How to choose where to enter after 11. Online test for a profession: Which profession to choose? The most promising professions for girls

AND last call, and the exams are over, which means it's time to think about where to go to study after grade 11. Girls face a difficult choice, puzzled by the question - what professions are by far the most profitable.

You have to make a difficult choice, the correctness of which will directly depend further fate graduates. Often the decision is influenced by the opinion of friends who offer to enter the same company for the company. educational institution as they are to make it more fun. Parents also try in every possible way to exert pressure, citing their own experience as arguments.

Of course, it’s worth listening to the opinion of adults, but it’s still more correct to leave the right to choose, so that later you don’t regret anything and don’t reproach your parents that you imagined your future in a completely different way.

Before making a final decision in favor of a particular profession, it is good to have a clear idea about it, weighing all the pros and cons.

Not all vacancies presented on the labor market are in demand today, which means that finding a job will not be as easy as we would like.

You can simplify the task immediately discarding unnecessary options. If your plans do not include leaving your usual place of residence, and you will enter one of the educational institutions in your city, analyze what specialties are in demand there, and only then decide where exactly to go to study in order to apply the acquired knowledge for its intended purpose.

Career guidance is also important when choosing a profession. Each person has certain abilities and it is important for graduates to understand whether they would like to continue developing in this direction or not.

Of course, there is no single formula for choosing a specialization.

Therefore, it is worth determining individual inclinations by passing special tests. Perhaps this will help in choosing a field of activity.

What criteria should be followed when choosing a profession

  • pay attention to individual inclinations;
  • take into account your talent and abilities;
  • highlight your preferences
  • pay attention to the peculiarity of the character;
  • evaluate the expected benefits of specialization;
  • collect data regarding the relevance of the chosen specialty.

It is very important to choose a profession to your liking in order to go to work with joy, and not as hard labor.

If you think carefully, it is not at all necessary to pursue prestige by giving preference to newfangled or highly paid specialties.

You can become successful in any business, provided that you understand it.

Professionals not only receive good financial rewards for their work, but also enjoy respect, which is also nice.

You should never give up on your dream, even if nothing worthwhile comes out of this idea - it doesn’t matter. You can always relearn by learning something new.

Getting higher education

After graduating from the 11th grade, it is better to continue your studies at the University. Having higher education more likely to find a good job in the future.

If you wish, you can increase your chances of being enrolled by submitting documents to 5 educational institutions at once for 3 specialties in each.

To enter, you need not only to pass the exams well, but also to have a high GPA certificate. Some manage to combine study and part-time work.

Many institutes or universities conduct their own additional tests or examinations.

Most often this applies to professions related to art or sports, where professional or physical data are required.

Faculties conducting additional examinations

  • air navigation and aircraft operation;
  • architecture and urban planning;
  • medicine;
  • philology;
  • art and history;
  • design;
  • choreography;
  • directing;
  • vocals;
  • acting skills.

Faculties conduct their own individual examinations

A portfolio that contains all the important information and contains all the documents that give a complete picture of your capabilities will help to significantly increase your chances of admission.

The most popular specialties for girls

On the doorstep adult life, girls often think about where to go to study after grade 11 in order to get one of the most profitable professions in the future.

For those who remain to study in their locality, little will change in the usual way of life.

Real difficulties await those who enter a university located in another city. They will need to fully get used to independence.

(cooking, washing, cleaning, shopping). But even this is not the main thing. It is much more difficult to decide on the choice of a future profession.

Specialists of the employment service identified the most popular professions, which include:

  • personnel specialist;
  • clerk;
  • travel business;
  • hotel business;
  • interior designer;
  • manager (this profession is multifaceted);
  • auditor;
  • accountant;
  • economist;
  • doctor;
  • teacher;
  • lawyer;
  • translator;
  • psychologist.

The list can be continued for a long time. There are also profitable professions that can be easily mastered by girls by going to courses after grade 11, having studied as a nail service master, for example.

Or a beautician, or maybe a hairdresser. The advantage of these professions is obvious, you will definitely not be left without a job.

Moreover, having mastered this area, you will gain regular customers and be able to serve them in your free time from your main job, thereby having a good side job in addition to your main income.

Needlewomen can easily master the specialty of a seamstress. This is also a very promising direction with the opportunity to work on yourself in the future.

From a lover to experiment in the kitchen at the stove, you can get an excellent cook.

This profession is always in demand in the restaurant business, for example. And if you have business acumen, you can master management.

If we talk about fashionable and necessary professions, then it is worth taking a closer look at the work of a translator.

It opens up a lot of prospects, this is communication with interesting people and the opportunity to visit different countries the world and get to know their culture and customs.

In addition, the work of an interpreter is always adequately paid because the outcome of business meetings and negotiations directly depends on his efforts and knowledge of the language.

