Is there love at a distance: are feelings possible online and how long do they live. Is there love at a distance: are feelings possible-online and how long do they live The sun is still far too warm

They say love at a distance is impossible.
The sun is also far away ... but still warm! (@)

There are kilometers between us again -
Do not cast a glance, do not reach with your hand.
And only my words fly in the wind,
To tell you about the main thing.

Let everything not be as desired, it turns out,
But I won't blame fate.
A star burns in the night in the sky,
Giving lines of warm grace.

As long as there is ink and there is paper,
And the tenderness of feelings overwhelms the chest,
I will recreate my love from the ashes,
To breathe immortality into her.


To talk about usefulness or uselessness, you need to know the essence of the issue. However, most of those who have trampled, are trampling, or will someday trample on this earth, live uselessly, do not bring warmth, light, or love into this world. Oh yes... I don't associate myself with your "we" pronoun. My "we" is a circle of chosen people whose words do not differ from deeds, not here, not there, as you deigned to notice ...)))
With the most good wishes, Angelica

Why learn something if we are useless anyway?
It even comes out as some kind of sabotage when a useless person starts to rush about with his underwear and yell - I know the Truth and Revelation!
How does he know this?
And as soon as it happens as he assured, there are more deaths and deceived. But he doesn't notice it.

And where did you get the idea that we are all useless? I don't consider myself one. On the contrary, I strive to know the truth in order to become even more useful. But I will not impose my point of view and bore you with a long conversation. The essence of everyone's life is his own business.

I was just asking, not counting you as useless..
And you considered yourself useful, but denied me this.
I think that the questions here are useless not about what you want to study ..
YOU are lying ... brazenly, moreover.

An ill-mannered person who addresses an unfamiliar woman as "you" is trying to catch a lie ... You are not only rude, but also funny, because you are not logical. I'm bored with your empty demagogy ... And therefore, do not bother to write more - there will be no answer. And if you try to be nasty again, I will delete your uncultured writings.

The daily audience of the portal is about 200 thousand visitors, who in total view more than two million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

It is said that separation carries the same risk for love as the wind does for fire; it extinguishes a small one, and only inflates a large one and makes it stronger.

Close contact, mutual liking and attraction naturally imply desires to be together all the time.

Alas, life is an insidious thing, sometimes making trips and more often than necessary offering tests for love. So, does love exist at a distance, how long does it live and can it be trusted?!

Reasons for breaking up

Maybe you were offered a prestigious job in another city, and the second half cannot immediately move off and say goodbye to the "habitant" office?

Or maybe you have a long and very important business trip to another country? Single cruise at a bargain price?

The reasons may be less rosy. For example, forced care for a sick relative, the need to leave for work. Most often, feelings are tested by separation during the army period.

Methods for maintaining love at a distance:

  • Declaration of love in poetic forms via SMS or letters.
  • Constant calls and long conversations in the evenings.
  • The Internet and its possibilities of communication via ICQ or Skype.
  • Ordering gifts in an online store, from where they will deliver a surprise right to the doorstep of a loved one.

What is the main problem?

The main disadvantages at this time are the impossibility of personal communication and the ambiguity of one's own marital status. After all, the second half is, but next to it is not. There is no one to go to an interesting party with, visit a trendy restaurant, even have to fall asleep alone.

Communication mainly takes place by telephone, the Internet or the good old mail correspondence. But is love possible over the Internet and at a distance? Rare meetings are perceived as a gift from heaven.

The risk of flirting on the side, the emergence of new friends and admirers increases. Is it possible to feel love at a distance and remain faithful?

Illusion of loneliness

If a partner is not around for a long time, then how to resist the temptation to attend social events? The answer is simple, no way.

Remember that you are not alone!

The remoteness of the second half is not a reason to lead a reclusive lifestyle, which is why ladies often sin, remaining in the role of the Decembrist's wife. You are not a loner, but a girl who has made her free and balanced choice.

Do not put the question squarely!

If the absence of a loved one is torture and a cross on oneself, then is there love at a distance - the issue is resolved with you.

Perhaps you simply overestimated the depth of your feelings and the test is too overwhelming for you.

