What does Vasilyeva say about additional education. Mission feasible: how to improve the quality of education at school (E. N. Kukso). There will be written exams

The beginning of the policy of active distribution of the Mir state payment system among state employees caused the question to arise: “is it possible to refuse the Mir card to state employees?”. To answer this question, it is worthwhile to first study the reasons for the appearance of the payment system and the features of its functioning. Solutions for state employees and pensioners differ, which requires separate consideration.

The state payment system Mir uses the Russian ruble as a currency and is a response to the sanctions imposed on Russia in 2014.

The impossibility of paying with Visa and MasterCard plastic cards in Crimea became the reason for the development of a unique state project, which involves the creation of an independent payment system, to which public sector employees and pensioners will be transferred.

The final version of the project was formed in 2015 and confirmed by an additional bill, which:

  • obliged Russian banks to introduce support for Mir cards into their system;
  • organized a free replacement of cards for state employees and pensioners;
  • formed favorable conditions for the use of domestic supply.

The official program for the replacement of plastic cards in budgetary organizations started on July 1, 2017 and should be completed on July 1, 2018, when payroll for other cards will be suspended. There is an approved list of organizations and dates for replacing cards, which is being gradually implemented. The opinion of Galina Tsareva was aimed at supporting this initiative, although Galina is an active opponent of any electronic payment methods.

If you work in the public sector, by law you are not required to switch to Mir plastic cards. However, businesses will be prohibited from making payments to third-party accounts starting July 1, 2018.

If you do not have time to issue a card in time, you can lose both bonus and salary. If you want to protect yourself and be guaranteed to receive salary payments, apply for a Mir card in advance.

You can do this in the following ways:

  1. contact the nearest office of Sberbank and write an appropriate application according to the established form;
  2. write a statement to your employer about the need to switch to a new bank card;
  3. leave an application in the appropriate section on the official website of the Mir project from Sberbank. After filling out the form with the necessary data, a specialist will contact you to confirm them. After a successful identification procedure, you can pick up the card at the nearest service office or order delivery by courier.

You can clarify the official schedule for replacing plastic cards at work with a state employee by calling the free support service of Sberbank. You can find the number on the bank's website. As for the answer to the question: “Can I refuse the Mir card on salary?”. The answer is you can, but salaries, bonuses and other financial transactions will not be made with third-party plastic cards.

The main reason for supporting the initiative is to provide additional security for both the national economy and the accounts of Russian residents.

If you want to consistently receive a salary card, you should use the Mir solution. The official way to refuse the Mir card for state employees and receive wages on Visa or MasterCard - does not exist.

How to refuse the Mir card to a pensioner

The principle of switching to Mir bank cards for pensioners differs from state employees. In addition to additional opportunities and advantageous offers, pensioners can officially refuse to issue a plastic card and collect their pension monthly in cash through the postman. This can be done by writing an official statement according to the established model "how to refuse to use the Mir card for a pensioner." This option will be available only if the pensioner lives in a remote region and does not have the ability to receive funds from an ATM. Also, it affects the state of health.

Before issuing an official refusal, study the opportunities offered by Sberbank.

Using the Mir solution, you get:

  • additional income in the form of 3.5% per annum, accrued depending on the balance of funds on the card;
  • access to various promotions and discounts in state-owned stores and enterprises. So, you can borrow a domestic-made car on favorable terms even as a pensioner. The list of shares is constantly updated and published on the official website of Sberbank;
  • A convenient SMS notification system will inform you about the accrual of pensions and other financial transactions.

Almost a year ago, in August 2016, Olga Yuryevna Vasilyeva was appointed Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. In such subtle areas, changes occur slowly, and the results generally make themselves felt in years. Nevertheless, it is possible and necessary to analyze what was proclaimed, started, and done by the new minister. About what O.Yu. Vasilyeva for a year of work as a minister and what awaits Russian schoolchildren and students in the upcoming academic year - in the material profiok.com.

Attention to teachers

Olga Vasilyeva immediately said that one of her main tasks is to strengthen the prestige of the teaching profession and improve the quality of teacher education. “My most important concern is pedagogical education, teacher training, otherwise we will not be able to solve all the problems,” she repeated in a recent interview with the Izvestia newspaper.

Recall that in December 2015, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin instructed to develop a national system of teacher growth. The bottom line is that work to improve the quality of teaching and teacher training will be ongoing: teachers will constantly improve their skills. Ideally, every three years.

The idea, according to the minister, "will be implemented very soon." The first step is to assess the teachers. This is necessary in order to determine their level of proficiency. professional competencies. So far, certification will be held in 13 Russian regions that have expressed such a desire. Of course, there is no question of any punishment for those who show unsatisfactory results. It’s just that the study will help to understand how it will be necessary to build a system of advanced training for teachers, what to pay attention to in the first place. In the future, when building this system, it is planned to take into account the opinion of graduates general education schools- a few years after they finish school. Work is also underway on the preparation of a professional standard for teachers, which should be adopted by 2020.

Qualifications are qualifications, but the profession of a teacher is in many ways a “human factor”. As Olga Vasilyeva likes to repeat, education is not a service, but a mission that combines education and upbringing at the same time. It is important that teachers feel the attention of the state, and society finally appreciates the importance and value of a school teacher. Here I would like to say, for example, that the final of the competition "Teacher of the Year" through the efforts of Olga Vasilyeva was held last year not just anywhere, but in the State Kremlin Palace. In June of this year, mentors of the graduating classes, whose pupils distinguished themselves during the final assessment, were received by Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin. By the way, at this meeting, Olga Vasilyeva publicly asked the president to show a concert dedicated to Teacher's Day on one of the central channels. "There are five million teachers in the country who have never seen a concert dedicated to Teacher's Day in prime time," the minister said, adding that the personal presence of the President at the concert coinciding with the final of the "Teacher of the Year" competition has completely become would be "great happiness." “Okay, let's do it,” the head of state replied.

At the time of Olga Vasilyeva's arrival at the Ministry of Education and Science, the current Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) were too vague. They did not answer the main question: what should the child know and be able to do “at the exit”. Therefore, it was decided to fill these standards with content. At the end of July, the public discussion of the drafts of new standards from the first to the ninth grade ended. Now they clearly state what the child should know in each class in each subject. The standards have not yet been approved, but the matter is clearly moving towards its logical conclusion. It is important that a large number of experts took part in the discussion and preparation of these documents: there is a chance that nothing critically important will be missed.

