China fleet composition. Chinese navy ships. Destroyer "Lanzhou"

From September 12 to 19, joint exercises of detachments of ships of the Russian Navy (Navy) and the naval forces (Navy) of the People's Liberation Army of China (PLA, the armed forces of the PRC) are being held in the South China Sea.

TASS has prepared information about the PLA Navy, organizational structure and armament of this type of armed forces.

How was the formation of the fleet

Until the end period civil war in China (1927-1950, with a formal break in 1936-1945) the PLA did not have a fleet: the war between the Communist Party of China (CCP) and the Kuomintang party was for control of the mainland.

The founding date of the PLA Navy is April 23, 1949, on this day several ships of the Navy of the Republic of China (the government of the Kuomintang party) crossed over to the side of the CPC.

How separate view armed forces of the Navy were established in September 1950, when a separate command was created under General Staff PLA.
The absence of a powerful fleet in 1950 did not allow the PLA to take control of about. Taiwan, where the Kuomintang government was evacuated. The PRC limited itself to taking Fr. Hainan, where army units landed on junks.

In November 1949, the Naval Academy was established in Dalian (with instructors from the USSR).

According to historians, in 1954 there were about 2,500 Soviet military specialists in China who assisted the PRC in building a modern fleet.

The first combat use of the PRC Navy was the participation of several ships in the suppression of unrest in Wuhan during the "cultural revolution" in 1967. Subsequently, the Chinese fleet won victories in clashes with Vietnamese ships in the region of the disputed islands in the South China Sea (in 1974, near the Paracelsky and in 1988 near the Spratly Islands).

By the 1970s China already had modern fleet. In 1974, China commissioned its first nuclear submarine (NPS, project 091 "Han"), in 1982, for the first time, it successfully launched a ballistic missile from a submarine.

In 2002, a squadron of the Chinese Navy completed the first circumnavigation of the world in the history of the Chinese Navy.

Currently, China's military strategy highlights the sea as one of the four key areas in which China needs to increase the potential of its military forces (along with space, cyberspace and the nuclear sphere).

In 2012, a course was proclaimed for China to become a strong maritime power. The 2015 White Paper of the PRC government emphasizes the rejection of traditional ideas about the priority importance of land spaces, indicating the transition from the protection of exclusively coastal territories to the integrated security of both coastal areas and the high seas.

What is the fleet

The commander of the PLA Navy is Admiral Wu Shengli, a member of the Central Military Council (the highest state body in charge of the armed forces of China).

Organizationally, the PLA Navy is divided into three fleets:

Northern (SF, coverage area - Yellow Sea and Bohai Bay),

Vostochny (VF, East China Sea, including the Taiwan Strait),

Southern (SF, South China Sea).

The headquarters of the fleets are located, respectively, in the cities of Qingdao, Ningbo and Zhanjiang. At the beginning of 2016, three fleets were included in the commands of the same name, which were created during military reform instead of the former districts.

The PLA Navy includes:

underwater force,

surface forces,

naval Aviation,

coastal defense force,


The number of personnel is about 235 thousand people.
In general, the PLA Navy ranks first in the world in terms of the number of diesel submarines, frigates, missile and patrol boats, landing ships(but inferior to the US Navy in terms of total tonnage and landing craft capacity).

In terms of the number of nuclear submarines and destroyers, the Chinese fleet is the third in the world (in terms of SSBNs and nuclear submarines - after the US Navy and the Russian Navy, in terms of destroyers - after the US Navy and Japan).

submarine fleet

The PRC is actively building up its submarine fleet, which is approaching the American one in terms of numbers (75 submarines; in the Russian Navy - 70).

The Military Balance, published by the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), estimates that only 61 submarines are in service with the PLA Navy, but the US Department of Defense estimates that China currently has at least 70 submarines. including 16 nuclear ones.

The maritime component of the PRC's nuclear deterrent forces are four Project 094 Jin nuclear submarine missile carriers (commissioned in 2006-2015), each with 12 JL-2 ballistic missiles and anti-ship missiles.

Two Project 094B nuclear submarines are being completed, each of which will carry 16 JL-2 missiles.

To replace the outdated nuclear submarines of project 091 "Han" (3 units in the Northern Fleet), new ones were built - project 093 "Shang" (presumably 6 units). The construction of new nuclear submarines of project 095 is underway.

The most modern of the Chinese diesel submarines are 15 submarines of project 041A "Yuan".

The construction of even more modern submarines of project 043 has begun.

Also in service are 12 diesel-electric submarines of Russian construction - projects 877, 636 and 636EM ("Varshavyanka"). In addition, 13 Chinese-made Project 039 Sung submarines are in service.

Older, but still combat-ready, are Project 035 "Min" submarines, their number is estimated at 15 units.

Aircraft carriers

Currently the only Chinese aircraft carrier "Liaoning" (in the fleet since 2012) is the former Soviet aircraft-carrying cruiser "Varyag" of project 11436, acquired in 1998 in Ukraine in an unfinished state.

The ship can accommodate up to 24 Shenyang J-15 fighters (copied from the Su-27K bought in Ukraine) and up to 17 helicopters (Russian Ka-31 radar patrol, anti-submarine Ka-28 and Chinese transport Z-8).

China is currently building a new aircraft carrier. It is stated that in terms of its tactical and technical characteristics it will surpass the Liaoning.


The PLA Navy operates 21 destroyers:

four ships of Russian projects 956E (2 units) and 956EM (2 units), delivered to China in the late 1990s - early 2000s;

three ships of projects 051C and 051B built in the same period;

ten ships of projects 052, 052B, 052C;

in 2014, the first destroyer of project 052D "Kunming" was accepted into the Chinese fleet (4 units were put into service, 8 more units are under construction).


The most numerous class of surface ships of the PLA Navy (56 units) are frigates.

The oldest are 6 ships of project 051 of the "Luyda" type (modifications of Soviet projects of the 1950s, built from the early 1970s to the early 1990s).
26 ships of project 053N of various modifications (created on the basis of the Soviet patrol ship of project 50 Gornostai). These frigates (except for the most modern modification 053H3) are gradually withdrawn from the Navy, some of them are sold to other countries or transferred to the Coast Guard.

Since the mid 2000s. Two Project 054 frigates and 22 Project 054A frigates were built to replace the Project 053H frigates, and three more frigates of the latter type are planned to be commissioned. The installations for the vertical launch of anti-aircraft guided missiles on Project 054A frigates were created on the basis of the Russian Shtil air defense system.

Corvettes, boats and minesweepers

In 2012, the construction of project 056 corvettes began in China. At present, 23 ships of this type have already been commissioned, of which four are anti-submarine 056A. It is planned that the total number of such ships will be at least 50 units.

The PLA Navy ranks first in the world in terms of the number of combat boats (more than 200). There are about 100 missile boats (projects 022, 037-II, 037-IG) and about the same number of patrol boats (projects 037-I, 037, 062-I).

Mine-sweeping forces are represented by a single project 918 "Volei" mine layer and 48 minesweepers of projects 081, 082 and 082A.

Landing ships

The amphibious forces of the PLA Navy include:

four project 071 Qinchenshan-type universal assault helicopter carriers;

30 large landing ships of project 072 of four modifications;

13 medium landing ships of project 073;

about 60 small landing ships (projects 074A, 074, 079-II);

four Project 12322 Zubr landing hovercraft built in Ukraine.

Naval aviation

Organizationally, it consists of six air divisions, two in each of the fleets.

According to The Military Balance, the Navy has 346 aircraft in service (the second largest in the world in terms of this indicator after the American one). Among them are 30 Xi'an H-6G bombers (own modification of the Soviet Tu-16) and 120 Xi'an JH-7 and JH-7A fighters.

The fighters are represented by 24 Russian-made Su-30MK2 aircraft and copies of the Su-27SK - 72 Shenyang J-11B and J-11BS aircraft.

At least 20 Shenyang J-15 carrier-based fighters are also in service. In addition, the naval aviation has 22 Chengdu J-10 multipurpose fighters and 24 Shenyang J-8 units. The production of J-11 and J-10 continues, their number will increase.

Anti-submarine aviation is represented by three SH-5 amphibious aircraft of its own production and 44 helicopters (19 Russian Ka-28s, 25 Chinese Harbin Z-9Cs, created on the basis of the French AS365).

There are three tanker aircraft H-6DU (a project based on the H-6 bomber).

The PLA Navy is armed with 32 Y-8 multipurpose aircraft. Of these, 8 boards are used in the variant of electronic reconnaissance aircraft, 4 boards - as early warning radar aircraft (AWACS) Y-8J, the rest - as transport aircraft.
There are also 10 Y-7 transport aircraft and over 100 training aircraft.

The PLA Naval Aviation also includes:

44 multipurpose helicopters (19 Russian Ka-28s and 25 Chinese Harbin Z-9Cs);
9 Ka-31 AWACS helicopters;

43 transport helicopters (8 Russian Mi-8s, 20 Chinese Z-8s based on the French SA-321; 15 SA-321s themselves).


