From St. Petersburg to Vladivostok: how Russia celebrates Navy Day. History of naval parades What time is the naval parade

On the last Sunday of July, Russia traditionally celebrates a big public holiday - the day of the Navy. A professional holiday does not bring the residents of the country extra days off, but it gives a lot of unforgettable emotions, because only on this solemn day we have a unique opportunity to admire the power of the national army, and especially its fleet.

The naval parade is the main attribute of the holiday. They take place in all cities where the domestic fleet is based, but the largest, of course, will take place in the northern capital - St. Petersburg and Kronstadt will host a parade that will bring together the main novelties and "oldies" of the domestic fleet, distinguished by their equipment, strength, endurance and others. virtues.

Parade on the day of WWII - where and what time it will take place, how to see

The parade, according to the preliminary program, will begin at 11.00 local time. As in the case of the Victory Day parade on Red Square, only a few will be able to see the action with their own eyes, and therefore it is better to occupy convenient places for broadcasting.

The broadcast can be seen on TV - all federal channels of the country will show the naval parade.

For those who are already going to celebrate the holiday at this time, the screen will be installed on the main square of St. Petersburg - after that, a large-scale cultural and entertainment program dedicated to the Navy Day will take place on the Palace Square.

About 40 ships, the same number of aviation units and more than 4 thousand "souls" of the ground forces will take part in the parade this year - the latest equipment and capabilities of the national army will be presented on land, in the air and on the water. Unique boats and reconnaissance ships, submarines, rocket launchers. The organizers promise the audience a lot of surprises and unexpected discoveries.

Kronstadt will also accept the parade - part of the parade was moved to the city due to the considerable size of some representatives of the domestic fleet, because of which they simply cannot enter St. Petersburg.

Navy Day in St. Petersburg - program of events

The city authorities have already presented the full program for celebrating Navy Day in 2018. The celebration starts with a parade at 11.00, after which a concert program with a historical context awaits residents and guests of the northern capital.

Alexander Rosembaum, Oleg Gazmanov, as well as the Turkish Choir will take the stage from the stars on this day. Spectators are waiting for the performance of military bands from abroad and songs of the war years performed by talented local and visiting performers.

The holiday will end with bright fireworks.

Changes in traffic in St. Petersburg in honor of the celebration of the Navy Day

In view of the holiday events Petersburg will change the scheme of movement of land transport, as well as the regime of admission water transport across the Neva:

- Traffic will be closed on Admiralteyskaya Embankment from Blagoveshchensky Bridge to Palace Embankment, Palace Embankment, Kutuzov Embankment from Palace Embankment to Liteiny Bridge, Birzhevaya Square, Palace Passage, as well as on Admiralteysky Prospekt;

- Traffic will be closed on Makarovskaya Street, Komsomol Street, Karl Marx Street and Anchor Square;

— The entrance to the Liteiny Bridge from the Pirogovskaya and Arsenalnaya embankments will be closed;

- From 11:00 to 13:00 - unscheduled wiring of the Blagoveshchensky, Palace, Trinity and Liteiny bridges;

- During the celebration of the Navy Day, stops and parking of cars on Lenin Avenue, Martynov Street, Citadelskaya Road, Vosstaniya Street in the section from Roshal Square to Zosimova Street and Soviet street.

You don’t even have to go to Kronstadt by personal transport - the city will be closed. Last year, huge traffic jams became the main attribute of the holiday in and around the city, which is why they want to avoid this this year. More information on how to get to the city for the parade on July 29 can be found on the website of the local administration.


From the beginning From the end

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With this, dear friends, we conclude our online broadcast. We will continue to tell you about the main events and achievements domestic army and fleet. Stay with us!

Navy Day celebrations will be held all over Russia all day long. The holiday will end with a solemn salute on the beach of the Peter and Paul Fortress in St. Petersburg. Fireworks will be held in many other cities of Russia. Only in three cities of the Southern Military District - Astrakhan, Novorossiysk and Sevastopol - more than 300 fireworks of various calibers will be fired.

Gazeta.Ru has prepared a photo report of today's parade.

