How to achieve the goal: practical recommendations, effective methods and feedback. Exemplary essays in the direction of "purpose and means". Arguments from works

Personal trainers, self-development books, webinars, people in in social networks, modern books and films - they all teach a person to be purposeful, achieve success and achieve their goals.

But is happiness really only at the end point of achieving the goal? What if there is emptiness, disappointment and prolonged depression waiting for you there? Let's figure out how to choose vital goals, so that later you don't end up with a broken trough with a bad mood and endless apathy.

What goals won't make you a happy person?

Any dream can turn into hell if you realize it. People like to dream naively, make plans and think warmly about what will happen after achieving goals. At the same time, they too idealize the consequences that come along with the implementation of the plan.

The human mind is perfectly capable of planning. But many stop at creating a plan and completely forget that you still need to plan what will happen after the realization of dreams. And life after achieving a goal is not always as sweet as your mind draws it to you. Sometimes it's easier to live without change.

For example, if you won a million in the lottery

Scientists in Illinois discovered more than 45 years ago that people who have become extremely rich feel deeply unhappy. Did the number of lottery players decrease after this conclusion? No, it is constantly growing.

Even greater disappointment awaits those for whom achieving the goal of life is winning the Olympic Games. A lot of silver medalists fell into months of depression after receiving second place in the competition. And the bronze medalists, despite their suffering, were almost as happy as the winners, according to the polls. Is depression a worthy payment for the efforts of athletes?

In addition to athletes, university graduates who wanted to get a diploma, families who have moved abroad, directors, rich people and even pregnant women are repeatedly disappointed in their dreams. And all because important life goals cannot carry only positive consequences - for all actions they are twofold.

How to set a goal correctly, so as not to be disappointed later?

You must accurately predict the result of achieving the goal before you approve it.

Sometimes it is easier to achieve what you have planned than to live with the consequences of your dreams. Although it is difficult, you should at least presumably think about the mental state that will take over your mind. Few of the directors could have imagined that after receiving the highest position at work, he would be seized by psychopathy - stress along with an apathetic state. But you must try.

For example, if you want to have a child, think about what will happen to you at work during pregnancy, what you will do on maternity leave and after it. Plan your vital goals so that you know what to do once you reach them.

Prepare in advance for any outcome. If the silver medalist could imagine in his dreams that he would get second place, he would have endured it easier. Therefore, important life goals should be gentle on your psyche - incomplete achievement of them should not offend you.

Rejoice in your very existence, the opportunity to reach daydreams and the route, and not just the final destination.

Keep in mind that the result of achieving a goal related to financial status can increase the requirements for a sense of pleasure. Rich people are unhappy because they need more than ordinary person average wealth. Manage it. Remember that happiness is in the little things and every new day is a gift of fate.

The most important thing is not the achievement of the goal of life, but constant movement. It is not the knowledge of how to correctly set a goal that is important, but the infinite of one's actions. Having realized one dream, come up with another and move towards it. This endless process of “targeting” will not let you get bored and at the end of your life you will be surprised at the scale of what has been achieved.

There is no limit to development, because after achieving one goal, you will definitely find another. And in order not to fall into depressive states after the victory, try to plan your actions after the realization of dreams. Only in this way can you become one of the few purposeful, effective and at the same time happy people.

We constantly set ourselves certain goals, and dream about what will happen when we achieve them. But the path from a dream to a result can be difficult. Sometimes laziness interferes, sometimes fear. It often happens that enthusiasm passes and we enter a state of rest, allowing the dream to remain a dream. About,how to achieve your goal without stopping at anything, read in this article.

Clearly state the goal

To begin with, it is important to clearly understand what you want to achieve and in what time frame. Plans, of course, can be adjusted, but they must be specific, not vague, then it is much easier to pave the right path to their implementation. This is the first thing you need to know when figuring out how to achieve a goal. So what do you want? Say it now.


The main thing that will become the “fuel” for your movement forward is motivation. You must really really want something, feel like a dream and do not forget to regularly evoke this feeling in yourself so that the desire does not disappear. Here you need to understand that the more you want, the faster you will learn how to achieve your goals and the faster you will achieve. Therefore, think about what you will get as a result? Do you want this? Make it so that there is a shiver of anticipation of what you want.

