What thought comes to Pierre on Raevsky's battery. Composition of Tolstoy L.N. Grave of the French cavalry

Moscow is a subject of the Russian Federation, a city of federal significance, the capital of the Russian Federation. It has its own territory, population, bodies of state power and local self-government, coat of arms, flag and anthem. Moscow is the political center of Russia - the bodies of state power of the Russian Federation are located on its territory.

The city is located in the center of the European part of Russia, between the Oka and Volga rivers, in the center of the Moscow region (coordinates 55°45" north latitude and 37°37" east longitude from the Greenwich meridian). The main waterway of the city - the Moskva River - passes through the city zone in its middle course and flows into the Oka - the largest of the right tributaries of the Volga.

Capital Square- 1081 sq km.

City foundation date- 1147 (first mention in the Ipatiev Chronicle).

Permanent population city ​​on January 1, 2010 is more than 10.56 million people.

National composition: Russians, Ukrainians, Tatars, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Jews, Belarusians, Georgians, Moldovans, Tajiks, Uzbeks, Mordovians, etc. (in descending order, according to the All-Russian Population Census of 2002).

Higher and the only permanent legislative (representative) body of state power city ​​of Moscow - Moscow City Duma. Formed in 1993. The competence of the Moscow City Duma is determined by the charter of the city of Moscow. the procedure for the exercise by the Duma of its powers, the rules and procedures for the work of the Duma are established by the regulations of the Moscow City Duma.

The number of members of the Duma is 35 deputies working on a permanent basis. Since 2009, elections to the Duma have been held in 17 single-mandate constituencies and the city constituency. 18 deputies are elected from electoral associations in the city constituency.

The system of executive power of the city of Moscow includes: the mayor of Moscow, the government of Moscow, sectoral, functional and territorial executive authorities. The highest official of the city of Moscow is the mayor of Moscow, vested with powers for 5 years in accordance with the procedure established by federal legislation and the Charter of the city of Moscow. The Government of Moscow is the highest permanent collegial executive body of the state power of the city of Moscow, which has general competence and ensures the coordinated activity of the executive bodies of the city of Moscow subordinate to it. The Moscow Government is formed and headed by the Mayor of Moscow.

The Office of the Judicial Department under the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in the city of Moscow operates in the capital, implementing organizational support for the activities of district courts, garrison military courts, bodies of the judicial community of Moscow, as well as financing judges of the peace. The judicial system of Moscow consists of federal courts and magistrates of the subject of the Russian Federation - the city of Moscow.

The territorial units of the city of Moscow are districts and administrative districts having names and boundaries fixed by legal acts of the city of Moscow. The administrative management of the city is carried out through the administrative districts (formed in 1991). The formation and abolition of administrative districts, the establishment and change of their boundaries, as well as the assignment of names to them, is carried out by the mayor of Moscow. The administrative districts are headed by prefects, who are appointed by the mayor and are in charge of local government in the districts. The territorial executive authorities of the capital, subordinate to the government of Moscow, are district councils.

Features of urban development of the capital were established already in the XII century in the process of founding the city. The central part of Moscow was growing in suburbs, following the medieval principle of urban development, when powerful fortress walls gradually encircled the circular streets of the new settlements adjoining them. The first defensive structures laid the trajectory of the Moscow rings, marking the basis for the entire future layout of the Russian capital.

Ring border of the city in different time served: the Kremlin wall, Zemlyanoy Gorod, Kamer-kollezhsky shaft, boulevard ring, Small ring railway. Since 1960, the Moscow Ring Road (MKAD) has been the border of Moscow. The main branch of the Moscow Metro - Koltsevaya, and completed in 2005 the Third transport ring of the capital has the shape of a circle. Thus, the radial-circular layout characteristic of Moscow continues to determine the development of the metropolis. However, modern Moscow also includes a number of territories located outside the Moscow Ring Road, including the city of Zelenograd.

