Study tour in biology. biological excursions. Students are reminded of the rules for making herbariums of herbaceous plants and tree leaves.

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on the topic: "Organization of excursions in biology"



Chapter I Theoretical basis organizing and conducting excursions in biology

1.1 The subject and tasks of biology in general education

1.2 Organization of biology lessons using excursions

1.3 Importance of field trips in teaching biology

Chapter II. Practical part


Bibliographic list


Environmental education and upbringing of schoolchildren is now the most urgent task of the modern school. ecological culture can be regarded as an indicator of the practical relationship of man to nature. This includes knowledge, beliefs, and certain actions related to the need environmental management, with the search for ways to save and improve environment. It involves conscious concern for nature, for specific natural objects, the fight against the consumer attitude towards them, humanism, responsibility for its condition to society.

A huge role in the education of environmentally literate members of society belongs to teachers of the natural science cycle, in particular biology teachers. It is they who should reveal to the students all the richness and beauty of their native land, show the grandeur of changes in nature associated with human activities, including negative ones.

Many years of experience of leading methodologist teachers shows that love for a subject, interest in a particular area of ​​natural science is often born precisely on a skillfully conducted excursion. This substantiates the relevance of the chosen topic.

The purpose of the study is to determine the feasibility of organizing and conducting excursions and the methodology for their use in the course of teaching botany in general education. high school.

The object of the study is a course of botany in a secondary school.

The subject of the research is the use of excursions in the teaching of botany in a secondary school.

Research objectives:

1. Study the scientific literature on the research topic.

2. Determine the theoretical foundations for organizing and conducting excursions in botany.

3. Analyze the essence and methodology of excursions in botany in a secondary school.

Chapter I. Theoretical foundations for organizing and conducting excursions in biology

1.1 The subject and tasks of biology in general education

The main tasks (lines) of the development of students by means of the subject "Biology" are to ensure the integrity of biological education in high school. Their foundation was formed in primary school aware of the world around.

Students' awareness of the exceptional role of life on Earth and the importance of biology in the life of man and society. Life is the most powerful regulator of natural processes unfolding in the outer shells of the Earth that make up its biosphere. This is exactly what V.I. Vernadsky, calling life the most powerful geological force, comparable in its final consequences with the most powerful natural elements. All life and activities of people are carried out in the biosphere. She is the source of all available species resources. Even solar energy we get through the biosphere. Therefore, knowledge of the basics of the organization and functioning of living things, its role on Earth is a necessary element of competent management of the planetary economy.

Mastering the system of ecological and biospheric knowledge, which determines the boundary conditions for the activity of mankind as a whole and each individual. The power of modern mankind, and often of an individual person, is so high that they can pose a real threat to the environment, which is a source of well-being and satisfaction of all people's needs. Therefore, all human activities should be limited by the ecological requirement (imperative) to preserve the basic functions of the biosphere. Only their observance can eliminate the threat of self-destruction of mankind.

Mastering the elementary biological foundations of medicine, agriculture and forestry, biotechnology. Modern man it is difficult to navigate even in his own economy, without having the simplest ideas about the natural scientific foundations of all the listed branches of human activity. Finally, leading healthy lifestyle life is unthinkable outside of special biological knowledge.

Formation of the idea of ​​nature as a developing system. Cosmology and non-equilibrium thermodynamics in the second half of the 20th century marked the final victory of the development principle in natural science. All natural objects are characterized by this or that form of development. However, the latest developments in this area have not yet made it into high school courses. The role of biology in shaping the historical view of nature in these conditions increases many times over. Finally, school biology, like no other academic discipline, allows you to demonstrate the cognitive power of the unity of the systemic, structural-level and historical approach to natural phenomena.

Mastering the biological foundations of a healthy lifestyle. The first condition for happiness and benefit for others is human health. Its preservation is a personal matter of each and his moral duty. Society and the state are called upon to provide social conditions for maintaining the health of the population. Biological knowledge is the scientific basis for organizing a healthy lifestyle for the whole society and each person individually.

Mastering the most commonly used concepts and laws of the biology course and their use in practical life. The immediate result of mastering a school course in biology should be the mastery of the main concepts of this science and the skill of operating them as freely and creatively as possible in later practical life. A person passes the main exam in biology all his life, realizing, for example, that a stuffy nose is a consequence of edema, that frost that hits before snowfall destroys winter crops and forces fields to be resown in the spring, that storks do not bring children. When our former student encounters a problem unknown to him, he should at least understand what kind of book or what specialist he should consult. Finally, without studying the basics of biology, the practical application of knowledge of other natural and social subjects can be dangerous, both for the person himself and for those around him.

The main ideas of the subject "Biology":

Functionally-holistic approach to the phenomena of life. Life is a property of the whole, not of its parts. Therefore, the 5th grade program is dedicated to the unity of the history of the Earth and life on it. In grades 6-7, the structure and functions of organisms are considered not separately for organs and organ systems, but in the form of integral structural plans. Particular attention is paid to the role of each part of the body in the functioning of the whole. The ideological core of the 8th grade program is to consider the role of the main functional systems in maintaining homeostasis and the constancy of the internal environment of the body. The main idea of ​​the 9th grade program is the regulation of life processes as the basis for sustainable existence and development, shown at all levels of the organization of living things.

Historical approach to the phenomena of life. The peculiarity of this biology course is that the historical view of nature is carried out from the very beginning of the study of the subject in the basic secondary school. The 5th grade program is dedicated to the consideration milestones history of the earth and life on it. The program of the 6th and 7th grades shows the historical connection between building plans and life cycles the most important groups of living organisms. The program of the 8th grade shows the historical formation of the main structures and functions human body. In 9th grade historical approach consistently carried out not only in the evolutionary, but also in the ecological sections of the course. excursion lesson teaching biology

ecosystem approach. In our opinion, secondary biological education should be, first of all, environmentally oriented towards solving more practical tasks facing humanity. The program of the 5th and 9th grades shows the interdependence of the components natural complexes, in the program of the 6th and 7th grades - the role of the biotic and abiotic environment in the life of organisms and the environment-forming role of each group of organisms in ecosystems, in the 8th grade program - the role of human living conditions in maintaining its performance and health.

Comparative method (classification theory). Systematic analysis of this main scientific method, without the use of which it is impossible to set a single scientifically meaningful task and obtain a single scientifically significant conclusion, was lost in the system of average and higher education. We consider it necessary to begin the rehabilitation of the basic scientific method and the introduction of its foundations into the school curriculum. The comparative method has received the most consistent and complete development in biology. Therefore, sections devoted to the comparative method have been introduced into the program of the 6th and 7th grades.

The course of the surrounding world served as the basis of natural science education in elementary school. It was aimed at forming a holistic picture of the world. The activity approach used in this course allows not only to get acquainted with the world around and find answers to the questions of interest to the child, but also to master the most important concepts and patterns that allow us to explain the structure of the world.

1.2 Organization of lessons bbiologyusing excursions

Teaching biology is successful only if the teacher's work with students in all its forms is a purposeful system of education and upbringing that develops in unity biological concepts, a dialectical-materialistic worldview, thinking and skills of independent practical work.

At school, the education and upbringing of students is carried out in certain forms of organization of educational work.

The form of teaching is the organization of educational and cognitive activity of students, corresponding to various conditions of conduct (in the classroom, in nature, etc.), used by the teacher in the process of educating education.

Currently, in the methodology and school practice, a system of forms for organizing educational work with students in biology has been adopted: lessons and mandatory excursions associated with them, homework, mandatory extracurricular work (in the corner of wildlife, in the educational experimental site and in nature) and optional extracurricular activities (individual, circle and mass).

In methodically correct organized process teaching all forms of education are interconnected with the main form - the lesson, helping to develop biological concepts, worldview, thinking and practical skills.

Excursion (from lat. excursio - a walk, a trip) - a collective visit to a museum, sightseeing place, exhibition, enterprise, etc .; trip, walk for educational, scientific, sporting or recreational purposes.

A study tour is a training session in the conditions of production, nature, a museum in order to observe and study by students various objects and phenomena of reality. From here feature classes: the study of objects is associated with the movement of students, with their muscular efforts. Being an independent form of education, the excursion is an important part of the system of educational work in modern school and makes a significant contribution to the formation of a comprehensively developed personality.

The following tasks are set before the excursions: to enrich the knowledge of students (on the basis of direct perception, the accumulation of visual representations and facts); establish links between theories and practice, with life phenomena and processes; love for nature; to develop the creative abilities of students, their independence, organization in educational work, feelings of collectivism and mutual assistance; enrich the aesthetic sense; develop observation, memory, thinking, emotions; activate cognitive and practical activities; develop a positive attitude towards learning.

Depending on the type, content and method of the excursion, the age of the students, local conditions and type of transportation, the excursion group may include from ten to forty students.

The duration of the study tour (from 40 to 90 minutes) is determined depending on the learning objectives, specific conditions, and the age of the students. Each tour is associated with educational material different items.