Break the goal into several small tasks

Sometimes your “wishlist” can make your head spin - how to achieve everything? It's so much work! From such thoughts, hands can fall and enthusiasm disappears. Therefore, in order not to lose interest in achieving the goal, break it down into several stages, smaller tasks that need to be solved. Reaching each individual stage is much easier and this brings you closer to the main goal. And you will see your progress, which will add significantly. For example, if you want a perfect figure, then your task for today is to choose a gym where you will go to practice. Buy a subscription tomorrow. Simple tasks, but each of them is a step towards your dream.

The key is to take the first step.

This is simply phenomenal in its effectiveness. If you want to know how to achieve your goal, just take the first step. When you think about all the work that you need to do today, you immediately want to hit your head against the wall, laziness turns on and there are hundreds of reasons to do nothing or postpone things until tomorrow. But if you focus on the fact that you only need to do a small thing, "only 5 minutes of work", then it is quite possible to force yourself. And then get involved and the work will go by itself. Therefore, focus on the beginning of work, appetite comes with food.

Be confident in yourself - this is a real magnet! It will always attract people to you! Donald Trump.

Write down your goals every day

It is very useful to write down tasks for the next day in a notebook. Let it be a few points, but they are clearly formulated and you have set a goal for yourself. You start thinking about it, focusing on the solution, and your conscience and dignity will push you forward. No one wants to look like a weakling in their own eyes, who is not able to do those things that he himself recognized as important. This effect is achieved precisely thanks to a clearly formulated and written task.

Don't wait for 100% completion

Many are waiting for the right moment to take action. But the truth is that there are no ideal conditions, you will always be either tired or you will not have the right tool at hand. So don't wait for the right moment, it's already here. Every moment is a chance to take a step forward.

Always think

You must always keep in mind the way to achieve your goal. If you think in the right direction all the time and analyze the necessary information, then you tune in to your wave and soon you will begin to notice that thoughts come to your mind that you didn’t suspect before. It will be a way to solve problems that may have seemed unsolvable. Therefore, connect your head more often.


This is perhaps the main factor that will help you solve any problems. We often find ourselves justifying why today we need to rest, or do a little less, but you just have to force yourself. It is not your mind or skills that will be decisive, but willpower. If you can break the task into certain stages and every day disciplinedly, even “I can’t through it”, do everything necessary, hit one point, then you will definitely succeed.

You will succeed if you do not stop halfway .Konosuke Matsushita

Don't slow down

If you want to know how to achieve your goal - do not slow down! There are always chances to achieve the desired result, and it is important to use them, and not wait for the right moment. If the right bus pulls up to you, jump into it, the next one does not know when it will appear and whether it will appear at all. So don't slow down!

Ignore criticism

If you manage to calmly relate to constructive criticism, this is good, but if criticism can upset you and knock you off the rhythm, then protect yourself from it. In any case, the assessment of the other person will not be absolutely correct in relation to your situation, it is always subjective. You yourself will be able to evaluate your work and your plans better than anyone else. Therefore, do not listen to anyone, build your dream.

Learn from the experience of others

If you want to find an effective way to achieve your goals, then look around, because no one has canceled the importance of studying someone else's experience. This will allow you to be inspired by the successes of other people. After all, they are not smarter than you, but they were able to achieve the desired result. In addition, you will be able to avoid the mistakes that they made along the way. Listen to sensible advice, but always think about how these they suit you personally.

Do what you really enjoy

This is the key to success. Often, to achieve a goal, you have to work hard and study absolutely everything related to your business. Such a load is not easy to withstand, but the pleasure that you get when you do what you love gives strength. Therefore, sincere interest is very important for achieving the goal.

Here we figured outhow to achieve your goals. And most importantly, never give up. Every mistake or difficulty along the way is an experience from which you will create your success. And so - just go ahead and you will succeed!

Today I decided to list my personal life principles how to reach your goal. I try to stick to them, whether it works or not... well, I try. 🙂

Perhaps someone has their own experience, and I would love to hear it, so feel free to comment. It is not only about achieving goals in work, but in general, in life. Creativity, personal life, sports, parenting, whatever. In my opinion, the most important thing is not to burn out in the flame of enthusiasm at the beginning and not get stuck in a swamp of routine later. So, let's begin.

