Scientific work electricity and living organisms. Electricity in nature. Presentation. Use in scientific research

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The history of the discovery of an electrical phenomenon

For the first time, Thales of Miletus drew attention to the electric charge in 600 BC. He discovered that amber, worn on wool, will acquire the properties to attract light objects: fluffs, pieces of paper. Later it was believed that only amber had this property. IN mid-seventeenth century Otto von Garike developed an electric friction machine. In addition, he discovered the property of electrical repulsion of unipolarly charged objects, and in 1729 the English scientist Stephen Gray discovered the separation of bodies into conductors. electric current and insulators. Soon his colleague Robert Simmer, observing the electrification of his silk stockings, came to the conclusion that electrical phenomena due to the division into positive and negative charges of bodies. The bodies, when rubbing against each other, cause the electrization of these bodies, that is, electrification is the accumulation of a charge of the same type on the body, and the charges of the same sign repel each other, and the charges of the opposite sign are attracted to each other and compensate when connected, making the body neutral (uncharged). In 1729, Charles Du Fay established that there are two kinds of charges. The experiments carried out by Dufay said that one of the charges is formed when glass is rubbed against silk, and the other is formed when resin is rubbed against wool. The concept of positive and negative charge was introduced by the German naturalist Georg Christoph. The first quantitative researcher was the law of the interaction of charges, experimentally established in 1785 by Charles Coulomb using a sensitive torsion balance developed by him.

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Why does electrified people's hair rise up?

Hair is electrified by the same charge. As you know, charges of the same name repel each other, so the hair, like leaves of a paper sultan, diverge in all directions. If any conductive body, including a human one, is isolated from the ground, then it can be charged to a high potential. So, with the help of an electrostatic machine, the human body can be charged to a potential of tens of thousands of volts.

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Does the electric charge placed on the human body in this case have an effect on nervous system?

Human body- a conductor of electricity. If it is isolated from the earth and charged, then the charge is located exclusively on the surface of the body, so charging to a relatively high potential does not affect the nervous system, since the nerve fibers are under the skin. The influence of an electric charge on the nervous system is felt at the moment of discharge, at which the redistribution of charges on the body occurs. This redistribution is a short-term electric current passing not on the surface, but inside the body.

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Why do birds sit on high-voltage transmission wires with impunity?

The body of a bird sitting on a wire is a branch of the chain, connected parallel to the section of the conductor between the legs of the bird. When two sections of the circuit are connected in parallel, the magnitude of the currents in them is inversely proportional to the resistance. The resistance of the bird's body is huge compared to the resistance of a small length of conductor, so the amount of current in the bird's body is negligible and harmless. It should also be added that the potential difference in the area between the legs of the bird is small.

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Fish and electricity.

Pisces use discharges: to light their way; to protect, attack and stun the victim; - transmit signals to each other and detect obstacles in advance

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The most famous electric fish are electric eel, electric stingray and electric catfish. These fish have special organs for the accumulation of electrical energy. Small tensions arising in ordinary muscle fibers are summarized here due to the successive inclusion of many individual elements, which are connected by nerves, like conductors, into long batteries.

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"This fish numbs the animals it wants to catch by overpowering them with the force of the blow that lives in its body." Aristotle

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Electric organs are located almost along the entire length of the body of the fish, they give discharges with a voltage of up to 360 V.

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The eels living in the rivers of tropical America have the most powerful electric organs. Their discharges reach a voltage of 650 V.

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Thunder is one of the terrible phenomena.

Thunder and lightning is one of the formidable, but majestic phenomena with which man has been ready since antiquity. Raging element. It fell on him in the form of blinding giant lightning, formidable thunderclaps, downpour and hail. In fear of a thunderstorm, people deified it, considering it an instrument of the gods.

