You should not be guided by that. The choice of a lawyer. What should not be followed. Putting the solution into practice

Instead of a conclusion
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Recommendations that should not be followed

Abstract - in half an hour? Coursework per hour? Diploma - in three hours? Yes, it's easy and effortless! And only positive feedback!

This article is aimed at those who are too lazy to go to libraries and spend several days or even weeks to write an essay, term paper or diploma, but at the same time who want to get a good (excellent) grade, and knowledge, and most importantly, do everything it's on its own.

1. How to write an abstract?

First you need to decide on a topic. If you have it, it's easier. If not, we'll work it out in the process.

So, suppose you need to write an essay on the topic "Legal entities". Well, consider yourself lucky - half an hour of time and it will be ready. The ideal option for you is to find coursework on the same topic. So let's say you find it. But do not rush to rejoice, you do not want to make a mistake on trifles. Let's first check whether the "fresh" term paper you came across. To do this, it is not enough just to look at the year of writing on the title page, it will be much more useful to look at the list of references. If the sources (especially regulations) are akin to your grandmother, then you can abandon this work.

Let's assume that you have found a fresh term paper, which is called just about from the pen. But do not rush to call it an abstract. The volume of the coursework is too large for an essay, and besides, your teacher may have already come across such work, so the coursework will need to be processed a little. Read the table of contents (plan) of the work, evaluate what is most interesting in your work, after which, you can safely delete the excess. So, you cleaned up the work. But that is not all. It would be better if you rename the chapters (paragraphs) of your abstract, or even remove their former name. Thus, the work will simply become unrecognizable. Now that the abstract is almost ready, it is worth changing the introduction and conclusion (if any) a little more to work on the list of references.

Let's consider a more complex option. You need to write an essay, but you did not find a raw paper for this - a term paper (diploma). You'll have to put in a little more effort. Decide on the requirements of your teacher. If this is an abstract-unsubscribe, then any copying from a textbook on the topic will do for you; that is, you find a textbook in an electronic version, copy a part of a chapter (chapter, paragraph), call this creation an abstract and hand it over to the teacher. Cheap, cheerful and fast.

If, however, certain requirements are presented for the abstract, you will have to sweat a little. You won't get by with just one textbook. Although ... There is another option, and it often works: try search article(s) on the topic of your essay. Often one article is enough to prepare an excellent abstract.

If this option does not suit you either, or you have not found more than one article, then go ahead - search textbooks. And then, from the materials found, through a short analysis, compose a work.

2. How to write a term paper?

Almost always, the requirements for term papers are much more serious than for the abstract. Therefore, your approach must be appropriate.

So, option one. You came across a fairly common topic, and you found many similar works (if not, then go ahead, find a couple of term papers - this is your raw material). Now that you have at least some material, you can start. Familiarize yourself with the content of all found works and get ready for the "mixing". You have to do one of two (three or more) jobs. This is quite simple and will not take you a lot of time, the main thing is to have a good idea of ​​​​the structure of future work. Naturally, first of all, it is necessary to find out whether the work and the sources used are outdated (do not forget, first of all, the teacher looks at the list of used literature). As one small piece of advice, I can recommend the following to you - if you have a “fresh” textbook on the topic under study, coursework or thesis, then look at the end of the textbook, as a rule, the author gives a list of references there. He is what you need. Browse it and select a few articles, scientific materials. You will indicate them in the list of used literature.

As for the content, be sure to make a few references to the sources (even those that you did not use). However, please note that if you use parts of someone else's work, then it is better to remove the footnotes that were in them and add your own. Since the footnotes (as opposed to the content of the work) are more conspicuous.

3. How to write a thesis?

These recommendations will not be at all similar to those given in universities - there will be neither GOSTs for the design of footnotes, nor rules for the design of text and sources of literature used. Moreover, as our practice shows, the requirements for registration in each university are different. We will not tell you that you cannot use only two or three textbooks as sources, BUT relying on your great experience in writing dissertations, we dare to recommend you how to write a dissertation in the shortest possible time and with the highest quality.

