20 task exam Russian main essence

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

Option 1. Exception Option 2. Replacement Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by excluding the extra word. Write out this word. In the region of the south pole of Jupiter, the astronomer noticed a dark spot and at first mistook it for an unusual weather phenomenon, because storms often rage on this planet. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of modern Russian literary language. At the end of the 17th century, the supporters of Princess Sophia were defeated in a battle with the troops of the young reformer of Russia, Peter the Great.

2 slide

Description of the slide:

Type of error Examples Use of a word in an unusual sense We were shocked by the excellent acting of the actors. The thought develops on the continuation of the entire text. Non-distinguishing of the shades of meaning introduced into the word by the prefix and suffix (checked in task 5) My attitude to this problem has not changed. Effective measures have been taken. Non-distinguishing of synonymous words In the final sentence, the author uses gradation. The use of words of a different stylistic coloring The author, addressing this problem, is trying to direct people into a slightly different rut. Inappropriate use of emotionally colored words and phraseological units Astafiev now and then resorts to the use of metaphors and personifications. Unjustified use of colloquial words Such people always manage to fool others. Violation of lexical compatibility The author increases the impression. The author uses artistic features(instead of funds). The use of superfluous words, including pleonasm The author conveys the beauty of the landscape to us with the help of artistic techniques. A young man, very beautiful Use of the same root words in a close context (tautology) This story tells about real events. Unjustified repetition of the word The hero of the story does not think about his act. The hero does not even understand the full depth of his deed. Poverty and monotony syntactic constructions When the writer came to the editorial office, he was accepted Chief Editor. When they talked, the writer went to the hotel.

3 slide

Description of the slide:

Let's do it test 20-1. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by excluding the extra word. Write out this word. He was afraid that Ostap would open the chair himself and, taking valuable treasures, would leave, leaving him to the mercy of fate. valuable

4 slide

Description of the slide:

20-2. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by excluding the extra word. Write out this word. A young girl appeared on the stage, dressed in a beautiful, silvery white dress. She walked with a light step, turned, smiled into the hall and walked again. young

5 slide

Description of the slide:

20-3. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by excluding the extra word. Write out this word. The telephone disturbed him every minute and rang with the stubbornness of a tram car making its way through the commodity market. tram

6 slide

Description of the slide:

20-4. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by excluding the extra word. Write out this word. M. Yu. Lermontov's poem "Testament" was written in 1840 and in form represents the hero's confession before his death. his

7 slide

Description of the slide:

20-5. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by excluding the extra word. Write out this word. Two boys and three girls took their shifts to the city commemorative memorial, where all the military units and ships that defended the city in last war. commemorative

8 slide

Description of the slide:

20-6. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by excluding the extra word. Write out this word. I know one thing for sure: I will never sit down to write my autobiography again, even if I live to be a hundred years old. You have to be too in love with yourself to write about yourself without shame. mine

9 slide

Description of the slide:

20-7. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by excluding the extra word. Write out this word. On the train, the prince first meets Parfyon Rogozhin, the son of a wealthy merchant, who inherited a huge fortune after his death. huge

A correctly completed task No. 20 of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language brings the graduate one primary score. It presents sentences with a lexical error; you need to exclude the wrong word, or edit the sentence. To avoid mistakes, repeat the theory below.

Theory for assignment No. 20 USE in the Russian language

Lexical norms(or norms of word usage)- these are the norms that determine the correct choice of a word from a number of units that are close to it in meaning or form, as well as its use in the meanings that it has in the literary language.

Type of lexical errorExplanationExample
Violation of lexical compatibility of wordsWords in speech and in the text must be combined in meaning and meaning. If this rule is violated, a lexical incompatibility occurs.Lean back, win
Inaccurate use of phraseological unitsPhraseologism - lexically indivisible, set phrase(hang your nose, sit in a galosh).“And not worth an egg” instead of “And not worth a damned egg”; "lion's share" instead of "lion's share"; "plays great importance” instead of “plays a role” or “is of great importance”
Indistinguishability of shades of the meaning of paronymsParonyms are words that are similar in sound, but do not match in meaning (long and long, mountainous and mountainous, watery and watery, spectacular and effective).The long day has tired me.
The use of superfluous words, including pleonasmsPleonasms are phrases in which one of the two words is superfluous, because its meaning is the same as the meaning of the adjacent word.main essence, free vacancy, my autobiography, strict taboo
The use of cognate words in a close context (tautology)repetition of the same root or the same wordsorganize an organization, ask a question, propose a proposal
Errors in the use of synonymsSynonyms are words of the same part of speech that are similar in meaning. Synonyms cannot always replace each other in speech, especially stylistically. different words(friend - comrade - buddy, youth - youth, smart - smart, work hard, etc.)She went to the doctor because her eyes (instead of her eyes) hurt. The lawyer sought to have his client whitewashed (instead of acquitted).
Incorrect use of antonyms and homonymsAntonyms are words that are one part of speech opposite in their lexical meaning (cold - hot, friend - enemy).Due to the weakness of his position, it was difficult for him to defend himself (inappropriate use of the antonyms "strength" and "weakness").
Homonyms are words that have the same form (in pronunciation, in writing), but different in meaning (torment, flour).
At the Russian Language Olympiad, I lost my glasses due to inattention (glasses - points or glasses - an optical device that protects the eyes).
Inappropriate use of obsolete vocabulary, neologisms, professionalisms, jargon, dialectisms, borrowed words, polysemantic words.Historicisms are words denoting those who have disappeared from modern life objects, phenomena that have become irrelevant concepts (chain mail, cocked hat, corvee, etc.).Timely and high-quality weeding of beetroots contributes to a good harvest. (beets)
Archaisms - words that are outdated for a linguistic reason, fell out of use, as they were replaced by synonyms (cheeks - cheeks, eyes - eyes, actor - actor). Neologisms are new words that have not yet taken a place in the active vocabulary. Neologisms appear in the language along with the designated realities (harvester, astronaut, satellite).He was presented as a kind of polyglot: he is a physicist, a mathematician, and a poet.
Dialectism is a lexical unit, the use of which is limited to a certain territory.He had low health (meaning bad health).
Borrowed words are words that come into the language from other languages.Our athlete lagged behind her rival in development. (chess term - development of the party)
Multiple meanings are words that have multiple meanings.