This is not an accusation at all, but a statement of fact.

In solitude, you can weigh your position and evaluate it.

There is a risk of starting to blame the partner for forced separation. This may indicate a weakness of feeling.

Are you angry at a person or at a circumstance? Do you want to change the situation and give up the status of a loner? Are you burdened by your beloved, who is in the distance? Alas, there is no smell of love here.

With or without him?

There are no holy people, so bitter feelings visit everyone from time to time. There is a temptation to quarrel, express your dissatisfaction and reproach your partner for something.

But a loved one remains so even at a distance. Even if it’s hard with him, it’s worse without him, which means that reconciliation is inevitable.

The second side of the illusion of loneliness presents the opportunity to begin to idealize the partner and the relationship itself. Past meetings seem like a dream, touches - bliss, and the meeting will eventually turn out to be a cruel disappointment.

On a note!
They say that without separation it is impossible to fully comprehend love, because love is hardened, in trials it is much stronger than weak and fragile, which did not know expectation and sadness, such love crumbles into pieces like a house of cards from the slightest breath of breeze.

poignant moments

There is even a special list of nuances that most strongly change relationships that pass the test of distance:

  • Lack of sex. It is very hard to bear the lack of an intimate connection, the inability to make love with your partner, who theoretically exists, but is practically absent. Often this is the reason for betrayal in a relationship.
  • The second difficulty is inability to talk. The departing partner is changing, acquiring new acquaintances and affections.
    It is easier for him to adapt to the world around him, since there are fewer connections with the "past" life. The partner who remains to wait experiences more, as he connects many moments with his beloved and maintains the illusion of an unchanging relationship.
  • The third point is changing priorities and goals at the same time, the character also changes. For example, the situation with the departure of a guy in the army.
    He is constantly busy, finds many acquaintances with similar problems, the style of communication is changing, and the girl cannot get used to it. The most difficult thing is just at the end of the separation, when the couple is waiting for the meeting and involuntarily thinks about all the surprises that she is preparing.

Believe and feel love

It is best to assess the situation by being inside it.

After all, believing in love has always been fashionable.

Romantic guys are always in the price of girls, and romantic girls are classics of attractiveness.

A person without love does not live, but exists, therefore he reaches for feelings, searches for them and idealizes them. Finding himself in a problematic and tragic situation, a person most often changes his point of view and literally descends from heaven to earth.

Stubborn facts

Statistically, a separation of two years or less is relatively easy to bear, especially now that video calls, phone sex, and joint weekends with flights are available.

But after two years of relationship at a distance, calls become less frequent, common themes less and less. Waiting risks developing into severe depression.

Distance occurs due to the fact that everyday joys and sorrows want to be shared with those who are nearby. You want to make rare meetings a holiday, and this removes true intimacy from relationships.

You can continue to believe in love and even feel it, but you will inevitably have to accept the fact that there is less passion and soulfulness in a relationship. Women suffer more acutely, as they need more tenderness and daily care.

To answer the question - is there love at a distance, you need to continue to feel love and you will have to make a lot of mutual efforts. This is the only way to continue the relationship.

So it turns out that love at a distance turns into the work of two people, it needs to be nurtured and cherished like a baby, so that it grows into a serious, adult and bright feeling.

How many years does love live?

Oh, how many answers to this question - is it possible to love at a distance - psychologists and philosophers gave advice!

But they agree only that they do not give love a lot of time.

Someone says that love lives for three years.

Others note the crisis of three and five years of marriage, when the bonds of love weaken and the risk of separation increases. Many people remember the famous saying about a pood of salt eaten for two.

According to simple calculations, a couple will be able to eat such a weight in two years, which means that love that has existed for so long will live longer. The true life span of a feeling at a distance can only be judged by a couple.

