Prospective planning of corrective speech therapy classes for dysarthria. Individual work plan. Exercises for the development of articulatory motor skills

long term plan corrective work for 2014-2015 academic year to overcome the erased form of dysarthria.
№ p / p Directions
remedial work Contents Deadlines
1. Development of general motor skills. - exercises to increase the level of activation
- Exercises for the regulation of muscle tone
- an exercise to develop a sense of the boundaries of your body and its position in space
-exercises for development spatial representations During a year
2. Development fine motor skills- work using Su-Jok - work with a pencil
- improvement of the kinesthetic and kinetic basis of movement.
-development of constructive praxisDuring the year
3. Development of movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus - preparation
articulatory apparatus to the formation of the correct sound pronunciation using special methods. During a year
4. Development of correct breathing. - an increase in the volume, strength and depth of inhaled and exhaled air
- normalization of the rhythm of breathing
- work on the differentiation of nasal and oral inhalation and exhalation During the year
5. Development of the voice. - development of coordinated activity of breathing, voice formation and articulation
- development of strength, timbre and voice pitch Throughout the year
6. Development phonemic hearing. - learning to recognize, distinguish, highlight mixed sounds. During a year
7. Production of disturbed sounds. - formation of the correct articulation of disturbed sounds (hissing, whistling)
- improve phonemic representations
- repetition of syllables
- improving the skills of reproducing words with various syllabic structures During the year
8. Automation, differentiation and introduction of formed sounds into speech. - automation in syllables, words, phrases, sentences
- differentiation of delivered sounds
- the formation of skills to carry out auditory and auditory-pronunciation differentiation of sounds not disturbed in the pronunciation and sounds included in corrective process
- the introduction of the formed sound into speech, by memorizing tongue twisters, riddles, tongue twisters, poems. During a year
9. Development of expressive speech - expansion of the vocabulary of expressive speech
- extension vocabulary due to the introduction into speech of words denoting parts of objects, generalizations
- clarification of the meaning of words denoting parts of an object, names of signs, actions. During the year
10. Development of impressive speech - expansion of the passive vocabulary
- Understanding story questions
- differentiation of verbs by numbers, gender, tense
- formation of understanding of the meaning of prefixes, their differences
- development of impressive speech in the process of perception and differentiation of complex prepositions (from - for, from - under) During the year
11. Formation of mental operations of analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification. - developing the ability to create a whole from parts
- development of the ability to establish the similarity and difference of objects based on visual analysis
- formation of operations of generalization, classification During the year

Attached files

Victoria Sergeevna Polyakova
long term plan individual work with a child with dysarthria

1. Speech examination child.

1. Collecting a general history.

2. The study of impressive speech.

3. Study of auditory attention.

4. Research visual perception.

5. Study of optical spatial gnosis and praxis.

6. Study of articulatory motility.

7. The general sound of speech.

8. Study of the pronunciation of sounds.

9. Study of phonemic hearing.

10. Sound analysis.

11. Reproduction of the syllabic structure of the word and the sound content of the word.

12. Study of the grammatical structure of speech.

13. Vocabulary research.

14. The study of coherent speech.

2. Preparatory period.

Goals: preparation of the articulatory apparatus for the formation of articulatory modes, correction of breathing and voice, development of sensory functions.

1. Medical impact (drug treatment; wellness Job; physiotherapy; differentiated massage; physiotherapy; logopedic rhythm; psychotherapy).

2. Normalization of facial muscle tone (facial massage, differentiated articulatory massage.

3. Development of the articulatory motility:

a) exercises on the formation of the kinesthetic basis of articulatory movements (exercises to determine the position of the lips; exercises to determine the position of the tip of the tongue; exercises to distinguish between a narrow and wide tip of the tongue);

b) exercises to develop the statics of articulatory movements;

c) exercises for the development of dynamic coordination of articulatory movements in the process of performing sequentially organized movements;

d) exercises for the development of dynamic coordination of articulatory movements in the process of performing simultaneously organized movements.

