Where can you go after 9 in September. How to choose a profession at the end of nine classes. What women's and men's professions are most in demand

After the 9th grade, the girl will have to choose where to go to study further in order to subsequently become a representative of the most profitable profession in the labor market. The main problem is that the choice is huge. At this age, all the doors are still open to a person, but it is completely incomprehensible what is worth learning in order, on the one hand, to have a stable income, and on the other, not to get bored and not waste your life.

Selection rules

Before starting to consider the most profitable professions, and the best educational establishments where you can go to study for a girl after grade 9, she better sit down and think a little.

Be sure to think before entering

In fact, the amount of possible earnings is secondary. It is much more important to determine for yourself the following points:

  1. Chance for employment. Many specialists, especially narrow-profile ones, face the problem of finding a job. A nuclear physicist education certificate does not at all guarantee that a former student will get a job in a research laboratory or at a nuclear power plant. Therefore, you should first visit the local employment center and job sites to find a real list of vacancies.
  2. Time for training. Medical specialties- a vivid example of how earnings are completely dependent on the time spent studying. A college-educated nurse will work hard and struggle to pay for her needs. But by adding another 5-7 years and having received the profession of a narrow medical specialist, you can count on a good salary by the age of 30.
  3. Working conditions. The most difficult question, which is related to personal preferences. Every girl has her own ideal of work. It could be 5 days in the office. There is shift work, when after shock work you can lie on the couch for half a month. The cook has to be in any weather at the fire of the stove and oven. Every profession has its downside. Therefore, it is advisable to find its representative and communicate closely before the final choice.

Separately, it is worth looking at the possibility of opening your own business, albeit in the distant future.

This is always one of the most profitable, albeit risky, methods of earning money.

Do not forget about your own preferences, character traits and abilities.

A girl with a soft and good-natured character is unlikely to succeed in a profession associated with regular stress and extensive contacts with disgruntled customers, such as trading.

On the other hand, these are outstanding characteristics for children's teacher, healthcare professional or service professional.

Having spent a little time after school, a girl can much better understand the choice of the most profitable profession for herself and ruin where to go to study after grade 9.

And the chance of problems with employment after graduation will be significantly reduced.

Top 5 professions

Among the most sought-after professions that offer optimal earning opportunities for a girl in the future, there are 5 areas:

  1. Document flow. The secretary, accountant and representatives of similar specialties have a fairly high chance of getting a job in many firms, both public and private. But it is worth preparing for the fact that you will have to sit in the office for days and constantly fill out documents and reports. Also in this area, if you do not advance to the level of the boss and do not get higher education in the future, it is practically impossible to secure above-average earnings.
  2. Trade and warehouse. Cashier, marketer, merchandiser, logistician and other professions related to commodity circulation consistently provide career opportunities. But at the same time, there is always a high chance of facing terrible working conditions and low wages in the early stages, if you make a mistake with the choice of workplace. Among the starting vacancies, the most reasonable choice is a merchandiser, as it allows you to get the necessary experience, with a relatively high salary and maintaining freedom of movement.
  3. Food industry. Chefs and technologists never experience problems with employment. But confectioners are the elite of public catering. This is a creative profession that allows you to create a good financial base at the main place of work and get a high income when working for private clients.
  4. Beauty. It is enough to walk along the streets to see numerous advertisements for hairdressers, pedicurists and others. But it is more profitable to go “free swimming”. Private specialists are gaining popularity among the population due to the opportunity to receive the necessary services at home at any convenient time.
  5. Design. This direction is limited not only to the development of fashionable clothing styles. Possessing artistic talents and imagination, one can specialize in the development of architectural projects, advertising, art objects, websites and more. Specialists in this area are highly valued, but you can face quite tough competition. Therefore, the penetration character is also important.

In addition to these general specialties, there are narrower areas. The list of the most profitable professions varies significantly depending on the place of residence, influencing the final choice of where to go to study for a girl after grade 9.

Educational establishments

When choosing an educational institution, it is important to decide in advance for yourself how long you want to study:

  1. The school offers elementary professional education. On the one hand, the duration of training is from six months, allowing you to start working as soon as possible. But in the future, most likely, in order to move up the career ladder, you will need to obtain a diploma of a higher class.
  2. The technical school allows you to get a crust on secondary specialized education. The atmosphere close to the school allows you to learn a wide range of specialties. Some technical schools also help in the future to enroll in the 2-3 course of the corresponding university, saving time.
  3. The college is considered the most prestigious institution offering fast specialized education for ninth graders. But its value is highest if the girl plans to receive higher education at a pre-selected university.

Also, do not forget that some professions, such as a copywriter, a graphic information processing specialist, as well as a number of others, can be trained at home using the Internet.

How to find a job online free time. But the absence of a certificate of education will significantly limit the possibilities for finding vacancies.

You can't leave and stay. Each ninth grader decides for himself whether he will go to 10th grade or go to college. In our article, we will talk about when it is better to leave school after the 9th grade, where to go to study and what specialties can be mastered in a college or technical school.