  1. Period of "chemistry"- this is the birth of passion and mutual desire, which is accompanied by increased work of the endocrine glands and chemical reactions in organism.
    For physiological reasons, such a period lasts no more than a year and a half, and after that the body returns to normal. In other words, this is a period of passionate attraction, sexuality and greedy possession.
    Alas, it is a stretch to call this feeling love. It won't last long.
  2. Real love is a fruit joint work backed by trust, mutual respect and tenderness. Here the feeling of ownership, selfishness and consumer attitude towards a person are left behind.
    By the way, jealousy at this stage most often fades into the background. It is difficult to name the term of such love with accuracy, because it depends on the partners themselves, and not on the reactions in their body. So it can be called a period of 2 years or more.

online feeling

So, in order to prolong the life of love, you will have to work on it with the help of improvised means. Today, Internet connection helps a lot.

  • Write letters to e-mail . Despite the rapid pace of progress and the computer revolution in the world, we are still pleased to receive letters from a loved one. Moreover, paper, written in native handwriting, is best.
    So you can see where the hand is tired, where thoughts are confused. But emails are no less pleasant to receive. So write, let there be only a line with a wish good day but it's a nice moment to set the mood for the day.
  • Exchange SMS. A lot of pleasant or annoying events happen throughout the day. Share them with your loved one, ask their opinions and offer your advice in their affairs. This will bring you closer.
  • Exploit video communication. Now the choice is not limited to Skype, so equip your computer, phone and other gadgets with the necessary settings. Nothing invigorates and soothes like a conversation with a loved one and his smile.

Love at a distance is, first of all, a test that not every couple passes.

Sometimes the situation is not saved by the abundance of electronic gadgets and the presence of a tight wallet.

But psychologists treat the topic of separation philosophically and do not consider it a tragedy.

Distance teaches you to maintain relationships and take care of them. You have to work every day, look for time for communication and appreciate the minutes.

On practice

The result of a study by Cornell University scientists is surprising: they found that couples living apart consider their relationship stronger than 63% of couples sharing the same living space.

Feelings are tested in practice!

The decision to leave your beloved at least for a while speaks of the seriousness of plans for a joint future, of the desire to reinforce him. True, psychologists are reminded to determine priorities for themselves before “making sacrifices”.

Would you like to return to your former partner? Is it a barrier for you?

Experts are skeptical about the assurances of adolescents in eternal love and strongly advise not to make loud promises before parting, than girls and boys sin before the same army. If the feeling is real, then it does not require words, but will be proved by deeds.

You will be able to find Additional information on this topic in the section.

The fact that love at a distance really exists is evidenced by correspondence between great people. Among them are the great French novelist Honore de Balzac and his beloved Evelina Ganskaya, the famous English playwright George Bernard Shaw and the brilliant actress Stella Patrick Campbell, the great Russian poets Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva and Boris Leonidovich Pasternak. There are many other examples as well.

Love and modern technology

Today come to the aid of lovers modern technologies. They can correspond on social networks, exchange tender SMS messages, talk for hours on a mobile phone. If it becomes impossible to live without seeing each other, a fast plane will transfer to your beloved in a short time.

Sometimes love arises at a distance from the very beginning. People get acquainted on the Internet, plunge headlong into romance, think that they managed to find their ideal. However, in such a relationship there is a danger of mistaking for true love only a dream of it. In addition, on the Internet, people often pretend not to be who they really are. As a result, the meeting real life can only bring bitter disappointment. There is also a risk of becoming a victim of a maniac or a marriage swindler.

However, long-distance love can have its perks. If a person is lonely and unsure of himself, even a virtual relationship will become a salvation for him from emptiness and loneliness, a source of positive emotions. The main thing is not to play too much and not confuse the real world with the invented one.

Love and separation

If feelings arose in real life, and people truly love each other, a long separation turns into a difficult test for them. In addition, uninvited thoughts about the possible betrayal of a loved one begin to come to mind. No need to torment your chosen one with constant checks: often distrust kills even the strongest love. However, leaving a loved one completely unattended is also not worth it. You can always find a way to communicate that will be convenient and comfortable for both. True love is not afraid of any obstacles and distances. Separation can even strengthen her, making her appreciate every moment spent with her loved one. The main thing is that it does not drag on for many years. After all, the habit of constantly being at a distance from each other can cool even the strongest and most sincere feelings.

Sometimes it happens that a loved one is far away. Family circumstances, work, waiting for a visa - all this can be a temporary obstacle to the reunion of two people in love. But in any case, acting is better than being longing for separation.