Practice shows that excursions help students to cover the content of education broadly, comprehensively, to see the relationship between the laws of physics and chemistry, physics and biology, history and geography studied in the lessons, so a study tour, to a greater extent than any other form of education, contributes to the implementation of interdisciplinary connections.

On excursions, students not only learn new knowledge or deepen, expand existing ones, but also acquire the skills and abilities to apply them.

For example, by measuring and calculating areas, distances to distant objects and tree heights on the ground using the methods of "field geometry", students learn to apply the laws of geometry in practice, use the simplest devices and instruments, make sketches, record observations, take pictures, collect thematic collections, work with a map of the area.

The excursion provides ample opportunities for a more complete, integrated use of teaching methods (and primarily problematic ones). Any excursion provides the teacher with the opportunity to study their pupils.

It is known that in a natural and relaxed environment, those personality traits that are not immediately and not always possible to identify in the conditions of the lesson are more quickly manifested.

The excursion enriches the knowledge of the teacher himself, introducing him to the sphere of material production, to working people, introducing him to modern technology and production technology.

A school excursion is a complex form of the educational process.

The complexity of organizing and conducting an excursion, its significant differences from a lesson, the need for special preparation for an excursion often scares teachers away from this effective form of education.

The high effectiveness of the excursion, the solution of the set cognitive and pedagogical tasks to a large extent depend on the personality of the teacher, his organizational skills, pedagogical tact, and the ability to control the attention of the children.

The most important purpose of educational excursions is to identify the vitality and relevance of educational material, to consolidate and concretize the knowledge gained in the classroom, to apply knowledge and skills in practice. Visualization is the most essential feature of a study tour: the share of visual and auditory visibility in obtaining information on an excursion is more than 70 percent. Thanks to visualization, students quickly acquire knowledge, which then in the classroom and other training sessions become the basic factual material in the perception new topic, when summarizing and forming the appropriate conclusions. Excursion observations are also used to verify, correct, clarify the knowledge and ideas already available to schoolchildren, to enrich them with new specific data. So, on an excursion to an industrial or agricultural enterprise, there is a visual acquaintance with the practical activities of people, with the direct use of scientific knowledge, the basics of which are studied at school, ideas about production processes, organization of production, and relationships in the team are formed. On excursions to historical places, a connection is made between historical, social science and economic knowledge with data on the modern life of the village, city, republic, country, students get acquainted with the real national economic practice and tasks for the future, which contributes to the formation of their communist worldview. Observing and learning the phenomena of social life, schoolchildren themselves prepare for active participation in various fields socially useful activity.

Schoolchildren should be aware of the development and achievements modern science. In an accessible form in the classroom, electives, in circles, students get acquainted with the most important scientific discoveries. But even watching a popular science film or a special TV show does not have such an impact on students as full of impressions of direct contact with scientific activities in a research institute, at an agrobiological station or in a laboratory.

Often on excursions, schoolchildren perform simple studies: they study the soil or leaves using the method chemical analysis, carry out meteorological or phenological observations, collect materials on the history of their native land. In doing so, they use methods scientific research involved in scientific activities.

During the excursion, students transfer knowledge to a new situation, discover new ways of solving cognitive problems. For example, on a study tour geological structure locality, schoolchildren find a run-in piece of rock in a small ravine. Students know that stone becomes smooth when exposed to water and rolling. According to the degree of processing of its surface, it is possible to determine the path of the debris from the place of occurrence of the bedrock and find this place.

1.3 The meaning of excursionsin teaching biology

Any excursion, no matter how great or modest its purpose, includes not only educational, but also educational elements. Therefore, starting a detailed acquaintance with the tasks of the excursion method, it is necessary to distinguish between two main types of tasks - educational and upbringing.

What educational tasks does the school set for itself by organizing systematic excursions for all ages and in different academic subjects?

The main tasks are the following:

2) enrichment of students with new knowledge.

The excursion, putting students face to face with the object being studied, first of all, illustrates verbal images, secondly, it replaces the schematic images formed by the student under the influence of various school visual aids with images of the objects themselves; thirdly, it forces the student's consciousness to process knowledge according to a different plan, since during the excursion objects and phenomena appear to the consciousness not as links of any scientific system, but in their natural setting, as elements of one or another type of "hostel". This gives the student the correct visual representations of the true relationship of objects and phenomena in life.

Such are those cognitive processes that can be described as work, predominantly of a visual-synthetic nature, as concretization in the broad and deep sense of the word.

In close connection, continuously intertwined with the concretization of the knowledge already acquired by students, another work is going on in their minds - the acquisition of new knowledge with maximum visibility, on the basis of direct observation of objects and phenomena. However modest the purpose of the excursion may be, since it is not a simple walk, students should return from it with some stock of systematic knowledge, acquired more or less systematically. As a result of several excursions, they should form a fairly significant capital of knowledge, consolidated by subsequent school study and refreshed by further excursions. But next to this knowledge, acquired systematically, according to a program developed before the excursion, and processed during it or immediately after it, students take out of the excursion, and even a simple school walk, a certain amount of perceptions that have not been processed and often have nothing to do with it. to the main objective of the tour. Gradually, they accumulate unconscious experience, which over time provides excellent material for accounting in other areas of knowledge.

Turning to a review of the educational tasks of excursions, let us dwell, first of all, on their general influence on the personality of the student.

Having taken part in the excursion, the student immediately changes the familiar environment: the excursion takes him out into the fresh air, requires the exertion of physical strength; it changes his habitual psychic environment: the discipline takes on a different form; he lives “in public” all the time, his interests collide during the excursion with the interests of comrades and adults more often and more diversely than at school; broad educational - the study of life.All these conditions force the personality of the student to adapt to them and, moreover, in a very short time.

The personality of the student is rapidly tense, and this tension, due to the general excitement of his body, contributes to a sharper and, at the same time, deeper experience of all spiritual processes: his personality with its light and dark sides is more freely revealed, and the sharpened perception of objects outside world affects and awakens the natural forms of mental work.

This excitation is of extremely important educational significance also because it speeds up the pace of work and shortens the time for acquiring various skills and abilities. forces.

With this main result of excursions, which is taken into account in advance by the school, various tasks in the field of cognitive processes, emotional, and volitional life of students.

Let us first consider what educational tasks are put on excursions in the field of knowledge.

Excursions should, first of all, contribute to the development of the student's ability to look, and accurately perceive appearance the observed object (“sharpness and accuracy of gaze”); further, they should contribute to the refinement of the subtlety and sensitivity of attention: thirdly, to develop quick-witted judgment; fourthly, to accelerate the activity of the constructive imagination and develop the art, to foresee phenomena.

It is quite obvious that a series of excursions systematically carried out throughout the entire school course should develop in the student some initiative in the matter of learning about life, which is inextricably linked with curiosity; the student acquires the skill to independently realize the surrounding phenomena, build scientific conclusions and systematize life impressions, acquires, in a word, what can be called a “thoughtful look” and which is a continuous work of perception of the surrounding phenomena and their scientific construction.

So, in the field of cognition, excursions help the school to develop in the student the ability to independently and systematically navigate nature and the main types of human community.

In the field of the emotional life of the student, excursions, first of all, undoubtedly contribute to the general and, moreover, normal development of impressionability, since the tension of the personality, which was mentioned above, is associated during excursions with noble mental excitement, we can recognize them as important role in the matter of awakening and strengthening intellectual emotions, such as: curiosity, the ability to enjoy mental work in general, discoveries and foresights in particular; no less powerful are the merits of excursions (of course, under the condition of reasonable guidance) in the development of sympathetic emotions on the basis of the work of a healthy, unperverted comradely sense of solidarity. Finally, excursions develop aesthetic emotion, leading the city dweller into nature, and the inhabitant of villages and small towns to large centers: they awaken in the former a sense of nature (forcing, for example, to see it often in unusual lighting), in the latter - a flair for architecture and in general to - the poetry of the big city.

Not to mention the fact that the number of excursions must certainly include visits to art museums, exhibitions, concerts, etc.

Excursions are an extremely important help in educating the will of the student. They successfully complete the following tasks:

1) they develop the student's ability to concentrate his attention under conditions conducive to scattering it;

2) the student learns to bear great responsibility, which strains his self-control; he learns to take better care of himself;

3) the consciousness of greater independence develops in the student greater initiative in the field of behavior: he becomes bolder, more resourceful; as a result, he develops the ability for active initiative and a more intense sense of personality, which is expressed in the general development of independence.

The collective life that students have to lead during excursions provides the school with the opportunity to make extensive use of them for the purposes of public education students. They must, through a skillful leader on the part of the leader of their activity, acquire the skill to limit their egoistic impulses in the interests of the whole or the weakest comrades: they must learn the skills to get along with comrades and adults, and work together with them, take on some responsibilities, remember about them and generally take care of the interests and dignity of the excursion group. Excursions must ultimately develop a spirit of solidarity and active discipline.