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Most often, we observe lightning that resembles a meandering river with tributaries. Such lightning is called linear, their length when discharged between clouds reaches more than 20 km. Lightning of other types can be seen much less frequently. An electric discharge in the atmosphere in the form of linear lightning is an electric current. Moreover, the current strength changes in 0.2 - 0.3 seconds. Approximately 65% ​​of all lightning. Which are observed with us have a current value of 10,000 A, but rarely reach 230,000 A. The lightning channel through which the current flows is very hot and shines brightly. The temperature of the channel reaches tens of thousands of degrees, the pressure rises, the air expands, as if an explosion of hot gases passes. We perceive this as thunder. A lightning strike on a ground object can cause a fire.

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When lightning strikes, for example into a tree. It heats up, moisture evaporates from it, and the pressure of the resulting steam and heated gases leads to destruction. To protect buildings from lightning discharges, lightning rods are used, which are a metal rod that rises above the protected object.

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In deciduous trees, the current passes inside the trunk along the core, where there is a lot of juice, which boils under the action of the current and the vapors break the tree.

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Electricity in wildlife Travnikov Andrey 9 "B"

Electricity Electricity is a set of phenomena caused by the existence, interaction and movement of electric charges.

Electricity in the human body In the human body there are many chemical substances(for example, oxygen, potassium, magnesium, calcium or sodium), the reactions of which with each other produce electrical energy. Among other things, this happens in the process of the so-called "cellular respiration" - the extraction by the cells of the body of the energy necessary for life. For example, in the human heart, there are cells that, in the process of maintaining a heart rhythm, absorb sodium and release potassium, which creates a positive charge in the cell. When the charge reaches a certain value, the cells acquire the ability to influence the contractions of the heart muscle.

Lightning Lightning is a giant electrical spark discharge in the atmosphere, usually occurring during a thunderstorm, manifested by a bright flash of light and accompanying thunder.

Electricity in fish All types of electric fish have a special organ that generates electricity. With its help, animals hunt, protect themselves, adapting to life in aquatic environment. The electric organ in all fish is constructed in the same way, but differs in size and location. But why has no electrical organ been found in any land animal? The reason for this is as follows. Only water with salts dissolved in it is an excellent conductor of electricity, which makes it possible to use the action of an electric current at a distance.

Electric skate Electric skates are a detachment of cartilaginous fish, in which kidney-shaped paired electric organs are located on the sides of the body between the head and pectoral fins. The order includes 4 families and 69 species. Electric rays are known for their ability to produce an electric charge, the voltage of which (depending on the species) ranges from 8 to 220 volts. Rays use it defensively and can stun prey or enemies. They live in tropical and subtropical waters of all oceans.

Electric eel Length from 1 to 3 m, weight up to 40 kg. The skin of the electric eel is naked, without scales, the body is strongly elongated, rounded in the anterior part and somewhat laterally compressed in the posterior part. The coloration of adult electric eels is olive brown, the underside of the head and throat is bright orange, the edge of the anal fin is light, and the eyes are emerald green. Generates a discharge with a voltage of up to 1300 V and a current of up to 1 A. The positive charge is in the front of the body, the negative one is in the back. Electric organs are used by eels to protect themselves from enemies and to paralyze their prey, which are mainly small fish.

Venus flytrap Venus flytrap - small herbaceous plant with a rosette of 4-7 leaves that grow from a short underground stem. The stem is bulbous. Leaves are three to seven centimeters in size, depending on the time of year, long trap leaves usually form after flowering. In nature, it feeds on insects, sometimes mollusks (slugs) can come across. The movement of leaves occurs due to an electrical impulse.

Mimosa shy An excellent visual proof of the manifestation of currents of action in plants is the mechanism of leaf folding under the influence of external stimuli in mimosa shy, which has tissues that can contract sharply. If you bring a foreign object to its leaves, they will close. This is where the name of the plant comes from.

By preparing this presentation, I learned a lot about organisms in nature and how they use electricity in their lives.


At the end of the 18th century, the famous scientists Galvani and Volta discovered electricity in animals. The first animals on which scientists made experiments to confirm their discovery were frogs.Electricity generates nerve, muscle and glandular cells of all living beings, but this ability is most developed in fish.

