Global flood. New Deluge: Prelude Resolution from White house. “Whales are swimming above us…”

Who today has not heard the legend of the biblical righteous Noah? Who has not heard, in a nutshell I will remind you. Saving Noah from the Flood for his righteous life, God told him to build a boat and take "each creature in pairs." By the end of the journey, Noah's Ark washed up on the mountains of Ararat.

How much, how much?

Modern America has always been famous for its extravagant projects. And now, in Kentucky, at the Museum of the Creation of the World, they have taken up the construction of a religious park, costing 120 million dollars.

For the park, they plan to build a copy of Noah's Ark, with an approximate cost of about $ 25 million. (Interestingly, how much did the righteous man himself need to build such a ship?). True, the Americans have collected so far, a little more than half of the required amount. (But when did that stop them?!).

In the ship itself, mechanical exhibits of biblical animals, which Noah managed to grab, will be “settled”. By the way, Noah himself launched a raven several times to find the long-awaited land. But the poor raven was unlucky, every time he returned with nothing. More fortunate was the dove who plucked a leaf from the Mount of Olives and carried it in its beak to the Ark.

The idea is not new

Previously, the Japanese wanted to build arks, in the form of platforms that drifted into pacific ocean. The Japanese believe in the coming next Flood and are preparing as best they can.

And the Americans, as always, well done! Toli decided to promote Christianity to the masses even deeper (although, much deeper!). Whether to promote on a biblical topic (now only the lazy do not promote it!). But I personally would be interested to visit such an Ark. Somehow. By the way, they plan to finish construction in 2016. Let's see. If anything, we will know where to save ourselves!

The horrors of Armageddon, cataclysms and the end of the world scare society with enviable regularity. However, in recent times, citizens have not reacted to such statements as vividly as, for example, to the Apocalypse-2012, promised not only by the mastadons of clairvoyance and astrology, but also by the Mayan priests. Whether it is worth expecting the death of the world in 2016, none of the prophets speaks clearly, but there are more than enough hints, half-hints and veiled messages about impending dangers in predictions.

We drown or not

When the question of whether the world will end in 2016 is asked by professor and former NASA director James Hansen, he replies that this is quite real, at least for many coastal regions.

According to the scientist, the climate of our planet is in a deplorable state and the consequences of its deterioration will soon manifest themselves in the most severe way. Most of the glaciers will melt and a significant part of the land will go under water. Many people will die, and the survivors will have to go deep into the continents, fleeing from the rising water level. It will not be possible to find shelter in Europe, as heavy rains will flood it. A tsunami of unprecedented power will hit the Indian coast and bring destruction and death with it. As a result of a natural disaster, entire species of flora and fauna will cease to exist, and the Earth will turn into a single ocean with rare small islands.

Virus: is it worth it to be afraid

At the end of 2016, humanity will almost completely die out due to the global epidemic of a terrible virus. Some American scientists think so. According to their assumptions, the bird fungus known today will mutate and become much more dangerous. Once in drinking water, it will lead to the infection of a huge number of people and animals. They will not be able to develop a vaccine in time, and the bulk of patients will die in terrible agony. The population of the planet will decrease significantly, and many cities will be empty forever.

Nostradamus on the end of the world

The great and terrible Michel prophesied in one of his mysterious quatrains that a terrible catastrophe awaits our planet in 2016. According to his rhyming predictions, humanity will die from an infection caused by mass extinction river and sea fish. The water in the rivers and seas will turn into a deadly poison and everyone who tries it will immediately die.

A distinctive feature of the summer will be suffocating heat and a great drought. Many cities and villages will perish in the fire and it will not be possible to restore them. Few survivors will know all the pangs of hunger and will drag out a miserable existence, full of sorrow and tears.

Vanga's version of the end of the world

Visions of the blind soothsayer Vanga say that Armageddon may well come in 2016. True, it is not a great cataclysm that will destroy the world, but a more prosaic reason - the Third World War. The Muslim state will unleash it, but over time, dozens of countries will be drawn into the conflict.

At one terrible moment, someone will not stand it and, by clicking on the notorious red button, will use chemical weapons. There will be many destroyed cities and human casualties, and the European continent will be empty for a long time. However, in such a sad vision of the Bulgarian soothsayer there is also a timid ray of light. Vanga believed that the sound and balanced position of Russia would save the world from complete destruction.