Marketer, this field of activity today is perhaps one of the most popular because all brands need to advertise their products and services. Competent IT specialists are also very much needed. These include:

  • system administrators;
  • web designers;
  • programmers and website developers.

The highest paid job for girls

Having gained experience and eventually becoming a professional in the following specialties, you will always be with money and business. For example, if you study to be a dentist.

After practicing for some time, and having proven yourself well, becoming a true master of your craft, interesting prospects await you in the future.

If you wish and competently organize your business, you can open your own dental office and work for yourself.

As an option, pay attention to specialties in the field of beauty. A cosmetologist is one of the most sought-after professions today, and it is also well paid. Another profession of the same direction is a manicurist.

Yes, of course, today there are many such specialists, but the demand for this type of service is constantly growing, and with it the influx of customers. Everyone wants to look good and always, so you definitely won’t be left without work.

An office manager is also one of the most profitable professions for girls. If you have not yet decided where to go to study after grade 11, consider this direction as well.

Having received an economic or legal education in this area, you can achieve a lot and move up the career ladder quite quickly.

The duties of an office plankton include working with documentation, compiling reports, selling goods and services, making calls to customers.

Choosing a profession is one of the most significant moments in a graduate's life. The right choice determines the interest in future work and training, income level, career advancement.

For the right choice of profession, the physiological and mental inclinations of the child, the demand for specialists in the labor market are important.

What affects the prestige of the profession:

  • Wage level.
  • Geographic location of the future place of work.
  • Additional bonuses (foreign business trips, shortened working hours, long holidays).

What must be taken into account when choosing a specialty:

  • interest in the chosen activity.
  • Correspondence of abilities and psyche to the peculiarities of the profession.

The choice of a profession is determined by the interest, prestige and gender of a person.

Eat women's professions and men's specialties. But most areas of education are suitable for both boys and girls.

Here is a list of professions that are equally interesting to men and women:

  1. Doctor.
  2. Lawyer, advocate.
  3. Teacher, trainer.
  4. Scientist, researcher.
  5. Bank employee.
  6. Journalist.
  7. Artist, musician.
  8. Designer, photographer, stylist.
  9. Manager.
  10. Farmer, gardener, agricultural worker.

List of specialties for girls

The female psyche is distinguished by the ability to be patient and perform routine work. Predominantly female professions are considered where they demonstrate appearance and attractiveness.

  • teacher lower grades And kindergarten, psychologist.
  • Nurse, pharmacist, nanny, nurse.
  • Hairdresser, beautician.
  • Secretary.
  • Accountant.
  • Seamstress.
  • Call center operator.
  • Dancer and actress.
  • Stewardess.
  • Model.

List of majors for boys

Professions that require endurance and physical strength, as well as specialties related to mechanisms and technical devices are considered purely masculine.

  • Military, policeman, firefighter, sailor, lifeguard, law enforcement officer.
  • Driver, locomotive driver, pilot
  • Miner, oilman.
  • Welder, turner, auto mechanic.
  • Butcher, chef.
  • Builder, loader.
  • Automotive engineer.
  • Specialist in assembling and configuring computers, creator computer programs, network administrator.

Professions at the institute (at the university) at the end of grade 11

Higher education is necessary where a large amount of theoretical and practical knowledge is used:

  • Middle and high school teacher, university lecturer.
  • Doctor of any profile.
  • An engineer in any specialty - automobiles, materials, processing technologies, etc.
  • Lawyer.

College, technical school, school - educational institutions of an average rank. They give a lot of real skills and abilities. A number of professions are difficult to obtain without prior training at a college or technical school. The difference between a college, a technical school and a school is the quality of general education.

College careers after 11th grade

College is a cross between a university and just a college. This is a secondary school with an application for high culture communication, with an in-depth education program and an increased scholarship. Here is a list of popular colleges.

  • To study at a music university (conservatory), you must graduate from a music college. The name of schools has been assigned to many medium-sized musical institutions, although in fact they are colleges.
  • College of Medicine - gives extra points for admission to medical school.
  • Acting College - often a stepping stone to admission to the specialty of the director.
  • College of Education - provides many real-world skills in teaching crafts and early childhood education.
  • Art College - gives useful skills in the field of artistic craft - fine art, design, computer graphics, architecture.

Professions in a technical school for students who have graduated from grade 11

A technical school is almost a college. It differs in that the high school course is not deepened. The technical school and college provide a good basis for further education at the university. Most technical schools produce technical specialists, give them real work skills and a decent level of education for future admission to the institute. Here are the popular types of colleges:

  • Building.
  • Engineering, industrial, electro-radio engineering.
  • Aviation, electric locomotive repair, transport.
  • Commercial technical school (prepares representatives of middle-ranking trade - managers, sales managers, marketers).
  • Agrarian.