Naturally, if you have a month for a thesis, or even more, then you can not read these recommendations, but feel free to follow the instructions of your supervisor and write a thesis in the canons of the genre, but if you want to save time, money, and nerves of your girls (young man), then go ahead!

Before proceeding directly to the advice, we note a number of nuances:

Keep in mind that your supervisor may well visit any of the sites where there are theses, however, the undoubted advantage of our site is that we publish author's theses weekly, which we call "just about from the pen." Therefore, focus more on these works.

In any case, if you are striving to do quality work, you will have to work on a graduation project.

If you correctly approach the work, then you will need a little more than two or three hours.

We have written more than a dozen works on jurisprudence and therefore we have something to say.

Believe me - writing a thesis overnight is more than a reality. Checked over and over :)

Right from the start - choosing a theme

If you have the opportunity to choose a topic yourself, then try to choose a topic that is already in the list of finished theses. Most importantly, choose a job and a “fresher” topic. In this case, you are ideally suited for a thesis study, for example, in Theory of State and Law. The specificity of this subject is that TGP, unlike, for example, Civil Law, does not undergo significant changes, that's why it is a "theory".

As an aid to your thesis project, you can use your coursework (your friend's coursework or find a serious job on the Internet). This coursework will go to the first chapter of your thesis. It is good if it reveals historical aspects, theoretical views - that is, those issues that even with time do not change their content and form.

The work should contain enough materials of judicial and arbitration practice

"Stuff" your thesis as much as possible big amount judicial and arbitration practice. Use examples from practice to confirm the norms of the Law, the words of the authors, problematic aspects. After each example, make a small conclusion. As a rule, this “conclusion” is made for you by the judges who made the decision, so just retell it in your own words.

Where can I get materials of judicial and arbitration practice? This question is more difficult. It's good if you have a Guarantor / Consultant or other legal reference system. If it is not there, we can suggest two ways to resolve the issue: naturally, we will not advise you to go to the library - it's an empty case. It is better to look for practice on Runet sites with free legal services or ask us. Support email: [email protected] In the subject of the letter, indicate the word "practice", in the body of the letter the topic of your thesis. Within 48 hours, we will post all the judicial and arbitration practice we have (on your subject) on the pages of the site, or send it to you by e-mail.

A little more about practical materials: as a rule, the volume of one decision (for example, the Arbitration Court) takes 2-3 pages (14 font, 1.5 spacing). Therefore, count if you use, for example, 5 practical materials, then you will take 10 pages from the volume of your thesis, which is already very good. And the supervisor should evaluate!

Problematic issues should be covered in the work

Where to get them or how to create a legal problem out of nothing? Nine out of ten diploma papers point out the shortcomings of legal (legislative) regulation as one of the main problems. Our country is already ten years goes by on the way of improving legislation and codification. However, almost every branch of law suffers from a lack of legal material. Therefore, one can always focus on the absence of one or another special law, the long-term adoption of the code.

It is necessary to make recommendations on your thesis research, suggest ways out of problematic issues

As a rule, either the conclusion or a separate paragraph of the special part of your thesis is devoted to this. Recommendations can be written based on your own experience, the experience of your colleagues, or simply write off in the comments, study guide or other thesis.

How to Write an Introduction/Conclusion

It happens that in order to write a beautiful "Introduction" there is not enough "some main idea"... So this very idea can be looked for in other people's works. For example, in dissertations.

Abstracts of dissertations (taken from are posted in the diploma section. Despite the fact that the abstract is a “lump of concise information”, it at least reveals the relevance of a particular topic, draws the appropriate conclusions, and reveals the structure of the work. This is what you need. If there is a justification for relevance, then the “Introduction” is already ready, if there are conclusions, it will be easier to write the “Conclusion”. Therefore, if you find a dissertation abstract, it will be of great help to you.

During my long practice, there have been cases more than once that you need to eat only “night” for a thesis work, and only a commentary (in electronic form) is at hand. What to do?

