Organizational structure of the university. Quality management system in education. Structures of universities Types of organizational structure university

1. Overview of typical organizational structures of universities

1.2. Features of modern organizational structures of universities

The influence of the market strongly affects the system of higher education in Russia. Having received new duties and freedoms, universities create new structures. The emerging structures are close to those traditionally used by entrepreneurs. These are the inevitable functions and divisions for management in a competitive environment: strategic management, marketing, project management, boards of trustees. Universities adjust the strategic goals of their activities and, of course, make the necessary changes to the organizational structure. At the same time, the emergence of new tasks and services often occurs spontaneously. That is why new units sometimes come out heavy, poorly structured.

The structure of a developing university should be viable, flexible and dynamic. In this regard, it is relevant to develop a scientifically based structure for managing the educational process, a structure that effectively functions in an open information and educational space, provides easy access to the information being studied, stimulates the generation of new knowledge and ensures the competitiveness of graduates in the labor market.

Consider the most common organizational structures, initially focusing on the accepted typology. In the economic literature, classical schemes of organizational structures are given:

1) hierarchical (bureaucratic),

2) linear,

3) linear staff,

4) divisional (divisional),

5) organic (adaptive),

6) brigade (cross-functional),

7) design,

8) matrix (program target).

The structure of university management is largely determined by the decision-making mechanism, who makes them and what it focuses on. The evolution of the external environment, changes in the demands of external and internal agents in relation to the university force it to transform its goals; along with this, the organizational structure of management is also being adapted.

1. Hierarchical (bureaucratic) types of structures. Inherited by the Russian high school As a legacy from the Soviet period, the traditional organization of the university can be characterized as a hierarchical departmentalization. The educational subsystem of the university, which implements the main task of a higher educational institution, can be characterized as a disciplinary departmentalization, since the grouping of people and resources is carried out around academic disciplines. It should be noted that disciplinary departmentalization leads to a deep specialization of activities, and gives rise to inter-faculty and inter-departmental organizational barriers, which characterizes the university exclusively as a “hierarchical bureaucracy”, meaning ignoring the content component of its activities, identifying it with production organizations or state structures.

Weaknesses and strengths of the functional structure of the organization are given in Table. 1.

Table 1

Weaknesses and strengths of the hierarchical structure


Weak sides

1. Economies of scale within one functional unit.

2. Allows employees to professionally develop and improve their skills.

3. Contributes to the implementation of the functional tasks of the organization.

4. Works well when training in a small number of specialties

1. Slow reaction to changes in the environment.

2. It can lead to the fact that all problems begin to be sent to the upper levels of the hierarchy, vertical connections are overloaded.

3. Weak horizontal coordination between departments.

4. Hinders innovation.

5. Limited vision by employees of the goals of the organization

2. Linear organizational structure. The basis of linear structures is the so-called "mine" principle of construction and specialization of the management process according to the functional subsystems of the organization (marketing, production, research and development, finance, personnel, etc.). For each subsystem, a hierarchy of services is formed, penetrating the entire organization from top to bottom. The results of the work of each service are evaluated by indicators characterizing the fulfillment by them of their goals and objectives. The management structure of SFU is currently fully consistent with this classical system with all its advantages and disadvantages.

3. Line staff organizational structure. This type of organizational structure is the development of a linear one and is designed to eliminate its most important drawback associated with the lack of strategic planning links. The line-headquarters structure includes specialized units (headquarters) that do not have the right to make decisions and manage any lower units, but only help the relevant leader in performing certain functions, primarily the functions of strategic planning and analysis. Otherwise, this structure corresponds to a linear one.

4. Divisional (divisional) management structure. The emergence of such structures is due to a sharp increase in the size of organizations, the diversification of their activities (diversification), the complication of technological processes in a dynamically changing environment. In this regard, divisional management structures began to emerge, primarily in large corporations, which began to provide some independence to their production units, leaving the development strategy, research and development, financial and investment policy, etc. to the management of the corporation. In this type of structures an attempt was made to combine centralized coordination and control of activities with decentralized management. This principle is implemented in business management in structures such as a financial holding quite applicable to the organization of university management.

