How to transfer a child from one school to another. How to transfer a child to another school? Step by step description of the procedure and recommendations. Warning signs to look out for

The brain and psyche of the child are at the stage of development: during this period a large amount of information is received, skills are formed, knowledge and experience are acquired. That is why children are more acute than adults in need of stability. For an example, it is enough to remember how a kid asks to tell the same fairy tale every evening and constantly corrects if the parent has even slightly moved away from the original version.

Such behavior - defense mechanism of the child's psyche, which seeks at least at the end of the day to get a portion of something familiar. Because of this feature, changing a school or other team can become truly painful for a child. How to prevent this? In the article we will talk about how to act in such a situation.

What is the danger of changing the team

Go to new school or a section inevitably entails a radical change in the situation: a new building, a different team of peers and teachers, the absence of old friends. This causes discomfort even in adults, and in children it is greatly enhanced due to the already mentioned features. If the child does not understand or rejects the need to move to another educational institution, this can lead to:

  • isolation, sometimes to complete withdrawal "into yourself", if the boy or girl is prone to introversion;
  • aggression and accusations towards parents;
  • drop in academic performance;
  • apathy, loss of appetite, deterioration of well-being, and even frequent and prolonged illnesses (psychosomatic mechanisms are triggered, that is, dissatisfaction at the psychological level leads to real bodily disorders);
  • severe depression, or vice versa, excessive and unnatural cheerfulness;
  • bad behavior, ignoring previously established rules (doing homework, returning from a walk at a certain time, doing housework, etc.).

The situation is most acutely experienced by young children and adolescents, since during these periods the psyche is in a state of transition to a new level of development and is especially unstable. In some cases, obvious manifestations may be absent, but they will be noticeable to the observant parent in reducing the general background of the child's mood, some understatement in his conversation.

To reduce stress levels for children from a change of school and team, it is necessary to prepare them well for this and show patience.

Parent Actions

First of all, think about whether it is necessary to change the section or move to a new school. If the reason is the lack of “eliteness” of the former educational institution or dissatisfaction with the work of one of the teachers, it is worth looking for another way out of their situation. Of course, only if the child himself likes everything.

If, for objective reasons, a change of team cannot be avoided, the following should be done:

Explain to the child why and why it is necessary

Talk to him and gently and, most importantly, honestly tell about the reasons forcing you to do this. This should be done even if the children are still very small: just in this situation, you should pay a little more attention to the wording. Start this preparation in advance so that the child has time to get used to the idea of ​​changing the team.

It is important to mention this as a settled matter: this will avoid a situation where he cherishes the hope to the last that such a need will disappear, and then experiences disappointment when it does happen.

Talk about your own feelings

Do not be shy to share your experiences with the children, to note that the current situation is unpleasant for you, but it is necessary to survive it. This will allow the child to understand that moving him to a new place is not just your whim. In addition, having a frank conversation about feelings will help to get closer and face difficulties together.

Offer your help and support

However, it is also important not to overdo it in this matter: for example, you should not look for friends for the boy and be an intermediary when he meets his peers. It would rather add to the awkwardness of his position. Such steps should be taken only after consultation with the children themselves.

Find positive moments

Try to look at the situation from a different angle and share it with your child. You can do a joint search for the advantages of moving to another team: expanding the circle of acquaintances; a good friend who visits the same House of Creativity; a shorter road to the educational institution and the release of time for more important and interesting things; the proximity of the new school to the cinema, which you can look into after classes, etc.

Keep in touch with old friends

It is very important for children to keep in touch with old good acquaintances. Of course, over time, friends will be found in a new place, but this will not happen immediately. Most likely, at first the child will feel very uncomfortable. Especially if the new team with its connections has been formed for a long time.

It is recommended to allocate funds for telephone calls and even trips if friends are staying in another city. This will show the child that the parents do not want to deprive him of his previous acquaintances and care about his well-being in every sense.

Changing schools and teams is almost always stressful for both children and adults. However, joint efforts, patience and understanding can make this situation painless and even pleasant, as it will allow you to see new horizons and get even closer to parents with their child.

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Hello dear moms and dads! How do you feel about change? Are you ready to easily change your place of work or city of residence, or are you conservative, with difficulty agreeing to a change in living conditions, and only when it’s completely “locked in”?