Well, we take a comment - we give it the appearance of a readable text. The only problem is that it is a comment, so we dilute it with practice as much as possible.

An example of such works written "overnight" on the pages of the site.

The main content of the work: General and Special part

The diploma work, like any codified act, must consist of a General and a Special part. Such a division is purely formal, but, one way or another, in the first part (chapter) of the work, the theoretical and historical aspects of the study are revealed, and in the second part (chapter or chapters) the problematics of the issue under study. Therefore, in your thesis, you must take this nuance into account.

A good term paper can be ideal for the first chapter.

More attention should be paid to the “special” part of the work. It is this part that is your independent study, on which conclusions will be drawn, recommendations will be offered.

It is quite possible that you do not actually have sources for writing a paper. How to be in such a situation?

First, browse all sections of our site. First of all, the section "Comments" and "Law Library".

Secondly, what is attractive about the Runet is that you can always make a pleasant discovery in it. Seek and discover! Look for articles, reports, materials scientific conferences. Anything on your topic - tables, charts, forecasts and even official news.

In addition, your reliable support is thematic sites. I will give a few examples from practice on three theses that can be written without leaving the Internet.

The first example on the topic "Factoring (financing against the assignment of a monetary claim)" is the basis for such a thesis - the thematic site, masses of articles all over the Internet, comments from our site. If you have at least 5-10 hours, you will get an excellent thesis. An example on our website is the thesis “Factoring, its legal regulation”.

Another example is the topic “Organization of notarial activities in Russian Federation". For its writing, only one commentary on the Fundamentals of Legislation on Notaries (under the editorship of V.N. Argunov), and several articles (in the special part of the work) were used. We “diluted” the commentary with judicial and arbitration practice, removed some of the materials, added some, swapped the text. It may make you smile, but it works. The teacher evaluated the work.

Another example of such work - "Types of notarial actions and the rules for their accomplishment" - was written according to the same principle.

If you have found a finished thesis (dissertation) on your topic, or a similar topic

Completely change the "Introduction", "Conclusion" of the thesis. Update the list of used literature. Keep in mind - the “older” the work, the more changes there were in the legislation, and therefore in theory and practice.

Keep in mind that such work may have already come across your supervisor, or he is so progressive that, just like you, you can download this thesis.

Instead of a conclusion

So, let's conclude:

Use as many practical materials as possible!

There must be a problem in the work and your proposals for solving problematic issues!

In the list of used literature, indicate as many monographs as possible, even those that you did not use in your work!

Most of all, pay attention to the "Introduction" and "Conclusion" - it is they who pay attention to the defense.

A little more "honey": we communicate a lot with teachers. Believe me, there are such “specialists” who don’t read graduation papers at all, but evaluate it by eye - they scroll through it before going to bed. And there is a completely different contingent - they will make you turn inside out, and your research will be used in "their" scientific work. This is what will fall. And this is from the field of psychology. Evaluate your supervisor and give him what he wants from you.

In the meantime, work on your thesis.

How can you do all this in two hours? - you ask. It's really hard to do this, but it's possible! Drop everything and just get to work - after all, this is your thesis :)

And if you have any questions - write ...

Yes, and do not forget that you can order a high-quality thesis from us!

In the near future, we will prepare recommendations for defending a thesis and preparing a speech.


Note: grammatical errors in the text are left intact and belong to the author of the site. Apparently average general education he also received in a "light way".

A smart, promising and free woman is always looking for a bachelor men. After all, creating full-fledged family relationships will be the tyrannical work of both. But there are women with a narrow outlook, who are always trying to build PERSONAL happiness on someone else's grief.

Not realizing that such a life with a man will sooner or later turn into hell. Well, in this case, a woman always has to choose from what is left, or encroach on the sacred - to beat off someone else's husband. Would you like to meet a reliable, experienced and accomplished man?

