Sirius Crimea for gifted children. What is the educational center "Sirius"? - He is a very humble person.

Putin Lyceum

How to send a child to Sirius? Explaining and instructing

The Sirius Educational Center in Sochi is not even three years old, but today it is well known to many parents - especially now, when it is important that children have a good and at the same time useful time. summer holidays. the site tells why Sirius is called "Putin's lyceum", and is it true that "ordinary" children cannot get there?

What is "Sirius"?

This Education Centre operating in Sochi year-round since the end of 2014. Every month, 600 children aged 10-17 come to Sirius. Their stay is designed for 24 days and is absolutely free for children, as well as the road from any region of the country to Sochi and back. In addition, Sirius provides educational programs for adults: we are talking about teachers who want to improve their skills. More than a hundred of them come to the center every month.

Teaching children is carried out by leading teachers from schools with a different "bias": physical and mathematical, chemical and biological, sports. Classes are also conducted by invited "stars", but we are talking about representatives of high art: academic music, classical ballet, painting. All this allows children to focus on those areas in which they show special abilities. Well, and since we are still talking about schoolchildren, no one has canceled their obligation to master the general education program among school year.

So after all, is it about studying or about rest?

Of course, more about the first than about the second. Sirius is an educational center. But along with educational material children receive a complex of wellness procedures here. They are also preparing various excursions, creative meetings, cultural and sports events - in a word, the same recreational and educational leisure that allows the child to have a good rest. After all, Sirius is located not just anywhere, but in Sochi! And if we are also talking about the summer months, when schoolchildren have legal vacations, it’s a beauty at all.

And how do you send your child there?

We are afraid that our answer will disappoint many. The statutory documents of Sirius state that the purpose of its work is the early identification, development and further professional support of children who have “showed outstanding abilities in the field of arts, sports, natural sciences, as well as those who have achieved success in technical creativity.”

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That is, as the press service of the center explained, in order to become a participant in the educational program at Sirius, one must not only have talent in a particular field of knowledge, in sports or in the arts. It is also important to be a participant in various creative and scientific competitions, subject school Olympiads or sports competitions. Moreover, it is obvious that the higher the level of these events, the better.

So Sirius is not a place for everyone?

Yes it is. You can’t just take and buy a ticket there for one or two shifts, as in a regular summer camp. Moreover, no tickets are sold there in principle - as already mentioned, staying at the center is free. If the child does not meet the selection criteria, he will not get into Sirius.

What if we do try?

On the Sirius website (by the way, it should be noted that the site is really very informative and useful) there is a section indicating the selection criteria. Conveniently, they are given separately for each of the areas in which the child may have talents. Have you carefully studied the section and think that there are chances? Then there, on the site, apply. Each application is considered by an expert council, which makes a decision based on the personal (or team, if required by the sports direction) achievements of the child. If you manage to convince the experts of the giftedness of the future student of the educational center, you will soon receive a notification along with further instructions. The wait usually takes 2 to 3 weeks. This is the period from the closing date for applications until the decision of the expert council is announced.

Rejection came...

Do not despair! First, it is worth trying again - say, in a year. And use the time to replenish the "track record" with what will really impress the experts. Secondly, there is very good news: about 20 regions have already expressed a desire to create their centers according to the Sirius model, having signed appropriate agreements with the Talent and Success Foundation, which established the educational center in Sochi.

Ural Center "Sirius" for a thousand students can be built on Shartash

This means that many children who are not yet able to apply for study at Sirius itself have a chance to take similar educational programs in their regions. And, perhaps, these sites will become a springboard for them to jump into Sochi.

The foundation signed the first agreement on the creation of a regional center with the Sverdlovsk region in December 2016, later similar agreements were signed with the Republic of Dagestan, Tomsk region, Komi Republic, Primorsky Territory, Ulyanovsk Region. The Sverdlovsk Center will start operating as early as 2017; educational programs, a campus, and laboratories are currently being prepared. Teachers from Yekaterinburg study at Sirius, who will then work with gifted schoolchildren in their region.

It's clear. Well, what about Putin?

