How easy it is to learn Italian. How to quickly learn Italian on your own, or Imparare l'italiano in modo rapido. How to motivate yourself to study

IN modern life people are increasingly required to know a couple of additional languages ​​and be fluent in them. One of the most common languages ​​studied is Italian.

It's good when learning additional language started in childhood or it is possible to pay for the services of a professional teacher who can talk about the features, explain all the nuances and teach you how to talk in everyday conditions. But what to do if you don’t even have basic knowledge of the language, and you can’t find a teacher? There is only one way to learn a language - to get to know it yourself. At first it seems that Italian language complex and incomprehensible. Many began to learn it from scratch and independently achieved success in this matter.

How to learn Italian on your own from scratch?

Before starting the training, it is necessary to decide for what purpose the Italian language will be used. For a long trip to Italy, you need to know not only the key phrases that are usually published in all phrasebooks, but also elementary grammar rules that help you build sentences correctly and communicate more freely with native speakers. The grammar is quite complex, it is full of tenses and verb conjugations, so it is important to understand the formation of new words and phrases. On the other hand, if a scientific medical conference is planned, and the Italian language is studied only for the sake of it, then it is absolutely pointless to memorize words related to architecture or photography or to replenish the vocabulary with construction terms.

It must be remembered that learning Italian, like any other, on your own, is much more difficult than under someone else's control. Without a sense of responsibility and self-discipline, it is almost impossible to obtain decent knowledge. In the Italian language tutorials, most often they offer a training program that should be adjusted only if you have your own plan and tasks.

But, as in the case of learning in a group or with a teacher, it will not be possible to do without language practice. Communication with native speakers will help to improve pronunciation, understand the peculiarities of oral speech and develop the ability to build coherent sentences and texts.

Communication with native speakers

There are several ways to communicate with foreigners and practice speaking with them. There are three main ones among them.

  1. A trip on a cultural exchange program. This is the most interesting option for communicating with foreigners, which allows you to practice the language and at the same time learn the culture of an unknown country, traditions and customs, participate in events and national holidays, see life from the inside.
    For such a trip, you need to find people in Italy who provide their accommodation for a few days for visitors and tourists. In the future, no one will forbid in the same way to receive foreigners in their house, loving Russia, and show them their hometown.
  2. Tourist trip. Traveling to the country on a valid tourist visa. Language practice is possible in shops, in a hotel, on the street during a conversation with a passer-by and in a taxi. Such a trip does not provide an opportunity to learn about the life of the indigenous people and experience its features for yourself. The learner of Italian has only the role of an observer.
  3. Communication on dating sites and in social networks. The easiest and most accessible way of language practice, both oral and written. You can find interlocutors suitable for the level of knowledge of the Italian language and communicate with them at any time. Unfortunately, there is no way to see the life of Italians with your own eyes and learn about their daily activities.

Online learning Italian from scratch

The Italian language is very popular. On the subject of his self-study many courses and articles are written, training programs are created.
In the age of technological progress, it is not at all necessary to pore over books and dictionaries while studying in a quiet apartment. Many resources develop their own Italian courses, with lectures, exercises and assignments. The main advantage of learning Italian online at a zero level is that you can communicate with other people, share experiences, complete assignments and exercises together. This makes learning more fun and interesting.

Educational resources attract users in every possible way. On some, learning turns into a real game with rewards and levels, while others provide an opportunity to directly, without other sites, contact Italians and communicate with them directly on the topic being studied. Most of these sites are free, but each of them has paid services that, for example, will help you expand your vocabulary. However, the main course is mastered for free and is quite enough for a conversational level.

Features of the Italian language

The group of Romance languages ​​includes Italian, German and French. This explains their similarity to each other. Italian has a lot in common with Spanish, for the same reason. Of the European local languages, Italian is singled out as the leader in terms of the number of speakers, but at the same time, it is recognized as the main language only in Italy.

The translation of the Italian language complicates the abundance of dialectical turns that even literary speech is saturated with. However, translating the text is much easier than oral speech.

After getting acquainted with the rules of grammar, it becomes much easier to understand the texts, because there are not too many exceptions in Italian, and it is possible to operate with the learned rules.

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Philologist, teacher of Italian

Experience: 6 years.


From the author

Ciao, a fan of the Italian language and culture!
Have you been dreaming of learning Italian for a long time, watching comedies with Adriano Celentano, adore pasta, pizza, and an incredible desire to learn how to speak Italian does not leave you?

You dream of waking up in the morning from the pleasant aroma of Italian “espresso”, at the sight of Italian gelato ice cream you just salivate, you are delighted with Italian music, architecture, and most importantly the Italian attitude to life and the world famous: “il dolce far niente” - Is it sweet idleness and doing nothing?

Then start learning Italian right now! Learn Italian with us!