It is now known that out of 20,000 modern species about 300 fish are able to create and use bio electric fields.
According to the nature of the generated discharges, such fish are divided into strong electric and weak electric ones. The former include freshwater South American electric eels, African electric catfish, and marine electric rays. These fish generate very powerful discharges: eels, for example, up to 600 volts, catfish - 350. The current voltage of large sea stingrays is low, because sea ​​water is a good conductor, but the current strength of their discharges, for example, the Torpedo ramp, sometimes reaches 60 amperes.

Fish of the second type, for example, mormirus, gnatonemus, hymnarch and other representatives of the beaked order, do not radiate separate discharges. They send a series of almost continuous and rhythmic high-frequency signals (pulses) into the water, creating an electric field around their body. The configuration of this field manifests itself in the form of so-called lines of force. If an object that differs in its electrical conductivity from water enters the electric field, the configuration of the field changes: objects with greater conductivity thicken the force lilies around themselves, and those with less conductivity disperse them. Fish perceive these changes with the help of electrical receptors located in most fish in the head region, and determine the location of the object. In this way, these fish perform true electrical location.

Beaked fish live in Africa, in slowly flowing muddy muddy waters of rivers, as well as in lakes and swamps, almost all of them hunt mainly at night. Some of them have poor eyesight, therefore, in the process of long evolution, these fish have developed such a perfect way to detect food, enemies, and various objects at a distance.

The techniques used by electric fish when catching prey and defending themselves from enemies suggest technical solutions to a person when developing installations for electric fishing and scaring away fish. Exceptional prospects are opened up by the simulation of electrical systems of fish location. In modern underwater location technology, there are still no search and detection systems that would work in the model and likeness of electrolocators created in the workshop of nature. Scientists in many countries are working hard to create such equipment.

The work was completed by: a student of the 11th "A" class of the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 1" in the city of Izobilny Volkova Evgenia Teacher: Vasina Irina Vasilievna Electricity in wildlife.

The purpose of the work: to theoretically and experimentally investigate the emergence of electricity in wildlife.

Research objectives: To establish the factors and conditions that contribute to the emergence of electricity in wildlife. Determine the nature of the effect of electricity on living organisms. Formulate Directions beneficial use the resulting results.

Electricity is inherent in all living things In interaction with electromagnetic fields, life arose and developed on Earth. Electricity is inherent in all living things, including its most complex form - human life. A lot has been done by scientists in studying this amazing interaction between electricity and life, but nature still hides a lot from us.

The history of the discovery of electrical phenomena. Thales of Miletus in the 6th century BC described the ability of rubbed amber to attract light objects to itself. The word amber comes from the Latvian gintaras. The Greeks, who collected transparent, golden-yellow amber on the shores of the Baltic Sea, called it electro. Thales of Miletus

The history of the discovery of electrical phenomena. Otto von Garicke Electric Friction Machine

The history of the discovery of electrical phenomena. Dufay Charles Francois Pendant Charles Augustin Georg Christophe Robert Simmer

Galvani's experiments. Luigi Galvani Laboratory L. Galvani

Frog experience. Galvani dissected the dead frog and hung it out on the balcony to dry its paw on a copper wire. The wind swayed the paw, and he noticed that, touching the iron railing, it contracts. From this, Galvani erroneously concluded that the muscles and nerves of animals generate electricity. Of all known animals, only among fish are species capable of generating electric current and electrical discharges.

Why does electrified people's hair rise up? Hair is electrified by the same charge. As you know, charges of the same name repel each other, so the hair diverges in all directions.

Does an electric charge affect the human nervous system? The influence of an electric charge on the human nervous system affects the moment of discharge, at which the redistribution of charges on the body occurs. This redistribution is a short-term electric current passing not on the surface, but inside the body.

Stroking a cat in the dark with a dry palm, you can notice small sparks. Why? When stroking a cat, an electrification of the hand occurs, followed by a spark discharge.

