International situation and foreign policy of the USSR

1. Introduction.

2. "Thaw" and the artistic intelligentsia.

3. Public education and higher education.

4. Development of science.

5. Literature and art.

6. Culture and perestroika.

7. Conclusion.

8. List of used literature.


Goal of the work:Highlight the main results of cultural policy and cultural development

in 1964-1985.


1. Pick up the necessary literature on this topic.

2. Review the events of cultural life in 1964-1985 for an overview.

3. Analyze the conditions of cultural life in 1964-1985.

4. Achieve the set goals of work.

Brief historiography of the issue.

On the topic "Cultural policy and culture in 1964-1985" there is a lot of literature that describes in detail the conditions of cultural life in 1964-1985. The development of culture, art, education, science over this period of time.

Crisis phenomena in Soviet society could not but affect the development of its spiritual sphere. -on education, science and culture. State policy influenced the development of culture. In this regard, many works of talented writers did not reach the Soviet reader at that time, and the films made were gathering dust on the shelves of studios.

Contradictory and complex processes in socio-political and economic

spheres, the position of the USSR in the international arena had a significant impact

on the cultural development of the second half of the twentieth century. Funding of culture, international contacts of figures of literature, science and art, and the scale of involvement in the cultural life of the broad masses of the population depended on these factors.

The Soviet society, which emerged from the hardest trials of the Second World War, was neither homogeneous nor silent. The post-war enthusiasm of the Soviet people and the expectation of changes for the better came into conflict with the totalitarian state machine. essentially Stalinist. This could not but affect society. Despite the partial dismantling of the totalitarian system of government (the reduction in the volume of the Gulag, the arrest and even execution of the most odious figures of the previous era), and during the years of the “thaw”, the consciousness of the masses was far from getting rid of the physical fear of the possibility of a repetition of cruel repressions and formed in an atmosphere of double standards, it was wary of the image of the other. The outbreak of the Cold War did not contribute to the democratization of public institutions. Social programs were reduced to a minimum. Price reduction campaigns had a pronounced political resonance, but had little effect on people's living standards.

Khrushchev's leadership sensitively caught the people's expectation of change. The debunking of I.V. Stalin as a classic of Marxism-Leninism was carried out from the mid-1950s, primarily from the position of criticizing the leader's thesis about strengthening the role of the state in communist construction. As a result, the authorities evoked a lively reaction from their citizens, who came up with various public initiatives. However, the increase in the status and role of public organizations (trade unions, creative unions, Komsomol) in the life of the country took place in a dosed and inconsistent manner.

In the 60s, several meetings of party and state leaders with representatives of the artistic intelligentsia took place. N.S. also took part in them. Khrushchev. Relations between the head of state and figures of literature and art were not easy. Work to restore the rule of law, to rehabilitate innocently convicted persons brought N.S. Khrushchev wide popularity. However, his attempts to interfere in the creative laboratory of cultural workers, incompetence and categorical assessment of their work led to the loss them authority.

« Thaw” and artistic intelligence.

The liberalization of social and political life gave a powerful impetus to the development of literature and art.

One of the consequences of the liberalization of the foreign policy course was the deepening of international relations of cultural figures. Representatives of science and art, university professors were sent for internships in different countries of the world. The exchange of information between research institutes and their mutual cooperation in solving important problems of science and technology have expanded. In the USSR, exhibitions were organized from the largest art galleries in the world. There were performances by the best foreign theater and musical groups.

The ideological pressure on cultural life and methods of diktat in its management intensified. The censorship bodies stepped up their work. The democratization of socio-political and cultural life announced by the "collective leadership" of the country turned into its temporary liberalization.

In general, the years of the "thaw" had a beneficial effect on the development of national culture. The social upsurge of this time contributed to the formation of the creativity of the figures of literature and art of the new generation. The expansion of contacts in the field of science, literature and art with foreign countries enriched the cultural life of the country.

By the beginning of the 1960s, the people were disappointed in Khrushchev, because they saw the difference between promises and the real situation in the country.

Khrushchev became the object of sharp popular criticism and ridicule. This was partly the result of his struggle against Stalin's personality cult.

At the same time, Khrushchev's praise in the media increased in 1964. The Soviet propaganda system operated almost like under Stalin. In October 1964, the Central Committee of the CPSU removed Khrushchev from party and state posts.

Further progress could occur only as a result of cardinal economic, social and political reforms.

To activate the creative forces of the people, it was necessary to carry out a real democratization of political life and liberalization of the economy.

In general, during the years of the "thaw" they had a beneficial effect on the development of national culture. The social upsurge of this time contributed to the formation of the creativity of the figures of literature and art of the new generation. The expansion of contacts in the field of science, literature and art with foreign countries enriched the life of the country.

Public education and higher education.

The intensification of ideological work did not go unnoticed for the secondary and higher schools. They introduced new social disciplines: "Social Science" for high school students and "Fundamentals of Scientific Communism" for university students. In such ways it was supposed to improve the communist education of the younger generation. To raise the level of political knowledge of the adult population, the network of political schools and universities of Marxism-Leninism was expanded.

In the 1970s, work was launched in the country to introduce universal secondary education.

New schools and universities, cinemas, houses of culture were opened, research institutes were created. During the period 1965-1980, 570 new museums began to operate. The mass media developed: radio, television. Fiction and scientific literature was published in 89 languages ​​of the peoples of the USSR and 66 languages ​​of other countries.

In 1964, it was decided to return the schools to a ten-year term of study.

In the second half of the 1960s, school programs were revised and universal secondary education was introduced.

Much attention was paid to improving the quality of teacher training. In 1966, the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences was established.

Society imposes its social models on children. The schoolboy was part of the Soviet political system: Octobrist-pioneer-Komsomolets-communist. 1

During the years of the tenth five-year plan, the transition to compulsory universal secondary education was completed. However, according to experts, school graduates were poorly prepared for independent work. In this regard, the Law on the restructuring of the school was adopted in 1984. It provided for measures to supplement universal secondary education with universal vocational education. Compulsory computer training for schoolchildren was planned. The reform, as conceived by its initiators, brought students closer to physical labor, to subsequent work in factories. The weakness of the material and technical base of schools did not allow the implementation of the plan in full. In addition, the reform was opposed by workers of public education, who feared a decrease in the level of general education of students.

Higher education developed in complex ways.

During the entire period under review, the authorities continued to concentrate their efforts on

scaling up higher education.

1. Bezborodov A.B. History of Russia 1901-2001. Part 2. Moscow. 2002, p. 184

In 1961-1965, the average annual graduation from universities was 346 thousand people, in 1981-1987 - 847 thousand people. More than 5 million students studied in 894 universities of the USSR. The list of university specialties ceased to meet the requirements of the system of division of social labor. Gradually declined prestige high school. This was especially true for engineering professions. As the number of university graduates grew, difficulties arose with their employment. Many young specialists did not work in their specialty. During the years of perestroika, contractual obligations between universities and enterprises to train specialists in a certain profile began to enter into practice. This innovation did not lead to positive changes in the development of higher education and its relationship with production.

Development of science.

The ideological dictate of the party had a detrimental effect on science. The social sciences (history, philosophy, sociology) especially suffered from the Marxist-Leninist press.

It was not easy to develop domestic science. Since the end of the 1960s, there has been a backlog in some industries. This is precisely what a group of Soviet scientists drew attention to in a letter sent to L.I. Brezhnev. One of the reasons for the backwardness of science was the lack of freedom of creativity and obtaining information necessary for the activities of scientists. Its development was also constrained by a weak material and technical base, the underdevelopment of scientific instrumentation.