The text of the statement was published on the official website of the Kremlin Russian President during the parade in St. Petersburg. “I thank you for your service, for holding high the title of the fearless and indestructible Russian fleet. Happy holiday! Hooray!" - Putin said at the parade in honor of the Navy Day. The head of state noted that Russia has a special attitude towards military sailors. “Because service at sea is only possible for brave and persistent people, those who know the price of perfect training, strict discipline, solidarity and nobility,” the president added.

Meanwhile, the press service of the Western Military District reported on the passage of the parade in St. Petersburg. “There were no incidents during the passage of the parade formation of ships along the waters of the Neva River on July 29 during the main naval parade,” the report says.

Ships pass under the raised Palace Bridge at the main naval parade in St. Petersburg in honor of the Day of the Russian Navy. Right: large landing ship "Minsk"

Alexey Danichev/

By the way, the parade in Sevastopol was not left without high-ranking officials. On this day, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev visited Sevastopol. The Prime Minister watched the celebration from the front podium overlooking the Sevastopol Bay.

And in Sevastopol, the parade is still going on. Right now, the air part of the parade is taking place in the hero city, in which more than 20 aircraft and helicopters take part: Su-24M and Su-24MR front-line bombers, Su-30 fighters, Su-25 attack aircraft and An-26 military transport aircraft, and also Mi-28, Mi-35, Ka-52, Mi-8 and Ka-27 helicopters, Be-12 anti-submarine amphibious aircraft. At the same time, Marines landed on the shore.

Soon the bridges will be brought down again and the guests of the parade will be able to cross them to the Palace Square, where at 14.00 a big concert will begin, which will last until the evening.

Artists of the Mariinsky Theater accompanied by a symphony orchestra, as well as Alexander Rosenbaum and Evgeny Dyatlov will take part in the concert. Then there will be a show of military bands from Russia, India, Vietnam and China. Alexander F. Sklyar and the Va-bank group will perform front-line songs and famous compositions from domestic films. Oleg Gazmanov and the Squadron group will also perform in front of the audience with their famous "sea" hits, and the big concert will end with a performance by the Turetsky Choir and the Turetsky Soprano Ensemble.

The main naval parade is over. Long live the Russian Navy! The President, accompanied by Shoigu and Korolev, returns to the boat on which they sailed to the Admiralteyskaya embankment.

Alexey Danichev/RIA Novosti

The parade of aviation is completed by a group of Su-25 attack aircraft, which paint the sky over St. Petersburg with the colors of the Russian tricolor.

The legends of naval aviation fly in the sky - Il 38n "Novella". Behind him is the Su-24M.

The air part of the parade begins! The air column is headed by K-31 and K-27 helicopters.

The reconnaissance ship "Ivan Khurs" is sailing, which was handed over to the Russian Navy quite recently - on Shipbuilders' Day on June 29.

A tactical group of landing ships is sailing, which includes large landing ships"Ivan Gren", "Korolev".

And here is the multi-purpose ship-strike group. This group includes the large anti-submarine ship "Severomorsk", and the corvette "Boikiy", and the very latest frigate "Admiral Gorshkov", equipped with the most modern views weapons.

Next come small anti-submarine ships of project 133.1 - "Urengoy" and "Zelenodolsk".

In Kronstadt, the parade continues with the ships of the ocean zone, which, due to their size, cannot enter the Neva. The missile boat of the Chuvashia project opens this part of the parade, followed by the Geyser missile ship. The ship "Serpukhov" completes the procession, equipped with "Caliber" installations.

Rocket ships follow. The small rocket ship Uragan completes this procession. It is named after the lead patrol ship of the project of the same name, the first after October revolution combat surface ship designed and built by Soviet shipbuilders.

Russian minesweepers are going along the Neva. The lead ship is the Alexander Obukhov.

Sailing patrol boats of the project "Raptor" - a series of high-speed coastal patrol boats. The boats are designed to operate in the coastal zone of the seas, straits and estuaries in the daytime and at night, with a maximum distance of up to 100 miles from the base point (place of refuge). They can also be part of a large landing ship or a universal landing ship, located in a docking chamber or on board.