You will need

  • paper, pen, glue, old magazines, camera, video camera, mobile phone, computer with Internet access.


If the beloved is far away, if he does not return tomorrow and you have some free time, it is worth using it for the benefit of yourself and for your relationship. Often separation is beneficial, because if you direct energy in a positive direction, life is filled with new meanings. The main thing is a creative approach to business.

Stay in touch. If your loved one has access to, you can send him messages every day. But alas, text messages can get boring, as in fact there will be one: "I love. I miss. I'm waiting." You can call on the help of the classics. The most successful on the theme of love can be found in Shakespeare's sonnets, in Pushkin's poetry, among the romantics. The great ones will express your thoughts most accurately. Alternatively, send photos of places you've been to your loved one. Choose the most successful angles and objects for shooting. Don't send your own photos too often. Moderation in this will help you maintain balance and enhance your joy.

Get creative. The energy released by separation from a loved one can be directed in a positive direction: now is the time to start teaching foreign language, sign up for a belly dance, embroider a scarf or even make repairs. The most important thing is to feel what exactly will help you spend your time usefully and present the result to your lover. Any man will be surprised by a warm cherry pie, a beautiful song with a guitar, or a colorful collage of "Scenes from Our Life" on the wall.

Devote time to family and friends. Now the moment has come in your life when you can remember your friends whom you have been planning to meet for a long time. A visit to your parents, sister or favorite teacher should not be postponed for a long time either. In private, it can be easier to talk heart to heart, play the fool, discuss personal problems that can tire your friend if he is around.

Be alone with yourself. Finally, organize a holiday for yourself: go to a beauty salon, to a concert, take a walk in the forest. And finally, meet your beloved with new strength and old strong feelings!


Focus on the situation, be creative about your separation, invent your personal traditions and surprises. Surprise!

Helpful advice

You can send a letter by mail. A paper message is always a priority: since the Middle Ages, lovers have exchanged messages through pigeon mail, through messengers, etc.


  • Aphorisms about love

Few people believe in love at a distance. This skepticism is fueled personal experience, observing the relationship of acquaintances, other examples. However, life practice also speaks of something else: there are couples who saved love during the period of separation, despite the distance of thousands of kilometers. What is their secret?


Due to certain life circumstances (army, study, work, business trip, etc.), one has to be separated from people for some time. If the course of events cannot be changed, you should simply accept the situation and see the positive aspects in it.

Communicate. Fortunately, we are not in the Middle Ages, at our disposal Cell phones, Internet ( social media, Skype, ICQ, etc.). Share with your loved one the main events of each day. Don't forget to wish good night and good morning.

Be positive, do not let jealousy take over your thoughts, do not try to control your loved one (or beloved), but participate in his (or her) life.

Surround yourself with things (photos, souvenirs, CDs with your common favorite songs, etc.) that would constantly remind you of a person dear to you. Write real letters to each other (by mail). This is romantic, besides, in a letter you can say what you often do not dare to do in a personal meeting.

Give gifts. Simply, for no reason. Everyone loves pleasant surprises. Let you have a perfume that your loved one knows. When he hears a familiar aroma, the associations themselves will lead him to your image.

Take advantage of every meeting opportunity. Think about your loved one more often. People are endowed with the ability to feel a close soul on distance.

If doubts suddenly creep in about future fate relationships, support your loved one.

Let the faith that you will overcome temporary separation do not leave you, and the expectation will be rewarded with a meeting.

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Helpful advice

Popular wisdom says that love is tested by distance. Take this phrase into service and prove that your feelings will pass this test perfectly and will be an example for other couples.

Many people, especially at a young age, do not know how to distinguish love from falling in love. Love is a deep, strong feeling based on emotional affection and sexual attraction. Falling in love is euphoric, but short-lived, and does not always give rise to long-term relationships. How to understand whether you love a person or just have a feeling of love for him?


Analyze the feelings and emotions you are experiencing. At first, it will be quite difficult to do this, because he is overwhelmed with stormy positive emotions, he is in a state of euphoria, which can be abruptly replaced by longing if the feelings are not mutual, or something does not go the way you want.