5. Organic types of structures. Organic or adaptive management structures began to develop around the end of the 70s, when, on the one hand, the creation of an international market for goods and services sharply intensified competition among enterprises and life demanded from enterprises high efficiency and quality of work, and a quick response to market changes, and, on the other hand, the inability of structures of the hierarchical type to meet these conditions became obvious. The main property of organic management structures is their ability to change their form, adapting to changing conditions. For classical universities with their production cycle of 4-6 years and sufficient inertia of the labor market, the use of such structures is very problematic.

6. Team (cross-functional) structure. The basis of this management structure is the organization of work in working groups (teams), in many respects directly opposite to the hierarchical type of structures. The main principles of such a management organization are:

autonomous work of working groups (teams);

Independent decision-making by working groups and horizontal coordination of activities;

replacement of rigid managerial ties of a bureaucratic type with flexible ties;

Involvement of employees from different departments to develop and solve problems.

These principles destroy the rigid distribution of employees in production, engineering, economic and management services inherent in hierarchical structures and are completely unacceptable in the existing system of higher education in Russia and in the world.

7. Project management structure. The basic principle of building a project structure is the concept of a project, which is understood as any purposeful change in the system, for example, the development and production of a new product, the introduction of new technologies, the construction of facilities, etc. The activity of the enterprise is considered as a set of ongoing projects, each of which has a fixed beginning and end. For each project, labor, financial, industrial, etc. resources are allocated, which are managed by the project manager. Each project has its own structure, and project management includes defining its goals, forming a structure, planning and organizing work, and coordinating the actions of performers. After the project is completed, the project structure falls apart, its components, including employees, move to a new project or leave (if they worked on a contract basis).

8. Matrix (program-target) management structure. Such a structure is a network structure built on the principle of dual subordination of performers: on the one hand, to the direct head of the functional service, which provides staff and technical assistance to the project manager, on the other hand, to the project or target program manager, who is endowed with the necessary authority to implement the management process . With such an organization, the project manager interacts with two groups of subordinates: with permanent members of the project team and with other employees of functional departments who report to him temporarily and on a limited range of issues. At the same time, their subordination to the direct heads of subdivisions, departments, and services is maintained. For activities that have a clearly defined beginning and end, projects are formed, for ongoing activities - targeted programs. In an organization, both projects and targeted programs can coexist.

It is quite obvious that such an approach can be, and is successfully implemented in the practice of Russian and foreign universities, applied to the management of research and development of universities. The problem is only in the effective integration of this method in the divisional structure of the university management, as the most appropriate in conditions similar to the functioning of the SFU.

Taking into account foreign experience, it should be noted that most public colleges and universities in the United States are not managed by one board, but part of a matrix system: a group state universities, in which everyone has their own mission, academic and other programs, internal politics and methodology, as well as the chief operating officer, which are managed by a single board through systemic director. Other universities with their own presidents or nominal heads and academic councils, etc. approve their own faculty, enroll students, develop (in accordance with the system policy) their own programs, standards, curricula, increase their funds through donations and research contracts, allocate these funds (along with government funds and tuition fees) to various competing departments and divert them to various uses.

The matrix structure of the university is optimal when environment is very variable and the goals of the organization reflect dual requirements, when both links with specific units and functional goals are equally important.

In a matrix structure, horizontal teams exist on par with traditional vertical hierarchies. The Matrix University is a step towards a modern university. Departments become insufficient to perform the functions of teaching, research centers appear that carry out their activities, work on projects and where specialists of various profiles are needed, from various departments and faculties. These centers may be located within the same faculty or may be organized as university research centres. On fig. 2 shows a diagram of a matrix university that implements a quality management system.

The matrix structure of the organization is characterized by strong horizontal links. The shift towards more "flat" structures, horizontal, allows you to increase the level of horizontal coordination through the introduction of information systems, direct contact between departments.