And here is the historical perspective - the legendary dagger of Peter the Great passes on board the boat.

They are followed by the latest anti-sabotage boats "Yunarmeets Zapolyarye" and "Yunarmeets Severomorye".

The naval part of the parade begins. The flagship of the parade was the cruiser Marshal Ustinov. It is followed by the anti-sabotage boat "Nakhimovets"

The President ends his congratulatory speech, the Russian anthem plays. The sailors give a solemn volley from all guns.

Mikhail Klimentiev/RIA Novosti

“I congratulate everyone who stands guard over our Motherland, everyone who serves for the glory of the Russian fleet,” says the Supreme Commander.

The flag is raised over St. Petersburg. The President of Russia begins his speech.

A historical relic of the Russian fleet, the stern St. George flag, is being brought to Senate Square battleship"Azov". "Azov", which received its name in honor of the victory of Peter I over the Turks in 1696, became part of the Baltic Fleet Russian Empire and over the five years of its existence has become one of the most famous ships of the Russian fleet. Glory and the St. George flag brought him and his crew participation in the Battle of Navarino in 1827, in which Azov won a battle with five Turkish ships.

The boat moored at the Admiralteyskaya embankment. The President, accompanied by the Minister of Defense and the Commander of the Fleet, passes by Russian sailors standing in formation.

Now the President's boat is heading to Admiralteyskaya Embankment to continue the parade.

And now - the corvette "Savvy". The Dmitrov submarine, one of the quietest submarines in the world, is completing its service.

The next one is the frigate Admiral Makarov. In response to the President's congratulations, three loud "Hurrah!"

Vladimir Putin sails past the Kazanets anti-submarine ship, recognized as one of the best ships in its class in the Baltic Fleet.

Began! The volley of the currency battery of the Peter and Paul Fortress gives rise to the parade. Vladimir Putin, Sergei Shoigu and Vladimir Korolev started moving on a boat.

Supreme Commander Vladimir Putin accepts Korolev's report on the fleet's readiness for the country's main naval parade. The President boards a small boat to begin the parade.

Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Russian Federation Vladimir Korolev receives reports on the readiness of Russian naval bases throughout the country. Even the command of the fleet based in Syrian Tartus reports.

The parade is about to begin. All preparatory activities have been completed. Parade participants stand at attention.

Alexey Danichev/RIA Novosti

On the occasion of the celebrations, the relics of the legendary naval commander Admiral Fyodor Ushakov were delivered to Kronstadt on July 25. From there they were transferred to the Kronstadt Cathedral. Ushakov's relics will be in St. Petersburg until July 30.

Il-38N and two Tu-142 long-range anti-submarine aircraft of naval aviation will be presented at the parade by the Pacific Fleet. In early July, the planes arrived from Primorye at the Kipelovo airfield in Vologda region, where training flights have been conducted since July 9. The aircraft of the Baltic Fleet will demonstrate five of the latest Su-30SM multirole fighters and a Ka-27 anti-submarine helicopter at the parade. The Ka-27PL helicopter arrived in St. Petersburg on the Soobrazitelny corvette.

The holiday will not do without an aviation parade. According to Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, a total of 38 aircraft will take part in the parade in St. Petersburg and Kronstadt. “The modernized Il-38N aircraft with the new Novella search and sighting system, the latest generation Su-30SM and Su-33 fighters with a modified aimed bombing system, as well as Ka-27M helicopters with improved Kema radio-hydroacoustic equipment will be shown,” he said. Shoigu.

Statistical element of the parade - warships set on the raid. These are the newest frigate "Admiral Makarov", the corvette "Savvy", the diesel-electric submarine "Dmitrov", the large landing ship "Minsk" and the small anti-submarine ship "Kazanets".

By the way, separate celebrations will take place in Kronstadt, which is the historical base of the Baltic Fleet and the sea gates of St. Petersburg. There, ships that, due to their size, will not be able to enter the Neva, will take part in the naval parade; fighters, attack aircraft, bombers and helicopters of naval aviation will be involved in the air part of the show.