What is secondary vocational education

Let's start with a small educational program on secondary vocational education. Institutions where you can get SVE are now called differently: college, technical school, college, or even the faculty of secondary vocational education at a university. The name does not reflect the quality of education and its depth. Don't let the word "school" in the names of some institutions fool you. So, the Moscow Theater School. Oleg Tabakov or Moscow Middle special school the police are also colleges. The main thing when choosing a place of study is to pay attention to a diploma of secondary vocational education of a state standard.
You can enter a college, technical school and other institutions of secondary vocational education after the 9th and after the 11th grade. After the 11th grade, there is an opportunity to enter the 2nd year right away, but it is paid and not all colleges have implemented it. You will need to study in the specialty from 2 to 4 years.

College or university? Should I go to 10th grade?

Let's figure out when it is worth choosing the path to a profession through a college or technical school.

Six reasons to choose SPO:

    1. You want to learn a practical specialty, which is taught only in an educational institution of secondary vocational education.
    Secondary vocational education trains practitioners. For example, you can become a cynologist only in one of the 26 colleges in Russia. In order to train dogs in the future, train their owners, prepare dogs for exhibitions or security service, the student will need to unlearn 4 years in the program of secondary vocational education.
    2. You want to start working and earning faster.
    3-4 years - and you have a profession in your hands. From the age of 18 you will be able to find a job and earn money. For many young people, this is the main factor in choosing a profession. A university student will need 2 years to complete their studies at school, then at least 4 more years in a bachelor's degree. That is, twice as much time to fully work, and not combine study and work.
    3. You don’t want to take the exam and generally want to make it easier with admission.
    This is of course not a good reason. But all the same, the competition for colleges for the direction that can be continued at a university is not as high as the competition for the same specialty in a university. In this case, choose those institutions that are already "built into" the university, that is, they assume the transition from one level to another without exams. And if you have a desire to get a higher education after college, then you can: a) go straight to the 2-3 course of this university b) do not take the exam.
    4. You have chosen a creative profession.
    For future artists, designers, artists, artisans, dancers, practice and skill are more important than school social studies and physics. That's why creative people who are confident in their future profession, it makes sense to choose a college . And in fairness, we note that the competition for creative colleges sometimes turns out to be very high. For example, in the aforementioned theater college at the Moscow Oleg Tabakov Theater, there is a competition for more than 10 people per place, and only the most talented guys from all over Russia are selected to study at the college.

    5. At the university for the chosen specialty, it will be necessary to pass an additional entrance exam (DWI).
    Not only faculties of creative fields - theater, cinema, painting, circus, music, etc., but also universities with areas of "journalism", "PR", "architecture", "air navigation" have the right to conduct DWI. To prepare for DWI, it is not enough to learn theory from books; again, specific skills and practice are needed. And you can get it in a few years of college.
    6. You have selected a military sports profile.
    Military sports specialties - policeman, firefighter, fitness trainer, athlete - differ significantly from the usual intellectual professions of an accountant or engineer. The peak of physical fitness, so important for military sports professions, occurs between the ages of 13 and 25 years. It makes no sense for people who have chosen these specialties to waste time studying theoretical disciplines in grades 10-11. Better train and improve skills in military school, college physical culture or an Olympic reserve school.
If one of the six points is true for you, then open source software is the educational path to seriously consider. Going to college takes more awareness and awareness than going to college.

When should I finish my 11th grade? 5 reasons to go straight to college:

    1. You have not yet decided on your future profession.
    Don't be afraid to delay the moment of choice if you haven't decided what you want to be. With age, our interests change, so sometimes it is worth waiting with career guidance.
    2. You want to do science.
    Fundamental theoretical disciplines can only be mastered at a university. You can also get to him through college, but this will significantly lengthen the path to the desired job.
    3. You have low scores in the OGE, and teachers say that in the 10th grade you will not withstand the load.
    This is not a reason to leave school, but a reason to start studying. Secondary vocational education should not be abandoned, just like school, because you risk not getting a diploma of complete secondary education. And it is impossible to find a job without a secondary education in our country.
    4. You have chosen a direction in which it is impossible to become in demand without a university diploma.
    For example, you have a desire to master the demanded specialty of a programmer. But before you go to college, consider that you will be more competitive after graduation than college. And spend only 3-4 years more time on training.
    5. You have big career plans, college can make you tired.
    If you have planned to go to a university after college, then stock up on energy, because your studies will be greatly extended in time. For example, Kirill Kuznetsov, head of the Career Guidance Department of our Center and professional consultant with 15 years of experience, does not advise going to medicine through college. The fact is that medicine is already one of the longest specialties in training. And if you want to build a medical career, then the college will add 3-4 more years of study to 6 years of higher education and 2-5 years of residency.

Weigh your personal pros and cons and decide, because there can be no universal answers in choosing a profession.