4. Correction and development of speech breathing (formation of the correct type of breathing; breathing exercises begin with general breathing exercises, the purpose of which is to increase the volume of breathing and normalize its rhythm, to achieve a quick and deep breath and slow long exhalation; nasal exhalation training, development of predominantly oral inhalation) .

5. Development of fine motor skills.

The system of exercises for the development of motor function provides for the simultaneous impact on the kinetic and kinesthetic basis of movement, on static and dynamic coordination of movements, the formation of various levels of movements and their gradual complication:

a) exercises to develop the kinesthetic basis of hand movements;

b) exercises for the development of dynamic coordination of hands in the process of performing sequentially organized movements;

c) exercises for the development of dynamic hand coordination in the process of performing simultaneously organized movements.

Various orthophonic exercises aimed at developing the coordinated activity of breathing, phonation and articulation. Exercises to activate the movements of the soft palate, exercises in alternating relaxation and tension of the muscles of the palatine curtain. Jaw movement exercises. Working out arbitrary control over the volume and pace of movements. Exercises to develop strength, timbre and pitch of the voice.

7. Development of sensory functions.

a) development of differentiated auditory perception;

b) the development of all phonemic processes:

Exercises to form the perception of oral speech at the phonetic level;

Exercises on the formation of oral speech perception at the phonological level (clarification of sound articulation based on visual, auditory, tactile perception, kinesthetic sensations; sound extraction against the background of a syllable; sound isolation against the background of a word; isolation of the first and last sound in a word, finding the location of a given sound ; determining the sequence and number of sounds in a word; determining the place of a sound in a word in relation to other sounds).

8. Development of prosody:

9. Education of the need for verbal communication. Development and refinement of the passive vocabulary.

3. Formation of primary communicative pronunciation skills.

Goals: correction of articulatory disorders, development of sensations of articulatory movements and articulatory praxis, voice development, correction of speech breathing, development speech communication And sound analysis.

1. Staging sounds.

2. Automation of delivered sounds in coherent speech.

a) exercises to develop the perception of rhythm;

b) exercises for the development of rhythm reproduction;

c) tasks on the formation of ideas about intonational expressiveness in impressive speech;

d) tasks for the formation of ideas about intonational expressiveness in expressive speeches:

Preparatory exercises (exercises to develop the strength of the voice; exercises to develop the pitch of the voice; exercises aimed at gradually expanding the range of the voice, developing its flexibility and modulation);

Exercises for the development of intonational expressiveness of a declarative sentence (exercises for mastering the rhythm of a word; exercises for working out intonation construction expressing completeness in a declarative sentence; exercises for working out intonation interrogative sentence; exercises for working out intonation of an exclamatory sentence; differentiation of the intonation structure of sentences in expressive speech).

4. Formation of communicative skills and abilities.

1. Development of self-control child for your pronunciation.

2. Training new pronunciation skills in learning situations.

3. Formation of pronunciation skills in different situations communication.

5. Prevention of secondary speech disorders.

1. Correction of cognitive impairment (development of visual perception, analysis and synthesis, visual spatial representations, temporal representations, stereognosis, development of all types of memory and attention, mental operations, analytical and synthetic activity).

2. Correction of violations of lexical development (formation of orientation to the semantic structure of the word; organization of lexico-semantic fields; development of syntactic links of the word; actualization of the dictionary).

3. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech (especially word formations and inflections).

4. Development of a coherent statement.

6. Prevention and overcoming of violations of reading and writing.

1. Formation of sensorimotor operations.

2. Formation of language operations (phonemic, morphological, syntactic level).

3. Formation of semantic operations (correlation with meaning).

Related publications:

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This material presents sections of the work on overcoming phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech in children with a mild degree of pseudobulbar dysarthria. Examples of individual long-term planning for speech correction in children are given.



Perspective work plan

Development of general motor skills

Differentiation: w-h; lr.

Differentiation l-r.

Perspective work plan

Direction of corrective work

Clarification of the neuropsychic state and strengthening of the nervous system

Referral for a consultation with a neurologist (treatment agreement)

Development of general motor skills

Development of voluntary motor skills of fingers

Development of dynamic praxis and differentiation of finger movements of both hands.