Includes two brigades as part of the Law Firm. In addition to preparing for amphibious assault operations, Chinese marines are garrisoning the Paracel Islands in the South China Sea, disputed with Vietnam.

Armed with brigades marines consists of 73 ZTD-05 light tanks and 152 ZBD-05 infantry fighting vehicles.

Self-propelled artillery has more than 20 Type-07 self-propelled guns of 120 mm caliber and more than 20 outdated Type-89 self-propelled guns. Also in service with the Marine Corps
The PLA consists of Type-63 multiple launch rocket systems, HJ-73 and HJ-8 anti-tank missile systems, portable anti-aircraft missile systems
HN-5 and 82mm mortars.

China may build the first aircraft carrier in the near future, but in this case, the ship will be used solely to protect the country's coast, a senior official at the Chinese Ministry of Defense said in an interview with The Financial Times.
Major General Qian Lihua, Head of Department international relations, refused to directly answer the question of whether a decision had been made to build, but made it clear that Beijing considers it its right. "The fleet of any great power ... dreams of having one aircraft carrier or more," he said. "The question is not whether you will have an aircraft carrier, but what you will do with it."
Recently, there have been active rumors that the People's Liberation Army intends to acquire an aircraft carrier. Earlier, the Pentagon stated that China is actively mastering the technologies necessary for this, and by the end of the decade it could lay the first such ship. According to the authoritative Jane's Defense Weekly, China is currently training 50 pilots to serve on an aircraft carrier.
"The aspirations of the navies of the great powers, which are armed with more than 10 aircraft carrier strike groups pursuing strategic military goals, are different from the intentions of countries that have only one or two aircraft carriers dedicated to coastal defense," Qian added. He did not directly mention the United States, but it is worth noting that only this country has 11 aircraft carriers. Other states have no more than three units of such equipment.
"Even if we ever have an aircraft carrier, then, unlike other countries, we will not use it for the purposes of global deployment and global range," the general assured. It is unlikely, however, these words will reassure those who fear the strengthening of the Chinese navy, the FT notes.
In the event of a conflict with Taiwan, whose independence the Chinese authorities do not recognize, the aircraft carrier is able to significantly strengthen the position of the PRC. Beijing has repeatedly threatened the island with military action if it tries to formally consolidate its sovereignty. Taiwanese separatism, according to General Qian Lihua, is currently the "biggest threat" to China.
Last year, US Admiral Timothy Keating tried to reassure the public by saying that China's construction of an aircraft carrier should not lead to unnecessary tension. The United States, he said, will even be ready to provide necessary assistance to China.
China currently owns the unfinished heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Varyag" (before 1990 - "Riga"), bought from Ukraine. The ship, which received the new name "Shi Lan", is under inspection and repair in the dry dock of the naval base in the city of Dalian.
China's People's Liberation Army plans for the aircraft carrier remain uncertain. Analysts are discussing a number of possibilities: commissioning or use as a base for training. According to some Chinese officials, the aircraft carrier may be commissioned into the Chinese Navy as early as 2010.

P.S. There was already information about 50 pilots and plans - but I didn’t see about the dry dock ?!

In the Chinese port of Qingdao passed maritime parade, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the formation of the naval forces of the People's Liberation Army of China (PLA Navy). It was attended by over 30 Chinese ships and 39 aircraft, as well as about 20 foreign warships from more than ten countries of the world and delegations from 60 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, America and the Pacific region. Ships also took part in the celebrations. Russian fleet led by the frigate "Admiral Soviet Union Gorshkov".

How was the formation of the fleet

  • Until the end of the Chinese Civil War (1927–1950; between supporters Communist Party China, the CCP, and the Kuomintang party) the PLA did not have a fleet, because. fighting fought mainly for control over the continental part of the country. The absence of a powerful fleet in 1950 did not allow the PLA to take control of about. Taiwan, where the Kuomintang government was evacuated (China limited itself to Hainan Island, where army units landed on junks).
  • The founding date of the PLA Navy is April 23, 1949, on this day several ships of the Navy of the Republic of China (the government of the Kuomintang party) crossed over to the side of the CCP. In November of the same year, the Naval Academy was established in Dalian (with teachers from the USSR). According to historians, in the mid-1950s, there were about 2,500 Soviet military specialists in China who assisted the country in building a modern fleet.
  • As a separate branch of the armed forces, the Navy was established in September 1950, when a separate command was created under the General Staff of the PLA.
  • The first combat use of the Chinese Navy was the participation of several ships in the suppression of riots in the city of Wuhan in 1967 during the "cultural revolution" (1966-1976). Subsequently, the Chinese fleet won victories in clashes with Vietnamese ships in the region of the disputed islands in the South China Sea (in 1974 near the Paracel Islands and in 1988 near the Spratly Islands).
  • By 1970, China already had a modern fleet. In 1974, China commissioned the first nuclear submarine (NPS, Project 091 Han), and in 1982, for the first time, it successfully launched a ballistic missile from a submarine.

In 2002, a squadron of the Chinese Navy completed the first circumnavigation of the world in the history of the Chinese Navy.

In 2012, a course was proclaimed for China to become a strong maritime power. The 2015 PRC Government White Paper emphasizes the need to move from protecting only coastal areas to integrated security both in coastal areas and on the high seas.

At present, the PRC's military strategy singles out the maritime direction of the development of the armed forces as one of the four key ones (along with space, cyberspace and the nuclear sphere).

What is the fleet

  • Organizationally, the PLA Navy is divided into three fleets: Northern(area of ​​action - the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Bay), Oriental(East China Sea including Taiwan Strait) and Southern(South China Sea). The headquarters of the fleets are located respectively in the cities of Qingdao, Ningbo and Zhanjiang.
  • At the beginning of 2016, three fleets were included in the commands of the same name, which were created during the military reform.
  • Commander of the PLA Navy - Vice Admiral Shen Jinlong.
  • The PLA Navy includes submarine and surface forces, naval aviation, coastal defense forces and marines. The number of personnel - about 324 thousand The PLA Navy ranks first in the world in terms of the number of diesel submarines, frigates, missile and patrol boats, landing ships (but inferior to the US Navy in terms of total tonnage and landing ship capacity).

submarine fleet

According to The Military Balance (International Institute for Strategic Studies, IISS), in 2018, the PRC had 62 submarines, equaling in number with the Russian submarine fleet and second only to the American (68 submarines). The maritime component of China's nuclear deterrent forces are four project 094 nuclear submarine missile carriers "Jin"(commissioned 2006–2015), each with 12 ballistic missiles JL-2 and anti-ship missiles. Two nuclear submarines of the project are being completed 094B, each of which will carry 16 JL-2 missiles.

To replace obsolete nuclear submarines of project 091 "Han"(three units as part of the Northern Fleet) six new ones were built - project 093 "Shan". The construction of new nuclear submarines of project 095 is underway.

The most modern of the Chinese diesel submarines are 13 submarines of the project "Yuan"(four - type 039A, nine - 039B). The construction of advanced submarines of the project has begun "Qing"(type 032, one is already being tested).

Also in service are 12 Russian-built diesel-electric submarines - projects 877, 636 and 636M ( "Varshavyanka"). In addition, there are 12 Project 039G submarines "Soon" Chinese production.

Project 035 submarines remain combat-ready "Ming"(11 units).

surface ships

  • Aircraft carriers

The only Chinese aircraft carrier at the moment "Liaoning"(in the fleet since 2012) is a former Soviet aircraft-carrying cruiser "Varyag" of project 11436, acquired in 1998 in Ukraine unfinished. The ship can accommodate up to 24 Shenyang J-15 fighters (copied from the Su-27K bought in Ukraine) and up to 17 helicopters (Russian Ka-31 radar patrol, anti-submarine Ka-28 and Chinese transport Z-8).

In April 2017, a second aircraft carrier was launched, similar to "Liaoning"(project 001A). It is expected to be put into operation in 2020.

A third aircraft carrier (type 002) is currently under construction. This new project. There have been suggestions that the aircraft carrier could be equipped with a nuclear power plant and several steam catapults.


  • destroyers

The PLA Navy, according to Chinese media, operates 28 destroyers (according to The Military Balance, for 2018 - 23; third place after the US Navy and Japan, 64 and 32, respectively):

  • four ships of Russian projects 956E (two units) and 956EM (two units) delivered to China in the late 1990s and early 2000s;
  • three ships of projects 051C and 051B built in the same period;
  • ten ships of projects 052, 052B, 052C.

In 2014, the first destroyer of project 052D was accepted into the Chinese fleet. "Kunming"(according to Chinese media, 11 ships have been put into service, another 15 - in varying degrees readiness).

  • Frigates

The most numerous class of surface ships of the PLA Navy (59 units) are frigates. Six of the oldest of them - project 051 type "Luida"(modifications of Soviet projects of the 1950s, built from the early 1970s to the early 1990s).