Specialties in the school after 11 classes

A number of professional skills can only be given to a person by training in a vocational school. Vocational schools enjoy minimal prestige. The school gives knowledge of the trade, for which there is no need for higher education. Only real skills and abilities.

  • Workers in production and construction - welders and casters, builders and painters.
  • Employees Agriculture- Tractor drivers, cattle breeding specialists.
  • Catering workers - culinary specialists, cooks.
  • Service sector workers - hairdressers, cosmetologists.

The training here is short. A year later, the graduate becomes a specialist.

The issue of admission should be decided not by parents and teachers, but by the graduate. Their advice and reasoning is invaluable, but the final decision is made (without offense from relatives and teachers) by the adult himself.

Continuation. . .

For graduates of the 11th grade, there is a wider choice of professions than after the 9th grade, so a person can more accurately decide on future profession. These can be humanitarian areas, mathematical, history, biology, geography and social studies.

It all depends on the graduate and his preferences, in what he wants to realize himself, to find a use for himself - this is important, since the chosen profession will accompany him all his life.

Who to go to study after grade 11: a list of professions

Nowadays, there are no special distinctions between men and women, so a man can be a cook, designer, hairdresser, etc., and a girl can go to work as a builder, architect, policeman. A person is determined in advance with the direction, based on their inclinations and desires.

For example, if mathematical abilities are well developed, then you can go to study as a mathematician who researches and performs calculations in production and other organizations. Also, these are such specialties as a geologist, economist, programmer, inspector, work in the tax office, engineer.

If there is a tendency to humanities, then after grade 11 you can choose such specialties as history, philosophy, philology, politics and jurisprudence.

The latter directions are more prestigious, and therefore they are chosen by people who want to study law and be closer to power. In addition, there are social science specialties for boys and girls, both more prestigious and in demand. These are psychologists, diplomats, culturologists and lawyers.

Graduates with a historical and geographical background often dream of becoming meteorologists and geologists. The inclination and knowledge of mathematics and physics makes it possible to become an accountant, while knowledge of biology makes it possible not only to become a good biologist, but also a physician, veterinarian, astronomer or ecologist.

Professions for girls after grade 11

Modern girls want to be successful and self-confident, for which, after schooling, they enter the chosen profession and achieve their goals. This does not have to be a highly paid position, the main thing is to do what you love.

Women's professions today can be divided into several categories, suitable for character. For example, girls with a strong character can go to study as an architect, politician, military, cynologist, policeman, and talkative girls can study as a sales agent, manager, guide, journalist, host of the celebration or realtor.

Humanitarian destinations for girls provide an opportunity to choose medical specialties, the profession of a veterinarian, etc. Patient girls with the gift of teaching choose the professions of a teacher of senior or junior classes, a fitness trainer, a psychologist, a music teacher, a choreographer, etc.

The best professions for girls who value beauty are aesthetic, namely cosmetologists, web designers, photographers, stylists and designers.

Good and quite popular have always been such specialties as a secretary, administrator, accountant and librarian, which is referred to by more responsible types of girls.

Also, a graduate can choose creative professions or professions without education, which are referred to by girls who want to become mothers at the same time. These are drawing, eyelash extensions, florists, masseurs, singers and actors, PC operators, cooks, sellers, waiters, etc.

What profession to choose a guy

After the 11th grade, the young man thinks about where to go to study. Like a girl, he should not have an imposed profession, but it is advisable for him to refer to those that are more in demand in our time.

Some choose professions that allow them to quickly achieve something in life and climb the career ladder, while others refer to their skills and talents.

The most popular professions for men in our time are:

  • marketer;
  • lawyer;
  • programmer;
  • IT specialist;
  • analyst;
  • credit expert;
  • manager;
  • Web Designer;
  • Sales Representative;
  • doctor.

The choice is quite considerable, besides, if you add a list of creative, physical and mathematical, oil and other areas, then after the 11th grade everyone can find themselves.

If a young person has a well-developed drawing, then you should think about the profession of an architect, and if you have the ability for analytical and complex technical sciences, then you need to focus on them.

As for such a responsible specialty as a doctor, it is best for a young man to choose such a direction as surgery, dentistry, allergology and gynecology.


The choice of a suitable specialty for a young person entering higher education is not so simple, and can often depend on the economic situation in the region.

However, it should be understood that when choosing a specialty, you need to take into account the period of study and the fact that during this time the situation may change.

Every year the life of a child acquires everything large quantity problems. And sooner or later the moment comes when the question arises of where to go to study after grade 11.

Yes, the choice is not easy, because the fate of the next few years depends on it. And it’s good if parents help their child solve the problem, especially if it is possible to pay for tuition at prestigious universities.