Why do birds sit on high-voltage transmission wires with impunity? The resistance of the bird's body is enormous compared to the resistance of a short length of conductor, so the amount of current in the bird's body is negligible and harmless.

Biopotentials. In the cells, tissues and organs of animals and plants, a certain potential difference arises between their individual sections. The so-called biopotentials, which are associated with metabolic processes in the body. Electrical activity turned out to be an integral property of living matter. Electricity generates nerve, muscle and glandular cells of all living beings, but this ability is most developed in fish.

Pisces use discharges: to light their way; to protect, attack and stun the victim; transmit signals to each other and detect obstacles in advance. Something about electric fish.

Electric eel Electric catfish Electric ray "Live power plants"

Each organ consists of many "wells" vertical to the surface of the body and grouped like a honeycomb. In each well filled with gelatinous substance, a column of 350-400 disks lying on top of each other is placed. The disks act as electrodes in an electric battery. The whole system is driven by a special electrical lobe of the brain. Electric ramps

The voltage generated by an eel is enough to kill a fish or a frog in the water. It can produce a shock of more than 500 volts! An eel creates a particularly strong voltage when it arcs so that the victim is between its tail and head: a closed electrical ring is obtained. electric eel

African river catfish The body of the African river catfish is wrapped like a fur coat with a gelatinous layer in which an electric current is generated. Electric organs account for about a quarter of the weight of the entire catfish. Its discharge voltage reaches 360 V, it is dangerous even for humans and, of course, fatal for fish.

Sea lamprey Sea lampreys are always excited by the mere presence in the water of a minimal amount of chemicals secreted by the fish they feed on. The sea lamprey in an excited state emits short electrical impulses.

Research by scientists has shown that many of the ordinary, so-called non-electric fish, which do not have special electrical organs, are still able to create weak electrical discharges in the water in a state of excitement. These discharges form characteristic bioelectric fields around the fish body. Stingrays, tropical fish, eels, but not only them...

Stingrays, tropical fish, eels, but not only them ... It has been established that such fish as river perch, pike, gudgeon, loach, crucian carp, rudd, croaker, etc. have weak electric fields.

The Biochemistry of Electricity All cells are charged. The charge of the membrane is an essential attribute of its life. As long as the cell is alive, it has a charge. The charge of the cell arises due to the biochemical processes occurring in it. The charge exists when there is a difference between the concentrations of Na + / K + ions, determined by the movement of these ions. When a cell works, it loses its charge.

Research part. Experiment 1: Electrification is observed when many bodies rub against fur. I set out to find out whose fur is electrified more. Pre-dried the coat of a kitten and a dog (electrification is significantly weakened with high humidity). Then she rubbed the comb in turn on the hair of each animal the same number of times, brought it to a foil sleeve suspended on a thread, and measured the angle of deviation from the vertical.

Research part.

Research part.

Research part. Conclusion: The harder the wool, the better the ability to electrify other bodies. Perhaps cat hair also has good electrifying properties. However, further research is needed to verify these claims. a large number experiments.

Research part. Experiment 2: In order to find out how electricity affects a person, I conducted an experiment. I took three combs: wooden, metal plastic. Combing the hair (dry) with combs, it turned out that after that the hair is attracted to the comb. But best of all, they are attracted to a plastic comb, and worst of all - to a wooden one. This can be explained by the fact that the tree is less electrified. Before rubbing the comb against the hair, the number of positive and negative charges on the hair and the comb is the same. After rubbing the comb on the hair, a positive charge appears on the latter, and a negative charge appears on the comb. Conclusion: When hair is electrified, it is not very convenient and not natural at all, so it is better to use wooden combs, it will be better for your hair and for you.

Research part. Experiment 3: Electricity can be obtained from certain fruits and vegetables. Electric current can be obtained from lemons, apples and, most interestingly, from ordinary potatoes. I conducted experiments with these fruits and really got a current.

Research part.

Research part.

Research part.

Electric current diagram.