Rice. 2. The structure of the matrix university

The strengths and weaknesses of the matrix structure of the organization are given in Table. 2.

table 2

Weaknesses and strengths of the matrix structure of the organization


Weak sides

1. Helps to achieve the coordination necessary to meet the dual demands of consumers.

2. Provides flexible distribution of human resources between types of educational and scientific activity.

3. Gives you the ability to perform challenging tasks in a rapidly changing, unstable environment.

4. Allows both to develop professional qualities and improve the quality of the service provided.

5. Best for multi-service organizations

1. Employees must obey two branches of government, which can be depressing for them.

2. Employees require exceptional human communication skills and specific training.

3. Time consuming: Frequent meetings and negotiations are required to resolve conflicts.

4. The structure does not work if the managers of the organization do not understand the essence of this structure and develop a collegial rather than a hierarchical style of relationships.

5. Maintaining the balance of power requires significant effort.

Business‒ Engineering‒ Group. Typology of organizational structures.

Grudzinsky A.O. Social mechanism for managing an innovative university. Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Sociological Sciences. - St. Petersburg, 2005.


The university has faculties and departments that specialize in the training of specialists, bachelors and masters.

The faculty is a structural subdivision that unites a group of departments related in the direction of activity or the composition of the disciplines served. The faculty may include departments, laboratories, centers.

The faculty has its own name, symbols, service documentation forms, seal.

The faculty has property, premises, equipment assigned to it by the leadership of the university. The activity of the faculty is organized and carried out in accordance with the plans of the main events of the university, the plans of the faculty, approved by the dean; plans of educational work of students. The structure and staff of the faculty are approved by the order of the rector of the university.

The faculty is headed and organized by the dean. Deputy deans are responsible for organizing certain aspects of the faculty's activities and assist the dean in the performance of his functions.

The main task of the faculty is to provide, together with other structural divisions of the university, the training of graduates, bachelors and masters.

Planning and organization of the educational process at the faculty

is carried out in accordance with the federal state educational standard in the specialty (direction), curricula and other normative documents regulating the educational process in educational institutions of Russia.

The governing body of the faculty is Academic Council faculty, chaired by the dean. Members of the Academic Council of the faculty are elected by secret ballot at the meeting of the faculty staff.

The positions of the dean of the faculty and the head of the department are elective.

The procedure for electing the Academic Council of the faculty is similar to the procedure for electing the Academic Council of the university. The term of office is up to 5 years. Its early elections may be held at the request of more than half of its members.

The composition of the Academic Council of the faculty, on the proposal of the dean, is approved by order of the rector of the university.

The faculty is managed by the dean, who is elected by the Academic Council of the university.

The dean is elected for a period of 5 years by secret ballot at the Academic Council of the University from among the most qualified and authoritative specialists of the relevant profile, having higher education, degree or title, work experience in organizational, administrative, educational and teaching activities.

The elected dean is approved in the position by the order of the rector of the university.

The dean is personally responsible for the state of affairs at

Faculty and performs the following:

1) directly supervises the educational, educational, scientific work, the practice of students and supervises them;

2) manages the organization of the transfer of students from course to course, allows students to pass the next session, as well as to pass state exams or protection of graduation qualifying works;

3) assign scholarships to students in accordance with the existing Regulations;

4) manages the scheduling training sessions, curricula, programs and monitors their implementation;

5) supervise the preparation of postgraduate students and the work to improve

qualifications of the teaching staff;

6) carry out general management of the preparation of textbooks, educational and teaching aids on the subjects of the departments that are part of the faculty;

7) organizes and conducts inter-departmental, scientific and methodological meetings and conferences;

8) organizes and constantly maintains contact with students who have graduated from the faculty;

9) develops measures aimed at improving the training of specialists graduating from the faculty.

The dean of the faculty may be a member of the state examination committee.

Chair is a structural unit within a faculty, center or institute. It carries out educational, methodological and research activities. The department, together with other departments of the university, trains students, graduate students and doctoral students, participates in retraining and advanced training of employees of other enterprises and organizations.

The department is created on the basis of the presentation of the dean of the faculty, the decision of the Academic Council of the university and the order of the rector.