A cloud that brings chaos

International astrophysicists argue that the greatest danger threatens humanity from outer space. The American Chandra telescope has spotted a giant cloud of gas dust in our galaxy, which clearly and systematically moves to the side. solar system. The media claim that this formation will not reach the Earth in the coming years, but scientist Albert Shervinsky is not at all so optimistic. He believes that truthful information is deliberately hushed up so as not to sow panic and horror among the townsfolk, but in fact " A cloud that wreaks havoc”by the end of 2016 will come close to our planetary system.

What will this uninvited guest bring with him? Particles of incandescent dust and gas, which, having penetrated into earth's atmosphere, destroy all life and turn the planet into a stone desert. A sad prospect, but such is the essence of the end of the world - the complete destruction of everything and everything. We can only hope that this prediction will not come true.

Alarmists warn

A group of researchers and scientists created in Ukraine, who call themselves alarmists (alarmists), claims that the universal apocalypse will come on the day of the spring equinox of 2016. True, these comrades do not tell how humanity will perish. Perhaps it is precisely because of the lack of specifics of the representatives of the “alarm” movement that no one takes seriously and does not listen to their statements.

Throughout the previous narrative, we proceeded from the assumption that the Flood was worldwide. This view was generally accepted until the 20th century. The Greatest Interpreter Holy scriptures St. John Chrysostom , for example, says that “Our Lord, having cleansed the WHOLE UNIVERSE with this flood, and, so to speak, having freed from human wickedness, the filth of extreme corruption, made her the most beautiful and again showed us her bright face, not allowing a trace of the former disgrace to remain. "The waters rose fifteen cubits above the mountains." It is not without reason that Scripture tells us about this, but so that we may know that not only people, and cattle, and quadrupeds, and reptiles, but also the birds of the air, and all the beasts and other dumb animals that only lived on the mountains were drowned ”( 9. p.251).

Like this says St. Irenaeus of Lyon : “And then death befell all the people, as well as the animals that were on the earth - only those who took refuge in the ark remained alive”(14. p. 577). St. Theophilus of Antioch directly rejects Plato's opinion that only the plains were flooded and claims that only those who were in the ark were saved (7. pp. 511-513). Also proves the global nature of the flood and blessed Augustine (15. p. 133). Examples can be multiplied, but this is enough, because "by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word was confirmed"(Matthew 18:16).

However, in our day, among many theologians, the opinion has spread that the flood did not affect the entire land. There are two points of view on the area of ​​flooding of the earth. The most radical of them belongs, of course, to Prot. Alexander Menu. In his opinion, “There is no doubt that the Sumerian-Babylonian legend served as a model for the legend of Yagwist (one of the mythical five “authors” of the Pentateuch - D.D.)” (16. p. 300). He says that the source of this legend is the gigantic flood of the Euphrates, known as the "Flood of the Woolley". Was the flood global?- Asks Fr. Men. — Those who look for geological facts in the Bible will be disappointed. The poetic shell of the legend obscures external details and facts. Geology does not know the global flood, but it is quite possible that the most ancient centers of civilization were affected by the disaster.(16. p. 301). Obviously, for this notorious archpriest, the flood, if there was one, did not even affect all people. There is nowhere to go further along the path of destruction of Revelation!

Turning to their arguments in defense of your point of view, you are amazed at its weakness. The only biblical evidence in favor of the all-human nature of the flood is the quite fair assertion that sometimes “the whole earth” means only “the whole world known to the Jews” ( Romans 10:18; 1 Kings 10:24; Acts 2:5; Luke 2:1), from this, for some reason, the conclusion is made that here, too, we are talking about the area known to Moses and his contemporaries. We are not told how this interpretation was obtained. But the Scripture under the expression "the whole earth" means all mankind ( Ps. 99.1), so why not understand the whole story of the flood allegorically. - After all, water is in Scripture an image Holy Spirit(John 7:38-39). If we approach the Mosaic legend so unceremoniously, then we can decide that all mankind was embraced by the grace of the Spirit, from which only Noah and those who were with him were saved. This is an absurd interpretation, like the one used by the modernists is equally false, for it directly contradicts Canon 19 of the Council of Trullo, which forbids understanding St. Scripture differently than the Holy Fathers understood it. If you do not follow this rule, then any sacred text can be turned out as you like, up to its complete opposite of its own meaning. -It would only be enough desire and imagination! This is how all the heresies arise that claim that the Bible can be understood by itself. We have already seen the patristic opinion that the waters of the flood covered the whole land, let us consider this biblical narrative in more detail and find out which opinion explains it more naturally - patristic or modernist?