Sometimes the situation develops in such a way that without a change in the way of life, well, it’s impossible. And not only we have to adapt, children also become hostages of changes. They have to leave the educational institutions they are used to and the friends they have found there. Of course, all organizational issues are shifted to the shoulders of the parents.

What to do if it became necessary to change the place of study and how to transfer the child to another school with the least loss of time and nerves - that's what the discussion will be about today on the ShkolaLa blog.

Lesson plan:

Why should you leave school?

In order to change the place of study, to which the child is already accustomed, there may be several reasons.


Often you have to leave your favorite teachers and classmates in connection with the move. People by family circumstances changing regions and cities. In this case, the whole habitual way of life can change.

Status of the educational institution

Parents tend to transfer children who succeed in the school curriculum from ordinary schools to gymnasiums and specialized educational institutions with in-depth study of individual subjects. Whether it is worth blowing up the brain of a child or you can attract tutors, leaving the student in his usual conditions, is up to you to decide at the family council.

Problematic relationships

Difficulties with mutual understanding can arise not only between peers. By the way, this is the easiest to solve, and persuasive conversations with bullies usually lead to the subsidence of conflicts.

Harder to find mutual language with a teacher who decided that he could only pressure a child because he was older and had the power of a teacher. Here, parents are usually categorically opposed to seeking the truth and leaving the child in the same school.

Whatever the reason lies in the need to change the educational institution, two questions immediately arise: when? And How?

Choosing a school

If this is not a planned transition to a specific educational institution, which is stronger than the previous one, then carefully and with due balance of all the “pros” and “cons” we select a school.

What and who can help us here? Word of mouth is a serious and reliable assistant.

We pick up notebooks with contacts and call all possible and impossible acquaintances, get recommendations and advice from experienced people. In addition, we carefully study school sites, look at ratings and reviews. We sketched a few places where to go to study. What's next?

The teachers themselves advise parents who want to transfer their child to another educational institution to determine the criteria for potential places of study:

  • the location is much more convenient if you don’t have to travel to school by transport, leaving the house in the dark and returning home almost at night;
  • specialization - you need to be aware that the child will be able to study according to the school curriculum;
  • prestige and reputation teaching staff and his qualifications, material and technical base - if we change, then why not for the best?

So, we take a piece of paper, write down those schools that, after telephone conversations with friends, were included in the preliminary list, and mark them with our own priorities.

Well, the picture has been drawn. We are planning a trip to school to get to know each other better. What can be solved by a visit?

  1. Firstly, you will know firsthand if there are free places in the school. It is important! Since in the absence of free places, the school administration has the right to refuse you.
  2. Secondly, you will see with your own eyes, so to speak, the contingent that the child will face. Eavesdropping, of course, is not good, but not in this case. So, in passing, listen to the conversations of schoolchildren, especially high school students. If at each corner of the corridor the ear cuts, then it is better to delete the school from the list.
  3. Third, take a look at appearance, design and cleanliness, the presence of security and other organizational structure. To make a preliminary conclusion about the activity of the school and the progress of students will allow the stands, where the educational institution puts its successes on display.

After such visits, your list of schools should be reduced to the proper minimum.

When can they send and what to do about it?

Everything is fine, a suitable school has been chosen, you intend to pack your portfolio, but they are not waiting for you. Why does this happen?

  • Even when there are free places in the school, you need to remember that if you decide to enter an educational institution not by registration, you will get there according to the residual principle. The administration is obliged to accept first of all those children who live nearby and are assigned to this place of study. There will be vacancies - welcome.

On a note! Of course, I have no right to advise this, but it is the place to be! Many agree with acquaintances about temporary registration at the address they need for the school and end up in the desired educational institution in accordance with the law.

On a note! As a rule, admission to such institutions is a conscious step of parents. Prepare in advance and involve tutors to improve the quality of knowledge. Collect a portfolio of the child's merits and characteristics - this will be a help and will be a plus when choosing among other applicants.

By the way, you can transfer your child to another school at any time. Usually parents do this before the start of the school year, in August, or in the middle school year when halfway through. If circumstances do not press, wise mothers and fathers do not do this in the spring, allowing them to calmly move to another class.

We collect documents

Well, the school has been chosen, the approval has been received from the director, a new stage of the transfer of the child begins - the collection required documents. At the previous place of study, we write an application for deduction addressed to the director and pick up:

- private bussiness;

- a document on academic performance, certified by the signature of the director and the seal of the school;

- a medical record filled in by the school doctor with data on examinations and vaccinations.

