Biology exam year trial work. Preparing for the exam in biology online - Materials

Biology is a fairly broad field of knowledge, which includes the structure and various processes both in man and in animals and plants. In this regard, in order to successfully overcome the final exam, it is necessary to have a wide range of knowledge. While the structure of organisms various kinds and classes are similar, they also have differences that must be remembered exactly when answering test questions. Due to the complexity of the exam in biology, it is necessary to prepare even more carefully.

Ways to prepare for the exam in biology

There are many ways to prepare for any exam. Only linguistic technical and humanitarian subjects differ from each other. But the main directions of preparation are preserved. So the exam in biology should not fall out of general course preparation for single exam. It is necessary to take a comprehensive approach to this issue.

Don't forget schoolwork. In general, the school can do a good job preparing the child for the exam. It all depends on his abilities, memory and psyche. Therefore, you should not write off the school when preparing for the difficult exam in biology.

When choosing training courses To USE It is worth paying attention to the reviews and the existence of the office. If courses have recently opened, then they have less experience and there is a possibility of cheating or closing courses halfway through training. But you can turn to young USE preparation courses if they lure you with low prices and they do not have prepayment. But still, carefully talk with the teachers and decide whether they can prepare you for the exam. It’s not worth saving on the results of the Unified State Examination, but you can’t completely refuse the services of young specialists. The main thing is not to waste your money.

Biology tutors will be able to raise the level of knowledge, including helping to prepare for the exam. But you need to choose a tutor more carefully than training courses. The courses have received a state license and have been tested, while anyone can engage in private tutoring. So look for reviews and recommendations before you start paying such a specialist. After all, your time is limited, and it is not worth wasting it. So it's better to spend a couple of days searching a good specialist what to do with someone who can't teach important things.

Trial online USE tests in biology

On educational portal site posted trial options USE in biology, which are available to all visitors. On our site, you can take the test an unlimited number of times, without any time frame. This will allow knowledge gaps to be identified and addressed. So do not forget about self-preparation. After all training USE immerse you in the atmosphere of a test exam, making it more familiar. Repeating tests will help get rid of stress on the exam itself, and this will increase the final grade. In a stressful state, memory works worse and errors are possible. For this reason, it will be beneficial for everyone to take the time to self-study by using online tests USE in Biology on the educational portal

In 2017, a new model of the KIM USE in biology was adopted, aimed at increasing the diversity of the tested aspects of the biological training of graduates.

Each version of the examination paper consists of two parts. Tasks in the variant are presented in continuous numbering mode. The structure of the examination paper has been optimized:

1. The number of tasks in the examination paper has been reduced from 40 to 28.
2. In part 1, tasks of new types are proposed, which differ significantly in types learning activities: to fill in the missing elements of a diagram or table, to find errors in a drawing, to analyze and synthesize information, to analyze graphs and tables with statistical data.
3. The maximum number of primary points has been slightly reduced: from 61 in 2016 to 59 in 2017.
4. Increased from 180 to 210 minutes the time to complete the work.

In part 2, the number and types of tasks with a detailed answer remained unchanged - 7 tasks.

Particular emphasis is placed on the formation of methods of activity: mastering methodological skills; application of knowledge in explaining biological processes, phenomena, mastering the ability to solve biological problems. Checking the skills of working with information of biological content is carried out through its presentation in various ways (in the form of texts, drawings, diagrams, tables, graphs, diagrams).

In 2017 from the examination USE work in biology, it is planned to exclude all tasks with the choice of one answer. This is due to the presence of the following significant shortcomings in them: the uniformity of the form of presentation of the content being checked, the impossibility of creating tasks of a problematic or creative nature; lack of capacity to test students' skills of a practical nature; difficulty in identifying true gaps in the development of content among USE participants. A significant disadvantage of tasks with a choice of one answer is also the presence of an element of chance, guessing the correct answer.

As shown comparative analysis USE results over the past two years, the reduction in the number of tasks with the choice of one correct answer from 36 to 25 in the examination paper did not lead to a noticeable decrease in the USE results. The proportion of USE participants in biology who did not score the minimum number of points remains approximately at the same level, within the limits of statistically acceptable errors.

Significant modernization in terms of the form and structure of KIM required a correction of approaches to the construction of examination work, the inclusion of tasks of a new format.

In part 1 of the examination paper of the new format, only tasks with a short answer have been retained, but their number has been increased, and in some cases the form of their presentation has been significantly changed compared to previous years. It is known that tasks with a short answer allow not only to check a larger amount of content subject, but most importantly, to provide an assessment of general educational and subject skills (comparison, generalization, classification, systematization, explanation, solution of educational and practical problems, etc.), which corresponds to current trends development general education.

Along with the preservation of existing tasks, new biological tasks appeared, and the range of tasks with drawings expanded.

As an example of a modernized task, we will give task 3 (hereinafter, tasks from the project of a demonstration version of CMM are given).

This is a calculated biological problem. The task was created on the basis of tasks traditional for KIM USE in biology with a choice of one answer. IN new edition, USE participant, based on knowledge genetic information and the chromosome set of somatic and germ cells, independently performs all the necessary calculations.

As an example of a task for working with a drawing, we give task 4.

A feature of this model of the task is that the certified person is invited to display two of its characteristic feature. Moreover, one of the features given in the task checks the knowledge of the morphology of the object, while the second one checks the knowledge of properties or functions. Such tasks check, in addition to the ability to work with visual information, knowledge in the field of the cell and its vital activity.

Along with well-known or modernized task types in examination paper completely new tasks are included that test the development of the conceptual apparatus by filling in gaps in diagrams, tables, working with graphs, tables, histograms, etc. All of them are aimed at strengthening the activity basis and make the examination work more practice-oriented.