Before starting to analyze all the biblical stories about the flood (and they are not only in the book of Genesis), it must first be noted that in Revelation the expression “the whole earth” is also used in its proper sense ( Apoc.5,6;13,12; Isaiah 54:5; Mic.4,13; Zech. 4:14). So it is up to us to choose from among the various senses one that does not contradict the whole integrity of Revelation. If an unbiased person reads the biblical narrative, then he will naturally get the impression that the flood was planetary in nature. Our reader will come across no less than thirty testimonies of the catastrophe's global nature. He learns that God has decided to "destroy everything that exists from the face of the earth" ( Gen.7,4) The Lord said that everything under heaven, on earth, will lose its life (cf. Genesis 6:17) and so it happened ( Gen. 7:21-23) - "Only Noah remained, and what happened to him in the ark." The water was so high that it covered for 15 cubits "all the high mountains that are under the sky" ( Genesis 7:19-20), and not on the land familiar to the Jews. This catastrophe lasted a year, which never happens with small floods. Of course, our hypothetical reader, not weighed down by evolutionary tales, would come to the conclusion that we are talking about a global flood. This conviction would only be strengthened if he remembered that mankind most likely inhabited the whole land then, for people then were distinguished by longevity and fertility, and even in the beginning God commanded them to fill the whole earth ( Genesis 1:28), and in order to destroy it, therefore, a worldwide flood was also needed.

Global flood. Sketch. V. P. Vereshchagin. 1869

This conviction would develop into certainty if he looked at what was said about the flood in other biblical books. The most powerful evidence in favor of the traditional understanding of the nature of this catastrophe is the words The Lord Jesus Christ Himself: “And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be in the days of the Son of Man: eating, drinking, marrying, giving in marriage, until the day Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all ... So it will be in that day, when the Son of Man appears" (Luke 17:26-27:30). If no one could escape from the universal conflagration on the day of the end of time, then no one could be saved outside of Noah's Ark on the day of the destruction of the first world. His Master is echoed by his supreme disciple. He testifies that God "did not spare the first world, but saved the family of Noah in eight souls when he brought a flood on the world ("cosmos") of the ungodly" ( 2 Peter 2:5) These words cannot be attributed only to the Euphrates valley or to inhabited land, which cannot be called space. Obviously, this catastrophe affected not only the Earth, but also the celestial spheres. The atmosphere changed and, perhaps, it was at this time that a flood occurred on Mars. After all, according to the Scriptures, “the windows of heaven were opened” and water poured onto our planet, which is above the firmament. Even more strengthens the traditional interpretation of other words of ap. Petra: “In the beginning, by the word of God, the heavens and the earth were made up of water and water: therefore, the world of that time perished, having been drowned by water. But the present heavens and earth, which are contained by the same Word, are kept up by fire for the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.” (2 Peter 3:5-7). So, if Revelation is to be believed, there can be no doubt that the waters of the flood covered the whole land and no one could be saved except those who were in the ark. In the same way, no one will escape the last fiery cataclysm, except for those who, through Baptism enters the new ark Ecumenical Orthodox Church and (cf. 1 Peter 3:21). It seems that it is precisely in this biblical comparison of the end of the world and the flood that one of the secret springs is hidden that forces us to reject the universality of the flood (Although, of course, the main reason for creating this hypothesis is the desire to adapt to the spirit of the times). After all, if it was possible to escape from the flood even without the ark (for example, by running away to an unflooded place), then with our information systems and technical capabilities, we have no reason to live in the Church. We already know in advance about some particular cataclysm and will be saved either under water or on spaceship. But it won't work. — “Though they burrow into hell, and from there my hand will take them; at least they ascend to heaven, and from there I will overthrow them ... at least they hide themselves from My eyes at the bottom of the sea, and there I will command the sea serpent to sting them ”(Amos.9,2-3) — The Lord speaks.

