Methods of preparation for the session. How a student prepares for the exam: detailed instructions. How does the teacher accept

Almost everyone was a student. And accordingly, many of us know what a session is. It is inevitable, like passing exams. But the life of a student is full interesting events, and for many, study is far from the first place. However, when the session comes, you have to collect your thoughts. And often negligent students ask themselves: how to prepare for the exam in 1 day?

What needs to be done first?

If only a day is left before the delivery of the item, then there is no need to hesitate. First, you need to get ready to study. Concentrate, drink coffee or citrus juice (these drinks have a good effect on mindfulness, increasing it), log out of all social networks and turn off the phone with the TV so that nothing can distract from an important matter. After that, you need to open a list of questions or topics and familiarize yourself with them. It is recommended to start with the most difficult ones. They should be emphasized. Then, when complex issues are studied, you can move on to simpler ones.

It is highly recommended to make notes - key words or abstracts. So it will be easier to repeat the answer to the question and remember its main content. It is also desirable to look for a connection between them. Often the questions overlap with each other. True, this applies more to humanitarian subjects than technical ones.

Time distribution

There are quite a few tips for people who are interested, for 1 day. And the most important thing that a student should take into account is that it is necessary to allocate time correctly. Let's say he studies topics or questions for 45 minutes, and then rests for 15 minutes. It is very important during this break to be completely distracted from mental activity. You can watch some videos on the Internet, drink tea or coffee, take a walk in the fresh air or just lie down. So it will turn out to replenish strength and feel a surge of energy.

It is also advised to distribute exam questions to these time intervals. Let's say a student has 30 tickets that need to be prepared, and a day for all this. This means that in the notorious 45 minutes he must have time to do 3 pieces. Then - a break. In total, it will take 10 hours to prepare. Starting at 10:00 in the morning, it will be possible to finish by 8 in the evening. Then you can take a break for two hours, and then repeat everything that was done over the past day. Yes, studying for 10 hours is exhausting. But if the student is faced with the question of how to prepare for the exam in 1 day, then you need to concentrate and for once strain yourself to pass the subject.


No matter how difficult the subject, it will need to be understood. The material is often very difficult to grasp. And this is a big problem. After all, no matter how phenomenal the student's memory is, what he does not understand will still not be remembered. That's why you have to be smart. The best way to remember incomprehensible material is to come up with associations. Many students do just that.

In general, it is desirable to delve into the material and catch the essence. You can parse the sentence literally by words - you can still find the meaning. And this will be the best way out, because if this ticket comes across in the exam, then the student will be able to tell everything in his own words and will not need to try to remember the wording from the abstract. By the way, most teachers appreciate it - when a student understands what he is saying. This indicates the student's knowledge of the subject.

Numbers and formulas

All of the above definitely works if the student is preparing to take a humanitarian subject (history, psychology, pedagogy, etc.). But how to prepare for the exam in 1 day if you have to answer physics, geometry, linear algebra? Here everything is much more complicated. Since it will not be possible to spontaneously prepare for such items, you need to walk on them. But there is a way out here too.

Formulas and axioms are the main assistants in solving a problem or in some kind of explanation. And you can remember them if you find in them a similarity with a number that the student knows by heart. It could be some memorable date, someone's phone number or birthday. In formulas, it is also not uncommon to see a familiar figure or sequence.

Using your abilities

Many students are happy to talk about how to quickly and effectively prepare for the exam. And popular advice is that each student should use their own abilities. If a person has a well-developed visual memory, then he needs to reread the material. It will definitely “imprint” on a subconscious level. And if auditory memory is well developed, then it is worth pronouncing the answers to questions and tickets out loud.