Staying in the fresh air, outside the usual environment, healthy excitement (increased tone) speeds up the metabolism in the body; hard work of the muscular system is accompanied, as with any non-exhausting physical work, by the correct alternation of healthy fatigue and restoration of strength, which causes a special feeling of physical well-being of the body; the intense work of the external sense organs gives the impression of their improvement. The feeling of health, the feeling of cheerfulness, the visible progress made by the body, despite the unusual situation, inspire students with great confidence in the forces of their body and harden it.

These are the tasks in the field of physical education that can be set for excursions, especially long-term ones.

Speaking about the educational and upbringing significance of excursions, one cannot pass over in silence the significance of excursions for their leaders: They can undoubtedly be a factor in the teacher's self-education. The beneficial effects that they have on the mental and physical life of students will also affect the personality of the leader. But for him they are also important because they bring him closer to the students, allow him to get closer to their individualities and to know the mental characteristics of individual students. Leaders often have to admit that many of the students appear to them in a completely different form than they previously presented - in class acquaintances.

In conclusion of the review of the tasks that the school sets for excursions, it should be noted one more - of a service nature, namely the collection of all kinds of collections: natural science material, photographs, household monuments, and other materials for the purpose of classroom teaching.

Chapter II. Practical part

Excursions are included in the system of lessons on topics training courses from 7th to 12th grade. Therefore, the teacher determines the timing of the excursions in advance in the long term, and at the appropriate lessons before the excursions creates a situation of the need to familiarize oneself with these phenomena directly in nature itself. The teacher also provides for feedback - the inclusion of excursion materials in subsequent lessons, recommends that students remember what they saw and learned on the excursion, is used on practical work ah and as demo material ( natural objects collected during the tour).

A feature of excursions is the possibility of active knowledge of living objects that are part of natural communities. Knowledge about wildlife objects gained in the lessons is expanded and deepened during the excursion. Conditions are being created for the formation of skills to navigate the terrain, to identify complex relationships in nature, and to study seasonal changes in nature. Schoolchildren learn to find objects in nature on the instructions of the teacher, analyze, compare and contrast natural phenomena, acquire the skills of naturalistic work, the skills of elementary scientific research of nature.

In addition to cognitive value, the excursion has a great educational potential. They develop a sense of beauty, a responsible attitude and love for nature, for their homeland. Excursions play an important role in linking learning with life.

Excursions can be botanical, zoological, general biological, ecological and complex, taking into account the educational content of individual biology courses. When planning excursions, the teacher takes into account local natural objects and conditions. Excursions can be organized to the school educational and experimental site, to agricultural production, to a research institute, to a botanical garden, park, etc.

Location tours in the topics of training courses are divided into:

Introductions to a course or topic, usually held in the fall, which aim to interest students in the questions posed, observations and material collected;

Current - throughout school year;

The final - generalizing and repeating the material covered, carried out in the spring, they are carried out so that students get acquainted in nature with the objects, phenomena and patterns that they studied in the class from the textbook.

The success of the excursion depends on the preparation of the teacher and students. It is impossible to conduct a tour of an area unknown to the teacher (the teacher must go through the planned route in advance). The route should not exceed 1.5 - 2 km.

In preparation for the excursion, the teacher draws up a plan of the excursion and a summary of its course. They define the following:

1) The theme of the tour, its purpose and objectives.

2) Route of the tour. The route is not the way of movement of schoolchildren. And logically interconnected "objects of attention", stops for observation and study of natural objects and phenomena.

4) Excursion equipment: necessary equipment for the teacher, independent work of schoolchildren and for collecting natural material; pre-prepared cards with tasks for individual or group activities of children during the excursion.

5) Introductory conversation on the topic of the excursion and the distribution of tasks (5 - 7 minutes).

6) Independent work on assignments (20 min).

7) Reports on the implementation of tasks, discussion of observations and collected factual material on the topic of the excursion, their generalization (10 - 15 minutes).

8) Final conversation on the topic of the excursion (3 - 5 minutes).

9) Inspection of the territory and putting it in order.

10) General conclusion on the excursion (in nature).

11) Processing (in the classroom, at home) by the students of the material collected on the excursion and preparing a report, message.

The order of work on each excursion is as follows: a) an introductory conversation of the teacher; b) the main part; c) performance by students of tasks; d) closing conversation.

An introductory conversation is usually held in the classroom. In a conversation, the teacher informs the topic, purpose, content and plan of the excursion, reminds the rules of conduct on the excursion, gives a task for independent work, and distributes equipment.

The main part of the excursion (in nature) can be carried out in two forms:

Illustratively - acquaintance with the material is carried out frontally, under the guidance of a teacher;

On assignment in the form of independent work.

Tasks for independent work should be quite specific, clear and formulated briefly and clearly. During independent work, the teacher visits all groups, helps to find the necessary objects, characterize observations, and prepare material for further processing after the excursion. At a set time, the students come together to discuss their work, observations, and findings.

In the final conversation, the teacher summarizes the results of observations, asks students control questions on completed assignments, checks for correctness and gives a homework assignment to draw up the results of the excursion.


So, we found out that excursions play a significant role in the current system of forms of teaching biology. The introduction of excursions into the process of biology solves important educational, developmental and educational tasks: the formation of correct ideas about the external and internal structure the body as a whole and organs separately, the development of ideas about physiological processes, the development of skills to compare, find common, the development of skills for collective work on the material, the development of cognitive interest, the formation of professional orientations of students, as well as the implementation of hygienic, sexual, ethical education, the implementation of educational work .

The inclusion of excursions in the plan of the educational process allows you to establish the relationship between their content and the material covered in previous lessons. The ideas and knowledge gained during the excursion, the results of observations can be used in many subsequent lessons, as well as in extracurricular work and extracurricular activities.

Based on the analysis of methodological literature, we determined the structure of the study tour, which includes several stages: preparation, conduct and conclusion.

Bibliographic spisOTo

1. Anashkina E.E. Cheerful botany. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1998. - 192 p.

2. Barna M.M., Pokhila L.S., Yatsuk G.F. Biology for the curious. I part. Plants, fungi Nauch. allowance - Ternopil: Scientific. book - Bogdan, 2000. - 88 p.

3. Biological experiment at school / Binas A.V., Mash R.D., Nikishov A.I. etc. - M.: Enlightenment, 1990. - 192 p.

4. Verzilin M.M., Korsunskaya V.M. General methodology teaching biology. - M.: Enlightenment, 1980. - 352s.

5. Zverev I.D., Myagkova A.N., Brunovt E.P. Education of students in the process of learning biology. - M.: Enlightenment. 1984.

6. Kalinova G.S. Myagkova A.Ya. Biology teaching methodology: Grade 6-7 (Plants). - M.: Enlightenment, 1991. - 191 p.

7. Book for reading on botany. / Comp. D.I.Traytak. - M.: Enlightenment, 1996.

8. Konyushko V.S. How to prepare a biology lesson. - Minsk: Narodnaya Asveta, 1987.

9. Nikishov A.I., Mokaeva Z.A., Orlovskaya E.V. Extracurricular work in biology. - M.: Enlightenment, 1980.

10. Peterman I., Chirner V. Is botany interesting? - M.: Mir, 1979

11. Rokhlov V., Teremov A., Petrosova R. Entertaining botany: A book for students, teachers and parents. - M.: AST-PRESS, 1999. - 432 p..

12. Semenenko O.P., Upatova I.P., Churilova A.I. Methods of teaching biology: Non-standard forms of conducting classes in biology in grades 6-10. - Kharkov: Scorpion, 2000. - 152 p.

13. Tarasov A.I. Ecological and botanical excursions into nature. - Surgut: Northern House, 1995. - 88 p.

14. Traitak D.I. How to make extracurricular work in biology interesting. - M.: Enlightenment, 1979. - 87 p.

15. Yakovlev G.P., Averyanov L.V. Botany for the teacher. Ch.I, II. - M.: Enlightenment, 1997.

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E involves cognitive work

E must be pedagogically justified. the object under study must be excursion

Signs of e through the analysis of the Uch-vosp tasks gave Zverev

1 Deprivation of special educational tasks

2 Organization of cognitive activity of students

3 Leading methods in conducting e-observation and practical work of students

4 E involves considerable preparation and organization

5 Tourists go to the object of study themselves

Classification of excursions in biology.

By place in the topic: introductory, final

By time of year

Location: nature, museum, exhibition, research institution

Methods of preparing and conducting excursions into nature.

Preparing for the excursion.

It is necessary to determine the topic of the tour in advance.. Form goals and objectives 2 Make a choice of venue. Determine the route, it is important to clarify the stops for explanation, observation, practical work, for the collection of natural material

1-2 days before the excursion, the teacher must follow the route

3 Clarification of the content e. The choice of teaching methods is carried out, assignments for the practical work of students are compiled. For a group of 3-5 people on laminated or cellophane cards.

It is necessary to make a selection of equipment and excursion equipment.