In addition to the already mentioned new flagship Admiral Gorshkov, parade spectators will also see the Uragan small missile ship, the Ivan Gren large landing ship, the Ivan Khurs reconnaissance ship, and the Karakurt-type small rocket ship among the novelties of the domestic fleet. In total, 18 new units of the domestic fleet will be involved in the parade.

In Sevastopol, more than 30 warships, submarines and boats will be involved in the celebrations. The holiday will begin with the solemn hoisting of the St. Andrew's flags and the flags of coloring on the ships of the fleet. Then, on the inner roads of the Sevastopol Bay, a parade of ships and a military sports festival will take place, during which 18 episodes are scheduled to be shown, demonstrating the capabilities of the fleet forces.

The program of the holiday in St. Petersburg is also impressive. The parade will be attended by warships of four Russian fleets at once - the Baltic, Northern, Black Sea and Pacific, as well as the Caspian flotilla. In addition, naval aviation will take part in the parade.

In the first historical part of the parade, artillery boats of the Caspian flotilla will pass along the Neva, carrying the flags of formations that defended the sea frontiers during the Great Patriotic War. In the second part of the parade, combat power will be demonstrated modern ships Russian Navy.

While in St. Petersburg they are just preparing for the start of the grandiose parade, in the East of the country the main part of the holiday has already died down. The naval parade in Vladivostok was held in the waters of the Amur Bay.

The parade formation was led by the flagship of the Pacific Fleet of the Order of Nakhimov, the guards missile cruiser Varyag. Behind him is a large anti-submarine ship "Admiral Panteleev", destroyer"Fast", the hospital ship "Irtysh", the training ship of the Baltic Fleet "Perekop" from Sevastopol, the border ship "Commander". The Komsomolsk-on-Amur submarine closed the front line.

In total, almost 40 ships, boats and submarines were involved, about 1.5 thousand military personnel and more than 20 units military equipment coastal troops.

Vitaly Ankov/RIA Novosti

One of the "newcomers" of the Russian fleet - the frigate "Admiral Gorshkov" - joined the fleet the day before, on July 28. The hoisting of the Andreevsky flag on the ship took place at the Severnaya Verf enterprise.

“Carry this flag with dignity and honor,” Deputy Head of the Russian Navy Viktor Bursuk said during the ceremony.

Good afternoon, dear readers of Gazeta.Ru! In Russia, the main holiday of sailors is celebrated - the Day of the Navy. Celebrations are held in almost all port cities - from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok, but the main parade will traditionally be held in St. Petersburg.

"Gazeta.Ru" monitors the course of the holiday online - stay with us!

In Russia, the history of celebrations in honor of the fleet dates back to the time of Peter I. It was the first Russian emperor who came up with the idea to hold annual naval holidays with ship parades and gun salutes.

The very tradition of naval parades came from Europe. In 1698 in England, Peter I, who studied theoretical basis shipbuilding, for the first time saw a solemn ritual, when warships, adorned with flags, standing in the roadstead, bypassed the first Lord Admiral of the Fleet, and then he was met on the flagship to the sounds of a bugle and a brass band.

The very next year, 1699, on March 18, in the presence of the Turkish Sultan, Peter arranges the first semblance of a naval parade. The review of the forces of the newly created Azov Fleet was supposed to contribute to the establishment of diplomatic relations with Turkey and the signing of a peace treaty.

However, another 15 years were to pass before the first real naval parade. During this time, Russia managed to enter the war with Sweden, strengthen its positions in the north-west and win several major naval victories in the waters of the Baltic Sea, the most significant of which - the victory at Cape Gangut - is still the Day of Russia's military glory.

On July 27 (August 7, according to a new style), 1714, during the Northern War, the Russian fleet won a victory at Gangut, which became the first in Russian history naval victory of the Russian fleet. This event was the occasion for the first real naval parade. How the celebration of this victory took place can be seen on the engravings by A.F. Zubov and P. Pikart.

On the morning of September 9, 1714, Russian and captured Swedish ships with St. Andrew's flags raised high appeared before the numerous spectators who had gathered that day on the banks of the Neva. The parade formation was crowned by three Russian galleys.