Firstly, how to accurately distinguish a married man from a single man, well, for example, on the street. A married man goes and looks at the women he likes, and a single man proudly steps, expecting the ladies to rush at him.

indoors married men trying to achieve your intimacy, and singles are trying to make a spectacular impression. In bachelors, you always see an increased attention to yourself, which is very different from the behavior of a married man. men.

If you decide to honestly choose a husband or friend from all that is left unmarried, then you have little choice. Mostly unmarried men- these are notorious for themselves, romantically pliable and sexually weak individuals are no longer quite, say, the opposite sex to you, because over the years they begin to acquire feminine qualities.

They gradually learn to cook, wash, save, go shopping and do without women. In casual sex, they are feminine, affectionate, decent and romantic. This is often at the beginning and bribes the women who met them, who very quickly become fed up with this leafy tenderness and go to rude men, with whom they again begin to feel like a real woman, and not a girlfriend for their male girlfriend.

I'm not talking here about those unmarried men who were left without families because of vodka, pathological cruelty to women and chronic laziness. Let me not discuss this third grade at all and sincerely sympathize with women who, for the sake of children, are forced to live with such specimens for many years.

A very rare exception to the general unmarried male population are widowers, especially those with children, retired military men who have lost families due to hard service, and newly divorced men(if not because of the vodka). All women know what to do with widowers - replace his children with a mother, and he himself will convince himself that you are his wife. It is also easy with retired colonels or warrant officers - you just need to be at his fingertips.

But only those who left the service no longer than 6 months are eligible. If in front of you is a retired officer who has already lived in retirement for more than a year and never married, then this is no longer a "former colonel" sexually, but a decrepit ladies' man. It is very disappointing for any woman to be the tenth mistress of an aged and lonely person.

With freshly divorced men it is much more difficult. First of all, you need to find out how much he drinks, walks on the side, gambles, or how impotent. Unfortunately, everything, and especially the last one, has to be checked for yourself. And I must warn that the development of such men under the future husband most often end in disappointment.

And now let's move on to a more promising, but somewhat delicate way of beating off other people's husbands. The technology of the beating itself, sorry for the truth, is very simple - lie down. Well, not just in a hurry, but completely and from all sides showing the man how good you are. I won't go into details as we are now talking about choosing a man and not about keeping it.

Of course, it is much easier to choose a ready-made and already established man than from a snotty kid or a divorced recluse. You can beat off the boss, artist, politician, highly paid worker, businessman. To be honest, all my life I have envied young women who, through a successful marriage with a man 10-20 years older than her, on one wedding day, can solve all life's problems, then live in abundance and build a golden nest for their future children.

If all women choice men were always chosen first of all by those who, by their nature, are leaders and are able to normally support a family, then in a hundred years a new generation of people would grow up, much more intelligent and adapted to life.

And in this natural, it would seem, selection is constantly interfering
There is Lady Love, that is, human nature itself, which pulls people to multiply not according to reason, but according to blind desire. It is against this instinctive desire or love that I warn you when choosing a man- the farther from love, the more reasonable your choice, writes

When choosing a currency pair for trading, one should not be guided by any other considerations than practical ones.

I am always surprised when I see that some traders choose a pair of currencies for speculative trading, based on patriotic or geographical reasons.

I noticed that many traders from Australia, for example, mostly trade AUD against USD or NZD. New Zealanders, Canadians, French and traders from many other countries often also choose to trade their national currencies. They trade them against the US dollar or against other currencies from nearby countries of the given geographical region. I believe that our main goal of participating in this business is not to assure anyone of our patriotic feelings and pride, but "Vol. to get the highest possible profit. From the point of view of a speculator, the geographic approach to choosing a currency pair for playing on FOREX cannot be considered rational or justified. The choice of a pair of currencies for current speculation must be made according to certain factors, and patriotism and place of residence are not among them.

The main criteria for choosing a currency pair should be their liquidity, market activity and the average amplitude of fluctuations (trading range).