The department is headed by the head, elected by the Academic Council of the university on a competitive basis from among the teaching staff, as a rule, with the title of professor or associate professor, for a period of 5 years. The election of the head is carried out taking into account the opinion of the department by secret ballot at a meeting of the Academic Council of the university.

The departments include faculty, graduate students, senior and junior researchers, educational support and administrative staff, established by the staffing table.

The department can have the status of a graduate (responsible for the preparation of a specific group of students in a specific specialty) and a non-graduating one (responsible for teaching a specific discipline).

The main tasks of the department are:

- creating conditions to meet the needs of students in raising the level of professional and cultural knowledge;

– training of highly qualified specialists with deep theoretical and necessary practical knowledge;

– advanced training of the staff of the department;

- improving the quality of methodological support of the educational process;

– development of new learning technologies;

– meeting the needs of enterprises and organizations in improving the skills of their personnel;

– organizing and conducting by orders of enterprises and organizations scientific research and execution
experimental design work;

– dissemination of scientific, technical and cultural knowledge among the population.

The department is not a legal entity, but within the framework of the university it has a separate territory, property, educational support, scientific and teaching staff.

student group

A student of a higher educational institution is a person enrolled in the established order in a higher education institution for study. The student is issued a student card and a record book.

The student is obliged to be polite to all employees of the university, its administration, teachers, staff, and peers. Only in this case he has the right to count on mutual respect. The main duty of the student is to actively acquire knowledge. While within the walls of the university, the student must comply with the standards of conduct that the university considers necessary for its students.

In the learning process, the student is a partner in joint activities in relation to the university, and, recognizing this partnership, the student undertakes to resolve all emerging problems in the spirit of respect for the interests of the university staff. The university, for its part, seeks to form in the mind of the student such moral values ​​as disinterestedness in the search for truth, honesty and mercy.

Students join in student groups. The team of the group has the right:

- elect the headman, decide on his release from duties and apply to the dean's office with a proposal to approve the decision adopted by the meeting of the group;

- make proposals and make inquiries to the university administration on all issues of the group's life;

- to nominate candidates for the award of nominal scholarships;

– apply to the scholarship commission for the award of scholarships to members of the study group;

- submit proposals to the dean's office on the encouragement and punishment of students of the group;

- make proposals to the student council of the hostel about the accommodation and placement of group members in rooms and buildings.

During the learning process, the student has the right to:

- choose optional and elective courses from among those offered, participate in the formation of their education, subject to the requirements of federal state educational standards, master others academic disciplines taught at the university, in the manner prescribed by its charter;

– participate in the discussion and resolution of the most important issues of the activities of a higher educational institution, including through public organizations and governing bodies of the university;

– appeal against orders and orders of the university administration in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

– free use of the university library;

- take part in research activities.

The student has the right to be reinstated in a higher education institution within five years after being expelled from it at his own request or for a good reason.

The student is obliged to possess knowledge, to perform all types of classes provided for by the curriculum and training programs, to comply with the charter of the university, the rules of internal regulations and the hostel. For violation of the obligations stipulated by the charter and internal regulations of the university, disciplinary sanctions may be applied to the student, up to and including expulsion from the university.

Higher educational institution - this is a single complex, which includes educational, research, production, socio-cultural, administrative and economic and other structural units with varying degrees of economic independence. The higher education institution consists of: administration; advice; faculties; general university departments; organizations, institutions, enterprises.

The administration includes the rector, vice-rectors, i.e. deputies of the rector, and the management apparatus (structural links of the administration).

Rector heads the institution of higher education and manages its activities.

Vice-rectors act in accordance with the duties assigned by the rector between them. The rector can delegate to them part of his authority to manage the structural divisions of the university.

One of the collegiate governing bodies, headed by the rector of the university, is administration. The administration includes: the rector, vice-rectors, deans of faculties, heads of some structural divisions of the university. The administration carries out the operational management of the university, coordination of the activities of its structural divisions, the solution of current issues of educational and financial economic activity.

Academic Council- an elected collegial governing body of the university. The chairman of the Academic Council is the rector of the university, who carries out the general management of its activities. Current activities are provided by the Academic Secretary, elected by the Academic Council from among the members.