Task execution algorithm

  1. Read the assignment carefully.
  2. We carefully read the sentence: we are looking for paronyms, pleonasms, phraseological units, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, obsolete words, neologisms, polysemantic words.
  3. We are looking for an error in the use of a lexical unit.
  4. Write down the correct answer.

Analysis of typical options for task No. 20 USE in the Russian language

Twentieth task of demo 2018

In this landscape there was not a single flashy paint, not a single sharp feature in the relief, but its mean lakes filled with dark and calm water seemed to express the main essence of water more than all the seas and oceans.

Task execution algorithm:
  1. There are no paronyms, synonyms, antonyms and other lexical units in the sentence. If in the task, it is proposed to exclude an extra word, then you need to look for pleonasms.
  2. They expressed the main essence of water - this essence is the most important thing in any concept, therefore the word home- superfluous.
  3. Answer: home.

The first version of the assignment

Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of the modern Russian literary language.

The companies involved in the oil spill incident in the Gulf of Mexico made a number of decisions to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Task execution algorithm:
  1. involved in the incident– those taking part in the incident – ​​everything is correct; prevention of such cases- taking some measures so that this does not happen again - that's right.
  2. Made a number of decisions- Decisions cannot be made or committed; word done used incorrectly, you need to use the word instead accepted.

Answer: accepted.

The second version of the assignment

Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of the modern Russian literary language.

At the end of the 17th century, the supporters of Princess Sophia were defeated in a battle with the troops of the young reformer of Russia, Peter the Great.

Task execution algorithm:
  1. It is necessary to correct the lexical error, replace the wrong word and write down the chosen one.
  2. We are looking for stable expressions and combinations of words, perhaps speech cliches where an error can be made. Special attention a combination of words attracts were defeated.
  3. Defeated- one can only suffer defeat, but they win.

Answer: suffered.

The third version of the task

Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by excluding the extra word. Write out this word.

The employer assessed my professional skills and abilities, but at that time there were no vacancies.

Task execution algorithm:
  1. It is necessary to correct a lexical error, write out an extra word.
  2. We are looking for stable expressions and combinations of words, perhaps speech clichés in which a mistake can be made: assessed professional skills- the correct use of words; no vacancies found- error in use - pleonasm.
  3. Vacancies- word free redundant because the word vacancies in itself means a free workplace.

Answer: free .

In 2018, all the main features examination work The USE in the Russian language as a whole will be preserved.

The examination paper includes a new task (20), which tests the knowledge of the lexical norms of the modern Russian literary language (except for paronyms).

Increased the primary score for completing the entire examination paper from 57 to 58.

The expediency of including a new task in the examination work is due to the results of a single state exam: the results of mastering lexical norms are generally satisfactory, but not high. Teachers are well aware that students often find it difficult to interpret lexical meaning words, school graduates mix foreign names, and the inability of students to accurately express their thoughts makes the wording inaccurate, vague.

Task 20 in the 2018 exam materials checks the formation of skills in stylistic editing (inappropriate use of words, forms or structures) in coherent texts (sentences). It should be noted that a lot of material for creating a task is contained in the essays of the exam participants.

As a basis for the linguistic material of task 20, the main types will be taken speech errors(Table 1) presented in Educational materials for chairmen and members of regional subject commissions for checking the fulfillment of tasks with a detailed answer to examinations USE works 2017.

Table 1

No. p / p Error type Examples
1 The use of a word in an unusual sense We were shocked great acting by the actors.
Thought develops on continuation the entire text.
2 Non-distinguishing of the shades of meaning introduced into the word by the prefix and suffix (checked in task 5) My attitude towards this issue is changed.
Were accepted spectacular measures.
3 Indistinguishing synonymous words IN final The author uses gradation in the sentence.
4 The use of words of a different stylistic coloring The author, addressing this problem, tries to direct people slightly off track.
5 Inappropriate use of emotionally colored words and phraseological units Astafiev every now and then resorts to the use of metaphors and personifications.
6 Unjustified use of colloquial words These people always succeed cheat others.
7 Violation of lexical compatibility Author enhances the impression.
Author uses artistic peculiarities(instead of facilities).
8 Use of superfluous words, including pleonasm The author conveys the beauty of the landscape us through artistic means.
Young boy, Very beautiful
9 The use of cognate words in a close context (tautology) In that the story is being told about real events.
10 Unjustified repetition of a word Hero story does not think about his act. Hero does not even understand the full depth of the deed.
11 Poverty and monotony of syntactic constructions When the writer came to the editor, it was accepted by the editor-in-chief. When they talked, the writer went to the hotel.