Evaluate soberly, in what place for you the happiness and convenience of a partner. A man in love most often thinks about himself, that he is good with his beloved, but bad for him alone. Real strong feelings, unlike falling in love, make you think first of all about happiness, convenience, well-being of your loved one.

Notice how you behave when your partner has difficulties and problems. Are you always ready to help him, postponing important matters for later? A man in love is sometimes selfish. His euphoria is markedly reduced when problems arise, or a loved one needs help. Love is tested by trials, difficulties, problems that partners go through together.

Distance and time are excellent means of your feelings. This does not mean that you should stop communicating with the object of your feelings for no reason. But if a situation arises that he or you need to go far away for a while, do not be sad. Know that true love will endure any separation, and if feelings are superficial, then sooner or later they will subside even with frequent meetings.

Think about the sincerity of your feelings if you are overwhelmed with too violent emotions. This is especially true for young people. Sometimes it happens that, being rejected, young men and women fall into severe depression and even think about suicide. The reason for this is by no means unhappy love, but a far-fetched love, similar to intoxication. They don't die for true love, they live for it.

Try to look for flaws in your favorite. Even if you can't see them, they are still there, just like other people. Ask for help in this matter loved one. Falling in love is characterized by the fact that you do not see the partner's shortcomings. If you notice the negative traits of the second half, but are ready to put up with them and help correct them, then this indicates that you are experiencing stronger feelings.

Do not forget that love is not a feeling that does not need to be worked on. Love must be protected and kept, improving relations with a dear person. Love can be compared to working on yourself and on your feelings. If you are ready to unite your life with your beloved forever, accepting and respecting not only him, but also his relatives, his hobbies and hobbies, his strengths and weaknesses, then, we can congratulate you, you experience a deep, strong and an uplifting feeling.


How do you know if a man loves you or not? A man and a woman met, began to meet - this is a beautiful period full of romance, when a man gives gifts and flowers, organizes trips to the cinema and theaters, invites you to dinner in a cozy cafe, etc. And now the period of courtship ends, the man and woman realize that they love each other and decide to live together.

Helpful advice

How to understand that you are loved? The most reliable way to find out is to hear sincere confessions. Fortune telling on chamomile, cards, candles, mirrors, and other mystical rituals are uninformative methods in this regard. So until the moment of recognition, you will have to suffer a little tedious uncertainty. You can speculate whether he loves or not, but you won’t know for sure.


  • how to understand whether a guy liked me or not

Tip 5: How to say love without saying love in 2017

Love is without a doubt a wonderful feeling. However, confessing love, especially to young and impressionable people, is sometimes very difficult. And this applies equally to both girls and boys. How can you say about love without saying the word "love"?


Much better than words, actions speak about feelings. Support the object of your sympathy in difficult situations, show signs of attention. Deliver to your loved one only positive emotions so that he feels your location and knows that you will always listen to him and help.

Give a Valentine. A small postcard will tell you very clearly about your feelings. And you don't have to wait for Valentine's Day for a gift! In addition to a Valentine, you can give any souvenir that is also associated with tender feelings, for example, kissing doves.

Kiss your loved one. Best of all, of course, if this happens in a romantic setting. And the easiest way to do this is if it is customary in your company to accompany a greeting. In this case, you need to turn the friendly into a romantic or passionate one.

Compliments. It is impossible not to feel sincere admiration for a person, and the object of adoration will quickly guess about your love.

Surprise your loved one. It can be a gift, an invitation to a romantic evening, a movie ticket for a movie that he has long wanted to see. Such care will surely touch your beloved.

Give flowers. The language of flowers is ideal for declaring love without words. And do not worry that the beloved does not know this language - most people understand it on an intuitive level. Red flowers will tell about love and passion. If a girl cannot give flowers to her lover, she should decorate her hair or dress with them before the meeting.

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Helpful advice

Naturally, all these actions should be unobtrusive and delicate, otherwise the beloved can only be pushed away.

Often, for various reasons, partners have to leave their loved one for another city, another country and live far away. In order to keep your love when he is not around, you need to be patient, learn to trust. Only strong love will withstand such a test, and time will put everything in its place.


