Identification motive with another person - the desire to be like a hero, an idol, an authoritative person. This motive encourages work and development. It is especially relevant for teenagers who try to copy the behavior of other people.

Procedural and substantive motives- motivation for activity by the process and content of activity, and not by external factors. A person likes to perform this activity, to show his intellectual or physical activity. He is interested in the content of what he does.

External motives- such a group of motives when the motivating factors lie outside the activity. It is not the content or the process that encourages activity, but factors that are not directly related to it, for example, the motives of duty and responsibility, the motives of self-determination and self-improvement, the motive of achievement, etc.

The motivation for self-development, according to Abraham Maslow, is the desire to fully realize one's abilities and the desire to feel one's competence. The presence of a person's motivation for self-development indicates that he is ready to make efforts to realize his internal potential and achieve appropriate success.


First - the formation of qualities and abilities that a person does not have, but which he needs .

Second - development of existing positive qualities that can be strengthened if they are improved purposefully .

Third - elimination of shortcomings and limitations that hinder successful life.

Theoretically, the most effective way of self-development is when a person works on himself in three directions at once.

Thus, awareness of the need for self-development should be accompanied by the formation of an appropriate motivation in a person, including a set of motives that encourage the choice of the appropriate direction of self-development.

Task 3. What motives determine the need for personal self-development?

Greetings, dear friends! Here we come to an end New Year holidays I hope you have had a good rest and gain strength. After a long rest, it is sometimes quite difficult to join work and force yourself to work productively. For the most part, this refers to the problem of self-organization. Probably, no one doubts that the ability to organize yourself and force yourself to work is a very useful skill. If you think that it is extremely difficult to overcome this science, keep reading, I will try to dispel these myths.

And so ... let's get started!

1. Prioritize

Prioritization is something you should be doing every day. the best way organization of the working day is the arrangement of cases in order of their importance. Watching a movie is certainly a good idea, but it's a good idea to put it at the very end of your to-do list (unless you're a film critic and your job isn't film-related, of course), and focus on the things that are critical to your job, health, or relationships.

2. Plan ahead as much as possible

Next, you need to learn how to plan. That is, if you have an appointment at a certain place and at a predetermined time, plan the rest of your business "around" this main meeting. Thus, you can spend your time more productively, instead of rushing from one part of the city to another and wasting it.

3. Make sure everything is in place

Knowing where the items needed to complete the task are located will help you not waste time looking for them. You have probably noticed first hand that the keys are lost at the moment when you run away from home in a hurry, and a piece of paper is hidden under a pile of other things just when you need to make a quick note. This can lead you into a state of stress and knock you out of the usual rhythm of work. Lay out things that are needed during the execution of cases (and do not forget to return them after use). This will help you make more progress.

4. Don't be afraid to delegate

Delegation of tasks leads to greater efficiency of the workflow, but the task should not just be “shoved”, but a few extra minutes should be spent to clearly set the task for the performer. Otherwise, regretting a few minutes, you risk spending several hours correcting the situation.

5. Make lists

Multi-colored stickers and a notebook should be yours best friends and assistants in increasing self-organization. Hanging bright leaves everywhere will remind you of the tasks that need to be completed, and of the order of their importance. You should not rely only on your memory, you need to look through the list from time to time and cross off completed tasks. So good example progress in business will give you a spiritual and emotional lift, which will help you complete the rest of the planned tasks at the same productive pace.

6. Stick to a schedule

Having a schedule will force you to complete your tasks on time and, as a result, accomplish more “feats”. The only problem is to adequately estimate the time required to complete a particular task. Miscalculation will push you into tight deadlines, leading to increased stress levels, more mistakes, and less productivity. Give yourself some leeway when planning your day. If you think it will take you 10 minutes to complete a task, schedule 15 minutes and when you see yourself ahead of schedule, it will help keep you motivated and you will be able to do even more than you expected and planned.

7. Be disciplined

Finally, you must be disciplined, otherwise you will destroy all the work aimed at increasing self-organization. You have something to focus on. Therefore, eliminate all external irritants and seducers, otherwise you will greatly complicate your life. Make sure the people around you know when to leave you alone, and if someone wants to drink coffee in your company, just remind them that their favorite coffee shop will remain in its place tomorrow. Idle talk is not a reason to ignore your duties.