Features of the linguistic material determined the possible options for presenting the task in the examination paper. The formulation of task 20 is possible in two versions: the exclusion of a word or its replacement. Let's give examples.

Option 1.
Option 2.

Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by excluding the extra word. Write out this word.

In the region of the south pole of Jupiter, the astronomer noticed a dark spot and at first mistook it for an unusual weather phenomenon, because storms often rage on this planet.

(Answer: unusual)

Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of the modern Russian literary language.

At the end of the 17th century, the supporters of Princess Sophia were defeated in a battle with the troops of the young reformer of Russia, Peter the Great.

Answer: __________________________.

(Answer: suffered)

The methodology of work in the Russian language lessons to prevent speech errors should be based, firstly, on recognizing various types of errors and, secondly, on their elimination (using special techniques). Moreover, the stage of error recognition itself should be based on the understanding of the semantic contradiction provoked by an error in this sentence. This means that task 20 should not be limited to a request to correct a mistake. Completing this task will require a special algorithm for its implementation: find a semantic (semantic) contradiction (error signal) → recognize the error, indicate its type (do not mix with expressive means) → if it is an error, correct it.

In general, we should talk about creating a problem situation in the lesson, which will be effective only if the students understand it well, are convinced of the need to solve the problem. It is important that the problem posed be conditioned and prepared by the course of the lesson, the logic of working on new material. Otherwise, the problem statement of the problem from an effective, developing factor can turn into a factor that slows down learning activities students.

In 2018, all the main characteristics of the examination work of the USE in the Russian language as a whole will be preserved.

The examination paper includes a new task (20), which tests the knowledge of the lexical norms of the modern Russian literary language (except for paronyms).

Increased the primary score for completing the entire examination paper from 57 to 58.

The expediency of including a new task in the examination work is due to the results of the unified state exam: the results of mastering lexical norms are generally satisfactory, but not high. Teachers are well aware that it is often difficult for students to interpret the lexical meaning of a word, school graduates mix up foreign names, and the inability of students to accurately express their thoughts makes the wording inaccurate and vague.

Task 20 in the 2018 exam materials checks the formation of skills in stylistic editing (inappropriate use of words, forms or structures) in coherent texts (sentences). It should be noted that a lot of material for creating a task is contained in the essays of the exam participants.

As a basis for the linguistic material of task 20, the main types of speech errors will be taken (Table 1), presented in the Educational and methodological materials for chairmen and members of regional subject commissions for checking assignments with a detailed answer to the exam papers of the Unified State Examination in 2017.

Table 1

No. p / p Error type Examples
1 The use of a word in an unusual sense We were shocked great acting by the actors.
Thought develops on continuation the entire text.
2 Non-distinguishing of the shades of meaning introduced into the word by the prefix and suffix (checked in task 5) My attitude towards this issue is changed.
Were accepted spectacular measures.
3 Indistinguishing synonymous words IN final The author uses gradation in the sentence.
4 The use of words of a different stylistic coloring The author, addressing this problem, tries to direct people slightly off track.
5 Inappropriate use of emotionally colored words and phraseological units Astafiev every now and then resorts to the use of metaphors and personifications.
6 Unjustified use of colloquial words These people always succeed cheat others.
7 Violation of lexical compatibility Author enhances the impression.
Author uses artistic peculiarities(instead of facilities).
8 Use of superfluous words, including pleonasm The author conveys the beauty of the landscape us through artistic means.
Young boy, Very beautiful
9 The use of cognate words in a close context (tautology) In that the story is being told about real events.
10 Unjustified repetition of a word Hero story does not think about his act. Hero does not even understand the full depth of the deed.
11 Poverty and monotony of syntactic constructions When the writer came to the editor, it was accepted by the editor-in-chief. When they talked, the writer went to the hotel.

Features of the linguistic material determined the possible options for presenting the task in the examination paper. The formulation of task 20 is possible in two versions: the exclusion of a word or its replacement. Let's give examples.

Option 1.
Option 2.

Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by excluding the extra word. Write out this word.

In the region of the south pole of Jupiter, the astronomer noticed a dark spot and at first mistook it for an unusual weather phenomenon, because storms often rage on this planet.

(Answer: unusual)

Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of the modern Russian literary language.

At the end of the 17th century, the supporters of Princess Sophia were defeated in a battle with the troops of the young reformer of Russia, Peter the Great.

Answer: __________________________.

(Answer: suffered)

The methodology of work in the Russian language lessons to prevent speech errors should be based, firstly, on recognizing various types of errors and, secondly, on their elimination (using special techniques). Moreover, the stage of error recognition itself should be based on the understanding of the semantic contradiction provoked by an error in this sentence. This means that task 20 should not be limited to a request to correct a mistake. Completing this task will require a special algorithm for its implementation: find a semantic (semantic) contradiction (error signal) → recognize the error, indicate its type (do not mix with expressive means) → if it is an error, correct it.