If your loved one needs to go away for a while, don't be discouraged. A short separation, as a rule, only strengthens the relationship. Keep in touch with your partner, but don't overdo it. Too much control can be harmful. Put yourself in his place. Imagine how pleasant it would be for you to listen to scenes of jealousy on the phone. Your frequent calls may simply bother your loved one, and he will decide to part with you. Everything should be in moderation. Therefore, control your emotions and actions.

Consider that love is possible. This is how many couples test their relationship. But a long separation can also harm partners, as people wean from each other, they make new acquaintances, interests. And the person you love is gone.

Try to trust each other. This is the basis of the relationship between a man and a woman. About one or two months of separation strengthens love. After such a rest, as a rule, the meeting is very warm, passion flares up, and the partners understand how bad it was for them without a loved one.

If you understand that you cannot live without your partner, keep in mind that they do not love a person, but often an image created in your imagination. Many shortcomings are smoothed out, and advantages are exaggerated. You can only make the right decision when you meet your partner after separation.

If in separation you realize that you do not need the person with whom you have been all this time, do not rush to part. Try to keep the love that you have been building for two, three years. Patience, respect, mutual understanding will help you. Know how to wait, because time tests relationships. If you really become strangers, don't be afraid to change your life. Learn to see the good in change. Leave the bad in the past, look to a better future. Strong people can overcome any difficulties.

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Formerly people Loving each other met daily, went on dates, arranged joint walks and entertainment. Now the situation has changed a little, since such a thing as “love at a distance” has appeared in the world.

The possibility of a relationship between two people who are far from each other has appeared since the advent of mobile phones, computers and other means of communication. Even if there are thousands of kilometers between you, you can easily contact your loved one, write him a message on the Internet, make a phone call or establish a Skype connection. Imagine those distant times when none of this existed. People left for other cities, wrote ordinary letters to each other, which are now no one. Progress has gone too far and such romance has become obsolete. She was replaced by SMS, calls, correspondence, songs and short poems, which can be found on some Internet resources.

Love at a distance has become a fairly common occurrence, as sometimes people leave to study in other cities, guys leave to serve. Lovers always hope that time will pass and they will be able to be near each other.

Social networks have become another reason for long-distance love. People from different cities get to know each other and begin to communicate. They have never seen each other, but have already managed to fall in love not with the appearance, but with the soul. They save themselves with daily calls and correspondence, exchange photos and wait for the moment when the distance between them will decrease.

Some believe that such love is impossible, because one (if not both) will definitely change, because it is difficult to live without intimate relationships. But even from a similar situation, lovers were able to find a way out, which was virtual sex.

It doesn’t matter if your soulmate is near or not, the most important thing is that there are real feelings between you. Remember that love is not afraid of any kilometers.

Sometimes there are people who start love relationships exclusively with partners from other cities. They rarely meet with their lovers, communicate mainly by correspondence or by phone. What can be said about the personality of a person who prefers such a relationship?

Recently, cases have become more frequent when people began to make love relationships with partners from other cities. This is facilitated by the development of means of communication, mainly the Internet. Numerous portals and dating sites allow you to meet potential lovers from different cities. Just 20-30 years ago, such cases were quite rare.

There are people whose love partners appear mostly only in other cities. They themselves explain this by chance. If you look closely at such cases, you can come to interesting conclusions.

Our seeker (it doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman) starts a relationship in another city for several possible reasons:

1. Unwillingness to take responsibility for the relationship.

Nonresident relationships are characterized by the fact that, in many cases, it is difficult for such people to connect their destinies due to the inability to live in one place. Each person is attached to his city, his work, his relatives and friends. This can be a convenient excuse to keep your partner at a distance and not enter into a serious, demanding relationship, that is, marriage. Such people may complain that circumstances do not allow them to connect, but deep down they got exactly what they wanted.

2. Fear of relationships.

Sometimes people are very afraid to enter into new deep relationships, for example, due to previous negative love experiences. In this case, they prefer remote communication.