The PLA Navy also operates 26 Project 053N ships of various modifications (created on the basis of the Soviet Project 50 Gornostai patrol ship). These frigates (except for the most modern modification 053H3) are gradually withdrawn from the Navy, some of them are sold to other countries or transferred to the Coast Guard. Since the mid-2000s, two Project 054 frigates and 25 Project 054A frigates have been built to replace them. The installations for the vertical launch of anti-aircraft guided missiles on Project 054A frigates were created on the basis of the Russian anti-aircraft missile system "Shtil".

  • Corvettes, boats and minesweepers

In 2012, China began construction of project corvettes 056 . At present, 37 ships of this type have already been commissioned, of which 16 are anti-submarine 056A. It is planned that the total number of such ships will be at least 50 units.

The PLA Navy ranks first in the world in terms of the number of combat boats (more than 200). There are about 100 missile boats (projects 022, 037-II, 037-IG) and about the same number of patrol boats (projects 037-I, 037, 062-I).

Mine-sweeping forces are represented by the only mine layer of the project 918 Volley and 42 project minesweepers 081, 082 And 082A.

  • Landing ships

Includes four Project 071 type amphibious assault helicopter carriers "Qinchenshan", 30 large landing ships of project 072 of four modifications, 11 medium landing ships of project 073, about 60 small landing ships (projects 074A, 074, 079-II), as well as eight landing ships of type 726 (including two units of the Zubr type, built in Ukraine) and 12 type 724 hovercraft.

Naval aviation

Organizationally, it consists of six air divisions, two in each of the fleets. According to The Military Balance, the Naval Aviation of the Navy is armed with 374 air force units (the second in the world in this indicator after the American), among them:

  • 27 bombers "Xi'an" H-6G(own modification of the Soviet Tu-16);
  • 120 fighters "Xi'an"JH7 And JH-7A.

Fighters are represented by 24 sides Su-30MK2 Russian-made and copies of the Su-27SK - 72 sides "Shenyang"J-11V And J-11 BS. At least 20 carrier-based fighters are also in service. "Shenyang"J-15 .

In addition, naval aviation has 23 multi-role fighters. "Chengdu"J-10 and 24 units "Shenyang"J-8 . Production J-11 And J-10 continues, their number will increase.

Anti-submarine aviation is represented by three amphibious aircraft of our own production SH-5 and 28 helicopters (14 Russian Ka-28, 14 Chinese "Harbin"Z-9 C based on French AS365 ).

The PLA Navy also has about 30 multipurpose aircraft. Y-8 . Of these, seven boards are used in the version of electronic intelligence aircraft, four - as early warning aircraft (AWACS) Y-8 J. Also has 36 transport aircraft Y-7 and more than 100 training aircraft.

The PLA naval aviation also includes at least ten AWACS helicopters (nine units Ka-31 and at least one type "Changhe"Z-18 ), 38 transport helicopters (eight Russian Mi-8, 22 Chinese Z-8 created on the basis of the French SA-321; eight proper SA-321 ).


The Marine Corps of the Chinese Navy consists of three brigades. In particular, Chinese marines are on garrison duty in the Paracel Islands, disputed with Vietnam, in the South China Sea.

The brigades of the Marine Corps are armed with:

  • 73 light tanks ZTD-05 and 152 infantry fighting vehicles ZBD-05;
  • 60 type armored vehicles ZBL-08 and 30 - type ZTL-11 .

Self-propelled artillery has more than 20 self-propelled guns "Type-07" caliber 120 mm and more than 20 obsolete self-propelled guns "Type-89". The PLA Marine Corps also has multiple launch rocket systems. "Type-63", anti-tank missile systems HJ-73 And HJ-8 , man-portable air defense systems HN-5 and 82 mm mortars.

Material prepared according to "TASS-Dossier"

Armed forces of the countries of the world

Chinese Armed Forces: PLA Navy

Like other branches of the armed forces, the Chinese fleet has been undergoing a radical rearmament over the past decade and a half. On the example of the fleet, this is especially noticeable, since this type of aircraft is the most technologically complex, and its construction takes much longer than ground forces and aviation.

Back in the mid-90s, the PLA Navy consisted of many extremely outdated ships and boats, and it was the latter that prevailed (i.e., the Chinese fleet was almost purely coastal). Numerous submarines were distinguished by primitive weapons and very high noise. The surface forces of the PLA Navy consisted entirely of ships built according to the designs of the 50s - 60s. XX century., And far from the best even by those standards. Their strike capabilities were extremely limited, and air defense and anti-aircraft defense, in fact, were absent altogether.

Behind last decade the Chinese fleet has traveled a path that took the United States at least 30 years, and China and Russia and Europe in this record short term even managed to get around, both qualitatively and quantitatively.

The PLA Navy is organizationally divided into three fleets - Northern, Eastern and Southern (hereinafter referred to as the Northern Fleet, VF and Southern Fleet) with headquarters, respectively, in the cities. Qingdao, Ningbo and Zhanjiang. It should be noted that this division seems to be somewhat artificial, since, unlike the United States and the Russian Federation, the PRC has one continuous long coastline. However, since this coast is quite long, the division into three fleets obviously facilitates the management of the Navy. At the beginning of 2016, three fleets were included in the Commands of the same name (Northern, Eastern and Southern, respectively), which were created in the course of the military reform in place of the former districts.


The naval component of the Chinese strategic nuclear forces for a long time consisted of one very primitive SSBN, project 092 "Xia" with 12 JL-1 SLBMs. At present, 4 much more modern SSBNs of Project 094 "Jin" have been built (each with 12 JL-2 SLBMs and YJ-8Q anti-ship missiles). 2 even more modern SSBNs, project 094V, are being completed, each of which will carry 16 JL-2 SLBMs.

To replace the obsolete submarines pr. 091 "Han" (5 were built, but two have already been decommissioned, the rest are part of the Northern Fleet), 6 submarines pr. 093 "Shan" were built (including 2 pr. 093A, 2 pr. 093B) with anti-ship missiles YJ-8Q. The first two are part of the YuF, 2 A and 2 B are part of the Federation Council. The construction of submarines pr. 095 is underway, comparable in their performance characteristics with the most modern American and Russian submarines. 1-2 submarines of this type have already been put into operation.

The Chinese fleet of diesel submarines is the largest in the world. The most modern of them are 15 submarines pr. VF). The construction of even more modern submarines, project 043, has begun.

12 Russian-built submarines are considered fairly new - 2 project 877, 2 project 636, 8 project 636EM with anti-ship missiles 3M54E (of which 8 are on the VF, 4 on the Southern Fleet). In addition, in the early 2000s, 13 submarines of Project 039 "Sun" were built (of which 3 Project 039G, 9 Project 039G1) with anti-ship missiles YJ-8Q (4 G1 each in the Northern Fleet and Southern Fleet, the remaining 5 submarines in the VF ).

Older, but still combat-ready, are 15 submarines pr. 035 "Min" (2 A, 9 G, 4 V; in the sludge up to 5, including 2 A, 1 G). It is possible that up to 8 old submarines, project 033, remain in service.

surface ships

At the moment, the only Chinese aircraft carrier "Liaoning" (part of the Northern Fleet) is a former Soviet aircraft-carrying cruiser "Varyag", acquired by the PRC in Ukraine in an unfinished state. This ship is not a full-fledged aircraft carrier due to its design features. First of all, we are talking about the presence of a bow springboard and the absence of a catapult. Accordingly, this ship will forever remain a training and experimental ship, and not a combat ship, it was in this capacity that China acquired and completed it. China has already begun building its own "full-fledged" aircraft carriers.

The most powerful ships of the PLA Navy are currently destroyers. The oldest of them are Luida-class ships built according to Soviet designs of the 1950s. Now the Navy has 1 destroyer pr. 051G ("Luyda-3") (in the Southern Federal District; another 1 in the sludge). 5 destroyers pr. 051 ("Luyda-1") and 1 pr. 051D ("Luyda-2") are laid up, 3 pr. 051 are used as training.

In the 90s and early 2000s, China acquired 4 destroyers in Russia - 2 Project 956, 2 Project 956EM (on the VF). At the same time, 7 destroyers of four different projects were built in China itself: 2 pr. 051C (in the Northern Fleet), 1 pr. 051V (in the Southern Fleet), 2 pr.

In the end, after these experiments, the construction of truly modern destroyers, pr. 052C / D, began in the PRC. 6 destroyers, pr. 052S, were built (4 at the VF, 2 at the Southern Fleet). There are 10 destroyers of project 052D in service (2 in the Northern Fleet, 3 in the VF, 5 in the Southern Fleet), in total, up to 20 ships of this type will be built. At the same time, it should be emphasized that China has already technologically surpassed Russia and almost all European countries in the development of large surface ships and has reached the level of the three most advanced countries in this area - the United States, Japan and the Republic of Korea. This is evidenced by the presence on the destroyers of pr. 052C (from the third ship) and pr. 052D (on all) radars with phased array and "classic" UVPs of the American Mk41 type.