The university includes faculties. They are created with the aim of organizing the training of students, undergraduates, graduate students and doctoral students, retraining and advanced training of personnel for the relevant sector of the economy. The faculty consists of departments, laboratories and other structural subdivisions, which, in terms of the content of their work, correspond to the profile of the faculty.

Heads the faculty dean, who manages them. He, within his competence, issues orders that are mandatory for teaching staff, employees, students, undergraduates, graduate students and doctoral students of the faculty. Part of the faculty management functions is carried out by deputy deans and Academic Council of the faculty.

Academic Council of the Faculty- an elected collegial governing body of the faculty, formed under the dean in order to resolve issues of the faculty's activities. The Faculty Council consists of the Dean (Chairman of the Council), his deputies, heads of departments, teaching staff, representatives of the trade union and student organizations.

Chair is a structural educational and scientific subdivision of a university or faculty. It provides educational, methodical, scientific and educational work. The activity of the department is aimed at training specialists who have deep theoretical knowledge, skills and abilities, have a common culture and high moral character. The departments consist of the teaching staff: the head of the department, professors, associate professors, assistants, senior lecturers, teachers and trainee teachers. Postgraduate students, doctoral students and teaching and support staff are assigned to the departments. If there are relevant scientific and pedagogical personnel (doctors of science) at the department, postgraduate and doctoral studies can be created by the decision of the rector.

Departments are general university or faculty. General university departments work at all or a significant number of faculties, and are subordinate to the leadership of the university. The remaining departments are structural subdivisions of the faculties.

Department head carries out the general management of the department, develops a work plan for the department on academic year and submits it for approval to the head, participates in the work of all departments of the university, where issues of the department’s activities are discussed and resolved, etc.

At the university, there are a large number organizations, institutions, enterprises, whose work is related to the profile of the university and contributes to its better performance of the main tasks and functions. For example, in the BrGU named after A.S. Pushkin: Laboratory of Sociological Research; Center information technologies; IPK and PC.

Here, the office work department of the university has two-way communications with all departments and structures of the university. So, for example, from the rector's office, the records management department receives: orders, letters, documents that are registered and sent to the appropriate department for execution. The planning and economic department and the accounting department also provide the documentation necessary for the work of the office work department, as well as for correspondence with external organizations. Mainly, information for correspondence is provided by the planning and economic department. In addition to all of the above, the office work department is associated with all departments with all kinds of reports, requests, certificates, orders (both to the office work department and the office work department to other departments and structures).

In order to understand the sequence of information processing in the CID process and in the processes of accounting and registration and legal identification of documents, the work of the OD is represented by the original data scheme, fig. 56, infological, fig. 57, and datalogical, fig. 58, models of office management department.

original data schema od

D1 - letters, D2 - documents, D3 - reports, D4 - requests, D5 - personal files, D6 - orders, D7 - certificates.

Infological model od

infological model is a diagram that displays the process of removing the necessary information from objects with subsequent transformation. The information taken from the objects for processing into response documents represents the input, output and structural information of the information space of the task. To build layouts of processed documents according to the infological scheme, a dataological scheme is built.

Data model

University documentation


External organizations

    Incoming documentation - Ministry


    Outgoing Documentation

Enterprise (organization)