And it is recommended to use motor memory. That is to write cheat sheets. And if they cannot be used in the exam, then the work certainly will not be lost. After all, the material will be absorbed much better than with ordinary cramming. Even teachers advise writing cheat sheets (they only add that they should be left at home later). Why? Everything is simple. The cheat sheet has always been a small piece of paper on which the most important, key information for the answer was written. The student, in order to write it, processed far more than one page of a textbook or abstract. Accordingly, he thought, analyzed, chose the most important and wrote it on a piece of paper. And everything was stored in his mind. So if a student is thinking about how to prepare for the exam in one night, then you should not waste time and write cheat sheets.


Above are a few tips on how to prepare for an exam the day before it's due. But not everything always goes according to plan. If a student is not used to hard study and fruitful work, then literally after an hour of processing the examination material, he will begin to get tired and fall asleep. Well, then you need to stimulate yourself in all sorts of ways.

Strong sweet coffee (natural, not instant) and dark chocolate help a lot. You can also add cinnamon, cream and milk to this drink. It's even better than pure coffee! Because in this case, the drink will provide the body not only with invigorating caffeine, but also with a considerable dose of carbohydrates. But don't drink energy drinks. It is recommended to eat nuts. And sandwiches with honey. You can also eat black bread with salmon and avocado (although not everyone in the house can find this).

And further The best way cheer up the body and stop wanting to sleep - this is physical activity. A short charge is enough! An approach of push-ups, squats, a warm-up for the shoulders and back, rotation of the head - and that's all, the student will definitely not be overcome by sleep for the next hour. All this should also be taken into account when thinking about how to prepare for the test in 1 day.

About the Russian Roulette Method

Many students admit big mistake. They begin to prepare questions according to the list and conscientiously select the material, simultaneously cramming it. But now the time is coming to sleep, fatigue makes itself felt, and there are still, say, 20 questions from the end. And the student thinks - okay, you don’t need to do them, they probably won’t get caught. And on the day of the exam, he gets a ticket consisting of questions that were among those 20 unfinished. Labor down the drain. So, it is better to cover all the questions and give a small answer to absolutely every one in the process of preparation. Like it or not, they all overlap with each other, and in extreme cases it will be possible to “pour water”. No need to play Russian roulette and think that an unprepared question will not come across. Usually it's the other way around.

Collective preparation

This is probably the best way. And efficient. This often happens, “X hour” is just around the corner, and a group of negligent students grabs their heads - how to prepare for the exam in one day? Ways exist, and many have already been described. But the best method of preparation is collective. A group of those same students unites (in someone's apartment or in a hostel), then they distribute questions among themselves and prepare them together. It turns out quickly and efficiently - besides, the company works better, and certainly no one will let anyone fall asleep. The main thing is to get ready for work. Otherwise, everything can turn into a party.

Before the exam

Well, the above was about how to prepare for the exam in one day. But in the end, it is worth saying a few more words on this topic.

So, it is very important to get enough sleep before giving up. Therefore, you need to start preparing in the morning in order to have time to go to bed before midnight. Arriving at the exam sleepy, yawning, dreaming of a pillow, it is unlikely that you will be able to concentrate and remember everything that was prepared. It will be a pity to waste your time.

In the morning you should eat well and recharge with caffeine. And most importantly - do not oversleep, so you need to set several alarms. And on the way to the university, repeat the material - for example, sitting in a minibus, scroll through the questions that cause the most problems.

In principle, it is realistic to prepare for the exam in one day. The main thing is to follow the above recommendations and believe in yourself.

This is how I passed all 5 exams in the winter session. Moreover, it was prepared not in 10 days, but in 3. There were about 50 questions for each subject; I closed at home 3 days before the exam and studied 15-20 questions a day, sometimes 10 each. Those that are most difficult for me, I skipped at all, it’s good that I didn’t come across them on the exam. In fact, learning 10-15 questions a day is quite realistic, and the last 5 (in order to at least finish 20) are already starting to read through the line.

Something like this. And I took mostly humanitarian subjects, where I also had to read works, articles, learn poems for some questions and memorize laws, and so on. In short, if you have 10 days, then you can easily distribute the questions for these days and calmly teach, and on the 10th day go over everything.