On the previous destroyers pr. 051 and 052 (including the first two pr. 300F). On the new Chinese destroyers, UVPs are installed, in which all missiles are ready for launch at the same time, and on the destroyers of Project 052D, these can be missiles of different types and classes. These ships have a UVP for 64 missiles. Obviously, it can accommodate HHQ-9 naval missiles, DH-10 SLCMs and, possibly, anti-ship missiles and PLURs. This will provide the destroyers with the ability to strike at both sea and coastal targets, as well as carry out air defense of naval formations.

Already launched and being completed afloat 2 destroyers pr. 055, which, in fact, are cruisers.

The most numerous class of surface ships of the PLA Navy are frigates. Of these, 23 are ships of project 053N, which was built in seven modifications. These are 10 frigates pr. 053N3 (2 in the Northern Fleet, 4 in the Eastern Fleet, 4 in the Southern Fleet), 6 pr. 053N1G (in the Southern Fleet), 1 pr. In addition, 1 of the frigates pr. 1 with MLRS. Also in the sludge is 1 frigate pr. 053H1. Another 1 frigate, pr. 053NTN, is used as a training frigate, 3 frigates, pr. 053H2G, were transferred to the Coast Guard. Frigates pr. 053N (except for the most modern modification 053N3) are gradually withdrawn from the Navy, some of them are sold to other countries.

They were replaced by 2 frigates pr. 054 (at the VF), now the construction of frigates pr. 054A is underway. 27 ships of this type have already been commissioned (7 in the Northern Fleet, 10 in the VF, 10 in the Southern Fleet). Along with strike weapons traditional for the PLA Navy (8 S-803 anti-ship missiles in container launchers), the ships of Project 054A became the first Chinese frigates to have adequate air defense for ships of this class: UVP for 32 HHQ-16 missiles (created on the basis of the Russian air defense system "Shtil "). Thanks to this, these frigates will become universal escort ships that can be used to protect aircraft carriers near their coasts and to strengthen destroyers in the open ocean.

In 2012, the PRC began building ships of project 056, which are classified either as small frigates or as corvettes. At present, 39 ships of this type have already been put into operation (8 in the Northern Fleet, 13 in the VF, 16 in the Southern Fleet and 2 more in the Hong Kong garrison belonging to the zone of the Southern Fleet), the total number of ships of this type will be at least 50 units.

Although in the last decade and a half, the Chinese fleet has changed from a “mosquito” (coastal) fleet to an ocean fleet, it remains in first place in the world in terms of the number of combat boats. So, there are up to 112 missile boats: 83-86 project 022, 6 project 037-II, 20 project 037-IG. All "037s" are part of the Law Firm, "022s" are distributed among all fleets. At the same time, boats of Project 022 are not only the most numerous, but also the most powerful and modern in their class in the world. They are built on the basis of high-speed catamarans of the Australian company Austal, each carrying 8 YJ-83 supersonic anti-ship missiles. Up to 75 old missile boats pr. 024 are in the sludge. Patrol boats in the PLA Navy up to 250: up to 20 pr. 037-I (another 3 in the BOHR), up to 99 pr. project 062 (the latter are quickly written off).

Mine-sweeping forces are represented by 1 minesweeper project 918, 2 new minesweepers project 082-II, 17 minesweepers project 082, 4 minesweepers project 081 and 6 project 082A. This number is very limited, so minesweeping forces are the "Achilles' heel" of the Chinese fleet.

The landing forces of the PLA Navy include 6 DTD pr. 071 (2 in the VF, 4 in the Southern Fleet), 30 TDK pr. 072 of four modifications (11 pr. 072A (2 in the Northern Fleet, 7 in the VF, 6 in the Southern Fleet), 4 project 072-II (1 in the VF, 3 in the Southern Fleet), 3 project 072 (in the VF)), 13 medium landing ships project 073 ( 10 pr. 073A, 1 pr. 073-III, 2 pr. 073-II), about 60 small landing ships (8-10 pr. 074A, 12-20 pr. 074, up to 32 pr. 079-II, the latter are used , mainly as cargo ships), as well as 4 DKVP pr. 12322, built in Ukraine.

In general, the PLA Navy ranks first in the world in terms of the number of diesel submarines, frigates, missile and patrol boats, landing ships (however, in terms of total tonnage and landing ship capacity, the PLA Navy is inferior to the US Navy). In terms of the number of nuclear submarines and destroyers, the Chinese fleet is the third in the world (in terms of SSBNs and SSBNs - after the US Navy and the Russian Navy, in terms of destroyers - after the US Navy and Japan).

Chinese PLA Naval Forces

"Red Dragon" - the symbol of the PLA Navy

Flag of the PLA Navy

IN Chinese city Qingdao, Shandong Province, hosted celebrations marking the 60th anniversary of the People's Liberation Army Navy. These were the largest celebrations in the history of the Chinese navy.

Aircraft carrier Liaoning

TTD "Liaoning"

On the aircraft carrier, Chinese phased array radars were installed, which are not inferior in parameters to the radars of the Aegis anti-missile system. Of the equipment - installed CIUS. From the armament, a quick-fire memory "1030" and an air defense system "FL-3000N" (4X18) were installed. The aircraft carrier wing is 46 J-15/35 type aircraft, it may become unified, and it will include up to four AWACS aircraft, from 6 to 18 Ka-28PL helicopters, 2 Ka-28PS helicopters. On September 1, 2012, the first Chinese aircraft carrier was assigned tail number 16. The future purpose of the aircraft carrier is an experimental training ship at the Naval Ship Institute.

- length / width / draft - 302.4 / 74 / 10.4 meters; - height -66 meters; - displacement of about 65 thousand tons;
- maximum speed up to 32 knots; - team - 2.5 thousand people;
-armament: 46 units of deck J-15 / 35, 4 helicopters, two anti-aircraft "1030" and four "FL-3000N".

At present, the Chinese PLA Navy has more than 70 warships and submarines. The number of personnel is 290 thousand people.

The structure of the fleets of the Chinese Navy

North Sea Fleet

East Sea Fleet

South Sea Fleet

1st nuclear submarine base

2nd Submarine Flotilla

12th Submarine Flotilla

22nd Submarine Flotilla

42nd Submarine Flotilla

2nd nuclear submarine base

32nd Submarine Flotilla

72nd Submarine Flotilla

1st Destroyer Flotilla

10th Destroyer Flotilla

1st Flotilla of Fast Assault Vessels

1st Landing Ship Squadron

1st Flotilla Combat Support Ships

3rd Destroyer Flotilla

6th Destroyer Flotilla

1st Corvette Flotilla

16th Flotilla of Fast Assault Vessels

21st Flotilla of Fast Assault Vessels

5th Landing Craft Flotilla

2nd Combat Support Flotilla

2nd Destroyer Flotilla

9th Destroyer Flotilla

11th Fleet of Fast Assault Vessels

26th Flotilla of Fast Assault Vessels

6th Landing Craft Flotilla

3rd Combat Support Flotilla

2nd Naval Aviation Division

5th Naval Aviation Division

3rd separate aviation regiment

6th separate aviation regiment

Training regiment

ship's helicopter wing

4th Naval Aviation Division

6th Naval Aviation Division

4th separate aviation regiment

8th Naval Aviation Division

9th Naval Aviation Division

7th separate aviation regiment

4th Radar Brigade

11th Coastal Defense Missile Regiment

12th Coastal Defense Missile Regiment

2nd Air Defense Regiment

Electronic Warfare Regiment

2nd Radar Brigade

13th Coastal Defense Missile Regiment

Electronic Warfare Regiment

2nd Surveillance Brigade

3rd Radar Brigade

46th Coastal Defense Missile Battalion

Training base of the North Sea Fleet

Qingdao support base

Lushun Support Base

Weihai Naval Garrison

Naval garrison Dalian

Zhoushan Support Base

Fujian Support Base

Support Base Shanghai

Xiamen Marine Garrison

Guangzhou support base

Yulin support base

Zhanjiang Support Base

Shantou Naval Garrison

Beihai Marine Garrison

Xisha Naval Garrison

1st Marine Brigade

164th Marine Brigade

Surface strike forces of the PLA Navy

The surface strike forces of the PLA Navy are represented by such classes of ships as destroyers, frigates and missile boats, and cruise missiles form the basis of the strike potential of these ships.

Destroyers of the Chinese Navy, organizationally consolidated into several brigades. The fleet consists of 29 destroyers, the total combat potential of which is about 280 tactical anti-ship cruise missiles (18.9% of the anti-ship missiles of the Chinese fleet), 560 missiles (31.5% of the ship's anti-aircraft missile ammunition), 172 torpedoes (11.9% of the torpedo potential) and 722 mines ( 8.7% mine ammunition).

Initially, the basis of the destroyers of the Chinese fleet was Luida-class destroyers (project 051, NATO code - DDG "Luda-class"). The design of this type of EM was carried out by the 701st institute, according to the Soviet project 56 (according to other data, according to the 41st project) and was started in 1965. Construction was carried out at three plants - in Dalian (board No. 105 - 110), in Shanghai (131-134) and in Guangzhou (160-166). A total of 17 ships were built, in series in the 1960s-1970s, 1980s and 1990s. EM "Guangzhou" was excluded in 1988 due to an internal explosion.