Forex game for money. Winning strategies

Currency pairs with the highest values ​​of these parameters are the most preferable from the speculator's point of view. The list of currency pairs most suitable for this criterion primarily includes: USD/CHF, USD/JPY, FUR/USD, FUR/JPY, GBP/FUR, GBP/JPY, and CHF/JPY. You may be surprised that I have not included Cable (GBP/USD) in this group.

The reason is that this currency pair has almost perfect liquidity, the same as all other major currency pairs, but the average amplitude of Cable's swing day is lower than necessary. Also, a small GBP/USD pips value is, in my opinion, better for intermediate term positional trading than for short-term daily speculation. (I sometimes trade this pair, but not very often.)

The most important and defining criterion for choosing a currency for short-term speculative trading should be as close as possible to the current technical picture and how it fits into the trading technique and/or trading system that you are going to use. Since in this book we talk in detail about my trading method, only the closest fit of the chart to one of the patterns I use becomes the criterion for choosing a particular currency for a particular trade. This is especially important if the market is currently in close proximity to some key technical level.

I recognize diversification, and from my point of view, it may be necessary to trade different pairs of currencies. However, my personal experience shows that the presence of simultaneous positions in different currency pairs scatters the attention of a trader. It is quite difficult to follow all currency pairs at the same time. Therefore, I keep no more than two or (very rarely) three currency pairs open at the same time. In some cases (for example, trading USD/CHF and EUR/USD) I often use replacement.

By replacement, I mean the analysis of one of the pnx, on the basis of this analysis, the trade of the other.

Chapter 10 Choosing a Currency Pair

The Swiss franc, but for the most part, does not have its own distinct identity in the market. On a large scale, it is nothing more than a derivative of the euro. At the same time, it has a high torso activity, a large amplitude of fluctuations and excellent liquidity. These characteristics allow the USD/CHF pair to be one of the most attractive currencies for speculative trading.

Source: Igor Toshchakov. Forex: game for money. Victory strategies. - St. Petersburg: Peter. - 256 p: ill. - (Series "Trading & Investments"). 2008(original)

More on the topic Choosing a currency pair:

  1. 2. Basic concepts of the world currency system: currency, exchange rate, currency parities, currency convertibility, currency markets, currency exchanges
  2. chapter Evolution of the world monetary system and modern currency problems. From the European Monetary System to Economic and Monetary Union
  3. 8.4. Currency policy, currency legislation and currency control
  4. 3.2. Public choice theory: norms as a result of rational choice
  5. Currency system and exchange rate Currency system: content and structure

Finally, when evaluating alternatives, be sure to ask the question: “What are possible consequences this action?" Remember the saying “Caution is the mother of wisdom”. You should not be guided by the principle of "All or nothing", when, chasing a lot, you can lose everything.

The search for solutions to the problem can lead to stomach ulcers, heart attack, suicide, insanity. This happens because what seems to be the best alternative may not be the best for the one who chooses it. As a manager, it is useful for you to develop a habit to maintain a healthy psyche; chose the best, in your opinion, alternative - stop thinking about it. Convince yourself that there is no better alternative and move on to the next step,

4. Implementation of the solution into practice.

No matter how good the alternative you choose, it will not work until it has been tested in practice. Don't make a mistake and don't put it into practice immediately. First, consider the possible consequences of the implementation for others. Then try to convince others of the correctness of your decision, or at least get their tacit consent.

If, nevertheless, the chosen alternative seems unsatisfactory to you, discuss the problem with your boss. Tell him what you are going to do and why. If he agrees, you will not need to explain anything in the future, if he is dissatisfied with the result, if he does not agree, you will put him in front of the need to propose a solution himself, which will formally relieve you of responsibility for the consequences of its implementation. Often the boss, who may have more experience and knowledge on the subject, will be able to suggest an alternative that you have not noticed.

Of course, you should not contact your boss on every occasion, so that he decides everything for you. Sometimes, even if your solution is not perfect, it makes sense to do it yourself, as the following case study demonstrates.