Who better to go to study after grade 9

The range of educational institutions of secondary vocational education is very wide. There are more than 25 areas of study:

✔ Aviation ✔ Automotive ✔ Architecture ✔ Veterinary ✔ Military ✔ Humanities
✔ Rail transport ✔ Cooking ✔ Culture and art ✔ Linguistics ✔ Oil and gas ✔ Journalism
✔ Medicine ✔ Ministry of Emergency Situations ✔ Police ✔ Beauty ✔ Pedagogy ✔ Communication
✔ Sports ✔ Construction ✔ Technique and technology ✔ Service ✔ Pharmaceutical ✔ FSB
✔ Economy ✔ Jurisprudence

When you choose a specialty that you will go to study after grade 9, be guided by your interests and measure the time you want to spend on obtaining a specialty. Are you ready to study for 4 years at an architectural college and then study for 4-6 years at an institute in order to compete with university graduates?

Colleges where you can go after 9th grade. Rating of colleges in Moscow

If you do not know exactly where you want to study, then you can focus on the rating of colleges and technical schools.
According to the results of WorldSkills 2016-2018 winners, competitions in the professional excellence,
TOP 10 best colleges in Moscow as follows:
1. College of Architecture and Construction No. 7
2. College of Entrepreneurship No. 11
3. Technical Fire and Rescue College named after Hero Russian Federation V.M. Maksimchuk
4. Moscow State Educational Complex
5. Moscow College of Architecture and Urban Planning
6. Polytechnic College. N.N. Godovikov
7. College of Communications No. 54 named after P.M. Vostrukhin
8. Educational complex South-West
9. Moscow Polytechnic University
10. Moscow College of Management, Hotel Business and information technologies"Tsaritsyno"

It is the students of these SVE institutions that win prizes in Russian and international skill competitions, that is, in practice they show that their education is really of high quality.

Where to go after grade 9 for a boy

For your professional self-determination should not be influenced by gender. Nevertheless, aviation, architecture, construction, transport, oil and gas, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, military affairs, police and communications are traditionally considered male occupations in which more men than women work. This does not prevent men from excelling as entertainers or cooks.

Where to go after 9th grade for a girl

The traditional direction for a girl can be considered pedagogy, medicine, journalism, design, cooking and service. Popular specialties include beauty and sports. After grade 9, a girl can learn to be a hairdresser, makeup artist, stylist or cosmetologist and easily find a job in her specialty.
The best colleges to get all these "female" professions are:
    Food College No. 33
    College of hotel management "Tsaritsyno" № 37
    College of Architecture and Construction No. 7
    College of arts and crafts № 36 named after. Carla Faberge
    Service Industry College No. 3
    Educational Complex of Design and Technology (OKDiT)
    Hospitality and Management College #23
    Pedagogical College No. 15
    Technical school of service and tourism No. 29
    Medical College No. 2

Where to go on a budget

For admission to most vocational institutions, you will need an application, a certificate of general education, passport, SNILS, medpolis and photo 3x4. There are enough budget places in colleges, 72% of them total number places, so the competition of 3-4 people per place is considered high. If there are many candidates for enrollment, then the selection committee conducts a "certificate competition", that is, it compares the average grades in subjects. Those who do not have triples in their secondary education documents can automatically be awarded a scholarship.
And what about those who have three in the certificate? Even with low scores, you can enter the budget after the 9th grade. To do this, choose colleges with the lowest passing score or in unpopular specialties in the ratings of Moscow colleges. For example, young men are always welcome in teacher training colleges. Even with a bad grade.
To figure out what passing score you can expect in college this year, you can use last year's score as a guideline. It can be clarified directly with the educational institution.

List of in-demand professions

The forecasts of demanded professions, which are compiled by the Ministry of Education and Science, ASI, large companies, unanimously say that the need for working specialties and the prestige of secondary vocational education will only grow.
According to the Ministry of Labor, the most sought-after professions in vocational education now include:
✔ Auto mechanic
✔ Database Administrator
✔ Graphic designer
✔ Cosmetologist
✔ Laboratory assistant chemical analysis
✔ Master of decorative works
✔ Master carpentry
✔ Metrologist
✔ Mechatronic
✔ Mobile roboticist
✔ Adjuster-repairer of industrial equipment
✔ Drone Operator
✔ CNC machine operator
✔ Optic mechanic
✔ Tiler-tiler
✔ Pastry chef
✔ Programmer
✔ Web and multimedia application developer
✔ Plumber
✔ Collector electronic systems(specialist in electronic devices and devices)

Read more:10 promising working professions

Experts' forecasts may not come true, so when choosing a profession, rely, first of all, on your own interests.

2018 trends. University after college

feature recent years there has been an increase in the number of young people who choose the path to university through college. This path has been proposed (left in the legislation) for low-income families who cannot pay tutors and are unsure of USE results. Children in such families should have the opportunity to enter a university. Due to long-term studies and the absence of the Unified State Examination in the case of college and university partnership programs, such students reduce the risk of not enrolling when moving to a university. After graduation, they can receive higher education in absentia and work.
But such an educational track has spread to other applicants. If the family can financially help the student, then if desired, he can study for 7-8 years.
College students believe that entering a university after college is psychologically easier. You are already accustomed to the structure of education - couples, coursework, sessions - at the university everything will be familiar and familiar.