In the early 1980s project 051 was redesigned according to the new project 051G, taking into account English technologies adapted on the British destroyer pr. 42 (DDG type 42). The modernization included the installation of an air defense system, a CICS, a helicopter and TM3B turbines manufactured by Royce-Rolls. And in November 1982, the People's Republic of China and Great Britain entered into an agreement for the provision of technical assistance in the construction of the ship. Initially, it was planned to build two ships with British mechanisms and systems, and then four more with Chinese products, released under license. However, the plan was canceled a year later due to high costs. In total, one EM was built ("Zhuhai", 1991, board No. 166), and even then - without the possibility of basing a helicopter, but with the installation of a towed sonar "DUBV-43".

However, by 2004, some ships of this project were

modernized according to the "051G" standard, namely: the previously installed 2x3 launchers of the "HY-2" SCRC were quantitatively and qualitatively replaced with newer ones - 4x4 launchers of the "YJ-83" SCRC, air defense systems and new MZA systems were installed, CIUS and systems " C 3 I".

According to Sinodefence, at the end of 2006, the PLA Navy had 17 destroyers of this type, of which ten destroyers retained their original parameters - Yinchuan (107), Xining (108), Nanjing (131), " Hefei (132), Chongqing (133), Zunyi (134), Changsha (161), Nanning (162), Nanchang (163) and Guilin (164).

The rest of the ships underwent modernization of various depths, such as:

  • two destroyers - as control ships, with the development of long-range air defense systems (subclass "Luida"), the installation of the ZJK-1 and Type 381A CMS, and the C3I air defense system; mid 1990s. under this program, the destroyers "Dalian" (110) and "Hefei" (132) were modernized;
  • one destroyer with more advanced anti-submarine capabilities: with the installation of aviation weapons - a hangar and two "Z-9" helicopters in place of the aft superstructures and 130-mm and 37-mm guns, the presence of anti-submarine warfare (ASW) control systems is expected; in 1987, under this program, the EM "Jinan" (105) was modernized;
  • with the installation of the "HQ-7" air defense system (8 missiles) and the control system on the aft superstructure, instead of the 37-mm gun; under this program, the destroyers Xian (106) in 1991, Kaifeng (109) in 1991, Dalian (110) in 2002 and Zhanjiang (165) in 2003 were modernized;
  • with the replacement of the SCRC and an increase in the ammunition load to 16 anti-ship missiles "YJ-83": destroyers were modernized under this program: "Zhuhai" (166) in 1991, "Dalian" (110) in 2002, "Zhanjiang" (165) in 2003 and Kaifeng (109) in 1999

Tactical and technical characteristics of EM "Luyda", pr.051

Displacement: standard - 3250 tons, total - 3670 tons. Main dimensions - 132.0x12.8x4.6 m. Power and type of power plant - KTU 72000 hp, at speed - 32 knots. Cruising range 5000 (14 knots) and 2970 (18 knots). Fuel supply - 420 tons. Crew 280 people, including 45 officers.

Table 30

Note: "+" - presence, "-" - absence.

Other weapons (according to the original design): 4x2 AU 57- or 37-mm, 4x2 AU 25-mm, 2x3 324-mm TA, 2x12 RBU (120 RSL), 38 min.
In addition, the MZA was replaced on the ships, and a new type of 100-mm gun was installed on the Zhanjiang destroyer (165).

Destroyer Harbin (pr. 052)

Despite private upgrades, Luida-class destroyers are practically obsolete, if not old ships, capable of air defense only against single and low-speed air targets with a large RCS. It is believed that the Luida-class destroyers will remain in the PLA Navy until the early 2010s.

Waist, aft 1X4 PU (pr. 052)

Nevertheless, operating in the coastal zone under the cover of fighter aircraft and interacting with small missile BNKs (leading them) and attack aircraft, Luida-class destroyers, with the massive use of anti-ship missiles, can pose a serious threat, even for connecting ships with modern air defense systems.

Bow superstructure deck HQ-7 (project 052)

A further development of the "Luida" type EM was Luhu-class destroyers (project 052, NATO code DDG "Luhu-class"). The PRC Navy has two destroyers of this type - Harbin (board No. 112, 1994) and Qingdao (113, 1996).

Deck utah GDP for 2 helicopters (pr. 052)

Tactical and technical characteristics of EM type "Lyuhu", pr. 052

Displacement: standard - 4200 tons, total - 5700 tons. Main dimensions - 142.6x15.1x5.1 m. 5 knots Cruising range 4000 (16 knots). Fuel supply - 1500 tons. Crew 230 people, of which 40 officers. Autonomy - 30 days.

Weapons - 4x4 anti-ship missile systems "YJ-83" (16 anti-ship missiles), 1x8 air defense systems "HQ-7" (16 missiles), 1x2 AU - 100 mm, 4x2 AU 37 mm, 2x3 324-mm TA, 2x12 RBU (120 RSL ), 2 "Z-9A" helicopters.

Situation radar: type 518 (OVC); type 360 ​​/ DRBV-15 SEA TIGER (OVC / ONC); type 362 (OVC)
- weapon control radar: type 347G (37 mm AU); type 344 (AU, RCC); type 345 / CASTOR II (ZRK)
- RTR and EW: 2x15 type 946 launchers; SIGNAAL RAPIDS; RAMSES; type 826C / BM-8610

roof hangar radar pr. 052

This type of ship is the most successful example of the placement created using Western countries(primarily France) weapons and armament corps of Chinese production. The project of the ship was developed by the 701st Institute. The construction was carried out at two factories in Shanghai, with the commissioning in 1993 ("Harbin") and 1996 ("Qingdao"). The ships are designed to fight against BNK and submarines, as well as for fire support of the landing force and shelling of coastal facilities. A distinctive feature of ships of this type is the power plant (GTU + remote control with separate operation of engines). The developed superstructure is made of aluminum-magnesium alloys. Among the foreign equipment on the ships were used gas turbines "GE LM2500" (at the EM "Harbin") and "GT25000" (at the EM "Qingdao"), the CICS "Thomson-CSF TAVITAC" (or its Chinese copy ZKJ-4B / 6) , radar NTs "Thomson-CSF DRBV-15 - Sea tiger", SU ADMS "Thomson-CSF Crotale". The ships are equipped with a towed GAS "DUBV-43".

Project 052 destroyer model

Meanwhile, experts note low stability parameters, significant EPR, weak air defense and imperfection of RTV (despite the presence of a number of foreign-made samples). All these shortcomings forced the abandonment of the further construction of ships of this type.

In 2004, the Qingdao EM was upgraded with a doubling of the anti-ship missile launchers. Harbin has been undergoing similar repairs since 2003. Both ships are part of China's Northern Fleet.

The destroyer "Shenyang" project 051С on completion

The further development of the destroyers of the Chinese fleet was Project 051B "Luhai" type EM (NATO code DDG "Luhai-class"), while maintaining the functional purpose of the prototype, while increasing the dimensions, missile and anti-submarine potential. In total, one ship was built at the Dalian shipyard - the Shenzhen (board No. 167), transferred to the PLA Navy in 1999. In the process of creation, while maintaining the power plant concept and increasing the main dimensions of the ship, Chinese shipbuilders managed to significantly increase the cruising range - up to 14,000 miles at 15 knots (although this looks doubtful). According to domestic data, it was planned to install UVPU and MFKSU on this ship.

Project 051B destroyer "Shenzhen" takes fuel

In 2000, the Shenzhen destroyer, in support of an auxiliary vessel, made a trip to the African continent, and from August to November 2001, in support of an auxiliary vessel, visited the ports of Germany, Great Britain, France and Italy.

Project 051B destroyer antenna post

Tactical and technical characteristics of EM type "Lyuhay", pr. 051B

Displacement: total - 6600 tons. Main dimensions - 153.0 x 16.5 x 6.0 m. Cruising range 14000 (15 knots). Fuel supply? 1500 tons. Crew 250 people, including 42 officers. Autonomy - 30 days.
Weapons - 4x4 anti-ship missile systems "YJ-83" (16 anti-ship missiles), 1x8 air defense systems "HQ-7" (16 missiles), 1x2 AU - 100 mm, 4x2 AU 37 mm, 2x3 324-mm TA, 2x12 RBU (120 RSL ), 2 "Z-9A" helicopters.