Then the Swedish pram "Elephant", the galleys "Ern", "Tranan", "Gripen", "Laksen", "Geden" and "Walfish", the skerryboats "Flundran", "Mootan" and "Simpan" entered the Neva, and after among them is the Russian flagship galley of the ship's rear admiral, on board of which, as during the battle, was Peter himself, and several more ships with Russian sailors.

The ships were moored at Trinity Square in the order in which they followed during the Gangut battle. On the square along the Neva, bounded parallel to the long building of the Gostiny Dvor, the construction of Russian troops and captured Swedes took place. Then began a solemn procession through the city, which was attended by 200 captured Swedish soldiers, sailors and 14 officers, as well as two companies of Preobrazhenians.

Following, four Russian non-commissioned officers carried the low unfurled flag of the Swedish Rear Admiral. Then came Rear Admiral Ehrenskiöld himself, followed by Peter as Rear Admiral of the Naval Fleet and Colonel of the Preobrazhensky Regiment.

The people enthusiastically greeted the winners. Flags were flying everywhere. There was a board with pictures on the shore, on one the eagle, symbolizing Russia, attacked the elephant - "Elephant". The picture was accompanied by the inscription: "The eagle does not catch flies." Solemn salute was given three times - simultaneously from the Admiralty, St. Petersburg fortresses and from the commander's galley. The celebration continued for several days.

In his decree, Peter I ordered to celebrate the day of the Gangut victory every year on July 27 with solemn services, naval parades and fireworks. This day has become a kind of holiday for the Navy along with the anniversaries of the Battle of Poltava in 1709 (the main victory of the Russian army in the Northern War), the victory at Lesnaya in 1708 and the capture of the Oreshek fortress in 1702 (the first victory in the Northern War). Subsequently, the naval victory at Grengam was added to them, also won on the day of St. Panteleimon on July 27, 1720. The Treaty of Nystad, which ended the Great Northern War (1700–1721), was concluded on August 30 (old style), 1721. On the occasion of this event, people in St. Petersburg walked along the streets and rode on the water on barges and ropes.

In Moscow, where the festival took place in December, the masquerade procession consisted of many boats of various sizes and shapes put on skids. Under the leadership of Peter himself, who commanded the flagship, the procession with music and cannon fire moved through the streets of the capital and, passing through the Kremlin, saluted Peter's boat "St. paintings. The solemn display of the little boat clearly indicated that such honor was given to him for the important merits brought by his valiant offspring.

In 1723, on the second anniversary of the Treaty of Nystad, the meeting of the boat on the day of the fleet becomes a tradition. By decision of the tsar, the "grandfather of the Russian fleet" was brought to St. Petersburg from Moscow. He was solemnly welcomed on May 30, 1723 on the Neva at the walls of the Alexander Nevsky Monastery by the Nevsky Fleet - a flotilla of private ships in St. Petersburg. Accompanied by them, the boat moved to the Peter and Paul Fortress, which saluted him with 31 shots. As a sign of greeting, three volleys were also fired from the side of the boat.

The first meeting of the boat with warships of the Baltic Fleet took place on August 11, 1723, and the parade of ships took place on the Kronstadt roadstead. The ships, decorated with signal flags and lined up, saluted the boat that was walking along the line, driven by Peter I himself in the role of quartermaster and under the name of Admiral Pyotr Mikhailov. Behind the oars were Vice Admirals Peter Ivanovich Sievers and Thomas Gordon, Rear Admirals Naum Akimovich Senyavin and Thomas Sanders.

Vice Admiral Alexander Danilovich Menshikov acted as a lot commander. Feidzechmeister of the Fleet (Chief Artilleryman) Otto Christian was a gunner. The boat was commanded by 62-year-old Admiral General Fedor Matveyevich Apraksin, a participant in the Azov campaign, the capture of Vyborg and the Gangut battle. Towed by boats from the flagship of the fleet, the small boat solemnly passed along the line of 21 battleships and other ships. More than 1.5 thousand guns saluted him. Botik responded with shots from his cannons.