CONCLUSION: Of course, the electrical energy of plants and animals cannot currently replace full-fledged powerful energy sources. However, they should not be underestimated either. With the development of modern nanotechnologies and energy-saving solutions, science can reach such perfection when, for example, miniature systems can be powered for years simply by sticking them into the barrel. A start has already been made, and the future belongs to our young generation, who will become developers the latest technologies and industries aimed at developing the country's economy.

Theme of my work: Living electricity

The aim of the work was to identify ways to obtain electricity from plants and experimental confirmation of some of them.

We have set ourselves the following tasks:

To achieve the objectives, the following research methods were used: literature analysis, experimental method, comparison method.

Before the electric current gets into our house, it big the path from the place where the current is received to the place where it is consumed. Electricity is generated in power plants. Power station - an electrical station, a set of installations, equipment and apparatus used directly for the production of electrical energy, as well as the facilities and buildings necessary for this, located in a certain territory.


Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea

Crimean competition research work and projects of schoolchildren in grades 5-8 "Step into Science"

Theme: Live electricity

Work completed:

Asanova Evelina Asanovna

5th grade student

Scientific adviser:

Ablyalimova Lilya Lenurovna,

biology and chemistry teacher

MBOU "Veselovskaya high school»

With. Veselovka - 2017


2. Sources of electric current…………………………..…….……4

2.1. Non-traditional energy sources………………………….…..4

2.2. "Live" sources of electric current………………………...4

2.3. Fruits and vegetables as sources of electric current…………...5

3. Practical part……………………………..………….…………6

4. Conclusion……………………………………………….………..…..8

List of literature sources………………………………………….9


Electricity and plants - what can they have in common? However, as early as the middle of the 18th century, natural scientists realized that these two concepts were united by some kind of internal connection.

People faced "live" electricity at the dawn of civilization: they knew the ability of some fish to hit prey with the help of some kind of internal force. This is evidenced by rock paintings and the inscriptions of some Egyptian hieroglyphs depicting an electric catfish. And he was not the only one singled out then on this basis. Roman doctors managed to use the "blows" of rays to treat nervous diseases. A lot has been done by scientists in studying the amazing interaction of electricity and living things, but much is still hidden from us by nature.

For the first time, Thales of Miletus drew attention to the electric charge in 600 BC. He discovered that amber, worn on wool, will acquire the properties to attract light objects: fluffs, pieces of paper. Later it was believed that only amber had this property. The first chemical source of electric current was invented by accident, at the end of the 17th century, by the Italian scientist Luigi Galvani. In fact, the goal of Galvani's research was not at all to search for new sources of energy, but to study the reaction of experimental animals to various external influences. In particular, the phenomenon of the appearance and flow of current was discovered when strips of two different metals were attached to the muscle of the frog's leg. Galvani's theoretical explanation for the observed process was incorrect. Being a doctor, not a physicist, he saw the reason in the so-called "animal electricity". Galvani confirmed his theory by referring to well-known cases of discharges that certain living creatures, such as "electric fish", are capable of producing.

In 1729, Charles Du Fay established that there are two kinds of charges. The experiments carried out by Dufay said that one of the charges is formed when glass is rubbed against silk, and the other is formed when resin is rubbed against wool. The concept of positive and negative charge was introduced by the German naturalist Georg Christoph. The first quantitative researcher was the law of the interaction of charges, experimentally established in 1785 by Charles Coulomb using a sensitive torsion balance developed by him.


Before the electric current enters our house, it will go a long way from the place where the current is received to the place where it is consumed. Electricity is generated in power plants. Power station - an electrical station, a set of installations, equipment and apparatus used directly for the production of electrical energy, as well as the facilities and buildings necessary for this, located in a certain territory. Depending on the source of energy, thermal power plants (TPPs), hydroelectric power plants (HPPs), pumped storage power plants, nuclear power plants(NPP).


In addition to traditional current sources, there are many non-traditional sources. Electricity, in fact, can be obtained from almost anything. Non-traditional sources of electrical energy, where irreplaceable energy resources are practically not spent: wind energy, tidal energy, solar energy.