1. Ignore criticism. There is no useful criticism, no matter who says what. The assessment of another person, even if authoritative and competent, is only a subjective opinion. No one appreciates your work better than you. Be demanding of yourself: if you admit that everything turned out well and you are not ashamed of what you are doing, then this means that the chosen direction is the right one.

Do not argue with critics, do not try to justify your position - this dilutes attention and brings doubts. “Don’t let the noise of other people’s opinions drown out your inner voice,” said Steve Jobs and was a thousand times right.

2. Study other people's experiences. Someone might think that this point contradicts the previous one, but it is not. Other people's experience is a source of invaluable knowledge and inspiration, but know how to use it. Don't take on everything you learn: only seek advice when you really need it. Specific advice - its specific implementation in your work. No knowledge for the future - without immediate practice, they are not only useless, but harmful.

3. Do only what gives you real pleasure.. Make sure that your favorite work brings money at least for food, but do not stop thinking about how to increase your professional level and income. If you are persistent and consistent, sooner or later you will achieve what you want. There are no areas where a real specialist could not earn. Passion for what you do and sincere interest is a reinforced concrete battering ram that nothing can resist.

4. Don't get into theory until you've got at least some basic practice. Do not drag tons of information into your head about the subject you are going to do. Don't go to seminars for people who teach things they've never done professionally. Don't ask the billionaire for secrets about how he made his first million, ask Vasya how he opened his first stall.

Someone may say something like: if you want to make a million, you need to earn a million. Is not more than beautiful phrase, in fact, behind every million there are "stalls". Get a job in the field in which you are going to do business - even the smallest practice is worth a lot of theory.

5. Think of the movement towards the goal not as a decisive battle, but as a long war. Many mistakenly consider the achievement of the goal as a result, but in fact it is a continuous process. It is impossible to get what you really want with one single effort of will and strength. A high jump is preceded by a run, but in the standings we will not see how fast the athlete ran, we will only see the height of the jump. Someone's success seems like a well-defined plan, whereas before that there was a long series of throwing, failures and failed projects, which allowed them to gain experience.

The Rovio company, which earned millions on Angry Birds, is seen by many as an example of super-success: the guys gathered, wrote the game and the next day they woke up rich and famous. In fact, there were six years of hard work before the birds, when Rovio released other games that did not find much popularity. And only knowledge and experience led them to a real breakthrough.

The process of moving towards the goal is cyclical, the next stagnation is actually the accumulation of experience, which, like a straightened spring, will allow you to go to a higher level. Do not be afraid to lose a single battle, never despair, think strategically and remember one thing: "I will achieve my goal."

6. Don't look for an original idea. When “business coaches” inspire their wards that it makes no sense to do what other people have already implemented, but you need to look for some kind of unoccupied niche that will allow you to instantly get rich, then they simply say what they want to hear from them. People are very pleased to think that somewhere in the information field of the planet there are fundamentally new ideas that you just need to think of, and then it's all in the bag.

In fact, all ideas that seem to come from nowhere to an outside observer are the result of the development of someone's experience and knowledge. Nothing arises from emptiness, a new idea always appears on the basis of practice. The concept of the iPhone emerged during the development of the iPad, as a result of the experience and intuition of Steve Jobs and his team. Newton discovered his law of gravity not because an apple fell on his head, but because he constantly thought about this topic.

If you want to spend your life dreaming about the great, keep looking for a super idea. If you want to achieve something, start small. Study the usual average examples, because if they work for their owners, they can work for you. More practice, less ambition.

If you want to change your life, follow my example and get on a bike. The world will show itself from the other side. Check out the section ""

7. Do not change direction at the first setbacks. Some time after the start of any activity, the main charge of enthusiasm ends, and it will certainly seem to you that the chosen niche is not the most profitable, the direction is a dead end, and so on. It may seem that you are not suitable for this lesson, that there is no progress and there will not be.

Categorically stop the attempts of the psyche to disperse attention to many objects. Do not panic, endure and continue in the same direction. You need to go through at least a few cycles of enthusiasm / apathy in order to gain real experience about your niche and understand how to achieve your goal here. You will rush from one idea to another - nothing will turn out at all.