After this grandiose naval parade, Peter I ordered: “On the 30th of August, for celebration, bring the boat to the water everywhere and have it at the Alexander Nevsky Monastery.” However, after the death of the emperor, the tradition ceased to be respected, and the practice of naval parades became irregular.

Isolated cases of naval parades are noted by historians at the turn of the XVIII-XIX and in early XIX century.

Under Catherine II in 1796, the parade took place on the occasion of the dispatch of the squadron of Admiral G.A. Spiridov to the Mediterranean Sea for the war with Turkey, and during the reign of Alexander I, the highest review of the squadron of Admiral D.N. Senyavin.

On the occasion of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of St. Petersburg on May 16, 1803, a meeting was held for the "grandfather of the Russian fleet", which was placed on board the waist of the 110-gun ship "Gavriil", which stood on the Neva near Senate Square. The honorary guards of the boat were four hundred-year-old sailors of the Petrine era.

In 1828, a similar review of the squadron of the same admiral D.N. Senyavin, with the participation of a boat, was conducted by Nicholas I. The boat was last shown to the fleet at a naval parade in 1836. Then the boat was installed on the Hercules steamer. All the ships of the Baltic Fleet were lined up under the flag of 84-year-old Admiral Roman Kroun on the Kronstadt roadstead in three lines, and at the signal of the emperor, the Hercules with a boat on the deck passed, accepting honors, between the lines of ships. Foreign vessels also took part in the parade then.

In the middle of the 19th century, the tradition of the time of Peter I was revived. Ship parades and gun salutes began on 27 July. IN late XIX century, during the reign Alexander III and Nicholas II, the number of the highest reviews and naval parades again decreased.

The last major naval parade in the era of imperial Russia was the celebration of the 200th anniversary of St. Petersburg in 1903. Ship reviews were also practiced during visits to Russia by foreign high-ranking persons, but there was no need to talk about the constancy or traditional nature of such events.

The tradition of holding naval parades returns after the 1917 revolution. The leadership of the young Soviet Republic made the review of ships a regular event on the revolutionary holidays of May 1 and November 7.

Since 1920, at the suggestion of the Headquarters naval forces The Baltic Sea on the nearest day off to May 18 in Petrograd began to celebrate the Day of the Red Fleet. On this day (May 7, old style) in 1703, the Russian regular fleet won the first victory in the Baltic, capturing the Swedish Gedan boat and Astrild shnyava. Subsequently, this day began to be considered the day of the emergence of the Baltic Fleet.

In the 1920s, parades of ships of the Baltic Fleet and water sports festivals were held on the Neva. The facades of the buildings were decorated with state and maritime symbols, coloring flags. The sailors marched solemnly to the sounds of an orchestra along Uritsky Square (Palace Square). Then a sports festival was held on the square, and the Red Navy demonstrated their strength and dexterity. The culmination of the sports festival was a tug-of-war competition. The leadership of the young Soviet Republic made the review of ships a regular event on the revolutionary holidays of May 1 and November 7. However, the Day of the Red Fleet was celebrated only for several years in a row and gradually faded away.

In the USSR, the holiday was first celebrated as Navy Day on July 24, 1939. Already after the Great Patriotic War, naval parades began to be organized again as part of the main naval holiday. By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 1, 1980 "On holidays and memorable days", the date of the celebration of the Navy Day was postponed to the last Sunday of July.

From the first years, after the official introduction, the Day of the Navy has been a review of the achievements of the domestic military shipbuilding, the successes of the Navy personnel in combat training.

On July 29, warships will pass along the Neva and the St. Petersburg fairway (Kronstadt). At the end of the naval parade, the holiday will continue on Palace Square, and the fireworks will complete the day.

July 29 in our country will celebrate the Day of the Russian Navy. On this day, our city will host the Main naval parade. Warships will pass along the Neva and the St. Petersburg fairway (Kronstadt). The parade will continue with a large concert program. In the evening, a festive signal will be given from the walls of the Peter and Paul Fortress. firework.

naval parade

The holiday will begin in the Northern capital July 29 at 11:00 in the waters of the Neva (on the section from Blagoveshchensky to Troitsky bridges). The participants will be the Admiral Makarov frigate, the Soobrazitelny corvette, the Ivan Gren and Korolev large landing ships, the Marshal Ustinov missile cruiser, the Eagle nuclear-powered cruise missile submarine, and others. In total, more than 40 ships, about 40 aircraft and more than 4,000 sailors from all four navies of Russia and the Caspian division will be involved.