Deluge - 1864. Aivazovsky Ivan Konstantinovich

You can also touch on a number of other reasons why the opinion of the modernists is absolutely incredible. Firstly, God promised not to send flood waters on the earth again ( Genesis 9:15) and the prophet Isaiah speaks from the Face of the Lord: “This is for Me as the waters of Noah: just as I swore that leading Noah they would not come to earth again, so I swore not to be angry with you and not to reproach you” (Isaiah 54:9). -We are talking here about the New Israel, born as a result of the atoning sacrifice of the Servant Yahweh. If the waters of Noah covered only part of the land, then with each local flood God turns out to be a liar and then His attitude towards Orthodox Church is completely unpredictable. Of course, to think of the Lord in this way is to place oneself completely outside the bounds of salvation and to renounce any relation to Revelation. Secondly, the very construction of a giant ark is absolutely meaningless. Indeed, in a hundred years, Noah and his family could migrate to any corner of our planet. And the ark itself of such dimensions is necessary only for the global, and not for the all-human flood. -Any animals and birds could, like Noah, go to any unflooded place. And if suddenly the Lord, on some whim, wanted Noah to be saved on the ship, then it was quite possible to make it ten times smaller than that described in the book of Genesis. Moreover, it was said that the ark was created in order to "to preserve the tribe for all the earth" (Gen.7,3).

CONCLUSION Our journey has come to an end and we are leaving the holy pages of Genesis. We have gone through the fire of evolutionism and the waters of modernist pseudo-theology, but we have been led by the One who was the Fourth in the furnace of Babylon. We contemplated the glory of the incorruptible world, which came out incorruptible from the hands of God, and the abyss into which the fall of the primordials cast it. We have also seen the rise of the magical apostate civilization that we are witnessing its rebirth, and we have seen how the Merciful Justice cleansed the universe with the first baptism of the flood. If it pleases the All-good Redeemer, in the future we will return to the study of how to harmonize the most accurate Revelation given to Moses with the fluid achievements of pseudo-nominal scientific wisdom in order to fulfill the commandment of our Savior Jesus Christ: “Therefore, every scribe who has been instructed in the kingdom of heaven is like a master who brings out of his treasury both new and old” (Matthew 13:52). I sincerely ask all those who have read my humble work to lift up their pure prayers for the author of these lines, the sinful deacon Daniel, so that God will allow him to settle in the same heavenly cloisters to which the pious Orthodox reader directs his steps. I beg you to cover with your gracious love all the countless shortcomings of this work, which the author raised for no reason other than his own zeal in defense of our Mother Church, insulted by the new Gnostics - "Christian evolutionists". Their heresies, which reject both omnipotence, and all-goodness, and the wisdom of the Creator in the name of following the spirit of this age, will lead those whom they tempt directly to the recognition of the ancient Enemy of the human race, who invented evolutionism, and to the rejection of the entire economy of the Second Adam, who said: “We are talking about what they saw; but you do not accept Our testimony. If I told you about earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you about heavenly things? "( John 3:11-12) And both in the 2nd century, and in the 20th century, the Church faithfully proclaims the Tradition received from the apostles, as St. Irenaeus of Lyons, “who preaches the One Almighty God, the Creator of heaven and earth, the Creator of man, who brought the flood and called Abraham” (14. p. 223). And as then, so now She does not know other gods of evolution, helping or hindering the One, who created the world in six days and creates everything as He pleases. The Day of the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin, on which the Creator renewed Adam's distortion. Year from the creation of the world 7507 (1999 A.D.).

Priest Daniil Sysoev

The end of the world did not happen in 2012, but it was just one of many prophecies that do not end in 2012. What awaits us in the coming years and what threats await us?

2013 - Ragnarok and Solar Apocalypse

Ragnarok in Norse mythology - the death of the gods and the whole world, will follow last battle between gods and chthonic monsters.

According to the prophecy, on the day of Ragnarök, the monstrous wolf Fenrir will swallow the Sun, plunging the world into darkness, and the sea will burst its banks when the world serpent Jörmungandr emerges from the depths. They will be joined by the fiery giant Surt with a flaming sword that will scorch the earth, and the mistress of the underworld kingdom Hel, and the insidious god Loki, along with frost giants - hrimtus and jotuns. The ship of the dead Naglfar sails from Helheim. The army of the sons of Muspelheim jumps over the Bifrost bridge, which collapses in the process.