One of the most useful skills in the tower is the ability to analyze and process large amounts of information. The bottom line is that you need to learn how to explain complex things. plain language. Learn to extract the main theses from the information and draw up a squeeze of the essence from large volumes of information, omitting the water.
This way you can reduce the amount of information you memorize many times + you can create special "question traps" for teachers - when you keep silent about what you probably know, if the moment is important - with a high degree of probability you will be asked this question as a suggestive one.

In general, according to the students' own experience, the best way to memorize large amounts of information in a short time is to write cheat sheets, even if they are not used during the exam. When writing cheat sheets, you use a large number of types of memory (at least 3-4) and after such manipulations a considerable amount of information settles in your head, of course, there will be questions about its quality and understanding, but at least you can say at least something distinctly and not slide into a complete file. I made cheat sheets in the form of small books sewn with a thread of cut paper with a size and thickness not exceeding the dimensions of a matchbox - this format will limit you in size => you will have to analyze and compress information - write small paragraphs of 1-2 sentences, key terms, formulas, abbreviations , graphs or chart shapes. Some concepts can be transformed into pictures - try to explain all this to yourself, imagine them as mental images - everything will be postponed. The better and clearer you explain the material to yourself, the better and clearer you will be able to present it to the teacher on the exam. No fluff! Not a pen!

PS Somehow I passed the exam like this for the 4th course and the teacher asked how I prepared. I honestly said that I wrote spurs, the teacher asked me to show - I gave my little book, in principle I already knew the material well by that time. The teacher leafed through the spur and gave it back with the words “I’ll put, perhaps, an automatic machine - a good cheat sheet, I think you know all the material without it” - put 4.

  1. Take a good basic textbook on the subject and read it through from cover to cover. If there is a list of references for the course, and it is not in alphabetical order - the very first of it. If there is no list, choose the most complete one (not the largest, but the one with the most topics) or the one that matches your list of questions as closely as possible, if one was given to you. Some teachers even take the wording of questions from the titles of textbook paragraphs. Probably, in the answer they want to hear about the same thing that is stated in the paragraph. If you have found several textbooks, in order to decide which one suits you best, read the paragraphs on the same topic in them, choose the one where it is shorter and more understandable.

Reading the entire textbook in a row will help you understand the logic of the subject itself, the relationship between topics, give you knowledge of basic terminology, and for a number of subjects - show how this science developed in general - from its origins to the latest research.

    Take a terminological dictionary on this subject. Refer to it as you read the textbook if you come across incomprehensible words. When you start writing responses to specific questions, I recommend that you start them by defining the terms contained in the question.

    Get a thick notebook in which you will write answers (to specific questions or a short summary of the main points of the program). Take one or two spreads for each question, number the pages of the notebook, write the contents / paste the list of questions on the flyleaf and add to it the page numbers of the notebook where you will write the answer. Try to write answers briefly, but always structured, it is advisable to come up with a structure suitable for the maximum number of answers. For example: the main term, what it is (definition), who discovered/introduced the concept and when, who studied it, what varieties it has, how it works. A short but structured answer tends to be easier to remember and ultimately ranks higher than off-topic water. Is there room left? Great! You can add additional details there if there is time left or they will meet when studying another topic.

    If you have a lecture notes - number the pages there and in the answer book refer to those places where any information on this topic is contained. If you don’t have your own abstract, but someone else’s xeroxed, spurs from the Internet, etc - arm yourself with scissors and glue, transfer the most important data from there to your notebook. Do not get carried away by volume: the answer to a question on most subjects can fit in a notebook spread!

    If possible, cooperate with classmates, share questions and exchange answers. Modifying someone else's basic answer is easier and faster than compiling your own from scratch.

    After writing 5 questions, reread them. Do this for every five questions. If the list allows you to select specific topics for which a certain number of questions are assigned, reread by topics.