8. Look not only up, but also to the sides. It happens that after a long time you really understand that you will not be able to succeed in your field. There is no talent, there is not enough time, and most importantly, there is no desire anymore. In this case, you should not give up everything that you have worked out, but you just need to look around and see where else you can apply your knowledge.

One of my friends, tired of two decades of teaching at school, went to free bread as a tutor. She did exactly what she liked, studied psychology in depth and sincerely fell in love with her new occupation. As a result, within a few years, her income skyrocketed compared to her school salary, and enrollment in her classes was only possible on a huge line. This is a great example of looking around when there seems to be no way up.

9. Don't regret the past, don't worry about the future. You should never think about what happened or vice versa did not happen. Yes, almost every person understands that if he had done something differently, then now everything would be completely different. This is fine. This is exactly the experience I talk about all the time. It doesn't matter - you can't change this, and as practice shows, you won't even be able to draw a conclusion. You will probably step on the same rake again.

The same with the future. What's the point of taking care of him, making detailed plans, counting every step. All the same, all these developments will collapse at the first collision with reality. All planning should come from daily practice, as a reaction to what is happening. The overall plan should not be unshakable, never drive yourself into a framework.

10. Envy successful people. Strange advice, isn't it? 🙂 In fact, it is very useful if used constructively. I don't believe in white or black envy, it's just different shades of the same emotion. Any person, when he sees a more successful competitor, will experience a pang of envy - this is a normal human reaction. It is necessary not to restrain this feeling, but to direct it in the right direction. Carefully study your competitors, understand what they are doing, who and what helps them, analyze which of their methods can work in your business.

11. Use every day. Very important rule which is neglected by almost everyone. I can judge from my experience that the achievement of a goal is usually perceived as a kind of brainstorm, mobilization of all forces and will. All this is accompanied by a powerful outburst of enthusiasm. Everything around is in full swing, the work is burning in the hands, but ... after a while, apathy comes, disbelief that the result is generally achievable.

So, instead of gushing out with enthusiasm, moving mountains, immediately set yourself up that, in addition to all the feats, you are required to perform daily part of some kind of routine work. And then, when the exploits in the workplace come to naught, then these small steps will take you to the goal, sooner or later. For example, if you are writing a book and you have an idea for another, much more ingenious one, then in addition to many hours of thinking, do not forget to write a few chapters of the old one, even if now it seems boring and uninteresting to you. If you quit, then exactly the same thing will happen with a new book.

12. Don't expect 100 percent completion. How often people refuse to realize their desires just because they, as it seems to them, are not yet ready. Analyzing my experience, I can say that everything that I did in my life, I did it being unprepared for it. If doubts come to you about readiness, then just brush them aside. A person sitting in one place is not able to understand whether he is ready or not. Almost always, what you thought up for yourself “on the shore” turns out to be very far from what is “at sea”.

There is no complete readiness and there cannot be, especially when it comes to the implementation of ideas. Here I can only quote the motto of a person I respect very much, Richard Branson: "To hell with everything, take it and do it." That's right - take it and do it, do not think whether you are ready or not. You will understand in the process. Otherwise, you will sit and wait. All life.

13. Admit your shortcomings, but don't let them take over. We must honestly admit our weak sides, but this does not mean that they can be indulged. If you are lazy, then the worst thing you can do is say: “yes, it’s true, nothing will help me, I won’t achieve anything.” On the contrary, if you are pathologically lazy, strain your brain to automate routine work or push it to someone else.

Aggressive, easily go berserk - go in for amateur sports. There you will not only be able to get discharge, but also achieve some results, thanks to these negative qualities. If you have a bad memory - train, learn languages. Unlike a person with a normal memory, who would never even think of sitting down for textbooks, you will somehow be able to speak in a foreign language if you persevere.

14. Don't reject other people's experiences for personal reasons.. There is an opinion that there are some "unethical" methods used by mlm-schiki, nlp-shniks, "black" businessmen, etc. This is all nonsense - there is a tool, and how to use it, the person chooses. You should not brush aside the experience of all these sectarians, if only because it really works. Under the external “gypsyism” there is a lot of psychology: no one has more practice, how to train yourself for a result, how to subordinate other people to your goal.

Look closely at any working methods, try to understand how they work. The human psyche is the same everywhere, whether grandmothers sell dietary supplements or sell limousines to the rich. You can always apply something in your own specifics, you should not neglect such an experience just because its carriers cause bad feelings in you.