In general, we should talk about creating a problem situation in the lesson, which will be effective only if the students understand it well, are convinced of the need to solve the problem. It is important that the problem posed be conditioned and prepared by the course of the lesson, the logic of working on new material. Otherwise, the problem statement of the problem can turn from an effective, developing factor into a factor that hinders the learning activity of students.

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1 Lexical norms, Task 20 USE 2018 in Russian Training exercises. Indicate which word is superfluous: Chicks fall down to the ground. Beginning at 19 pm. In December, six unauthorized absenteeism was noted. He worked for five years without receiving a penny of money. In my personal opinion, the exhibition did not arouse increased interest. Don't turn your nose up! We will find out in the coming days. Relationships between spouses have improved. The reader's mistakes hurt the ear unpleasantly. IN literary heritage The writer's great and prominent place is occupied by the exposure of false aesthetic attitudes. The freedom-loving theme is the main leitmotif of all Nekrasov's work. In fact, Khlestakov is a person who is very divorced from life's reality. The new alloy is an excellent welding material for electric welding of steel products. All students completed the task in a timely manner. There are notable differences between the various traditions of general language didactics. Atmospheric air pollution is a burning and actual problem our century. The conversation that we had has come to its final end. The external appearance of the heroine is quite attractive. Mark the sentence without a speech error (where there is no tautology): The hero purposefully strives for the intended goal. Yuri Gagarin, who is the first cosmonaut, is also an example for today's youth. The roaring guns were deafening with their roar. clean room new school made a pleasant impression with its purity Education was easy for Gagarin: he invariably received fives Mark the phrase used without a speech error (tautology or pleonasm): at any time return back import from abroad unite together Mark the sentence without a speech error (where there is no pleonasm):

2 The dark darkness of the well did not frighten the boy, and he boldly rushed to the aid of a drowning girl. Nikolai has always been the leading leader of our friendly team. My colleagues in the profession love to debate, and it is often difficult to convince them of anything. Communication satellites and weather services are constantly operating in near-Earth orbits. Mark the sentences where there is pleonasm. Each character in the novel has its own individual traits. The consequences of your oversight will follow immediately. A thorough check of the equipment is required. From the lecture on the art of communication, we learned a lot of new and useful knowledge Mark the phrase used without a speech error (tautology or pleonasm): waved his hands the price list fell down at any moment of time Mark the phrase used without a speech error (tautology or pleonasm): more time is more important rushes in the month of September relationships between people Note the phrase used without a speech error (tautology or pleonasm): the first premiere rise up eventually stronger Mark the sentences where there is pleonasm. The last remnants of free trade are spontaneous bazaars. We had to study at the technical school during the day, and at the flying club in the evening. When I returned back to my friends, our joy knew no bounds. The interior of the rest room was conducive to a pleasant pastime: here one could relax after a day's work. Find cases of tautology and pleonasm. Correct the suggestions. 1) Tolstoy has each actor has its own face. 2) In addition to the main classes, in the afternoon we have optional classes in the second specialty. 3) It is a monumental monument. 4) Do you have vacancies? 5) The hero of the novel "A Hero of Our Time" purposefully strives for his goal. 6) It was his first debut.

3 Find cases of tautology and correct the phrases: 1. According to information from informed sources, the signing of the "Agreement on National Accord" is scheduled. 2. Expanding the proposed topic, we will try to reveal the concept of employment in the new socio-economic conditions of Russia. 3. In contrast to the formation of entrepreneurship in the nineteenth century, which was distinguished by its originality and nationality, entrepreneurship of the twentieth century presents a more variegated picture. 4. Commodity exchanges were formed in the form joint-stock companies. 5. The enterprise does not yet have a special marketing department, and all functions are still performed by a marketing engineer. 6. Traditional economic theories have traditionally (most often and usually) taken into account only lower needs. Eliminate verbal redundancy and tautology: 1. By the end of the competition in more best position It turned out to be the Arrow team. 2. Our athletes were not able to compete with the Chinese women and only competed for places, starting from the third. 3. The possibilities and ways of our advancement have become clearer to us. 4. Judging by the finds they found, there is already strong evidence in favor of this hypothesis. 5. Participants of the creative expedition spoke about the prospects for the future. 6. After the first debut in a famous film, the young actress began to receive offers to act in films abroad. 7. The worker was fired for absenteeism without good reason. 8. At a scientific seminar, the author outlined the main essence of this book.

4 Training tasks 20 USE 2018 in Russian FIRST PART 1. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, the Employer must offer a free vacancy to all employees at the same time. 2. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, Upstairs there was a souvenir shop, an excellent information desk and restrooms. 3. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, You feel like a queen, people part on the street, work colleagues nod respectfully, Arkady Borisych politely extends his hand wrapped in a sterile piece of paper. 4. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error. From the very beginning of the work, the author conducts a mutual dialogue with the reader, shows his attitude towards the main characters, their feelings, thoughts.

5 5. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, Do not smoke yourself, so you save your health; do not be surrounded by people who smoke, as "passive smoking" weakens the protective immunity. 6. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error. According to the printed press, for 9 months of 2006, 2 million 276 thousand people used long-distance trains, 945 thousand people used commuter trains. 7. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error. The basin of the Chusovaya River served as a bloody arena for several centuries, in which the most fierce struggle of local aborigines against unknown aliens was in full swing. 8. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error In conscientiously entering his observations in a notebook, Mr. Pickwick was mistaken for a secret spy, and the coachman decided to beat him and his friends who had joined him.

