Tyumen Medical College how many budget places.  Admission Committee. Required documents for admission

Many schoolchildren and graduates of previous years wish to enter a medical educational institution, put on a white coat and gain the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills in order to continue to help sick and needy people. In the capital Tyumen region this dream is quite realistic to realize. In this city, there is an exact medical address: Kholodilnaya Street, 81).

A little about the educational institution

Story educational institution started in 1921. In accordance with the decision of the Tyumen provincial executive committee, a medical school was created in the city. It existed until 1992. Then the school was reorganized into a college. Another event happened in 2013. Yalutorovsky joined the educational institution Medical College.

Over the years of its existence, the educational institution has produced a huge number of paramedics, midwives, nurses, laboratory technicians, pharmacists, dental hygienists. At the moment, more than 1 thousand students study at the college. They are taught by highly qualified teachers.

Required documents for admission

Applicants who have chosen a medical college (Tyumen) must submit a package of documents to the selection committee. It includes:

  • completed application for admission;
  • passport;
  • certificate or diploma of the state sample;
  • a conclusion issued after passing a mandatory preliminary medical examination;
  • four small photographs.

In order to participate in the competition, you can submit either the original certificate (diploma) or its certified copy to the selection committee. However, upon successful completion of the entrance examinations, you will need to bring the original document for enrollment. It will be kept in the student's personal file during the entire period of study.

Admission after 9th grade

Many applicants are interested in whether it is possible to enter a medical college (Tyumen) after the 9th grade. Specialties ninth-graders and their parents are trying to find out in the selection committee. It should be noted that in almost all Russian colleges not only people who have completed 11 classes are accepted for training. For some specialties, 9th grade graduates are recruited. The exception is Tyumen honey. college. You can enter here only after the end of 11 classes.

Ninth-graders of Tyumen who want to work in the field of medicine in the future should think about continuing their education until grade 11. After graduation, you can try to enter a medical college (Tyumen). Otherwise, you will need to go to any other locality. In the cities of the region there are medical colleges that accept students after the 9th grade.

Admission after 11th grade

People who have completed 11 classes can enter the Tyumen Medical College in one of 7 specialties:

  • medical business;
  • obstetrics;
  • laboratory diagnostics;
  • nursing;
  • pharmacy;
  • preventive dentistry;
  • orthopedic dentistry.

In any of these areas, you can study only full-time. The other is provided only for the specialty "Nursing". The term of study at the Department of General Medicine is 3 years and 10 months. Students who choose to receive knowledge for 1 year and 10 months. In other areas, the duration of training is 2 years and 10 months.

The College of Medicine (Tyumen) also invites applicants to get a working profession "Junior in Nursing". The duration of training is much shorter compared to the above specialties. It is only 10 months old.

Entrance tests

When entering the Tyumen Medical College, no exams are required. The admission committee also does not take into account USE results. For admission to an educational institution, a competition of certificates is held. The exception is orthopedic dentistry. Upon admission, applicants pass a creative test - modeling and drawing. However, students are not recruited every year.

Regarding the competition of certificates, it is worth noting that each applicant has a specific score. It is defined very simply. First, all the grades available in the certificate are added up. The resulting number is divided by the number of items. The result is a score that is included in the rating. The best applicants are enrolled in a medical college in Tyumen after grade 11, taking into account the number of places (as an example, the table for 2016‒2017 is given below).

Cost of education

Prices should be specified upon admission. The data is updated annually. One of the most popular areas in the college is "Medicine". Tuition fees for 2016-2017 amounted to 49,700 rubles. The most expensive specialty in an educational institution is orthopedic dentistry. The price for one academic year is 60,700 rubles.

Those applicants of the Tyumen Medical College who choose the working profession of a junior medical doctor pay the least. nursing sisters. The educational institution for 2016‒2017 has set the tuition fee equal to 12,800 rubles.