  • · Administration
  • · Administrative departments
  • o Property Management Department
  • o Department of Contracts and Public Procurement
  • o Public Relations Department
  • § Newspaper "For Science"
  • o Department of legal support and document management
  • o Department of Analysis and Development Strategy of the University
  • o Management accounting and financial control (UBUiFK)
  • o Personnel management
  • o Teaching and methodological management
  • § Education Quality Management Center
  • § Alumni Employability Center
  • o Financial and economic management
  • o Center for work with technological platforms and state executive bodies (TsRTP and GOIV)
  • o Legal Department
  • Faculties and institutes
  • o Faculty of Management and Informatics in technological systems
  • § Department of Higher Mathematics
  • § Department of Information and Control Systems
  • § Department of Information Technology, Modeling and Management
  • § Department of Quality Management and Engineering Technologies
  • § Department of Information Security
  • o Faculty liberal education and education
  • § Chair foreign languages
  • § Department of History and Political Science
  • § Department of Philosophy
  • § Department of Physical Education
  • § Sports club "Technolog"
  • § University History Museum
  • o Faculty of Food Machines and Automatons
  • § Department of Machines and Apparatus for Food Production
  • § Department of Industrial Energy
  • § Department of technical mechanics
  • § Department of Physics
  • § Joint Department of Food Engineering
  • o Faculty of Technology
  • § Department of Technology of Fats, Processes and Apparatuses of Chemical and Food Production
  • § Department of technology of bakery, confectionery, pasta and grain processing industries
  • § Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology
  • § Department of technology of fermentation and sugar production
  • § Department of Technology of Animal Products
  • o Faculty of Ecology and Chemical Technology
  • § Department of Physical and analytical chemistry
  • § Department of machines and devices chemical industries
  • § Chair inorganic chemistry and chemical technologies
  • § Department of Engineering Ecology
  • § Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology organic compounds and polymer processing
  • § Basic Department of Technology of Organic Synthesis and Macromolecular Compounds
  • § Basic Department of Technology of Inorganic Substances
  • o Faculty of Economics and Management
  • § Department of Accounting and Budgeting
  • § Department of Management, Organization of Production and Branch Economics
  • § Department of Service and Restaurant Business
  • § Department of Theory of Economics, Commodity Science and Trade
  • § Department of Tourism and Hospitality
  • § Department of Economic Security and Financial Monitoring
  • o Faculty of Continuous Education
  • § Representative offices
  • o Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education
  • o Faculty of pre-university training
  • § University preparation courses
  • o Institute international cooperation(IMS)
  • § Preparatory Faculty for foreign citizens
  • § Department of the Russian language
  • § Department of natural disciplines
  • § IMS website
  • Center for new information technologies
  • Scientific and research and production divisions
  • o Center for the Development of Scientific Activities of VSUIT (TsRND)
  • § Center for Collective Use "Industry of Nanosystems" (TsKP "IN")
  • § Center for Collective Use "Control and Management of Energy Efficient Projects" (TsKP "KUEP")
  • § Body for product certification VSUIT
  • § Central Design department
  • § Department of standardization and metrology
  • § Editorial board of the journal "Bulletin of VSUIT"
  • o Technology Transfer Center
  • § Business incubator
  • o Center additional education
  • § PhD
  • § Institute for advanced training and professional retraining of specialists
  • Departments of service and provision of the educational process
  • o Scientific library
  • o Editorial and publishing department
  • o Department of printing and technical means
  • o Training workshops
  • Departments of social infrastructure
  • o Sanatorium
  • o Sports and recreation base "Sosnovy Bor"
  • · Campus
  • o Dormitories
  • Public organizations
  • o Employee Union Committee
  • o Trade union committee of students
  • o Student Council
  • o Center for Youth Initiatives
  • o Student Brigade Headquarters
  • o Clubs, circles


The president

Bityukov Vitaly Ksenofontovich

Chertov Evgeny Dmitrievich

First Vice-Rector

Popov Gennady Vasilievich

Vice-Rector for academic work

Sukhanov Pavel Tikhonovich

Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation

Antipov Sergey Tikhonovich

Vice-Rector for General Affairs

Orobinsky Yuri Ivanovich.


Financial and Economic Department is a structural subdivision of FGBOU VPO "Voronezh State University engineering technologies".

The planning and financial department as an independent unit was created by order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary special education RSFSR in 1970, renamed the Planning and Financial Department and assigned to one of the main structural units of the university by order of the rector No. 568 of 12/29/92. In December 2008, by decision of the Academic Council, it was renamed into the Financial and Economic Department.

The Financial and Economic Department (FEM) was created in order to improve the organization of financial and economic activities and increase control over the observance of financial and staff discipline at the university.