Changes to the Federal State Educational Standards are only part of the work to create a unified educational space. The minister's idea is simple: when moving from school to school, including changing the city of residence or even the region, the child should not experience any problems with the school curriculum. At the time of Olga Vasilyeva's arrival at the Ministry of Education and Science, the federal list contained 1,423 textbooks. The minister immediately said that this was too much - and by the end of the year she had made some progress. For example, as early as this academic year, schoolchildren will study from textbooks written on the basis of the approved historical and cultural standard, and there will be only two or three such textbooks. The development of concepts for teaching physics, chemistry, biology and foreign languages ​​is also planned for the current year.

At the same time, Olga Vasilyeva believes, children should not experience any overload. The school schedule should be designed so as not to force children to sit out eight lessons a day, leave them time for homework, sports and other extracurricular activities. By the way, in school plans there is a so-called extracurricular activities- obligatory 10 hours of free lessons after lessons. According to the minister, these should be sports, technical creativity, music, literature and chess. Olga Vasilyeva has been talking about chess a lot lately. It turns out that there are statistics: children who play chess have an average of 40 percent higher academic performance ( Is it true, maybe, on the contrary, the most talented people are interested in chess? - profiok.com). Chess is good not only because it develops the child, but also because it does not require large financial investments or organizational measures. There are developed methods, and any teacher can master chess himself and teach it to children.

Of particular note is the fact that from September 1, a 35-hour astronomy course will return to Russian schools. Returns, in the words of Olga Vasilyeva, "triumphantly." Indeed, the situation was paradoxical: in a country that had been a leader in space exploration for decades, astronomy was not taught in schools. Despite the fact that this year the subject will become compulsory, its introduction is carried out quite softly: for example, schools can decide for themselves from which half of the year to include astronomy in the schedule and in which grade to study it - in the tenth or in the eleventh. All-Russian verification work in astronomy will begin in 2019, the exam is not planned at all.

New quality of the exam

You can often hear dissatisfaction with the USE, but if you take a closer look at the survey data, you will notice that among the opponents of the exam, there are mainly representatives of the older generation. Young people have long been either accustomed to, or reconciled to, and in the minds of very young schoolchildren, the Unified State Exam has almost always existed.

The undeniable and important merit of the USE is the role of a "social lift". Before the introduction of the Unified State Examination, many talented children from the provinces had practically no chances to enter the “advanced” metropolitan universities.

As for the system itself, it is constantly being improved. This year, from the Unified State Examination in Physics, Biology and Chemistry, test tasks. Thus, the test part remained only in the foreign language exam.

The results of the USE-2017 turned out to be better than last year: much fewer violations were recorded, a significantly larger number of graduates coped with overcoming the minimum threshold. Nothing has been heard about corruption during the USE for a long time. They say stay the only way to get a guaranteed "100 points" - to send a child to study in Dagestan for a year. Of course, there are not very many applicants, besides, there are other ways to get into the desired university - for example, subject Olympiads or targeted training.

Olga Vasilyeva constantly says that one should not treat the USE scores as a goal and turn school education into preparation for the USE. According to her, there are no important and unimportant, necessary and unnecessary subjects at school. The student must fully master the school curriculum, and then pass the selected exams without any stress.

In order for schoolchildren to pay attention to all subjects, test papers appeared. After it turned out that schoolchildren had lost the skill of the so-called “functional reading”, that is, the ability to retell what they had read, the conversation turned to the introduction of oral tests in the Russian language in the ninth grade, and the composition became admission to the exam in the 11th grade. From 2020, it is planned to introduce a mandatory USE in history, from 2022 - in a foreign language.

Training of specialists

This year, the chances of enrolling in budget places 57 percent of school graduates are in universities. Compared to previous years, the number of budget places did not decrease, but they were redistributed in accordance with state priorities: more - for engineering, technical, pedagogical and medical specialties, less - on legal and economic. High USE scores is not the only way to get into prestigious university. A pass for admission can also be victories in subject Olympiads, the list of which is approved by the Ministry of Education and Science (this year there were a little less than a hundred). Another way is to conclude an agreement on targeted learning with a company or region. Education will be free, but in this case, the graduate will have to work for three years.

In any case, both future employers, and the state, and the students themselves began to understand that it was too late to think about their future work in the fifth year of the university. University graduates often complain that the placement in their specialty does not always go smoothly: employers either require work experience or assign a low salary to a novice specialist, because at first he will still have to complete his education on the spot. The plans of the Ministry of Education and Science - firstly, change the legal framework, so that it would be easier for specialists without experience to get a job. Secondly, students will be able to start working in their specialty already during their studies. This will be done through the creation of basic departments, internships at enterprises, the creation of student innovative enterprises or laboratories. New forms of work for students will also be created within the framework of the National Technology Initiative. In addition, universities will soon become centers not only of applied knowledge, but also of science. One of priority projects The Ministry of Education and Science is called "Universities as centers of space for creating innovations." In each region, a university will be selected where university science will be concentrated. It is expected that it will become a socio-economic, scientific and cultural center for the development of its region.

It is worth noting the success in the development of the secondary vocational education. Recently, many guys after school do not go to university, but to college. And even if this is just a step for the further path to the university ( bypassing the exam - profiok.com), general level students of secondary vocational education institutions, the level of teaching, equipment of these educational institutions are constantly growing. To improve learning conditions, interregional competence centers are being created. By 2020 there will be twenty such centers in our country. It is already known that in 2018 more than a billion rubles will be allocated from the federal budget to support regional programs for the development of vocational education. By the way, the line between graduates of colleges that train specialists for high-tech industries and universities is gradually blurring: a modern worker often does not differ from an engineer or a high-class programmer. Therefore, as part of the WorldSkills movement, which Russia joined a few years ago, championships are also held for university students. It is possible that some of the participating students will choose for themselves a modern profession related to real production.

Evolution as a style

Despite the fact that much has changed in the education system lately, Olga Vasilyeva does not make any sudden movements. “The education system is conservative and does not tolerate revolution,” the minister often says. All changes should be only evolutionary, gradual, deliberate. At the same time, it is definitely worth rethinking and using existing experience. “Everything is new - well-forgotten old, but in modern technological realities,” the head of the Ministry of Education and Science said in a recent interview.

The minister treats new technological realities with understanding: where would we be without them? NTI projects are being discussed, online education platforms are being launched, official accounts of the ministry in social networks have appeared. Olga Vasilyeva understands that modern children and adolescents are surrounded by so much information that it is difficult to compare them with Soviet schoolchildren - the reality around is different. But this understanding does not at all knock the minister off the chosen course: in her opinion, the new times have not in the least affected the fundamental, basic things.