6 9. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, She had soft features, and when we made any decision, her eyes and smile flashed, as if she had been given a free gift. 10. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, Currently Pacific Ocean plays important role in the life of many countries. Half of the world's fish catch comes from this water area. 11. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, He was afraid that Ostap would open the chair himself and, taking valuable treasures, leave, leaving him to the mercy of fate. 12. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error. A young girl entered the stage, dressed in a beautiful, silvery white dress. She walked with a light step, turned, smiled into the hall and walked again.

7 13. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error. The telephone disturbed him every minute and rang with the tenacity of a tram car making its way through the commodity market. 14. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, M. Yu. Lermontov's poem "Testament" was written in 1840 and in form represents the hero's confession before his death. 15. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error. Two boys and three girls were on their way to the city commemorative memorial, where all the military units and ships that defended the city in the last war were listed on red granite slabs. 16. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, I know one thing for sure: I will never sit down to write my autobiography, even if I live to be a hundred years old. You have to be too in love with yourself to write about yourself without shame.

8 17. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error. On the train, the prince first meets Parfyon Rogozhin, the son of a wealthy merchant who inherited a huge fortune after his death. 18. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, More than a hundred countries of the world import oil from abroad, which has tripled in price since 1998. 19. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, Nagulnov found himself at the barn in two jumps, knocked down the guy standing on the doorstep with a clenched fist, slammed the door sharply and leaned back against it firmly. 20. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error. During the first quarter, it is necessary to create a price list for household services.

9 21. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of the modern Russian literary language. A conversation was read with the drivers of the convoy about the inadmissibility of smoking and talking on the phone while working on the line. 22. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of the modern Russian literary language. Satin's romantic dream of being proud, free, strong man the reality of his life is contra-indicated. 23. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of the modern Russian literary language. It seemed to me that in this journey the lion's share of all the work falls on me. This position did not suit me. 24. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of the modern Russian literary language. To increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, you need to adjust the diet.

10 25. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of the modern Russian literary language. Due to severe frosts in a number of cities and regions of the country, the water supply network froze and transformers were damaged. 26. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of the modern Russian literary language. Famusov lives by the slogan: "Signed, so off your shoulders." 27. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of the modern Russian literary language. This event, which took place in early spring, played a great role in the later life of the hero. 28. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of the modern Russian literary language. All those present agreed to learn this story, or, as the postmaster put it, a poem that was in some way interesting for the writer.

11 29. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of the modern Russian literary language. She was apparently not averse to moving even further, but the design of the device did not allow her to foretell good weather more insistently. 30. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of the modern Russian literary language. Many psychologists hold the attitude that all good and all bad personality traits are laid down in childhood. ANSWERS 1. free 2. memorable 3 at work 4. mutual 5. protective 6. printed 7. local 8. secret 9. free 10. water 11. valuable 12. young

12 13. commodity 14. own 15. memorable 16. mine 17. for the first time 18. from abroad 19. compressed 20. prices 21. held 22. opposed 23. share 24. increase 25. due to 26. principle 27. has 28. desire 29. predict 30. opinion

13 1

14 Theory An extra word (pleonasm, that is, speech redundancy) is a combination of two words, erroneous from the point of view of the norms of lexical compatibility, in which one of them is superfluous, so both of them either do not differ at all in meaning (the so-called absolute synonyms), or differ insignificantly, or, finally, these words belong to different parts of speech and are adjacent in semantics (cf .: Bazarov is somewhat harsh. The word somewhat determines the degree of the attribute, which is expressed in the adjective itself by the suffix ovate-) Pleonasms are different in structure 1) a combination of two unambiguous ( synonymous) nouns, perceived as a designation of different, albeit homogeneous concepts: Scolding and swearing were heard. 2) a combination of an adjective and a noun, in which the meaning of the adjective to a certain extent duplicates the meaning contained in the noun: Dark darkness has come. 3) a combination of two single-valued (synonymous) verbs: We remember and do not forget the heroes of the war. 4) a combination of two single-valued (synonymous) adjectives: Raskolnikov lived in a small little closet. 5) combination of verb and adverb: The enemies were getting closer and closer. Tautology (a kind of pleonasm) re-designation in other words of an already named concept (multiply many times, ask a question, an unusual phenomenon, etc.) in task 5) Failure to distinguish synonymous words Use of words of a different stylistic coloring Inappropriate use of emotionally colored words and phraseological units Unjustified use of colloquial, slang words Violation of lexical compatibility Use of superfluous words, including pleonasm Use of cognate words near or in a close context (tautology) Unjustified repetition words Poverty and monotony of syntactic constructions Unsuccessful use of the pronoun Classification of speech errors Examples We were shocked by the excellent acting of the actors. The thought develops on the continuation of the entire text. My attitude to this problem has not changed. Effective measures have been taken. In the final sentence, the author uses gradation. The author, addressing this problem, is trying to send people into a slightly different rut. Astafiev now and then resorts to the use of metaphors and personifications. Such people always manage to fool others. The author enhances the impression. The author uses artistic features (instead of means). The author conveys the beauty of the landscape to us with the help of artistic techniques. A young man, very beautiful This story tells about real events. The hero of the story does not think about his act. The hero does not even understand the full depth of his deed. When the writer came to the editorial office, he was accepted by the editor-in-chief. When they talked, the writer went to the hotel. This text was written by V. Belov. It raises an important issue. Note: The wording of task 20 is possible in two versions: the elimination of a word or its replacement. 2

