How easy it is to learn numbers. Secrets of remembering numbers. II - goose, swan, chess horse, cobra, hanger, in addition, you can use any items that imply the presence of a pair: rails, twins, railings on the bridge, etc.

Take a break for a while, think about this: how many numbers surround you, that is, what do you remember (birthdays, numbers of houses, apartments, phones, cars, the amount of money in your wallet, how much you have to spend and how much will remain), how much is written V different types(passwords, addresses, phones, debts, loans, etc.). Do you often have to scratch your head or forehead looking for different data from the surface of your head?

Numbers are remembered differently than words. If you don't believe me, check: memorize the number of 20 digits: 84623012854739252486, and then twenty words:

cat, saucepan, spoon, mouse, pipe, moon, point, porridge, bagel, bus, nut, broom, machine, fish, picture, hair, road, sound, paradise, meadow.

Strangely, such a long string of words is easier to remember than twenty characters. This is because the number for us is just a sign, and does not have any reflection in our picture of the worldview, they do not teach at school, unfortunately. How can a number be represented as a picture? Very simple: you need to match each number with a picture. Of course, we are not talking about billions of pictures, 100 will be enough. Let's take a closer look.

Each digit is assigned a letter, for example: 0-n, 1-k, 2-l, 3-t, 4-h, 5-p, 6-sh, 7-s, 8-in, 9-d. Letters - the first letters of the names of numbers, except for 1-col, and 2-swan. Thus, the numbers can be read 4738397 ... -chsvtds ... Let's make a list of 100 numbers from 1 to 100 according to the following principle: 1-k we come up with consonant words - cue, bark, cube, for 49 - child, miracle .. and so on. There is no example here, since it is better if there are only yours (it will be easier to remember and later remember, it is advisable only to come up with short, somewhat and necessarily figurative and non-repeating words). This list is also called CHBS (number-letter system). This is what you need to remember. Now as regards three-digit numbers 481-PMC people, but not quite so easily with numbers: 667, 644, etc. Yes, and a person can be interpreted as 4281, 428, 481, 421, that is, we must remember that a person is 481, and this is already a long list. In this case, you can apply one of the techniques: “adjective”, “color”, “stable phrase”.

Reception "adjective"

667-shshs, the first two letters from our list are “hornet” and the last is the adjective “gray-haired”. 644-shchch- the donkey is wonderful. I think it’s clear, then we write adjectives for each number (the more, the better).

Reception "color"

Similarly, 584-pvch is black beer, 721-slk is red salt, 039-ntd is wood thread (wood color), etc.

Reception "stable phrase"

For example: 201-lnk- scarlet (flower), 713-skt- tablecloth (road), etc.

Now let's think about this: what do we Everyday life have to remember? Significant dates(either historical event or someone's birthday), phone numbers, passwords and codes, times, schedules, etc. That is, all the information we need is presented in the form: word + number, where the word is an event, object or object to which it is necessary to remember the number. It is convenient to memorize this “word + number” combination using the “Story” method. The essence of the method is as follows: we present a picture with a memorized object and associate it with the image of a number, the more absurd the picture, the better. For example: Lena's phone is 923-52-78 (chisel-bullet-owl), we get the picture: Lena knocks on the phone with a chisel, a huge bullet knocks an owl off Lena's head. At first glance, it seems very tricky and useless, but just remember your PBS and practice a little, and you will start doing it automatically. A few examples on: Car number: Mercedes s486tk - Mercedes is caught in a net (stk) by Chuvash (486), bmw k951nt - bmw is pulled on a rope (knt) by deputies (951).

Birthday: Masha 08/25/81 - Masha puts out all the candles on the cake with her paw (25) (DR) and she is taken away in the field (08) to the Military Commissariat (81). Now try it yourself. You can make NBS up to 1000 if you wish, this will make it easier to memorize a large number of numbers (if there is such a need). Just do everything yourself, do not use lists that someone else has already invented - these are not your associations and it will be much more difficult; it is desirable for each number to have not one, but two or three words of different directions: 73-hundred, honeycomb, sieve, network; 54-bee, oven, beam (but not a kidney, mail - can be confused with 541 and 543), it is clear that it is convenient to choose a honeycomb and a bee; Thus, the pictures will be more diverse. Now just practice.

The development of a baby is an interesting and fruitful activity for loving parents. Their mental and mental processes so mobile, and the thirst to know the world is so great that incredible results can be achieved in teaching preschoolers. Know how to teach a child to memorize numbers - important task parents.

Among the common developmental tasks for children preschool age memorizing numbers should be a fun process. This requires the right technique. early development that helps to interest the kids and make this process effective.

Lots of visuals and game form These are the main components of productive learning for a child. These should be educational games that carry information about the indicators of the number. In counting, the recognition of numbers is the initial stage of learning.

Here are some notes for parents to help them in the process of educating their child:

  1. The earlier you start training, the easier it will be in the future.
  2. Children must memorize indicators of the number of objects using different receptors: hearing, sight and touch.
  3. Teaching kids numbers is no more difficult than helping them learn the letters of the alphabet or the names of animals and plants.
  4. Whatever methodology is used, the active participation of parents in the games is necessary. To help the baby quickly remember the numbers, the parent should include joint activities with him.
  5. Our babies are much more logical than we think.

Conditions for memorization and learning

They are unlimited. These are not only specially prepared lessons, but also learning in everyday life. It is worth the parent to show his creative ability, and the boundless possibilities of the world around him for this learning will be revealed.

You can count any surrounding objects, walking on the street, buying groceries in the store. Remembering numbers will be more successful if you prepare cards with numbers for this and carry them with you. Waiting in line with the baby at the clinic, you can use your time: count the people standing in front and behind, comparing their number with the cards. It will be even better if you compare the number of next children before and after, correlating them with cards. It will also be fun to compare who has more buttons on clothes: a mother or a child.

The simplest is counting the fingers with the help of a counter with their simultaneous extension: “One, two, three, four, five; the bunny went for a walk. Six seven eight nine ten; let's rejoice together" You can put a rhyme on any melody and dance with your fingers. This technique will help the child remember the numbers, starting from the infantile period. After two or three years, you can see the result, the baby will remember the digital sequence. Both auditory and visual memory are involved here.

You can also teach a little one to distinguish between numbers through the planned short five-minute sessions, which should be regular. Common Activity: Number cards. You need to quickly show cards with numbers and circles indicating the composition of a given number. This number should be called at the same time. The lesson continues as long as the baby is attentive. Gradually, he will understand the numbers and their corresponding numbers. Later, you can complicate the lesson by laying out the cards in a scatter and asking the child to submit any of them, according to the name of the number that he hears.

Entertaining numbers

Cards with colored numbers can be hung in prominent places in all rooms. It will be easier to remember them if you ask the baby to bring as many, for example, beans as shown in the picture hidden on the door, inside the closet or on the ceiling in the bedroom. Unexpected tasks arouse great interest and make it easier to remember the number and the composition of the number corresponding to it. Even just hanging in different places at the level of their eyes, colorful bright digital signs will ensure their memorization.

Fridge magnets is a great help for parents. You can play with magnetic numbers, showing a lot of imagination.

Can do from the designer locomotive, in the wagons of which the numbers indicating the serial number of the wagon will ride. And comic figures cut out of soft material can dance, reviving children's perception and memorization. For those who want to improve their child in mathematical terms, it will be useful to read children's educational books and watch cartoons by counting. This is a very visual tutorial.

It is necessary to teach the baby that the number "speaks" about the amount of something. The simplest exercise is to write a number on a separate piece of paper and build a tower of cubes accordingly. The number two "says" that the tower needs to be built from two cubes, and five requires five pieces for the tower. After that, the child will have fun dropping this structure.

Various applications, do-it-yourself drawings, modeling different numbers and elements from dough or plasticine that make up them will give impetus to creativity and understanding the science of numbers and counting.

Can be taught at any age

A kid of 1-3 years old shows a keen interest in numbers. It is important to maintain and develop this curiosity by saying them out loud, showing them visually, asking them to repeat after adults. Children between three and five can already recognize numbers and master sequential counting.

In this useful work, it is important to remember the uniqueness of each child and characteristics his mental processes. It cannot be compared with other children, but it is necessary to understand what kind of leading memory the baby has, auditory or visual, and use this in learning. Parents should appreciate and approve of his efforts to master the numbers. Such an individual approach, constancy and interest of parents will soon help him remember all the numbers and operate with them in life.

Article author: Syumakova Svetlana

What to do if your child can't remember the numbers?

Others remember, but yours doesn’t! It's a shame.

And, most importantly, why is this happening? Unclear.

After all, a child is no worse than the rest, right?

And, if we are to be extremely frank, then in some places - even better! Smart and talented...

Familiar story? And so it was with us as well 🙂.

What to do if your child can't remember numbers? How to help?

Masha is smart. Very smart and talented and… Well, you get the idea.

But remembering the numbers - it didn’t work out! No matter how much they repeated, or counted, stickers were pasted - no use.

All the figures for Masha were on the same face.

"On one face"

Here it is! This was the main secret of Masha and many other children.

It's all about perception! It is different for people. Not just for kids, by the way.

There are children for whom one is one, and two is two. Well, you know how a donkey is a donkey, and a lamb is a lamb. You would probably be surprised if your child couldn't tell a donkey from a ram, right?

And there are children for whom one, two, three and all-all-all (as well as letters!) -


And now imagine. They give you a piece of squiggles and say:

- This squiggle is called “one”, this “two”, and this is generally the letter “a”! Did you remember everything? Repeat!

Represented? Scary? So it is for children who do not remember numbers and letters in any way.

Well, okay, there’s nothing terrible about it now, because we have already come up with a solution that helped us learn letters first, and then numbers.

Quick memorization!

Yes, if our method suits you, let me remind you that you can learn the letters with in exactly the same way!

In March 2014, Arthur set a new record for reproducing the number Pi, naming 11,106 characters without hesitation. He got into the "Book of Records of Russia" as a student. In addition, Arthur, as an expert on memory development, advises a well-known service on memorization issues, and while preparing for the record, he wrote a whole book called Remember Everything.

Arthur shared with us a story about how, with the help of good habits and self-training can achieve amazing results, and also dispelled several popular misconceptions about mnemonics and memory.

How to remember tens of thousands of digits?

I am often asked what it is like to have a phenomenal memory: can I learn languages ​​in a matter of days, do I keep memories of every day I live, do I remember the books I read verbatim. At first it was nice to hear such questions, but now I immediately try to make it clear to new acquaintances that I have the most ordinary memory. The main thing is to understand how it works.

I was genuinely surprised to read about people who were able to memorize decks of cards, numbers, long lists of foreign words with amazing speed. Once I read about a person who can learn a language in two or three days, and I decided to seriously figure out how it works myself. At first, it seemed that training would allow me to someday learn to memorize languages ​​in the blink of an eye. Now I can say that no one can learn a language in two or three days. The fact is that in the book that inspired me, the words “learn a language” meant memorizing 1.5 thousand words.

Then he actively memorized numbers with a stopwatch, wanting to learn how to study foreign languages with astonishing speed.

“Why spend a year learning a language when you can develop a memory in six months and learn a language in a few days?” I thought as I continued to train.

Having learned to memorize a hundred digits in three minutes, I found out that the real Russian record at that time in memorizing the number Pi was only 8,332 characters. Why not set a new record? A great opportunity to stay motivated and better understand how memory works.

I decided to memorize 22,528 digits of pi. This is slightly more than the European record. In order to memorize so many numbers, I walked around Moscow and laid out my pre-compiled images of numbers on the streets. For example, the image for the number 01 is Schumacher, because he comes first in the races, for 92 - the image of my brother, because he was born in 1992. All 22 thousand digits of Pi for me is a big story that happened on the streets of Moscow.

Here - 3998 digits of Pi, arranged in a three-dimensional spiral. Source:

Absolutely everyone can beat my record. The most difficult thing is not to remember the numbers, but to reproduce them, because the rules of the record book do not allow you to correct yourself if you make a mistake. If you say "Twenty-five... oh, no, thirty-five!", it will be counted as a mistake, even if you immediately corrected it. I made a mistake on 11,106 characters, and now this is a new Russian record. If someone wants to beat him, I suggest opening almost any book on mnemonics. Memorization is not the hardest part.

Where can I find time for training?

While preparing for the championship, I also wrote a book, studied English and studied for exams at the university. At the same time, there was no less free time: I still read fiction, met with friends and even played computer games. However, I tried to use my time more rationally: I listened to English podcasts in the metro, repeated the Pi number at breakfast (and in other free minutes), and tried to memorize new locations and places in Moscow while walking with friends. I read books, watched movies and played games only in the original language.

The main question is not time, but motivation - it should be enough to devote at least a few minutes every day to your goals. It is very easy to find a few minutes: in the morning at breakfast, on the subway, in line, waiting for a meeting, even in the toilet. It can take more than an hour a day. An hour a day for a month - already 30 hours! Add to this the ability to make better use of time (like watching movies in English, if your goal is to learn the language), as well as the hours that you devote entirely to achieving the goal.

How to memorize information quickly and for a long time?

To quickly memorize incoherent and illogical information, such as names, numbers, foreign words, it is best to use mnemonics. Mnemonics (or mnemonics) is the use of any associations that allow you to cling information to what is already in your memory. For example, in order to remember that the English "shriek" is translated as "screech", you can come up with some kind of consonant image: for example, screeching Shrek. There are no miracles, but this method will allow you to memorize 60 words per hour.

And here is the word "shriek". Source:

When memorizing logical and structured information like concepts, laws, theorems, book plots, the main thing is understanding, identifying cause-and-effect relationships and any other patterns. As a rule, we have to memorize both logical and structured, and incoherent and abstract information within the same disciplines, so for effective learning both understanding and use of mnemonics are necessary. But no matter how you remember the information, it will still be forgotten.

According to the Ebbinghaus curve, most will be forgotten in the first hours after memorization, while the rate of forgetting will decrease exponentially. Although her curve was based on memorizing abstract information, these principles are also true for structured information, which, although not so quickly, will still be forgotten. The most rational way to solve the forgetting problem is to use the spaced repetition method. The essence of the method is to repeat the information not every day / week / month, but at increasing intervals. You can organize such a repetition through special programs. For example, through Anki, you can repeat any information by translating it into flashcards, and on LinguaLeo, spaced repetition is used to memorize foreign words.

When is the best time for memory?

According to the laws of retroactive and proactive inhibition, one stored information overlaps another. That is, the brain needs some time after memorization to process the received data. This requires changes in schools and universities. Based on these laws, best time for memorization - immediately after waking up and immediately before bedtime. The latter is also supported by the fact that the consolidation of short-term memory into long-term memory occurs during sleep.

Also, the memory will work well after playing sports: here is the lack of proactive inhibition, and the consequence of physical activity. As for specific time periods, it cannot be reliably stated that, for example, from 8 to 12, memory works better. In my opinion, it all depends on the individual, his regimen and habits.