Reunion. Dogmatic hatred is a blind categorical rejection of someone or something, an inner great desire to get rid of someone or something. dogmatic hatred, after realizing the relativity of good and evil, slowly turns into a yoke

When Water (Lake) is on Earth, a favorable union is formed, which is a natural flow that leads to the flowering of all forms of life. Hexagram 45 symbolizes accumulation, uniting around one center or leader, gathering and accumulating the necessary methods or archival qualities of character for creative work. At the moment, creativity has reached its limit; you can enjoy relationships with the environment, and the connection between the leader (the most significant person in the group) and its supporters is stronger than ever.

People will cooperate with you and provide comprehensive assistance in every possible way. At work, a raise or an increase in salary is expected. If you are going to get married, then you have a great opportunity to enter into a happy marriage.

Relationships with respectable and noble people are of particular value, because success or failure in life depends mainly on the people with whom we communicate. You must consciously enter into a serious long-term relationship, while remembering that the deepest feelings open spontaneously, you cannot command them.

IN psychological aspect this hexagram symbolizes unification, that is, the mobilization of character traits necessary during periods of leadership and event activity. In order to play your role correctly, you need to have a clear idea of ​​​​the goals of the group itself, a clear plan for achieving them. If there are strife and disagreements in the group that lead to uncertainty, then energy will be wasted, and internal conflicts will only intensify.

Your task is to strengthen relationships in the group (become a family or grow into a large social group) in such a way

som to join forces to achieve a common goal. Do not think about personal gain, rather focus on the benefit for the whole group. Thanks to this attitude, the benefit will come by itself.


Most likely it will be done.


Harmonious relationships will be established quite easily, success awaits you.


You will have a happy and harmonious marriage with this person.

Pregnancy, childbirth

A girl will be born. Childbirth will go smoothly.

Health status

Diseases of the abdomen and lungs. Recovery will be fast.

Negotiations, disputes, litigation

The best solution is to compromise.


It will go well and profitably.

Exam, test


Work, business, specialization

favorable circumstances. Continue in the same spirit.



lucky color


lucky numbers

4, 2, 9

Changing Traits


When people misunderstand us, they either leave or push us away while we feel regret and disappointment. You, your true self, will soon realize that the ego, due to pride, has separated you from the rest. When you are in harmony with your own "I", it will be reflected in outside world, and unity with the rest will once again become possible.

Fifth (dominant)

This trait indicates that you have significant influence over the members of your group. You, influencing others, create harmonious relations within the group, and many are grateful to you for this. If someone doubts you, stick to your values ​​and the True Way, but do not try to convince them that you are right. Over time, their distrust will melt when they truly feel the steadfastness of your spirit.

Fourth (dominant)

Now you are sad and lonely, you even feel rejected. It should be understood that the group does not accept you only because you behave too aggressively, and your requirements are too high. If you try to force your way into the ranks of the group, then you will only endure humiliation. Try to establish a harmonious relationship with the leader of the group.


You crave to enter into a conflict in order to declare your position, become visible and gain understanding from other people. But this will give rise to other conflicts, both in the external world and in the internal. Stay away from worthless ideas and people, stay on the True Path and do not indulge the desires and ambitions of your ego.


People with the same goals are spontaneously attracted to each other, without any effort. You may experience a sudden irresistible attraction to other people. Such an attraction is the result of the actions of invisible forces of the subconscious. One must obey them; the result is a productive union.


there is conflict between you and the group. You wouldn't mind joining, but you have doubts and stay away. Make it clear to yourself who the leader of the group is and state your wishes later. You will enlist the help of those who share your opinion.

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Accomplishment. The king approaches the owners of the temple (that is, the spirits of the ancestors). Favorable meeting with a great man. Accomplishment. Favorable stamina. A great sacrifice is needed. (Then) - happiness. It's good to have somewhere to speak.

(If) you have the truth, (but) not completely, then (maybe) both confusion and reunion. Then you exclaim, and everyone will immediately gather, and there will be laughter. - Don't be afraid. (If) you go, there will be no blasphemy.
(Give yourself) to be carried away - (and there will be) happiness, and there will be no blasphemy. Be truthful, then it is auspicious to make (even a small) sacrifice.
Reunion - and sighs! Nothing favorable. (If) you speak out, there will be no blasphemy, (but only) a little regret.