The President of Russia is the initiator of the creation of Sirius as another permanent facility based on the Olympic infrastructure in Sochi, which, by the way, is also mentioned on the official website of the educational center. Vladimir Putin also heads the board of trustees of Sirius. There, in addition to him, there are many more people who are somehow associated with the head of state. For example, the Presidium of the Board of Trustees is headed by ex-Minister of Education and now Presidential Aide Aleksey Fursenko. Board members are Anton Vaino, Dmitry Kozak, Igor Levitin, Vitaly Mutko, Vladimir Medinsky and Sergey Roldugin. Is it any wonder that Sirius works with the support and coordination of the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Sports and the Ministry of Culture?

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In the summer of 2017, I happened to visit such a wonderful place as Nanograd, a nomadic city where every resident is given a chance to realize their ideas, which will soon be used by real Russian companies.

When I first entered the building of the Sirius educational center in Sochi, on the basis of which Nanograd-2017 settled, I woke up with extraordinary excitement, and then genuine interest: long glass corridors, original armchairs, an extensive library located in the lobby, a designer chandelier , picturesque views of the center - I wanted to explore everything, go everywhere, capture the sights of "Sirius" in the photo and show everyone I know. But everything must be done in order and according to the rules established by the educational center.

Upon arrival, I was immediately settled in a triple room, from where I could see the luxurious Bogatyr castle-hotel, where my parents were staying, and the alluring Sochi Park, which amazed me with an abundance of exciting attractions. On the way to dinner, I just had time to think that nothing would surprise me here, when I saw a huge bright dining room with a wide variety of dishes to choose from and a chocolate fountain for dessert. Eyes ran, but it was impossible to delay the queue.

I was briefly told about the next day: the grand opening of the city, the distribution of corporations and the selection of workshops. Not everything was completely clear, but the people in green T-shirts, the Sirius curators, assured me that the morning was wiser than the evening and everything would soon become clear.

My first acquaintances were roommates. One of them arrived in the morning and has already passed the distribution. According to her, every resident of Nanograd can choose to work in one of the twelve corporations represented, that is, become an intern of a real company. For each corporation, a task has been prepared, a special case that residents will have to deal with within 10 days. I got acquainted with all the companies and the proposed tasks from my friend's booklet, and also took note of a couple of interesting, in my opinion, workshops. The second neighbor came to Nanograd for the second time and with pleasure told us about life in the nomadic city, and also answered our questions.

The first day, indeed, was one of the most difficult of the entire shift. I learned that I would have to get up early every morning for a run and then take a bus to the Business Center, equipped with various modern technologies, equipped with real laboratories and new lecture halls. On that day, the grand opening of the city was held, all residents were told about the rules of Nanograd, about what would be done during the shift, T-shirts with the symbols of the city were distributed and sent for distribution.

From the previous evening, I noted for myself the pharmaceutical company "R-PHARM", where it was necessary to develop a new medicine. But this corporation turned out to be too much in demand, and recruitment was closed. Then I decided to have an interview at the StroyLab company, in which it was necessary to solve the problem of the short service life of environmentally efficient bio-concrete, which filters water and absorbs harmful substances from it. I was asked to tell about myself, where I go to study outside of school, and also write two chemical equations.

Based on the results of the interview, I was accepted into the corporation to solve the technical task of the company (there was also a marketing task in which it was necessary to come up with ways to sell the biobridge). I made the right choice with the choice of the corporation, because it had wonderful curators of Nanograd, as well as kind and smart guys. Then all the teams received a three-dimensional figure of a dodecahedron (this year the mayor's office decided to provide stands in the form of a model of the Universe), on which we had to display the key points of the case solution and design our stand in an original way.

We started to perform tasks from the very first day, no one was left without work. "Techies" could spend hours looking for the necessary information, thinking through the steps for solving the task, creating models of bioconcrete in the laboratory, while the guys responsible for the marketing part drew product sales schemes and worked out a plan for presenting the case solution. During the interview, I mentioned my creative abilities, so I was more responsible for the design of the stand, however, being also a "techie", I studied scientific sites, translated foreign articles on this topic, in general, I did not have a single free minutes, like every inhabitant of Nanograd.

And now a little about the daily routine. Every day upon arrival at the Business Center, everyone gathered in the hall for an information lecture, where you could see all the events of the previous day in the form of a film edited overnight by an experienced team of cameramen. Then there was the main lecture, which was given by lecturers from various universities, people working in well-known Russian companies, or honored guests of Nanograd.