That's all! I wish you to get back to your working rhythm as soon as possible!

P. S.: How do you get into your normal work rhythm? Share your methods below in the comments to this article.

Self-organization - the process of ordering elements due to internal factors, without specific external influence. This is the most general definition term, which, in many ways, will serve us. After all, it can be transferred to self-education, in which educational process or some of its parts need to be able to organize independently, based on individual goals, availability of time, the specifics of the educational material. This is not a separate task facing everyone who asks questions of self-study, but. And further in this lesson we will describe the stages of formation and its components; creating your own algorithm to help you follow the training plan.

Self-organization: from skill to lifestyle

There are many interpretations of the concept of "self-organization". Most often, self-organization is understood as the ability to organize oneself, one's time, one's actions. In other words, self-organization is the ability to organize the resources at our disposal.

As part of the training and in this lesson in particular, we will talk about self-organization as a skill. Meanwhile, this is not entirely true, although for convenience we will use such a definition. Self-organization is to some extent a consolidation of several skills. In most of its interpretations, it includes, and, therefore, is closely related to such skills as organizational abilities (with the prefix "self" of course - this is not about organizing events, but about developing the necessary qualities, such as punctuality, a penchant for order and planning , prioritization, correct ). At the same time, everything written in one way or another will be true in relation to self-education, but you need to understand that self-organization develops as a lifestyle, and not as a separate element that makes it up.

Based on this, self-organization as a skill should be developed in a comprehensive manner. Moreover, it needs constant maintenance in an active state, and a reaction to changes, both internal and external. Psychologists and teachers, when defining the process of self-organization, distinguish the following functional components in it: goal-setting, situation analysis, planning, self-control, volitional regulation and correction. In fact, they can also be regarded as stages that must be completed in order to develop a skill. And already to hone it, flexibly setting it up for different tasks throughout life.

At the same time, it should be understood that the theory is needed only to obtain general idea and structuring of knowledge. Below we will also describe some practical aspects, from the totality of which the “everyday” self-organization is actually built, which is necessary for any successful activity (including self-education).

Stages of creating a self-organization system

goal setting

The task of getting organized must be accomplished by setting small goals and achieving them. The importance of skill was discussed in the first lesson. The situation is similar in such an aspect as self-organization - it is from this that it is worth starting work in this direction. In fact, you need to answer yourself two global questions. First, what is the first thing to work on? Since everyone will approach the creation of their own system of self-organization with different experiences, skills and personal qualities, the starting point and tasks to start with will be different. Second - what should be the result of the work?

Analysis of the situation

This stage is an exam, the purpose of which is to determine the initial situation and the challenges you face. Detailed study is needed to clearly understand in what conditions it will be necessary to develop skills, what is the most difficult, what habits and personal qualities you already have, and what you need to work on.


The next stage is planning your actions, creating a step-by-step guide of actions. Understanding the baseline under which to operate and the existence of goals to be achieved help in this. This may sound complicated aside from the theory, but in fact, most of us can easily identify the actions that need to be taken to begin to change, as opposed to the established state of affairs. You just need to structure them and put them into a plan.

Volitional regulation and correction

Developing habits

Self-organization is a complex skill, consisting of a combination of personality traits and small habits. Habit building is a process that is largely the same in nature, whether we're talking about reading professional literature for at least 15 minutes a day or cleaning our apartment weekly. Read more about developing habits in our articles and.

Organizers and other "helpers"

To be more organized, and just keep in mind all the necessary data, whether it is related to education or any other activity, numerous tools specifically designed for this will help. Fortunately, in our information technology age there is no shortage of them. The market offers a sufficient number of options - from tailored workbooks and diaries to mini-programs and applications for smartphones and tablets. Kanban boards, electronic task lists, online calendars - a short list of categories. More specific in the field of self-education can be considered worksheets - notebooks specially designed for the needs of students. They are offered for more successful development. Interactive interaction services are also developing - in an online class you can "sit" at your desk, having the opportunity to communicate with the teacher and classmates. In general, online education is now experiencing a real boom, offering many not only interesting, but also functional tools for self-development.

Popular misconceptions about self-organization

Finally - some misconceptions that are associated with such a useful skill as self-organization. They are singled out in the book "Self-organization on the principle" from the inside out "" - a specialist in the field of personal organization and time management.