An assistant plant manager at a steel company went to work on Saturday with a team of workers to complete an urgent order. The rolled metal should have been shipped on that very day, otherwise the company would have to pay a large fine for late delivery. However, an unexpected problem arose: Railway put a gondola car for coal under loading instead of a half-platform. The steel blanks were too long and did not fit into the gondola car. There were two alternatives: either not to load, or to cut off the end of the gondola car. He chose the second one. The steel was loaded, the end was placed on top. On Monday, when the plant manager was informed about this, he was beside himself. "Why didn't you call me?" he asked his assistant. The assistant said, "Would you willingly make that decision?" The manager replied, "No." By the way, the railroad never once reminded the steel company of a car with a cut off end.

5. Checking the result.

After implementing the solution in practice, it is useful to check the result. The reasons may be as follows:

· If the solution is good, you will know what to do when faced with a similar situation again.

· If the decision is bad, you will know what not to do next time.

· If the solution is bad and you start to test its effects shortly after implementing it, sometimes you can fix it.

In practice, good managers try to make several backup plans in case of unforeseen circumstances. Automakers, for example, equip passenger cars with emergency brakes and trucks with spare tires. The point is to bring the reliability factor into your decision. Try to have a back-up plan that you can use during the verification phase if necessary.

Quantitative methods for preparing solutions.

The introduction of computers led to the widespread use of quantitative (mathematical) methods in economics. Training in quantitative methods for preparing solutions began in the 1960s. Since then in higher schools businesses are getting more and more attention.

Despite the efforts made in business schools, middle managers rarely resort to quantitative decision-making methods. They are often used at the top level of management. That is why the theory of probability, optimization methods and many others are not included in this book.

Approaches to decision making.

There are two points to keep in mind when considering decision-making processes. The first is that decisions are usually relatively easy to make. Everything that a person does in this case comes down to choosing a course of action. It's hard to make a good decision. The second point is that decision making is psychological process. We know from experience that human behavior is not always logical. Sometimes we are driven by logic, sometimes by feelings. Therefore, it is not surprising that the methods used by the leader to make decisions vary from spontaneous to highly logical. A rational approach to decision making is described below, but here it is important to remember that the leader is influenced by such psychological factors as social attitudes, accumulated experience and personal values. Further in the chapter, we will consider the influence of some behavioral factors on the process of making managerial decisions.

Possession of a diploma legal education does not at all mean that its owner is able to provide legal assistance at the appropriate level. Still, the number of various universities and various faculties, the doors of which annually graduate hundreds of people who are ready to provide legal services to everyone, is large (a few years ago there were even more of them). But the result of the trial, and sometimes the freedom of a person, largely depends on the professionalism of a lawyer.

Choose wisely

Competition in the legal services market is high. Dozens and hundreds of specialists varying degrees professionalism compete among themselves for a lucrative contract. At the same time, a variety of methods can be used, the purpose of which is to make a potential client believe that the young man standing in front of him with a lawyer's ID in his jacket pocket is a professional in his field.

In order not to make a mistake in choosing, you need to remember at least a few points that you should not rely on when concluding a contract for the provision of legal assistance. They are:

  • Excessive optimism of the lawyer and his assurances of the obligatory successful completion of the trial. Unlike “specialists”, whose main task is to try to impose their services on someone in every possible way, an experienced lawyer will never promise a client positive results. Moreover, even before the moment of acquaintance with all the circumstances of the case.
  • Too much low price for services. Work a good specialist cannot be cheap. Therefore, if the stated fee does not compare with the efforts that will need to be expended to achieve acceptable goals, you should consider whether it is worth contacting such a representative of the legal corps.
  • office interior and appearance lawyer (even despite the previous remark). The atmosphere in the office, as well as appearance, should not be misleading. The ostentatious luxury and cost of suits should not be linked to the professionalism of a lawyer. They can also talk about the wealth of his parents, inflated prices for services, the desire to surround himself with expensive things, the desire to impress a successful person, and so on.

It often happens that people are guided by the form, not the content. But not in choosing a lawyer. After all, the consequences of a mistake in this case can be the saddest.