But the death of the world will be followed by its revival: the sons of Odin - Vidar and Vali, and the sons of Thor - Magni and Modi, who inherit the hammer Mjolnir, survive and settle in the place where the Idavoll valley used to be (in the center of Asgard). They return from the realm of the dead and reconcile with each other Baldr and his murderer - the blind god Hod. Hoddmimir and two people, Liv and Livtrasir, will survive, hiding in the grove, who will again give rise to the human race.

Back in August 2012, Professor Mike Hapgood, who chairs the Space Environment Impacts Expert Group (SEIEG) and advises the government on space weather, published that solar storms generated by solar flares could shut down the nation's power grid and global positioning system. A government adviser called for action to "save the Earth" from devastating solar storms expected to shut down the US government power grid in 2013. The US government power grid and GPS are expected to shut down if the solar blast energy reaches our planet.

Professor Hapgood, an Oxford graduate, warned: “A large magnetic storm could pass through the earth's crust, skipping electricity through the aluminum or copper wires of the national power grid, which can lead to a blackout of the entire country. Interaction with the Earth's atmosphere can affect radio signals, GPS will not work, all modes of transport, including aircraft, depend on GPS, and if the system suddenly collapses, the consequences can be deadly ".

In 2009, a report by a NASA-funded research team claimed that such storms would lead to a "catastrophe on a planetary scale." The storm will leave half the US without power in less than 90 seconds, run out of coal in 30 days and take the country a decade to recover. The financial loss from this outcome is estimated at 1.5 trillion pounds - and this is only for the first year.

2014 - Cloud sowing chaos

According to astronomers, a cloud of dust is approaching the Earth, which erases everything in its path. It emerged from a black hole - at a distance of 28,000 light years from our planet. Astronomers observing celestial body, they say that they managed to detect a strange clot, which has already been dubbed a "cloud sowing chaos" - it destroys everything in its path: comets, asteroids, planets and stars. Now he's heading for Earth.

The 10-million-mile-long space object was discovered by NASA's Chandra Observatory in April this year and, according to scientists, belongs to the "acid fog" category. The mysterious cloud is expected to reach Earth by 2014. The only positive news around this discovery is that thanks to it, a number of assumptions made earlier in physics are confirmed. "The bad news is that the total destruction of our solar system is imminent," said Albert Shervinsky, an astrophysicist at the University of Cambridge.

According to Shervinsky, information about the approaching threat is kept secret, and NASA, trying to avoid panic, is in no hurry to disclose its find. At the same time, the astrophysicist is convinced that if the cloud does not turn off its trajectory, then our galaxy will decrease to its previous size, i.e. to the original state of the birth of the universe.

2015 - End of the 9576-year cycle

In the early 90s of the last century, Professor of the National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" Mykola Chmykhov (1953-1994) came up with a theory according to which natural and social upheavals on Earth are caused by cosmic phenomena, in particular, crises in the relative position of the planets of the solar system.

Using modern data from archeology, history, astronomy, geophysics, ethnography and many other sciences, he actually laid the foundations of a new worldview concept - cosmoarchaeological.

All this happens through severe inter-epochal natural upheavals: floods, fires, changes in the inclination of the earth's axis, and for people - through wars, invasions, mutual destruction, etc.

The year 2015, which marks the turning point of as many as three - 1596 -, 7980 - and 9576 - year cycles (and many smaller ones included in these large and significant cycles), should mark the beginning of a qualitatively new era, both for the life of the cosmic organism of the planet Earth, and for the existence human community.

2016 - The Flood

In 1988, James Hansen, Director of the Space Research Institute at NASA, first announced the impact of human activity on the increase in the temperature of the planetary atmosphere. It took a lot of courage.

Speaking to reporters recently in Washington, Hansen emphasized that the world had long since crossed the dangerous threshold of emitting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere:

"We have reached the point where emergency has acquired planetary proportions. We are very close to a turning point in the entire global climate system. If we miss it, then huge systemic changes will begin, and the process will get out of control. . We have already reached one point of no return, and during the summer season we can lose all the Arctic ice cover. This will happen due to an imbalance in the energy balance of the planet,” says Hansen.

According to him, in 2016 the Arctic ice will completely melt in one summer season, which will lead to the flooding of vast areas.

2017 - The death of the world according to the prophecy of the Holy Matrona

In conversations with her loved ones, Saint Matrona said: “How sorry I am for you, you will live to the end times. Life will get worse and worse. Heavy. The time will come when they will put a cross and bread in front of you and say - choose! Mother Matrona was always surrounded by believers, they knew what they would choose - of course, the cross. But they asked mother Matrona - how are we going to live without food? The Holy Matrona said: “And we will pray, we will take some land, we will roll up balls, we will pray to God, we will eat and we will be full!”