    If you are distracted by extraneous activities, prepare for an exam in the library or computer lab, there are fewer distractions.

    In the last evening and night, DO NOT LEARN AND DO NOT READ ANYTHING! Take a walk in the fresh air, go to bed. Get up early in the morning and reread your entire preparation book.
    Good luck!

Law graduate, lover of literature, lover of psychology, art lover, mini-journalist in the past, hopeless individualist, future traveler and teacher, seamstress-knitter-draughtswoman-decorator-attacker, mother's daughter

My method is this. It may not be suitable for everyone, but for me and my fellow students this is the best way.

So, we take an electronic list of questions and find answers to each of them in netik. While we are looking for an answer on different sites, we are viewing the information and filtering it, because we need a complete and at the same time compact answer. Each answer is edited, unnecessary and non-specific information is discarded, the main terms and classifications are highlighted, a beautiful design is made (you draw up, but the eye remembers). At the end, you can print and read while driving to the exam, standing in line, and so on.

After such preparation, it is enough to read the resulting text at least once, and the chances of passing well will be for sure. And if you read it 2-3 times, you might even get a penny :).
It can take a maximum of two days for this, along with learning, if there are about 100 questions, and then one day.

Learn superficially each topic to begin with, and on the remaining days (there will definitely be 1-2 of them), supplement with details. So avoid porridge in your head and you will know not in fragments, but at least a stable minimum

If the subject is humanitarian, then outline the textbook. Very short, but concise. If technical, then: 1) tasks. If there are tasks you should sort already turnkey solutions your friends or textbook examples. A oral part exam - learn the definitions and formulations of theorems, and spur or bomb the proofs

Usually, if you do nothing at all, then you will not be allowed to take the exam, but if you are already lucky and you are going to the exam, then 10 days will be enough to read the textbook on this subject, which is usually enough to successfully pass "C grade"

If you have less time left, for example 1-2 days and you don’t know what to do, then I advise you to stock up on coffee, find a list of questions for the exam and analyze each question separately and make cheat sheets
Often, there are already ready-made answers for exams in electronic form, made in the form of cheat sheets, it is even easier to prepare for them, you do not waste time searching for information on questions of interest

It is important to concentrate all your attention on preparation and not be distracted by anything, using your time as productively as possible, use the 50/10 method
50 minutes work, 10 minutes rest

It is advisable to find out in advance how the exam is going and if there are several examiners, which one is more loyal and try to get to him

You need to sleep at least 4 hours and repeat everything in advance before the exam

If the exam is oral, when answering, behave confidently and not show doubts about your knowledge

When answering the examiner’s question, try not to answer “I don’t know”, “I don’t remember”, it’s better to try to express your assumptions, try to reason on the topic of the question asked and reduce it to another, the answer to which you know

Usually 2-3 days are enough to prepare for the exam, in 10 you can close the session)

Attention! Answer from rasp... an unlucky student.

And the goal is to prepare or pass it?

If the goal is to turn it in, then the idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"paying" immediately comes to mind. Yes Yes. No need to minus, you can pay anyone, the approach is important. I remember a case when a student took money in microloans, paid, and later got a job and worked off his debt. But this is an extreme case. There were also students on scholarships who saved it up in order to stay on the "golden chair" with it. (Well, this is if, in addition to it, you have other ways to earn money.)

Now to the topic of the question. It really depends on the specialty, of course. And the number of items. In my case, it was worth remembering (understanding) the basic principles of the topic, and on the answer, when it came to the nuances of pouring water or answering “next”.

You can learn tickets on the principle of a chessboard. (Through one). Answering amazingly, to one question, the teacher, with a high degree of probability, will not waste time and ask you about the second or third. But it very much depends on the teacher and his opinion about you, the number of students in the queue, etc.

We wrote about cheat sheets above. A very effective way to remember. The material is remembered even better when you re-explain it to someone. This is how I trained on my little nephew.))