Then all the residents went to elective lectures, where they could get information that would help the trainees in the future in solving the case, or simply learn something new. After the lectures, the residents dispersed to the offices allocated to corporations. There, the guys discussed with the curators issues that should be resolved today, then divided into a technical and marketing team and continued to move towards their goal. After a break for lunch, work in teams began again, and then it was time for the workshops.

I ended up in a wonderful workshop "Photo-Cat", where guys from various corporations gathered to learn how to take high-quality photos, figure out the camera settings and create a photo without it. I learned how to develop photographs from film, mastered techniques such as cyanotype and freezelighting, and also walked around the Business Center in search of a good shot.

Then everyone left the center and moved back to Sirius. There we were waiting for a visit to the pool, the sea or even the SPA center. You could also go in for sports, watch the confrontation between the mayor's office and city residents in such games as basketball, volleyball, football, and place bets on your favorite team with a chance to win the local currency - nanocats.

Nanocats were handed out every evening as wages, grant winnings, they could be obtained by participating in competitions. To increase the total amount of the team, two brokers were appointed in the corporation, who bought shares in other companies and sold them at a higher price, which increased depending on the success of the corporation in solving the case. Everything is like in real life! For nanocats, you could buy various things from the Nanomarket: from a book and a T-shirt to a microscope and a water-repellent spray for clothes. Sometimes auctions were held in the evenings, where one of the most valuable lots was a ticket to the next Nanograd.

In the evening, various events were held, for example, "Dance your case", "Science stand-up", "Film festival" and others. At the end of the day, its results were summed up, residents watched a slide show of photographs taken during the day, and sang the anthem of Nanograd-2017, which by the end of the shift was involuntarily learned by absolutely everyone.

On the tenth day of our stay in Nanograd, the cases were defended. The experts asked tricky questions, clarified almost every word of the speaker and gave well-deserved marks to each project. Of the twelve corporations, only five were selected for re-defense before A.B. Chubais, who specially visited Nanograd to listen to the best performances and give a lecture to the guys himself. I am proud to announce that our project was not only selected for a presentation before the General Director of the Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies, but was also mentioned during the discussion by Anatoly Borisovich himself as a "good master's work".

In conclusion, I will say that, undoubtedly, Nanograd became the highlight of my summer, if not the whole year. So many new acquaintances, positive emotions and warm memories gave me these 10 days!

Nika Petrova, 11th grade student of SBEI "Kurchatov School"


Nika, you wrote that from the window of your room you could see the Bogatyr Hotel, where your parents were staying. Did you have a chance to see them? The information on the site says that the exit of children outside the territory of "Sirius" is prohibited, as well as parental days are prohibited.

Comment on the article "Sochi, educational center "Sirius", review. Nanograd-2017"

Sochi, educational center "Sirius", review. Nanograd - 2017. About the camp "Sirius" in Sochi - in detail from the participant of the summer shift. When I first entered the building of the Sirius educational center in Sochi, on the basis of which ...

Sirius. Education, development. Teenagers. Upbringing and relationships with adolescent children: transitional age to experts question: how to get a child at the age of 12, 6 cells, into Sirius? Olympiads are only held at the school level in grade 6. child athlete...

How do you get to Sirius? How do they get to Sirius? Holidays, leisure. Teenagers. Upbringing and relationship with It must be admitted that now children in different regions do not have equal educational opportunities.

About Sirius, annual estimates, n/a. 1. Do schools receive any preferences from the fact that children go to Sirius? Well, except for knowledge that could potentially be useful for the school in the future, etc. The teacher is indicated in the application. 2. How is the rating given if in one of ...

Sirius. Literary creativity.. Education, development. Teenagers. Parenting and relationships with adolescent children: transitional age, problems at school, career guidance How do they get into Sirius? Hello! Interested in the actual mechanism.

Sirius medicine. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Teenagers. Parenting and Relationships with Teenage Children: Adolescence You can refuse vaccinations and the child will be taken to Sirius. Refusals can be written in any medical institution for children ...

How do you get to Sirius? Hello! Interested in the actual mechanism. We were twice invited to Sirius based on the ratings of certain Olympiads. The first time was a physical session, which was held in April (as the final stage of the Olympiad...

How do you get to Sirius? Sad, as usual. But what about the Moscow circles of MM? Do we also want these in our region? Or from the 5th grade you only need tutors? Tenth graders could get into the June shift based on the results of the All-Russian (difficult, but possible).