Mother said - "The people are under hypnosis, they are not themselves, a terrible force lives in the air, penetrates everywhere, before swamps and dense forests were the habitat of this force, since people went to churches, wore a cross and houses were protected by images, lamps and consecration, and demons flew past such houses, and now people are inhabited by demons due to unbelief and rejection of God.

And yet, apparently, about the last times, mother said this: There will be no war, without war everyone will die, there will be many victims, all the dead will lie on the ground. In the evening everything will be on the ground, and in the morning you will rise - everything will go into the ground. Without war, war goes on!"

2018-2019 - Nuclear and bacteriological wars

This is the prediction of the astrologer Michel Nostradamus. Quatrain 41 Centuries II.

“The Big Star will boil for seven days.
It will raise such a cloud that the sun will double.
The big dog will howl that night
When will the pope change his residence?

According to the prophecies of Nostradamus, we are threatened with a famine of such magnitude that many will be forced to eat forest roots, and some will even become cannibals. We are threatened with wars using chemical, bacteriological and nuclear weapons, as well as the worst inflation that mankind has ever known. We will suffer the economic and social consequences of religious conflicts unleashed by fanatics. In other words, an era of monstrous terror and endless fear is coming.

However, not everything is so gloomy, since the same Nostradamus, having predicted disasters in the coming years, nevertheless believed that after some long period after such sufferings, humanity would live happily and travel in interstellar space.

2060 - Newton's Apocalypse

The manuscript of the great physicist Isaac Newton with a terrible prophecy was presented at an exhibition that opened at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Newton is the father classical physics, the man who developed differential and integral calculus, built the first mirror telescope.

In an exhibition called "Newton's Secrets" you can see a manuscript that displays a specific date for the end of the world - 2060. It is known that great physicist identified it by deciphering the Bible. It took him almost 50 years to do this.

The fact that Newton indicated the exact date of Armageddon, experts learned at the end of 2002, when a manuscript with records was discovered. He, in turn, was kept for many years in the Jewish National Library in Jerusalem among the sheets of the unsorted archive of the author of the law of universal gravitation.

New World Flood, as they say NASA scientists, will come in 60 years - in 2075. Changes in the internal structure of ice in the polar caps of the Earth, which indicate the imminent start of its melting, are also confirmed by the observations of polar explorers. According to the Norwegian Polar Institute, there will be no ice in the Arctic in the summer of 2021.

In the history of our planet, global floods have occurred many times. Scientists know the fact of the retreat and advance of the Black Sea coastline in historical time. In the first century AD, the ancient Greek cities built in the era of early antiquity, 500-700 years BC, were under water. But four thousand years ago, the level of the world's oceans exceeded the modern one by several meters. Perhaps it was during that flood that the legendary Hyperborea also perished, a country with a developed civilization, according to legend, that existed near the coast of the Arctic Ocean, which in those ancient times extended much further to the south and was not covered with ice.

Scenario of a new Flood

According to NASA, human activity: emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere accelerated the natural process tenfold global warming. Is a new Flood inevitable? And how will the area and configuration of the land change in this case?

Deputy Chairman of the Volgograd branch of the Russian geographical society, climatologist Anatoly Sudakov gives the following calculations:

- The coming flood threatens to raise the level of the World Ocean to catastrophic levels. If a volume of ice equal to only the Greenland ice sheet completely melts, then the level of the World Ocean will rise by six meters. And if all the continental ice melts, then coastline oceans will be 65-70 meters higher. In case of melting of half of the surface glaciers of the Earth, the territories inhabited by up to 50-55% of its population will be flooded. With the complete melting of ice, including Antarctica, an area where 80% of the population lives will be flooded. There will be global hunger.

Of course, complete melting, and even melting of half the volume of continental ice, will not occur in the coming millennia; there is no such heat on Earth and never will be. But still, as a result of the ongoing global warming, the area of ​​surface ice can be significantly reduced. Even if the ocean level rises by ten to fifteen meters in a century, it will not seem enough. Already in this century, the fate of Hyperborea can be shared by Holland, Denmark, Bangladesh, Paraguay, Uruguay, Finland, Great Britain, France, and significant territories of many other states.

