The list of changes to the exam in the Russian language is official and was provided by fipi. Russian language Will speaking be included in the exam

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Interactive preparation course for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. 26 sections. Individual achievement statistics. Options are formed for each person personally during new visits. Fully complies with the new format of the exam.

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Who are interested training options Unified State Examination in Russian with answers and comments? Our New episode"USE-responder" for you.

Collection of essays on the Russian language (task 26)

It is easier to learn to write essays from source text if you know exactly what USE requirements to task 26 in Russian. Analysis of the work of graduates shows typical mistakes and shortcomings.

Final winter essay

All about graduation essay. Concept. Criteria for testing at school. Evaluation criteria in universities. Work samples.

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Helpful information

The word USE has a fascinating effect on people. The majority, long before the exam, begins to treat it as a fatal milestone: terrible and inevitable. One gets the impression that the will and mind of people are paralyzed at the same time ... Distinct images of a conveyor belt, a meat grinder or a current that carries the unfortunate people to no one knows where emerge ... What is the consequence of such an attitude towards the upcoming test? Passivity, indifference or, on the contrary, feverish activity, senseless fuss, excessive nervous tension. Get reliable information about the upcoming exam.

useless information

Even during difficult or serious work, you can find a reason to joke. Section for those who want to relax a bit

Self defense. If an appeal is needed

It is better not to tune in to the appeal in advance. There is such a life pattern: often people attract situations that they think too much about. The situation of filing an appeal is not the most pleasant. I wish you could avoid it. But if an appeal is unavoidable, it's best to know how to file it.
Therefore, I consider it important to talk about this topic.

For several years now, the prospect of dividing the Unified State Examination in the Russian language into two parts: written and oral, has been actively discussed. Behind last years single test format state exam changed more than once, trying to optimize the KIMs and make the knowledge test as objective as possible.

What awaits 11-graders of the 2017-2018 academic year and what should everyone who plans to enter universities prepare for?

In 2017-2018, no special changes are expected in the KIMs of the written part of the Unified State Examination. All innovations made to the ticket structure in 2017 will remain relevant, namely:

  • absence test items with one answer;
  • division of work into two blocks: tasks with a short answer and an essay on a given topic;
  • the minimum passing score is 36.

In connection with the introduction of speaking, the number of tasks in the written part and the structure of the calculation of primary points may change.

Why is the oral part necessary?

This question is asked not only by future graduates. Any changes to USE structure have serious justifications. Thus, studies have shown that a large percentage of graduates from the regions do not speak their native language well enough. The reasons for this decline are:

  1. insufficient level of teaching (not all subject teachers require children to give a detailed answer to the questions posed, analyze information and give their own assessments of certain events);
  2. transition to written forms of knowledge control (many lyceums and colleges minimize oral surveys);
  3. a decrease in the number of reading children (respectively, the lack of a certain base of literary speech among graduates).

At the same time, the ability to competently express one's thoughts and possession of oratory skills today are mandatory in many professional fields and a person planning to receive higher education you just have to know your language at a high level.

Oral part at the Unified State Examination in the Russian language in 2018

Despite a lot of talk about the introduction of the oral part, in 2017 the USE in the Russian language was held in the format written exam. The Minister of the Ministry of Education and Science is not a supporter of spontaneous reforms, and therefore the introduction of innovations designed to increase the level of proficiency in the native language will be phased.

  1. Introduction to the December summary.
  2. Changes in the structure of tasks and the complete rejection of tests with a choice of one answer.
  3. Separation of the exam into oral and written parts.

The first two stages have already been completed, and the third has been successfully tested in the Moscow region, Tatarstan and the Chechen Republic.

Whether 2017-2018 will be a significant year and whether a mandatory oral part will be introduced in the structure of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements will officially say. Information should appear in the second half of August or early September on the official website of FIPI.

USE schedule 2018 in Russian

early period

Main exam

Reserve day

Main period

Main exam

Reserve day (Russian language)

Reserve day (all subjects)

Reserve day (all subjects)


1st retake (Russian)

2nd retake (Russian)

Reserve day (all subjects)

Format of the oral exam

After the planned changes are approved, the USE in the Russian language will be divided into two days:

  1. The written part, which will include a block of tasks with short and detailed answers, as well as an essay.
  2. The oral part, the format of which will be in many respects similar to tests in foreign languages.

Many graduates are concerned not so much with the need to pass the oral block, but with the technical side of the issue. Students who took part in trial USE conducted as part of the methodology testing program, noted that the most inconvenient format is communication with a computer, since several people are talking in the office at the same time, which confuses many people and does not allow them to concentrate. Having taken the opinion of the examinees into account, the organizers promise that the oral part of the exam will be rented in separate booths. Whether the promise will be kept, time will tell.

To successfully pass the exam in spoken Russian, you will need:

Such variants of CIMs were discussed

Option number 1 of the oral part of the exam in the Russian language

In 15 minutes, the student will be asked to:

The oral part provides a detailed answer to all the assigned tasks.