The main tasks of the Financial and Economic Department are:

  • · participation in long-term and current planning of the process of training specialists, bachelors, masters and other categories of students in the profile of the university;
  • planning and organization of financial and economic activities of the university;
  • · development of the Plan of financial and economic activity for the next financial year and planning period; annual draft estimates of expenditures from the federal budget, estimates of income and expenses from income-generating activities;
  • · preparation of staff schedules for all categories of personnel within the budget allocations allocated for wages and extrabudgetary sources;
  • organization and implementation of measures to improve the system of planning and financing of the university, remuneration and incentives for employees, scholarships and other forms of material support for students, graduate students and trainees;
  • · development of local methodological, regulatory and informational documents on financial activities;
  • · ensuring, together with the Department of Accounting and Financial Control and other units, the targeted and efficient use of budgetary allocations and funds from income-generating activities.


The Department of Accounting and Financial Control (UBAiFK) is a structural subdivision of the Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies, which maintains accounting records in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts.

UBUiFK has existed since the establishment of the University and is assigned to one of the main structural divisions of the university by order of the rector No. 568 of 12/29/92.

UBUiFK carries out accounting for the expenditure of funds received from various sources of financing, inventory of property, is responsible for the preparation of accounting, tax and statistical reporting, and performs other types of accounting work.

The main tasks of UBUiFK are:

  • formation of complete and reliable information about the activities of the University and its property status, necessary for internal and external users of financial statements;
  • · prevention of negative results of economic activity, identification of on-farm reserves and ensuring financial stability;
  • · promoting the most efficient and rational use of budgetary and extrabudgetary funds to ensure the strengthening of the material and technical base of the University.


The legal department is a structural subdivision of the Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies.

The legal department as an independent unit was created by the order of the rector of VSUIT dated October 31, 2013.

The department was created to provide legal support for the activities of the University.

The main tasks of the legal department are:

  • · Strengthening the rule of law in the activities of the University;
  • protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the University, employees and students of the University;
  • · internal rule-making (internal orders, orders, endorsement of draft orders), including legal expertise of local acts;
  • · advising employees on legal issues related to the activities of the university.


The Faculty of Economics was founded in 1998 and is currently the largest faculty in the university. This is a friendly team of teachers and, of course, students.

The dean's office employs:

  • · dean - professor, doctor of technical sciences Rodionova Natalya Sergeevna;
  • · Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs - Associate Professor, Ph.D. Leontyeva Ekaterina Vladimirovna;
  • · Deputy Dean for Educational Work - Associate Professor, Ph.D. Veretennikov Anton Nikolaevich;
  • engineer Skvortsova Anna Vasilievna;
  • engineer Shitakova Elizaveta Viktorovna.

Faculty personnel:

  • · 19 - professors;
  • · 59 candidates of sciences;
  • · 87.1% of teachers have an academic degree, 46% have an academic title.

Faculty departments:

  • Department of management, organization of production and sectoral economics
  • Department of service and restaurant business
  • Department of tourism and hotel business
  • Department of Theory of Economics, Commodity Science and Trade
  • Department of economic security and financial monitoring
  • Department of Accounting and Budgeting

Direction of training of specialists:

· 080101 Economic security

Directions for the preparation of bachelors:

  • 080100 Economics
  • 080200 "Management"
  • 100700 Trade
  • 100800 "Commodity"
  • 100100 "Service"
  • 100400 "Tourism"
  • 101100 "Hotel business"
  • 260800 "Technology of products and organization Catering»

Directions for the preparation of masters:

  • 080100.68 Economics
  • · 080200.68 Management
  • · 260800.68 Product technology and catering
  • · 100100.68 Service
  • · 100800.68 Merchandising

Our graduates work at enterprises in Russia, CIS countries, Asia and Africa.

In the process of learning, students participate in conferences, forums, competitions, attend professional exhibitions. Regularly organized study tours in Russia and abroad, master classes, professional seminars, practice are held at large industry enterprises, banks, insurance companies, restaurant industry and hotel business enterprises not only in Voronezh and the region, but also in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi. Students receive certificates of additional education.