Reunification (of the one who) occupies the throne. There will be no bullshit. (If nevertheless) there is no truth, (then be steadfast from) the beginning and forever, (then) repentance will disappear.
Complaints and groans, and tears to runny nose. There will be no bullshit.


Cui (Reunion): to gather, convene or unite; a group of people; a flock of animals, a heap of things; concentrate, concentrate; reunite, recreate; crowd, multitude, heap; bunches of bushes, bunches of grass. The hieroglyph depicts a bunch of grass and the sign of a servant. It implies the development of the ability to carry out the plan.

figurative row

This is the time to unite people or things around a common goal, plotting a great cause. This goal is the highest principle, and all should work towards its realization. Great ideas are needed now. The path to maturity, success and prosperity is open to you. Sacrifice particulars for the common cause. Have a plan and stick to it. Reunion means bringing people together; common work leads to great results. Learn to anticipate danger so you don't get caught off guard. By thinking about what unites people, you can understand the intention of all creatures that live on earth and under heaven.

Outer and Inner worlds

Pond (Fog) and Earth

An inner willingness to serve inspires and unites people in the outer world.

Combining things contains a hidden possibility of gradually approaching the goal.


Creatures meet, then unite. Knowing this allows you to enjoy reunion.


Reunion means uniting the many.


Fog rolls over the ground. Reunion.

A noble person warns danger without warning.

Hexagram lines

First six

If you are truthful, but not completely,
It can be both confusion and reunion.
Then you exclaim, and everyone will immediately gather, and there will be laughter.
Don't be afraid.
If you go, there will be no blasphemy.

You are unsure of yourself and waver between order and disorder. Fear not: there is a spirit connection here for you and for those who are with you. One exclamation can gather allies. Step forward without regret.

Six second

Let yourself be carried away, and there will be happiness. There will be no bullshit.
If you are truthful, then it is auspicious.
The need to make even a small sacrifice.

Reunification can also happen passively, without your participation. Thanks to the connection with the spirits, even a small sacrifice will be enough to carry out the plan.

Six third

Reunion and sighs.
Nothing favorable.
If you speak, then there will be no blasphemy, but only a little regret.

When you reunite, you experience sadness and share painful memories. There is nothing you can do here, so you have to go on alone, although it is difficult for you.

Nine fourth

Great happiness. There will be no bullshit.

For the first time, the opportunity for true reunion appears before you. The path is open, everything favors your plan.

Nine fifth

Reunion with the one who occupies the throne.
There will be no bullshit.
If there is still no trust, then be steadfast from the beginning, then repentance will disappear.

You personify the principle of reunification, but those gathered around do not have enough confidence in you. This is a transitional stage. You must remain steadfast, then doubts and sorrows will disappear.

Top six

Complaints and groans, tears to runny nose.
There will be no bullshit.

The reunion comes to an end, which is perceived as a great grief. However, you are not to blame for what happened. Expect changes for the better.

General interpretation according to Y. Shutsky

We had a chance to repeatedly make sure that the hexagrams in the "Book of Changes" follow one after another according to the principle of opposites. So in this case, after the description as disunity, there is a hexagram denoting reunion. This reunion, in fact, was already outlined as an internal quality in the previous situation. Here it is the main theme of this situation. IN ancient China the king was considered as a living representative of all fathers, i.e. previous kings. In this respect, the antithesis of the living and the dead is used in this aphorism. But the aphorism speaks not only of antithesis, but also of the reunion of these opposites. In the same sense, one has to understand the meeting with a great man, about which the text speaks. Since here we are talking about reunion as a whole, in all its possible variants, an indication is given of reunion as a serious and major matter, for which great sacrifices are necessary. If all this is observed by a person, then the favorableness of his action, even if it be large, is guaranteed by itself. In the text here we read: Reunion. Accomplishment. The king approaches the owners of the temple (to the spirits of the ancestors). Favorable meeting with a great man. Favorable stamina. A great sacrifice is needed, then happiness. It's good to have somewhere to go.