“I am completely for the “figure” in education, but first of all I stand up for the head. Everything has accelerated, but the head has remained and should remain with any instrumentation. The most important task of a teacher is to develop and instill a desire to learn,” says Olga Vasilyeva. And since the principles underlying the education system do not change, then you can use past experience and take all the best, say, from Soviet system education. And the human values ​​that the school forms have nothing to do with the times or technologies. “Shouldn't any school of the 21st century educate a person who respects his people, who appreciates work? And shouldn’t a young person be taught that he should work for the good of himself and his country?” the minister asks.

Many consider Olga Vasilyeva a conservative. Actually, she herself admits that in everything related to school and pedagogy, she adheres to conservative positions. With this approach, changes occur more slowly, however, possible destruction or errors are minimized.

Summing up the results of the year that she spent as Minister of Education, Olga Vasilyeva noted that the year was interesting and difficult, and as one of the achievements she noted that she managed to figure out what is and understand where to move on. It is not necessary to be ironic here - not so little has been done for a one-year period, and having a clear strategy is half the success of any serious event. However, as the minister said, "there are more tasks ahead than we managed to do."

The new Minister of Education, Olga Vasilyeva, took the intensity of the discussion about the Soviet school to a new level:

  • one pole praises the Soviet school and dreams of canceling all reforms in order to return to its fruitful roots,
  • another calls the achievements of the Soviet school myths and cites alternative arguments to prove it.

It turns out a conversation between the blind and the deaf with the gradual strengthening of each in his own opinion. Of course, in strict accordance with scientific data on the ability of people to listen to logical arguments.

In fact, this is the same discussion that is being held about the results of education, monitoring education, and assessing the quality of education. With full respect for its scientific component, I would like to pay attention to the managerial aspect, because any scientific model has conditions for implementation and application.

It is the applicability of criteria and assessments that unites two discussions of scientometricians and everyday metricians striving towards each other. The two words are pronounced the same, but the meanings are completely different. If scientists sometimes designate somewhere in the corner of their work what exactly they mean by the words they use (although the definitions are lost in subsequent discussions), then in everyday disputes they don’t even think about it. Everyday discussions are characterized by a comparison of different criteria (rather than measurement results) and a dispute about their significance. Strictly speaking, this means an underlying discussion about values, not indicators.

Where without an exam?

The exam, like any measuring tool, evaluates itself: it is the ability of the subject to solve the problems that are presented in this particular examination sheet. The exam can be focused on personality measurements or on rating - it depends on the selection of tasks.

The system of relations during the examination is important, because it affects the motivation of all its participants.

In the classical model of education, when training resembles the processing of parts on an assembly line, the exam resembles the military acceptance of serial electronics: what is for marriage, what is for consumer goods, what is for the military, what is in space. .

  • The student on the exam is stressed and hopes for a higher status. Since he is not concerned with the truth, but with "size", you can "go all out".
  • The examiner finds himself in a dual position: he is both the demiurge for each subject and responsible for excesses. If he is also the teacher of the subjects, which is typical for exams according to the traditional Soviet scheme, then he is also indirectly attested. So, no matter how proudly he dissects in front of his students, he is also interested in the maximum "size", but collectively, and not personally (which does not exclude private interest as such).
  • The administrator of the organization conducting the exam wants to get rid of it as soon as possible with minimal trouble. The honesty of the exam and the reliability of the results for him are not an independent value. If "his" students are being examined, he is also interested in the highest possible "sizes". If students from another school are being examined, and their own are somewhere else, then both administrators are well aware of the likely interdependence of relationships.

Thus, all participants in the traditional final exam are interested in the maximum value of the mark, and not in its objectivity.

The share of honesty of the exam result is highly dependent on personal qualities responsible persons, which in the conditions of cynical consumer relations is a dubious barrier. That is why, if there is an external order for honesty, one has to put up with increasingly significant costs that work only until the moment when they find the key to them.

It is not very interesting to discuss the entrance versions of the exams: even the most intoxicated lovers of the traditional exam scheme remember corruption scandals well and understand their inevitability. As an antithesis, they cite a change in the scheme of corruption from a university to points passing the exam or buying answers. Some universities and in the new conditions find loopholes for manipulation in admissions campaigns. I personally have not seen reliable confirmation of the advantages of some forms of exams over others. In addition to creative universities, where the lack of informal competencies is an obvious obstacle to learning.

What does the USE evaluate?

The USE is a subject exam, therefore, it evaluates only the subject competence of the student, the ability to solve problems in this subject. No sentimental stories about “he doesn’t take into account” matter, because the task of the USE is not so much to evaluate, but to rank students according to their ability to solve. The exam has two tasks:

  • confirm the mastery of the subject at a level sufficient for graduation from school,
  • pass the barrier of competition to the university.

Neither for the first, nor for the second, it is necessary to fully assess the mastery of program requirements - these are banal barrier tasks. And there is no reason to blame the USE for the incompleteness of solving the problem. Is there any reason to believe the past scheme of local examinations is more fully assessing? Even if so, why set such a task? And who should be doing it?

The previous scheme was built for a specific program or even for a specific teacher. This could create the illusion of a "comprehensive assessment".

In reality, the local assessment of the local examination measured the opinion of the local examination board about the examinee. From the student's point of view, this only made the process of passing the exam more difficult, forcing them to adapt to unique local requirements. As in any non-standardized process, this gave advantages to some, and vice versa to others. In the rest - the complete incomparability of the results and the opacity of the examination process with all the consequences. What a useful student learned from learning is determined not by the exam, which he will forget the next day, but by the learning process and the needs of the student himself.

  • The first level is the identification of threshold values ​​for crediting education at school. Judging by the repeated facts of lowering thresholds, the task of graduating from school today is a formality. And this is right: no one needs to return a failed student who has reached a certain age to the class - this is an extra headache both for the student and for the school. Neither side is interested in this.
  • The second level is the identification of threshold values ​​in each university for enrolling applicants.
  • Monitoring level - generalized ratings for teachers, schools, municipalities, and so on.

Fortunately, in the past, when generalized ratings were used to “assess the quality of education”: the USE has nothing to do with the quality of education in the understanding of even the USE developers themselves. But the presence of numbers could not leave officials indifferent until they were reined in amid loud scandals from the very top.

What do international ratings evaluate?

Various international ratings rank countries according to the generalized results of solving certain problems based on national samples of subjects. We try to make the sample representative and valid. How successful this is, the question is for diagnostic specialists - I have not seen any complaints about incorrect sampling in the press.

But only primitive managers can set tasks "to rise in international rankings» without defining the goals of the national education system. There is a well-known principle of Goodhart (Lucas, Campbell) since the 70s of the last century, which makes you be more careful about managed indicators so as not to turn management into a profanation:

Ratings are good for analysis as long as they are not the subject of reporting, as long as they are pure unmanaged indicators. However, even observation affects the results, as it draws attention to features that, without ratings, may be left out of the spotlight. Once I paid attention, I inevitably began to work with the identified aspect.