Soviet science was steadily losing ground even in those areas where it had previously been in the lead. During the entire post-war period, our scientists received only six Nobel Prizes in the natural sciences, 14 times less than the Americans.

In the scientific community, as well as throughout society, degradation was observed. The goal was academic titles, awards, trips abroad. Among party and state workers, it became fashionable to receive degrees and titles. The huge scientific potential of Soviet scientists remained unclaimed.

In the 1970s, investments in science were increased, which made it possible to overcome the lag in some of its areas.

The works of Soviet researchers in the field of radio engineering and electronics (V.A. Kotelnikov), thermodynamics (V.A. Kirillin), applied mechanics and automation (A.Yu. Ishlinsky) received wide recognition. In 1978 for scientific discoveries in the field of physics Academician P. L. Kapitsa was awarded the Nobel Prize.

The solution of national economic problems required a closer connection between science and production. Research and production associations became the main form of their merger. "Perestroika" led to the destruction of most of the existing scientific and production structures.

Slideshow presentation:

Slide 1

Slide 2

Social and economic development of the Іz usunennyam 1964. in the wake of M. Khrushchov, the “era” of L. Brezhnev came. Khrushchev's reforms were burned out. March 3, 1965 The decentralized system of administration (Radnargospi) has been tested - centralized. For the allied ministries, the greater number of enterprises was again important. In this rank, no fundamental changes were planned. In industry, it was planned to strengthen the economic incentives for virobnits, expand the scope of state transparency, create an effective system of incentives, shorten the number of dictations from the fire of showings

Slide 3

When you come back, come in and give a song. The results of the eighth p "yatirishka (1965-1970) were positive. Її pіdbags were the best for the remaining 35 years. dalі more rushing to the reckless exploitation of syrovine reserves, naphtha oil and gas, at the reach of success by whatever methods.The country continued to follow its traditional path of extensive development most of the capital, human resources, the economy minimally disturbed about people that satisfaction of their needs.

Slide 4

The situation in the political-suspicious life The growth of crisis phenomena in the economic sphere was supplemented by the political-ideological crisis of the Radianian mode, as it grew innocently in the 1970-1980s. The ideological guideline of the party-state kerіvnitstvo of the SRSR and the URSR was the program of the CPRS, praised in 1961. The main provisions of the Bula Pobudov program in the SRSR until 1980. to communism, which by transferring outside the security of the material and spiritual needs of the radiant people. In the 1970s. it became clear that communism could not be encouraged in the next hour. That same party culture hung the thesis about those who, in the country of incitement to the titles of “advanced socialism”, which at the present moment is the most complete form of the suspense-political mode and in front of the communist system. Ale, with whom, it was voiced that “advanced socialism” was a historically trivial stage of a suspense-political structure. Suspіlstva formed an idea about those that the nutrition of the satisfaction of the needs of the people may be destroyed, the economy, science, education, culture, and modern social problems are developing successfully

Slide 5

After the praise of the new Constitution of the SRSR 1977. and the new Constitution of the URSR: 1978 p. Articles were introduced into the constitutional practice, for which the Communist Party voted "with the decisive and direct power of supremacy, the core of its political system." In this rank, the communist party monopoly on power in the country was fixed

Slide 6

The liquidation of radiological hospitals and the transition to a centralized-galuzevy administration sounded like the re-establishment of the republic and її kerіvnitstva. The opposite was the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, Petro Shelest, who, in words of wine, kept up with the central policy of Moscow. However, wine repeatedly showed firmness in the interests of the republic in specific areas - in the economic, modern and cultural

Slide 7

Dissatisfaction with P. Shelest at the center grew. 1972 at the grassroots plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine Rustle of the adoption of your sons, plant him with formal translations as the intercessor of the head for the sake of the ministers of the SRSR. Volodymyr Shcherbytsky became the new clerk of the Communist Party of Ukraine, after L. Brezhnev was a visuvant. Vin, like Brezhnev, having leaned to the so-called Dnipropetrovsk clan of the party-state elite, which dominated the Soviet Socialist Republic in the 1970-1980s. Picking up shots, Shcherbytsky went beyond the most important criterion among the party stakes - special permission and diligently copying those that were used by Moscow. As a result of this, 20 days of propetrovsk appeared on the core settlements near Kiev, 20 days of propetrovsk appeared, without fail to their “good-natured”. closer errors

Slide 8

Oppositional movement (dissidents) The national-voluntary movement was activated in the other half of the 1960s, when protests against the destruction of the rights of the people began to publicly sound against the pressure of the official authorities. Usim dissidents were accused of antiradian nationalist propaganda. 1965 20 cases were arrested for free thinking, among them were brothers M. and B. Goriny, O. Zalivakha and in. I opposed the ungrounded act. Dziuba, V. Stus, V. Chornovil, I. Drach, M. Stelmakh and other representatives of the Svidomo Ukrainian intelligentsia. A lot of them also fell under reprisals and zvilnennya z roboti. On the cob 1970s. a new dissidence trend is emerging in Ukraine

Slide 9

In 1970-1972 rr. having begun to appear the journal "Ukrainian Visnik", founded by V. Chornovol. The new one had information about the violation of freedom of speech, the rights of an individual of that nation, guaranteed by the Constitution, about judicial reprisals in Ukraine, about various protest actions. 1976 M. Rudenko, having created a group of spryannya of the Gelsinsk lands near Kiev, 1975. - Ukrainian Gelsinsk spіlka (UGS), the first organized structure in the Ukrainian national and arbitrary Rus. The group included L. Luk "yanenko, I. Kandiba, M. Matusevich - a total of 36 individuals

Slide 10

The UGS was engaged in collecting materials about the violation of the Gelsinsky lands, spoke out on the defense of political parties, supported the language of the Russian legal defender A. Sakharov, and helped many repressions of those same "pits of political" languages. Especially tsієї grupi bulo those її її її sluchalis dіyati legally. However, until the beginning of the 1980s. most of them were arrested and sentenced. O. Tikhiy, Y. Lytvyn, V. Marchenko and V. Stus perished in Radyansk camps

Slide 11

In Ukraine, religious dissidence also arose, pov "yazane from the defense of the rights of believers. Greek Catholics were especially active in reaffirming their rights, the Greek Catholic church was formally liquidated in the Zahidnoukrainian regions pіdpіlno. Z -for the cordon of the church, Cardinal Josip Slipiy, who arrived to the Vatican 1963

Slide 12

Development of culture In the 1970s - the first half of the 1980s. The culture of Ukraine continued to develop in the atmosphere of the totalitarian regime influx into the life of society. Ukrainian science has achieved great success. In the Institute of Theoretical Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, a school of mathematical physics was run by M. Bogolyubov. Significant success was achieved by the Institute of Materials Science of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR in the first place. Frantsevich. Ale, in the development of the exact sciences, buli and unresolved problems

Slide 13

Often scientific opinions and researches did not reach the lists, which led to the technological advancement of the industrial economy. Vidsutnіst about "acting dolzheny bula pritamany and suspіlstvoznavtsam, especially historians, yakі more engaged in commenting on the decisions of the greater party instances and in praise of the radian way of life. In such a key, for example, bula was inspired 10- volume "History of the Ukrainian RSR". those revolutions and the great war of war. Among them are the novels "Cathedral" and "Cyclone" by Oles Gonchar, "Thought about you" by M. Stelmakh, prose by Y. Mushketik, poetry by I. Drach, B. Olijnik, D. Pavlichka and other writers. She knew her readers and the poetry of V. Stus, V. Simonenka, L. Kostenko, critical practices I. Dzyubi, I. Svіtlichny, Y. Sverstiuk. Sanctions were imposed on O. Gonchar, I. Dzyubi, O. Berdnik. It took a long time to see the works of L. Kostenko and other writers

USSR In 1964-1985.


deep secret from the leader. The top nomenklatura no longer wanted to endure Khrushchev's administrative impromptu, which was accompanied by a reshuffling of personnel. The people also turned away from N. S. Khrushchev. He was incomprehensible and alien to Khrushchev's relentless struggle for a "bright future" with the continuous deterioration of current life.