After the parade, it will be possible to board a real warship.

A video broadcast of the parade will be organized on Palace Square, which will begin at 11:00.

The concert program of the Navy Day on Palace Square

Palace Square

On July 29, a festive concert and a large entertainment program will take place on Palace Square.

AT 14:00 a video tour will begin on large screens installed on Palace Square, revealing the fascinating history of the Russian Navy.

At 15:00 the concert program will begin. A musical dedication to all those involved in the past and present glory of the Russian fleet will be presented by the soloists of the Mariinsky Theater, Alexander Rosenbaum, Oleg Gazmanov, Alexander F. Sklyar and art group "Choir Turkish", which together with the audience will perform well-known compositions of various generations.

The concert program ends at 22:00. Free admission.

Salute on July 29 in honor of the Navy Day

The concert program, which will be held on Palace Square, will end at 22:00 festive fireworks and fireworks from the beach Peter and Paul Fortress.

In Kronstadt colorful fireworks will be launched in 23:00 at Anchor Square.


Lighted torches on the Rostral Columns will add solemnity to the naval parade. On this day, the specialists of the PeterburgGaz GRO will light the fires on the Rostral columns twice, during the Main Naval Parade and in the evening, decorating the festive fireworks.

For the first time the torches will be lit July 29 at 10:40, after the festive shot of the cannon of the Peter and Paul Fortress, and will burn until 14:00.

WITH 22:00 to 23:30 Petersburgers and guests of the city will once again be able to admire the flames of the columns. The lights on the Rostral Columns will go out at 23:30, after a solemn salute.

The city gas service has been monitoring the reliable gas supply of an outstanding consumer for 61 years: the gas flame on the Rostral columns was first lit on June 23, 1957.

Navy Day program in Kronstadt

On July 29, Kronstadt will celebrate Navy Day with its own celebratory program. It will pass here naval parade, after which the concert and end the day holiday fireworks.

Schedule of events:

8:00 - 10:00 - Festive prayer service in the Kronstadt Naval Cathedral.

11:00 - 13:20 - Main naval parade.

13:30 - 16:00 - concert program "For those who are at sea!" in Petrovsky park.

14:00 - 14:40 - performance of a musical group "Choir Turkish" at Anchor Square.

20:00 - 23:00 - Festive concert on Anchor Square with the participation of choir of the Russian army, Alice Vox, Tatyana Bulanova. Special guest of the holiday - Sergey Trofimov.

23:00 - holiday fireworks(Anchor Square).

Changes in traffic on Navy Day in the center of St. Petersburg

In connection with the rehearsal and holding of the Main solemn parade in honor of the Day of the Navy in St. Petersburg, traffic will be limited. For the second year in a row, the Blagoveshchensky, Palace, Trinity and Liteiny bridges will be raised during the day.

During the parade rehearsals on July 22 and 26 and on the day of the parade on July 29, traffic restrictions are planned in the city.

In the daytime, from 11 am to 1 pm Blagoveshchensky, Palace, Trinity and Liteiny bridges will be raised at the same time.

For the convenience of motorists, from 10:00 to 14:00 on these days, travel through the Central Section of the Western High-Speed ​​Diameter will be free of charge.

You can find out about the work of public transport by calling hotline 8-800-234-98-80.

Petersburgers are waiting in Rybatsky for the "Nevskaya Ukha - 2018"

In a park on the banks of the Neva, opposite houses 27-37 along Rybatsky Prospekt

In the Nevsky District, for the eleventh time, on the occasion of the Navy Day, the holiday "Nevsky Ear - 2018" will be held. This was reported in the press service of the district administration.

It will be possible to compete for the main prize of the holiday - an inflatable boat - at the Fishing Championship and "Swindle" (inflating rubber boats for a while).

In addition, for all guests at the holiday, fish soup will be prepared according to the author's recipe.

There will also be a big concert featuring Sergei Rogozhin, Alexandra Pakhmutova and other artists, a master class in water rescue and first aid, a domino championship "Fish", games, contests, attractions, gifts and prizes.

Festival Day of Russian Glory in Pushkin

July 29, from 12:00

G. Pushkin
Feodorovsky town
Academic Ave., 20

You are waiting for historical reconstructions of different times, a craft fair, master classes, air battles, round dances, games, fun. As well as a big concert on three stages with the participation of the Kalinov Most, Otava Yo, Belozerye and many others.

Free admission.

The Day of the Navy, despite the fact that it is considered a professional holiday for sailors, is celebrated with pleasure by all residents of Russia. And 2018 will be no exception. Already on July 29, large-scale parades and concerts dedicated to the Navy Day will be held in all port cities of the country, to which everyone is invited. The main celebration, as usual, will take place in the main port of the Russian Federation - St. Petersburg.

It is worth noting that in Russia there are a lot of professional holidays and almost every day the inhabitants of the country celebrate something. But among all the inhabitants, it is unlikely that there will be at least a thousand who will immediately say when the Day of the Border Guard or the Nuclear Physicist is celebrated, because these are ordinary days on the calendar that are designed to express respect for a particular profession. But everyone undoubtedly knows about Navy Day, because this is not just a holiday for a certain circle of people, in Russia it is an occasion to arrange mass celebrations in which all residents take part with pleasure.

Navy Day is far from being a purely Russian holiday and its history goes back to the distant times of the USSR, namely the year the Second World War began. In 1939, the government had certain problems with the recruitment of employees in the naval forces. No one wanted to get involved in such a difficult and dangerous profession.

In order to put the sailors in the best light and add honor to this service in the eyes of the population, the Soviet naval commander Nikolai Kuznetsov suggested that the authorities introduce another holiday that would help raise the level of naval service in the eyes of the people. This idea was immediately accepted, and the holiday was decided to be celebrated on July 24th.

Later, it was decided to move the holiday to the last weekend of July, because the fixed date suggested that the celebration would fall too often on a weekday and this interfered with the celebration too much. And already in 2006, after the collapse of the USSR, the holiday was officially approved in Russia. It is worth noting that despite the fact that 79 years have passed since the founding of the holiday, traditions have not changed much and now, like many years ago, magnificent parades and concerts are held, which attract the best representatives of the Russian stage.

Where to watch the parade dedicated to the Navy Day?

Navy Day is a holiday that is held in full view, and in order not to lose face, mass rehearsals are now taking place in all cities, in which festive parades will be held later. Channel One will broadcast live directly from St. Petersburg. The parade will take place on July 29 at 11:00, so put off all your business for this time and hurry to the TV, or directly to the place of the parade, which will take place in the Neva.

Program of events in honor of the Navy Day in St. Petersburg

The main parade in honor of the Navy will traditionally be held in St. Petersburg, where the most important concert will take place on Palace Square. This year, like the previous ones, the organizers of the holiday decided not to skimp on funds and prepared an incredible program for all who came.

Although Navy Day is a holiday for those military who have connected their lives with the sea, no one is forbidden to participate in city events. Moreover, city administrations will only be happy if their residents decide to join the congratulations of our valiant defenders of the waters.

At 11:00 the main parade will begin, which will present the best ships from the Russian assortment, as well as the latest developments in the warship industry. It will not do without raising the traditional St. Andrew's flag, which has long become a symbol of the entire Russian fleet.

After that, there will be an excursion for everyone who wants to learn more about the naval forces of the Russian Federation, during which it will be possible to personally visit the board of warships.

And starting from 15:00, a mass concert will begin, which will last until late at night. On the stage of the Palace Square you will see such famous performers: Rosembaum, Trofimov, Pavlovy, Kravets, Gazmanov, as well as the Turetsky Choir.

At the end of the concert, fireworks will be launched on the beach of the Peter and Paul Fortress.