We hope that our advice will help you when building an educational track and you will find the best path to your desired profession.

Olga Bikkulova, Center for Humanitarian Technologies

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On the eve of the first school graduation, many teenagers who have decided not to go to 11th grade are thinking about what profession to choose after the 9th grade for a girl and a boy. The topic is really interesting, because, firstly, not everyone at the age of 14-15 can understand what he would like to do in life, and, secondly, in technical schools and colleges there is far from such a large list of specialties as in universities.

Where to go to study after grade 9

To begin with, let's figure out where you can go after finishing nine classes at school. There are two options - technical school or college. And there, and there after the ninth grade you can get a secondary special education. Both classes of educational institutions have the I-II stage of accreditation. This means that graduates will receive a secondary or primary vocational education upon graduation.

A technical school is a secondary vocational educational institution where you can get an education in a narrow specialty. Self-study often lasts three years. The program partially repeats the school one, however, along with general education subjects, students are taught disciplines that are directly related to their future profession. Thus, students receive both a complete secondary education and master professional skills.

In technical schools, most often they teach so-called working specialties, for example: an auto mechanic, a mechanic, a builder, a mechanical engineering technologist, and much more.

A college is also a secondary specialized educational institution, but the learning process itself lasts longer there (usually 4 years) and is built on the principles of a university. So, students in colleges have couples, not lessons, there are lectures and seminars, as well as sessions with tests and exams.

Often a particular college is a division of a university, and after graduating from a secondary vocational school, a student can go to study at a university right away for the second or third year. For example, after medical college go to university as a doctor or after a pedagogical college - get a higher education and teach at schools / universities. This option is suitable for those who do not know what profession to choose after grade 9 and are still at the stage of searching for a specialty. In addition, after graduating from college, the student receives an associate's degree and can immediately work in their specialty.

Where should a boy go to study after 9th grade?

Thinking about what profession to choose for a boy after grade 9, you need, first of all, to focus on personal preferences. Of course, at the age of 14, a teenager still has little understanding of what he wants to do or what profession he dreams of in the future. Often his thoughts add up to one phrase: "I don't know what profession to choose." It's simple - focus on your preferences and skills. Suppose a person who raves about creativity and is strong in humanities, there is no point in going to study as an auto mechanic or even a programmer.

Most often, technical schools and colleges offer working specialties for boys related to physical or mental work. Therefore, choose an activity to your liking, because in the future it will become your job, which you will need to go to every day. And if even learning does not bring you pleasure, then what can we say.

Popular professions for boys after grade 9

“I don’t know what profession to choose, what to do,” many schoolchildren think. We talk about the most popular and sought-after specialties.

What professions can a boy choose after grade 9:

  • Physical education teacher;
  • Engineer;
  • Engineer software;
  • Electrician;
  • Builder;
  • Manager;
  • Fire Safety Technician;
  • locksmith;
  • Plasterer;
  • Driver;
  • Merchandiser.

To understand all the advantages and disadvantages of these fields of activity, let's look at them in more detail.

Physical education teacher - this profession is taught in colleges, usually with a pedagogical focus. This specialty is suitable for people who are engaged in different types of sports or already have certain sports achievements (candidate for master of sports, master of sports), since upon admission they check the physical training of future students.

As part of the educational process, students are taught the basics of teaching, they study anatomy, biomechanics, the organization of physical culture and sports work, the basics of physical therapy and massage, and much more. After graduating from college, students can work as a coach or graduate in a related field to be able to teach. In the second option, if you have a secondary specialized education, you can enter the university immediately for the second or third year.


An engineer is a vast field of activity, which is somehow connected with the production process. All engineering specialties can be divided into the following categories:

  • Process engineer who develops production processes;
  • Design engineer - designing new products;
  • Engineer-economist - the main job is to plan production processes.

As you already understood, the work of an engineer is in any case related to production. However, the areas where these specialists work can be completely different: from aviation to the food industry. Therefore, choosing the specialty of an engineer in an agrotechnological college or in aviation college, you need to understand that both the learning process and the focus of the subjects will be completely different.

In addition, when choosing an educational institution, find out about the reputation of the technical school and ask if it cooperates with some companies - it will be easier to find a job after graduation.

A software engineer is a profession aimed at educating specialists in the development of software systems. Here they teach the principles of programming, methods of software development. Students also study higher mathematics, computer networks, OS and much more. Simply put, by choosing this specialty, students will be able to learn the basics of programming and system administration in order to continue working in the IT field or study at the institute in a narrower specialty. By the way, IT people are one of the.

An electrician is a rather demanded profession, since electricity in our lives is now all the time, but it can work intermittently. The field of activity of an electromechanic is work with electric motors, devices, apparatuses, generators and other things. He can be engaged in their design, implementation, implementation, repair.

This profession is quite common in technical schools of various directions, and after receiving a diploma, a graduate will be able to work at various factories and enterprises.