In the same month, leadership positions were redistributed. L. I. Brezhnev was elected First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, A. N. Kosygin was appointed Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, A. I. Mikoyan remained Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR until the end of 1965 (then he was replaced by N. V. Podgorny). The leadership swore an oath never again to violate the “Leninist principles” of collective leadership and not to allow the combination of the post of party leader and head of government in one person, as was the case under Stalin and Khrushchev.

From the end of 1964, the country's leadership again, as in 1953, decided to encourage material interest as a stimulus for social production, starting to stabilize society in the countryside and agriculture. This course was approved at two plenums of the Central Committee of the CPSU in 1965 - March(on agriculture) and September(by industry). The decisions of the party plenums laid the foundation for measures that went down in history as the "economic reform of 1965."

The March plenum outlined the following measures for agriculture: raise state purchase prices for agricultural products, establish a firm plan for state purchases for 6 years (1965-1970); to introduce a 50% surcharge to the basic price for the above-planned sale of agricultural products to the state; to increase investment in the countryside, and above all in the production of agricultural machinery; to "recommend" the collective farms to develop a new Exemplary Charter of the agricultural artel.

A stable long-term pan, good prices, state loans, "blunting" the fight against personal subsidiary plots - all this led to a temporary acceleration of agricultural production, a decrease in the acuteness of the food problem.

The September plenum outlined the reform of industrial management and economic incentives for industrial production: return to sectoral management; transfer enterprises to self-financing (self-management, self-sufficiency, self-financing); combine unified state planning with local initiative (counter planning). It was assumed that the management reform would lead not to the return of the former ministries-dictators, but to the creation of new ones - partners and advisers to enterprises in conditions of full cost accounting. In October 1965, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted the Law on creation of union and union-republican ministries

The reform was intended to reduce the number of planned indicators issued by ministries to enterprises to five. The main indicators were to be: the volume of products sold (and not gross, that is, produced); profitability of production; profit margin. For economic incentives at enterprises at the expense of profits, the state allowed the creation of incentive funds. They could be directed to the development of production, to the material incentives for workers and employees, to social and cultural needs and housing construction. From now on, the solution of the housing problem was partially shifted from one shoulder (national) to another (departmental).

In November 1969, the III Congress of Collective Farmers of the USSR was held in Moscow. He adopted a new Exemplary Charter of collective farms to replace the Charter of 1935. The new Charter retained the right to a limited household plot, planned the transfer of collective farmers to guaranteed wages and pensions.

Volga Automobile Plant in Togliatti. In 1970, he began to produce the first Zhiguli. Agricultural production increased by 21%.

However, in the 1970s the decline in the pace of development of the national economy began again. The reform of 1965 went into the sand, although no one has ever canceled it. Market mechanisms for managing production were crushed by the command and control system. Agriculture again, for the umpteenth time, faded into the background, and in the industrial sectors, administrative pressure on the enterprises of ministries and central departments steadily increased. Instead of five planned indicators, by the mid-1980s they became over a thousand. The ministries have taken over all the rights of enterprises, putting an end to their self-government. Even the initiator of the reform, head of government A. N. Kosygin, lost the initiative and interest in it. Finally, the events in Czechoslovakia in 1968-1969. strengthened the conservative wing in the Soviet leadership. Economic reform, not supported by the reform of the political system, was doomed.

authorities of the republics, and local councils. It was determined by the plans of three five-year plans - the 9th, 10th, 11th. The directives of these plans were approved respectively by three party congresses - XXIV (1970), XXV (1976) and XXVI (1981).

The emphasis in industrial development was henceforth placed on the creation of gigantic territorial production complexes (TPCs). In total, several dozen were deployed. But the leadership of the USSR paid the main attention to the creation and deployment of the West Siberian TPK. In Western Siberia ( Tyumen region) back in the 1960s. huge deposits of oil and gas were discovered. In 1969, the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a special decision on the accelerated development of oil and gas production here and the construction of oil and gas industry facilities.

Siberian oil was relatively cheap (self-gushing), oil prices on the world market in the 1970s. were quite high. This stimulated not only the extraction of energy raw materials, but also their sale abroad on an ever-increasing scale. For the 1970s oil production in Western Siberia increased 10 times.

In the 1970s coal mining accelerated - the construction of three TPKs for open-pit coal mining was launched: in Kazakhstan - the Pavlodar-Ekibastuz TPK; in the Krasnoyarsk Territory - the Kansk-Achinsk Fuel and Energy Complex (KATEK). It was the cheapest coal in the country. The east of the country has turned into a construction site, much more powerful than during the years of Stalinist industrialization. The Bratsko-Ust-Ilimsk timber industry complex was created on the basis of the Ust-Ilimskaya HPP. On the basis of the Saya-no-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, the Sayan TPC for the processing of non-ferrous metals was launched.

Patriotic war. The construction of more than three thousand kilometers of the highway was basically completed in 1984. During the construction, the goal was to create large TPKs in these areas. However, the complex development of the territory was delayed, therefore, in the 1980s. BAM did not pay back the funds invested in it, like many other construction projects.

The course towards the construction of the TPK testified that the economy of the USSR developed in an extensive way, mainly in breadth. The country's leadership tried to make the most of the natural advantage of the USSR over other countries: a vast territory with colossal natural wealth - to use in a short time, often in a barbaric way.

in the 1960s they emphasized intensive development, forcing science-intensive industries that determined scientific and technological progress - electronics, cybernetics, robotics, biotechnology, etc. In these areas, they began to increase their lead over the USSR.

The country's leadership understood that it was possible to win the economic battle only by transferring the economy of the USSR to a predominantly intensive path of development. This task was set as the main one at the XXIV, XXV, XXVI congresses of the CPSU. However, it was not solved either in the 1970s or in the 1980s. Attempts to accelerate socio-economic development through the intensification of the economy failed every time.

The last major attempt to turn the tide in the "Brezhnev era" was made in 1979. The Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted special resolutions on management national economy and improve production efficiency. A number of experiments were carried out to improve the management of the economy. In order to concentrate production and management, production and research and production associations were created. A number of industries were transferred to self-financing.


agro-industrial integration, i.e., the unification of agriculture with the sectors that serve it - industry, transport, trade, construction (in that part of them that is connected with the village). Agro-industry was considered as the main direction of merging two forms of ownership - state and cooperative-collective farm. In 1985, on the initiative of M. S. Gorbachev, the State Agro-Industry of the USSR was created. By uniting five ministries, it became the single governing body of the huge agro-industrial complex of the USSR.