What you should pay attention to

There are many options for where to go to study after grade 11, each of them has its pros and cons. The choice should depend not only on the sincere desire of the student, but also on his knowledge and interests.

The well-being of the family is also important, because it is not always possible to enter the budget. Therefore, it is best to consider several options and apply to more than one educational institution.

How to choose?

If you have not decided where to go to study after grade 11, then start with the following points:

1. Profession.

2. Place of study.

3. List of documents required for admission.

4. Enrollment rules.

Read them carefully. If you can deal with each of them, then you can easily choose where to go to study after the 11th grade.

Decide on a profession

Each educational institution will be able to make a student a specialist of a certain category and direction. Therefore, when choosing a place of further education, it is necessary to decide on the desired profession.

In this matter, it is worth focusing on interests, knowledge in a particular discipline. After all, choosing where you can go to study after grade 11, you should understand that from decision will depend on the coming years required for training. Of course, there is always the opportunity to change your specialty and try yourself in a different direction, but it’s still better to try to do right choice even at the very beginning.

In addition, it is worth realizing that the education received should contribute to the fastest employment, which will bring a suitable level of income.

List of the most demanded professions in the Russian Federation

When wondering where you can go to study after grade 11, be guided by the following list, which contains the most relevant working specialties today:



Engineers of various directions;



If you study and become a specialist in any of the areas listed above, then you will not have problems with employment.

Choosing a place to study

Certificate of form 086U (from a medical institution);

The original document of the state standard on the education received;

Six pieces of photos 3*4;

Certificate of USE results;

If there are benefits, then present documents confirming this.

In addition, it is worth providing other documents confirming the availability of certificates, thanks, etc.

If a guy enters, then at the time of enrollment, you will also have to present an additional draftee certificate or military ID.

Don't rush to choose

The decision on where to go to study after grade 11 for a guy should not be made even in one day. You need to carefully weigh the pros and cons. You can not focus only on the imaginary earnings of a particular profession.

After all, you can train a person for 5 years to become a lawyer, but he will never have the skills and abilities necessary for work. In the first place should always be the desire of the graduate to engage in a certain craft that would bring pleasure. Money in this case can not be put in the forefront.

Also, choosing where to go to study after the 11th grade for a girl, you can’t make a decision spontaneously. Not everyone will be able to master, for example, military profession(Today, girls are also admitted to such universities). The same goes for guys. If there is no talent and great desire, it is hardly worth it just to get a higher education, go to study as a teacher, a librarian, or master some other, "ladies", as it is now commonly believed, specialty.

In addition, it is necessary to expand the horizons of possible professions. After all, those possible types of work that were available to our parents at the time of their studies, today make up only a small part of all available options.

If earlier it was difficult to imagine a woman as a good diplomat, then in modern world such politicians are key figures on the world stage. You should not think only about a seamstress or a teacher, you can become a programmer, economist, doctor, photographer, designer, etc.

To make the right choice of where to go to study after grade 11, a girl needs to try to imagine herself a few years after graduating from a university or college. Will this option suit you, will you be satisfied with your choice, do you see yourself as a specialist in this direction? If you doubt even for a moment, then you should take your time and think over all the possible options again.

Summing up

After school, it is very important to make the right choice of where to go to study after grade 11 for a boy or a girl, in a word, for schoolchildren. Every school has its own psychologist who is always ready to offer several tests to help you make the right choice.

If there is no way to contact a specialist, then you can find similar tests on the Internet. But remember that they are only able to point you to your skills and abilities, and the choice of what to do and where to study it is always up to you.

And it doesn’t matter if it’s a university or a college - the main thing is that the knowledge and diploma you receive will help you take further steps in adulthood, and there will never be a regret about the years spent on education.

Occupation test online: Which profession to choose?

comprises 30 questions| rating 4.1 out of 5 points

Test for applicants. What profession should you go to study?
The eleventh grade is a very important period in the life of every student. At this time, you need to decide on the choice of a future profession. Universities today offer applicants a huge number of professions. And what do you want to be: a doctor, an economist, a designer, a programmer, or maybe a veterinarian? If you find it difficult to decide on your future profession, take our test, we hope it will help you make the right decision!

Psychological test What profession to choose? You can go online completely free of charge (without registration and without sending SMS). If possible, leave your review and rate. Have a good testing!

Occupation test reviews:

  • Dayana| Yekaterinburg
    Few questions

  • Yulianna| Ternovka
    Good test, helped me a lot

  • Catherine| Feodosia
    The test is good, but I will never go to a doctor or a veterinarian


  • Alina| Kharkiv
    I really wanted to become a landscape designer and the test was also offered this profession!!! THANK YOU