The result of education

It would seem that there is a definition of the concept of "quality of education" in the thesaurus of the law "On Education in the Russian Federation" (paragraph 29 of part 1 of article 2):

... a comprehensive description of the educational activities and training of the student, expressing the degree of their compliance

federal state educational standards, educational standards, federal government requirements

and (or) the needs of an individual or legal entity in whose interests educational activities are carried out,

including the degree of achievement of the planned results of the educational program…

However, numerous studies and publications offer other interpretations of this phrase. For example, in one of the first articles issued by searching the web, Stankevich E. Yu. “On the issue of assessing the quality of education” (2013), on the very first page a whole range of options from different authors is offered.

The definition in the law is rather flawed, since the first part of it is determined by the function of the state educational organization. Failure to perform this function entails administrative consequences. The second part is organic for the sphere additional education, which satisfies the needs of legal entities and individuals. In addition, the definition in the law limits the assessment to the learner.

The definition is useful in the proposed context except for use in the body of the law itself, where it occurs eight times.

  • The first problem for me is the interpretation of the word “education”, since there are many meanings in it, up to mutually exclusive ones - all of them are presented by me in a separate selection. The most conflicting meanings of “assessment of the quality of education” can be the contexts “assessment of the quality of the education system” and “assessment of the education of a student”. Moreover, in the first option there are many sub-options, since the system can be understood as different levels: from the whole system to a specific teacher. In addition, in practice the word "education" is often used as a synonym for the word "training". Without clarification, it is impossible to understand the meanings of both phrases.
  • The second problem I see is the angle of control: whose result and for whom? We are accustomed to assessing quality from an administrative position, but today the controlling position of the trainee himself becomes relevant. Since the educational service has already been declared in the law and is frankly in demand by the new subjectivity modern student, its controlling functions should also be taken into account, even if not everyone wants and is ready to use them. The point of interest can also be a parent or employer.
  • The third problem seems to me to be the unequal nature of all possible combinations of the subject of assessment, so that it is so easy to manipulate polysemantic phrases for all occasions.

It is more useful to eliminate ambiguous language, despite its popularity, in favor of more precise and specific descriptions of the subject matter. Or use them exclusively in the context of the law in order to exclude other options as inadequate.

For me, education and training are not only not the same thing, but also fundamentally different concepts from the point of view of the subject of assessment:

  • learning is a process external influence(teacher per student) to build the promised competencies
  • education - a personal process of mastering competencies, which can take place in the form of external training (by a teacher)

In teaching, the acting subject is the teacher, and in education, the student. At the same time, training is concrete, and education is abstract (it is not limited or measurable by anything and in no way).

Thus, in my terminology, it is impossible to evaluate the quality of education in principle - it is possible to evaluate some specific competencies acquired in the process of education.

And how they are acquired - by training, self-study, reflection or discovery - it does not matter.

What can be assessed?

"The results of the development of the main educational programs”, according to clause 3 of part 3 of article 11 of the law “On education in the Russian Federation”, must meet the requirements of modern Federal State Educational Standards. Of the requirements of personal, meta-subject and subject results described in the standard, only subject results are subject to evaluation. At the same time, specific “learning outcomes” for subjects are determined on the basis of the educational program of the organization, and not according to the Federal State Educational Standard. The fact of mentioning personal and meta-subject results in the standard forms the well-known discourse of building educational programs. And this is very good. But he states, in fact, the complexity and ambiguity of the task of evaluating these results, thus deducing them from our discussion of the problems of formal evaluation of results.

An important contemporary discourse is competency assessment. But even here everything is not simple. Many experts are skeptical about the diagnosis of competencies and argue about the definition of the concept. The close concept of competence causes confusion. By competence, I understand some professional qualities that allow a person to confidently perform tasks of a certain type. Possession of competencies means for me a full-fledged skill in the traditional Russian sense of the word. I don't see any possibility to test it without the risk of screwing up the trial task.

The ability to solve problems in terms of strength of materials is also a competence, but competence in calculating a bridge, for example, does not follow from it.

The competence-based approach promotes the field of education in setting goals for the system, but it also has drawbacks. In the article by Vladimir Nikitin, an important passage was voiced, which helped me understand what has always oppressed me in the competence-based approach: "The idea of ​​competencies is the idea of ​​fragmentation". Without the integrity of the system, fragments live on their own, without forming a holistically meaningful entity. Their beauty lies in the flexibility of identifying and adding new mosaic elements to the whole picture of education. Fashionable talk about “21st century skills” suffers from this fragmentation: they can be planned, cultivated, and even evaluated, but they do not add up by themselves. Only everyone will integrate them to the best of their ability. As it happened before: the teacher conducted and reported something within the framework of various campaigns, and the student built something of his own from these campaigns. And his real skill relies on his integrating abilities. How do we rate them? Can we? Is it necessary?

Since analysis is needed, I propose the following terminological base:

  • Specific aspects of the process(according to specified criteria): conditions, organizational and methodological support, instrumental richness, and others.
  • Quality of education as a reflection of the learning process can only be assessed on the basis of criteria that are formulated by the customer of the training. If they are not present, the assessment can be exclusively subjective and informal, based on satisfaction. Different participants in the educational process will have different assessments, depending on their conscious or unconscious learning goals and role in the learning process. With a high probability, intuitively generalizes different stages from expectations and goals at the beginning to emotions at the end, based on the memory of changes in the process.
  • Learning Outcomes as changes after graduation- acquired competencies, costs of organizing training, training effectiveness, new knowledge or aspects identified in the training process and worthy of consideration in the organization of the next training. You can include process satisfaction as an emotional outcome of the process. Different participants may have different evaluation priorities.
  • The result of education for a particular person- his picture of the world at the moment with self-positioning in it: connections, dependencies, ways of interaction, expectations, opportunities, desires, goals, plans for change.
  • Results of the education system- state of science, culture, technology, labor market; values ​​and expectations of citizens, ways and nature of their interaction, attitude towards other people and countries of the world.
  • The quality of education of a particular person (education)- the correspondence of his ideas about the world to the tasks that he solves or is going to solve.
  • The quality of the education system- compliance of the education system with the needs of citizens, satisfaction of citizens with the conditions for obtaining education. For each level of the system, its own level of compliance should be assessed: from the tasks of teaching specific competencies to the needs of the whole society and the state, in particular science, culture, technology, and the labor market.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that these terminological clarifications go beyond the scope of formal terminology - this is a value-based different picture of evaluation, initially separating objects and subjects of evaluation, taking into account different interests. The traditional integrally unintelligible "assessment of the quality of education" subconsciously leads all assessments to the administrative field.