The department was founded in 1961 and is the graduating department of the Faculty of Economics. The highly qualified staff is headed by the Honored Worker of Science, Doctor of Economics, Professor A.I. Horev.

At present, the main trend in the development of society is the strengthening of the role of socio-economic processes, both at the state level and at the level of an individual enterprise, which leads to a high demand for professionals in this field in the labor market. However, in the context of the global economic crisis, it is easy to be a good specialist not enough, it is necessary to be the best, competitive, look ahead, plan the future in the present. It is these professionals that are trained by the Department of Economics, Finance and Accounting of VSUIT.

The department prepares graduates for the following educational programs:

  • specialty 080101 "Economic security"
  • o specialization "Economic and legal support of the economic security of the organization"
  • Bachelor's degree 080100 "Economics":
    • o profile "Finance and Credit"
  • magistracy 080300 "Finance and Credit"

The achievement of a high level of professionalism in these areas of training is facilitated by the symbiosis of theoretical training and the possibility of implementing the acquired knowledge empirically, during the passage of educational, industrial and undergraduate practice at more than 40 enterprises of the Central Chernozem region of the Russian Federation, many of which subsequently invite graduates of the department for further cooperation and employment.

The pride of the department is its graduates - talented managers, professionals and leading experts in economic issues in state, regional, municipal government, in the field of the state budget and non-budgetary structures, institutional structures of the financial market, tax structures, system social protection population, financial and economic, analytical, foreign economic divisions of enterprises and institutions in positions requiring higher economic education: O.P. Korolev - Governor of the Lipetsk region, V.I. Stefan - Deputy General Director of OJSC "Concern Constellation", I.A. Butovetsky - Deputy Director for Finance of ZAO Rikonenergo, A.N. Astanin - Deputy General Director for Marketing and Sales of Kalacheevsky Meat Plant OJSC, E.R. Trufanova - head of the marketing and advertising bureau of OJSC "Voronezh Confectionery Factory", A.A. Denisov - General Director of Vkladbank LLC.


Specialty 080101 "Economic security" - higher economic education in the best domestic traditions.

There are very few specialists in the field of economic security, as well as specialties in Russian universities.

In the process of studying, students receive fundamental training in the field of economics and law, acquire practical skills in economic, law enforcement, auditing, information, analytical and management activities. IN educational process professional and scientific seminars on criminology and forensic science, forensic economic expertise, insurance, securities market, etc. are provided.

Graduates of this specialty are in demand in state structures performing control and supervisory functions in the financial and economic spheres activities, in the internal control services of state and commercial companies that ensure the financial and economic security of the enterprise.

Practice - in tax authorities, audit firms, banks, insurance companies, leading industry enterprises.



Professionally important qualities:

developed logical memory, intellectual performance, the ability to work with large amounts of information, the presence of abstract symbolic thinking, a tendency to research activities.

An economist (financier, loan officer, insurance broker) must be able to:

  • · freely navigate in the field of finance, money circulation, banking, the securities market;
  • Calculate the financial performance of organizations;
  • determine the level of creditworthiness and profitability of enterprises;
  • to be guided in bases of the organization of insurance business;
  • · analyze the advantages and disadvantages of currency regulation and currency control.

Bachelor must have: high level training in the basics of mathematics, information technology, monetary circulation, financial management.

The profile "Finance and Credit" is one of the dynamically developing and relevant, allowing you to gain knowledge in the field of financial management, finance and credit, banking and insurance, money circulation, the securities market, and taxation.

The department has been preparing graduates since 2001 on a full-time and correspondence forms learning.

The development of this profile involves the study of the processes of formation and execution of budgets different levels, order of planning, accounting and reporting in organizations, organization and management of cash flows. Specialists in the field of finance carry out professional activities in institutions of the financial and credit system, including the foreign economic sphere, are able to successfully work in positions that require an analytical approach, decide non-standard tasks, predict economic processes in the sphere of monetary, financial and credit relations. Graduates of the profile "Finance and Credit" can work in industrial organizations, banks, investment funds, stock exchanges, insurance companies, consulting firms and other organizations.