5 Drawing up a plan or summary of the excursion

It is necessary to carry out preparatory work with students. To acquaint students with the purpose, topic, conduct briefings, safety precautions. Divide students into groups of 3-5 in advance. It is necessary to determine the form of reporting on the results of the excursion

Conducting excursions in nature.

Each excursion must begin with a description of the venue (forest, swamp, landscape, typical plant species, lighting)

Explanation of educational content at stops with demonstration of the studied objects or phenomena

3. Organization of independent work of students, including observation and practical implementation of tasks

4 provision of advisory assistance to students in the performance of independent work.

The results of the work of students should be presented in the form of a herbarium, collection, report.

Students report on the results at the next lesson, where the results of the excursion are summed up.

Extracurricular and extracurricular work in biology. The main types of extracurricular and extracurricular work in biology, their characteristics.

The value of extracurricular activities.

extracurricular activities there is a form of various organization of voluntary work of students outside the lesson under the guidance of a teacher to excite and manifest their cognitive interests and creative initiative.

Target her - to meet the needs of children who are especially interested in biology

In the process of extracurricular activities, students develop creativity, initiative, observation and independence, acquire labor skills and abilities, develop intellectual and mental abilities, develop perseverance and diligence, deepen knowledge about plants and animals, develop interest in the natural environment, learn to apply the acquired knowledge to practice, they form a natural-scientific worldview. Expanding horizons, deepening knowledge.

Types of extracurricular work in biology.

Taking into account the number of participants, there are mass, group and individual.


Extra-curricular biological excursions (one-day, multi-day), scientific evenings and conferences. Their goal is to interest and show attention to the problem.

Exhibitions of students' works (collections, herbariums, devices, models, models, creative work)

Naturalist companies (bird day, earth day)

Group: circles, electives, work of assistants in the biology classroom

Circles - as a kind of group extracurricular activities. The goal is to develop students' interest in biology, develop teamwork skills, and form practical skills in caring for plants and animals. The work is carried out systematically, according to a specific plan and program developed by the teacher. Topics are free, determined by the interests of students. The composition of the students is permanent, but voluntary.

Species proposed by Verzilin: yunnatsky 5, young botanists 6, young zoologists 7, young physiologists 8. The number of students does not exceed 15-20 people. Classes 1 time per week or 2 per month. Experimental work and with literature. The mugs are for the middle level, free visit!

Extracurricular activities

They are held in the senior classes in connection with the introduction of specialized education, elective courses compete with them. Usually theoretical topics (physiology of FND, studying the basics of genetics, biotechnology, breeding) Aimed at deepening, expanding knowledge and developing research skills.

The group of students is stable, classes are according to the approved program. Classes, topics, attendance are recorded in the journal. The course is paid for by the teacher. Ratings are not given.

Extracurricular work - it is a form of organization for students to perform outside the classroom mandatory, related to the study of the course of practical work on individual and group assignments of the teacher. Its content is closely related to the lessons, the results are evaluated by the teacher.

Preparation of objects for observation. Working with the laggards.

In the biology classroom, in a corner of wildlife, in a training and experimental area, in nature. Extracurricular work is required and appreciated

Extracurricular work has great importance for the formation of the personality of the student. They develop independence, instill interest in the studied biological objects and phenomena; students acquire research skills.

Preparing a teacher for extracurricular and extracurricular work

1.Planning - is fixed when drawing up a long-term annual plan or thematic

2 Drawing up special plans and programs for extracurricular and extracurricular work, their form is convenient for the teacher.

3 Studying the literature of the school library and compiling a list of literature for extracurricular reading of students.

4. Collect local history literature

5 Determine the forms, types and topics of classes

6 to determine the possibilities of applying the results in biology lessons

13. Means of teaching biology. Classification of means of teaching biology. The choice of teaching aids in biology lessons.

Story: to 18-n19 in CO - an illustration of the words of the teacher. K to the 19th century. The nature of the applied CO is changing: preparations, stuffed animals, collections under glass, and later natural handouts appeared. Per floor 20 at the stage of searching for more rational teaching methods using new tools. The creation of visual aids is a source of knowledge in the second half of the 20th century. TCO appeared and a methodology for the integrated use of CO at biol lessons is being developed.

S.O.-objects of the surrounding reality that transmit information from the source to the consumer or are a source of information. 1786 - the first textbook by V.F. Zuev, complete with printed tables, which served as illustrative material.


1. informative - a source of information, knowledge.

2. control and verification function.

3. nurturing.

4. developing - development various qualities personality, attention, memory, observation.

5. motivational, arouses the interest of students in the material being studied.


At present, there is no generally accepted classification of SR, not in didactics, not in the MOB.

1 According to the form of organization of students (Sonin)

Means for individual work

Means for front work

2. According to the functions performed

Mass media


Training aids

3. According to the way students move from ignorance to knowledge (Shalvolenko)

natural objects

Images and displays of objects and phenomena of the environment

Description of objects and phenomena in words, signs, phrases

4. According to didactic tasks and ways of its implementation

Educational and visual


Educational and laboratory equipment

Technical RMs

Verbal: educational and program documentation, educational literature for students (notebook, tutorial, didactic cards), educational literature.

Educational and laboratory equipment-tools and means of labor used in the learning process and means for carrying out laboratory and other work

Technical(Semenitskaya, Steiman)

1Audiovisual screen, sound, screen-sound

2 Programming tools for learning and knowledge control

The specificity of the BBS determines the predominant use of visual COs.

Teaching biology is successful only if the teacher's work with students in all its forms is a purposeful system of education and upbringing that develops in unity biological concepts, a dialectical-materialistic worldview, thinking and skills of independent practical work.

At school, the education and upbringing of students is carried out in certain forms of organization of educational work.

The form of teaching is the organization of educational and cognitive activity of students, corresponding to various conditions (in the classroom, in nature, etc.), used by the teacher in the process of educating education.

Currently, in the methodology and school practice, a system of forms for organizing educational work with students in biology has been adopted: lessons and mandatory excursions associated with them, homework, mandatory extracurricular work (in the corner of wildlife, in the educational experimental site and in nature) and optional extracurricular activities (individual, circle and mass).

In a methodically properly organized teaching process, all forms of learning are interconnected with the main form - the lesson, helping to develop biological concepts, worldview, thinking and practical skills.

Excursion (from lat. excursio - a walk, a trip) - a collective visit to a museum, sightseeing place, exhibition, enterprise, etc.; trip, walk for educational, scientific, sporting or recreational purposes.

A study tour is a training session in the conditions of production, nature, a museum in order to observe and study by students various objects and phenomena of reality. Hence the characteristic feature of the lesson: the study of objects is associated with the movement of students, with their muscular efforts. Being an independent form of education, the excursion is an important part of the system of educational work in a modern school and makes a significant contribution to the formation of a comprehensively developed personality.

The following tasks are set before the excursions: to enrich the knowledge of students (on the basis of direct perception, the accumulation of visual representations and facts); establish links between theories and practice, with life phenomena and processes; love for nature; to develop the creative abilities of students, their independence, organization in educational work, feelings of collectivism and mutual assistance; enrich the aesthetic sense; develop observation, memory, thinking, emotions; intensify cognitive and practical activities; develop a positive attitude towards learning.

Depending on the type, content and method of the excursion, the age of the students, local conditions and type of transportation, the excursion group may include from ten to forty students.

The duration of the study tour (from 40 to 90 minutes) is determined depending on the learning objectives, specific conditions, and the age of the students. Each excursion is connected with educational material of different subjects.

Practice shows that excursions help students to cover the content of education broadly, comprehensively, to see the relationship between the laws of physics and chemistry, physics and biology, history and geography studied in the lessons, so a study tour, to a greater extent than any other form of education, contributes to the implementation of interdisciplinary connections.

On excursions, students not only learn new knowledge or deepen, expand existing ones, but also acquire the skills and abilities to apply them.

For example, by measuring and calculating areas, distances to distant objects and tree heights on the ground using the methods of "field geometry", students learn to apply the laws of geometry in practice, use the simplest devices and instruments, make sketches, record observations, take pictures, collect thematic collections, work with a map of the area.

The excursion provides ample opportunities for a more complete, integrated use of teaching methods (and primarily problematic ones). Any excursion provides the teacher with the opportunity to study their pupils.

It is known that in a natural and relaxed environment, those personality traits that are not immediately and not always possible to identify in the conditions of the lesson are more quickly manifested.

The excursion enriches the knowledge of the teacher himself, introducing him to the sphere of material production, to working people, introducing him to modern technology and production techniques.

A school excursion is a complex form of the educational process.

The complexity of organizing and conducting an excursion, its significant differences from a lesson, the need for special preparation for an excursion often scares teachers away from this effective form of education.

The high effectiveness of the excursion, the solution of the cognitive and pedagogical tasks set to a large extent depend on the personality of the teacher, his organizational skills, pedagogical tact, and the ability to control the attention of the children.