The ability to self-organize is an innate personality trait. Individuals are more disciplined and organized by natural ability. This is true only to a small extent. We are really talking about a skill that can be developed. For some, the process is easier, for others it is more difficult, but anyone can develop it.

To become organized - you need to work long and hard. There is some truth in this, but in fact it is not. Having gone through the process once, and having learned the necessary lessons, it will be much easier in the future. It's like cleaning a house where no one has cleaned for a long time. At first you need to make a lot of effort, but in the future, if you keep order constantly, it will not be as difficult as the first time.

Self-organization is not a static process, it is impossible to maintain a certain order all the time. The order that is organized in some conditions may well be irrelevant for another person in other conditions. But this will not mean that self-organization does not work in both cases. Obviously, this process needs to be adapted to the needs different people- it will be different for an office worker and a mother with a baby. But as a skill, self-organization is made up of details that are identical in all cases. It's like a children's designer - from it you can build both a house and a car.

Spending time on self-organization is unproductive. After all, the organization comes by itself over time, it is enough to gradually “join the flow”, so it is not necessary to learn it. But in this respect everything is a little more complicated. It's not just about the order of things or proper organization space. Self-organization is an important component of time management and will pay off many times over, because in the future, with the development of a personal system, it will be able to help in saving time, and its rational use, and increase efficiency.

Good luck with your skill development!

This lesson will help lay only the foundation for the formation of primary skills and abilities of self-organization, which you will need to improve on your own. Perhaps we are now voicing an unpopular thought, especially for those who believe in quick results, but in this direction you will need to work throughout your life. The tips from this lesson are global in nature, their goal is to point out the iconic issues of the development of self-organization (as well as possible problems and ways to solve them), which is closely related not only to the ability to learn, but also to any other human activity (work, leisure). In the area of ​​interest to us, the main attention should be paid to those aspects on which learning directly depends. The task of determining them is purely individual, but most likely, in order to successfully learn on your own, you will not need to work separately on the skill of self-organization. Comprehensive work will suggest the necessary direction, which, we hope, you will be able to navigate through these lessons.

Test your knowledge

If you want to test your knowledge on the topic of this lesson, you can take small test consisting of several questions. Only 1 option can be correct for each question. After you select one of the options, the system automatically proceeds to next question. The points you receive are affected by the correctness of your answers and the time spent on passing. Please note that the questions are different each time, and the options are shuffled.

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Perhaps every person who wants to succeed in life understands that important role This is where internal self-organization comes into play. It is thanks to her that you can set goals for yourself and achieve them. In this article we will talk about what levels of self-organization are and how to develop this important skill.

What is self-organization of personality

Self-organization of personality includes the development of the will, the intellect through self-discipline, self-education, the acquisition of skills and the development of well-established habits for the performance of tasks. To put it simply, you must be responsible for your actions, evaluate them critically, limit yourself in desires.

Self-organized people are able to set tasks, plan every day, overcome difficulties encountered on the way, and not turn off the chosen path. They strive for personal, career growth, they know how to motivate themselves, to distinguish the main from the secondary.

Self-organization is not amenable to infantile, spineless people who are not aware of themselves as a separate person, with an absent sense of duty.

TO principles of self-organization include: creativity, tolerance, dedication, openness, continuous development.

If the desire and the goal are the same, it is good, but not enough. Desire can quickly change, all efforts will be in vain. Intention without volitional effort also leads nowhere. Only the goal set by a self-organized person leads to a result.

Need, uncertainty. Once a decision has been made, there is no room for doubt. If at the initial stage you have to overcome yourself, then later daily actions become a habit, become self-evident.

The ability to manage oneself allows one to lead others later.

A set of actions that includes self-organization

To educate a self-organized personality, you need to work in three directions:

  • develop the necessary qualities, properties that are missing;
  • develop existing skills and character traits that are useful for business;
  • get rid of the shortcomings that prevent you from managing your life.

The concept of self-organization of personality includes a set of actions:

  • setting long-term goals;
  • analysis;
  • drawing up short-term and long-term plans;
  • control over their actions, their correction.

After setting the goal, they choose or create ways, means, methods to achieve it.

Each of the main actions can be decomposed into several detailed ones. For example, planning. First, planning methods are analyzed, self-control over it is carried out and, if necessary, corrected.