Sirius questions. Holidays, leisure. Teenagers. Education and relationships with adolescent children: transitional age, problems at school, career guidance, exams, olympiads, USE Section: Vacations, leisure (I know there are mothers here whose children went to Sirius.

Sochi, educational center "Sirius", review. Nanograd - 2017. About the camp "Sirius" in Sochi - in detail from the participant of the summer shift. Tickets to the Armory are sold at the museum box office 45 minutes before the start of the session. They are sold only on the day of visiting the chamber.

Sochi, educational center "Sirius", review. Nanograd - 2017. About the camp "Sirius" in Sochi - in detail from the participant of the summer shift. is an information project on family issues: pregnancy and childbirth, parenting, education and career, home economics, recreation, beauty...

Nanograd - 2017. About the camp "Sirius" in Sochi - in detail from the participant of the summer shift. Since the previous evening, I marked a pharmaceutical company for myself. Mark March 8 in Sochi - super price! 13.08. 2017 03:02:31. - information project on family issues...

Sochi, educational center "Sirius", review. Nanograd - 2017. Sirius. project change of Sirius, but the final decision remains with Sirius, "is it hit or should there still be some kind of final agreement?

How do you get to Sirius? Euler was replaced by a transparent hit, according to points at the final stage, and this year not only winners, prize-winners and holders of commendable diplomas passed, the passing was lower.

All-Russian Olympiad-2017: who benefits from merging assignments. Sochi, educational center "Sirius", review. Nanograd - 2017. Nika Petrova, 11th grade student of the Kurchatov School. All-Russian Olympiads: subject geography.

Sochi, educational center "Sirius", review. Nanograd - 2017. The best time for fishing is summer, when the sun practically does not leave a review about TSARGRAD. And what hotel in Sochi? I was in Tsargrad for the weekend. Don't let the road scare you - every week I go to my dacha ...

Sochi, educational center "Sirius", review. Nanograd - 2017. Since there are many mothers here whose children have already been in Sirius, I want to ask them: summer shifts in the direction of "Science" are the same ... Sukhovey Irina. Summer camp "Dubravushka - the path of the hero": a review of the children's vacation.

Nanograd - 2017. About the camp "Sirius" in Sochi - in detail from the participant of the summer shift. The eldest son was invited in the 9th grade after winning the regional stage of the GOSh in physics, they had an Olympiad for the whole shift. Children, important: you yourself register for shifts at Sirius.

Camp Sirius. Education, school. Teenagers. Parenting and relationships with adolescent children: transitional age, problems at school, career guidance, exams Tell me, has anyone sent a child to the Sirius Center in Sochi? What to pay attention to?

From April 1 to April 24, 2016, my son was at the Sirius Educational Center in Sochi. There is a lot of useful information on the center's website, photos, various memos for parents, we actively used all this. The child got there as a winner of the Maxwell Olympiad - an analogue of Vseros in physics for grades 7-8. The guys were collected from all over the country.

Absolutely awesome place! When a child called home to tell something, he simply squealed with delight, and rightly so - they gave the person a chance to try the correct Fiztekhov life - a lot of physics and a lot of physical education (the son believes that even more would be needed) so that he had enough health for this very physics. Well, as a small bonus - a 6-time buffet.

And when I was returning - I was already driving with my dad from the airport - I just called him. I ask: "Well, how are you satisfied?". Answer: "No, I'm not happy." Well, I think - again now he will cry that he flew past the prize. “No,” he says, “it was I who left Sirius.”

I came home - for about five hours, I probably broadcast continuously, talked about everything: about physics classes, and about sports, about excursions, about other events, about the guys. He showed souvenirs, showed a pack of homework assignments, showed a common notebook of 48 sheets, completely filled with physics, and not everything fit. There were not many photographs, for some reason he guessed to take an inadequate camera with him.

They got up at 7:00, went to exercise: either running 3.5 km, or horizontal bars, or just exercising - by choice. The son preferred running, but he also pulled himself up sometimes, in any case, after Sirius, he began to pull himself up more. Then at 8:00 breakfast ... Well, I already said - a buffet. When Danila listed to me what he ate for breakfast, I thought - maybe I underfeed him? Maybe he's malnourished? Because the volumes of homemade and local breakfasts are completely incomparable.