The most important purpose of educational excursions is to identify the vitality and relevance of educational material, to consolidate and concretize the knowledge gained in the classroom, to apply knowledge and skills in practice. Visibility is an essential feature of a study tour: the share of visual and auditory visibility in obtaining information on an excursion is more than 70 percent. Thanks to visualization, students quickly acquire knowledge, which then becomes the supporting factual material in the lessons and other training sessions when perceiving a new topic, when summarizing and forming appropriate conclusions. Excursion observations are also used to verify, correct, clarify the knowledge and ideas already available to schoolchildren, to enrich them with new specific data. So, on an excursion to an industrial or agricultural enterprise, there is a visual acquaintance with the practical activities of people, with the direct use of scientific knowledge, the basics of which are studied at school, ideas about production processes, organization of production, and relationships in the team are formed. On excursions to historical places, historical, social science and economic knowledge is connected with data on the modern life of a village, city, republic, country, students get acquainted with real national economic practice and tasks for the future, which contributes to the formation of their communist worldview. Observing and learning the phenomena of social life, students themselves prepare for active participation in various areas of socially useful activities.

Schoolchildren should be aware of the development and achievements of modern science. In an accessible form in the classroom, electives, in circles, students get acquainted with the most important scientific discoveries. But even watching a popular science film or a special TV show does not have such an impact on students as full of impressions of direct contact with scientific activities in a research institute, at an agrobiological station or in a laboratory.

Often on excursions, schoolchildren perform simple research: they study the soil or leaves by chemical analysis, conduct meteorological or phenological observations, and collect materials on the history of their native land. At the same time, they use the methods of scientific research, join scientific activities.

During the excursion, students transfer knowledge to a new situation, discover new ways of solving cognitive problems. For example, on an excursion to study the geological structure of the area, schoolchildren find a run-in piece of rock in a small ravine. Students know that stone becomes smooth when exposed to water and rolling. According to the degree of processing of its surface, it is possible to determine the path of the debris from the place of occurrence of the bedrock and find this place.


Biological excursions are the main form of studying wildlife, when students, not in the classroom, but directly in nature, observe and explore living objects, life processes, apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

In addition to mental development, this stimulates the interest and motivation of schoolchildren to learn. They develop creative abilities: the ability to see and formulate a problem, put forward hypotheses, and identify patterns in the functioning of living organisms. All this adds to the student's life experience, forms creative personality and an environmentally literate specialist (whatever profession he chooses in the future).

Since the reform secondary school, has led to a reduction in teaching hours in the subject of biology to 1 hour per week, and the implementation of second-generation standards provides for a systematic-activity approach, then such lessons as excursions, in my opinion, should not disappear from the teacher's methodological arsenal. So what to do in this situation? I conduct a comprehensive tour that combines several topics at once"Diversity of the living world", "Spring phenomena in nature", "Anthropogenic impact of man on the surrounding nature"

It is convenient to conduct such an excursion at the end of the school year, for students to reflect on the topics studied. Children willingly cope with the tasks and prepare photo reports with interest.

This excursion allows students to learn to recognize representatives of the main kingdoms of wildlife in the environment, to notice spring changes in nature and pay attention to the influence of anthropogenic factors. Therefore, in this case, the purpose of the tour is to replenish the baggage of knowledge about the four kingdoms, to be able to distinguish them in nature and establish species. Along with the consolidation of the main universal learning activities mastered in previous lessons, it is necessary to develop naturalistic qualities, to attach to the planning of observations of wildlife, to reports on the work done. Without improving these skills and abilities, it is unreasonable to move further in the knowledge of the general laws of biology. Establishing links between living organisms serves worldview goals. Students should be able to explain the purpose of organisms in food chains, notice changes and disturbances in them, and outline ways to restore them.


for 5th graders

Time spending end of April beginning of May, 40 min.

by topic: "The diversity of the living world", "Spring phenomena in nature" "Anthropogenic impact of man on the surrounding nature"

Location: schoolyard

Tour objectives:

    to systematize students' knowledge about the diversity of living organisms;

    develop the ability to observe and record natural phenomena, draw conclusions;

    to introduce students to the methods of field research - observation, measurement, description, objects of wildlife and the application of these methods in practice;

    demonstrate the relationship of living organisms with each other;

    emphasize the features of spring manifestations in the life of living organisms;

    pay attention to anthropogenic factors;

    to familiarize students with the rules of behavior in nature;

    to develop in schoolchildren the need to enrich their spiritual sphere of activity through colors, smells, plant shapes, as well as such qualities as perseverance, subordination of personal desires to collective ones;

    instill a sense of proportion, responsibility and goodwill;

    learn to overcome difficulties at work.

Equipment: notebooks, pencils, cameras, thermometer, binoculars, magnifying glass, work algorithm for students

1. The teacher warns the children in advance about the excursion to nature, advises how to dress, what to take with you for accurate observations and records.

2. In the classroom, before going on an excursion, the teacher instructs students on safety precautions during the excursion, introduces them to the route of the excursion, announces the objectives of the excursion task, and distributes the work algorithm to the students. Explains the forms of the report about the excursion. First, the class is divided into groups.

3. Assignments are completed at each “stop”, the teacher announces the time of work and the main aspects of the assignment.

5. Conclusion of the tour

Course of the tour:

TEACHER: in order for your reports to be made at five, you need to be attentive and observant. Let's remember the qualities of an attentive person.

Children - The ability to fully notice the features of objects,

phenomena and subtle details

Ability to conduct long-term observations according to plan,

commit changes.

The ability to draw conclusions from observations.

Ability to record observations.

1 . At the beginning, the students recorded the air temperature with a thermometer and compared it with the weather report data. Observed the color of the sky, clouds. We concluded that the weather is sunny, windy, cold and smells like spring.

TEACHER: reads poems by E.A. Baratynsky

Spring, spring! How clean the air is!

How clear is the sky!

His azure alive

He blinds my eyes!

Spring, spring!

How high on the wings of the breeze,

caressing to sunbeams,

Clouds are flying!

2. When completing the second task at the school flower bed, I remind you that the plants should not be torn or trampled. Take photos carefully, work carefully.

3. In order to make bright ideas about the blooming season of spring, during the tour to create a poetic mood and beauty natural phenomena you can read poems about spring ... You can use game techniques, riddles, proverbs.

For example:

Buds swell in spring

Buds swell in spring
And the leaves have hatched.
Look at the branches of the maple:
How many green spouts! T. Dmitriev

If the snow melts everywhere
The day is getting longer
If everything is green
And in the fields the stream is ringing,
If the sun shines brighter
If the birds are not up to sleep,
If the wind gets warmer
So spring has come to us
”.(E. Karganova).

MYSTERIES about living organisms that we met on the tour:

1. Like pines, like Christmas trees, and in winter without needles (Larch)

A relative has a Christmas tree
non-thorny needles,
But, unlike the tree,
Those needles are falling off. (Larch)

2. She meets spring -

He puts on earrings.

Thrown over the back

Green scarf.

And the dress is striped.

You will know - this is .... (Birch)

3. Not a knot, not a leaf, but grows on a tree (Tinder fungus)

4. Soft, not fluff green, not grass (Moss)

5. Buds are sticky, leaves are odorous, fruits are volatile. (Poplar)

6. Burned in dewy grass

golden flashlight,

Then faded, faded,

And turned into fluff (Dandelion)

7. There is a spring flowerSigns not to be mistaken:Leaves like garlicAnd the crown - like a prince! (Narcissus)

8. Grown from an onionBut it's not good for food.On a bright glassIt looks like a flower. (Tulip)

9. In a gray fur coat
And in the cold he is a hero
Jumps, frolics on the fly,
Not an eagle, but still a bird.


small bird
Has legs,
And he can't walk.
Wants to take a step
It makes a jump.


10. A bird arrives in spring.
The field will be plowed - it likes to feed there.



April with water, and May with grass.

In the spring it bakes on top and freezes on the bottom.

March with water, April with grass, and May with flowers.

4. At the end of the excursion, I remind the students of the topic of the excursion. Summing up, I state that everyone made quite interesting observations, made many discoveries, enriched their knowledge. I also suggest that those who wish to make actual notes, drawings and photographs from the excursion from memory.

Algorithm of work on excursions for students:

Task number 1 Phenological observations of the excursion day according to the form:


Air temperature




Task number 2 What living organisms did you notice in the school flowerbed?

What kingdom do they belong to? What features do they have?

What happens to them in the spring season?

Task number 3 What representatives of the animal kingdom did you see during the tour? What changes in their lives with the advent of spring?

Task number 4 What other living organisms have you seen on the tour? What kingdom do they belong to? What value do they have?

Task number 5 Have you observed traces of human activity in the surveyed area of ​​nature? How can this activity be characterized?