Task 1 can serve as an example of such tasks.

This task allows you to check not only the knowledge of the conceptual apparatus of the biology course, but also the ability to establish the subordination and hierarchy of terms (concepts), as well as their internal logical connection.

Consider examples of tasks (task 21) for working with information presented in graphical or tabular form, a task for analyzing research results.

It seems that with the help of such tasks it is possible to ensure the formation of the foundations of a holistic scientific picture of the world and the ability of graduates to analyze, evaluate and generalize scientific information.

The new model of KIM USE is successive with the established model of OGE 9 in biology. Separate types of tasks, which in a modernized form will be included in KIM in 2017, have been successfully tested for many years during the certification of students in basic general education programs and are available in open jar OGE assignments. They can become the basis for preparing students for the exam in biology in the coming academic year.

Task 9 can serve as an example of continuity.

In the OGE, with the help of such tasks, knowledge of the structure, life activity and significance of animal and plant organisms is checked. Bacteria and viruses will be added to these objects in the new KIM USE model.

In general, in the exam model of the USE in 2017, the objects of control, as in previous years, are knowledge and skills that make up the invariant core of the content of the biology course of the main and high school, its sections "Plants", "Bacteria, fungi, lichens", "Animals", "Man and his health", " General biology". These sections are presented in the Codifier in the form of seven content blocks and requirements for the level of training of graduates. educational organizations for a unified state exam 2017 in Biology.

In 2017, the USE in biology is waiting for big changes. The upcoming reform is carried out in accordance with the plans of the Ministry of Education, made public several years ago. The purpose of the reform is to get away from the usual test system, which, according to the officials themselves, gives rather unreliable results. And in 2017, biology has become another subject from which all test questions are removed.

the date of the

  • 03.2017 - the first stage, early;
  • 04.2017 – reserve day of the first stage;
  • 06.2017 - the second stage, the main one;
  • 06.2017 – reserve day of the second stage;
  • 06.2017 - reserve day in all subjects.

Changes in the exam in biology in 2017

In 2017, schoolchildren are waiting for reforms in three subjects at once: chemistry, physics, and biology. What changes have been made to the exam in biology? First of all, this is the removal of the test part and its replacement with blocks with short answers.

  • Changing the number of jobs. In the USE 2017 there will be 28 tasks, not 40, as it was before.
  • Introduction of new types of tasks. Instead of tasks with a choice of one correct answer from four proposed options, the exam included tasks for supplementing or restoring tables and diagrams. Testing skills in working with graphic material - drawings, diagrams, tables, graphs - is becoming an important part of the biology exam.
  • Increase the duration of the exam. The time allotted for the exam in biology 2017 will increase to 210 minus (against 180 last year).
  • Decrease passing score. The primary/threshold score in biology in 2017 was reduced to 59 (against 61 last year).

Exam structure:

  • Considering data in a table or graph - 1 task
  • Filling in tables - 1 task
  • Filling in the schemes - 1 task
  • Solving problems in genetics / cytology - 2 tasks
  • Determining the sequence in processes / phenomena - 3 task
  • Matching - 6 tasks

The approximate structure of the exam is observed in all databases and demo versions of the exam, which greatly facilitates the preparation. Of particular note is that the new CMM model is similar to OGE option in biology, taken in the ninth grade. So future graduates need not worry - the structure of the exam will not be something fundamentally new for them.

USE score

The minimum number of points that must be scored in biology is 36, and primary score equals 59. For correct answers to some questions, the student can get one point, and for some - three.

  • Questions 1, 3, 6 - answers to them are estimated at 1 point;
  • Questions 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 - you can get 2 points for correct answers;
  • Questions 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 - correct answers bring 3 points.

According to FIPI warnings, some questions are deliberately complicated. Answers to them are within the power of only those who know biology perfectly. Such questions will require not just a short answer, but arguments in favor of the chosen version and a detailed explanation of the train of thought.

How to prepare for the exam

To help schoolchildren easily and seamlessly pass the exam in biology, FIPI publishes auxiliary and teaching materials.

Preparation for the exam in biology 2017 must necessarily include work with exam demos. To date, there are 36 var variants of KIMs, all of them with a similar structure, that is, for preparation, you can take any of the options proposed by FIPI.

Methodists assure that preparing for the exam will take quite long time, and for the successful development of the material, it is best to make a schedule and stick to it. Recommendations created by FIPI specialists will certainly help schoolchildren in their preparation:

  1. Based on the topics published by FIPI, make a list of subsections that need to be repeated. Based on the volume and complexity of the topic, make a schedule for studying them, while more time should be devoted to complex topics than to simple and easy ones.
  2. It is best to study the material from a school textbook. As additional sources you can use the methodological materials recommended by the department and information from the worldwide network.
  3. To facilitate the study of the topic and facilitate the memorization of the material, summarize the data on the topic under study in a table or a schematic outline.
  4. Use the KIMS published on the FIPI website for preparation. Thanks to this, you will be able to detect gaps in knowledge on certain topics.
  5. When studying new topics, periodically return to old ones, repeating and refreshing the material covered in your memory.

Exam demos will help you prepare for exams. In addition to the already mentioned opportunity to discover poorly studied topics, online versions help to get acquainted with the very structure of the exam.


Considering all the changes made, we come to a disappointing (for some schoolchildren) conclusion - the exam in biology in 2017 will be much more difficult to pass than in 2016. It will be more difficult to get both the minimum number of points, that is, to reach the pass threshold, and score the maximum value. There is no chance to get points for guessing, you have to really prepare for the exam and study the subject thoroughly.