You can try to evaluate all of the listed parameters, but the most relevant, in my opinion, should be standardized competencies, or skills. They are the ones that are in demand. They are the ones that are verifiable. They can serve as a guide for everything else. For example, if they are obtained in the process of learning, then they are its result. Competence in solving a certain type of problem is traditionally determined by an exam. Whether an examination should be used to assess competencies is determined by the assessment requirements. This is just one of the options.

How to replace the final exam?

The current situation is characterized by a shift in emphasis from learning as a traditional production line to interested learning at the initiative of an active motivated student. Unfortunately, not all students are ready to play such a role, but it is these students who are the most passionate and effective for the educational result of the country. Therefore, such a model of learning should be considered as desirable and targeted. This means that the model of the old exam as an instrument of administrative control over a negligent student should be replaced by another, organic for an independent active student. But without prejudice to the negligent, of which there are still quite a few.

Since the learning outcomes are of interest to different participants in the educational process from different angles, they collectively form a public interest in an honest result - in contrast to the traditional exam. If we use the experience of organizing the USE to create a network of independent permanent assessment centers that could guarantee and honestly assess the level of standardized competencies in all existing areas of knowledge, then this will simultaneously remove all claims to the USE as a final exam (it will not be) and build a flexible contour of state control over the education system.

Competence assessment centers are interested in honesty - this is their main value in terms of business. Such centers make it unnecessary and meaningless to mark as an administrative tool in the school and in any other educational organization: only a certified center evaluates the level of knowledge in all areas and at all levels at any time at will. Such centers provide the right declared in the law to any form of organization of education, because everyone studies where and how he wants, and only the center confirms the results at any time: study at any rhythm, pace and direction.

The transfer of the assessment procedure to independent structures and the abolition of its binding to time leads to a radical change in the system of relations - it makes the student and the educational organization equal independent players.

Each person begins to build an assessment of his own competence and be responsible for it.

Educational organizations lose control over the planning of the training of a particular person and must interest him in interesting programs and quality education. Only the authority and benefit of an educational organization can attract and retain a student with such a scheme for evaluating results. The active learner will seek more effective ways learning. The passive student will choose the minimum expenditure of physical and mental effort. But any student himself is the initiator of testing, because he needs to present his results during all educational and personnel transitions. This result is its confirmed competence and at the same time it indirectly forms the generalized characteristics of the effectiveness of the education system.

To make such a scheme more productive, it is worth changing the traditional educational qualifications in the form of certificates and diplomas to flexible ones that develop as needed "", defining the learning space. Moving along them can form flexible personality profiles. Comparing them with competency profiles, people will be hired and studied, and development zones will be identified when designing a career. Naturally, in digital form - paper confirmations of the educational qualification are already outdated and are an amazing vestige of the paper era.


When discussing quality in education, it is necessary to move away from unproductive terms, to use clearer names for each of the aspects that are really being assessed. This will force a deeper understanding of the multiple roles of participants in the educational process and their goals.

First of all, it is necessary to limit the use of the word "education", which too broadly generalizes the variety of meanings it covers and prevents the discussion from focusing on its specific aspect.

It is important to realize the difference between the concepts of "education" and "training", which is much deeper than we used to think.

In the vast majority of modern references, "education" refers to "learning", which could have been acceptable once upon a time, but not now. In a professional environment, it would be worthwhile to consider it bad manners to use the word “education” in a broad sense, without clarification or in the presence of a more precise unambiguous term.

As much as we discuss the multiple meanings of learning outcomes, the real and most needed monitoring can only be done on the basis of specific criteria and reliable tests. They are needed by all participants in the educational process as a regulator of educational and labor relations. But not as a check of the part at the exit from the assembly line, but as a voluntary certification of a free person interested in learning or working. The old educational qualifications based on certificates and diplomas have exhausted themselves. The methods of their confirmation have also exhausted themselves. A credible independent system for checking acquired competencies, providing transparent access over the network to all legal entities and individuals interested in building educational or labor relations, would become the core of the modern education system. Some participants in the process would fill it with subjects and assessment criteria, others would build training programs for them, and still others would build educational trajectories based on the map of educational opportunities.

You can talk about the quality of anything only when there are multiple goals, choices, criteria for achieving the goal and a reliable system for monitoring achievements. A wide choice and transparent control will remove the lion's share of the problems that we have been discussing for so long and rather unsuccessfully in the field of education.

— On behalf of President Vladimir Putin, a unified educational space is being formed. Could you elaborate on what the essence of this idea is?

Thank you very much for such an important question. Education has always, in all periods of our history, worried both the leadership and citizens, because there is not a single person who would not be associated with education. Of course, the issue of a unified educational space is directly related - and has always been connected - with a very important problem: national security. Here the question is before the country, whom we are training, whom we are teaching, whom we are educating, to whom we will be able to transfer the country tomorrow. That is, today a student, today a child, and tomorrow a citizen who will be responsible for the country.

The concept of a single educational space includes several areas. But the most important thing is what we invest in our education, what we invest in education. Because education is training and upbringing, it is a dualism that is difficult to break, no matter what anyone says. On the most basic level, what is this initiative for? To know for sure that the child, having left one school and moved to another, sat down at his desk, opened a textbook, say, mathematics and started from the place where he finished reading at the previous school.

At the same time, a single educational space involves several steps. The first step is, of course, creating content - what and how we teach. There were standards that we all knew and lived by that were good for their time. But each time requires a certain adjustment. When we talk about the content of education, we must know the core of what we will be teaching.

Working in the field of education, each teacher asked questions:
1. how to get kids interested in a subject?
2. How to resolve conflicts between students and teachers?
3. how does it relate to the administration, which constantly requires reports, activities, improved performance?
4. How not to succumb to emotional burnout?
5. why does the school turn into one of the divisions of the bureaucratic apparatus, where everyone shifts responsibilities from one to another?
6. why for last years Do school administrations and teachers spend many times more paper than before?

1. Relevance of the topic
Education takes virtually the entire life of a person. This process begins in childhood and continues until death. After all, the word training should be understood not only as a visit to various educational institutions. Something is comprehended by a person independently in the process of life. But the main baggage of knowledge, mental and spiritual development we get at school. Everyone remembers the golden school years. But, probably, every student would still like to make some changes in school life. Therefore, having the opportunity to express our assumptions about what can make school life more interesting and improve the quality of education, we began by analyzing the causes of students' dislike for school and the learning process, and tried to find means to suppress this dislike.