Main conclusions about the excursion.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region

State budget professional educational institution"Argayash Agricultural College"

for excursions in biology



at a meeting of the subject-cycle commission

general education disciplines

Protocol No. ___ dated "___" __________ 2015

Chairman of the Commission ______________ / A.R. Khazyrova /

Developer: Dusmatova A.S., teacher of biology of the highest qualification category, Argayash Agricultural College

Reviewer: Kireeva F.A. teacher of biology of the highest qualification category of the Argayash branch of the Chelyabinsk medical college


Guidelines for biology toursprednreserved for excursionsin professional educational organizations implementing the educational program of secondary general education within the framework of the development of the main professional educational program of the SPO (OPOP SPO) on the basis of basic general education in the preparation of skilled workers, employees, mid-level specialists.

Methodological recommendations developedbased on the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of secondary general education for the structure, content and results of mastering academic discipline"Biology", and in accordance with the Recommendations on the organization of secondary general education within the development educational programs middle vocational education based on the maingeneral education, taking into account the requirements of federal state educational standards and the received profession or specialty of secondary vocational education (letter of the Department of State Policy in the Field of Training of Workers and DPO of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 17, 2015 No. 06-259).

Explanatory note;

Guidelines for excursions;

Tour plan;

Preparation for the excursion;

Teaching methods used in conducting excursions;

The place and significance of excursions in the process of cognition;

Instructions on labor protection during excursions in biology;

Excursion methodology.

01/19/17 "Pastry Chef"

Reviewer: F.A. Kireeva, the highest category.

Explanatory note

Guidelines for conducting excursions in biology have been compiled for 1st year students of the specialty:01/19/17 "Pastry Chef", in accordance with the program of the discipline "Biology" to consolidate and control the knowledge and skills of students on the main topics of the course.

Excursions are the most important link in the process of nurturing education after the lesson. Excursions in biology allow you to achieve solid, conscious knowledge, establish a connection between theory and practice in the learning process. In a lesson and even a laboratory lesson, students learn about individual objects and phenomena of wildlife in isolation from each other, do not see the connections of plants and animals with the environment. In connection with the study of artificial and natural selection, methods and successes of breeding, excursions are conducted to production, to scientific institutions, during which the features of the organization of production, ways of using the achievements of biological science, methods of scientific research are revealed. They help students to feel respect for work.

Teaching biology is impossible without excursions. the main objectiveexcursions is not to showspecies and names of several dozen living beings, not to learn how to find them and describe the morphological and biological features of an individual animal or plant organism, but to show and teach to see lifenature, to see and understand biological processes. Attention should not be paid to an individual organism, but to phenomena general, and individual organisms are only examples illustrating this phenomenon. Only under this indispensable condition can we achieve the fact that we will imagine the life of the surrounding nature in the form of a series of closely related phenomena, and not in the form of separate beings, distinguished by one or another amazing features.

Methodically correctly organized and well-conducted excursions allow students to significantly expand, learn and deepen the knowledge gained in the lessons, turn them into strong beliefs. An excursion into nature is a fascinating form of work of a teacher with a group. On the excursion, students learn to see the necessary objects, observe, compare, find examples of the relationship of organisms with each other and with environmental conditions. Each excursion is a powerful means of influence, forming students' critical thinking and research abilities. Excursion gives good material for the education of aesthetic feelings, love for nature. “We are losing devoted friends of nature, we are stifling the vocation in people if we do not open the eyes of young people to the “beauties of the surrounding world,” wrote Academician N.P. Anuchin.

Guidelines for excursions

The success of the excursion largely depends on the preparation of the teacher and students. Need clearlydetermine the objectives of the tour. At the lesson preceding the excursion, the necessary connection with the content of the topic being studied is established, questions are proposed that need to be resolved during the excursion, tasks for observations and for collecting material are distributed among the students.

It is forbiddenleadexcursionin an area unknown to the teacher. A day or two before the excursion, the teacher necessarily follows the planned route, since even in a short period of time significant changes could occur here, examines the area, outlines objects of attention- stops for explanations, independent work, collecting material for a general conversation. Develops the route of the excursion, places of transitions, stops and rest.

IntimeBefore studying the objects, it is important not only to determine their number and choose a specific place to get acquainted with them, but also to consider the methods of work at a particular stop. Methods should be varied depending on the content and location of the tour. If the teacher is not familiar with the flora and fauna of a given territory, then it is necessary to look through the available herbariums, collections, reference books and identification guides for plants and animals. Such preliminary work will help the teacher to plan the excursion.

Students must be providedappropriate equipment:

    notebooksAndpencils for writing

    botanicals and collection boxes




    and other equipment

depending on the content of the tour. The absence or shortage of equipment leads to the fact that some students will not be able to take part in independent work, left idle, they can switch to another object that is not related to the content of the excursion. Discipline is broken, interest in work is reduced, scheduled tasks are not fulfilled. All this is reflected in the course of the excursion and the assimilation of the material. Very importantpreparestudents toexcursions. Need to focustheir attention to certain objects, to explain how to conduct their observation. In advance, the teacher can familiarize students with the route of the excursion so that they can navigate the terrain, and with the requirements for conducting the excursion.

Tour plan

As forlesson, soAndForexcursion the teacher develops a plan for its implementation and draws up a summary. They define the following:

1. The theme of the tour, its purpose and objectives.

2. Route of the excursion. (It should be noted that the route is not the way of movement of students, but logically interconnected "objects of attention", stops for observations and study of natural objects and phenomena.)

3. Excursion equipment (Necessary equipment for the teacher, for independent work of students and for collecting natural material; pre-prepared cards with tasks for individual or group activities of students during the excursion.)

4. Introductory conversation on the topic of the excursion and the distribution of tasks (5 - 7 minutes).

5. Independent work on assignments (20 min).

6. Reports on the implementation of tasks, discussion of observations and collected factual material on the topic of the excursion, their generalization (10-15 minutes).

7. Final conversation on the topic of the excursion (3 - 5 minutes).

8. Inspection of the territory and putting it in order.

9. General conclusion on the excursion (in nature).

10. Processing (in the classroom, at home) of the students collected (on the excursion) material and preparing a report of the message.The tour doesn't have to be verylengthyAndlike a lesson ortopicsmoreto an open-air lecture with a demonstration of natural objects encountered on the way. The content of the tour should follow its theme and objectives.

The excursion usually begins with an introduction to the problem - a story or conversation. Then the teacher explains the goal and individual tasks for students, determines the place and time of their implementation (no more than 20 minutes). Tasks can be common for the whole group or different for individual groups of two to five students. It should be emphasized that direct communication with nature, independent observation of it by each student, finding the right objects among their huge variety leaves an indelible impression on students.

Intimeindependent work, the teacher goes around all the groups, helps to find the necessary objects, characterize the observations, prepare the material for further processing after the excursion.

In the installedtimestudents come together to discuss their work, observations and findings. Compliance with a certain sequence in the reports of students on independent work helps the teacher to reveal the content of the topic of the excursion.The teacher complementsAndsummarizes students' messages helps correctlydecomposeassembledmaterial for compiling a herbarium or collection (personal or for school), recommends that the animals be released, and the plants with roots should be dug in the places of their collection. The teacher allows you to take some plants and small animals (insects, worms) for the wildlife corner and planting on the school site.

"Ten Commandments excursion business.

ByexcursionsB. E. Raikov gave the teacher a number useful tips. In the methodology of teaching biology, they are known as the Ten Commandments of the excursion business.

1. Remember that the excursion is not a walk, but an obligatory part of the training sessions.

2. Study the place where you are leading the tour, outline the topic and make a plan for it.

3. Maintain the theme of the tour, do not be distracted by random questions.

4. Talk on the tour only about what you can show.

5. Avoid long explanations.

6. Do not leave sightseers only listeners, make them work actively.

7. Do not bombard sightseers with many names: they will forget them.

8. Know how to correctly show objects and teach listeners to look at them correctly: everyone should be able to see.

9. Do not tire the sightseers too much: they will stop listening to you.

10. Fix the excursion in memory by the subsequent study of the material.

Excursions havegreat importance andForthe teacher himself. Being together with the students face to face with nature, he clearly feels his duty as a naturalist to know and understand the living world. There is an understanding of the need to collect for educational process herbarium, collections, work with determinants, improve their naturalistic skills, botanical, zoological and ecological knowledge.

Biology as a subject is designed to equip students with systematic knowledge about the various manifestations of wildlife. solve these challenging tasks is impossible without familiarizing students with living objects directly in their natural environment. To do this, the teacher uses one of the most important forms of the educational process - an excursion. Excursions educate students in a different, different from the school environment and in the process of unusual cognitive activity.

Excursion - a form of educational work with a group or group of students, carried out outside of class for educational purposes when moving from object to object in their natural environment or artificially created conditions, at the choice of the teacher on topics related to the program. This is the definition given by N.M. Verzilin and V.M. Korsunskaya, most fully reflects the specifics of the excursion as an educational and organizational form of education.

A feature of excursions is the possibility of active knowledge of living objects that are part of natural communities. Knowledge about wildlife objects gained in the lessons is expanded and deepened during the excursion. Conditions are being created for the formation of skills to navigate the terrain, to identify complex relationships in nature, and to study seasonal changes in nature. Students learn to find objects in nature on the instructions of the teacher, analyze, compare and contrast natural phenomena, acquire the skills of naturalistic work, the skills of elementary scientific research of nature.