15 Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by eliminating the extra word. Write out this word. Option 1 1. Today, the price list can be seen in any cafe. 2. His humanity and humanity are known to all. 3. I urgently needed to write my autobiography. 4. This crime shocked the whole city. 5. In our city, a memorial monument dedicated to the soldiers-internationalists was opened in a solemn atmosphere. Option 2 1. Tanya is a faithful wife to her husband. 2. Since 1839, the poet was exiled 2 times in exile. 3. In the Urals, ore is mined in mines. 4. He must understand that life is not over, that he must fight until the end of his life. 5. Until the end of his life, he remembered her. Option 3 1. This book describes the actual facts. 2. On the eve of the upcoming battle, the soldiers checked their ammunition and cleaned their weapons. 3. During the period of student practice, we collected works of various genres of folklore. 4. At the celebration, veterans were presented with memorable souvenirs and valuable gifts. 5. Enterprise leaders continue to rely on the ministry's guidance. Option 4 1. A memorial monument was erected on Poklonnaya Hill. 2. Indians are the indigenous aborigines of America. 3. The workers were paid wages for the month of May. 4. Compare the cost of goods and services against the price list. 5. There was a free vacancy. Option 5 1. Please write your CV. 2. Long and prolonged applause did not stop in the concert hall. 3. Courageous and brave people defeated the Nazis. 4. The dead corpse lay motionless and showed no signs of life. 5. Do not touch bare wires with unprotected palms. Option 6 1. This was the first debut of a novice actor. 2. At the workplace, every minute of time must be cherished. 3. The chairman of the house committee made an announcement about the upcoming meeting of residents. 4. In Tolstoy, each character has his own individual traits. 5. The look of the educator inspired fear and fear in the children. Option 7 1. At the end of his speech, the speaker summarized his proposals briefly. 2. The former ex-minister decided to return to Moscow. 3. Local natives joyfully greeted the travelers. 4. With the palm of his hand, he slowly stroked the child's head. 5. This girl made a very good impression on everyone. Option 8 1. Illegal gangs terrorized the entire city. 2. In response to our request, we received the following response. 3

16 3. Our activity is aimed at the development of communication and communication. 4. This plan requires adjustments and amendments. 5. In May, the turnover of funds amounted to rubles. Option 9 1. The speaker devoted most of his speech to the analysis of the political situation. 2. The main essence of the reasoning lies in the thesis of the text. 3. A tiny dwarf appeared before us as if from under the ground. 4. My mother cooks delicious belyashi with meat. 5. The first-grader quickly went down the school stairs, hurrying to the lesson. The option The soft light of the evening sunset struck our imagination. 2. There is no other alternative and cannot be. 3. He walked towards the house. 4. Discrediting slander always hurts the heart. 5. My mother cooks delicious apple charlotte. Option People invest huge sums of money in time-related projects. 2. I liked the picture because it depicts the life of the people. 3. Troyekurov was wasteful, he loved rich luxury. 4. Kirila Petrovich sent ambassadors for Dubrovsky. 5. At the station, Dubrovsky met an unknown stranger. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of the modern Russian literary language. Option Everyone understands the concept of "happiness" in their own way. 2. At the end of the 17th century, the supporters of Princess Sophia were defeated in a battle with the troops of the young reformer of Russia, Peter the Great. 3. Irina has brown hair and green eyes. 4. Famusov acts according to the slogan: "Signed, so off your shoulders." 5. Alyosha meekly endured all the hardships of life. The Onegin variant leads a festive lifestyle. 2. Bazarov's sideburns were sandy in color. 3. About the exploits of sappers, tankers, pilots, such stories are told as Surkov's "Little stories about great feats". 4. Pechorin main character"Hero of our time" 5. At night, the guys saw a watchman who guarded the estate. Option After the lessons we went to the sports area. 2. Pechorin has a sharp mind, which helps him judge people correctly. 3. Pierre poked from corner to corner in search of the meaning of life. 4. Tikhon Shcherbaty is in front of us as a man of heroic strength. 5. The poem "Strictly forbidden" Mayakovsky wrote in the newspaper "Krasnaya Niva". Variant The writer wrote this novel at a time when progressive youth were natural sciences. 2. The merchant Lopakhin bought an estate, the most beautiful in the world. 3. During the repair, the craftsmen carefully annulled all the unevenness of the walls. 4