Moscow is the business center of the country - the leading economic and financial structures, more than half of the country's commercial and specialized banks, representative offices of the largest Russian companies and leading world corporations are located in the capital. In addition, more than 200,000 small businesses are registered in Moscow. The employment rate in this area in the capital is approaching the European one, which is 50-55%.

The existing transport system of Russia is oriented towards Moscow, which determines the concentration of the main cargo and passenger flows in the capital, as well as the formation of a national trade and distribution center based on the Moscow transport hub, in which almost 70% of the country's warehouse space is concentrated. The Moscow River provides access to five seas - the Azov, Baltic, White, Caspian and Black.

Moscow is the main supplier of goods and services, human resources, scientific and innovative developments and advanced technologies in the country. Such sectors as the fuel and energy complex, industry, transport, trade, communications, tourism, and education are considered promising for investments. Investments in Moscow make up more than 60% of the total volume received in Russia, 1/3 of the city budget is formed by foreign economic activity, a quarter of the country's trade turnover also falls on the capital. Representative offices of more than 6,800 foreign companies are registered in Moscow. Special economic zones and technology parks are being actively formed on the territory of Moscow.

Moscow is over 5500 enterprises Catering, more than 5,000 km of streets and roads, more than 1230 universities, more than 660 public transport routes, more than 600 museums, estates and art galleries, about 500 exhibitions annually, more than 350 sports palaces, stadiums, swimming pools and skating rinks, more than 290 banks, more than 290 km of metro lines, about 240 hotels, more than 100 theaters and concert halls, more than 100 gardens and parks.

One third of all scientists in the country is the scientific potential of Moscow. More than one million students and about 50 thousand graduate students study in the capital.

38% of the country's historical sites are concentrated in the capital, of which 200 are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Russia is a multinational country with rich history. On the territory of our country there are many nationalities that have their own traditions and their own language. There are several types of subjects in Russia: republics, regions, territories, autonomous regions, autonomous regions, cities of federal significance. Let's see how many subjects in the Russian Federation are in total and whether this value can change.

Subjects of the Russian Federation

The Russian Federation includes 85 subjects:

A detailed list can be viewed, for example, on the website of the state authorities of the Russian Federation. The number of subjects may change over time. This is due to a change in the population and economic opportunities of the territories identified as a separate entity.

So, on March 14, 2014, it became part of the Russian Federation new subject- Republic of Crimea - and appeared new town federal significance - Sevastopol. Thus, today the number of subjects in the Russian Federation is 85. Before that, there were 83 subjects in the Russian Federation, legally fixed since 2003.

Depending on the value, each of the subjects has certain characteristics. For example, a republic has the status of a country within a country and has its own constitution, as well as legislative and executive bodies. Regions, territories, cities of federal significance have their own regional legislative bodies. All laws adopted by the subjects of the Russian Federation must not contradict the constitution of the country and federal laws.

How are the subjects different from each other?

85 subjects of the Russian Federation differ from each other in the following ways:

  • population size and density;
  • size of territories;
  • National composition.

Each of the selected indicators is not absolute and changes over time. The dynamics of migration and the economic well-being of the subject are partially reflected by population censuses.

According to the form of government, states are divided into two types: unitary and federal.

A federal state is a single union state that includes several state entities (subjects of the federation) that have a certain political independence.

The historical features of our state (territorial extent, a large number of nationalities, different levels of development and economic specialization of the regions) made it necessary to apply to modern conditions to the model of a union state with independent territorial and political entities within it. Therefore, the state structure of the Russian Federation is characterized by the presence of federal ties between its subjects that arose on the basis of the Federal Treaty and the Constitution of the Russian Federation at the same time. For this reason, Russia is constitutional-treaty federation.

The Russian Federation includes several types of subjects:

  • republics;
  • Autonomous region;
  • autonomous okrugs: territories and regions;
  • cities of federal significance - Moscow and St. Petersburg.