In addition to cognitive value, the excursion has a great educational potential. On excursions, students, perceiving objects in natural conditions, as well as natural smells, sounds, colors, learn to see, feel the beauty in the nature around them, they develop a responsible attitude and love for nature, for their homeland.

Excursions play an important role in linking learning with life. Observation of natural objects in their natural conditions allows students to learn about them, drawing on knowledge from different disciplines. This contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world among students.

On excursions, material is collected (taking into account the rules of nature conservation) that will be needed in the classroom, for extracurricular activities and in extracurricular activities. At the same time, the skills of collecting plants, working on a training and experimental site, collecting and herbarization skills are acquired. Excursions can be botanical, zoological, general biological, ecological and complex, taking into account the educational content of individual biology courses.

Excursions can be organized around the educational and experimental site to agricultural production (to a greenhouse, to a farm), to a research institute, to a botanical garden, park, etc.

Preparing for the excursion.

The method of preparing the excursion includes the preparation of the teacher and students. Determine the purpose of the tour. At the lesson preceding the excursion, a connection is established with the content of the topic being studied, questions are proposed that need to be resolved during the excursion, tasks for observations and for collecting material are distributed among the students.

It is very important to prepare students for the excursion. It is necessary to focus their attention on certain objects, to explain how to conduct their observation. In advance, the teacher can familiarize students with the route of the excursion so that they can navigate the terrain, and with the requirements for conducting the excursion.

Excursions are the most important link in the process of nurturing education after the lesson. Excursions in biology and ecology allow you to achieve solid, conscious knowledge, to establish a connection between theory and practice in the learning process. In a lesson and even a laboratory lesson, students learn about individual objects and phenomena of wildlife in isolation from each other, do not see the connections of plants and animals with the environment. In connection with the study of artificial and natural selection, methods and successes of breeding, excursions are conducted to production, to scientific institutions, during which the features of the organization of production, ways of using the achievements of biological science, methods of scientific research are revealed. They help students to feel respect for work.

The content of the excursion is specified by the teacher, taking into account the natural and industrial environment. It is important to correctly determine the place of the excursion in the system of lessons in order to give the work of students a search character, to activate their mental activity. The teacher notifies students about the time, place and purpose of the excursion in advance, recommends reading the relevant literature.
The tour must be prepared. Already when drawing up the annual plan, the teacher determines the purpose and place of the excursion in the system of lessons, develops its tasks, describes the course, outlines the geographical point, and tasks for students are compiled. The teacher visits the place of the excursion in advance, selects objects for study, remembers their location, acquaints the employees of the organization with the tasks of the excursion, studies the literature, clarifies individual and group tasks for students, in which it is proposed to independently examine the objects and follow the story of the guide, write down the necessary information.

While working on excursions and collecting material, the following rules must be observed:

1. Work without deviating from the plan.

2. Observe accuracy in work, in registration of fees and in records.
3. Avoid taking with you more materials than you need for subsequent work; to protect nature from the destruction of valuable and rare objects.

4. Record the results of observations on the spot, not relying on memory, otherwise much will be forgotten

5. Observe full discipline during the excursion.
6. Put the collected plants in order, process: put live plants in boxes, pots, water; plucked plants necessary for studying in the classroom, put in water; plants prepared for drying, placed in a press, etc.
Teaching methods used in conducting excursions

The methods of conducting excursions teach students to navigate the terrain, observe, compare, establish connections between phenomena, find the necessary objects, acquire the skills of independent naturalistic work - the skills of an elementary study of nature.
On excursions, material is collected (taking into account nature protection), which is used later in the classroom, in extracurricular activities and extracurricular activities. At the same time, the skills of collecting living objects, collecting and herbarization are acquired.
The main method of teaching on excursions is observation, which is used in combination with a conversation, a short story. At the same time, one should not abuse the explanation, since on excursions into nature, students are not inclined to listen for a long time. An excursion to a museum or a factory has a different specificity. There, a qualified guide gives a lecture and illustrates it well. But even in this case it is important independent work students with museum exhibits, on experimental plots or fields.

Observation of natural phenomena on excursions, with the proper guidance of a teacher, contributes to the formation of primary ideas about the materiality of the world, relationships and development in nature, the importance of natural resources for National economy about the need for all-round protection and reproduction of them. On excursions, students experience aesthetic emotions. Living perception of the beauty of nature causes love for native nature. Students conduct observation in accordance with the task, in the preparation of which the object of the excursion and the cognitive abilities of students should be taken into account

The teacher sums up the preliminary results at the end of the excursion, and the students draw up the final results in the form of a report, mounted stands. It is advisable to first give an outline of the report, which will make it easier for students to work on it. The teacher evaluates not only reports, but also the work of students on excursions, their activity in completing assignments, the ability to conduct targeted observations, and draw up materials. The knowledge of students gained on the excursion must be fully used and developed in subsequent lessons.

An excursion is a form of educational work with a group or a group of students, carried out outside educational institution for educational purposes when moving from object to object in their natural environment or artificially created conditions, at the choice of the teacher and on topics related to the program. Excursions are included in the system of lessons on a number of topics, studied mainly in spring and autumn in the courses "Living Organism", "Diversity of Living Organisms" and general biology. The content of the excursions is directly related to the material covered in the relevant lessons, and at the same time, the ideas received, the results of observations and collected in nature are used in many subsequent lessons.

The teacher determines the dates of the excursions in advance in the annual plan, and at the corresponding lessons before the planned excursion creates for the students the situation of the need to familiarize themselves with the studied phenomena in nature itself. At the same time, questions are highlighted that need to be clarified in nature, tasks are given for repetition and preliminary familiarization with the material in terms of preparing for the excursion. The teacher also provides feedback on the excursion after it has been conducted: what follows, then remember from what he saw and how to use the collected material for demonstrations and practical work.
Excursions are of great educational and educational value. They expand and improve the knowledge of students. Students see plants and animals in their natural environment: plants - in connection with the soil, animals - in connection with plants, gaining an idea of ​​biocenoses, of the integrity of nature at a certain time of the year. On excursions, previously obtained concepts of individual organisms and phenomena merge into a broader concept of nature. At the same time, much knowledge is practiced in recognizing the studied objects, in explaining the phenomenon seen. Direct contact with nature, knowledge of its phenomena not only provide students with concrete, correct biological concepts, but also have a great educational value.
Excursions to agricultural production, to experimental breeding stations, to fruit nurseries, showing the application of biological knowledge in practice, diverse plant varieties and animal breeds created by man, conditions that increase plant productivity and animal productivity, introduce students to human-controlled nature, which has great cognitive and educational value.
Clarification and expansion of biological concepts, education of the worldview, thinking, aesthetic feelings, acquisition of the ability to observe nature - all these possibilities the teacher needs to keep in mind when conducting excursions.

The educational value of school biological excursions is enormous. This form of organization of the educational process deserves the most serious attention from the teacher, since on excursions the knowledge of students develops, improves and turns into skills that contribute to their professional orientation. Excursions educate a team of students in a different, different from the educational environment and in the process of unusual cognitive activity.

Labor protection instruction when conducting excursions in biology

1. General requirements labor protection

1. Students who have been instructed in labor protection and who do not have contraindications for health reasons are allowed to participate in biology tours.

2. When conducting excursions, students should avoid exposure to the following dangerous and harmful factors:

Injuries to the legs when moving without shoes or without appropriate clothing;
- infection with infectious diseases when bitten by their carriers (rodents, ticks, insects, etc.);

Poisoning by poisonous plants, fruits and mushrooms;

Infection with gastrointestinal diseases when drinking water from open untested reservoirs.

3. Students are obliged during the excursion:

Get briefing on labor protection during excursions in biology;
- observe fire safety rules, do not make fires and do not use open fire in the forest;

During the biology tour, students must follow the rules of conduct, not violate the established procedure for conducting the tour, and observe the rules of personal hygiene;

The victim or eyewitness of the accident is obliged to immediately inform the leader of the excursion about each accident;
- Dress appropriately for the weather.

4. Students are prohibited from:

Go on a tour without going through an occupational safety briefing

during excursions in biology;

Run, push each other; throw various objects at each other;

Absent without the permission of the teacher.

5. The teacher is obliged:

The presence of a first aid kit is mandatory;

Check that students have hats in the hot season,

Compliance of students' clothing with weather conditions;

6. The teacher is prohibited from:

Organize a tour without a briefing on labor protection;

Leave students unattended;

Take students on a field trip without a first aid kit.

7. About each accident, the victim or eyewitness of the accident is obliged to immediately inform the tour leader, who is obliged to provide the firstassistance to the victim, if necessary, send him to the nearest medical institution and inform the doctor and administration.

8. Students who have failed to comply with or violated labor protection instructions are held accountable, and all students are given an unscheduled briefing on labor protection.