Personally, my thesis Over 350 sheets, written in 13 days. This is subject to checks of all sections and the collection of signatures of managers. Since I was the last to write it, I simply collected a bunch of information from other students from the class and made a combined hodgepodge, fitting it to my topic. While doing it, I read the information diagonally and, willy-nilly, remembered what was discussed in the sections.

And of course, the basis for successful training in short time is a clear attitude to work and full dedication to this business. (+ A bunch of energy drinks and sometimes even drugs.)

P.s. I will not speak for everyone, but it seems to me that you get real knowledge only directly at work (practice, internship, being a cadet ...). The university, thanks to such situations, taught me to negotiate with people, to spin, to be slippery and quickly find a way out of seemingly stalemate situations.

Things are a bit more complex than the above answers, I'm afraid (with all due respect). There are no advisers here. It all depends on your personal "skills": the speed of assimilation of the material, perseverance, inquisitiveness, etc. Here you can only answer this question: how to pass the exam?

Yesterday I had a comprehensive (theory of state and law, criminal law, criminal procedure, prosecutor's supervision, civil process within the framework of prosecutor's supervision) state exam (I passed it with a "4"). Believe me, I am not one of those people who can carpet long and hard on the fabulists of pundits, so the only chance for me to learn the subject is lectures where you can snatch knowledge.

So, the first and most important rule (no matter how trite it may sound): do not be nervous, stress can knock out of you the rest of the knowledge that you knew and learned with iron concrete. Secondly, the night before exams / tests, you need to eat well and sleep, distract yourself from your studies with some pleasant thoughts (seals, a rainbow, our Crimea, a bright future). And the third - do not allow thoughts like "well,, I will not give up the end of me" - gloomy thoughts about a hopeless future may affect your "thinking".

Good luck, you'll be fine.

P.S. I know, the answer is a little off topic, but in my opinion, it is relevant, because. on this stage You are more interested in passing successfully than gaining knowledge.

With respect and reverence to the brother student BAV.

Hi all! Tests, examination and passing exams is the most responsible time in a student's life. And today's article is just on the topic of how to prepare for the session. After all, it is the duty of students to prepare well for the session, and then pass the exams perfectly.

Most importantly, you need to repeat all the material relating to the subject in which the exam is to be passed. And this means that if you did not miss lectures, listened attentively and took notes, then it will not be difficult for you to go over the studied material and quickly repeat everything, but if you already missed classes, then, alas, you will have to learn everything in the shortest possible time in order to don't fail the exam.

Don't miss lectures! Listen carefully and take notes! And then everything will be good!

How to prepare for the session - memo student! A must read!