A construction worker is another win-win option for those who want to have a consistently in-demand job and love to work with their hands. There are more and more people in the world, they all need housing, and it is builders who build houses. The profession is very extensive and has many subspecialties, because the construction process is multi-stage and requires different skills. So, excavators dig pits, masons build the walls of houses, and surveyors take measurements and say whether the area is suitable for construction. There are also fitters - they install ceilings and load-bearing structures. And the crane operator picks it all up and moves it to the right place.

In general, having learned such a profession, you definitely will not be left without a job. The specialty is suitable for those who are thinking.

Manager is another very broad profession that has many subspecies. This is a person who is engaged in various organizational activities: whether it is the recruitment of personnel or the organization of large tourist tours. So, in colleges in this specialty they teach the basics of working with personnel, business planning. Students also study business ethics, labor legislation, learn how to work with the main computer programs And so on. Suitable for sociable people with organizational skills.

A fire safety technician is a person who monitors compliance with fire safety (checks fire protection systems, general safety measures) and carries out activities aimed at preventing fires at facilities. After graduating from a technical school, a graduate receives a diploma with the specialty "senior technician" and can get a job at any enterprise. Also, the graduate will be able to work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, but without higher education he will not have the opportunity to occupy leadership positions. Who does not know what profession to choose in the future - become a fire safety technician and protect people from fire.

A locksmith is a specialist in the processing of metals and other materials by hand or machine. Locksmiths are different: some are engaged in assembling mechanisms and machines, others make tools, and others repair locomotives and wagons. Lots of options.

In technical schools, this specialty is common and is available in almost all vocational colleges. Maybe this profession is not included in, but you definitely won’t be left without bread.

A plasterer is a person who makes walls even. It seems to many that there is nothing complicated in this and there is absolutely no need to learn to plaster walls in a technical school. In fact, plaster is the basis of all future repairs, and the entire subsequent result depends on proper work. In technical schools, they teach how to properly prepare plaster solutions, apply them to walls manually and mechanically, and teach how to install stretch ceilings.

The driver is a specialist who manages various types of transport. So, most often in technical schools they teach to be drivers of an excavator, conveyor, train and electric train. Such a specialty is usually available in road or railway technical schools.

After training, students receive skills in managing various types of transport, are able to check their technical condition, as well as mount and dismantle working equipment if necessary.

Where to go to study for a girl after 9th grade?

Which profession to choose after grade 9 for a girl is no less a simple question than which profession to choose after grade 9 for a guy. Working professions are rarely suitable for girls, as they require hard physical labor, so often graduates after the 9th grade choose more creative professions or professions related to education or communication.

Popular professions for girls after grade 9:

  • Pharmacist;
  • Seamstress;
  • Light industry technologist;
  • Accountant;
  • Educator;
  • Architect;
  • Choreographer;
  • Lawyer.

Pharmacist is one of the most popular professions among girls who go to college after 9th grade. The pharmacist is the junior medical specialist in area medicines. The diploma of a pharmacist gives the right to work in pharmacies, pharmacy warehouses, pharmaceutical factories, in general, in all areas related to medicines.

In addition, while studying in college, students receive a general medical education and may go on to study at a medical university. In general, there are many prospects, and if you still do not know what profession to choose after school, be sure to pay attention to the medical field of activity.

A seamstress is a tailor. This specialty can be studied at a specialized college. The work of a seamstress is to take measurements, make undercuts and tailor clothes. In an educational institution, students are taught to sew clothes by hand and on a sewing machine, adjust the stitch frequency and thread tension. In addition, a professional seamstress can troubleshoot technical malfunctions and other problems in the operation of sewing machines, adjust the stitch length, presser foot lift, connect different parts of clothing, and more.

After graduating from college, you can go to work in an atelier or a garment factory, as well as continue your education at the university and learn, for example, to be a designer.

A light industry technologist is a person who controls all stages of the manufacturing process of light industry products (fabric, footwear, garments, etc.): from development to release. His task is to ensure that the product he makes meets all standards and regulatory documents. He regulates product quality and is also responsible for technical documentation.

Most often, the work of a light industry technologist is related to the field of fashion and involves close cooperation with designers, engineers, and designers. In general, this job is suitable for those who do not know how to determine which profession to choose - during the training there will be time to think and decide.

An accountant is a person who maintains accounting records in a particular organization, enterprise. You can study this in the specialty "accounting" in various colleges.

During the training, accountants receive systemic knowledge of accounting and tax accounting, experience in 1C, Microsoft Office, M.E.DOK, Client-Bank and others. In addition, after graduating from college, students are able to conduct settlement and cash transactions, draw up primary documentation, advance reports, and much more.

An educator or teacher is also a popular choice among school graduates who are wondering what profession to choose for a girl after grade 9. In teacher training colleges you can find big choice specialties related to teaching activities: educator, teacher primary school, middle and high school teacher. This option is suitable for those who have not yet decided what profession to choose the humanities.