They fed them well - all sorts of yoghurts, actimels, juices, cereals, they also cooked deliciously, different pastries and anything in general, only there was no pizza. No sweets and soda, even on excursions, were not allowed to be bought. I agree with this approach - respect and respect.

Then at 9:00 classes. On the website, they wrote something about report cards with grades, but there was no ordinary school study, and, accordingly, I didn’t bring the report card either. Perhaps it is intended for athletes and various musicians so that they can somehow learn. And about the eggheads, they probably think that they can handle it anyway. Well, in principle, right, the son, as he arrived, drove homework in a week.

So, they were taught mainly physics. But a lot. 6 hours a day. And somehow on Saturday, it seems, closer to the Olympics, they were engaged in physics, according to his calculations, for about 10 hours. We just called him that evening at 23:15. He was already asleep - the only time he really didn’t want to talk to us, even though he himself ordered to call after 23:00, at that time he turned on his mobile phone, used it only as an alarm clock - well, of course, he was probably tired.
And sometimes there were lectures on biology, history, chemistry, and literature. And there was one lesson in English.

During the break there was 2 breakfast. Worked until lunch. Lunch from 13:25 to 15:00, but at lunch there was pizza too, among other things. But it was in the interests of children to eat quickly in order to run to the playground, because during the breaks there was sports - volleyball, tennis, basketball, football, they played pioneer ball once. You could also play table tennis or sit in the library.

The next class started at 3:00 pm and continued until 5:00 pm. Then an afternoon snack, then another lesson until 19:00-19:30. Then dinner. Then there could be another lecture, and if there was free time, then we went to the site or there could be an excursion. Those. I was really busy all day with all sorts of interesting activities, although my son would like to have more time for sports.

There is a spa there - different baths, as part of this there were classes in the pool, swam, played water polo. Regularly went for a massage - he loves it after sports.

He also visited the first-aid post after a sports injury. Coolant was sprayed on his finger. And they also took their temperature at the beginning of the shift - not as usual, under the arm, but brought it to the forehead and immediately received an answer.

There were also excursions. The son squealed with delight. They visited an amusement park (Sochi Park), an arboretum, and Krasnaya Polyana. Traveled to the Sochi Olympic facilities. Went on a tour of the Russian Railways.

On the day of departure, my son had a birthday. As he later said, he received more compliments than in his entire previous life.

Danila lived in a double room, and his neighbor arrived 10 days later - from the final stage of another Olympiad. Among the non-trivial - there were safes in the rooms, one of the guys kept juice bags there, stolen from the dining room (which was forbidden). The maintenance of order by the guys was checked, Danila proudly showed a photo of the “cleanliness screen” with continuous “tens” for the first four days.

Now for the technical details. The hitting procedure was not easy, but it is described in detail on the website and worked without problems for us. It was necessary to register, apply for the April shift, receive confirmation of acceptance, sign an application for admission of the child to the Center and consent to the conditions of the child's stay. Scans of the signed documents were sent by e-mail, and the originals were given to the child with them.

I also had to agree or refuse the First Ice program - ice skating classes. I wouldn’t mind, but our dad sharply objected that the child would get a serious injury and instead of the Olympics he would cuckoo in the hospital, and I would have to rush to him. In principle, the child had an unfortunate knee injury, only last year the diagnosis was removed, so I did not insist.
By the way, when registering, it was necessary to indicate the size of the child and the size of his feet. This was necessary for the selection of T-shirts and sweatshirts for him (he brought with him and wears) and skates (they never skated).

It was necessary to issue a medical card in the form No. 159 / y-02 - this is a form for the camps "Eaglet" and "Ocean", taken no later than 10-14 days before the shift. In our polyclinic, the doctors were not familiar with it, but we printed it out from the Sirius website, filled it out for us according to the data of the last medical examination, and gave out, just in case, photocopies of this very medical examination, vaccinations for a lifetime, various tests, including tests for enterobiasis for the pool, certificate of epidemiological environment.
In principle, maybe it was not necessary to carry all this, but we, based on the consideration “more paper ...”, decided to play it safe.

Our regional Ministry of Education organized the trip for us, we regularly received mailings with information, the region allocated an escort for the guys (he later taught classes there), who collected the guys at the airport and drove them to Sirius.

There is an announcement on the Sirius website that now the flight for the guys is free, by the way, in general, staying there and, say, excursions are all free. Two guys were traveling from our city, so we cooperated with other parents and shared trips - they took them to the airport, we picked them up from there. We got there and back safely.