2. Labor protection requirements before the excursion

1. Students have the right to make excursions in biology only after the leader of the excursion carefully examines the area where the students will be taken and a safe route of movement is chosen.

2. Students are required to:

Take a briefing on labor protection during a tour of biology;
- familiarize yourself with posters with local poisonous and dangerous animals, reptiles, insects, plants, fruits and mushrooms;
Students must wear appropriate footwear for the season and weather. Wear trousers to prevent injury and leg bites. To avoid chafing your feet, shoes should be sized correctly.

3. Students are prohibited from:

Bring with you piercing, cutting, flammable objects;

Push each other, throw various objects at each other.

4. The teacher is obliged:

Provide instructions on labor protection during the tour;

Familiarize yourself with posters with local poisonous and dangerous animals, reptiles, insects, plants, fruits and mushrooms;

Prepare a medical kit, equipped with the necessary medicines and dressings;

Check that the clothes and shoes of the students are appropriate for the weather conditions.

5. The teacher is prohibited from:

To allow students who have not been instructed in labor protection on excursions in biology to take excursions;

Go on a tour without a first aid kit.
3. Labor protection requirements during the excursion

1. Students are required to:

When moving, do not take off your shoes and do not walk barefoot to avoid injuries and bites from reptiles and insects;

When studying the flora and fauna of the reservoir, avoid deep places, do not enter the water. To get acquainted with the living objects of the reservoir, use nets with long handles. The use of boats or footbridges is not permitted.
2. Students are prohibited from:

Make fires to avoid forest fires and burns;

It is forbidden to use toxic substances (chloroform, sulfuric ether, etc.) for marinating insects;

To avoid poisoning, taste any plants, fruits and mushrooms;
- in order to avoid bites and injuries, touch poisonous and dangerous reptiles, animals, insects, plants and fungi, as well as thorny bushes and plants;

Dig up plants from the ground with unprotected hands, use shovels, rippers, etc. for this purpose;

To avoid infection with gastrointestinal diseasesdrink water from open untested reservoirs, for this use water from a flask, which must be taken with you.

3. The teacher is obliged:

To carry out constant monitoring of the movement of students and their behavior during the excursion.

4. The teacher is prohibited from:

Leave students unattended
4. Labor protection requirements in emergency situations

1. Students are required to:

In case of a bite by poisonous animals, reptiles, insects and other incidents, you must immediately notify the leader of the tour.

2. The teacher is obliged:

In case of a bite by poisonous animals, reptiles, insects and other incidents, provide first aid and, if necessary, send the victim to the nearest medical facility andreport it to the administration.
5. Labor protection requirements at the end of the tour

1. Students are required to thoroughly wash their hands with soap and make a thorough examination of the body.

2. The teacher is obliged:

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and do a thorough examination of the body;
- check the availability of students on the list.

Excursion methodology

Excursion on the topic: "Diversity of species"

Purpose of the tour :

    introduce the concept of species diversity as a result of natural selection.

    introduce the concepts of "species criteria", "population", "variability", "heredity".

    identify different relationships between individuals of the same species, different species.

    show on concrete examples the adaptability of organisms to endure adverse conditions in autumn and winter.

    to teach to work collectively, to form a sense of respect for nature, a sense of beauty, the ability to see the beauty of nature.

    develop interest in biology, the ability to observe, compare, establish cause-and-effect relationships, highlight the main thing, draw conclusions.

Material and technical equipment : notebook, pen, pencil, ruler, compass.

Exercise :

1. Draw up a plan of the site and characterize its relief, humidity, illumination, type of soil.

2. Determine the main types of trees, shrubs, grasses and identify their adaptability to cohabitation and to factors of inanimate nature.Record the results in a table:

tree types

Types of shrubs

Herb types

Features of adaptation to cohabitation

Features of adaptability to abiotic factors

3. define the criteria for one type of tree (shrubs or grasses). Enter the data into a table.

Species name:

Morphological features:

Physiological signs

environmental signs

4. Compare 2-3 individuals of the same plant species growing in the same place. Signs of similarity, signs of difference.

5. Compare 2-3 individuals of the same plant species growing in different conditions.

6. What impact on nature have you observed in the forest? Tasks for students are the same, but each group works in its own area.

Tour progress :

Tasks for groups, the composition of groups is determined in the previous lesson. At the beginning of the tour, the composition of the groups is checked, and instructions are given on how to behave on the tour. Then we go on a tour. During the movement, students name the types of trees of the first tier, the second tier, herbaceous plants, types of shrubs. We draw attention to the fact that students give the correct (double) specific names. To draw the attention of students that plants grow in a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe forest different types. I formulate the main question: "What are the reasons for the diversity of species?". This is the main question of our excursion. Then students are invited to find out how species, for example, of the same genus, (American maple, Tatar maple) differ from each other. To reveal the concept of "species", we use plants of similar species, this works well on plants such as caustic buttercup, creeping, Kashubian. The same examples are used in this textbook. We compare the conditions of their growth and note that the features of the existence of the species constitute an ecological criterion. Next, we study their appearance. We determine similar features and their differences in the structure of the flower, leaves. We draw conclusions. We inform students that structural features constitute the morphological criterion of the species. During the conversation, we find out that these plants have different flowering periods. We see the flowering of buttercup caustic. Buttercup Kashubian blooms at the end of May, and creeping buttercup - in July. (we know this from previous excursions). We conclude that plants of different species differ in flowering time, growth rate and development. We note that the characteristics of the response of organisms of the same species to changes in living conditions constitute the physiological criterion of the species.

Conclusion: all species differ from each other in morphological, ecological, physiological features.

We move on. We went out to a clearing, where there is a lot of caustic buttercup. Did you meet caustic buttercup in the forest? No. Where else have we seen this plant? We remember that when we entered the forest, in that clearing we saw this plant. Does buttercup pollen get from one clearing to another? Silence. During the conversation, we find out that this is unlikely, because the clearings are located far from each other. So these plants live apart from each other. We introduce the concept of "population". A group of individuals of the same species that exists for a long time in a certain area apart from other such groups is called a population. Warty birch, Tatar maple, pedunculate oak, growing in our forest, also represent populations of species. A population is a form of existence of a species. A population is stable if it contains individuals of different ages. Task: find individuals of different ages in the Tatar maple population. Students do it with great pleasure. Next, I propose to consider 2-3 individuals of the warty birch. Look for similarities. There are many common signs. What is the reason for their similarity? They are closely related, because. belong to the same population. The set of basic traits is transmitted from parents to offspring. It is common for all living organisms to preserve and transmit their characteristics and properties to offspring. This property is heredity. It is this property that determines the similarity of closely related organisms. Then I propose to find differences among these individuals. Conclusion: all individuals, even in the same population, differ from each other, which means that organisms are characterized by variability. I explain that variability manifests itself in varying degrees of development of certain traits, for example, color intensity, body size, etc. The change in these signs occurs under the influence of environmental conditions. We draw attention to the differences in the color of the leaves of common goutweed, growing in open areas and in the forest. The second leaves are darker, they form more chlorophyll. Due to this feature, in plants in the forest under low illumination, the synthesis organic matter happens quite intensely. But these changes are not inherited. This is an example of non-hereditary variability. Only such changes in traits are inherited, the development of which is caused by changes in hereditary material. Exactly hereditary variability causes the emergence of new traits, which are the material for natural selection and a prerequisite for the formation of new species. Next, we pay attention to the huge variety of living organisms that inhabit the forest. Students try to establish what relationships exist between them. The totality of all relationships Ch. Darwin called the struggle for existence. During the tour we find herbaceous plants and count the number of seeds (fruits) on it. Will all these seeds grow into mature plants? Of course not. Why? If all the seeds crumble in this place and germinate, then in the dense shoots between the seedlings there will be an acute struggle for existence - for moisture, nutrients, light. Ch.Darwin called such struggle intraspecific. Then we pay attention to some oppressed plants of poplar, warty birch, Tatar maple. Why are they like this? C. Darwin argued that complex relationships are established between organisms of different species. This is an interspecies struggle for existence. Plants also struggle with adverse environmental conditions. Many organisms die from severe frosts, fires, heavy rain, and people are sometimes guilty. In the struggle for existence in a population of plants (animals), natural selection occurs: some individuals die, while others survive, give viable offspring, and are characterized by high adaptability to new environmental conditions. We offer students to establish signs of adaptability of plants and animals to living conditions. The guys are working. Next, we study what adaptations plants have to endure adverse conditions in the autumn-winter period. We pay attention to the beauty of the autumn forest. The students then work in groups to complete the tasks.

Report content:

1 . Draw up a site plan;

2. Fill in the table;

3. Determine the signs of similarity and differences of plants growing in the same place.

4. Determine the similarities and differences of plants growing in different conditions.

Control questions :

    What are the reasons for the diversity of species?

    What impact on nature did you observe in the forest?

    What signs of adaptability of plants and animals to living conditions have you observed?