Global warming will last 1000 years

Rosgidromettsentr predicts for the south of Russia the winter of 2015-2016 in a normal winter, with average temperatures typical for this time of year. However, according to Anatoly Sudakov, "although individual winters with significant and severe frosts are not excluded, the general warming trend on the planet will continue for at least the next thousand years."

The accelerated global warming caused by the industrial activity of mankind, he believes, can really provoke a global catastrophe:

- With an increase in the average temperature on the planet by another 0.5-0.8 degrees, active melting of continental glaciers will begin, which will lead to a significant rise in the water level in the oceans and flooding of vast territories not only of coastal, but also of inland plains - the main grain-producing regions of the world . In the worst case scenario, humanity could lose up to 80% of arable land.

At the same time, people who claim that Russia will not suffer or even benefit from the thawing of the northern territories in the process of global warming do not realize that this is not at all the case, the Volgograd climatologist is sure. After all, we all live on one relatively small “ball” by the standards of our solar system, where all natural processes are interconnected. In addition, when water floods the flat territories of the Earth, over a billion Chinese, about half a billion Africans, over four hundred million inhabitants of North America and the same number of South will remain without a territory of their residence; about two hundred million inhabitants of Bangladesh, the same number of Europeans, about one hundred million Vietnamese ... And this is far from full list. These people will have no place in their countries. Four or five billion people will move from their current places of residence! No country in the world can contain this human avalanche of climate refugees.

“Whales are swimming above us…”

Since “one's own shirt is closer to the body”, we are primarily interested in the question: what will happen to the South-East of Russia if the scenario of a new global flood becomes a reality?

- Our country, in the implementation of a catastrophic climate scenario, is threatened by flooding not only sparsely populated West Siberian Lowland, but also half of the territory of the Russian Plain, where eighty percent of the population of the Russian Federation lives. And what is especially bad is that part of the territory of our country, which is the base of the grain economy - the south of Russia, will suffer more than others from global climate change. This will cause enormous damage to our country,” says Anatoly Sudakov.

Ten to fifteen thousand years ago, our territory was already the bottom of the shallow and warm Khvalynsk Sea. And 145 - 65 million years ago it was the bottom of a vast oceanic bay. Therefore, paleontologists find in our steppes the fossilized remains of aquatic dinosaurs (plesiosaurs), the teeth of giant ancient sharks, and the shells of long-extinct mollusks.

“With the complete melting of the ice sheet on Earth, the inhabitants of the Lower Volga region will be forced to leave their places of residence, since the Caspian Sea will flood the Caspian lowland and its environs, pushing its northwestern border to the latitude of Saratov and even further,” the Volgograd climatologist believes.

Currently, two billion people on Earth live in famine zones. If even half of the plains on the continents are flooded with water, hunger will cover the entire population of the planet. “This catastrophe will reduce the population of the Earth by at least 4-5 times,” says A. Sudakov.

He is sure that if in the next 30 years industrial technologies are not completely translated into completely new foundation excluding thermal pollution environment on a global scale, the irreversible melting of the Earth's ice caps will begin already in the forties of our century!

It is clear that in all ages no one loved the “cassanders” and did not listen to their prophecies. Mankind is generally not inclined to change the established way of life, with the constant pumping out of the "blood of the Earth" - oil - and gas, with gigantic emissions of greenhouse gases and heat into the atmosphere.

But in this case, in the face of a universal deadly threat to humanity, it's time to stop the endless wars and conflicts in the struggle for "global dominance" and unite in order to develop a strategy for salvation from a new global flood. Or, if a flood is imminent, at least start preparing for it. For example, to start gradual resettlement of the population from potentially flooded areas. To develop terraces for agriculture in the mountains. Start building floating "water cities". Introduce technologies for obtaining food from microorganisms. Maybe even start seriously preparing for the colonization of Mars and the Moon.

“Climate cataclysms will happen one way or another, given that warming will continue for at least another thousand years,” says Anatoly Sudakov. - The question is whether they will take on the character of a civilizational catastrophe or whether the community of people on Earth will routinely prepare for life in a new world, in a new climate. Humanity still has time to postpone the impending catastrophe, to plan and implement a set of measures aimed at its survival in the conditions of the coming thousand-year warming on Earth.

But there is less and less time to do it.