17 4. This incredible incident, which left a mark on my memory, happened to me in my youth. 5. This axiom is still worth proving to future mathematicians. Variant Rumors began in the Duma that a change of government was coming. 2. The story of the photocopier box during the presidential election has become, in fact, a fable by the town. 3. Finally, the toastmaster got up and raised a toast to the hero of the day. 4. The cup of his patience finally burst. 5. Now domestic producers are trying to reduce the cost of goods. Option It was a brave thought. 2. I knew that my friend was strong weak person. 3. The lion's share of the work has been done. 4. At this party, he began to flirt with her. 5. He told me about it with apogee. Option Away from the Motherland with depth you feel your responsibility for what happens at home. 2. It was cold all the fourth decade of April. 3. We have successfully realized this problem. 4. The lawyer sought to whitewash his client. 5. This year there is a big harvest of kavoons. Option School years were not in vain. 2. Parents should show a model of behavior to their children in everything. 3. The lecturer talked about the egregious achievements of the century. 4. Let's take a brief look at history. 5. The repair period can be extended. Option The effectiveness of the savings regime largely depends on how limited financial costs are. 2. No one has the right to forbid a journalist to talk with eyewitnesses of the incident, witnesses, and then state his creed. 3. He drew well, wrote poetry, stories, was a regular in amateur art activities. 4. In our library there is a very scarce book, the first edition of Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow. 5. They work like the most notorious specialists. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by excluding the extra word. Write out this word. The Pechorin variant came from a noble aristocratic family. 2. Sholokhov wrote "Virgin Soil Upturned" in the hot pursuit of the events, when the memories of the events were still fresh. 3. No, neither the storm nor the prophecy of a crazy and insane old woman caused Katerina's confession. 4. As a young man he came to St. Petersburg. 5. Colleagues at work came to visit the sick Nikolai Petrovich. Option My attitude to the present reality is sharply negative. 2. We must overcome all the old remnants and move forward. 5

18 3. What attracts me the most in the novel is Natasha Rostova, who has a special artistic charm. 4. I especially like in Oleg his tender attitude towards his mother. 5. Only with one name of Pushkin there is such a feeling of something close, dear. Variant Eugene Onegin did not find happiness in his life. 2. Boris, a character in the drama Thunderstorm, has nothing and is completely dependent on his uncle. 3. Mayakovsky's poem is passionately connected with reality. 4. The physically wounded Falcon wanted to take to the skies once more. 5. He again experiences a new disappointment. Option After the meeting highest level The parties signed an agreement on mutual cooperation. 2. At the end of the year, my benefit performance will take place, and for the first time I will go on stage to my beloved audience. 3. The first buyers were visible behind the stained-glass windows of the store. 4. Residents of our city witnessed a theatrical performance. 5. The first premiere took place. Option No one cares about the life of their neighbor. 2. A young girl sacrificed everything to help her family. 3. If your love is deep and sincere, you are ready to devote your whole life to it. 4. An arsenal of weapons was destroyed in Syria. 5. Patrol ships bypassed the water area of ​​water bodies, checking for mines. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of the modern Russian literary language. Option The mistake of youth cannot be returned. 2. Due to a strong hurricane, the roof was torn off the house. 3. The school held a regional chess tournament. Our class has been defeated. 4. Due to the upcoming military parade, traffic along the main street will be closed. 5. Inveterate patriots, as they called themselves, gathered at the rally. Option This story tells about two lovers who received a "sunstroke". 2. An announcement hangs at the station: “The cash desk for travel allowances is on the second floor. 3. You can start the meeting: the forum is already there. 4. For free games, we bring many different attributes to the site: reins, sleds, slippers. 5. The number of readers of our library is constantly progressing. Option At the Russian language lesson, we wrote an essay based on a painting. Alyonushka caught my attention: her cheeks flushed, her eyes looked into the distance. 2. Public lesson went with a bang, the colleagues who visited him were shocked by the highest skill of the teacher. 3. The Battle of Borodino revealed the best that Prince Andrei had in his soul. 4. Colleagues congratulated me on my anniversary. 5. Curling up in a ball and sitting comfortably on a chair, our beloved kitten is sleeping. 6

19 Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by eliminating the extra word. Write out this word. Option For a long period of time, we issued a passport. 2. The deep abyss frightened us. 3. The ball thrown by a child jumped up sharply. 4. When the dressmaker sewed the dress, she put two pieces together. 5. When we were in the mountains, the instructor, supporting me, often extended his hand to me so that I could feel confident. Option A huge avalanche of snow rushed at us from the mountains. 2. A satirical cartoon of losers and truants appeared in the school magazine. 3. Suddenly, at a celebration dedicated to May 9, loud music burst out. 4. Students of the Faculty of Philology went to collect folklore. 5. A memorial monument to the heroes who defended the village from the Nazis was erected in Victory Park. 6. Bunin talks about a military lieutenant. 7

20 Pleonasms are phrases containing a component that is unnecessary in a semantic sense. Tautology is an identity, that is, the repetition of what was said in other words or the repetition of words with the same root. Author's note: The extra word in the dictionary is left unmarked. A Automatic reflex Aqua area of ​​water objects Antagonistic struggle Habitat Fragrant perfume Arsenal of weapons Atmospheric air B Uselessly disappears Free gift Bestseller of sales Biography of life Big and prominent place Big human thanks Former ex-champion Bouquet of flowers C Relationships between spouses Mutual dialogue Water area Resume again Leading leader Go back Fly up Seen with my own eyes Visual image National referendum Go back Memories of the past In the end Interior First debuted First acquaintance Ahead is in the lead Temporary delay Everyone and everyone Paid (salary) G heroic feat Death of human victims Giant / huge giant Main essence Main leitmotif Main leitmotif Flock of sheep Reciprocal counterattack Reaction Retreat back Very tiny P Memorable souvenir Patriot of the homeland First premiere Relic of the past Period of time Feathered birds Permanent constancy Future perspective Printed press Written record keeping Repeat again Underwater diving Climb up Everyday routine Elderly old man Full right Full carte blanche Completely destroyed Towards (place) Plans for the future Helped and contributed (one word extra) In my personal opinion Popular hit Visit/visit Progressive forward Pre-planning Pre-prepayment Pre-planning announcement Anticipate in advance Warn in advance Price list, tariffs Dreamed in a dream Production of work Standing idle Heavy rain Industrial industry Past experience 8