There are other items that at first glance have nothing to do with electricity, but can serve as a source of current.


There are animals in nature that we call "living power plants". Animals are very sensitive to electric current. Even a small current for many of them is fatal. Horses die even from a relatively weak voltage of 50-60 volts. And there are animals that not only have a high resistance to electric current, but also generate current in their body themselves. These fish are electric eels, rays, and catfish. Real living power plants!

The current source is special electric organs located in two pairs under the skin along the body - under the caudal fin and on the upper part of the tail and back. By appearance such organs represent an oblong body, consisting of a reddish-yellow gelatinous substance, divided into several thousand flat plates, cell cells, longitudinal and transverse partitions. Kind of like a battery. From spinal cord more than 200 are suitable for the electric organ nerve fibers, branches from which go to the skin of the back and tail. Touching the back or tail of this fish causes a strong shock that can instantly kill small animals and stun large animals and humans. Moreover, the current is transmitted better in water. Large animals stunned by eels often drown in water.

Electric organs are a means not only for protection from enemies, but also for obtaining food. Electric eels hunt at night. Approaching the prey, it arbitrarily discharges its "batteries", and all living things - fish, frogs, crabs - are paralyzed. The action of the discharge is transmitted to a distance of 3-6 meters. He can only swallow the stunned prey. Having used up the supply of electrical energy, the fish rests for a long time and replenishes it, “charges” its “batteries”.


After studying the literature, I learned that electricity can be obtained from certain fruits and vegetables. Electric current can be obtained from lemons, apples and, most interestingly, from ordinary potatoes - raw and boiled. Such unusual batteries can last for several days or even weeks, and the electricity they generate is 5-50 times cheaper than that obtained from traditional batteries and at least six times more economical than a kerosene lamp when used for lighting.

Indian scientists have decided to use fruits, vegetables and their waste to power simple household appliances. The batteries contain a paste made from recycled bananas, orange peels and other vegetables or fruits inside, in which zinc and copper electrodes are placed. The novelty is designed primarily for residents of rural areas, who can prepare their own fruit and vegetable ingredients to recharge unusual batteries.


Sections of leaves and stems are always negatively charged with respect to normal tissue. If you take a lemon or an apple and cut it, and then attach two electrodes to the peel, they will not reveal a potential difference. If one electrode is applied to the peel, and the other to the inside of the pulp, then a potential difference will appear, and the galvanometer will note the appearance of a current.

I decided to test by experience and prove that there is electricity in vegetables and fruits. For research, I have chosen the following fruits and vegetables: lemon, apple, banana, tangerine, potato. She noted the readings of the galvanometer and, indeed, in each case received a current.

As a result of the work done:

1. I studied and analyzed the scientific and educational literature on the sources of electric current.

2. I got acquainted with the progress of work on obtaining electric current from plants.

3. She proved that there is electricity in the fruits of various fruits and vegetables and received unusual current sources.

Of course, the electrical energy of plants and animals cannot currently replace full-fledged powerful energy sources. However, they should not be underestimated either.


To achieve the goal of my work, all the tasks of the study were solved.

An analysis of scientific and educational literature led to the conclusion that there are a lot of objects around us that can serve as sources of electric current.

In the course of the work, methods for obtaining electric current are considered. I learned a lot of interesting things about traditional current sources - various kinds of power plants.

With the help of experience, she showed that it is possible to get electricity from some fruits, of course, this is a small current, but the very fact of its presence gives hope that in the future such sources can be used for their own purposes (to charge mobile phone and etc.). Such batteries can be used by residents of rural areas of the country, who can prepare their own fruit and vegetable ingredients to recharge biobatteries. Used battery composition does not contaminate environment, as galvanic (chemical) elements, and does not require separate disposal in designated areas.


    Gordeev A.M., Sheshnev V.B. Electricity in plant life. Publisher: Nauka - 1991

    Journal "Science and Life", No. 10, 2004

    Magazine. "Galileo" Science by experience. No. 3/ 2011 "Lemon Battery".