When performing basic actions, the will is required to overcome obstacles, to intensify efforts aimed at completing the task.

They begin with streamlining their life, expressed in self-discipline, self-restraint, critical self-assessment, the ability to live and think rationally.

It is necessary to plan not only work, but also rest, spend time and financial resources economically, make thoughtful decisions, and strive for their implementation.

In addition to rationality, remember the development of spiritual culture, including:

  1. desires, needs, dreams;
  2. education;
  3. religious beliefs;
  4. ability development.

To make the world a better place, study humanitarian sciences. Developed intellect, the vision of beauty in nature, the works of the classics makes life more colorful and sensual. Self-improvement of the cultural level is an integral part of self-organization. By using these items you can also or something new for your life.

What are the levels of self-organization

There are three the level of self-organization of the individual:

  • Short

Psycho-emotional protection manifests itself at the level of the subconscious, which protects the psyche from anxiety, restless conscience, and worries about conflict states. The subconscious protects from unpleasant, tragic memories with the help of repression, isolation, sublimation, denial of events.

A person with a low level of self-organization has no motivation, he is not inclined to planning and rational use of time.

  • Average

The average level of self-organization implies the predominance of the emotional over the rational. In this case, a person realizes himself as a person, has a character, understands the value of time, planning. But he has weak motivation, reflective skills, so he is not capable of self-control, inactive, prone to procrastination.

  • High

High level of self-organization includes personal characteristics that help to reach the goal, high motivation, education, professionalism brought to perfection. A person with a high level of organization of his life is clearly aware of his needs, knows how to break stereotypes, uses time management.

TO a complex of personality traits that provides high level self-organization applies to:

  1. high sense of duty;
  2. self-esteem;
  3. spiritual development;
  4. active life position;
  5. the ability to create, to create;
  6. the ability to constantly learn and change oneself;
  7. highly developed intellect.

A highly organized personality is the bearer of cultural, spiritual, moral values. Knows how to love and empathize.

Personal qualities and skills that contribute to the possession of self-organization skills

Self-organization requires an integrated approach, imposes certain requirements on personal qualities person.

To organize your time, work, study, you need:

  • Be purposeful

Purposefulness - the direction of activity to achieve the goal despite obstacles. But that doesn't mean you have to act impulsively. Sometimes for the sake of business, they wait for the right moment.

  • Have confidence and determination

Such an aspect of self-organization as confidence implies the absence of anxiety for reputation, prestige. Self-confident people act on their own without regard to the environment.

Decisive individuals carry out their tasks without buildups and delays. They have no doubts, digging in themselves.

They get up at the first wake-up call, having come to the office, they immediately join the work process, and do not discuss the latest news over a cup of coffee, like some colleagues.

  • Take the initiative

Initiative is based on ideas, plans, imagination. People with this quality are able to rally a team around a bright idea.

  • Be persistent and energetic

Going to the goal, persistent people do not slow down their activity in the face of internal obstacles, external counteractions.

  • be able to plan

To achieve results, you need to be able to draw up an action plan, calculate steps in advance, and correctly distribute the load. Divide the points of the plan into matters of primary and secondary importance.

  • Control emotions

Emotions distract from the case, make it difficult to concentrate on the action being performed. With the ability to control yourself, you become the master of your life.

  • Take responsibility for your actions

If parents taught not to look for those responsible for their failures, to find ways to overcome difficulties, not to shift responsibility onto others, then this quality will greatly facilitate the process of self-organization.

  • Do not lie to others and yourself

Lies are a product of fear. And fear and control of your life are incompatible. Only a truthful person can convey objective information to others.

How to develop self-organization skills

Development of self-organization of personality implies actions aimed at developing, acquiring knowledge, skills, habits:

  • educate yourself

Study at educational institutions and independently. The more knowledge, the more accurate and rational goal setting, the choice of ways to achieve it. Education leads to the accumulation of knowledge, respect for others, helps to realize in life.

  • Know Yourself

Have beliefs, comprehend the meaning of life, decide on your needs, desires. Realize yourself as a person. Self-esteem allows you to objectively determine your shortcomings and virtues, the manner of interacting with other people.