21 Top priority Heinous lie Blue blue Hospitalization in hospital E Hair removal Demobilize from the army Actions and deeds (one extra word) Active act Motive leitmotif Long and long (one extra) Extra bonus Extra overtime Other alternative F Unanimous consensus F Hand gestures Living a boring life G Given data Deliberate slander Visiting guest worker Abuse of drunkenness/alcoholism/drug addiction Boring and boring (one word extra) Exciting thriller AND Trite banality Replete big amount There is a place to be Imported from abroad Break interval Interactive interaction Informational message Exceptionally exclusive True background True truth True reality IT - technologies K Punitive repression Nodding a colleague at work/profession Communicative communication Consensus of opinions A short moment Corrections and amendments (one word is superfluous) Extremely extremist Brief summary 24-hour non-stop L Palms of hands Ice iceberg Line of power lines Personally I Face in full face M Route of movement Full house Full fiasco Assassination attempt Popular hit Stunning shock Mail correspondence Ariadne's guiding thread Five rubles (any other option) of money R Equal half Narrator told (another verb) Reality Revolutionary coup Registry reorganization Fish soup C Unauthorized truancy The nearest future The most profitable Summit summit The best Satirical caricature Vacancy Secret spy Sensor sensor Service department Maintenance services Clenched fist CD - disk SI system GPS system High Speed ​​Express Monitor screen screenshot Mix together SMS message Joint meeting Joint agreement Joint cooperation Put together Go down the Strange paradox Passion for graphomania Strict taboo Superstitious belief Significant difference Invoice T So, for example (one extra word) Secret anonymous Nevertheless , however (one word is missing) Black woman Tests Dark darkness Crowd of people Only (one of the words is missing) Trampling Traumatic injury 9

22 International internationalism memorial monument Menu of dishes Local aboriginal Dead corpse Young girl Young boy Monumental monument Morally ethical (one extra word) Blinked his eyes Silent pause My autobiography or my autobiography Scanty trifles Minus three degrees of frost below zero Minute of time Facial expression Courageous and brave (one extra word) N On high professional level Visually demonstrate The most optimal For today = for today Legacy of the past Folklore Surprisingly strange Initial basics Resent with indignation Illegal bandit formations Unused reserves Unfounded fictions Unusual phenomenon Open slightly Unconfirmed rumors Unpleasantly cut the ear Nervous tic Unstable imbalance Nostalgia for you Nostalgia for the homeland O United Union Unite together A huge colossus A fragment of a broken (thing) Online webinars on the Internet Experienced experimental (one extra) Experienced expert Thirty people builders (and other options) Employment Inauguration ceremony See with your own eyes See with your own eyes Already existing Already existed Multiply many times Hear with your own ears Fell down Established fact Steady stabilization Morning dawn F Final end Forcing at an accelerated pace X Brave hero Timing of time Q Completely and completely (one extra) Valuable treasures Time pressure H Human society Human thanks Ambitious ambitions Extremely huge Sh show display (one word is superfluous) E Exhibits of the exhibition Emotional feelings Energetic activity Epicenter of events Yu Young youth Young girl I January (and any other) month Note: The pronoun svoi can act as pleonasm will. 10

23 Answers Option number Option 1 prices humanity//my humanity criminal memorial Option 2 husband (c) exile) (c) mines of his life Option 3 valid upcoming folk commemorative guidelines Option 4 commemorative root month prices free Option 5 his long / long courageous / bold dead hands Option 6 first time forthcoming their fear Option 7 briefly former local hands very Option 8 illegal in response to communication adjustments/amendments month Option 9 large home tiny meat down Option 10 evening another in the direction of discrediting apple Option 11 finance life rich ambassadors unknown Option 12 the word suffered chestnut (according to) the principle of hardship Option 13 idle sand narrate, the works of a human character Option 14 the platform allows rushing appears published Option 15 created acquired liquidated the theorem occurred Option 16 spread / conversations of parables proclaimed / said overflowed reduce / reduce Option 17 very bold / very share / large courting (with) delight / rapture / passion Option 18 deeply last decided justified watermelons Option 19 passed an example of the greatest digression extended Option 20 means opinion participant rare experienced Option 21 notable (about) events crazy / crazy young at work Option 22 present old artistic its such Option 23 its quite hot physically again Option 24 mutual for the first time by glass viewers first Option 25 its young its weapons of water objects Option 26 (not) correct due to suffered due to true Option 27 Artwork // narrates the traveling quorum of subjects is growing Option 28 cheeks are amazed opened by the coming curled up Option 29 time deep up together hands Option 30 huge satirical loud folk memorial 6. military

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