    Magazine "Young erudite" № 10 / 2009 "Energy from nothing".

    Galvanic cell - article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia.

    V. Lavrus "Batteries and accumulators".

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Theme: Live electricity

Supervisor: Ablyalimova Lilya Lenurovna, teacher of biology and chemistry, MBOU "Veselovskaya secondary school"

Relevance of the chosen topic: currently in Russia there is a tendency of rising prices for energy resources, including electricity. Therefore, the issue of finding cheap energy sources is important. Humanity is faced with the task of developing environmentally friendly, renewable, non-traditional energy sources.

The purpose of the work: to identify ways to obtain electricity from plants and experimental confirmation of some of them.

    To study and analyze the scientific and educational literature on the sources of electric current.

    Familiarize yourself with the progress of work on obtaining electric current from plants.

    Prove that plants have electricity.

    Formulate directions for the useful use of the results obtained.

Research methods: literature analysis, experimental method, comparison method.

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living electricity Work completed: Asanova Evelina, 5th grade student MBOU "Veselovskaya secondary school"

Relevance of the work:

At present, there has been a tendency in Russia to increase prices for energy carriers, including electricity. Therefore, the issue of finding cheap energy sources is important.

Humanity is faced with the task of developing environmentally friendly, renewable, non-traditional energy sources.

Goal of the work:

Identification of ways to obtain electricity from plants and experimental confirmation of some of them.

  • To study and analyze the scientific and educational literature on the sources of electric current.
  • Familiarize yourself with the progress of work on obtaining electric current from plants.
  • Prove that plants have electricity.
  • Formulate directions for the useful use of the results obtained.

  • Literature analysis
  • experimental method
  • Comparison method


Our work is devoted to unusual sources of energy.

In the world around us, important role play chemical sources current. They are used in mobile phones and spaceships, in cruise missiles and laptops, in cars, flashlights and ordinary toys. Every day we encounter batteries, accumulators, fuel cells.

Modern life is simply unthinkable without electricity - just imagine the existence of mankind without modern household appliances, audio and video equipment, evenings with a candle and a torch.

Living power plants

The strongest discharges are produced by the South American electric eel. They reach 500-600 volts. Such tension can knock a horse off its feet. The eel creates a particularly strong voltage when it arcs so that the victim is between its tail and head: a closed electrical ring is obtained. .

Living power plants

Stingrays are living power plants that generate a voltage of about 50-60 volts and give a discharge current of 10 amperes.

All fish that give electrical discharges use special electrical organs for this.

Something about electric fish

Fish use ranks:

  • to light your way;
  • to protect, attack and stun the victim;
  • transmit signals to each other and detect obstacles in advance.

Non-traditional current sources

In addition to traditional current sources, there are many non-traditional ones. It turns out that electricity can be obtained from almost anything.


Electricity can be obtained from certain fruits and vegetables. Electric current can be obtained from lemons, apples and, most interestingly, from ordinary potatoes. I conducted experiments with these fruits and really got a current.

  • As a result of the work done:
  • 1. I studied and analyzed the scientific and educational literature on the sources of electric current.
  • 2. I got acquainted with the progress of work on obtaining electric current from plants.
  • 3. She proved that there is electricity in the fruits of various fruits and vegetables and received unusual current sources.


To achieve the goal of my work, all the tasks of the study were solved. An analysis of scientific and educational literature led to the conclusion that there are a lot of objects around us that can serve as sources of electric current.

In the course of the work, methods for obtaining electric current are considered. I learned a lot of interesting things about traditional current sources - various kinds of power plants.

With the help of experiments, she showed that it is possible to get electricity from some fruits, of course, this is a small current, but the very fact of its presence gives hope that in the future such sources can be used for their own purposes (charge a mobile phone, etc.). Such batteries can be used by residents of rural areas of the country, who can prepare their own fruit and vegetable ingredients to recharge biobatteries. The used composition of batteries does not pollute the environment, like galvanic (chemical) cells, and does not require separate disposal in designated areas.