Truth as a reflection of reality is born in synthesis. Since here, in the first position, the possibility of synthesis is only outlined, truthfulness here cannot be brought to an end. Thanks to this, the result of an activity built on such incomplete truthfulness can be both harmonious and inharmonious. If the result of activity leads to chaos, then a person can only mournfully exclaim about it. On the contrary, if the result does lead to reunification, then it will be achieved. In any case, fear in such activities could only harm a person. Therefore, the "Book of Changes" advises: In the beginning, a weak trait. If you are truthful, but not completely, then there can be both confusion and reunion. Then you will exclaim, but everyone will immediately gather and there will be laughter. Don't be afraid. If you go, there will be no blasphemy.

Reunification can also occur with the passivity of one of the uniting parties. She can only be infatuated. But even this can guarantee a favorable outcome. And if this outcome is favorable, then it will require the expenditure of only small sacrifices, for the matter is not in the number of victims, but in the truthfulness and reverence with which the sacrifice is made. In this sense, the text says: The weak trait comes second. Let yourself be carried away, and there will be happiness. There will be no bullshit. If you are truthful, it favors the need to make even a small sacrifice.

The process of reunification can go wrong, it can lead to regret. And it is precisely this possibility that is reflected in the third position of the crisis. Inasmuch as the process does not end there, it is necessary to step out of it. This is the best that can be done, but even then the person may regret that he missed a more favorable moment - the previous second position. So, the text says: Weak trait in third place. Reunion and sighs. Nothing favorable. If you speak, then there will be no blasphemy, but only a little regret.

But now the moment of crisis has passed, and for the first time a person has the opportunity of a true reunion. It goes without saying that this moment is embraced by the experience of happiness. Therefore, the laconic text says: Strong trait in fourth place. Great happiness. There will be no bullshit.

The happiness that is experienced at the previous stage can be a force that attracts everyone around you. Therefore, in this situation, everyone can, strives not for the person who occupies the main, fifth position, i.e. to the one who is the bearer of reunification par excellence, and to his forerunner - the person symbolized by the fourth line. Therefore, some distrust may be shown to the main bearer of the principle of reunification. However, this distrust should not confuse him. He must remain steadfast from the very beginning and forever, for he, as one who has gone through the experience of the previous stage, knows that the attraction to the forerunner is only a transitional stage, only part of the path that everyone goes through, striving to reunite with him, who is in the fifth position. . Therefore, the "Book of Changes" here only states: Strong trait in fifth place. Reunion with the one who occupies the throne. There will be no bullshit. If, nevertheless, there is no trust, then be steadfast from the beginning and forever, then repentance will disappear.

The situation of reunification is favorable, but in the sixth position it comes to an end, this can be experienced by a person as a great grief. He can surrender himself to crying, described in the Book of Changes in the most realistic terms. But the future situation is also favorable. Therefore, the "Book of Changes" consoles here like this: Above is a weak feature. Complaints, and groans, and tears - up to a runny nose. There will be no bullshit.

Commentary by A.V. Shvetsa

In the external - Permission and joy, in the internal - Fulfillment and self-giving. Fulfillment and following the natural course in the inner will lead to resolution in the outer. It could be a reunion with something external.

Haislip interpretation

This period is very favorable for you. All your affairs will be crowned with success. Some invisible force strengthens your relationships with people, helps you make new friends and acquaintances, make contacts that will somehow turn out to be favorable for you in the future. Past labors and efforts will be rewarded according to merit. A woman is chasing you, she seeks to block your path, interfere with the implementation of your intentions, interfere in your life. Regardless, your wishes will come true.

Description of external and hidden hexagrams

In the manifested world, gold bars sparkle in the sun from the bottom of a beautiful lake. Even now, in life, a valuable treasure of love has been revealed, obtained by a joyful accomplishment.

The lake becomes shallow, it is swallowed up by a huge plain. The earth drinks all the water and hides the gold bars. Concrete love is displaced by something huge, manifested from the inner plane.

Where yesterday there was a lake with a treasure at the bottom, tomorrow there will be a beautiful, endless plain. There will be no trace of private love, it will be swallowed up by something truly huge.

ON THE SUBCONSCIOUS under the blue sky a mighty tree blossoms. There is an eventful, abundant life.

It penetrated deep into the earth with its roots, and with thin branches rushed into blue sky. In this life, along with concerns about a solid financial position, spiritual quests occupy a significant place.