15. Think. Perhaps this item should have been put in the first place, but let it be the way it is. Unfortunately, most of the time in work is devoured by routine and turnover, so we have almost no opportunity to think about our business. And this is very important: we need to constantly think about what we are doing, analyze, compare with competitors, look for new facets.

If you constantly think in the right direction, then new thoughts will surely appear, and then you yourself will be surprised that you walked side by side for so long and could not think of it. And it's simple - modern man very, very rarely consciously uses his brain, acting daily according to the action-reaction pattern. The brain tunes in to work according to a pattern, and filters all ideas so as not to stray from the rhythm.

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The trouble with many people who don't have goals is that they spend their whole lives running around - they run back and forth without a definite life plan and a clear understanding of what they really want and what kind of results they want. want to achieve. "Home-work-home" is probably the only plan they have.

A person will not build a house without a plan, will not open a business without goals. But often a person tries to build his life, doing without it.

Do you set goals for yourself? What are your goals for the next 12 months? How about 3 years? 5 years? 10 years? What are your aspirations as you look to the future?

By setting goals in life, you are laying the foundation for your successful progress. This, one might say, is your first step towards success. It is what turns your life into concrete, real actions. Without the first step, the other steps to achieve the goal will have no basis and may simply be pointless.

Have you ever come across people who have a passive attitude towards life? They never set any goals in life, and just “live”. You see them a year from now, a few years from now, and their lives are pretty much the same except for a few changes that are the result of other people's actions rather than their own.

Why you need to set goals in life: the benefits

Consider the main reasons why goal setting is so important in our lives:

  • Setting goals in life gives you clarity.

If you do not have a goal in life, you will run all your life and never achieve something for yourself. You will have the illusion that you are doing many things in life, but in reality they are not at all what you want. You are just busy doing a lot of tasks, and you have no time to think about your life. Maybe you've been working your whole life in a job that you don't like, even though it's well-paid and secure.

How are you supposed to achieve what you want if you haven't even set specific goals?

Setting goals in life gives you clarity about what you ultimately want. It helps you formulate your desires floating in your mind. This ensures that you are putting your time, energy and effort into what really matters to you. It makes you live more consciously.

Everything in this world is created from the inside out. Without spirituality there would be no physical creation. So it is with goals - first you create them in your head, then they appear in reality. If you have set a goal, you have already completed the first part. You have set the creative force in motion and are ready to see it in reality.

  • Setting goals in life pushes you forward.

Your goals are a reflection of yours inner desires that motivate you in life. Your innermost desires are a powerful source of motivation. Goals in life serve as a constant reminder of your source of motivation. They are a kind of fuel to keep you moving forward, even in difficult situations.

If you lose motivation at some point in your life - focus on the most important goals in life, especially personal development goals.

  • Goal setting focuses your attention.

Goals help you focus all your energy on exactly what you spend your time on. Goals guide you through life.

When there is no goal, you are swimming around the same thing every day. Your energy and forces are scattered randomly. You are taking part in something that does not play any role in your life. You can have general idea about what you want to do. But until you clearly articulate this, you will "scatter" your efforts. You will often get distracted because you don't have a goal to keep you in check.

It's very easy to get carried away Everyday life simply because there are so many incentives around us in our environment. Without focused attention, your life, so to speak, becomes more "random".

  • Setting goals in life makes you responsible.

Goals encourage you to take responsibility for your life. Now you not only talk about what you want - now you have to act. You assume this responsibility, and do not place it on someone else. When you take responsibility, you actually stay true to your goals.

  • Goal setting will help you become better than you could be.

Goals in life are the way to achieve high potential. Without goals, it will be difficult for you to grow. It won't let you be the best person who you can be. It keeps you from unlocking the potential that is within you. Goals in life will create new conditions and new situations that will put you in growth mode. It will force you to rise above the “norm” and reach new heights.

Without goals, you will take the path of least resistance by simply doing something. However, goals will give you face and help you overcome countless obstacles. You will learn much more about yourself and your talents than if you had no goals at all.

  • Goals in life will help you live your life in the best possible way.