In the 1970s a campaign was widely launched on the "second virgin lands" - the Non-Black Earth region. In 1974, the Central Committee of the party and the union government adopted a joint resolution "On measures to further development Agriculture of the Non-Chernozem Zone of the RSFSR. The adoption of the document was prompted by concerns about the growing flight of young people from the villages of central Russia. The program for the rise of the Non-Black Earth Region was designed for fifteen years, that is, until 1990. It assumed a sharp increase in investment in the socio-economic development of 29 regions and republics of Russia. Funds began to be allocated, but the problem remained unresolved.

system in the late 1930s. Sociologists, in alliance with officials of the agro-industry, argued that the course towards agro-industrial integration, the concentration of agricultural production inevitably leads to the concentration of the place of residence of workers. Only "promising villages" will be able to be socially equipped. In the late 1970s developed a project to eliminate 200,000 such villages.

In the 1970s - early 1980s. Huge work was carried out to improve agricultural land in order to increase their productivity. They built grandiose canals and systems for watering and irrigation: the Great Stavropol, North Crimean, Karakum and other canals. In the early 1980s projects were developed for transferring part of the northern rivers to the south: Siberian - to Central Asia, European - to the Caspian Sea through the Volga. But due to strong public criticism, the project was shelved.

food program. She intended to solve the food problem in the USSR by 1990.

Results of economic development

The fall in the rate of economic growth began in the 9th Five-Year Plan (1971-1975).

For 15 years (1970-1985) growth rates fell to the level of economic stagnation (stagnation), contradictions acquired pre-crisis forms. As for the 11th Five-Year Plan, it was not fulfilled in any of the main indicators. In the history of the state five-year planning, this was the first case of a general disruption of the plan. As a result, neither by 1980 nor by 1985. Soviet Union did not come out on top in the world either in terms of production per capita or in terms of labor productivity. In the United States, labor productivity in industry was twice as high, and in agriculture five times as high as in the USSR.

At the same time, a large-scale social politics. The absence of unemployment, free education and health care, guaranteed pensions, high state spending on science, culture, and sports required large budgetary funds, which the extensive economy delivered with increasing difficulty. In addition, the maintenance of the bloated state apparatus, primarily the armed forces, was costly. Large funds were spent on maintaining the international policy of the USSR.

2. Social and political development


At the center of socio-political thought of the 1960s - the first half of the 1980s. was the concept of "developed socialism". It became the first major revision of the views of Stalin - Khrushchev on the possibility of building communism in a single country. The concept of "developed socialism" did not destroy faith in communism, but turned the latter from a concrete historical task back into a theoretical one. According to new concept, on the road to communism lies the stage of developed socialism, when socialism must acquire integrity, that is, a harmonious combination of all aspects and relations - production, socio-political, moral-legal, ideological. The concept was first presented by L. I. Brezhnev at the XXIV Party Congress in 1971, then supplemented at two subsequent congresses. M. A. Suslov, Yu. V. Andropov, and K. U. Chernenko spoke persistently about it. They viewed developed socialism as an inevitable stage on the road to communism.

Since the second half of the 1960s. criticism of the cult of Stalin and exposure of the practice of state terror during the Stalin period were muted and then banned. The process of rehabilitation of the repressed in previous decades was also curtailed.

Not all representatives of the intelligentsia, especially the creative ones, walked in the wake of ideological and political life. Some of them, remaining on the platform of communist ideology and socialist realism, nevertheless, were classified as dissidents and were subjected to severe pressure from the party and state apparatus. So it was reflected in 1969-70. on the magazine "New World", the editor-in-chief of which was A. T. Tvardovsky. The editorial board of the magazine was dispersed, and its Chief Editor resigned. In the 1970s dissent resulted in a whole movement, called "dissident". Its characteristic features were anti-communism and anti-Sovietism.

USSR Constitution 1977

In 1977, the concept of "developed socialism" was legally enshrined in the new Constitution of the USSR. She

education, health care, recreation, as well as pensions and housing. After 1977, within 5 years, specific laws were developed and adopted to implement these rights. They were duplicated in the republican constitutions adopted in 1978.

The Constitution of the USSR for the first time officially fixed the special role of the CPSU in society. Art. 6. defined it as the "leading and guiding" force of Soviet society, the CPSU was proclaimed "the core of the political system."

The constitution also consolidated the sharply increased economic and political role of the union center at the expense of the corresponding rights of the republics. By the end of the 1970s. the number of central ministries and departments reached almost 90 (in 1924 there were 10, in 1936 - 20).

L. I. Brezhnev. Yu. V. Andropov became the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, and six months later the Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. In February 1984 he passed away. K. U. Chernenko, whose state of health was no better than that of his predecessors, turned out to be in the highest posts. Society lived from funeral to funeral, during which public life almost died down. In March 1985, a new funeral and a new redistribution of power took place.

3. International situation and foreign policy of the USSR

Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe

In the field international relations 1970s passed under the sign of the growing authority and influence of the USSR.

The most important event in international life in the 1970s. was the Pan-European Conference on Security and Cooperation. The idea of ​​convening the meeting was submitted to the UN by the Polish People's Republic in 1964. In 1966, it was supported by the XXIII Congress of the CPSU, instructing the Soviet leadership to achieve its implementation. In the same year, all members of the Warsaw Pact spoke in favor of the conference. In 1969, the idea of ​​the All-European Conference was approved by the NATO countries and the neutral states of Europe.

A serious obstacle prevented this: the unwillingness of the Federal Republic of Germany to recognize the post-war borders in Europe. In 1969, the Social Democrats came to power in Germany. Willy Brandt became the Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany. The new West German government revised the "Ostpolitik", taking into account post-war realities. A major step along this path was the Moscow Treaty between the USSR and the FRG in 1970, both sides pledged to regard the borders of all states in Europe as inviolable now and henceforth. Germany forever renounced claims to the territory of the former East Prussia, which became part of the USSR in 1945 as the Kaliningrad region. In exchange, Willy Brandt wooed from LEE. Brezhnev's agreement not to interfere with the peaceful unification of the two Germanys, if appropriate conditions arise for this in the future. Similar agreements were concluded between the FRG and Poland, Czechoslovakia, and the GDR.

In 1972, under an agreement between the FRG and the GDR, both states recognized each other as independent and sovereign. The controversial West Berlin issue was resolved in 1971 by concluding a quadripartite agreement between the USSR, the USA, Britain and France. Four states have declared that West Berlin does not belong to the FRG, and the latter should curtail political activity in this city. The path to the meeting was cleared. It took place in 1973-1975. and ended in Helsinki meeting of leaders of 35 states of Europe, the USA and Canada. The main political outcome of the meeting was the "Declaration of Principles", by which the participating states pledged to be guided in mutual relations. There were ten such principles: the sovereign equality of states; non-use of force or threat of force; inviolability of borders; territorial integrity of states; peace settlement disputes; non-interference in internal affairs; respect for human rights; equality of peoples; mutually beneficial cooperation between states; conscientious fulfillment of obligations under international law.

These principles were included in the Constitution of the USSR in 1977 as principles of peaceful coexistence of states with different social order. Subsequent meetings of the CSCE participants became known as the "Helsinki Process" or the CSCE movement (since 1990 - OSCE, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe).

The Soviet leadership regarded the Helsinki Conference as their major victory. Helsinki-7 5 became the logical conclusion of the Yalta-45 course. The leading capitalist countries and, above all, the United States recognized the growth of the USSR's sphere of influence in Eastern and Central Europe, the split of Europe into two blocs.

Relations between the USSR and the USA

acknowledged the existence military-strategic parity The USSR and the USA, that is, the approximate equality of weapons. Thanks to this parity, the 1970s went down in history as international tension.