  • Set specific goals

Only a clear idea of ​​what you want to achieve will give you strength in your daily work, make you a successful person. Determine the criteria by which you will judge your approach to the goal. Do not rush things, rejoice in modest victories. In addition to professional goals, set life goals for yourself.

Best-selling author Lothar Seivert suggested first studying the theory and technology of finding goals, and then formulating them. Differentiate tasks by life stages, periodically inventory them.

  • Learn to adapt to the situation

Be flexible, be able to adapt to the circumstances.

  • Get rid of anxiety

Learn from past mistakes. Analyze disturbing thoughts. Ask yourself how significant what you fear is what will happen if it happens. Accept the inevitable, go fully into business so that there is no time for unnecessary thoughts.

  • Relax in time

If you take a break from work before you realize that you are very tired, you will need less time to rest. This will increase your productivity.

  • Sort things by importance

Learn to plan. Determine immediate and long-term goals. Use an organizer. Plans should be documented and subject to checks to ensure that the items are met. What you didn't manage to do, carry over to the next day.

Be sure to indicate the time frame, plan work and personal time. Leave space for the unexpected. Assess your capabilities realistically, do not plan a large amount of work that you are unable to complete.

  • Learn to communicate properly

Before you convey the idea to others, carefully consider it, analyze it. Do not turn the dialogue into a monologue, listen to the interlocutor. Avoid ambiguous words, gestures, watch for articulation, culture of speech.

In order not to waste time looking for items needed to perform an action, prepare everything you need in advance. Otherwise, you can be distracted from the work process for a long time due to emotional instability.

  • Develop self-discipline

After setting a goal, go to it regardless of psycho-emotional state, desires, other subjective distractions.

Examples of self-organization and self-discipline. If you get up early for work, develop the habit of going to bed at the same time so that you have enough time to sleep to replenish your strength. Forget about watching TV late or playing computer games. Eliminate empty telephone conversations, aimless sitting in in social networks. Be punctual. If you have an appointment, do not be late, come 5 minutes early.

Books on self-organization of personality

  • "Strength of will. How to develop and strengthen

Practical psychologist doctor philosophical sciences gives recommendations on the development of willpower, explains how this quality is related to sleep and rest. He advises not to quit what he has started, but to bring it to the end despite external and internal obstacles, to be able to resist temptation and attraction.

The writer conveys the idea that self-organization is built not only on psychological aspects but also on physiological limitations.

  • "Self-organization" from the inside out"

In order not to be disoriented in the flow of events and to achieve success in life, you need to be able to organize your living space. The author lists the most important bases of self-organization of personality:

  1. effective planning;
  2. the right choice of means for the successful completion of the tasks;
  3. arrangement of personal space for specific purposes;
  4. acquiring skills to work with a large amount of information, organizing the storage of documents.

Julia Morgenstern offers to use her advice, create your own method of self-organization, taking into account goals, needs, and individual characteristics.

  • "Visual notes in practice"

The book teaches the reader to create, use situational visual notes or sketches, using them to capture ideas, thoughts, emotions from what they see.

Notes are graphics, drawings, texts, diagrams. They display any helpful information, convenient to use, memorization.

Sketches help planning brainstorming, business and time management. They make it easier to learn languages, to take notes on lectures.

  • “Insanely busy. How to get out of the whirlpool of endless cases

The life of a contemporary takes place in conditions of multitasking, when all days are similar to each other and a person lives from vacation to vacation. It is believed that career growth, new projects, contracts are above family, health, and recreation.

The book encourages the reader to look at life differently. Break out of the cycle of affairs, listen to your desires. Understand that long hours of daily work leads to nervousness, premature aging of the brain and body.

  • “Don't distract me. How to stay focused no matter what

The fast pace of life, daily changing events should not interfere with maximum concentration, the implementation of the primary points of the plan. The author teaches methods of productive work, suggests taking the situation under control.

The first half of the publication is devoted to identifying the reasons for the inability to focus on the main thing. In the second part, the author offers methods for training concentration to improve professionalism and personal growth.

  • "Stress resistance"

A psychologist with practical experience described in books methods of confronting stressful situations. Sharon advises to learn how to manage feelings and emotions, do not forget about proper rest. The main thing is peace of mind, no matter what is happening around. The author urges not to try to control those aspects that are beyond your control, to determine the boundaries of your responsibility.