This will happen for the following reasons. In the process of achieving goals, you will become a better person, you will gain new knowledge and abilities, and gain valuable experience. You will learn to overcome and win. Your outlook will change. You will look at life with much greater clarity and depth than in the past.

Ask yourself - what are my goals for the coming 1 year, 3 years, 5, 10 years? Take your time (although it's not a waste) to set your goals and articulate your aspirations, and in just a year you'll experience more progress in your life.

Is it important for you to set goals in your life?

All arguments to the final essay in the direction "Purpose and means".

Is it possible to achieve a goal if the obstacles seem insurmountable? Is it possible to achieve a goal if everyone is against you? Are there unattainable goals?
Lots of real life examples fiction shows that human possibilities are limitless. Thus, the hero of Ruben Gallego's autobiographical novel "White on Black" is an example confirming the idea that there are no insurmountable obstacles. The protagonist of the novel is an orphan who, it seems, life has not prepared anything good for. He is sick, besides deprived of parental warmth. Even in infancy, he was separated from his mother, and he was identified in Orphanage. His life is hard and bleak, but the brave boy impresses with his purposefulness. Despite being considered weak-minded and incapable of learning, he is so passionate about conquering fate that he achieves his goal: he becomes famous writer and an inspiration to many people. The thing is that he chooses the path of a hero: “I am a hero. It's easy to be a hero. If you have no arms or legs, you are a hero or a dead man. If you don't have parents, rely on your arms and legs. And be a hero. If you have neither arms nor legs, and you also managed to be born an orphan, that's it. You are doomed to be a hero until the end of your days. Or take a breath. I am a hero. I just have no other choice." In other words, to follow this path means to be strong and not give up until you reach the goal, when the goal is life, and the achievement of the goal is the daily struggle for existence.

What is a "great goal"? What is the purpose of human existence? What goal can bring satisfaction?
A great goal is, first of all, a goal aimed at creation, at making people's lives better. In V. Aksenov's story "Colleagues" we see heroes who have yet to realize their destiny. Three friends: Alexei Maksimov, Vladislav Karpov and Alexander Zelenin, are graduates medical institute waiting for distribution after graduation. They still do not fully understand how important their work is, because quite recently they lived carefree: they went to the cinema and theaters, walked, fell in love, argued about the purpose of the doctor. However, after graduation, they face real practice. Alexander Zelenin asks to be transferred to the village of Kruglogorie, he is sure that friends should continue the work of their ancestors for the sake of their descendants. Through his work, he quickly gains the respect of the locals. At this time, Alexander's friends are working at the seaport, waiting to be assigned to the ship. They are bored, they do not understand the importance of their work. However, when Zelenin is seriously injured, friends are close by. Now the life of a friend depends only on their professionalism. Maksimov and Karpov perform the most difficult operation and save Zelenin. It is at this moment that doctors realize what the great goal of their life is. They have enormous power - to pull a person out of the clutches of death. For the sake of this they chose their profession, only such a goal can bring them satisfaction.

Lack of purpose. What is the danger of an aimless existence? What is the goal for? Can a person live without a purpose? How do you understand the statement of E.A. According to “No transport will be passing if you don’t know where to go”?

Lack of purpose is the scourge of humanity. After all, it is in achieving the goal that a person comprehends life and himself, accumulates experience, develops the soul. Many heroes of literary works serve as confirmation of this. Usually, the immature person who is at the very beginning of his life suffers from a lack of purpose. life path. For example, Eugene, the hero of the novel of the same name in verse by A.S. Pushkin. At the beginning of the work we have a young man, devoid of interest in life. And the main problem is the aimlessness of its existence. He cannot find the peak to which he could aspire, although he tries to do so throughout the novel. At the end of the work, he, it would seem, finds a "target" - Tatyana. Here is the goal! It can be assumed that his first step was taken: he confessed his love to Tatyana, dreamed that he could win her heart. A.S. Pushkin leaves the ending open. We do not know if he will achieve his first goal, but there is always hope.