2. Hypothesis
A good school environment helps to increase the student's desire to learn.

3. Goals
1. Reconsider conventional wisdom about school

2. Make suggestions about how to improve the quality of education

An important condition for improving efficiency educational process is the systematic receipt by the teacher of objective information about the course of educational and cognitive activity of students. The teacher receives this information in the process of monitoring the educational and cognitive activity of students. Control means identifying, establishing and evaluating students' knowledge, i.e. determining the volume, level and quality of assimilation of educational material, identifying academic success, gaps in knowledge, skills and abilities of individual students and the entire class to make the necessary adjustments to the learning process , to improve its content, methods, means and forms of organization. The main task of control is to identify the level of correctness, volume, depth of knowledge acquired by students, obtaining information about the nature of cognitive activity, about the level of independence and activity of students in the educational process, determining the effectiveness of methods, forms and methods of their teaching. Performing the function of managing the educational and cognitive activities of students, control is not always accompanied by grading. It can act for me as a way to prepare students for the perception of new material, to identify students' readiness to master knowledge, skills and abilities, to generalize and systematize them. Control has an important educational and developmental value. The psychological and pedagogical functions of control consist in identifying shortcomings in the work of students, establishing their nature and causes in order to eliminate these shortcomings. It is important for me, as a teacher, to have information both about the assimilation of knowledge by students, and about how they were obtained. Control also plays an important educational role in the learning process. It helps to increase the responsibility for the work performed not only by the student, but also by the teacher. Teaching schoolchildren to systematic work and accuracy in the performance of educational tasks. In general, knowledge testing is a form of consolidating, clarifying, comprehending and systematizing students' knowledge. Listening to the answering comrade, the students at the same time, as it were, repeat again what they themselves learned the day before. And the better the check is organized, the more conditions for such consolidation. Therefore, it is necessary to organize in such a way that real knowledge is revealed as deeply and fully as possible. Checking is an incentive for regular classes, for conscientious work of students. In this respect, the element of probability and surprise present in most cases of verification is undoubtedly useful. Therefore, control is an important and necessary component of learning and involves the teacher's systematic observation of the progress of learning at all stages of the educational process.

If the student's answer or work deserves an excellent or good grade, then the mark is always set and accompanied by value judgment from which the merits of the answer, the student's work, would be clearly visible. If the student's answer turns out to be weak and will deserve an unsatisfactory assessment, then I apply the method of delayed marks, i.e., do not set an unsatisfactory mark yet, so as not to injure the student at first, but limit ourselves to an appropriate value judgment or tactful suggestion. Such a pedagogical measure is dictated by the following. If the student's poor response or work has not yet been assessed by the teacher, he is given the opportunity to improve the quality of his educational work in order to get the desired grade. Thus, the student has a desire to take advantage of this opportunity, to better master the educational material and get a positive assessment, i.e., this measure activates the stimulating function of assessment. Current control is carried out in everyday educational work and is expressed in the teacher's systematic observations of the student's educational and cognitive activity at each lesson. Its main purpose is to quickly obtain objective data on the level of knowledge of students and the quality of teaching and educational work in the classroom. The information obtained during lesson observation about how students learn educational material, how their skills and abilities are formed, helps the teacher to outline rational methods and techniques of educational work. Properly dose the material, find the optimal forms of educational work for students, constantly manage their educational activities, activate attention and arouse interest in what is being studied. Here you can see not only the level of training homework at the moment, but the growth of each student is also visible, which has not only educational goals, but also an educational role. At the same time, I often remind the children that they are at the moment like artists on stage. If the student’s answer or work deserves, although positive, but a lower rating than he usually received, then first I find out why the student answered worse than usual, and then I carefully weigh whether the intended assessment will have the desired effect on the student, i.e. will whether it serves as an incentive to receive higher grades in the future. And if so, a mark is placed, and in a value judgment I point to weak side response or work. If I come to the conclusion that the answer does not produce the desired effect on the student (does not become a stimulating or educating factor), I do not expose it. In this case, I confine myself to a value judgment, from which the student must clearly understand that the mark is not given to him this time because it is lower than the one he usually receives for his answers, and also be aware of what he needs to do to get a higher mark. . When the student's answer or work deserves a satisfactory assessment, then it is necessary to find out the reason for the poor performance and only after that decide whether to put a mark or apply the delayed assessment method. In the latter case, it should be borne in mind that the reasons for a bad answer can be valid and disrespectful. Disrespectful reasons include laziness or negligence of the student to educational work. Giving an unsatisfactory mark to negligent students should force them to more diligent study work. The teacher should keep in mind that the received "deuce" in one student causes grief, while the other perceives it indifferently; it can stimulate one student to active work aimed at improving academic performance, it has a paralyzing effect on another, and he completely “gives up”, being sure of the hopelessness of the situation and his inability to catch up. It is impossible to injure a schoolchild with unsatisfactory grades if he does not have time, for reasons beyond his control, as much sensitivity, goodwill towards his pupils as possible with reasonable, pedagogical requirements for them and as little formalism as possible - this is what is required from every teacher. The teacher is not a controller and not a fixer of achievements or failures of students in educational work. He needs not only knowledge, but also the search for methodological techniques, the use of which would awaken and develop students' interest in learning, would make learning truly developing and educating. Thematic control. Identification and evaluation of knowledge and skills of students learned not in one, but in several lessons, are provided with periodic monitoring. Its purpose is to establish how successfully students master the system of certain knowledge, the general level of their assimilation, whether it meets the requirements of the program.

Periodic control is carried out, as a rule, after studying the logically completed part of the educational material. I confess, honestly, not everything worked out right away: at first there was a sufficient number of unsatisfactory works. Together with the children, she analyzed the causes of failures. Always gave the child the opportunity to finish teaching, to get a positive assessment. In the course of such a test, students learn to think logically, generalize the material, analyze it, highlighting the main, essential. For myself, I have identified several features of this type of control: 1. The student is given additional time to prepare and is given the opportunity to retake, retake the material, correct the previously received mark. 2. When setting the final mark, the teacher does not focus on GPA, but takes into account only the final marks on the subject being handed over, which "cancel" the previous, lower ones, which makes the control more objective. 3. The possibility of obtaining a higher assessment of their knowledge. Clarification and deepening of knowledge becomes a motivated action of the student, reflects his desire and interest in learning. Final control Final check and assessment of knowledge, skills, abilities, students is carried out at the end of each quarter and academic year. Its goal is to determine the volume and depth of acquired knowledge and skills, their strength and awareness.