Option number 2 of the oral part of the exam in the Russian language

Each participant is also given 15 minutes, during which the examiner will have to:

Time (min)

Expressively read the proposed text of the scientific-journalistic style
Retell the text using additional information
Compose and voice a monologue statement (on a given topic).
Take part in the dialogue (conditionally)
Points for compliance with the norms of the literary language

All answers must also be detailed.

Preparation for the oral part of the exam

Any teacher will say that the best preparation to the Unified State Exam - it's good to learn Russian, but since 2018 is already very close, let's try to figure out how to quickly catch up.

Experienced teachers advise:

  1. Remember theory. To do this, you can use any textbooks recommended for schools, or special publications for preparing for the exam.
  2. Reinforce each block with practice. Workbook assignments are great, it's also good to find practice sites on the internet and of course process all available 2017 tickets as well as 2018 trials.
  3. This year it is not enough just to know the rule, you must be able to explain and justify the choice.
  4. Read aloud texts of different styles and train not only reading speed, but also expressiveness.
  5. Practice retelling texts.

Certainly. It is quite difficult to prepare without outside help for the oral part, because without certain level knowledge on oratory, many simply do not notice their mistakes. If the option with a tutor is not possible in any way, get ready in pairs. So you can practice the dialogue and point out to each other mistakes that are obvious only from the outside.

We invite you to listen to what they said about this in 2016-2017 academic year experts on the introduction of speaking as a mandatory block of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language:

Everyone knows that every year the exam is subject to changes. The main exam in the life of graduates is becoming more and more difficult. Quantity budget places is declining, as is the number of schoolchildren who can boast high scores. The publication of the draft USE 2018 brought many people into a state of shock, because graduates, in the hope of getting 80 points or more on the USE, acquired preparatory literature in order to start mastering the material in advance! However, these collections have ceased to be relevant.

Russian language

Previously, students of the senior class were engaged in solving 25 tasks on the main exam, but in 2018 their list was supplemented by the 26th. It deals with the topic of lexical norms, and is designed to test the student for the ability to find and correct a speech error in a sentence. The demo version of the task is an example with pleonasm, in which it is important to find an extra word in order to extract it. Students are encouraged not to use individual rules of the Russian language, but to learn to adhere to language norms.

Our experts can check your essay according to the USE criteria

Site experts
Teachers of leading schools and current experts of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

There is a steady trend towards the complication of the exam in this subject. Average score according to him (68-69) is considered higher than in other subjects. It is not difficult to determine that graduates will have difficulties with a new task due to a shallow study of this topic. The old tasks were also corrected, namely: they were supplemented with hitherto unstudied terms, rules and words.


Large-scale changes also awaited the exam in literature. Until recently, essays for 8, 9, 15, 16 were rated at four points, but today for 8, 15 they will receive five points, and works for 9, 16 will be rated at ten. Thus, tasks are divided into difficulty levels (9, 16 are more difficult, unlike 8, 15). There was an increase in the maximum score to 15. One topic (the fourth in a row), 17 essays were added. This is a work of the latest literature! The criteria for evaluating essays have been changed: a graduate is threatened with the loss of an impressive amount of points for speech errors concerning knowledge of the Russian language, which were not previously taken into account during the test. In connection with the increase in the bar, students will be required to carefully study any of the criteria in order to score the maximum score. The list of requirements has become longer, while studying outdated information is fraught with sad consequences for graduates.

Updated: 2018-01-17

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The official website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements - FIPI - has published preliminary versions of the KIM USE 2018. In general, test materials for unified state exams remain the same as in 2017, but certain changes, nevertheless, are present, sometimes significant. We will find out what changes await the USE in the Russian language in 2018, what's new in one of the mandatory exams for all graduates.

Changes in the Unified State Examination in the Russian language in 2018

Task number 20 will have a basic level of complexity, and the meaning of the task is to check how well eleventh graders know lexical norms, which are characteristic of modern literary language.

An example of such a task is contained in the demo version of the USE in the Russian language in 2018:

As follows from the correct answers attached to the demo version, the word “main” is superfluous. The essence cannot be main or secondary, therefore the expression “ main point” is one of the classic examples of tautology, or linguistic redundancy, when two adjacent words unreasonably repeat the same thing from the point of view of the language, while having the same meaning. Tautology and other linguistic errors that are made due to illiteracy, and will be what will be offered to graduates in the examination for detection. Thus, it will be revealed how well graduates of Russian schools feel and understand the Russian language.

In principle, the new task, with proper preparation by teachers of graduates, will not be overly difficult for the majority.

The second small change in the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, which follows from the first one, is an increase due to the emergence of a new task of maximum primary score for all work from 57 to 58.

Since the Russian language is one of the subjects that are required for delivery, these changes apply to one hundred percent of 11th grade graduates in 2018.

So far, these changes are considered preliminary, but it is unlikely that they will not be final. Therefore, graduates and teachers can focus on the information published by FIPI as what awaits them in the summer of 2018.