What means can not be used to achieve the goal? Does the end justify the means? Do you agree with Einstein's statement: "No goal is so lofty as to justify unworthy means to achieve it"?
Sometimes, in order to achieve their goals, people forget about the means that they choose on the way to what they want. So, one of the characters in the novel "A Hero of Our Time" Azamat wanted to get a horse that belonged to Kazbich. He was ready to offer everything that he had and what he did not own. The desire to get Karagoz won over all the feelings that were in him. Azamat, in order to achieve his goal, betrayed his family: he sold his sister to get what he wanted, fled from home, fearing punishment. His betrayal resulted in the death of his father and sister. Azamat, despite the consequences, destroyed everything that was dear to him in order to get what he so passionately desired. On his example, you can see that not all means are good for achieving the goal.

The relationship between ends and means. What is the difference between true and false purpose? In what situations in life does the achievement of a goal not bring happiness? Does achieving a goal always make a person happy?
The ratio of goals and means can be found on the pages of M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time". Trying to achieve the goal, people sometimes do not understand that not all means will help them in this. One of the characters in the novel A Hero of Our Time, Grushnitsky, longed to be recognized. He sincerely believed that the position and money would help him in this. In the service, he was looking for a promotion, believing that this would solve his problems, attract the girl he was in love with. His dreams were not destined to come true, because true respect and recognition are not connected with money. The girl he sought preferred another, because love has nothing to do with social recognition and status.

What are false goals??What is the difference between true and false purpose? What is the difference between a goal and a momentary desire? When does achieving a goal not bring happiness?
When a person sets false goals for himself, their achievement does not bring satisfaction. The central character of the novel "A Hero of Our Time" has set various goals for himself all his life, hoping that their achievement will bring him joy. He falls in love with the women he likes. Using all means, he wins their hearts, but later loses interest. So, becoming interested in Bela, he decides to steal her, and then achieve the location of a wild Circassian. However, having reached the goal, Pechorin begins to get bored, her love does not bring him happiness. In the chapter "Taman" he meets a strange girl and a blind boy who are involved in smuggling. In an effort to find out their secret, he does not sleep for days and watches them. His excitement is fueled by a sense of danger, but on the way to achieving the goal, he changes people's lives. Being exposed, the girl is forced to flee and leave the blind boy and the elderly woman to fend for themselves. Pechorin does not set himself true goals, he only strives to dispel boredom, which not only leads him to disappointment, but also breaks the fate of people who are on his way.

Purpose and means / self-sacrifice. Does the end justify the means? How are the moral qualities of a person related to the means that he chooses to achieve his goals? What goal brings satisfaction?
The means can be justified by the end if it is noble, like the heroes of O. Henry's story "". Della and Jim found themselves in a difficult life situation: on Christmas Eve, they did not have the money to give each other gifts. But each of the heroes set a goal for himself: by all means to please his soul mate. So Della sold her hair to buy a watch chain for her husband, and Jim sold his watch to buy a comb. “The James Dillingham Jungs had two treasures that were their pride. One is Jim's gold watch that belonged to his father and grandfather, the other is Della's hair." The heroes of the story sacrificed the most important things in order to achieve the main goal - to please a loved one.

Is there a purpose in life? Why is there a purpose in life? Why is it important to have a purpose in life? What is the danger of an aimless existence? What is the purpose of human existence? What is the difference between true and false?
A witty satire on reality is a hallmark of O. Henry's work. In his story "" one of the most important problems of society is touched upon. The story is full of comedy. main character Mr. Towers Chandler, being an ordinary hard worker, once every 70 days allowed himself a luxurious trip around the center of Manhattan. He put on an expensive suit, hired a cab, dined in a good restaurant, posing as a rich man. Once during such a "sally" he met a modestly dressed girl named Marian. He was captivated by her beauty and invited her to dinner. During the conversation, he still pretended to be a rich man who does not have to do anything. For Marian, this lifestyle was unacceptable. Her position was obvious: every person should have aspirations, goals in life. It doesn't matter if a person is rich or poor, he should do useful work. Only later do we learn that the girl was actually rich, unlike Chandler. He naively believed that by posing as a wealthy person, not burdened with worries and labors, he could attract the attention of a beautiful stranger, that people would treat him better. But it turned out that an aimless existence not only does not attract, but also repels. O. Henry's manifesto is directed against idlers and idle people, "whose whole life passes between the drawing room and the club."