  1. Transfer of a student from course to course and scholarships (amount). Will depend on exam results
  2. Student allowed for exams when he has passed all the tests, coursework, etc. semester work. The only exceptions are valid reasons.
  3. If for a good reason (approved by a suitable act), a student of the institute did not pass his own work within a specific time frame, then the dean sets the deadlines for passing the test and exam
  4. A month before the exams, the rector agrees on their schedule, and then informs the teachers and students. On average, it will take three to four days to prepare for 1 exam.
  5. The student must have a record book. Before the exam, he hands it over to the examiner, he puts the record number on the 1st page on the sheet, since he has the right to open only it, and when he puts the mark on the sheet, he opens the page on which the mark is entered
  6. Examinations are held in the strictest order according to the statement, students who do not have access to exams are already marked in it. The exam is divided into 3 types according to tickets, approved by the head of the department: oral, written and in the form of a test. In the exam, it is allowed to use those. means (computer, etc.). The examiner reserves the advantage to set the student additional. questions, puzzles and examples
  7. Exams are taken by a lecturer, and tests are taken by a teacher
  8. Tests for practical and laboratory work are perceived by the time of their execution. On practical exercises from time to time tests are conducted, such as tests. The credit for the seminar is counted according to granted abstract or the student gives an answer orally at the seminar . Tests that do not have an exam are conducted before the start of the session, after the end of the lecture. A student has the right to retake tests only 3 times in a subject, if he has used up his own 3 attempts, then he is not allowed to the session and is expelled from the educational institution. The student coordinates the retake with the teacher when he has free time
  9. During the exam, a student of the university uses only study programs, however, in some cases, the examiner allows the use of reference literature. Unauthorized persons are not present at exams and tests, except if the lecturer, vice-rector or dean allowed them to be
  10. If a student passes a test for assessment ( satisfactory), then it goes to his record book. If it fails, then it is put only in the statement. If a student does not show up for an exam, then examination the statement is marked - “did not appear”. Failure to appear for an exam for no good reason leads to a consequence and the dean of the faculty puts a grade after the exam unsatisfactory
  11. If a student has no more than 2 grades per session (fail), then with the permission of the rector and the decision of the dean of the faculty, the student has a chance to transfer to the next course. However, a university student submits all the tails on time, which is set by the dean
  12. Students who have debts are expelled by order of the rector:
    1 . Did not pass the exam in 3 or more subjects
    2. There are tails for the first semester
    3 . Transferred to the next course, but did not pay off the debt on time (the student is expelled from the transferred course)
    4 . Did not pass the practice or received an assessment (failed) when they defended the report. In this case, the student goes back to practice during the holidays, and if there is no such opportunity, then he is left for re-training or deducted
  13. During examination session, the student will not be able to retake the exam. Exceptions will be only a good reason, then the dean allows the student to retake the exam, but only in 1 subject and with the same examiner. On the same subject, it is allowed to retake the exam no more than 2 times. That is, only 2 attempts are given, and the third student gives up commissions

Like this ! So, dear students, shake your head!))) But, now let's move on!

Tips: how to prepare for a session

How to prepare for session B First of all, you need to find out when there will be tests and exams. Then make a schedule for yourself. Thus, you will already know how to allocate time for preparation. Find out all the conditions for admission and mark them in the schedule. Gather all the information you need about how the test is passed (ask undergraduates)

For each question posed, give an extended answer plan. Get a special notebook for this. Start your preparation with more difficult questions in your opinion. It is not necessary to use only material taken from lecture notes. Go to the library and look for rare materials, quotes and documents. This will play an important role in the exam.

Take breaks. Walk in the fresh air, do exercises. In general, relax.

Get a good night's sleep before exams so you don't doze off in front of your teacher during the exam.

Be sure to have breakfast, drink a cup of tea with cookies, so you get another portion of carbohydrates that the brain needs.

OK it's all over Now ! Briefly and clearly ! Now you know how to prepare for the session. I wish you good luck on the exam! Bye bye !

By the way, I already wrote an article earlier: Tips to help you prepare effectively for exams

Regards, Alexey !

Each student has their own methods of preparing for the session. However, everyone knows that in order to successfully pass the exams, you need to spend a lot of energy and time. Some students work through topic after topic during the semester, measuredly, slowly, trying to sort out knowledge in their heads. Others, on the contrary, pull to the last, and learn the material literally in last days and hours before the exam. Which way works best? It is difficult to say, because all people are different, with different temperaments, abilities, health levels. But I witnessed how a person, who had learned all the tickets long before the session, got lost in the exam, everything got mixed up in his head, and as a result he received an unsatisfactory grade. For myself, I decided to use the second method of preparation, that is, to teach immediately before the session. Yes, it didn’t work out differently - during the semester I simply didn’t have enough time for this.

I always prepared for exams very quickly, within two or three days. And, despite such a speed of preparation, I passed the sessions perfectly without retakes. How did I do it? It's probably all about attitude. After all, when I entered the institute, I set myself the goal of becoming a good specialist. It followed from this that at the institute I should not waste time, and the material that could be useful to me in my work should be mastered to perfection. It couldn't have been otherwise for me.