During the negotiations between the leaders of the USSR and the USA, treaties were signed, which were an important step for mankind towards security. Among the treaties concluded in the 1970s, the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT-1), concluded in Moscow in 1972 during the first meeting of L. I. Brezhnev and R. Nixon, and the SALT-2 Treaty were of paramount importance (1979). These treaties set ceilings above which it was impossible to build up strategic offensive weapons. In 1972, the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM) was signed, under which the USSR and the USA received the right to create two anti-missile defense zones in vital areas. In 1974 an additional protocol to the Treaty was signed. In accordance with it, the number of such zones on both sides was reduced to one. The Americans chose for this purpose the base of heavy intercontinental ballistic missiles Grand Forks, the USSR - Moscow. Finally, two treaties relating to nuclear testing were signed - the 1974 Treaty on the Limitation of Underground Tests nuclear weapons and the 1976 Treaty on Underground Nuclear Explosions for Peaceful Purposes.

Relations of the USSR with the socialist countries

In the 1970s cooperation between the USSR and the countries of the "socialist commonwealth" * deepened.

*Countries included in the CMEA and the Warsaw Pact.

integration(unification) of economic systems. In 1971, within the framework of the CMEA, providing for international socialist specialization (international division of labor), the creation of a single market of socialist countries, the convergence of economic structures, currency systems, the coordination of plans, the creation of large international enterprises. This corresponded to the integration trend of the capitalist countries, manifested in the creation of transnational corporations, as well as the course towards economic unification. Western countries in the Common Market.

Against the background of expanding cooperation with the Commonwealth countries, Soviet-Chinese relations, which previously determined the power of the socialist system, looked like a sharp dissonance. From being unfriendly, they became hostile. In the late 1960s The Soviet Union pulled up significant forces to the Soviet-Chinese and Mongolian-Chinese borders. This was caused by China's armed attacks on Soviet territory in the spring of 1969 (Damansky Island). In the summer of 1969, China provoked about 500 incidents on the USSR border involving 2,500 military and civilians. The main claims of the PRC against the USSR were now of a territorial nature. In the autumn of 1969, negotiations began on border disputes. They walked hard, often came to a standstill. After the death of Mao Zedong (September 1976), the situation did not change. In the early 1980s The new leader of China, Deng Xiaoping, formulated the next "obstacles" to the normalization of relations between the PRC and the USSR. There were three: 1) Soviet troops in the Mongolian People's Republic and on the Soviet-Chinese border; 2) Soviet support for the Vietnamese military intervention in Kampuchea; 3) Soviet troops in Afghanistan. An approach to solving these problems was outlined in the second half of the 1980s.

became the initiator of the construction of a new model of socialism - "socialism with a human face". In practice, this led to a serious attempt to get out of the Soviet influence, as well as out of the "socialist commonwealth". The focus was on the West. (In many ways, this was reminiscent of an attempt by the Hungarian government of I. Nagy in 1956 to begin building a system of democratic, market socialism). At the initiative of the Soviet leadership, the troops of the USSR and other socialist countries were brought into Czechoslovakia. The new leadership headed by G. Husak, elected in April 1969, turned to strengthening relations between Czechoslovakia and the USSR.

An acute crisis in the Commonwealth system also broke out in the late 1970s. in Poland. The workers' trade union "Solidarity" organized a number of major anti-government demonstrations, demanding economic and political reforms. the Soviet Union accepted political participation in resolving the crisis. In 1981-1983 In Poland, a state of emergency was introduced, as a result of which anti-government forces went underground. However, the Polish crisis was the beginning of the collapse of the socialist system in Europe.

International tension at the turn of the 1970-1980s.

confrontations(opposition). In 1979-1980. The United States launched a broad campaign to deploy neutron weapons in Western Europe. The campaign bogged down in a powerful wave of mass protest that swept through the countries of the West. Then the new US leadership, headed by President R. Reagan, decided to deploy medium-range nuclear cruise missiles in Western Europe aimed at the USSR and its allies. The missiles were deployed in 1983-1984. in Germany, Great Britain and Italy with the consent of the leadership of these countries.

the Republic of Afghanistan to provide military assistance in carrying out "revolutionary" changes in society and protecting the country from possible intervention. The USSR became involved in civil war in the DRA. Having sent troops to Afghanistan, the Soviet Union found itself in international isolation, as the United States during the " Vietnam War". The absolute majority of UN member countries strongly condemned the Soviet method of resolving the "Afghan issue". Large-scale military assistance to the opposition from the United States and its allies began to bring tangible human and material losses to the USSR.

In 1984, the Soviet Union, in agreement with the governments of Czechoslovakia and the GDR, deployed its medium-range nuclear missiles in these countries (in the West they were called "SS-20"). The steps taken by the superpowers broke the European detente, disturbed the unstable stability in the world, and brought the world to a dangerous line.

Almost all the leading capitalist countries declared a scientific and technological boycott of the Soviet Union and its allies. The Coordinating Committee for Export Control (COCOM), created on the initiative of the United States in 1949, which had previously strictly controlled exports to socialist countries, introduced a ban on the import of a wide range of science-intensive products and technologies into the USSR. The USSR, despite its powerful potential, found itself in a trap of technological dependence on the West for strategic supplies.

in Moscow without sending their representatives to it. In response, at the initiative of Czechoslovakia, the socialist states, in protest against the deployment of American missiles in Europe and the military presence in Nicaragua, boycotted the XXIII Olympic Games in 1984 in the USA. Anti-Soviet campaigns in the world intensified in the fall of 1983 in connection with the downing of a South Korean passenger plane over the territory of the USSR. The tone was set by US President R. Reagan, who called the Soviet Union an "evil empire." Ice " cold war» closed up.


At the same time, the core posts were redistributed. Pershim secretary Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union L.I. Brezhnev, Head for the sake of the Ministers SRSR Appointments A. N. Kosigin, Head of the Presidium of the Supreme Council for the sake of the SRSR, was abandoned until the end of 1965. A.I. Mikoyan (later changed by M. V. Pidgorny). Kerivnitstvo took an oath no longer to violate the “Leninist principles” of the collectivity of kerivnitstva and not to allow nadaly planting in one individual kerivnika the party and the head of the order, how it was when Stalin and Khrushchev.

1. Economy

Reform 1965

From the end of 1964, the country’s ceramics was reborn, like in 1953, material interest as a stimulus for the sustainable development, which caused the stabilization of the sustainable development of the village domination. Tsei course of praises at two plenums of the Central Committee of the CPSU 1965 - birch(in Russian domination) і Veresnevy(according to promiscuity). The decisions of the party plenums laid the foundation for the visits, as they went down in history as "economical reform 1965.

Bereznevy plenum namіtiv nastupnі go to the silskomu government: move sovereign purchasing prices for agricultural products, insert firm plan of state purchasers for 6 years (1965-1970 pp..); Introduce a 50% surcharge up to the basic price for above-plan sales of agricultural products from the state; increase capital investment in village and we are ahead of virobnitstvo agricultural technology; “recommend” the Kolgospam to expand the new Primirny Statute of the Selskogopodarskoy Artil.

Stable dovgotrivaliy sir, good prices, strong credits, "blunted" struggle with a special subsistence state - all this led to a temporal acceleration of strong subsidization, a decrease in the quality of food nutrition.

Veresnevy plenum calling for reform industry management and enter the economical stimulation of industrial production: turn to the galuzy management; transfer business to state clerk (self-rowing, self-sufficiency, self-financing); to promote a unified state planning with a public initiative ( zustrіchny planning). It got messed up, what reform The administration brought before the turn not many ministries-dictators, but the creation of new ones - partners and other enterprises in the minds of a full state clerk. Zhovtni born in 1965 The Verkhovna Rada of the SRSR adopted the Law on creation of allied and union-republican ministries behind the curtains of industry. Buli skasovani for the sake of popular dominion.