This creates a special legal regime in the relationship both between the center and the subjects, and between individual subjects. For example, autonomous okrugs are simultaneously both part of the territory, region, and directly to the Federation. In accordance with the Federal Treaty, or rather its three parts, on the delimitation of powers between the federal state authorities and the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. all subjects of the Russian Federation are combined into three groups based on the commonality of the legal status and scope of powers transferred to the subject of the Russian Federation, these are:

Republic, named in the states and having the greatest amount of authority in their jurisdiction: the constitution and the highest bodies of state power, as well as the name of one of the nationalities inhabiting its territory, but, as a rule, not constituting the majority of the population; almost all republics have concluded additional bilateral agreements with the Federation, which significantly distinguishes their position from other subjects of the Russian Federation;

Autonomous Entities - Autonomous Oblast and Autonomous Okrugs, representing national-territorial formations; unlike krays and regions, they can independently develop a draft federal law on their legal status and propose it to the Federal Assembly, they also have the name of one or two nationalities or ethnic groups living in their territory natively;

Territories, regions and cities of federal significance - and St. Petersburg, which are administrative-territorial entities, in the formation of which the national principle of separating their territory was not taken into account; in the environment of this type of subjects, the processes of concluding bilateral agreements on the delimitation of powers between the federal authorities and the authorities of the subject are currently actively unfolding, which indicates a gradual convergence of their status with other types of subjects.

The federal structure of Russia is built not only on the principles of the national-territorial structure developed by the practice of state building over the past 100 years, but also on the principles that express the conceptual position of the creators of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and their ideas about the method of territorial organization of state power in Russia.

The following can be distinguished Federation principles:

  • national-territorial principle structure of the Federation (a combination of national and territorial foundations of its structural organization), inherited from the past development of Russia as the Republic of the USSR;
  • principle of free regional development subjects of the Russian Federation, based on the Federal Treaty of 1992 and bilateral agreements on the delimitation of powers between the central state authorities and state authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation;
  • principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples(the population of the subject), containing the danger of complete separation and separation of the subject from Russia, since the self-determination of peoples. inhabiting a certain territory is associated with the creation of an independent state;
  • the principle of equality of identical subjects of the Russian Federation, reflecting the unequal position of the three types of subjects of the Russian Federation;
  • the principle of mutual assistance of peoples, their all-round cooperation among themselves.

Thus, federal structure of Russia- this is a constitutional and legal institution, the norms of which determine the form of government, the types of subjects of the Russian Federation, the distribution of competence between the subjects and the Federation, the foundations of relations between the subjects of the Russian Federation.

Which is formed by the will of the multinational population living throughout its territory. The legal status of the country is established in the Constitution, the Declaration of Sovereignty of June 12, 1990, and the Treaty of March 31, 1992. RF consists of subjects. Let's take a look at what they are.

Federal subjects of the Russian Federation

They represent legal formations. Together they form Russian Federation. The Constitution establishes six types of such entities:

  1. Republic.
  2. Region.
  3. Edge.
  4. Autonomous Okrug.
  5. City fed. values.
  6. Autonomous region.

All these formations are equal in their interactions with the federal authorities. The Constitution, however, formulates a number of differences in the legal status of communities. These differences are also established in the Federal Treaty and special agreements of the Russian Federation with individual subjects.


State subjects of the Russian Federation are integral parts of the country. They are included in its composition on the principles of equality. There are 32 national-state communities in the country (1 autonomous region, 10 autonomous regions and 21 republics) and 57 administrative-territorial formations (two federal cities, 49 regions and 6 territories).

Legal status

It is enshrined in two types of regulations. For the republics, the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Basic Law of the subject itself apply. For regions, cities fed. values, regions, autonomous districts and regions, the Charter of Education acts as the second document. The Constitution establishes the principles on which the legal status of the region is based. First of all, the subjects of the Russian Federation have their own legislation. It is adopted by the regions independently and does not require approval from the highest authorities. In the republics, the adoption of the Constitution is carried out both by a representative institution and through a referendum. The statutes are approved by the legislative bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

Subjects of reference

The Constitution establishes a clear delineation of powers vested in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the highest institutions of power in the country. This principle is also reflected in the Treaties regulating the division of jurisdiction. This problem is considered by experts to be one of the most difficult in the interaction between the central and regional administrations. This is due to the fact that many constituent entities of the Russian Federation adopted their Constitutions and other normative acts before the entry into force of the main law of the country in 1993. It happened during the "parade of sovereignties." Accordingly, there were many provisions in the legislation that contradicted the current Constitution of the country and the general Law.