3. The desire to independently manage your time.

Long-distance relationships allow you to always or almost always be the master of your time and not report to anyone in your actions. If there is no legal half nearby, you can go to the club at any time, go to friends, etc.

4. Unwillingness to invest forces and resources in the development of relations.

Having a partner in another city can significantly reduce material costs (gifts, flowers, going to the cinema, etc.) and the efforts made in caring for another person. This is usually characteristic of an infantile person who is not ready to invest strength and energy in a permanent relationship. It is easier for such people to talk or on the phone, emotionally support a partner and express their feelings than to help solve any problem in real life.

Sometimes only awareness of the reasons can change the situation, while in other cases, consultation with a psychologist and deep introspection will help.

Sometimes a man and a woman break up because of a lack of understanding between them. If you want to carry your love through time and strengthen your relationship with your loved one, try to find out what is in his soul, how he lives and what he wants from life.

Do not rush to condemn your loved one for some misconduct. Try to imagine yourself in his place. This psychological technique not new, but very effective. It helps to be more forgiving of other people's mistakes. Sometimes it does not hurt to think about how you look from the outside, and how your partner or partner can react to your actions and words. Try to feel the goals and objectives of your loved one.

Take up a common hobby. A shared passion will help you get closer and get to know each other better, and this is a serious step towards mutual understanding. Even when choosing a way to spend your free time, you can learn more about the tastes and preferences of your loved one. You can also spend holidays together. The period during which you spend most of your time together and are not distracted by work and household chores will help you understand each other better.

Every evening, share the emotions and events that the past day brought with it. Enter the tradition of heart-to-heart talk and tell each other what made you happy today and what upset you. Just do not put pressure on your partner or partner. If your loved one is worried about something, but is not yet ready to share with you, just sympathize, pay attention to him, without asking about anything. Respect the feelings of a loved one and do not put pressure on him. The time will come, and he himself will tell about everything.

Show tolerance and respect towards other people. If your loved one sees that you are very categorical, have a negative attitude towards the mistakes of others, are capable of harsh criticism and condemnation, he is unlikely to trust you in a difficult period of his life. Therefore, it is worth being kinder and softer to other people. Then those around you will sooner open up to meet you, including your partner or partner.

Principle 1. Signs of attention

A man who is in love tries to give the maximum amount of attention to a woman. Signs may be different amount, but they are necessarily noticeable and very eloquent. If a man says compliments to only one woman all the time, gives her a smile and shows care, he is definitely in love. Sometimes men show not only romantic behavior, but also quite the opposite. At the same time, a woman should not think that a man is aggressive, he simply does not know how to do it differently. Much about sympathy for a woman, about a man, his gifts say. They are usually memorable, although they do not differ in large sizes.

Principle 2. Frequent letters and phone calls

If a man suddenly starts calling often or writes a lot of letters, sms, you can also be sure that he is in love. Usually the reasons for calls and letters are far-fetched and completely insignificant, but a man cannot resist. Many letters are usually also written in verse or simply romantic phrases.

Principle 3. Joint pastime

A man who loves tries to devote all his time to a woman. He agrees to walk her home, escort her shopping and carry the bags. He also chooses the company of a woman to the detriment of friendly beer gatherings. A man can appear where he was not before more and more often, which also indicates his feelings. Oddly enough, but if a man diligently began to avoid the company of a woman, although he had not done this before, it means that he had feelings for her.

Principle 4. Compliance is shown

If a man prefers to please a woman in everything and agrees in almost everything, does not argue, then he is probably in love with her and does not want to upset her.

Principle 5. Avoid quarrels

A man will not quarrel with his beloved woman, therefore, if he has feelings, he will avoid all possible conflicts.

Principle 6. Tries to help in everything

When a man loves a woman, he will try in every possible way to solve all her problems, help her in any little things, support and empathize. The signs that speak of a man's falling in love are almost identical, with the only exception being that they will try not to remember family life. Falling in love with another Perhaps the most unpleasant situation can be one in which a woman needs to understand whether a man has feelings for another. In such cases, the behavior of a man changes dramatically. He shows more aggression, coldness, more and more reproaches. He tries to look much better than before, and hides the phone, changes the passwords on the mailbox.