All of the above, taking your passport with you, we bring to the new place of study and write an application for enrollment, on the basis of which an order is issued within three working days.

On a note! In the former school, the application may require confirmation that you will be accepted in another place, so it is better to take a certificate from there signed by the director in advance.

Since 2009, it has become possible to apply for the transfer of a child to another school through the public services portal, while asking questions of interest to the leadership of the educational institution.

Today, almost all regions of Russia have joined the Internet services for the appeal of citizens. Is it possible to apply without leaving home, in your city, you can easily find out on the official website by selecting the desired region.

To make it easy in the new school

It takes time for a child to adapt to a new environment. Here are some tips to make things easier for the student.

  • Try to schedule the transfer of the school for the summer so that the child begins the school year with all future classmates. He may not be the only newcomer.
  • Introduce the child to the school and teachers in advance, when meeting with class teacher point out weaknesses and strengths schoolboy.
  • Discuss the transition to school at home actively, collect a package of documents together.
  • Find reasons for your child to meet with former classmates and teachers. So the transition will be smooth and less burdensome. The most ideal option is to make friends with old and new classmates.
  • Set the child not to be aggressive towards new acquaintances, but also not to curry favor with them. Children do not like either of these from beginners. Actively participate in class trips to nature and cultural places.

If you have experience transferring to other schools, please share what challenges you had to face. For someone your experience may be useful.

Wishing you no fear of change!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.


Transferring a child to another school is possible for the following reasons:
desire of the parents of the child;
closure of the former school, including due to the revocation of the license.
You can transfer your child to any school, but subject to the following rules:
vacancies in this school;
children who live in the territory assigned to this educational organization have a priority right to enter school.
If the reason for the transfer to another school was the desire of the parents of the child, then the following steps should be taken.

Negotiate with the principal of the new school about the possibility of enrolling your child. It is advisable to get written confirmation that your child will be accepted at the new school.

Write a statement at the school where your child is still studying, about his expulsion. This document is written on behalf of a minor student by one of his parents. Please provide the following information in your application for deduction:
Name of the child and date of birth;
the class in which he is studying;
the name of the new school where your child plans to study (if the transfer to another school is associated with moving to another city, then it is enough to indicate locality).
Please note that the school may also ask you for a document that confirms the acceptance of your child at another school. In this case, you can provide a letter from the new school, which indicates the possibility of transferring your child to a new school.

After receiving your application, the head of the old school will issue a document that will indicate that your child has been expelled in order to transfer to a new school. It will also include the name of the new school.

When transferring to another school, you will need to pick up the following documents from the former educational institution:
personal file of the child;
a document that reflects information about the student's progress in the current year (the document must be certified by the seal of the former school and the signature of its head or a person authorized by him).

August is the last month of summer. At this time, the active preparation of children for the new school year begins. For some schoolchildren, the end of summer can be marked by such a serious life situation like a transfer to another school. Recently, the procedure for transferring from one school to another has been simplified, and there are more and more reasons for this. Many schools announce additional enrollments of students, the children themselves show an increased interest in certain school subjects, which necessitates the transition to specialized schools that provide an opportunity to study in depth foreign languages, biology, chemistry or mathematics.

In addition to these reasons, there is also a change of residence factor, when transferring a child to another school becomes forced measure. But this does not mean at all that the new school should be worse than the previous one. Not at all! The move should open new perspectives for you and your child so that the changes will only benefit you! In this article, we will talk about how to quickly and without hassle transfer a child to the chosen school, and how to adapt the child's psyche to new learning conditions in order to help him quickly and easily get used to a new place.

Documents for transfer to another school

The transfer of a child from school to school is carried out in 3 stages. Stage 1 - finding a suitable school and obtaining confirmation of the readiness of the educational institution to accept your child for study. If you change schools within your area, which is assigned to your chosen school, you cannot be denied. This is possible only if there are no vacancies. If you change the school to one located in another district of your city, then enrollment will take place after everyone who wants to be assigned to this school district is enrolled. Remember that you can submit 3 applications for enrollment in different schools if they are located where your child lives, and only 2 applications if the school is located in another area.

If you plan to transfer your child to a specialized school, lyceum or gymnasium, then your student will need to pass an interview with teachers and a psychologist (when enrolling in primary school), testing in specialized subjects (in high school) or pass exams (in high school). In case of successful completion of all tests and if there is a free place, your child is enrolled in the class. The new school, represented by the director, writes an order for the admission of the child to study, indicating the date of admission and class. This order is signed by the director of the school and certified by a seal, after which the parents carry it to the director of the old school.