The reform passed the speed of a number of planned demonstrations, which the ministries go down to undertakings, to hell. The main indicators of guilt were the following: obsyag sold products (and not gross, tobto viroblenoy); profitability of production; rozmir pributku. For economical incentives at enterprises for a profit power allowed me to make curious fondies. Їx can be directed to development virobnitstva, on materially interested in workers and service workers, on social and cultural needs and living life. Solutions of living catering were often shifted from one shoulder (the sovereign) to another (domestic).

At the fall of the leaves 1969 in Moscow, III z "їzd kolgospnikі v SRSR. We adopted the new Primirny Statute of the Kolgospіv Deputy of the Statute of 1935 The new Statute of savings right at the LPG border, namichav translation Kolgospnikov for a guaranteed salary i pension security.

Economic reform of 1965 most successfully showed itself in the rocks of the eighth p "yatirishka" (1966-1970). Commitment to the industrial production of zrіs by 50%. Nearly 1900 great enterprises were initiated, including the Volzky Automobile Plant near Togliatti. Have 1970 r. wine having begun to release the first "Zhiguli". The rural production increased by 21%.

However, in the 1970s.. the decline in the pace of the development of the people's state has begun again. Reform 1965 I went to the sand, wanting to see nothing in any way. Market mechanisms production management were crushed by the command-administrative system. Silsk dominion anew, already at the same time, it turned to another plan, and the administrative pressure on the undertakings of the ministries and main offices was unmistakably growing in the industrial galuzy. The deputy of n "yati planned shows" became until the mid-1980s rr.. over a thousand. The ministries have pulled over all the rights of enterprises, ending their self-regulation. Navit himself the initiator of the reform, the head of the order A. N. Kosigin, having introduced the initiative and interest to her. Nareshti, Podії in Czechoslovakia in 1968-1969. pіdsilili in radyanskomu kerіvnitstvі conservatively winged. Economic reform, not reinforced reform political system, bula doomed.


Social and economic development of the SRSR in the 1970s - the first half of the 1980s. took place under the sign of a sharp settlement of centralized management, the role of the center in the life of the economy and the subsistence of the economic power of the republics, and the labor councils. Vono was marked by the plans of three p "yatirichok - 9th, 10th, 11th. The directives of these plans were confiscated clearly three party z "izdami - XXIV (1970), XXV (1976) and XXVI (1981).

Nagolos in the industrial development of buv vіdteper razrobleniya on the creation of gigantic territorial-virobnicheskikh kompleksіv (TPK). All in all, dozens of spits were fired. Ale golovna respect The ceramics of the Soviet Socialist Republic added to the creation and development of the Zahidno-Siberian WPK. Near Western Siberia (Tyumen region) in the 1960s. were shown the greatness of oil and gas deposits. In 1969 The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Republic of Moldova of the Soviet Socialist Republic adopted a special decision on accelerating the development of oil and gas production here and on the operation of the oil and gas industry.

Siberian naphtha was remarkably cheap (self-flowing), prices for naphtha on the light market in the 1970s. boules dosit high. Tse stimulated not only healthy energy Sirovini, and sales of yoga over the cordon have more and more volumes. For the 1970s.. oil production in Western Siberia grew 10 times.

In the 1970s.. otrimala uglevidobutok - Bulo rozgornuto everyday life three TPK from vidobutka Vugillya in a critical way: at Kazakhstani- Pavlodar-Ekibastuz TPK; V Krasnoyarsk krai - Kansk-Achinsk fuel and energy complex(KATEK). Tse buv who found the vugillya of the country. Departure of the country, turning into a weekly Maidanchik, where I will push harder, lower at the rock of Stalin's industrialization. On the basis of the Ust-Ilimsk hydroelectric power station, the Bratsko-Ust-Ilimsk timber industry complex. On the basis of the Saya-no-Shushensky HPP, the Sayan TPK was developed from the production of colored metals.

With the method of activating the development of the economy of Siberia and the Far Descent in 1974. it was a dream to turn around before the opening of the Baikal-Amur Mainline (BAM), the first test of the creation was robbed ahead of the day Great Vytchiznyanoy war. The life of the greater lower three-thousand-meter highway was mostly completed in 1984. When everyday life is small, there are large TPKs in these regions. However, the complex development of the territory was delayed, to that in the 1980s. BAM did not pay back the investments in it, like a lot of other lives.

Heading for everyday life TPK is famous economy The SRSR developed as an extensive path, with a head rank in breadth. Kerіvnitstvo of the country was smeared as much as possible natural dominance SRSR before others lands: majestic territory with colossal natural riches - victorious in style terms, often in a barbaric way.

At the same time, the extensive development was a great disadvantage for the Radyansk state. The main competitors of the economic growth in the world arena - developed capitalist lands - back in the 1960s. they raised their voices for intensive development, for the forcing of science-based galleries, as if they were signing scientific and technical progress- electronics, cybernetics, robotics, biotechnology, etc. On these straight lines, the stench began to build up their wind in the SRSR.

The craftsmanship of the country made up its mind what to win economical the essence can be less transferred to the economy of the SRSR on a more importantly intensive way of development. This task was put in the capacity of the head one at the XXIV, XXV, XXVI z "izdah of the CPRS. The defense was not eliminated either in the 1970s or in the 1980s. Try to achieve an accelerated social and economic development through the intensification of the economy, they were soon seen.

The rest is a great test break the situation in the “era of Brezhnev” was broken up in 1979. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Republic of Moldova adopted special resolutions on the management of the people's state and improving the efficiency of virobnitstva. Buv conducting a series of experiments with perfection economic management. With the method of concentration of virobnitstva, that management was created virobnichi and scientific and virobnichi about "days. A number of galleys were translated into state transparency.

Silsk state

In the Galusia of the Russian State in the 1970s - the first half of the 1980s.. emphasis on agro-industrial integration, tobto about "the day of the silskogo statehood with galuzy, as if to serve it - promislovistu, transport , trade , everyday life(near that part of the country, which is located outside the village). Agro-industry looked like a head-to-head growth of two forms of power - sovereign and cooperative-kolgospnoy. In 1985 for the initiative of M.S. Gorbachov buv creations Derzhagroprom SRSR. About the "single" yat ministries, becoming the single governing body of the majestic agro-industrial complex of the SRSR.

In the 1970s.. having turned widely, I went to the “friend of the qilin” - Nechornozem "I. In 1974 The Central Committee of the Party and the Allied Order adopted a joint resolution “On Come in for a distant development of the rural state of the Non-Chernozem zone of the RRFSR. The adoption of the document caused concern over the drive of a growing influx of young people from the forces of central Russia. The program for the Nechornozem "I was insured for n" fifteen years, tobto until 1990 Won transferred a sharp increase in capital investment in the social and economic development of 29 regions and republics of Russia. The bones began to be seen, but the problem was left unsolved.

One more thing hurt the village of the European part of the Union - mass liquidation of "unpromising forces". For the 1970s.. pridaє rozkvіt tsgogo course, which is the root of my go to fight against the farming system of the 1930s.. Sociologists in alliance with the officials of the agro-industry brought that the course towards agro-industrial integration, the concentration of agricultural production will inevitably lead to the concentration of the population of workers. Less "perspective villages" can be socially developed. In the beginning of the 1970s.. rozrobili project liquidation of 200 thousand such forces.