In one night, of course, it is impossible to shovel through all the material covered during the semester. But in two or three days, if you take your mind off the world around you and go headlong into your studies, this is quite real. My technique is to make a preparation plan, focusing on the exam schedule.

At the beginning, I usually prepared subjects that had to be handed over in the first place in terms of deadlines. It should be borne in mind that in each university, examination sessions are held according to their own laws. In my educational institution The exams went one after the other. And between them there was always at least one day for preparation. And I used it to the fullest. Of course, it’s not very pleasant to study the same subject all day long, practically without raising my head, but I understood that my efforts would be rewarded with a positive mark.

You can consider my method of preparation on such an example.

Let's say the first exam is economics, then you have to take accounting. To prepare for the economy, I was given one day, during which I need to learn thirty tickets. I collected a lot of different literature on this subject and tried to isolate answers to questions from it. But most importantly, I had lecture notes. I have to admit, I rarely attended lectures myself. But I was friends with responsible people who did not miss classes and gave me their notes. And, as a rule, in their lectures, teachers deal with all the issues that can be found in the tickets. This material in preparing for the exam can be considered simply invaluable, and it was very useful to me.

I found the answers to all the tickets and managed to work through them in a short time. And although I did not know every ticket for a tooth, I had a rough idea of ​​what I would need to talk about if I came across any of them. And this realization gave birth to a share of self-confidence in my soul. No matter what they say, but confidence is a great thing, without it it is impossible to succeed in anything. After all, if you are completely unprepared for an exam or test, you don’t even imagine the topic that you have to cover, then you give yourself away with your behavior. You are very tense, your voice trembles, and your speech is incoherent and unintelligible, while you fuss a lot. The teacher will immediately feel your insecurity and suspect that your level of preparation is insufficient to get a positive mark. Even if you later remember something, he will try to find a gap in your knowledge and fail the exam.

If you are confident that you can answer any question, you will be calm and balanced. The teacher will notice this and will not find fault with you once again.

That's how I passed a few items. True, a couple of times I was just lucky: the teacher did not follow my answer too closely. But the conclusion is this: to learn a session in a few days - there is nothing difficult about it. In addition, already after the second year, you begin to notice the peculiarities of passing the session, which exist exactly in your university. Watch and remember how exams are held by various teachers. This will help you decide how to prepare for a particular discipline.

To sum it up, in order to earn excellent marks in exams in just a few days of preparation, you should:

1) gain self-confidence;
2) temporarily put aside the usual activities and entertainment;
3) find an approach to each teacher and not be afraid of additional questions from him;
4) know the specifics of a particular educational institution.
I wish you all good luck during the session!

We are all different, so our strategies for preparing for the exam will be different. Get away from your individual characteristics. If you are auditory, read textbooks and notes aloud, if you are kinesthetic, write according to your notes and plan your answer.

Another effective method is the mind map. This is a great way to structure information, refresh knowledge and quickly get to the heart of the subject even later. long time. We talked about how to make mental maps and how to work with them in more detail.

What questions to learn first? If during the semester you have a good understanding of the subject, proceed to the questions about which you have at least some idea.

If each new block cannot be understood without the previous one, then there is only one option: learn everything strictly in order.

It also makes sense to start with difficult questions, allocating enough time to study them. It's best to deal with them before you get tired and lose focus. Save the easy questions for later.

And be consistent. Stick to the chosen strategy, even if you start to panic with the approach of the exam.

Seek understanding, not memorization

Delve into the ticket, and do not try to memorize it. Memorization is a deliberately losing strategy, which also takes more time. Find logical connections in questions, invent associations.

Of course, in each subject there is information that you need to know by heart: dates, formulas, definitions. But even they are easier to remember if you understand the logic.

Do not tell the material in your own words, speculate so that the answer is more detailed.