Each subject of the Russian Federation has the right to establish its own name. When changing an existing name, it must be included in Art. 65 of the Constitution. The exact and exhaustive enumeration of the names of the regions in the Basic Law emphasizes the voluntariness of their accession. This also indicates the distribution of the entire provisions of the Constitution to all subjects of the Russian Federation to the same extent.


This principle is expressed in the representation of regions in the SF FS. It does not matter the number and size of the territory of education. The constituent entities of the Russian Federation are also represented in the State Council. This institution of power consists of the leaders of the highest executive structures of the regions. Equality is also expressed in general definition subjects of their jurisdiction. It comes from Articles 71-73 of the Constitution. Subjects of the Russian Federation cannot interfere with the competence higher institutions authorities that are formed by the will of the multinational population coming from each region. The latter, as mentioned above, have representatives in the Federation Council. Consequently, they take part in resolving issues that are within the jurisdiction of the Federation. Together with the highest institutions of power, they carry out normative regulation and management on issues that are a common subject.


Separation of jurisdiction allows the regions to deal with a wide range of issues. If they belong to the general competence, then the laws and other normative acts of the subject of the Russian Federation are approved in accordance with the Federal Law on this issue. If the issue falls under the jurisdiction of the executive structures of the region, then it carries out legal regulation independently. That is, the subject of the Russian Federation in this case, without the intervention of higher institutions of power, adopts a law or other regulations.


It is established in Part 6 of Art. 76 of the Constitution. Laws and others regulations, which is accepted by each subject of the Russian Federation on issues of joint and independent management, must comply with the Federal Law. In the presence of a contradiction, it is the Federal Law that should be considered a priority. In this regard, Part 6 of Art. 76 of the Constitution establishes that in the event of a discrepancy of the same kind on issues that are exclusively the subject of the jurisdiction of the region, the law of the subject of the Russian Federation will apply. It follows from this that the Federal Law cannot interfere with the legislation of education. Another important guarantee concerns the territorial integrity of the subjects. The boundaries of the regions can only be changed with their consent.

Economic basis

The financial support of state power in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is the property owned by the region, budgetary funds, as well as receipts from off-budget state funds and property rights. The Federal Law establishes a range of issues that constitute a joint subject of jurisdiction. These, among others, include those whose solution is carried out at the expense of budget receipts subjects of the country. There are 41 such problems in total:

  • Holding elections.
  • Questions of education.
  • Health problems.
  • Prevention of catastrophes and emergencies.
  • Ensuring the functioning of the authorities and so on.

The powers that are transferred to the regions and relate to issues of their independent conduct are implemented through subventions from the country's budget on certain conditions.


republics (states) that are part of the Russian Federation, national-territorial (autonomous) public entities- autonomous region, autonomous district, territorial formations - territories, regions, cities of federal significance.

The Russian Federation as a federation consists of 21 republics. 6 territories, 49 regions, 2 federal cities, 1 autonomous region. 10 autonomous districts - equal subjects of the Russian Federation (Article 5 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). The status of the C. RF is determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and, accordingly, the constitution, the charter of the C. RF; it can be changed by mutual agreement of the Russian Federation and the subject of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Federal Law (Article 66 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

The Constitution of the Russian Federation abandoned the category of "sovereignty" in relation to them and uses it (Article 4) only in relation to the Russian Federation as a whole (although some republics call themselves sovereign states in their constitutions). The S. RF, including the republics, does not have the right to unilaterally withdraw from the RF.