In the 1970s - on the cob of the 1980s. were carried out great roboti on reclamation of agricultural land with a method of increasing their crop yield. There were grand canals and systems for watering and irrigation: the Great Stavropol, Pivnichno-Krimsky, Karakum and other canals. On the cob of the 1980s.. were developed projects for transferring a part of the pivnіchnyh rivers to the pivden: Siberian - to Central Asia, European - to the Caspian Sea through the Volga. And yet, the sharp criticism of the bulk of the project was announced.

Nareshti, I became especially important in 1982. Food programs. Vaughn delivered a variety of food supplies in the Soviet Socialist Republic until 1990.

Podbags of economic development

The drop in the pace of economic growth began in the 9th p "yatirichtsi (1971-1975) ..

For 15 years (1970-1985 rr..) The pace of growth fell to the level of economic stagnation (stagnation), but it came to pre-crisis forms. As the 11th p "yatirishka is standing, then there was no vikonana for one main show. In the history of the sovereign p "yatyrіchny planning tse buv first vipadok deep vision of the plan. The results are neither before 1980, nor before 1985. The Radyansk Union is not on the first stage in the world, neither in terms of production per capita, nor in comparison with the productivity of work. USA productivity practice in craftsmanship twice, but in agriculture statehood in p "five times revisited free of charge displays in the SRSR.

At the same time, a large-scale social policy. Visibility unemployed, bezkoshtovnu osvitu and health protection "I, guaranteed pension security, high vitraty dominion for science, culture, sport vymagali great budget koshtіv, yakі all with great difficulties delivered extensive economy. Crimea Togo, the majestic vitrates were slaughtered by the swollen sovereign apparatus, us in front of the enemy forces. Great koshti were used to support the international policy of the SRSR.

2. Gromadska political development


At the center of the suspense-political thought of the 1960s - the first half of the 1980s.. the concept of "accused to socialism" was known. Vaughn became the first great revision Stalin- Khrushchov about the possibility of encouraging communism in the captured country. The concept of "advanced socialism" did not collapse the belief in communism, but turned the rest of the concrete historical task back into a theoretical one. Zgidno with a new concept, on the way to communism lie the stage of the guilty socialism, if socialism guilty harmonizing all sides and ideas - virobnic, socio-political, moral and legal, ideological. The concept was first presented by L.I. Brezhnev on the XXIV z "їzdі party in 1971, then it was added to the two advancing z" їzdakh. M. A. Suslov, Yu. V. Andropov, and K. U. Chernenko talked about her in a nonchalant manner. The stench of socialism was rescinded as an inevitable stage on the road to communism.

From the other half of the 1960s. were muffled, and then fenced, criticism of the cult of Stalin and the practice of sovereign terror in the Stalinist period. Bouv gornuty i process rehabilitation of repressed people in a decade.

Not all representatives of the intelligentsia, especially the creative ones, walked in the wake of the ideological and political life. Deyakі iz them, zalyshayuchisya on the platform of communist ideology and socialist realism, not less than that, they were brought to the camp of dissidents and were given a hard squeeze from the side of the party-state apparatus. So it went on in 1969-70 rr.. on the journal "Noviy Svit", the editor-in-chief of such a buv A. T. Tvardovsky. The editorial board of the journal was dismissed, and the editor-in-chief filed a resignation. In the 1970s.. The dissent flowed into a flurry of turmoil, which won the name "dissident". Yogo characteristic rice buli anti-communism and anti-radianism.

Constitution of the Soviet Socialist Republic of 1977

Have 1977 r. the concept of "accused socialism" was legally enshrined in the new Constitution of the SRSR. Won

guilty bula rozvinuti democratic provisions of the Constitution of 1936 As before, the emphasis in the Constitution was on voting for the social rights of the citizens of the SRSR, the list of which has become wider: the right to practice, cost-free education, medical services, vіdpochinok, as well as pension security and living. April 1977 For the past 5 years, they have been expanded and adopted specific laws on how to implement these rights. The stench was dubbed in the republican constitutions, adopted in 1978

The Constitution of the Soviet Socialist Republic for the first time formalized the special role of the CPRS in the welfare. Art. 6. її as a "kerіvnu and direct" force of the radyansky sospіlstvo, the CPRS voted "the core of the political system".

The Constitution also strengthened the economic and political role of the union center for the sake of prosperity open the rights of the republic Until the end of the 1970s.. The number of central ministries and departments reached up to 90 (in 1924, the number was 10, in 1936 - 20).

Political Life in the Territory of the First Half of the 1980s. the frequent change of the great ceramics was lihomanic. U sichni 1982. the leading ideologist of the country M. A. Suslov died, in the fall of the same rock - leader parties and powers of L. I. Brezhnev. Yu.V. Fierce born in 1984 yoga is gone. K. U. Chernenka appeared in the skyscrapers, I became healthy, which was no more beautiful, lower among the predecessors. Suspіlstvo lived from the funeral to the funeral, in the course of some suspіlne life mayzhe died. By the birch 1985 a new funeral was held and a new one was handed over to the vlady.

3. International camp i foreign policy SRSR

Narada for security and defense in Europe

In the sphere of international trade, 1970s.. passed under the sign of growing authority and infusion of the SRSR.

The most important rise of international life 1970 - x rr.. became Zagalnoevropeiska people of security and spіvrobіtnitstva. The idea of ​​calling for the bula was introduced to the UN by the Polish People's Republic in 1964. In 1966 її pіdtrimav XXIII z "їzd CPRS, having entrusted the radyansk kerіvnitstvu її ії ії ії ії ії іn life. At the same time, all the members of the Varshavsky treaty. In 1969 The idea of ​​the Trans-European Narada was praised by the krai NATO and neutral powers Europe.

Serious pereskoda respected tsoma: the FRN’s lack of responsibility for war cordoni in Europe. In 1969 social democrats came to power in the FRN. The head of the SDPN, Willy Brandt, became the federal chancellor of the FRN. Newly zahіdnonіmetske squad looked over the “shіdnu politіku”, taking war reality to the point of respect. Having become the Moscow Agreement between the SRSR and the FRN of 1970, the offending sides of the goiters "became a great cruc on this path" were seen as unbreakable at once and sent the cordons of all the powers in Europe. The FRN was later moved in response to claims to the territory of the Great Prussians, which reached the warehouse of the SRSR in 1945. yak Kaliningrad region. IN exchange Willy Brandt came into the world of CHI. Brezhnev, do not let the peaceful meeting of the two Nimechchins, so for whom to blame the future mind. Similar agree buli ukladenі FRN z Poland, Czechoslovakia, NDR.

Have 1972 r. behind treaty between the FRN and the PDR, the offending powers recognized one another as independent and sovereign. Spirny zahіdnoberlіnskiy food was celebrated in 1971. a way of laying chotirilaterally please mizh SRSR, USA, England and France. Chotiri powers declared that Western Berlin does not belong to the FRN, and the rest is guilty of burning in the city of political activity. The path to the boulevards of clearings. It took place in 1973-1975. i ended in Helsinki zustrichchu ker_vnik_v 35 powers of Europe, USA and Canada. The “Declaration of Principles” became the head political bag for the sake of it; There were ten such principles: the sovereignty of the powers is sovereign, but the lack of force or threaten it with force; indestructibility of cordons; territorial integrity of the powers; peaceful regulation of disputes; nevtruchannya at the internal help; respect for the rights of people; equality of peoples; mutual support of the powers; sumlіnne vykonannya goiters "yazan for international law.