So, educators are taught the features of working with children. preschool age, primary school teachers are trained to work with young schoolchildren, and the specialty "secondary education" implies the choice of a specific focus (for example, a music or physical education teacher).

Architect is not a profession for girls. At least, this is the stereotype that has developed in society. However, women are no worse able to design buildings and possess all professional skills. And you can get this knowledge in college. Colleges of architecture and design are common - it is there that you can master this profession.

An architect is a specialist who creates a project for organizing a space. The profession of an architect is directly related to the construction business, however, if the builder directly erects a building, then the architect invents and designs it.

There are several different specializations in this profession. So, for example, the chief architect manages the entire construction process, the landscape architect develops parks and other green areas, and the restorer restores various buildings and architectural monuments. If you do not know what interesting profession to choose, this is a great option. In college, students of this specialty study building rules and regulations, GOSTs, study the basics of developing structural solutions and architectural drawings, develop artistic skills. In addition, students study such sciences as cartography, geodesy, ecology and computer-aided design systems. After college, there is an opportunity to go to university in order to gain deeper knowledge in the specialty.

A choreographer is an ideal option for those who love dancing and want to link their professional career with this activity. Most often, colleges offer two directions in this specialty - a ballet dancer or a choreography teacher. You can also often choose a direction: modern choreography, sports ballroom, classical and folk.

For admission, you must pass a creative competition - show a dance number for 1-3 minutes (different colleges have different requirements). Note that at the time of admission, it is already necessary to own a dance base, since complete beginners are not taken there.

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Graduation class is not only a road to a great future, but, unfortunately, a lot of stress. school exams, last call and - the most difficult - the choice of future profession. Google is teeming with queries “what profession to choose in 2019”, and future students do not stop racking their brains.

When choosing a specialty, one should always take into account personal preferences and skills. However, at the age of 14-15 it is still difficult to understand what you really want, therefore, to make the task easier, you can pass career guidance tests - so you will at least understand in which area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity you can become successful.

It is also desirable to take into account the relevance of a particular area. This is a good guideline for those who have not yet decided which profession to choose. And even better - to combine these two factors and choose something that is necessary in the labor market, and pleasant for you.

We studied all the professions available in Russia that girls can master after the ninth grade. And they made a list of 11 areas, allowing you to figure out who you can do after grade 9 for a girl. Choose what you like best and achieve success in your favorite business!

Where to enter after grade 9 for a girl: types of colleges (secondary special educational institutions) and courses

For those who decide to continue their education after the ninth grade outside of school, the following options are available:

  • College (this also includes former technical schools and vocational schools, some of which have retained their old names). Education in it usually lasts 3 years, upon completion, the student receives a diploma of secondary vocational education. Colleges come in many different areas, including administrative, legal, IT-related, and so on.
  • Lyceums at universities. They are aimed at preparing for further studies at the university and involve obtaining a diploma of secondary specialized education (not professional). This is an analogue of 10-11 years of study in general education school with a narrower slope.
  • Courses. They can be organized by universities, educational centers and other organizations are aimed at mastering the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a specific practical specialty, and culminate in the issuance of a state-recognized certificate. The duration varies from a few weeks to several months and years.

In colleges, students have the opportunity to receive scholarships. Admission to universities after graduation is carried out in accordance with the requirements of a particular university (or passing the exam or through an internal examination). Formally, even graduates of colleges and technical schools must go to the first year, but in practice the university has the right to establish its own procedure for the admission of such students (including enrolling them immediately in the third year).

Whom to study after the 9th grade for a girl?

Theoretically, a girl can enter any secondary specialized educational institution, with the exception of those that involve training in professions prohibited for women. The latter include many military and rescue specializations, work associated with heavy physical labor, work in dangerous conditions (the full list is contained in the regulatory article - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 162). In fact, there are several main areas of where to go after the 9th grade for a girl, so that it is interesting and promising:

  1. Economic specializations. An accountant, a manager, a merchandiser, a salesperson-cashier are quite popular professions, for which a secondary education is enough to get a job. Specialists of such a plan are in demand at enterprises, in companies engaged in trade, among individual entrepreneurs, in banks and other financial institutions.
  2. legal professions. Since jurisprudence is a very broad field of knowledge, usually when entering a secondary school, it is required to choose any specific area of ​​it (for example, a bias in criminal, administrative, civil law). After graduating from a law college, you can get a job in the legal department of an enterprise, an assistant to a notary or a lawyer.
  3. Social and pedagogical specialties. good options where a girl can enter after grade 9 - to train a social worker, social pedagogue, educator, teacher. These specializations are in demand in kindergartens, schools (usually secondary vocational education allows you to work in primary school), educational centers.
  4. medical professions. In order to become a doctor, you will need to graduate from a university, but the position of a masseur, nurse or pharmacist can be obtained with a secondary education. For nursing, you will need to choose a specialization: for example, operating room, procedural, district nurse.
  5. IT professions. You can start training as a programmer, tester, web designer in a college, and with good chances of finding a job in an IT company. In the field of information technology, first of all, the skills and abilities of a specialist are valued, which may be more important than a certificate of higher education. Such professions will be a good answer to the question of where to go to study for a girl after grade 9, if she has a mathematical mindset.
  6. Specialties related to the beauty industry. A hairdresser, a manicurist, a stylist, an image maker, a make-up artist are traditionally “female” professions, and for some of them even not average is enough educational institution, but only courses (for example, manicure).
  7. Working professions. In this area, the most common option for a girl to become after grade 9 is the specialty painter and plasterer. They are in demand during any construction and repair work (by private clients or specialized companies).
  8. Culinary Specialties. These include the professions of a confectioner, cook, baker, deboner, and the like, whose representatives are needed in cafes, bars, restaurants, canteens, food shops, shops and food manufacturers.
  9. Professions related to tailoring. A seamstress, cutter, fashion designer, designer can get employment at light industry enterprises, or open their own business for the manufacture of wardrobe items.
  10. Creative specializations. These are such diverse professions as a designer (for example, an interior designer), a florist, a choreographer, a musician, an artist, an illustrator. Similar options for where a girl can go after grade 9 are usually considered if the applicant has a penchant for the corresponding type of creativity.
  11. Specialties from the field of tourism and hospitality. Hotel service specialist, tourism manager, tour guide, organizer, animator - such positions are often offered by travel companies and hospitality industry enterprises, and also leave the possibility of independent business organization.
  12. This list of professions most suitable for admission of girls after grade 9 must be considered taking into account the possibilities of the place where you live. In Moscow, St. Petersburg and others major cities you can find colleges for almost any specialty, but in small settlements options may be limited. However, this can be used as an excuse to move to a larger city.

    Where to go to study after grade 9 for a girl: the course of the introductory campaign

    The vast majority of colleges conduct a competitive selection of future students (including those for state-funded places) based on the average score of the certificate. In some institutions, additional tests are carried out, for example, for future representatives of creative professions. Accordingly, for successful admission, you must try to get a decent GPA certificate. Including making an effort to do well on four exams OGE, grades for which affect the final grades in the selected subjects.

    Thinking about who to enter after the 9th grade for a girl (the list above offers quite a lot of options) is worth it in advance. There are no restrictions on the number of applications submitted, so if you wish, you can send applications to several colleges at once, and make the final choice later. You can also do the same if you doubt the competitive selection in one educational institution and want to make sure. You can usually find out details about the course of the admissions campaign on the website of the educational institution or by calling the admissions office.

With the birth of a child, the main task of parents is to take care of the health of the baby and its full physical and mental development. However, the older children become, the more often the family raises the question of their future, namely, the choice of a profession. You can unlearn all 11 classes and only then enter the chosen higher educational institution, there is an alternative option - to leave school after finishing the 9th grade.

Should I leave school after 9th grade?

One of the first important decisions for teenagers, which will affect how their life will develop in the future, is leaving school after finishing 9th grade. Its adoption should be deliberate and balanced, and not hasty. The unwillingness of a child to continue studying at a school is not enough.

It is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons of an act, and parents should not do this alone, but together with their children, taking into account their abilities, aspirations and health conditions. The latter plays an important role, since obtaining some professions requires physical strength (for example, builders, military men) or special training (gymnasts or musicians).

It should be understood that not all boys and girls want to get a higher education, even if their mom and dad dream about it. A prestigious specialty can be acquired not only at the university.

The choice of an educational institution is very important, making which you should not follow the lead of friends or neighbors and listen to their recommendations. It is advisable to visit several institutions at once, talk with teachers, learn the principles of education.

Studying at an institute or university is expensive, which not all families can afford. However, even after a technical school or college, if desired, you can get a higher education full-time or in absentia.


The decision to leave school after grade 9 and continue to study full-time or part-time at another institution has a number of advantages, including:

  1. A large number of budget places. This gives the applicant the opportunity to get on the budget, studying for free, and receive a scholarship.
  2. Getting a specialty. In addition to mastering school material, girls and boys are taught a specific specialty in technical schools, in which they will be able to work after the 3rd year.
  3. The opportunity to get higher education faster than peers who have completed 11 classes. This is due to the fact that sometimes after college, the institute is taken not for the first, but immediately for the third year.
  4. Easier admission than university. To enter the school, sometimes it is enough to have a certificate of completion of grade 9 and pass an interview. To get into a university, you must pass exams, pass an interview and have a good average score, so it is better that there are no triples in the certificate.


Leaving school before the end of the 11th grade also has its own significant disadvantages, directly related to future life boy or girl:

  1. The first disadvantage is that it is too early to get out of the control and guardianship of parents. Often children move to live in a hostel, receive practically complete freedom actions. On the one hand, this is good - a person learns to be independent, on the other hand, at a too young age, such lack of control is fraught with problems with studies, absenteeism, and poor grades. The result is withdrawal.
  2. The second significant drawback is the wrong choice of profession. For this reason, the child begins to study poorly, he loses interest in learning and, as a result, academic performance drops. So you need to approach the choice of where to go to study after grade 9 with all responsibility.