Development of motor skills of the speech apparatus

Improving the static and dynamic organization of movements of the articulatory apparatus.

Formation of the correct pronunciation

Differentiation: l-w

Differentiation: sh-zh.

Development of phonemic hearing functions.

Development of sound analysis and synthesis skills.

Learning to determine the place, number and sequence of sounds and syllables in a word.

Training in oral analysis of sentences.


Correction of FFNR in children with mild pseudobulbar dysarthria.

Preparatory stage:

includes the development of motives, the development of phonemic hearing on the material of texts and the development of articulatory praxis (through a direct path - special articulatory gymnastics (the mechanism for developing articulatory postures) and through an indirect path - the development of phonemic hearing (phonemic hearing adjusts the organs of articulation to the desired sound)).

Main stage.

Sound setting: by imitation, from the reference sound, from articulation exercises, mechanically.

Sound automation: consolidation of articulation, analysis of the articulation image of sound, analysis of the acoustic image of sound, formation of an acoustic-articulation image of sound, correlation of sound with a letter - all this leads to the formation of phonemic hearing.

Creation of objective conditions for the development of phonemic hearing: activation of the development of phonemic hearing (recognition of sounds in a text, recognition of sounds in a series of given words, definition of a word in a sentence, recognition of sounds in assemantic words)

Inclusion of sound in phonemic analysis: isolation of the studied sound from the beginning of a word, isolation of a sound from the end of a word, isolation of a sound from the middle of a word, isolation of a sound from a consonant cluster at the beginning of a word, isolation of a sound from a consonant cluster at the end of a word

Differentiation of mixed sounds:

separation of mixed sounds from the composition of the word,

comparison of sound by articulatory and acoustic features.

Oral analysis of a sentence: the number of words in a sentence, the definition of a word in a sentence, the sequence of words in a sentence, sound-syllabic analysis and the selection of mixed sounds.

Differentiation of mixed sounds in connected texts.

Taking into account these sections of the work and based on the results of a survey of children's speech, the primary directions and content of correctional and pedagogical work are determined. Compiled long-term plans work with children to overcome FFNR. I note that the directions of correctional work are the same for all children, and the content of the work has some differences. Here are some examples of forward planning.

Perspective work plan

With Katya A., Nikita D., Alina Ch., Vova P.

Direction of corrective work

Clarification of the neuropsychic state and strengthening of the nervous system

Referral for a consultation with a neurologist (treatment agreement)

Development of general motor skills

Development of static organization of movements: exercises to improve the ability to stand on one leg, maintain balance during the exercise "feet on the same line";

And the development of the dynamic organization of movements:

exercises for the alternation of movements, arbitrariness of inhibition, exercises for the development of rhythmic feeling.

Development of voluntary motor skills of fingers

Development of dynamic praxis and differentiation of finger movements of both hands.

Development of motor skills of the speech apparatus

Improving the static and dynamic organization of movements of the articulatory apparatus.

Formation of the correct pronunciation

Katya A.: staging sounds: w, l, r

Differentiation: w-h; lr.

Nikita D.: staging sounds: w, w, r.

Differentiation: w-f, f-f, w-f.

Alina Ch.: staging sounds: w, w, w, c, l, p.

Differentiation: sh-s, f-s, sh-f, sh-s, sh-h, c-s, l-r.

Vova P.: staging sounds: l, r.

Differentiation l-r.

Development of phonemic hearing functions.

Learning to recognize, distinguish, highlight voiced-deaf, hissing-whistling, sonorous ("l, r") sounds in syllables, words, sentences.

Development of sound analysis and synthesis skills.

Learning to determine the place, number and sequence of sounds and syllables in a word.

Training in oral analysis of sentences.