C. RF are equal, i.e. have legally equal rights and equal obligations as subjects.

The position of the S. RF is characterized by a whole set of their possibilities in federal relations with the Russian Federation. The main ones are: a) the division of issues of reference between them into those. which relate to the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation only (exclusive jurisdiction of the Russian Federation) and their joint jurisdiction:

all other issues relate to their own and exclusive jurisdiction of the subjects of the Russian Federation: b) the delimitation of subjects of jurisdiction between the state bodies of the Russian Federation and the S. of the Russian Federation is possible both on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and agreements between them "on the delimitation of subjects of jurisdiction and powers": c) representation is provided subjects of the Russian Federation at the federal level and the possibility of their raising questions before the bodies of the Russian Federation. including the right of legislative initiative in the State Duma. appeal to the President and the Government of the Russian Federation, to the Constitutional Court.

Each S. RF has its own fundamental act: the republics - the constitution. The rest of the S. RF - the charter. Everyone is entitled to their own legislation (i.e. laws and other normative legal acts). Hence the general principle of the supremacy of the Federal Law. If laws are adopted on matters within the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, they are valid throughout the entire territory of the state and acts of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation cannot contradict them (in case of a contradiction, the Federal Law applies). However, if the act of the S. RF is issued on issues of its jurisdiction, then it is he who acts. Thus, the Constitution of the Russian Federation protects the interests of S.

RF and does not allow arbitrary interference of the RF in its spheres of jurisdiction. In particular, in the sphere of their joint jurisdiction are administrative, administrative-procedural, labor, family, housing, land, water, forestry legislation, subsoil legislation, and environmental protection.

Each S. RF has its own system of state authorities. It is established by the subject independently, however, in accordance with the fundamentals of the constitutional order of the Russian Federation and the general principles of the organization of representative and executive bodies of state power (Article 77 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). The most typical system of organs: in the republic - the president (head of the republic), legislative assembly, the government, ministries and departments of the republic, the supreme court, the supreme arbitration court, in a number of republics - constitutional courts. prosecutor of the republic; in other Societies of the Russian Federation - the governor (in Moscow - the mayor), the legislative assembly, administrations (in a number of subjects - governments), departments, departments (ministries), courts, arbitration courts of the subject, in some places - statutory courts or chambers, the prosecutor. To exercise its powers, the Russian Federation may also have its own bodies on the territory of the Northern Territory of the Russian Federation or appoint appropriate officials.

Each S. RF has its own territory. It cannot be changed without the consent of this S. RF, and the boundaries between them can be changed with their mutual consent. At the same time, since the territory of the Russian Federation is unified, this, among other things, means that within the Russian Federation it is not allowed to establish (including the C. RF) customs borders, fees and any other obstacles to the free movement of goods, services and financial resources. Such restrictions may be introduced in accordance with the Federal Law, if necessary to ensure safety, protect human life and health, protect nature and cultural values.

The S. RF has its own property as a kind of state property (its objects, among other things, may be land, subsoil, water and other Natural resources), its budget, its taxes, fees, duties and payments (as part of a unified tax system, the foundations of which are established by the Russian Federation).

The status of a person in the Russian Federation is the same regardless of the territory of which S. of the Russian Federation a person lives.

The C. RF has the right to participate in international and foreign economic relations. However, this area belongs to the joint jurisdiction. The Russian Federation coordinates international and foreign economic relations of the S. RF. They are obliged to take into account the interests of the Russian Federation. The creation of representative offices of the S. RF in other states is not ruled out. In this case, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and its bodies perform coordinating functions.

C. RF have the right to cooperate with each other. They can conclude mutual agreements, resolve current issues, send delegations, representatives, etc. \"

For republics like the S. RF, it is allowed to have their own state language. In the authorities and local self-government of the republic, it is used along with official language RF. The Russian Federation guarantees the rights of indigenous peoples in accordance with the generally recognized principles and norms of international law" between the people's treaties of the Russian Federation.

All S. RF have their main city (capital), may have a coat of arms, flag, anthem, and other traditional signs and symbols.

Avakyan S.A.

Law Encyclopedia. 2005 .

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