Method "3-4-5"

A good method when you need to prepare for an exam in a short period of time. It will only take three days, but there is a lot of work to be done. Every day you need to work through all the material, but on different levels constantly deepening.

On the first day, you read your entire abstract or training manual so that knowledge on the subject, roughly speaking, gets involved. We conditionally believe that you can already pass the exam for a triple.

On the second day, you deal with the same questions, but already from the textbook, in order to learn more details and subtleties. If you prepare diligently, you can already count on the four.

On the last day, you bring your answers to the ideal: repeat, fill in the gaps, remember. After the third day, you are ready to pass the exam with excellent marks.

Two days to study, one to review

The system is very simple: all the material must be divided into two identical parts and learned in two days. The third day is entirely devoted to repetition.

Set a time limit

You can delve into each topic indefinitely, so do not try to remember all the subtleties. From a large chapter in the textbook, highlight the main thoughts: structured material of a small volume is easier to perceive.

In we shared all the tickets between classmates and everyone cooked brief summary in its part. If your group does not develop mutual assistance, you can ask for materials and cheat sheets from senior students.

Don't get stuck

If you feel like you're sitting on one question for too long, skip it. The best motivator when preparing is a timer. Decide how much time you can spend on one ticket, such as 30 minutes, and when the time expires, move on to the next one. Set aside a few hours before the exam to deal with missed questions.

Make a ticket response plan

Any, even the most extensive question can be described in a few words. Moreover, each thesis should evoke associations.

Such a plan can be quickly reviewed before the exam to tune in to the working mood. The method of three sentences is known: write out a problem for each question, main idea and output.

Study depends on the subject

Not only you have individual characteristics, but also the subject under study. For example, the exact sciences - physics - require practice. For humanities important is the ability to process large amounts of information, remember dates, names, definitions.

But, I repeat, the study of any subject must be approached actively: to delve into the issue and strive for understanding.

The format of the exam is also important. If you are preparing for an oral exam, say your future answers out loud. My favorite tactic is to retell the material to someone at home or, when they are not enthusiastic, to myself in front of a mirror. Even better, if someone will not only listen to you, but also ask questions when something is not clear.

If you are preparing for testing, it is worth solving a dozen typical tests, writing out your mistakes, repeating problematic topics and solving everything again.

If the exam is written, you need to think over the structure of the answer in advance.

Prepare for two or three

Write down the most difficult, in your opinion, topics - the collective mind will help you deal with them faster. It is better to cooperate with classmates who are determined to study, otherwise the preparation for the exam can turn into an ordinary pleasant meeting with friendly conversations.

No, this does not mean that joking and relaxing is forbidden. Just remember the main purpose of the meeting.

Viktor Kiryanov/
  1. Take breaks. This will help you relax and sort out new information.
  2. Turn off your phone, don't go to social media, stay away from the TV. If you can't resist the temptation, read up on dealing with distractions.
  3. Get enough sleep.
  4. Do not forget about food: it will give extra strength to your body. However, you shouldn't overeat. Usually, after an overly heavy lunch, he begins to sleep, and he doesn’t want to study at all.
  5. Avoid negativity from other people. The atmosphere during classes should be as favorable as possible.
  6. Don't rely too much on cheat sheets and cheating. And if you don’t know how to write off well (you must agree, you also need to be able to do this), you shouldn’t even start.
  7. Arrange a place for classes: bright, comfortable, with all the necessary materials at hand. The bed is not the best option: there is a high probability of falling asleep on a boring topic.
  8. Make bulleted lists: they are easier to remember.
  9. Sports will help to relax and stretch the muscles that have become stiff during prolonged sitting. In addition, while running, cycling, or similar physical activity, you can slowly reflect on complex issues.
  10. If you feel that you are not in the mood to study, start with the topic that seems most interesting to you. This will help you get on track.
  11. Walk in the evening. During preparation, the nerves are usually on edge, so you need to relax a little.
  12. Make a clear preparation plan.