When Danila drove in (somewhere in the middle of the day, i.e. almost immediately), we received an SMS that he had settled. When I went back, I also came, though in the evening. It was also written on the website that if it is not possible to contact the child, then you can call around the clock by a phone number starting with 800, the service staff will contact the counselor responsible for the child and call back.

The educational center "Sirius" (Sochi) did not appear by chance. The President of the Russian Federation is well aware that the country needs young and talented people for economic growth. It is necessary to identify gifted children in a timely manner, create the most comfortable conditions for them, and attach senior mentors to them. For each such child, an individual development path should be developed. Only in this case can we count on the fact that in the future these talented guys will work in their country, help solve various problems, and timely prevent crises that arise in the domestic economy.

The need for a center

The educational center for talented children "Sirius" has become one of the points of a large-scale state program to support talented youth in Russia. The place for creation was not chosen by chance. After the Winter Olympics in Sochi, an excellent infrastructure remained. Already at the stage of construction of the Olympic Park, the government was considering the subsequent operation of the erected sports grounds and buildings.

The history of the center

In 2014, the Talent and Success Foundation was created, the initiator of its appearance was the President of the countries V. Putin. The most talented and gifted children were brought together by the educational center "Sirius". Sochi is considered a real forge of young talents. On the basis of the Olympic venues, unique conditions have been created for the children for individual personal growth, the formation of a team spirit, and the education of true patriots of great Russia.

Features of activity

The Sirius Children's Educational Center operates on the basis of the Foundation's charter. The Center has a license to conduct educational activities under the guidance and with the full support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

How do schoolchildren themselves assess the educational center "Sirius" (Sochi)? Reviews indicate that this playground for unique Russian children fully justifies its existence.

The main purpose of this amazing "city of smart children" is the early diagnosis of giftedness, the subsequent development of talented children, helping them in professional orientation.

The Sirius Educational Center (Sochi) supports schoolchildren who, despite their young age, have already demonstrated their amazing abilities in the natural sciences in sports, art, and have certain achievements in technical creativity.

The specifics of the educational center

The responses of the guys who were lucky enough to get into the educational center "Sirius" (Sochi) confirm the uniqueness of such a project. The center operates all year round, and all expenses for the stay of schoolchildren in it are borne by the state. Every month, the educational center for gifted children "Sirius" hosts about 600 schoolchildren aged 10 to 17 years. The children come to Sochi from different parts of our country. The uniqueness of the project lies in the fact that there are no “random” children in the center. All the guys already have certain achievements in their fields of knowledge, have shown themselves in sports or creative activities.

Organization of the educational process

In order for talented schoolchildren who came to the center from different Russian regions to develop along individual educational trajectories, the best coaches, teachers, musicians, and psychologists of the country work with them.

Coaches and teachers have a special selection, many criteria that they must meet. Teachers who come with the children get the opportunity to take professional development courses, they do not waste time in Sirius.

What does Sirius Educational Center offer? Literary creativity, research in the field of chemistry, academic music, classical ballet, fine arts, master classes in various types of applied art, all this is presented in this educational center. The program of stay in the center is designed for four weeks. In addition to classes in the main specialty (line of activity), creative meetings are held for the children, they organize leisure activities, and pay attention to health procedures.

The terms of participation

How to get to "Sirius" - an educational center for gifted and talented Russian children? Schoolchildren who have already become participants in this unique educational project say that they have not passed any special olympiads or competitions. The application for participation was submitted by their teachers or coaches, from the schoolchildren themselves they were required only to provide certificates and diplomas confirming their victory at all-Russian and international conferences, competitions, competitions.

The main condition for applying is that the child has Russian citizenship. The age of children ranges from 10 to 7 years, depending on the profile. For example, the “Science” shift is designed for children from 12 to 16 years old. Direction " literary creativity» is intended for talented Russians from 14 to 17 years old.

The guys tell how painful it was for them to wait for the result, and how happy they were when they learned that they were invited to the profile shift.

In order to fill out an application for participation in a certain shift of the Sirius Center, a certain list of documents is required. The child must have SNILS (individual insurance number of the personal account).

In addition, scans of all documents must be sent along with the application, which is a direct confirmation of the candidate's victories in olympiads, competitions, conferences. Such documents can be copies of letters, diplomas, certificates.