The results of the test serve as the basis for assessing student performance, which characterizes the degree to which students acquire knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the requirements curriculum. The final grade reflects the results of the work of students for a quarter or academic year. However, it does not represent the arithmetic mean of all grades received by students in a year. The teacher should have a good idea of ​​the process of mastering knowledge and skills by each student, see the successes and failures, the attitude of students towards them. Only if all these conditions are met, the teacher can objectively evaluate the work of students. In the final assessment of student progress, if the task of assessment is a purely control function (for example, quarter or other tests, one-time test surveys and work, cuts), then objective marks for them are given to all students without exception. Control over the level of achievements of students in biology is carried out in the form of written work: biological dictations, tests.

For a student, a mark is the main indicator of his actual success in learning. At the same time, marks, or rather the dynamics of their changes, to some extent reflect the effectiveness of the teacher's work. Since the results of progress monitoring are expressed in the assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities, it is very important that students are convinced that their progress is assessed objectively. Correct assessment and pedagogical tact of the teacher strengthen students' faith in justice, they bring up the desire to move forward.

An important part of the teacher's image is the extent to which he is inherent in eloquence. When communicating with students, the teacher should not forget about the tone in which he speaks to other people. Not only the emotional state of the students depends on this, but also their performance.

It must be emphasized that our children highly appreciate a teacher who has a sense of humor. Here is what they write in their questionnaires:

... Smile more often (7th grade, female)

… The personal qualities of a teacher are very important to me, especially humor! After all, if all the time without him, then you can become dull. (7th grade, female)

… When you see a teacher in a good mood, you immediately feel joyful and good at heart. (7th grade, female)

… I would like every teacher to have a sense of humor. (7th grade, male)

…Always an image of a good mood. (8th grade, female)

... The most important thing is that the teacher treats us well and can joke where it is necessary (8th grade, male)

... You can’t come and conduct a lesson without emotions, you need to joke in moderation ... (10th class for women)

… It is better when the teacher is cheerful, not boring. (7th grade, female)


1. Professionally important qualities of a teacher are love for children, the desire to understand and help. If communication with children is not a teacher's priority value, he should not count on the love and trust of children, even if he knows his subject and teaching methods perfectly.


Features of the behavior and perception of the teacher are largely due to the state of his nervous system. With information and emotional overload, typical for work at school, violations of the motor and speech behavior of the teacher, health problems are possible.


Self-esteem, or self-perception - is a person's assessment of himself, his capabilities, qualities and place among other people. The teacher's ideas about the principles of teaching, all his "personal pedagogical philosophy"To a large extent determined by his self-esteem.


Style is influenced by whole line factors: personal characteristics, attitudes, experience. Teaching style can contribute to the effectiveness of the teacher or make it difficult for the teacher to fulfill their professional duties.


The level of subjective control shows what measure of responsibility for our relationships with people and the facts of our life we ​​are ready to take on. The teaching profession requires a willingness to be responsible for another person, sometimes at the cost of one's own peace of mind and personal time.

Modern teacher, as practice shows, should take into account psychological aspects lesson, constantly test the degree of development of the student, his memory, attention, will, composure, perseverance. What to guide in this? His main task is the desire to know the student in all manifestations and understand him. How to observe the optimal psychological mode in the classroom? First of all, eliminate everything that prevents the student from concentrating, distracts, irritates in the class environment, in the behavior of comrades or the teacher, or in their own work. Therefore, it is extremely important for a teacher to possess special psychological knowledge and practical skills in order to notice everything and control their attention, to excite and switch it, by the expression on the faces of students. The main condition creative lesson, which due to this inevitably varies and retains freshness. A demanding theater director usually lacks rehearsals, but their excess does not always lead to a positive result. If the director fits into the production plan, is it because he skillfully uses time (this is good), or because his creative requirements are reduced (this is bad)? If he does not fit in, is it because these requirements are high, or because he does not work skillfully with actors? If the teacher does not fit into his 45 minutes of the lesson, it means that he is clumsily working with students, it means that not everything was thought out and taken into account by him in his lesson plan - a kind of directorial and pedagogical explication of the lesson. The lesson, as we believe, is a kind of performance, the idea of ​​which is born from the teacher-director in the silence of his office. As the director writes the explication of the future performance, so the teacher carefully thinks over the architectonics of the future lesson. By architectonics, we mean a kind of construction of a lesson by a teacher, based on the compositional principles of constructing a performance. Just like a theater director, without the enthusiasm of the whole team for the artistic merits of the play, there can be no success in working on the stage incarnation, so the teacher, if he cannot captivate the topic of the lesson, constituent components , the lesson will pass routinely and imperceptibly. It is necessary to start the lesson plan with the disclosure of its topic. The theater director in the play determines, first of all, the leading idea and the most important task. We will call the main or leading idea of ​​the play the answer to the question: “What does the author say about this object?” In the idea of ​​the play, the thoughts and feelings of the author in relation to the depicted reality find their expression. In the purpose of the lesson, the teacher determines the tasks that he solves in this particular case for the education and upbringing of students. The lesson, like a work of art, absorbs the thoughts and feelings of the teacher, expressing his attitude to the topic. It is very important that the teacher, drawing up a lesson plan in which the topic and the tasks of solving this topic are in unity and harmony, does not turn it into a bare abstraction, devoid of real life support. And this easily happens to novice teachers when the tasks of the lesson are divorced from the topic of specific facts, the conditions for creating a creative search, the joint activity of the teacher and the student. The main material of the theater director in art is the creativity of the actor, and for the teacher-director - the creativity of his students in the independent acquisition of knowledge in the classroom. It follows from this: if the students do not think, if they are passive, creatively inert, the teacher has nothing to create the fabric of the lesson from, because he does not have the necessary material in his hands. Therefore, the first duty of the teacher is to evoke the creative process in the student, to awaken his organic nature for full-fledged independent creativity. When this process arises, then the second task will be born - to continuously support this process, not let it go out and direct it towards a specific goal in accordance with the general plan of the lesson. Since the teacher has to deal not with one student, but with the whole team, his third important duty arises - to continuously coordinate the results of the creativity of all students in such a way as to create a full-fledged lesson. If the tasks of the theater director include the process of fulfilling his main function - the creative organization of the stage action, then the tasks of the teacher include the creative organization of the work of all students in the lesson. The teacher must be able to captivate students with their tasks, inspire them to complete them, excite the imagination, awaken their creative imagination, imperceptibly lure them onto the path of true creativity. From how creatively and with fiction the topic of the lesson will be presented, it will intrigue and attract the attention of students. Psychologists believe positive emotions powerful motivators and inspirers of human activity, because without them there has never been, is not and cannot be the human search for truth. The emotional and intellectual background of the lesson is supported in various ways. 1. First, thanks to the use of interesting information in the content of the studied and additional material. 2. Secondly, thanks to the use of interesting information, the inclusion of information about certain discoveries in the lesson; data most often associated with the life and work of famous scientists; a story about the possibilities of the inquisitive mind of a person inspired by creative search. 3. The third direction, leading to the maintenance of the emotional and intellectual background of the lesson, lies in the ways of skillfully including students in work that is interesting to them. There are many such methods, and their choice is associated with the use of various types of problem situations, which inevitably turns something familiar with a new side, sometimes unexpected. This surprise, this surprise that arises among students, is very important for the success of further explanation of the educational material. 4. And, finally, the fourth direction. It is connected with the form of expression of the emotional attitude of the teacher to learning material. Any teacher must remember that the beauty, imagery, emotional intensity of what is being studied is immediately transmitted to students.