Qi principles in 1977. were introduced to the Constitution of the SRSR as principles of peaceful spіvіsnuvannya of powers with a different suspіlny mode. Come on zustrіchі participants in the NBSE began to be called the “Helsinian process” or the NBSE (since 1990 - OSCE, Organization from safety and security in Europe).

Radiansky kerіvnitstvo regarded Gelsіnsk rada as its great victory. Gelsinki-7 5 became the logical completion of the Yalti-45 course. Providnі kapitalіstіchі kraїni i, persh for everything, the USA recognized the growth of the sphere in the SRSR inflow to the Northern and Central Europe, the split of Europe into two blocks.

Vіdnosiny mizh SRSR i USA

An important tribute to the 1970s.. became the renaissance of the Radian-American zustrіchey on the highest level. The stench took place in a different situation, lower first zustrich in 1959 On the cob of the 1970s.. American curiosity recognized the presence Viysk-strategic parity SRSR and USA, tobto approximate equanimity ozbroen. Zavdyaki tsmu parity 1970-і rr.. went down in history like era of detente international tension.

At the go negotiations ker_vniki in the SRSR and the USA were signed agreements, yakі became an important crop of people to security. Sered agreements, settlements in the 1970s pp. under the hour of the first season L. I. Brezhnev i R. Nixon i Dogovir OSO-2 (1979). Qi contract put in steles, more than any of them it was not possible to build up strategic offensive defenses. Have 1972 r. buv signings Agreement on anti-missile defense (ABM), for which the SRSR and the United States took away the right to set up two zones of anti-missile defense in vital areas. In 1974 letter of signature of the addendum protocol to the Treaty. Obviously, the number of such zones on both sides was shortened to one. The Americans chose to target the base of the important Grand Forks intercontinental ballistic missiles, SRSR- Moscow. Nareshti, were signed two agreements on nuclear testing - Agreement 1974 on the exchange of underground nuclear testing and Agreement 1976 on underground nuclear testing for peaceful purposes.

Remembrance of the SRSR with the socialist countries

In the 1970s.. the sympathy of the SRSR with the lands of "socialistic sympathy" *.

* Countries that entered the REV and ATS.

Friendship was an important political, economic and military force of the modern history of the world. Especially clearly the destruction of the socialist spirit was manifested in the course on integration(about "annannya) economic systems. Have 1971 r. within the framework of the REV, the bula was adopted Comprehensive program of social and economic integration, Yaka transferred international socialist specialization ( international podil practice), the creation of a single market of socialist lands, the convergence of national support structures, currency systems, the coordination of plans, the creation of great international enterprises. Tse proved to be integration trends capitalistic lands, which appeared among the creation of transnational corporations, as well as the course towards economical about "the day of the western lands in the system of the Spilny market.

Radiant-Chinese blue waters looked like a sharp dissonance on the expansion of the spivrobnitstva with the borders of Spivdruzhnost, as if earlier they were signifying the mission of the socialist system. From unfriendly stench became fortune-tellers. In the beginning of the 1960s.. Radyansky Union raising up to the Radian-Chinese and Mongolian-Chinese cordon of significant strength. Ce bulo viklikana zbraynymi attacks to China on the territory of Radyansk spring 1969 p. (Fr. Damansky). Vlitka born in 1969 China having provoked close to 500 incidents at the cordon of the SRSR with the participation of 2500 military and civil cases. The main claims of the PRC before the Soviet Socialist Republic were now of a territorial nature. 3 autumn 1969 boules rozpochati have a talk from the cordon spirnih meals. The stench went off briskly, often went into a deaf kut. After death Mao Zedong(spring 1976) situation did not change. On the cob of the 1980s.. new leader to China Deng Xiaoping formulating a black "shift" to the path of normalization between the PRC and the SRSR. There were three of them: 1) Radianian military in the MPR and on the Radianian-Chinese cordon, 2) support by the Radianian Union in the "Yetnamsky military union in Kampuchea; 3) Radianian military service in Afghanistan. Towards the end of these problems came up in the other half of the 1980s.

In the other half of the 1960s.. vinyl a threat to the split of friendship, viklikana politics new ceramics of Czechoslovakia on the basis of A. Dubcek. Obrany at Sichni 1968 A. Dubcek became the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, becoming the initiator of the new model of socialism - "socialism with human faces." In practice, it led to a serious attempt to win the s-pіd radyanskogo infusion, as well as s "socialistic sympathy." Orientation towards Zahid became clear. (In 1956, Nadya, in 1956, began to encourage a system of democratic, market socialism for a trial of the Ugric order). For іnіtsiativi radianskogo kerіvnitstv in Czechoslovakia were introduced vіysk SRSR and other socialist krajn. New ceramics on the choli with G. Husak, taken from the quarter of 1969, turned to the mark of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic from the Soviet Socialist Republic.

Gostra crisis the systems of spіvdruzhnosti were also developed in the cinemas of the 1970s.. at Poland. The working trade union "Solidarity" organized a number of great anti-series speeches, despite the implementation of economic and political reforms. The Radian Union praised the political fate of the rose "as a crisis. U 1981-1983 rr.. in Poland was introduced overhead camp, as a result of some kind of anti-series forces, they went to hell. Tim is no less, the Polish crisis was the beginning of the collapse of the socialist system in Europe.

International tension between 1970-1980s..

At the turn of the 1970-1980s.. the international situation sharply became brighter. In the policy of detente, the leading powers turned to the bik confrontation(resistance). U 1979-1980 rr.. The United States launched a wide campaign to deploy neutron weapons in Western Europe. The campaign sank into the bitter whirlwind of mass protest that rolled through lands Sunset. At the same time, the US military, in cooperation with President R. Reagan, adopted a decision to deploy medium-range nuclear missiles in Western Europe, aimed at the SRSR and other allies. Rockets were deployed in 1983-1984. on the territory of the FRN, Great Britain and Italy for the year of the construction of these lands.

Having sharply increased the stosuvannya in the old politics of force, threaten it with force. At the end of 1979 - on the cob 1980. The ceramics of the SRSR was observed at the repeated prohannya of the ceramics Democratic the Republic of Afghanistan to give military assistance to the conducted "revolutionary" changes in the support and defense of the country in the event of a possible intervention. The SRSR will be drawn into the Gromadyan war in the DRA. Through the war to Afghanistan, the Radyansky Union leaned into international isolation, like the United States under the hour "in the "country war". The absolute majority of the countries - members of the UN strongly condemned the radical method of solving the "Afghan food". Large-scale military assistance to the opposition from the side of the United States and its allies began to bring the SRSR into accountable human and material spend.

In 1984 The Radian Union for the weather with the units of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the NDR deployed its nuclear missiles of the middle radius in these regions (on Zakhodі they were called "SS-20"). Lived in by the superpowers, the little ones broke the European order, destroyed the stability of the world, brought the world to an unsafe boundary.

Mayzha all the capitalist countries have voiced the scientific and technical boycott of the Radyansky Union and allies. The Coordinating Committee for Export Control (COCOM), under the initiative of the United States in 1949, which, and earlier, strictly controlled exports in the socialist countries, introduced a fence for the import of a wide range of scientific products and technologies into the SRSR. SRSR, not respecting its own potential, leaning in the past of technological fallow in the direction of strategic supplies.

In the beginning of the 1970s, the Soviet Socialist Republic was a pivdenno-Korean passenger plane. The tone was set by US President R. Reagan, who called the Radian Union an "evil empire." The people of the "cold war" closed in.