How to choose the right profession?

Having finally decided to leave school earlier, boys and girls need to first decide on their future profession and do it right. At this age, it can be quite difficult to fairly evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of a particular profession, since often the opinion about them is based on films or stories of friends. With this choice, it is better to seek advice from parents, teachers and people with experience behind them.

There are two ways to obtain information about the desired specialty:

  1. The first and most reliable is to visit the "Day open doors". Similar events are held in all educational institutions. On them, teachers and students share their knowledge about the specializations that a particular institution provides.
  2. Educational institution website. IN modern world Almost every educational institution has its own website on the Internet, where you can find all the information you need.

Also, when choosing a future profession, it is important not only to have an idea about it and its features, but also to take into account other nuances:

  • demand in the labor market;
  • working conditions;
  • opportunity for career growth;
  • age restrictions, because they will not be hired for work in their specialty, where it concerns the financial responsibility or safety of other people, boys and girls under the age of 18.

The choice of an educational institution after grade 9: college, technical school, school

The choice of an educational institution where you can enter after the 9th grade is on the same level in importance as the definition of a specialty. These include:

  • technical College;
  • school;
  • college.

Each of these institutions has its own characteristics of construction educational process, obtaining knowledge, conditions for admission, profile orientation and further prospects. Having entered the school, you can master a practical specialty from a fairly wide range of professions, which will be in demand, for example, in production - a factory or plant. The training lasts from six months to three years. Entry requirements are the simplest, even having a certificate with triples is not a hindrance. However, absenteeism and poor academic performance may result in expulsion.

The technical school is considered higher in rank than the college. Accordingly, the requirements are more serious. It provides secondary specialized education, which is as close as possible to the school format, but, unlike school, after it a boy or girl receives a technical specialty. The duration of training takes from 2 to 3 years. This educational institution provides an opportunity to enroll full-time or in absentia in a university.

by the most prestigious institutions are colleges. They are best suited for those who are going to pursue higher education later. Their programs provide an opportunity to get a multidisciplinary specialty, which includes not only technical or working professions, but also such as management, law, medicine and others. However, it is possible to get an education in them mainly on a commercial basis.

Entrance tests for applicants

When a teenager managed to choose the profession that he wants, and the institution where he specifically wants to go to study, all that remains is to enter (more details in the article:). Naturally, the requirements and competition for admission after grade 9 are less than for universities, however, there are also certain conditions here:

  1. Timely submission of documents admission committee. They include: a passport or birth certificate, copies of parents' passports for minors, a certificate, a personal file and a medical card from the school, a medical certificate and a vaccination card, standard photos - 4 pieces.
  2. Exams passage. The subjects that must be passed upon admission depend on the specialty. For example, a future programmer - mathematics and computer science or physics, medicine - biology or chemistry. However, there is a mandatory exam that is taken regardless of the chosen profession, namely the Russian language.
  3. Additional tests. For example, a creative competition for professions such as an architect, musician or dancer.
  4. Certificate competition. The higher the average score in the certificate, the more chances to enter the chosen educational institution. The presence of triples narrows the choice of specialty.
  5. Interview. When applying to some schools, it is enough to provide a certificate and pass an interview.

List of the most popular specialties after grade 9

Important aspects in choosing a future specialty are demand in the labor market and wage. In the modern world, the first in the list of the most sought-after professions are those related to construction, for example:

  • mason;
  • welder;
  • designer;
  • finishing specialist.

With such a specialty, you can easily find a job in almost any region. Also, employment largely depends on the presence of enterprises, factories and plants in the city. Typically, educational institutions train specialists who are required in closely located industries.

Another promising industry is the service sector:

  • visagiste;
  • hairdresser;
  • cook;
  • seamstress;
  • stylist.

Despite the fact that the line between purely male and female professions is gradually blurring, there are those that are more suitable for one of the sexes. There are also universal professional areas in which both boys and girls can succeed, for example, a lawyer, designer or manager.

For boys

Below is a list from which representatives of the stronger sex can choose a profession after finishing 9 classes:

  • Auto Mechanic;
  • driver;
  • crane operator;
  • painter;
  • mechanic;
  • collector;
  • locksmith;
  • welder;
  • PC technician;
  • turner;
  • milling machine;
  • plasterer;
  • electrician.

Another option is the military field. However, in addition to knowledge upon admission, it is necessary to have a good physical training. With the development of information technology, specialists in the operation, repair and maintenance of computer equipment are increasingly required.

For girls

Women's professional areas include:

  • visagiste;
  • hairdresser;
  • obstetrician;
  • educator;
  • housemaid;
  • cashier;
  • beautician;
  • nurse;
  • salesman;
  • merchandiser;
  • florist;
  • seamstress.

These options will provide the girl with a paid job when she graduates. For creative professions, special attention should be paid to the presence of talent.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal and Reproductive Psychology and the Volgograd State Medical University specializing in clinical psychology