A mountain begins to grow right under the tree. In the depths of the subconscious, a new strong and unshakable understanding of reality begins to form.

It is difficult for a tree to cope with a strong wind on top of a mountain, and it will fall down. Refinement, penetration and vanity are leaving life.

One mountain will remain, as the inviolability of stay. A firm, unshakable confidence in the correctness of his understanding of reality pushed everything else into the background.

General interpretation of hexagram No. 45

In the manifested world, there are already very great achievements: a treasure of gold has been mined by a joyful accomplishment, concrete love has been realized, probably not even one. This set in motion something internal, huge, like a whole planet. This private love awakened the cosmic bulk LOVE UNIVERSAL.

People play private love (for a specific chosen one). This is a beautiful game and is a joyful accomplishment, having obtained a valuable treasure of gold. Private love will be supplanted by the cosmic bulk - LOVE UNIVERSAL. This means that the time has come to love everything, to serve everything. In the manifested reality, the future lies in fulfillment and dedication.

On the subconscious, the mountain grows, nourishing the tree and dooming it to death from the wind. So, the first windy sympathies and emotions gain strength, grow and then turn into a great, strong feeling for the chosen one. So the vain LOVE (tree) develops into a great unshakable feeling (mountain).

In the manifested world, the cosmic bulk of UNIVERSAL LOVE comes, in the subtle world, great individual LOVE is gaining strength. If a person has known UNIVERSAL LOVE, then he ceases to attach such great importance to concrete love. However, the subconscious plane is completely dominated by unshakable love for specific people or phenomena. This means that a person outwardly consciously manifests the highest divine vibration of UNIVERSAL LOVE, but internally he is still far from being freed and is in captivity of individual preferences. Here consciousness is in the lead, it educates and remakes the stereotypes of love deeply rooted in the subconscious. This duality leads to throwing, which outwardly manifests itself as a GAME WITH LOVE.




Dogmatic hatred is a blind categorical rejection of someone or something, an inner great desire to get rid of someone or something. DOGMATIC HATE, after realizing the relativity of good and evil, slowly turns into a GAME WITH LOVE.

Joy of love earthly vanity fades and disappears just from the breath, from the premonition of the approaching bulk - Universal Love.


Only he can play with God

who feels his breath in himself!

God! Where are you hiding? Come out!

Find me in LOVE!

Positions for awareness:

1. Love is not to be taken lightly. With what, with what, but with love they definitely don’t joke!

2. Life is a game, a game of love, a game of love, and everything else is not important! The essence of the game is simple: where there is love, there is the energy of life, according to the "Basic Law of Subtle Energy Exchange". If love leaves the situation, it inevitably leads to decline. Say to yourself: “I'm playing!”, And respond to any situation with love, and the more something upsets you, the more you respond to it with love! It's an incredibly difficult game that still has great winners!

3. It is easy to relate to everything, even to love - this is a complete disidentification, the highest spiritual level!

4. Only a person who has no love at all can play with love.

5. If there is no love in a person, then he cannot play with it. You can't play with what you don't have!

6. Inside, there is always universal love, and that is why, outside, there is no desire to follow any particular love, to follow any model of love. Frantic, unpredictable, beautiful, spontaneous as life itself, PLAYING WITH LOVE - this is the state of a true master!

7. There is only one God in the world, there is only one God in the world - Love. Everything else is just a manifestation of God, a manifestation of this power. The dual nature of people does not allow them to see love in everything, love is everywhere. They focus on the good, positive side of love, while rejecting the other side, which they think is negative. The one who has achieved true love can be very different: kind or cruel, helping or hindering, raising to heaven or overthrowing into the abyss, however, each time as a result of his actions, love in this world will become more and more! Be in love, play life, PLAY LOVE, accepting everything, rejecting nothing!

8. Love is God. Playing with love means either coming to God or leaving him. To play with love is to flirt directly with the Devil. This will end very badly!

9. “The wider your arms, the easier it is to crucify you,” - F. W. Nietzsche.

10. “You see, I belong to that unfortunate breed of people who take love seriously,” Traysmore Hessa.

11. “Love the whole world, as if it were “you”, and then you will truly help it,” - Lao Tzu “Tao Te Ching”.