Differentiated and individual approach to learning

The problem of differentiated learning continues to be relevant today. What is differentiated learning and individual approach to learning?

Differentiated learning is usually understood as a form of organization learning activities for different groups of students.

An individual approach is an important psychological and pedagogical principle that takes into account the individual characteristics of each child.

The fact that education must somehow be coordinated with the level of development of the child is an established and repeatedly verified fact that cannot be disputed.

Different students acquire knowledge, skills and abilities in different ways. These differences are due to the fact that each student, due to the conditions of development specific to him, both external and internal, has individual characteristics.

Psychophysiological characteristics of students, different levels of their mental abilities naturally require to ensure effective learning each student or group of children of different learning conditions. In the conditions of the class-lesson system of education, this is possible with the individualization and differentiation of education.

How to build a process of differentiated learning?

Practitioners say: according to the degree of mental development, performance. Theorists consider: according to the degree of assistance to the student. Differentiation can be carried out according to the degree of independence of students in the implementation learning activities.

This work is complex and painstaking, requiring constant monitoring, analysis and accounting of results.

For myself, I broke this work into several stages:

    Studying individual characteristics students - both physical (health), and psychological, and personal. Including features of mental activity, and even living conditions in the family.

In this regard, the words of K. D. Ushinsky are recalled:

“If pedagogy wants to educate a person in all respects, then it must first of all recognize him in all respects too.”

To do this, I use personal observations, questionnaires, conversations with parents, and also rely on the results of surveys conducted by our psychologists and speech therapist.

2. Identification of separate groups of students that differ:

Different levels of assimilation of the material at the moment;

The level of efficiency and pace of work;

Features of perception, memory, thinking;

The balance of the processes of excitation and inhibition.

3. Drafting or selection differentiated tasks, including various techniques that help students cope with the task on their own, or associated with an increase in the volume and complexity of the task.

4. Constant monitoring of the results of the work of students, in accordance with which the nature of differentiated tasks changes.

Each of these stages is difficult in its own way. Each teacher has his own approach to the selection of groups of students. From my point of view, it would be more correct not to divide children into “weak” and “strong”, but to attribute them to three conditional groups. These groups are not permanent, their composition may change.

Group 1 - children requiring constant additional assistance.

Group 2 - children who can cope on their own.

Group 3 - children who are able to cope with the material for short term With high quality and provide assistance to others.

Children of the 1st group are characterized by low and unstable working capacity, increased fatigue, difficulties in organizing their own activities, a low level of development of memory, attention, and thinking. They need constant stimulation, bright motivation, clear tracking of the time regime, checking the quality of tasks, including development tasks. Teachers usually give maximum attention to these students to the detriment of the rest.

Children of the 2nd group are most satisfied with the teacher, there is little trouble with them. They have a good memory and attention, normal advanced thinking, competent speech, they are distinguished by diligence, conscientiousness, high educational motivation. They need the constant unobtrusive attention of the teacher, a little stimulation, the inclusion of creative tasks.

Children of the 3rd group have "academic talent", which is a unity of cognitive needs, emotional involvement, motivation and the ability to regulate their actions.

How can a practicing teacher make each lesson productive and as effective as possible for all groups of students? How to “submit” the material so that the gifted do not get bored, and children with learning and developmental difficulties understand it?

The effectiveness of a lesson depends on a number of factors. The teacher begins to work on it even when writing a calendar-thematic plan. It is important to think over the place and role of each lesson in the topic, the connection between the course lessons, allocate time for introduction to the topic, consolidation and development, control and correction of results.

Directly preparing for the lesson, it is important to start with goal setting, we know about the triune goals of education: training, development, education.

To diversify the learning routine, teachers usually use different forms and genres of the lesson.

In a blitz lesson, students are invited to solve problems throughout the lesson. Variety and interest in this lesson is brought by internal and external differentiation: the teacher selects tasks of three levels of complexity, and leaves the right to choose the complexity of the task to the student. Evaluation for the lesson is carried out by rating, depending on the complexity and number of tasks solved. For a high rating, the student must solve, for example, 3 difficult and 6 simple problems - the choice is his.

Students, having quickly gained the necessary points, act as consultants for "weaker" students, teaching them.

Even the most unsuccessful students can cope with tasks, because they can handle tasks with a low level of difficulty, and in case of difficulty, you can always take on another task or use the help of a consultant.

When introducing a credit system, the following tips will help the teacher:

1. Before the test, ask the students to answer the questions in writing: What was not clear in this topic? What caused the difficulty? What would you like to know more about?

2. Based on the answers of the children, make up test questions and prepare consultants (they can be contacted in case of difficulty), work with experts on all questions of the topic (students who will receive answers on the theoretical and practical parts from classmates).

3. For the selection of experts and consultants, you can ask the guys to compile a questionnaire on the topic covered. Having worked with educational literature, highlighting the main points in the topic, formulating them in the form of questions, finding answers to them, children can freely navigate the material.

4. In order to involve “average” and “weak” students in active work on the test, they assign the role of observers to “strong” ones: they must monitor the acceptance and passing of the test, help an inexperienced expert, direct his activities.

Thus, in the lesson, all students are active, realize the importance and significance of the roles they play, learn to ask leading, provocative questions, and oppose each other.

5. Try typing rating system assessment in order to avoid the labels "C", "L" student, although these marks are extremely rare in test-classes. The success of each instills in children the confidence in quality performance. control works, which is confirmed by computer programs-experts.

Carrying out control, teachers must make an analysis of the work, bring it to the attention of students, and work on the mistakes.

When working with differentiated tasks, it is important to take into account the zone of actual and immediate development. And for this, it is important to constantly monitor the results of work, diagnostics, both after studying each topic, and during the study of the topic.

I use differentiation at different stages of the lesson. The types of differentiated tasks depend on the goal set by the teacher.

If a teacher is concerned about the development of children, the success in learning of each student, then he will definitely implement an individual and differentiated approach to learning.