Electronic weapons:

- Situation radar: type 517H-1 (OVC); type 360S/DRBV-15 SEA TIGER (OVC/ONC); type 381A (OVC/ONC)
- weapon control radar: type 347G (37 mm AU); type 343G (AU, RCC); type 345 / CASTOR II (SAM); 2 OES OFD-630

- - RTR and EW: 2x15 type 946 launchers; SIGNAAL RAPIDS SRW210A; RAMSES
- GAS: DUBV-23

Waist on the destroyer "Shenyang" project 051С

Tactical and technical characteristics of EM type "Shenyang", pr. 051C

Displacement: total - 7000 tons. Main dimensions - 155.0 x 17.0 x 6.0 m. Cruising range? 14000 (15 knots). Fuel supply? 1500 tons. Crew 280 people, of which? 50 officers.
Weapons - 2x4 anti-ship missiles "YJ-62" (8 anti-ship missiles), 6x8 air defense systems "Rif-M" (48 missiles), 1x1 AU - 100-mm, 2x7 AU 30-mm "type 730", 2x3 324-mm TA, 2x12 RBU (120 RSL), 1 helicopter.

Destroyer "Guangzhou" Project 052B

It is known that in 2003 this ship was under repair, with the possible installation of vertical 4x6 launchers of the HQ-9 air defense system, the LY-60N air defense system (32 missiles) and two new radars of the UO air defense system with headlights; it is also possible to install two ZRAK "Kashtan" and a new AU. Before the repair, the ship was part of the Southern Fleet.

Waist of the destroyer "Guangzhou" project 052B

According to "", the further development of this ship is the EM pr. destroyer "Shenyang" (NATO code - DDG "Luzhou class"). The architectural and constructive type of Shenyang (board No. 115) fully corresponds to the prototype - EM pr. 051V, which, in our opinion, implies similar main dimensions, power plant, autonomy and cruising range parameters. A distinctive feature of this ship is the use of six launchers of the Russian Rif-M air defense system, which provides zonal air defense at a range of up to 90 km and an altitude of 25-30 km (2) . The second building of this type - EM "Shijiazhuang" (No. 116), was laid down a year later. These ships are expected to enter service in 2006-2007. Let's assume that the ships will become part of China's Southern Fleet.

Bow launcher of the "Shtil" air defense missile system of the destroyer "Guangzhou" pr. 052V

The further development of destroyers of the Chinese fleet took place under the influence of the supply of Russian weapons and weapons. So, in 2002-2005. China created two types of destroyers on the same hull-energy base - destroyers pr. 052B and 052C (NATO code DDG "Luyang class" and "Luyang-II class" respectively).

RBU type 87 and bow AU of the destroyer "Guangzhou" pr. 052V

Tactical and technical characteristics of EM type "Guangzhou", pr. 052V

Displacement: total - 6500 tons. Main dimensions - 154.0x17.0x6.0 m. Power and type of power plant - GTU 48600 hp, DU - 8840 hp, at speed - 29 knots.

Cruising range? 14000 (15 knots). Fuel supply? 1500 tons. Crew 280 people, of which? 50 officers. Autonomy - 30 days. Weapons - 4x4 anti-ship missiles "YJ-83" (16 anti-ship missiles), 2x1 SAM "Shtil" (48 missiles), 1x1 AU - 100-mm, 2x7 AU 30-mm "type 730", 2x3 324-mm TA, 2x12 RBU ( 120 RSL), 2 helicopters.
Electronic weapons:
- Situation radar: FREGAT MR760 (OVC); Radar type 363 (OVTS)
- weapon control radar: type 343G (AU, anti-ship missiles); 4 SAM radars; type 327G UO "AK-630"
- RTR and EW: 2x15 type 946 launchers; SIGNAAL RAPIDS SRW210A; RAMSES
- GAS: DUBV-23
- Communication and control system: BIUS TAVITAC; SATCOM

Model of the destroyer "Guangzhou" project 052B

The first type destroyer project 052B "Guangzhou"(board No. 168) was launched on May 25, 2002 and entered service in July 2004 as a multi-purpose ship, with a uniformly enhanced combat potential, namely:

  • strike capabilities - due to the preservation of 4x4 PU SCRC "YJ-83";
  • air defense - due to the placement of two launchers of the Russian Shtil air defense system (48 missiles) and two six-barreled 30-mm guns of Russian-made MZA;
  • PLO - due to the deployment of two Zhi-9A helicopters.

The second ship of this type - "Wuhan" (board No. 169) also entered service in 2004. The ships are part of the Southern Fleet.

Tactical and technical characteristics of EM type "Lanzhou", pr. 052C

Tactical and technical characteristics of EM type "Lanzhou", pr. 052C
Displacement: total - 6500 tons. Main dimensions - 154.0x17.0x6.0 m. Power and type of power plant - GTU 48600 hp, DU - 8840 hp, at speed - 29 knots.
Cruising range? 14000 (15 knots). Fuel supply? 1500 tons. Crew 280 people, of which? 50 officers. Autonomy - 30 days.
Weapons - 2x4 anti-ship missile systems "YJ-62" (8 anti-ship missiles), 8x6 air defense systems "Rif-M" (48 missiles), 1x1 AU - 100-mm, 2x7 AU 30-mm "type 730", 2x3 324-mm TA, 2x12 RBU (120 RSL), helicopter.

Electronic weapons:- Situation radar: HEADLIGHTS radar- Weapon control radar: type 343G (AU, anti-ship missiles)

- GAS: DUBV-23- Communication and control system: BIUS TAVITAC; SATCOM

Destroyer "Lanzhou"

Tactical and technical characteristics of EM pr. 956E and 956EM

Displacement: standard - 6500 tons, total - 7940 tons. Main dimensions - 156.5x 17.2x 5.96 m. Power and type of power plant - KTU 110,000 hp, at speed - 32 knots. Cruising range 4500 miles (18 knots). Fuel supply - 1440 tons. Crew 344 people, including 31 officers. Autonomy - 30 days.
- project 956E: 2x4 Moskit anti-ship missile systems (8 anti-ship missiles), 2x1 Shtil air defense systems (48 missiles), 2x2 AU - 130-mm, 4x6 AU 30-mm, 2x3 553-mm TA, 2x12 RBU-1000 (48 RSL), 38 min, 2 helicopters "Z-9A" or 1 "Ka-27"
- project 956EM: 2x4 Moskit anti-ship missile systems (8 anti-ship missiles), 2x1 Shtil air defense systems (48 missiles), 1x2 AU - 130-mm, 4 Kashtan air defense systems, 2x2 553-mm TA, 2x12 RBU-1000 (48 RSL), 38 min, helicopter "Z-9" or "Ka-27"
Electronic weapons:

- situation radar: "Frigate - M2-M3" (OVTs); "Mineral" (ONC)

- RTR and EW: MP-407E, MP-401E, PK-2M, PK-10- GAS: "Platima - MS-E"

- - Communication and control system: BIUS, AKSR-782-5KE

Waist EM pr. 052S

The second type - destroyer pr. 052C "Lanzhou"(board No. 170), launched on 04/29/2003 and entered service in 2004.

Waist EM pr. 052S. Launchers

The construction of the new destroyer was carried out "in the hull and power engineering" of pr. 052V, but with pronounced anti-aircraft capabilities achieved by placing eight (six bow and two stern) launchers of the HQ-9 air defense system - an analogue of the Russian "Rif-M" zone defense and two guns "type 730".

Tank deck EM pr. 052C

Anti-submarine capabilities have been retained at the level of pr. best qualities- greater flight range and warhead power than the "YJ-83".

Bow superstructure EM pr. 052S-PB

Full displacement and other characteristics are also preserved in the framework of the 051B project.

Model EM pr. 052C

The second ship of this project - EM "Haikou" (board No. 171), also entered service in 2004. All ships of this type are part of the Southern Fleet of China.

Separate ships in a number of Chinese EMs are two destroyers, project 956E and two destroyers, project 956EM (NATO code - DDG "Sovremenny-class") completed by Russia in the interests of China.

The first negotiations on the acquisition of these ships date back to 1992, but practical implementation began after the March 1996 crisis in the Taiwan Strait, when, in response to missile launches from mainland China towards Taiwan, the United States demonstrated force by deploying two aircraft carrier groups to the region.

The first ships of this type entered service with the Chinese fleet in 1999 (Hangzhou, board. No. 136) and in 2000. ("Fuzhou", No. 137). The next two destroyers were completed according to the modified project - 956EM, on which the aft 130-mm gun was dismantled and four AK-630M assault rifles were replaced with the same number of combat modules ZRAK "Kashtan". In January 2006, the first hull of this type - EM "Taizhou" (board No. 138) made the transition from Russia to China and became part of the Eastern Fleet of China. The second ship of this type (board No. 139) was commissioned at the end of 2006.

It should be noted that the development of these ships was carried out by the Chinese crews with difficulty: during the transition to the PRC, the Chinese sailors were able to independently keep watch, only after passing almost half the way, and upon arrival at the duty station, the Chinese crew for a long time could not perform test missile firing anti-ship missiles "Mosquito". Indirectly confirming the fact that the operation of the "956s" is not easy for the Chinese crews, is the modern (February 2006) contract for the supply of spare parts for these destroyers, concluded with the Russian enterprise Zvyozdochka.