There are additional requirements for musicians. Along with the application, video recordings must be sent, which are posted on the Internet no later than six months before the date of submission of documents.

Artists who dream of being in the Sirius Center send up to 10 photos of their works.

Athletes provide protocols of sports achievements for the last two years. After the results of the qualifying round are summed up, a shift list is formed, and each participant is personally notified that he will be invited to a profile shift at the center for the development of gifted children in Russia.


Where is "Sirius" - educational center (Sochi). The address of this educational complex: Krasnodar Territory, Sochi, Olympic Avenue, 40.

You can get here by bus from the railway station or from the airport.

Editorial response

"Non-Childish Conversation with Vladimir Putin" at the Sirius Center. Photo: NTV channel frame

Friday, July 21st Russian President Vladimir Putin visited the educational center "Sirius" in Sochi, where he held a "direct line" with schoolchildren.

The Sirius Educational Center was established in Sochi on the basis of the Olympic infrastructure at the initiative of Vladimir Putin in December 2014. Putin himself headed the Board of Trustees of the Talent and Success Foundation, which oversees this project.

The center was named after the brightest star night sky.

The purpose of the center

The mission of the center is the search, professional support, development of gifted children from all over Russia, ensuring their interaction with potential employers.

To participate in educational programs The center admits children from 10 to 17 years old who have achieved outstanding success in natural sciences and mathematics, painting, academic music, choreography, hockey and figure skating.

According to Vladimir Putin, he came up with the idea of ​​creating such a center because “various foreign foundations roam the country and, already at the school level, they begin to select talented children and put them on grants, and then take them to various educational institutions.”

Speaking a year ago at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Talent and Success Foundation, Putin noted that it was important for Russia "not to lose a single talented child" in the struggle for intellectual resources in the world.

In this regard, Putin called the work on identifying talents and their further support, especially in terms of obtaining education and professional skills, a priority.

Basic principles of the center

  • Leadership
  • Encouragement of the best
  • Combining experience
  • Continuity
  • Synthesis of science, art and sports
  • Harmonious development of personality
  • Expanding horizons
  • Children's association
  • Scientific and technical creativity
  • openness

How many children study at Sirius?

Every month, 600 children aged 10-17 are trained at Sirius. Since the beginning of the work of the educational center, more than 15.4 thousand gifted schoolchildren from 85 regions of Russia have been trained here. The children are accompanied by more than 100 teachers and trainers who improve their skills in the center.

Is training paid?

No. Travel and stay in the center for children are free.

Who exactly can get into Sirius?

Schoolchildren demonstrating outstanding achievements in the sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology), sports (hockey, figure skating and chess), art (classical ballet, painting and academic music (piano); string instruments - violin, viola, cello, double bass, harp; wind instruments - oboe, clarinet, saxophone, bassoon, trumpet, horn, trombone, tuba, flute; percussion instruments)) and literary creativity.

More about the selection criteria for the educational center "Sirius"

Who works with gifted children?

Training is conducted by leading teachers of sports, physics and mathematics, chemical and biological schools, as well as eminent figures Russian art in the field of academic music, classical ballet and fine arts.

The educational program is designed for 24 days and includes both specialty classes and developing leisure activities, master classes, creative meetings with professionals recognized in their fields, a complex of health procedures, and general education classes during the academic year.

Several training programs have been prepared for the children in the following areas: "Sport", "Science", "Art".

What is Science Park?

"Science Park" is an infrastructural platform for the programs of the educational center "Sirius". More than 80 scientific and educational premises are located on its site: laboratories, workshops, expositions and exhibition halls, classrooms and classrooms. Up to 500 children can study in the park at the same time. It is on its basis that design work Russian geeks in the areas of "Science" and "Art".

Do schoolchildren need to take textbooks to Sirius?

Diary and textbooks are not needed. The journal is kept in electronic form, at the end of the shift, report cards with grades will be printed. The school is stocked with textbooks.

In what conditions do children live and study?

The center provides pupils with accommodation in double, triple and quadruple superior rooms, six meals a day (buffet), transfer (dry rations are issued for the return trip). In addition to classes, for the pupils of "Sirius" organized entertainment: quizzes, intellectual shows, talent contests, board games, quests, discos and film screenings in the center's 3D cinema.