A feature of this work plan is the content of corrective work on the development of general motor skills: great attention the development of both static (improving the ability to stand on one leg, maintain balance) and dynamic organization of movements (alternation of movements, arbitrariness of inhibition, development of rhythmic feeling). The development of dynamic praxis and differentiation of movements of the fingers of both hands is also planned. In the section “Development of the functions of phonemic hearing”, the content of the work is to teach the identification, discrimination, and isolation of sounds similar in articulatory and acoustic features. With the development of sound analysis and synthesis skills, training is also planned in determining the place, number and sequence of sounds, training in oral analysis of sentences.

Perspective work plan

With Alyosha G., Vanya K., Irina P.

Direction of corrective work

Clarification of the neuropsychic state and strengthening of the nervous system

Referral for a consultation with a neurologist (treatment agreement)

Correction of violations of the anatomical structure of the organs of the articulatory apparatus (short frenulum)

Referral to a dentist for frenulum cutting (Alyosha G., Irina P.)

Development of general motor skills

Improving the static organization of movements and the dynamic organization of movements.

Development of voluntary motor skills of fingers

Development of dynamic praxis and differentiation of finger movements of both hands.

Development of motor skills of the speech apparatus

Improving the static and dynamic organization of movements of the articulatory apparatus.

Formation of the correct pronunciation

Alyosha G.: staging sounds: w, c, w, r

Differentiation: w-h; c-h, sh-s.

Vanya K.: staging sounds: l, r.

Differentiation: l-w

Irina P ..: staging sounds: w, w, r.

Differentiation: sh-zh.

Development of phonemic hearing functions.

Learning to recognize, distinguish, highlight both defective, undifferentiated sounds, and other (voiced - deaf, hissing - whistling) sounds in syllables, words, sentences.

Development of sound analysis and synthesis skills.

Learning to determine the place, number and sequence of sounds and syllables in a word.

Training in oral analysis of sentences.

A feature of this work plan is that it includes another area of ​​work "Correction of violations of the anatomical structure of the organs of the articulatory apparatus." The content of corrective work on the development of general motor skills will consist of improving the organization of movements, but there is a need for the development of dynamic praxis and differentiation of movements of the fingers of both hands. The development of phonemic hearing functions and sound analysis skills consists of learning. At the same time, it should be taken into account that there are fewer defects in sound pronunciation than shortcomings in the formation of phonemic hearing.

forward planning
individual and subgroup work

for children with dysarthria.

Long-term planning of individual and subgroup work
when correcting phonetic and phonemic speech defects
for children with dysarthria.

F.I. of the child.

Stage of work
Number of hours
Areas of work

Preparatory stage
8-14 lessons
Development of general motor skills:
- gymnastics of arms and legs;

- plastic sketches.

- familiarity with the organs of articulation;
-general exercises (complex No. 1)
-method of L.V. Lopatina.
Development of facial motor skills:
-G.A.Volkova's technique
Development of speech breathing:
- development of physiological diaphragmatic breathing;
- games for the development of a long, strong and purposeful exhalation;

-development of rhythm;

Creating sufficient breathing support for future sound.

Introduction to intonation

-probe massage;
- classical massage;

-G.A.Volkova's technique

Setting and editing sound.
5-8 lessons
Development of general motor skills:
- gymnastics of arms and legs;
-complex gymnastics of limbs and torso;
-exercises for the muscles of the shoulder girdle and neck;
- plastic sketches.
Development of finger motor skills:
-according to the method of O.A. Stepanova, L.V. Lopatina;
-graphic exercises according to the method of I.A. Podrezova.
Development of articulatory motor skills:
-special exercises (complex for the desired sound)
-method of L.V. Lopatina.
Development of facial motor skills:
-G.A.Volkova's technique
Development of speech breathing:
- games for the development of a long, strong and purposeful exhalation;

Correction of general motor clumsiness. Inclusion in the corrective process. Work on the coordination of movements. Teaching voluntary relaxation and tension.

Stimulation speech development. Preparing the hand for writing.

Preparing for sound production. Development of precise, correct movements. Overcoming spastic or paretic manifestations in ar.musculature. Correction of deficiencies in mimic motor skills.
Correction of defects in speech breathing.

Setting and editing sound.

Differentiation of nasal and oral exhalation.
Formation of intonational expressiveness of speech:
-development of rhythm;
- development of intonation;
-development of the height and strength of the voice (method of L.V. Lopatina).
Massage (if necessary):
-probe massage;
- classical massage;
Acquaintance with sound:
- showing articulation in front of a mirror;
-showing the profile of a given sound, showing a letter;
- showing the position of the tongue with the hand;
- the acoustic characteristics of the sound are specified: consonant - vowel, deaf-voiced, hard-soft;
- onomatopoeia is given;
- the place of sound in the sound-letter city is determined.
Sound setting:
- method of gymnastics
- imitation method
- mechanical method
Consolidation of isolated sound using sound projections.
The development of phonemic hearing, synthesis from an undisturbed sequence of sounds, background. representations
-G.A.Volkova's technique
Development of higher mental functions:
-development of visual perception, attention, memory;
-development of auditory perception, attention, memory;
-development of spatial representations;

Correction of shortcomings of the prosodic side of speech.

Activation of work artik. muscles. Removal of pathological manifestations (spastic, paretic).

Give an idea of ​​the features of the sound, compare with the sounds preserved in pronunciation.

Correction of deficiencies in pronunciation.

Consolidation of the primary pronunciation. Development of kinesthetic sensations for sound.
Refinement of acoustic features of sounds. Developing the ability to listen to speech. Prevention of dysgraphia and dyslexia.
Prevention of dysgraphia, dyslexia. General development child.

Automation of the received sound in speech.
12-18 lessons.
Development of finger motor skills:
(of necessity)
- according to the method of O.A. Stepanova, L.V. Lopatina;
-graphic exercises according to the method of I.A. Podrezova.
Development of articulatory motor skills:
(if work on a new sound begins)
-special exercises (for the desired sound);
-method of L.V. Lopatina.
Development of facial motor skills (if necessary):
-G.A.Volkova's technique
Formation of intonational expressiveness of speech:
-development of rhythm;
- development of intonation;
-development of the height and strength of the voice (method of L.V. Lopatina).
Working on the set sound:
Sound in syllable:
- in direct open;
-in the opposite;
- in intervocalic position;
- closed (sound at the beginning of a syllable);
- closed (sound at the end of a syllable);
- in syllables with confluence.
2) Sound in a word:
monosyllabic words (sound at the beginning of a word);
monosyllabic words (sound at the end of a word);
-monosyllabic words with confluence;
- disyllabic words (sound at the beginning of a word);
- two-syllable words (sound in the middle, at the end of the word)
-disyllabic with confluence;
- trisyllabic without confluence;
-trisyllabic with confluence, etc.
3) Sound in phrases;

Preparing the hand for writing. Correction of dysmotility of the fingers.

Preparing for sound production. Development of precise, correct movements. Overcoming spastic or paretic manifestations in ar.musculature. Correction of deficiencies in mimic motor skills.
Correction of shortcomings of the prosodic side of speech.

Consolidation of the received motor automatism in different phonetic terms.

4) Sound in tongue twisters;
5) Sound in sentences;
6) Sound in poems;
7) Sound in texts.
The development of the syllabic structure of the word:
- according to the Markov method.
Development of phonemic analysis, synthesis, representations.
- selection of sound against the background of the word;
- selection of sound from the word;
-determination of the place of sound in a word;
-determine the sequence of sounds in a word;
-determining the number of sounds in a word.
-from a preserved sequence of sounds;
-from the disturbed sequence of sounds;
- from syllables.
Development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech:
(of necessity)
- the possibility of using various literature.

Prevention and correction of violations of the syllabic structure of words. Prevention of dysgraphia, dyslexia.

Prevention of dysgraphia, dyslexia. Correction of deficiencies in pronunciation of sound. Preparation in teaching literacy.

General development of speech. Vocabulary accumulation. The development of connected speech.

Differentiation of mixed sounds.
6-9 lessons.
(When mixing sounds in speech).
After completing work on each sound separately.
Clarification of the articulation of each sound:
- tactile sensations;
- vibrational sensations;
- visual control.
Refinement of the acoustic characteristics of mixed sounds:

Clarify and remember the differences in the articulation of sounds.

Clarify and remember the acoustic differences in these sounds.

Engaging auditory control.
Sound differentiation:
- in syllables of different structures;
- in words-quasi-homonyms;
- in phrases;
- in phrases of 3-4 words;
- in words, where both sounds are in one word;
- in texts.

Pin correct pronunciation in different phonetic terms.

Individual forward planning

correctional and developmental work to eliminate

ONR - level III in a child with dysarthria

1st grade student

I Fix the diaphragmatic type of breathing in static and dynamic exercises.

    we develop the strength and duration of exhalation through special breathing exercises:

1. Inhale and exhale through the nose. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Inhale through your mouth, exhale through your nose. Inhale through the nose, exhale through pursed lips.

    development of strength and ability to modulate, through special vocal exercises:

1. Sing a series of vowels A, O, U, I, E, S as you exhale (starting with two sounds, gradually adding one at a time). Count on exhalation to 10, in three steps. Saying the days of the week on the exhale, in two steps.

II Development of fine motor skills of the hand:

Strengthen the skill of coloring with a pencil;

Finger gymnastics;

Drawing patterns, figures by cells, hatching.

III Development of articulatory motility:

For the lips: 1. Pull closed lips forward, holding the count to seven;

    slightly open your lips (as with the sound U), pull forward under a count of up to seven.

2. Smile, grin.

3. Pull closed lips forward, make movements: up - forward - down - forward; right - forward - left - forward.

For language. Hissing and sounds [p] and [l].

To develop a long air stream directed in the middle of the tongue through the exercises: "Focus", "Drive the ball into the goal";

Train the ability to switch from one movement to another, alternating exercises: "Fence", "Tube";

    to consolidate the ability to hold the tongue behind the upper teeth with the help of exercises: “Delicious jam”, “Soundlessly click the tip of the tongue”;

    strengthen the muscles of the tongue, developing a rise in the tongue with the help of the exercises “Whose teeth are cleaner”, “Get your nose out with your tongue”, “Horse”, “Accordion”, “Drum”.

For cheeks; inflate both cheeks; draw in both cheeks; simulate rinsing your mouth with water.

IV Development of phonemic analysis and synthesis skills:

a) the formation of the skill of simple analysis and synthesis:

Determination of the presence of sound in a word;

Analysis and synthesis of syllables, words.

b) the formation of the skill of complex forms of phonemic analysis and synthesis:

Highlighting the last sound in a word;

Determining the sequence of sounds in a word and their number.

V Formation of the correct pronunciation:

Staging sounds: [w], [g], [l], [p] [p "], - by imitation or mechanically;

Automation of sounds: in isolation, in syllables, words, sentences, in pure words and nursery rhymes;

Differentiation of sounds from all oppositional ones.

VI Development of the lexical and grammatical structure:

1. Work with nouns.

Accumulation of vocabulary by topic; "Fruits", "Vegetables", "Clothes", "Shoes", "Transport";

Inflection exercise: use genitive plural nouns;

Selection of antonyms;

Agreement of nouns with numerals.

2. Working with verbs.

Replenishment of the verb dictionary (selection of verbs to nouns, nouns to a given verb)

3. Working with adjectives.

To teach to select a sign to an object, an object to a sign;

Formation of possessive adjectives.

VII Phrasal speech:

Supplementing sentences according to the picture (by plot, by subject, by the scheme with a question);

Drawing up a proposal on the picture, scheme, on the issue;

Learning to compose complex and complex sentences.

VIII Development of coherent speech:

Drawing up a story based on a plot picture and a series of paintings;

Drawing up a descriptive story according to the scheme;

Memorization of tongue twisters, short poems.

IX Development of mental processes:

visual perception

Selection geometric shapes in shape and color;

Recognition of contour, noisy objects.

auditory perception

Distinguishing rhythmic sequences

Temporal Perception

List the days of the week;

List the months of the seasons;

Verbal - logical thinking

Classification of items; exclusion of items;

Establishing the sequence of events (a series of plot pictures).