With the commissioning of the fourth ship of this type, the Chinese fleet will receive a homogeneous strike formation with powerful strike (32 anti-ship missiles) and anti-aircraft (192 missiles) potentials, and capable of operating in the ocean zone with the involvement of supply ships.

Frigates of the Chinese Navy are the most numerous class of relatively large ships. Along with destroyers, they are assigned the role of multi-purpose ships that can be part of the KUG and KPUG, form such groups on their own, participate in escorting KOH and DESO, and protect the economic zone. The combat potential of frigates is 266 tactical anti-ship cruise missiles (18% of the anti-ship missiles of the Chinese fleet), 136 missiles (7.7% of anti-aircraft missile ammunition), 18 torpedoes (1.42% of torpedo potential) and 930 mines (11.2% of mine ammunition).

Frigate "Jianghu" with MLRS

The performance characteristics of the frigates of the type "Jianghu-1, -2, -4, -5"

Displacement: standard - 1425 tons, total - 1702 tons. Main dimensions - 103.2 x 10.8 x 3.1 m. Cruising range 4000 (15 knots). Fuel supply - 277 tons. Crew - 200 people, including 30 officers. Autonomy - up to 15 days.

Weapons and weapons:

- "Jianghu-1":
Weapons: 2x2 anti-ship missile launchers "HY-2" (4 anti-ship missiles), 2x1 AU - 100 mm, 4x2 AU 37-mm, 2x5 RBU-1200 (40 RSL), 2 BMB-2 (12 GB), 60 min.

Electronic armament: radar for detection of VTs and NTs "type 354" ("Fut-N"); Fire control radar anti-ship missiles and AU - "type 352"; Navigation radar - "type 956 ("Don")"; REP and RTR means; GAS: "SJD-5", "SJC-1B" and "SJX-4".

- "Jianghu-2 (-5)":
Weapons: 2x2 anti-ship missile launchers "HY-2" (4 anti-ship missiles), 2x2 100 mm guns, 4x2 37-mm guns, 2x5 RBU-1200 (40 RSL), 2 BMB-2 (12 GB), up to 30 min.

Electronic armament: radar for detection of VTs and NTs "type 354"; Fire control radar anti-ship missiles and AU - "type 352"; Navigation radar - "type 752"; means of electronic warfare and RTR, GAS: "SJD-5", "SJC-1B" and "SJX-4"; CICS "CTC-1629".

- - "Jianghu-4":
Weapons: 1x2 anti-ship missiles "HY-2" (4 anti-ship missiles), 1x1 AU - 100 mm, 2x2 AU 37-mm, 2x5 RBU-1200 (40 RSL), 2 BMB-2 (12 GB), 2x3 324-mm TA , hangar + helicopter "Z-9С".
Electronic armament: radar for detection of VTs and NTs "type 348"; Fire control radar anti-ship missiles and AU - "type 352"; Navigation radar - "type 752"; means of electronic warfare and RTR, GAS "SJD-7".

Frigate "Huaibei" (Type "Jiangwei")

Table 31

URO frigates of the type "Jianghu-1 (-2, -4, -5)" (pr. 053Н1, NATO code - FFG "Jianghu-I (-II, -IV, -V) class")(5) the most massive series of frigates, the first version of which was built on the basis of the Soviet TFR pr. 50. The ships were built as attack ships, for combat operations in the coastal zone. At the same time, the main dimensions were increased, a remote control was used as a power plant, the composition of the AC was changed and the SCRC was added, replacing the torpedo tubes with them.

Frigate “Shaoxing”

The ships were built in several series with partial modifications. So, on the Jianghu-2 series, new, more advanced, two-gun 100-mm type 79 guns were installed, the MZA guns were updated, the CTC-1629 CTC was mounted, and the Omega satellite navigation station was added. And by the beginning of the 1990s, to replenish the fleet, China built the last series - the Jianghu-5 of six ships (Nos. 558-563), with characteristics similar to the Jianghu-2, but with the installation of the ZJK -3A".

In 2004-2005 the frigate "Dzheydzhin" was re-equipped into a landing fire support ship: instead of launchers for anti-ship missiles, parts of superstructures and anti-aircraft guns, five 122-mm MLRS "type 90" were mounted. One forty-barrel launcher of this system is capable of hitting a target with a fire effect of 732 kg of explosives at a distance of up to 40 km or 1120 kg of explosives at a distance of up to 20 km. In addition, new 2x2 100-mm guns "type 79" were installed on the ship, with a fire output of one gun equal to 790 kg * min at a distance of up to 22.5 thousand meters. There is apparently no possibility of reloading MLRS. The conversion of other ships of this type was not reported.

Type 022 frigate (catamaran)

The equipment of the Houbei 022 RK includes: type 362 air and surface target detection radars, navigation radar, HHOS 300 optoelectronic surveillance equipment.

- length / width / draft - 42.6 / 12.2 / 1.5 meters;
- displacement 220 tons;
- maximum speed up to 38 knots;
- a team of missile boat-catamaran - 12 people;
- armament: 1 launcher with 8 JV-83 / YJ-82 missiles, ZAK "AK-630" and 1 air defense system with 12 portable missiles.

Despite the non-critical age of most ships, almost all frigates of this type are outdated, both morally - the last ships of the series, and physically - the first ships of the series. Experts criticize these ships for the lack of air defense systems, effective weapon Air defense and helicopter.

The last drawback was eliminated on a modified version - URO frigate type "Jianghu-4" (pr. 053NT(H) NATO code - FFG "Jianghu-IV class"), on which, instead of a stern pair of PU anti-ship missiles and a stern 100-mm gun, the GDP was mounted along with a hangar for a helicopter. Anti-submarine armament was reinforced with two Italian-made triple-tube 324-mm torpedoes (12 torpedoes), and the bow 100-mm gun was replaced with a new French-made one of the same caliber. The Siping frigate (board No. 544) was commissioned in 1988, but did not go into series, it is used as an experimental ship in the Northern Fleet. The ship served as a prototype for the Jiangwei series.

A separate type of ships of the Jianghu family of frigates, and is considered the most successful, is a series of frigates "Jianghu-3", (project 053Н2, NATO code - FFG "Jianghu-III class"). In total, seven ships were built according to this type, three of them for the PLA Navy (Nos. 535, 536 and 537, respectively, in 1986, 1988 and 1993) and four for export - for Thailand. Using the same parameters of the main dimensions and the power plant of increased power, these ships significantly improved the composition of strike weapons, electronic weapons and crew habitation conditions. The architectural and structural type of the ship is somewhat modified and outwardly, more reminiscent of the next generation frigates - the Jiangwei type. All three ships are part of China's Eastern Fleet.

The performance characteristics of the frigate type "Jianghu-3"

Displacement: standard - 1610 tons, total - 1924 tons. Main dimensions - 103.2 x 10.8 x 3.1 m. Cruising range 4000 (15 knots). Fuel supply - 314 tons. Crew - 200 people, including 30 officers. Autonomy - up to 15 days.
Weapons: 4x2 anti-ship missiles "YJ-83" (8 anti-ship missiles), 2x2 guns - 100 mm, 4x2 guns 37-mm, 2x5 RBU-1200 (40 RSL), 30 min.
Electronic armament: radar for detection of VTs and NTs "type 354"; Fire control radar anti-ship missiles and AU - "type 352"; Navigation radar - "type 752"; means of electronic warfare and RTR, GAS: "SJD-5", "SJC-1B" and "SJX-4"; BIUS.

The next branch of development, frigates of the type "Jiangwei" and "Jiangwei-2", due to the increased size of the hull, they have air defense systems, SCRCs, a helicopter and more advanced RTV and AC. At the same time, on the first sub-series - "Jiangwei" (pr. 053H2G, NATO code - FFG "Jiangwei class"), "HQ-61" with an ammunition load of six missiles was used as an air defense system, while on the second sub-series "Jiangwei-2" ( project 053H3, NATO code - FFG "Jiangwei-II class"), a smaller one was installed - "HQ-7", but with a larger ammunition load - eight missiles. In total, Shanghai shipyards built:

  • four Jiangwei frigates: Anqing (No. 539, 1991), Huainan (540, 1992), Huaibei (541, 1993) and Tonling (542, 1994),
  • ten Jiangwei-2 frigates: Jiaxin (521, 1998), Lianyungang (522, 1999), Putian (523, 1999), Sanming (524, 1999) , Yichang (564, 1999), Yulin (565, 2000) and Yixi (566, 1999), Mianyang (528, 2004) and two more ships - board Nos. 567 and 527.

According to experts, these ships are well balanced in terms of efficiency / cost. In 2002, the Pakistani Navy ordered four F-22P frigates from China, which are an export version of the Jiangwei-class frigates, two of which will be built in China, and two - in Pakistani shipyards from Chinese-made parts and equipment. Four Jiangwei-2 frigates are part of the Southern Fleet (Nos. 527, 565, 566 and 567), and the rest are part of the Eastern Fleet.