Provision of places in the hostel

College of Medicine (Tyumen) has a hostel. It is located on Energetikov street, 37a. The house includes 5 floors. For students of the educational institution, only the 4th floor is allocated. There are 13 rooms in total. 2-3 people live in each of them. On the floor, students can use a shared kitchen, shower room, sanitary room, toilet, separate lounge.

Each year, new students are allocated a small number of places. They are distributed only among orphans and people from low-income families. For example, for persons enrolled in an educational institution in 2016‒2017 academic year, only 6 seats were allocated.

College Scholarships

Students studying at full-time at the expense of the regional budget, they can receive funds. Those who study "good" and "excellent" and have no academic debt receive a state academic scholarship. Students in need of financial assistance are awarded a state social scholarship.

Students of the Tyumen Medical College receive cash benefits once a month. Scholarships are awarded by the 26th of each month. Students who receive satisfactory grades will not receive an academic allowance.

Thus, the College of Medicine (Tyumen) is an excellent place to study for those people who wish to work in clinics, hospitals and provide medical care needy. It is not difficult to enter here, because you do not need to pass any exams. Only grades in the certificate are taken into account. You should not just forget that after the 9th grade you are not admitted to the medical college in Tyumen.

The College of Medicine is the place to get one of the oldest professions in the world. After all, medicine was born almost with the birth of mankind. The college honors the history of ancestors and maintains the eternal traditions and rules of medical practice: "Do no harm!", "Do everything for the benefit of the patient."

The college provides the best conditions for mastering the basic medical specialties at the level of the average specialist. But how qualified and professional a person becomes depends only on himself. Only hardworking and purposeful students study here.

But entertainment is also available for all students. The college constantly holds creative competitions, performances, intellectual competitions and sports competitions.

In almost all areas, only full-time education works. Part-time form available in the specialty "Nursing".

Time spent in college depends on the specialty and basic level student education. The period of study can range from 10 months to almost 4 years. Educational process to see each other in the state Russian language.

The material equipment of the college is located in good condition. There are several educational buildings, a separate gym, a sports ground, a research laboratory, manipulation rooms, models for practical exercises.

The director is Makarova Marina Mikhailovna.

Address of the medical college: Tyumen, st. Refrigeration, 81.

The college guarantees students a high-quality secondary medical education in the chosen specialty and a state diploma. The education received ensures a high demand for our graduates in medical and preventive and pharmaceutical organizations in Tyumen, Tyumen (including autonomous regions) and other areas.

The college operates in a typical 4-storey educational and administrative brick building, has a material and technical base with an area of ​​7723 square meters. m, including: 7 lecture halls, 30 classrooms, 9 laboratories, an assembly hall with an area of ​​193 sq. m for 150 seats, a gym area of ​​270 sq. m, a library with a reading room for 42 seats, a dining room for 90 seats, a canteen, a first-aid post and other educational and auxiliary facilities necessary for organizing the educational process in all specialties. There are more than 10 sq.m. for one full-time student. educational and laboratory area.

In addition, practical classes in the specialties "Obstetrics" and "Nursing" are held on the basis of simulation center college. The center is equipped with modern phantoms and dummies; students have the opportunity to perform practical manipulations in conditions close to the conditions of health care facilities: treatment rooms, dressing room, delivery room. The center is equipped with multimedia equipment, which makes it possible to increase the level of visibility and interactivity of teaching aids.

TYUMEN MEDICAL COLLEGE, founded in 1921 as a medical and obstetric school. Forestry technical school Since 1926 - obstetric technical school, since 1929 - medical. technical school, since 1931 - medical. polytechnic, since 1934 - medical assistant-obstetric school, since 1954 - medical. uch-shche, since 1992 - honey. college. Teaches in the specialties: "Medicine", "Obstetrics", "Medical-Prophylactic. business”, “Dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, laboratory diagnostics, orthopedic dentistry”. There are basic and advanced levels of education in the specialties "Medicine", "Obstetrics", "Pharmacy", "Nursing", "Laboratory diagnostics".

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