Along with the order to enroll a student in a new school, parents bring to the director of the old school an application for expulsion from the school where the child is studying. Based on these papers, an order is prepared to expel the student from his school, and the parents are issued the following documents for transfer to another school:

  • child's private matter
  • a document on the student's progress (an extract from the class journal, diaries, etc.), necessarily certified by the seal of the school and the signature of its director,
  • child's medical record.

Further, the parents of the child provide the new school with all of the above documents, an application for enrollment based on a transfer from the old school and the original passport of mom or dad with registration. Within 3 days, the school issues an order to enroll a new student.

Another nuance: when enrolling in a new school, its administration may ask you to make a charitable entrance fee. Its size should be affordable for the family, and the impossibility of paying it cannot be a reason for refusing to enroll. If you decide to pay this fee, then you need to do this only by bank transfer through a non-profit foundation that cooperates with the selected school. This completes the enrollment process. Your child may start attending classes at a new school.

child in a new school

Of course, the transition to another school is stressful not only for parents, but first of all for the child himself! Moreover, adaptation is necessary junior schoolchild as well as high school students. As you know, a child's psyche is more flexible than an adult's, so it is quite easy for a child to adapt to new conditions. The main thing is to help him cope with the changes that have come in time. Teachers of the new school, a psychologist, old friends of your child should be involved in this process. However, most of the burden falls on the shoulders of the student and his parents.

The transition to a new school is marked for the child by the need to join a completely new team for him, where all social roles and tasks have already been distributed. In addition, he has to adapt to new learning conditions - the way to school, the classroom, the environment in the classroom, etc. Most likely, at first the child in the new school will feel awkward and uncomfortable, he may remember the old school, friends left in the class, be afraid of new teachers and it is not easy to get used to learning process. The most important thing that parents can do during the adaptation period is to help and support their student in every possible way, listen carefully to the child when he talks about his fears, fears and worries, try to dispel them or suggest what should be done in this or that situation. During the adaptation period, the child should not make excessive demands, be calm about mood swings, possible isolation or harshness in communication at home.

How easily a child adapts to a new school also depends on his character: if the child is good at change, likes to get to know each other and easily makes contact, the transition to a new school will be an adventure for him, and adaptation will be easy. If the child is anxious or withdrawn, it will be more difficult for him to get used to it.

We will give you some general tips on how to make the transition to a new school easier and easier.

Tip #1 - try to change schools in the summer so that on September 1 your student will go to a new school with her students. In this case, all children summer holidays adapt to the learning environment, and adaptation is easier, because not only your child, but also all other children need to join the school rhythm.

Tip #2 - Introduce your child to the new school in advance, come on vacation and wander around the building, get to know the teachers and the class teacher, introduce your child to them, and also tell the teachers about his characteristics, strengths and weaknesses.

Tip #3 – Actively talk about transitioning to a new school at home, talk about positive prospects, gather together the necessary school supplies so that the child does not complex due to the lack of something necessary.

Tip #4 - Encourage your child to connect with old friends, showing that the old life is not over, and he can freely communicate with friends outside of school hours. It will be great if, over time, your child will make acquaintances in a new class, and you will be able to combine both companies.

Tip #5 - To avoid ridicule and negative displays from new classmates, advise your child to be himself, not to curry favor with new classmates, but also not to be hostile to them. At first, it is best to behave benevolently, but not to impose friendship on anyone, but to carefully look at the new guys.

Tip number 6 - if it is customary in a new class to periodically go on excursions, go to the cinema or to exhibitions, be sure to give your child the opportunity to participate in these extracurricular activities. In such a relaxed atmosphere, it is easiest to make new friends.

Tip number 7 - go to the nearest Parent meeting and try to build a good relationship with the parents of the students.

Tip number 8 - set up a daily routine for your student, make sure that the child eats and sleeps enough, because if he does not get enough sleep, he will fall asleep in class and not keep up with the overall pace of work in the class, which will negatively affect his self-esteem. Enroll your child in the section according to his interests so that the day is busy not only with studies, but also with activities that are interesting to him. Make sure that the child spends time outside for harmonious mental and physical activity. If the baby is overly worried, consult a pediatrician and drink the Tenoten baby sedative, which will help stabilize nervous system child and facilitate adaptation. We wish your student successful studies!