Purposefulness. Do you agree with the statement: “A person who certainly wants something forces fate to give up”? Is it possible to achieve a goal if the obstacles seem insurmountable? What is the goal for? How do you understand Balzac's saying: "In order to reach the goal, one must first of all go"? How to reach the goal?
Are there things beyond our capabilities? If not, how can you achieve your most ambitious goal? In his story "" A.P. Platonov gives answers to these questions. He tells the story of the life of a small flower, which was destined to be born between stones and clay. His whole life was a struggle with external factors that interfered with his growth and development. The brave flower “worked day and night to live and not die”, therefore it was completely different from other flowers. A special light and smell emanated from him. At the end of the work, we can see how his efforts were not in vain, we see his “son”, just as lively and patient, only even stronger, because he lived between the stones. This allegory applies to man. The goal of a person is achievable if you work, sparing no effort. If you are purposeful, you can overcome any obstacles, as well as raise children in your own image, even better. The way humanity will be depends on everyone, Do not be afraid of difficulties and give up. Strong personalities, which are characterized by purposefulness, “shine” with an unusual color in the same way as the flower of A.P. Platonov.

How does society influence the formation of goals?
From the very beginning of the story, all the thoughts of Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskaya and her son are directed towards one thing - the arrangement of their material well-being. Anna Mikhailovna, for the sake of this, does not shun humiliating begging, or the use of brute force (the scene with the mosaic briefcase), or intrigues, and so on. At first, Boris tries to resist the will of his mother, but over time he realizes that the laws of the society in which they live obey only one rule - the one who has power and money is right. Boris is taken to "make a career." He is not fascinated by the service to the Fatherland, he prefers service in those places where you can quickly move up the career ladder with minimal return. For him, there are neither sincere feelings (rejection of Natasha), nor sincere friendship (coldness towards the Rostovs, who did a lot for him). He subordinates even marriage to this goal (description of his “melancholic service” with Julie Karagina, declaration of love to her through disgust, etc.). In the war of the 12th year, Boris sees only court and staff intrigues and is only concerned with how to turn this to his own advantage. Julie and Boris are quite satisfied with each other: Julie is flattered by the presence of a handsome husband who has made a brilliant career; Boris needs her money.

End justifies the means? Can it be argued that in war all means are good? Is it possible to justify the great goals achieved dishonestly?
For example, in the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky, the main character Rodion poses the question: “Am I a trembling creature or do I have the right”? Rodion sees the poverty and troubles of the people around him, which is why he decides to kill the old pawnbroker, thinking that her money will help thousands of suffering girls and boys. Throughout the story, the hero tries to test his theory of the superman, justifying himself by the fact that the great commanders and rulers did not set themselves barriers in the form of morality on the way to great goals. Rodion turns out to be a man unable to live with the awareness of the act that he committed, therefore he admits his guilt. After some time, he realizes that the pride of the mind leads to death, thereby refuting his theory of the "superman". He sees a dream in which fanatics, confident in their rightness, killed others without accepting their truth. “People killed each other ... in senseless malice until they destroyed the human race, except for a few “chosen ones”. The fate of this hero shows us that even good intentions do not justify inhumane methods.

Can the ends justify the means? How do you understand the saying: “When the goal is reached, the path is forgotten”?
The eternal question of the relationship between ends and means is touched upon in the dystopian novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. The story is set in the distant future, a “happy” society appears before the eyes of the reader. All spheres of life are mechanized, a person no longer experiences any suffering or pain, all problems can be settled by taking a drug called soma. The whole life of people is aimed at obtaining pleasure, they are no longer tormented by the torment of choice, their life is a foregone conclusion. The concepts of "father" and "mother" do not exist, since children are raised in special laboratories, while eliminating the danger of improper development. Thanks to technology, old age is defeated, people die young and beautiful. Even death they meet cheerfully, watching TV shows, having fun and taking soma. All people in the state are happy. However, further we see the reverse side of such a life. This happiness turns out to be primitive, since in such a society strong feelings are forbidden, ties between people are destroyed. Standardization is the motto of life. Art, religion, true science are forced out and forgotten. The inconsistency of the theory of universal happiness is proved by heroes such as Bernard Marx, Gulmholtz Watson, John, who could not find a place in society, because they realized their individuality. This novel confirms the following idea: even such an important goal as universal happiness cannot be justified by such terrible methods as standardization, depriving a person of love, family. Therefore, we can say for sure that the path that will lead to happiness is also very important.