General view of the frigate project 054

And in modern times, they complete the line of development of ships of this class two Jiangkai-class frigates - Ma'anshan (board No. 525) and Wenzhou (526) (project 054, NATO code - FFG "Jiangkai - class"), built in Shanghai and Guangzhou, and entered service with the Eastern Fleet in 2005. These ships are designed as multi-purpose frigates using "Stealth" technologies, equipped with Western, Russian and Chinese weapons systems.

Presumably, project 054 is a development of the F16U frigate project, proposed by the China State Shipbuilding Company to the international market in 2000. The power plant combines a French-made control unit acquired in 2003 and the same national-made plant. The nomenclature of energy, weapons and armaments, in principle, is no different from the Jiangwei-class frigates.

Frigate "Maanshan" project 054 is fighting

Attention is drawn to the fact that relatively outdated air defense systems are placed on the new ship - the HQ-7, introduced "into world circulation" as the French Crotal Naval, in the late 1970s. In our opinion, this is due to the lack of newer systems in China that can be placed on a ship of such a displacement.

Scheme of modernization of the frigate pr. 054

That's why further development frigates of this type, it was supposed to be carried out with the strengthening of air defense systems - with the installation of the HQ-17 air defense system (an analogue of the Russian Tor air defense system, 32 SAMs, 2x16 VPU), on board, in the superstructure of the hangar, and the HQ-16 air defense system (an analogue of the Russian SAM "Shtil-1", 32 missiles, 4x8 VPU), in the bow, behind the 100-mm gun.

For reference, we note that in 2006 the air defense system with the Shtil-1 air launcher was tested, and in the Soviet Navy the army "Tor" was "seasoned" in the Kortik air defense system.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the RCA type "Hoku", pr. 024

Displacement: standard - 68 tons, total - 79 tons. Main dimensions - 27x6.5x1.3 m. Power and type of power plant - remote control, 4800 hp, at a speed of 37.5 knots. Cruising range 500 miles (25 knots). Fuel supply - 11 tons. Crew: 15 people, incl. 2 officers.
Weapons: 2x1 HY-2 anti-ship missiles (2 anti-ship missiles), 1x2 AU - 37 mm

Tactical and technical characteristics of the RCA type "Housin", pr. 037 / G1

Displacement: standard - 440 tons, total - 478 tons. Main dimensions - 62.8x7.2x2.4 m. Power and type of power plant - remote control, 16000 hp, at a speed of 32 knots. Cruising range 1300 miles (18 knots). Fuel supply - 38 tons. Crew: 71 people, incl. 9 officers.
Weapons: 2x2 anti-ship missiles "YJ-8" (4 anti-ship missiles), 2x2 guns - 37 mm, 2x2 guns 14.5 mm.
Electronic weapons: navigation radar - "type 756"; Radar SU - "type 343"; NC detection radar - "Square Tie"

Tactical and technical characteristics of the RCA type "Houjian" pr. 037 / G2

Displacement: standard - 520 tons, total - 560 tons. Main dimensions - 65.4x8.4x2.4 m. Power and type of power plant - remote control, 15840 hp, at a speed of 32 knots. Cruising range 1800 miles (18 knots). Fuel supply - 40 tons. Crew: 32 people, incl. 5 officers.
Weapons: 2x3 YJ-8 anti-ship missiles (6 anti-ship missiles), 1x2 37-mm guns or 1x1 AK-176 76-mm guns, 2x2 30-mm guns. Electronic weapons - similar to project 037 / G1

Tactical and technical characteristics of RKA pr. 022

Displacement - total 220 tons. Main dimensions - 42.6x12.2x1.5 m. Power and type of power plant - 6865 hp, at a speed of 36 knots. Cruising range - ? miles (? knots). Fuel supply - 20 (?) tons. Crew - 20 (?) people, of which 3 (?) officers.
Armament: 2x2 SCRC "YJ-8" (4 anti-ship missiles), AC - ?

The third hull, modernized according to project 054A, was handed over for testing in the spring of 2007. Judging by the published photographs, 2x8 HQ-16 air launchers were placed on the tank deck, the 100-mm gun was replaced by the 76-mm Russian AK-176, and instead of Radar "type 363S" installed "Frigate". And according to, the Russian AK-630s have been replaced with 30-mm seven-barrel guns "type 730", and other parameters have been kept at the level of the "054th" project. We have not found any information about the installation of the HQ-17 air defense system. According to the same source, three more frigates are being built according to the modernized project, although, according to, the PLA Navy needs 15-20 ships of this type.

Missile boats of the Chinese Navy represented by four RCAs of Project 022, seven RCAs of the Houjian type (Project 037/2G), 23 RCAs of the Hou Xin type (Project 037/1G), 30 of the Huangfen type (Project 021) and 25 of the Hoku type "(pr. 024). Combat potential - 320 tactical anti-ship cruise missiles (21.7% of anti-ship missiles of the Chinese fleet).

Huangfen-class missile boats (project 021, NATO code "Huangfeng-class") are the Chinese version of the Soviet RKA pr. 205, transferred in 1965-1968. in the amount of seven ships. In total, under the project 021, it was built in the 1970s. 124 RCA, including 26 boats for export. The boats underwent modernization in a timely manner, mainly related to the improvement of the missile system (the first hulls were equipped with hangar launchers, eventually replaced by container ones) and the replacement of the AU - from the 25-mm AU type "2M-3M" to the 30-mm AU "type 69 "(Analogue of the Soviet AU "AK-230"). In total, as of 2004, the PLA Navy included about 30 RSA of this type.

Hoku-class missile boats (project 024, NATO code "Hegu-class") were built by China in the 1960s. according to the Soviet project 183R, but unlike the latter, not with a wooden, but with a steel case. By the present, the RCA are outdated and are being withdrawn from the fleet. Nevertheless, as of the end of 2005, the PLA Navy included about 25 RSA of this type.

The next, fairly large series RCA type "Housin" (pr. 037 / 1G) was built 1990-1999. "in the hull" of an anti-submarine boat of the "Hainan" type (project 037). With a standard displacement of 440 tons, RKA data were carried by four anti-ship missiles "YJ-1" in 2x2 TPK.

"Closing Series" RCA type "Houjian" (project 037 / 2G), was built in the same period of time, but due to the increased size, it is armed with six anti-ship missiles "YJ-8" in 2x3 TPK. In total, in 2004, 23 RCAs were built according to the first project and seven - according to the second.

And in modern times (2006), 4 missile boats pr. 022(board. №№ 2208 - 2211) original, trimaran design. This design allows you to develop a high full speed, provides good seaworthiness and smooth entry into the wave. The architecture of the boats meets the requirements of low visibility. Some foreign media have given the name "Shadow Cat" to the new project of the Chinese missile boat. The main power plant of the "ghosts" consists of four "MTU" diesel engines, which are manufactured in China under license. Propulsion - four water cannons.

The number of attack ships should include 15 Huchuan-class torpedo boats (project 025/026) of an old design, armed with two torpedoes, and in modern times, most likely, withdrawn from the fleet.

The performance characteristics of the RCA type "Huangfen"

Displacement: standard - 171 tons, total - 205 tons. Main dimensions - 38.6x7.6x2.03 m. Power and type of power plant - remote control, 12000 hp, at a speed of 35 knots. Cruising range 2000 miles (14 knots). Fuel supply - 34 tons. Crew: 26 people, incl. 4 officers.
Weapons: 2x2 anti-ship missiles "HY-2" (4 anti-ship missiles), 2x2 AU - 37 mm.

Electronic armament: NC detection radar - "type 347G", navigation radar - "Don-2", electronic warfare and RTR equipment

In general, China's missile boats are a rather formidable, but coastal force capable of using weapons in seas up to four points. At the same time, experts note a fairly large radar visibility and weakness of air defense systems.

Of the interesting novelties of auxiliary vessels, it is worth noting the medical ship - hospital ship "Peace Ark". The hospital ship was delivered by the Chinese Navy at the end of 2008. The first execution of tasks for the appointment - 2010.

The vessel has 8 decks equipped with modern medical equipment and equipment. On board, 32 chambers were completed to receive 300 people. It is known that there are more than one and a half thousand types of medications on board. The ship is provided with a Z-8JH transport and rescue helicopter, which provides transportation for up to 27 people.

Command cadres for surface forces several schools are preparing, including:

  • Dalian Higher Naval School - the most prestigious naval educational institution China, which trains command and technical officers for surface ships, command and political personnel and specialists in the field of oceanography. School faculties - political, surface ships, naval
  • artillery weapons, mine and torpedo weapons, guided missiles, command and information, hydrographic.
  • The Guangzhou Higher Naval School performs functions similar to the Dalian VVMU, although it is less prestigious. The school trains cadets at two faculties in three specialties: "command-base level for surface ships", "command-tactical for ships of the second rank" and "command-tactical for groups of surface ships."
  • Engineering University of the Navy - in the specialties "engineering of surface ships", "engineering - control of electrical equipment of surface ships", "command combat surface ships and fire control systems", "engineering torpedo", "engineering control of surface ships" and "engineering EWT".