The question of how to transfer a child to another school may arise in different circumstances.

This may be a family move, a desire to get a better education, the need to leave the old institution.

Whatever the reason, the pattern for transferring children remains the same.

How to transfer a child to another school

First you need to make sure that the school that the parents have chosen has places available and the child can be accepted.

Usually problems arise if the transfer is carried out in the middle of the school year.

Since all classes are formed in the summer, there may not be room for a new person.

Reasons for refusing to accept a student can be:

  1. Lack of places: at the same time, the school must have all the conditions for accepting children living in the territory assigned to it. In other words, when the family moves to a new place of residence, the local school, to which this house is assigned, must accept the child. Therefore, the student must be registered at the new place of residence.
  2. Lack of certain skills in a student: if a child wants to enter an institution with in-depth study any discipline, sports school or arts school, he must demonstrate the necessary skills. In their absence, the commission may refuse.

Good to know: article 67 of the Federal Law-273 is responsible for the transition of a student between educational institutions.

What is needed for translation

In order for the baby to be accepted, parents must take the documents from the old school and transfer them to the new one.

But not everything is so simple: the administration of the institution needs confirmation that the child is being transferred to a new place, and does not stop studying forever.

Note: Russian law states that school education is compulsory, and therefore schools are obliged to ensure that all children receive it, regardless of the desire of them and their parents.

Therefore, parents first need to contact the new school and get confirmation of accepting the baby in the class. This may be an order for enrollment or a contract concluded for private institutions.

On their basis, a certificate of enrollment is issued: together with an application for expulsion from an educational institution, it is transferred to the “old” administration. The application must also state the reason. After that, documents will be issued.

You can also make the transition through the portal of the State Services. This will require:

  1. Register on the site.
  2. Choose a school from those attached to the area.
  3. Find information about the recruitment of schoolchildren and write an application electronically.

Required documents

Each school will have its own list of documents depending on the requirements of the administration.

It mainly consists of:

  1. Applications for enrollment: a sample can be taken on the spot.
  2. Birth certificate or passport if it has already been issued to the student.
  3. Passport of one of the parents.
  4. personal affairs and brief description from the class teacher: this will help teachers get to know the newcomer.
  5. A medical card and a document confirming the presence of vaccinations: this will prove that the student is not contagious and will not become infected from other children.
  6. Statements with annual marks, if the transfer occurs at the end of the year. It is a diploma or a diary. If the transition takes place in the middle of the year, a statement of assessments must be presented.

Consider: if the family moves to another city and cannot receive documents in this way, it is better for them to discuss with the administration of the old school in advance the possibility of transferring papers - for example, through the mail or upon presentation of a copy of the enrollment certificate.

Is it worth translating

It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to this question, since everything depends on the reasons for the transfer.

If the whole family has moved to another locality or district of the city, the student will not physically be able to attend the old class, and he will have to transfer. If the new place of residence is located near the old one, the transfer is not required.

The same applies to other reasons: for example, the desire to give the baby a better education (for example, by transferring to a private school or with a bias) may help the child later on admission, but the lack of friends in the early days is unlikely to be beneficial.

Take note: it is worth visiting the school with your child in advance, getting to know the class teacher and the class - this will help you quickly adapt to a new place.

The desire of the student will also play an important role in the decision: if he does not like the new place, or he does not want to leave his friends, adaptation can be seriously hampered. It is worth discussing everything with him in advance, explaining the need for translation.

When is the best time to translate?

The best option would be the beginning of the school year: after the holidays, schoolchildren come to new classes and meet new people.

This will help you get to know your classmates faster and make friends.

It will also be easier for the teacher, especially if the family first gets to know all the teachers.

The second most popular time is the beginning of the holidays: a break before studying will help the teacher get to know a new student.

Note: particularly note the winter vacation: New Year and the new quarter promote familiarity.

But the transfer of a child in the middle of the term may seem stressful not only for him, but for the whole class. The child will have to not only make friends, but adjust to the new pace of the program and get used to the teachers, which can affect academic performance.

The transition of a student to a new educational institution almost always brings stress for the baby: he will have to get used to a new place, friends and teachers.

To make the transition as painless as possible, you should get to know the teachers and the class teacher in advance, show the student the future school, and also make a translation by the beginning of the school year.

Watch a video that explains how to transfer a child to another school through the State Service portal: