Greeting a girl at night. Is it correct to say "good night"? Away greetings

The administration of the city of Yekaterinburg, within the framework of the project "Yekaterinburg speaks correctly", addresses the issue of the correctness of using the combination "good night".

Specialists of the reference and information portal "Russian Language" note that the use of greetings is regulated by the rules speech etiquette. Here is what he writes about the combination of "Good night!" famous Russian linguist Doctor of Philology, Professor M. A. Krongauz in the book "The Russian language on the verge of a nervous breakdown":

"Greeting" Good night! It appeared along with a new phenomenon - direct night broadcast. First, in the speech of the presenters, who in this way - with special chic - greeted the audience / listeners who called the studio at night. Then "Good night!" was picked up by the callers themselves and even went beyond the limits of studio conversations. For example, it is sometimes used as a greeting when a phone call is too late.

In fact, the appearance of such a greeting is contrary to many norms of the language. First, in European languages a similar formula (good night, Gute Nacht and bonne nuit) is used specifically for parting, in contrast to the daytime greeting such as English good morning, good evening, German Guten Morgen, Guten Tag, Guten Abend or French bonjour, bonsoir. This also corresponds to the usual Russian farewell "Good night!".

Secondly, in Russian "Good night!" as a farewell formula already exists, although it is used much less frequently than "Good night!".

Thirdly, it presents the genitive case, which in Russian means a wish, traditionally used precisely as a farewell: “Happy journey!”, “Good luck!”, “Happiness to you!” and so on (with the verb "wish" omitted). The greeting is expressed in a different case (“Good afternoon!”, “Bread and salt”!).

Recently, by analogy with this, new “wrong” greetings have appeared. For example, "Good day!" is increasingly common on the Internet, emphasizing the fact that an email can be received at any time.

As a linguist, I would strongly recommend not to loosen the coherent system of Russian etiquette and not to use greetings in genitive case. On the same Internet, there is also a more competent greeting “Good day!”. The game is saved and the rules are followed. But with all this, I run the risk of being in the position of the authors who struggled with the goodbye "Bye!". After all, it is not the linguist who puts the last point, but the people, ”concluded Krongauz.

Thus, correctly: good time of day.



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(1) In my opinion, "good morning", "good evening" and "good afternoon" dear to our ears differ from the more neutral "hello" in that, wanting to be more pleasant and less formal, the interlocutor took the trouble to mention a specific time of day in his greeting If, without knowing what time of day you have, he speaks or writes about "good time of day" in general, then this already looks like a parody. Imagine that without knowing the name of the interlocutor, for the sake of pleasantness, you greet him like this: "Hello, name holder."

(2) On the other hand, the greetings "good morning", "good evening" and "good afternoon" are expressed in nominative case and, if you think about it, these are exclamations and a call for empathy, joint joy over the fact that it turned out to be a good morning (afternoon, evening). Again, all this becomes meaningless if you and the interlocutor are separated by many time zones or writing and reading text do not occur at the same time.

(3) And finally, "good time of the day" is written in the genitive case, which in Russian means a wish, traditionally used precisely as a farewell, and not as a greeting. But even if we replace it with "good time of day", clauses 1 and 2 remain in force.

But the opinion of the famous linguist Dr. f. n., prof. M. A. Krongauz, given on the website:

The use of greetings is regulated not so much by the rules (it is appropriate to talk about the rules when it comes to spelling), but by the norms of speech etiquette. Here's what he writes about greeting Good night! well-known Russian linguist Dr. Ph. n., prof. M. A. Krongauz in the book “The Russian language on the verge of a nervous breakdown” (M., 2008): Among the new “freaks” of speech etiquette there are also native Russians. One of the most disliked by me is the new and already quite accustomed greeting “Good night!”. It appeared along with a new phenomenon - direct night broadcast. First, in the speech of the presenters, who in this way - with special chic - greeted the audience / listeners who called the studio at night. Then "Good night!" was picked up by the callers themselves and even went beyond the limits of studio conversations. For example, it is sometimes used as a greeting when a phone call is too late. In fact, the appearance of such a greeting is contrary to many norms of the language. Firstly, in European languages, a similar formula (good night, Gute Nacht and bonne nuit) is used specifically for parting, in contrast to the daytime greeting such as English good morning, good evening, German Guten Morgen, Guten Tag, Guten Abend or French bonjour, bonsoir. This also corresponds to the usual Russian farewell "Good night!". Secondly, in Russian "Good night!" as a farewell formula already exists, although it is used much less frequently than "Good night!". Thirdly, it presents the genitive case, which in Russian means a wish, traditionally used precisely as a farewell: “Happy journey!”, “Good luck!”, “Happiness to you!” etc. (with the verb "wish" omitted). The greeting is expressed in a different case (“Good afternoon!”, “Bread and salt”!). Recently, by analogy with this, new “wrong” greetings have appeared. For example, on the Internet it is increasingly common "Good day!", emphasizing the fact that an e-mail can be received at any time. As a linguist, I would strongly recommend not to loosen the coherent system of Russian etiquette and not to use greetings in the genitive case. On the same Internet, there is also a more competent greeting “Good day!”. The game is saved and the rules are followed. But with all this, I run the risk of being in the position of the authors who struggled with the goodbye "Bye!". After all, the last point is put not by a linguist, but by the people. And if the word takes possession of the masses, and the masses - the word, then no linguist can forbid it. So let's wait and see.

Tired of boring greetings? Do you want to surprise your loved one or make someone fall in love with you? Then this article is for you, because here is a collection of the best and most original greetings.

10 most original greetings in the world

Many countries have their own original greeting phrases.

In Japan, people are not used to saying any phrases with a specific hello, because the people of the country are very busy people. It is enough to greet a person here by nodding your head after him. If we are talking about expressing deep respect, then the Japanese kneel and bow to him. Depending on the bow, the level of respect of a person is determined. Of course, you should not bow to the ground, this is already a mockery.

In Thailand, it is customary to raise both hands up as it means "peace" and "respect". A more honorable greeting is to raise, cross your arms above you, and bow. For this reason, do not be surprised if you hear the phrase "Hands up!". It's just such an original greeting.

In one tribe of Kenya, people greet each other by spitting. Spitting here is a venerable tradition. Before you say hello, fellow tribesmen spit on the hand.

In some families of Greenland, it is customary to rub your nose when meeting with a loved one.

In India, people squat when they meet. Therefore, do not be surprised if the Indians are squatting in the middle of the street - they are just saying hello.

Many people in Tibet stick out their tongues when they meet, as this is considered a sign of peacefulness. The fact is that a king with a black tongue used to live here. He was very angry and punished the unfaithful inhabitants and subjects with death. After his death, people were afraid that his soul would pass to another person, so when they met, people began to show their tongues to each other.

In some cities in the Polynesian Islands, instead of shouting out various phrases, it is customary to greet cheek to cheek, taking a deep breath.

A very original greeting in the Philippine Islands: when speaking to an elder, you need to press his hand to your cheek.

In New Zealand, all peoples have a custom - to rub their noses. Therefore, it is not surprising if you see men rubbing their noses on the streets of the city.

In Africa, perhaps one of the most beautiful greetings. In order to perform it, you need to take your right hand and bring it first to the forehead, then to the lips and later to the heart. Literally, it means: I think, I speak and I respect.

How to say hello in Russia

In Russia you can see different ways say hello. In addition, our language is rich in greetings. They usually greet verbally and non-verbally.

Verbal methods are quite simple. It can be: "Good afternoon", "Good morning" and "Good evening" - when referring to respected people, "Hello" and "Hello" - to relatives and friends.

Hit a girl the first time

How to stand out and come up with an original greeting to a girl? Something unusual, instead of the usual "hello"? Everything is quite simple.

You just need to replace the word "hello" or "hello" with any greeting in another language. For example, if a girl likes English or French, you can answer "bonjour" or "hallow." And then it can be words spoken in Italian, German, Chinese, etc. Say this phrase, and the girl’s number is guaranteed (or her smile).

Be intelligent and surprise her: “Today is a great day, as is your sunny smile. Hello". Or like this: “You are beautiful, like the light of the sun in the morning. Good afternoon". Or: “You are simply charming today, mademoiselle. Good day!". Another option: “You are a ray of sunshine that breaks through gray clouds. I'm glad to welcome you." Well, there are other options like that.

Give the girl a smile and show respect with a curtsey. You can say nothing about it. The girl will already be pleased that you are trying to be a gentleman for her. Kiss her hand and the beauty's heart will melt.

If the girl acts as a friend, then you can just hug her and kiss her on the cheek. A light greeting in this way will immediately endear you to a person.

An original greeting to a guy can strengthen relationships. If we are talking about a loved one, then the girl can write him a poem. If there is no talent for writing poetry, you can look for ready-made poems on the topic "Good morning / afternoon / evening."

If you need to greet the guy live, then you can just kiss or hug. the best option than "Good day!" cannot be found. You can also say hello to a guy English language, while wishing you a good school / work day. A little courtesy won't hurt.

Man needs support

Greeting a man? Original phrases will cheer up any person for the whole day, cheer up and inspire a gentleman to great deeds. familiar or even close person you can give a compliment, and only then say hello. For example: “You look cheerful today. Stay like this all day long. Good morning”, “You look good. Especially smile on your face. Glad to see you". Also, sometimes a nod of the head and a simple smile are enough. Believe me, it is better to smile at a person, and that will be enough for him.

List of phrases for dating a girl

An original greeting is a sure way to find a life partner and pass for a person with a subtle sense of humor:

  • Seems to be amnesia. Perhaps he has already approached you?
  • Is there a thread? I want to make friends here and now.
  • You are so beautiful that I forgot my phrase.
  • Let me walk you home, at least with a glance.
  • You can light up this street with a smile, it hurts so dark here.
  • You are so beautiful that it becomes a pity for all those who are nearby. They are nothing compared to you.
  • It seems I forgot my phone number. Could you give me yours?
  • I am starting to rewrite the people living in Russia. May I start with you?
  • If I smile at you, it does not mean that I want to get acquainted. You are wrong because I want to ask you out.
  • You're on my to-do list for tonight.
  • I may not be the best here, but I'm the only one who talks to you.
  • Do you remember me? We met in your dreams. True, then I was wearing a helmet and on a white horse.
  • What are you going to do tonight after we go to the movies?

So, be non-standard in all situations. An original greeting is the best way to start the day and end the evening.

Properly chosen greeting words are an opportunity to win the attention of the audience from the very first seconds of communication or, conversely, miss your "star" chance. Based on the first impression, further relationships are very often built, so it is important to correctly present yourself to the public, as well as draw the attention of all those present to yourself in a proper and appropriate way. Welcoming words should be chosen according to the setting, society and purpose of the event. At first glance, it seems that to diversify the usual “Hello!” quite difficult, but people knowledgeable in etiquette may argue with such a statement.

Good start

In how to say hello, a huge role is played by who is to be called. And, perhaps, this is the most important principle by which you need to select greeting words. The dictionaries give a clear definition of greeting, which says that the meaning of this word is an expression of approval in order to give a sign of goodwill to those present on the part of the speaker.

It would seem, well, what's so complicated, you just need to say hello. However, as in everything, it has its own rules and principles, which are also subject to fashion, but rather the style of communication between different social groups. A couple of centuries ago, the following words and their combinations were in use:

  • "Greetings!"
  • "The lowest bow!"
  • "Peace to your house!"
  • "I wish you well!"

Such phrases can still be heard from the lips of people, but this is rather an exception to the rule than the norm. everyday communication. In everyday life between close people, a short “Hello!” and "Good afternoon!". Sometimes even the usual "Hello!" seems archaic and strongly smacks of officialdom.

The word is not a sparrow

A popular saying says that “the first word is more expensive than the second,” and you can’t argue with it. Welcome words are the first thing a person says when entering a room. According to the rules of etiquette, it is the incoming person who should be the first to say hello, addressing everyone present. If these are strangers, only a general appeal is enough, but if this is a well-known company, work colleagues, hobby comrades, then it is quite acceptable to personally approach all or some of the participants in the meeting. This technique is called “moral stroking”, an individual greeting can endear the interlocutor to the person, because it shows his significance.

At the same time, you can say something like “Healthy, bro!” By slapping the interlocutor on the shoulder, you can friend. older, strangers, girls need in a respectful manner:

  • "Hello!"
  • "Hi, how are you?"
  • "Glad to see you!"

Intonation, facial expression of the speaker is very important. Saying hello under your breath is not a good conversation starter. But excessive emotionality and loudness are not always appropriate.

Nothing personal just business

And if in everyday life various flaws in etiquette are excusable, then at the business level a mistake can have a detrimental effect on a career and reputation. Many people, by the nature of their work, often need to make speeches, address a large society. A welcoming speech to the participants of the meeting, conference is the beginning of the meeting, setting the tone for the future event.

People who have experience of such events can determine from the first words what the speaker has in mind, with what attitude he came to the podium, and in what format the meeting will take place. Composing a greeting for speaking in front of big amount people, it is impossible to say hello to everyone personally, but it is important to note the participants by summarizing them:

  • "Good afternoon/evening dear friends!"
  • “Hello colleagues, partners and guests of the meeting!”
  • “Dear friends, we are glad to see you at this meeting!”

Each business meeting is held according to a pre-compiled protocol plan, which provides for both the time allotted for the greeting and its format.

The fun begins

Festive events are a completely different “weight category”. It is difficult to imagine the greeting words of Santa Claus, in which he will address guests as business partners or colleagues. Entering the image, you need to follow it in everything, from the first to the last minute. It is not difficult to find words for such a colorful character, but you need to take into account the specifics of the event, the age group of guests, examples:

  • "Hello guys!"
  • "Here I am! Good afternoon!"
  • “Happy New Year, kids / friends / my dear / grandchildren!”

In the same spirit, the greeting words of the Snow Maiden are chosen, which is also in a fairy-tale image and should correspond to its role. Very often, the script is composed in verse, forming a rhymed form of greeting. This technique can be used on various holidays and celebrations - birthday, wedding, christening.

"Give me the word, please..."

However, it is necessary to prepare a speech not only for official events, and not always only their leading falls the main role, in which you need to say a welcome word. Guests also need to be able to say hello, because they happen to say congratulations, toast, express their opinion on various issues. Getting down to business right away is a sign of bad education, so first you need to show respect for the assembled society and say a few words of welcome appropriate for the occasion.

How many times do you think we greet work colleagues and business partners during the year? Please determine the circle of people you greet daily and multiply this number by the number of working days in a year. The resulting figure (and on average it will be several thousand times) will impress you! It would seem that having such experience, there can be no mistake, but practice shows the opposite.

Many people do not remember, and perhaps do not know, the rules of business etiquette regarding status distinctions, and do not pronounce greetings clearly and loudly enough. Often, at the moment of greeting, we forget to look into the eyes of our counterpart, smile and call the person by name. In addition, it is important to be able to say goodbye correctly.

Main task in progress business communication- Demonstrate respect and interest in your partner. Proper greeting (especially at the first meeting) can be the basis for further development dating, business and personal. It is important to make it clear to the person that you are happy with him and are set to continue communication. Try to express your joy with words and a smile, but do not overdo it - excessive courtesy can damage your authority. Be natural and show friendliness. Pay attention to how the working atmosphere changes when colleagues properly greet each other and show goodwill.

A greeting in the framework of business communication consists of two parts: a greeting in the form of a speech address and a handshake. Each of these parts has its own rules. In this article, we will look at the rules of oral greetings.

1. According to the rules of business etiquette, where such indicators as age and gender fade into the background, and the status of a person is important in the first place, the junior in status is the first to greet the senior in status.

2. If the status is equal, the younger one greets first, if the age can be identified.

3. With equal status and age, the order of greeting does not matter, but in opposite-sex couples, a man can be the first to greet a woman.

4. When greeting a client, partner on their territory, it is customary to greet them first, regardless of status, age and gender.

5. One person, regardless of status, age and gender, is the first to greet the group.

6. Entering always greets those present.

7. Overtaking a person, the one who goes faster is the first to greet.

8. If four partners of equal status meet (for example, two women and two men), then first the women greet each other, then the women greet the men, and at the end the men greet. Please note that this rule also applies outside of business communication.

9. When greeting a person, you should call him by his first name or first name and patronymic, which depends on the standards of the company's corporate culture. It is considered incorrect in Russian business practice to greet a person by addressing him by his last name with the addition of the words sir or madam in oral speech.

10. During the greeting, it is important to maintain eye contact and smile.

11. The greeting must be answered! To refuse to say hello is to inflict a public insult on a person.

Please note that according to the rules of civil or secular etiquette (outside business communication), the youngest in age first greets the older one, and the man greets the woman. The exception to this rule is when a very young woman meets an elderly man. In this case, the woman is the first to greet the man. When people are equal in age and gender, the more polite person greets first.

Formal greetings:"Hello!", "Good morning!", "Good afternoon!", "Good evening!".

Recommended Not recommended
Always the first, regardless of one's status, age and gender, to greet those present when entering any room. Wait for those present to greet you.
When greeting a person, stand up if you are sitting at a table or in a chair. Remain seated while greeting the person.
Always join in the greeting of the person you are in the company of and whom you trust when he greets someone. Do not say hello to the person whom your companion greets, believing that since you do not know each other, then you should not say hello.
Say hello to a person once a day and remember who you have already greeted. Forgetting who you've already said hello to during the day, otherwise the person may regard it as if you didn't even notice the first time.
Say hello regardless of whether you like your friend or not. Pretend that you have not noticed one of your acquaintances whom you do not like.
Look the person straight in the eye and smile easily. Avert your gaze when greeting, say hello with a "stone" face, or use a wide smile.

The opposite of hello is goodbye. Last words at the end of the meeting are just as important, so you should properly say goodbye.

In this case, the basic rules apply:

1. Regardless of status, age and gender, the departing person is the first to say goodbye to those who remain.

2. The guest is the first to say goodbye to the host.

Formal words of farewell: "Goodbye", "All the best", "All the best."

According to the rules of business etiquette, when saying goodbye to a person, one should not only say the words of farewell, but also express satisfaction with the meeting, for example: “I am glad that we agreed on everything” or “I am very pleased (satisfied) with the meeting”, etc. . In a farewell situation, it is also appropriate to apologize for the time taken from a person, but if possible, it is better not to focus the partner’s attention on this, but simply to thank for the time taken for a conversation or meeting.

Trainer-consultant and expert in modern business protocol and etiquette