12. “Love is the answer. The question doesn't matter." - Jeff Foster

13. The one who does not exist again plays with the only one that exists!

14. Our life is essentially nothing but a game with love. Usually we pay attention to the manifested events, but this is really not important at all. The essence of the game is simple: we interact with each other in a variety of roles, situations and events, and this is where “who is who” manifests itself.

If there is a reaction to evil:

1) evil (This is the Human level. "An eye for an eye");

2) neutral (A person ignores any negativity in his life. This is the level of the Master);

3) search for positive moments in negative events (This is typical for the Great Master);

4) love (this is the level of God. “A person with love is God”, - Sathya Sai Baba).

If there is a reaction to pure love:

1) the desire to close (the Level of a Human. A human cannot withstand such a high vibration);

2) partial acceptance (Master Level. Trying to cope with such a high vibration);

3) complete acceptance (Grand Master Level);

4) resonance of love (Level of God).

15. God is love. To play with love is to play with God, that is, to consider oneself almost equal to God. There is no greater sin than such transcendent conceit. God will never forgive this.

16. So often people brand someone or something, so nothing will please God so much than the insight of a person that he is not a servant of God at all, but a partner in the Great Game with Love!

17. The paradox of playing with love is that it is simply impossible to play anyone! During the game, your consciousness will inevitably transform so that the role you have chosen will become your inner integral part. If you want to play a villain in this life, you will become a villain; if you want to play a saint, you will become a saint. The game with love is the game of the Gods (Lila), in which no one can remain the same!

18. “It always seems like we are loved for being so good. And we don’t guess that they love us because those who love us are good, ”- L. N. Tolstoy

19. "The word" love "can have two absolutely different meanings. Not only different, but diametrically opposed. One meaning is love as a relationship; the other is love as a state. The moment love becomes a relationship it becomes a yoke because there are expectations and demands and frustrations and an effort on both sides to prevail. It becomes a power struggle. But love as a state of existence is a completely different word. It means that you simply love; you don't build relationships out of it. Your love is just like the fragrance of a flower. The flower does not require anything. He just shares. And in this also there is no desire for any reward. This division by oneself is the reward.” – Osho

20. “Love comes when we don’t expect it at all. The persistent search for love never leads to the choice of a suitable partner, but only gives rise to longing and plunges into grief. Love does not exist outside, it is always within us. Love and be loved.” – Louise Hay

21. “Love is food for the soul. Love is to the soul what food is to the body. Without food, the body is weak; without love, the soul is weak.” - Osho

Reunion. Cluster

Success. Wang (ruler) arrived at the ancestral temple. Favorable meeting with a great man. Happy divination. A great sacrifice is needed. It's good to go somewhere.


1. Initial six.

Perseverance without end; gathering: noise and chaos. In the chambers laughter - there is nothing to be afraid of. Going forward, you won't make a mistake.

2. Six second.

Let yourself be carried away, and there will be happiness, and there will be no blasphemy. If you are truthful, then this favors the need to make (even) a small sacrifice.

3. Six third.

Reunion and sighs! Nothing favorable. If you speak, then there will be no trouble, but there will be only a little regret.

4. Nine fourth.

Great happiness, there will be no trouble.

5. Nine fifth.

Reunion with the one who occupies the throne. There will be no trouble. If there is no trust, then be steadfast from the beginning and forever, then repentance will disappear.

6. Top six.

Complaints and groans, traces of a runny nose. There will be no trouble.


1. Initial six.

You stand firmly on your positions and your business is moving forward. If you act as a master or boss, your subordinates are unhappy with their position and your inattention to their needs. You are one team, provide everyone with not only responsibilities, but also opportunities, improve life, respond to requests. The turmoil will end very quickly, everyone will be happy.

2. Six second.

When making a profit, you need to remember the material signs of approval of those who helped or patronized you in difficult moments. Then luck will not turn away from you for a very long time.

3. Six third.

Now is not the time to create unions and collectives of like-minded people. In addition to claims against each other, disputes and disappointment, nothing sensible will come of it. But also big problems you will not have time to create, move away from the group in time.

4. Nine fourth.

Act boldly, communicate, unite, make every effort to achieve your plan.

5. Nine fifth.

In your business now, the main thing is to correctly distribute responsibilities and key posts. The leader must have authority, wisdom, strategic talent and the ability to communicate with people. In this case, expect quick success. If you manage to take one of the leading positions, then boredom, depression and dissatisfaction with life will forget the way to you. Be noble, honest and keep a short but distance with others.

6. Top six.

You exaggerate the problems too much, "fear has big eyes." In fact, everything will be resolved well, the dangers must pass by.


Obviously, the question that you are asking I-Ching is too serious, and a serious decision has to be made, since this hexagram describes the arrival of the ruler to the temple for the blessing of the ancestors and spirits, and the sacrifice before starting a big business. The main theme of the hexagram is the ability of a person to be in a team, the experience of "reunion" with colleagues and opponents, the talent of a leader and organizer.

It is not a secret or a revelation that is given to us in the Book when the importance of friendly, joint participation of people in a common cause is shown. Man is a social being, and life in solitude, monasticism is intended for a few, and even then after the hustle and bustle in the world of people. And it is impossible to act alone, to carry out your plans in ordinary life alone. I think that every reader has experienced more than once a painful feeling of longing due to the absence of a close friend, loved one and reliable colleague. Often we lament that there is no one to rely on, and now is just such a moment when you must find a worthy environment in order to continue on your way to the future.

The option is not excluded when the team itself will call you to itself and offer cooperation or leadership. Then the tips of this hexagram will be priceless for you.

Inequality and the need to adapt to communication, stepping over oneself, remained in the previous hexagram. Now you must be equal and in the same degree provided with work and remuneration. You are not obliged, as in the past, to repay your debt and submit to fate, you have gathered voluntarily and everyone must understand the task facing the group and before him separately. Therefore, you are inspired, joyful, enthusiastic. But take your time. It is important to realistically assess in which area of ​​work the talent of each is better and more effectively realized. It is easier for one to answer phone calls, the second likes to travel and will go on a business trip with pleasure, and the third is not afraid to enter the office of high authorities.

Provide yourself with reliable protection in the face influential people and systematically "donate" your income to them.

Golden book of divination Sudina Natalia

Hexagram #45 Reunion (Aggregation)

B. H. Everything that you do during this period and what you undertake will end in a successful result. Some invisible force will strengthen your relationships with people, help you establish new close contacts that will somehow become favorable for you. Past labors and efforts will be paid. A woman is chasing you, she seeks to block your path, interfere with the implementation of your intentions, interfere in your life. Regardless, your wishes will come true.

G.S. Favorably, sparing no expense, enlist the support of an influential person and start a serious, big business. Show attention to subordinates, and dissatisfaction will disappear, you can move on. Don't do reckless things. Good luck accompanies you! Gather your strength for decisive action. From the very beginning, good prospects. Calm down, your difficulties are illusory.

From the Golden Book of Divination author Sudina Natalia

Hexagram No. 31 Interaction (Connection) B. Kh. state of mind where you are, usually accompanied by luck and success. You are tuned to a good “wave”. Several unexpected and very beneficial events for you are approaching, almost every step you take will bring good luck.

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Hexagram #40 Release (Liberation) BH You have gone through a long period of anxiety and trouble. This period has come to an end. Work will be successful again. Act immediately, otherwise you will miss the opportunity to achieve a great result. Some

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Hexagram No. 41 Loss (Decrease) B. H. What you give to others today, fate will return to you tomorrow with interest. Perhaps now it seems to you that you are too wasteful, giving too much to others, but this impression will soon pass and you will be generous.

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People have always wanted to know their future or how this or that situation will end, what to expect from a certain person. They asked about all this, referring to the Book of Changes. What is this book?

Book of Changes

In the third millennium BC, Emperor Fu Xi ruled China. He loved long walks in nature, because during a walk you can calmly think, philosophize, talk about the meaning of life and the structure of the world. One day his path passed by a river where he saw a turtle. On the shell of the tortoise, straight and broken lines were drawn, which were folded into certain symbols. The emperor copied a trigram (half of a hexagram). Then, remaining alone, he created one hexagram each, added them to general scheme. This is how 64 hexagrams were obtained, filled with a special philosophical meaning. Judging on them, the emperor filled them with interpretations that revealed the secret of revealing various situations. And so the “Book of Changes” appeared, which predicts the development of various situations and the way out of them.

Hexagram 45

There are 64 hexagrams in the "Book of Changes", each of them carries a clue to the situation in which a person has fallen. "Book of Changes" - 45 hexagram, what she talks about, let's try to figure it out.

Reunion hexagram - CUI - it consists of six lines - two solid and four intermittent, each of them means something. This hexagram has another meaning - “king”, in the “Book of Changes”, it sounds like this:

Accomplishment. The king approaches the inhabitants of the temple (to the spirits of the ancestors). Favorable meeting with a great man. Favorable stamina. A great sacrifice is needed, then happiness. It's good to have somewhere to speak.

Let's try to figure out what it means.

The king, in Chinese traditions, is the representative of all the fathers of the people, both living and departed. This is the reunion of all in one, and there is strength and wisdom that makes a king at this time a great man.

If this hexagram falls out during fortune-telling, then the time has come for actions that will certainly end in a positive result. All the efforts that were made to achieve the goal will not be in vain. No one can become an obstacle to the fulfillment of the goal. If all the rules of the hexagram are observed and the necessary sacrifice is made, the result will not be long in coming.

Each outline of the hexagram directs to certain actions, they add up to the general meaning indicated above, let's figure out what these outlines mean. Lines are numbered from below.

The first is the weakest, intermittent feature - this means that this is the first step towards achieving the goal - reunion. But it's still not clear if there could be changes, as in better side, and at worst, all the hands of a fortuneteller, but do not be afraid, fear is a bad ally. The meaning of this first trait in the Book of Changes is:

Weakness in the beginning.

If you are truthful, but not completely,

it can be both confusion and reunion.

Then you will exclaim, but everyone will immediately gather, and there will be laughter.

Don't be afraid. If you go, there will be no blasphemy.

The second line, also broken, means that even if one of the parties participating in the reunification takes an active position, and the other is indifferent, the reunion will still come, despite the obstacles. And if everything goes well, no big sacrifices will be required, since the point is not in quantity, but in the sincerity with which the sacrifice was made. In the Book of Changes, this situation is described in the following words:

Weak trait in second place.

Let yourself be carried away, and there will be happiness.

There will be no bullshit.

If you are truthful, then it favors the need

make even a small sacrifice.

The third dashed line is also weak, the process has not yet been approved, a more favorable moment of the second line could have been used. At this stage, a crisis can still occur and everything will not go as we would like.

The interpretation from the Book of Changes is as follows:

Weak trait in third place.

Reunion and sighs.

Nothing favorable.

If you speak, then there will be no blasphemy,

and there will be only a small regret.

The fourth feature is solid, strong, affirming the moment of reunion. After a long journey through crises and doubts, the possibility of a favorable completion of the ascent to the goal arose. This line says:

Strong feature in fourth place.

Great happiness. There will be no bullshit.

The fifth feature says that the one who passed the test and deservedly took the place of the winner in this battle for reunification suddenly loses the trust of others. No need to despair, he knows that the truth was his assistant in achieving his goal. You need to steadfastly go through this situation, knowing that the truth is behind him, and in the end everything will fall into place. Who is right, will set the time. The Book of Changes describes this position as follows:

Strong trait in fifth place.

Reunion with the one who occupies the throne.

There will be no bullshit. If there is still no trust,

then be steadfast from the beginning and forever,

then repentance will disappear.

The sixth line is intermittent, completing the hexagram - it is favorable, but shaky, in the sense that a person experiences this completion as a drama, personal grief. No need to be upset, everything is going well and the completion of the reunion ended in success. Therefore, the "Book of Changes", deciphering this line means that:

Above is a weak feature.

Complaints, and groans, and tears - up to a runny nose.

There will be no bullshit.

Canon - "Book of Changes" - this is very interesting, if you need to find out how the current situation will end, you can use this fortune-telling using coins or online. Guessing according to the "Book of Changes", you can find the right way out of the situation.

The Chinese "Book of Changes", hexagram 45 is an advice to patiently go towards the intended goal, without doubts and looking back. If you follow the advice of divination, where this hexagram fell out, you can find out that the situation will end successfully. Basically, all hexagrams teach first of all patience. You never need to rush, do everything deliberately, everything has its time, it will judge and reconcile - this is the philosophical teaching of the Book of Changes.