Friends, do you have a rich imagination?
Then let's compare learning Italian to growing flowers in a garden.
So, you have decided to grow a beautiful and well-groomed garden, you have bought everything you need, planted the seeds, and what's next?
If you are patient gardeners, you will end up with the most beautiful and well-maintained garden, and if not, your flowers will wither.

Think for a minute! Flowers will not be able to grow the next day after you plant the seeds, even if you really want to.
Some flowers are too capricious, and you need to show a special approach and maximum patience to them.
The same thing happens with learning. foreign language.

You will have a hard time in the beginning! This is a normal process, do not try to give up and think that this is not for you!
Just like you need to water the flowers every day and take care of them, you need to make time for a foreign language, day after day, and only then you can achieve incredible success and achieve results!

Why do you need Italian?

  1. For the soul! The Italian language is the language of passion, love, it is the language of emotions. Start learning this language and you won't be able to put it down.
  2. Italy is a fabulous country. As N.V. Gogol: “Whoever was in Italy will say “forgive me” to other countries. He who has been in heaven will not want to come to earth.” See for yourself!
  3. Knowing how to pronounce your favorite Italian dishes is incredibly rewarding.
  4. Why not make a new acquaintance with a passionate Italian or an Italian? New acquaintances are always nice.
  5. Italian can become your new hobby. You can’t stop in life, you need to develop and strive for more.

Friends, are you ready?
This is the right choice!
Live the Italian way: passionately, emotionally, beautifully, deliciously, with pleasure. Speak Italian.
We wish you a pleasant study!

Say what you like, but learning a foreign language from scratch is what a job! Especially mental and, most often, emotional. For me, that's exactly what happened. In my school years, like many others, I began to study English. It was primitive, at the level of knowledge of the alphabet, personal pronouns, standard phrases like "My name is Natasha" and "I live in Moscow" or meager poems about the fact that I have eyes and I can see a book and a pen in front of me, I see ceiling and floor, I see a window and a door. You know, many years have passed, but I still remember the rhyme. Apparently, the weekly repetition worked. And what?

I am ashamed, but when I first came abroad, I could not communicate with foreigners. At all. No way. Well, except that hello, goodbye and thank you. It was the maximum.

I was devoured by a sense of shame, because next to me there is a sister who speaks excellent English, speaks German, Spanish and Portuguese. And each of our conversations ended with her optimistic phrase “Learn English!”. But I didn't want to. I had no desire for this.

In the most terrible summer of 2010, I went to Italy. Two weeks of walks in the most beautiful cities: Rome, Milan, Florence, Naples. Under the road from one city to another we looked. Graceful "Roman Holiday" with Audrey Hepburn, breathtaking "The Italian Job" with greetings from Venice, sunny shots "Under the Tuscan Sun", which have become the most beloved and symbolic images of Italy. In the evenings in a small room (oh, that piccolo!) I turned on the Italian TV channel Rai and listened, listened, listened ...

However, I did not start learning Italian on my own right away. There were several important and fateful meetings that turned into golden keys from the doors to the world called "Italian language". I share these "meetings" with you. Heartily.

A young man with an interesting name, Zhivko, greets hotel guests with a wide, disarming smile. A melodious Italian dialect spreads around, and he invites you to sit down in pure Russian: “Welcome to Italy! Coffee?" And after a few minutes, a steaming, fragrant cup of espresso appears on a tiny table. This is how my Italian morning began at the Playa Hotel, located on the Viserbell embankment, which is a 10-minute drive from the city. July that year turned out to be very hot, even in the morning hours the Italians themselves hide under awnings, miniature umbrellas and behind bar counters. “Just like at my house,” Zhivko admits, and this is where our acquaintance begins.

In the Hotel Playa, which mainly hosts Italians and only a few rooms are usually occupied by visiting foreigners, everyone speaks their own language. mother tongue. English does not help in communication, in Italian at that time I could only say 2 words - Ciao and Grazie. Therefore, it was Zhivko who became my personal translator. I was alone in the Russian hotel.

Later we met with him at the hotel restaurant. There was a menu on a separate table attached to me for the rest of the holiday. Of course, everything is in Italian. Under each name of the dish, Zhivko wrote a translation with a simple pencil. Albeit with errors, but still such attention is expensive.

I remember once I really wanted milk. Still, coffee in the morning, afternoon and evening is unusual for me. “Milk is latte,” Zhivko explained and smiled again.

I remember those days with warmth, because each of us can find ourselves in a situation where a person who can speak your native language is simply needed nearby in a foreign country. I already have it. Although now we can already speak Italian. If you ever find yourself in the Witherbella area, say hello to Zhivko from Moscow.

And another Italian inspiration

I don’t remember exactly in what television season, Channel One began showing the Ice Age show, in which pairs of professionals and amateurs skated on ice. Among them was my favorite couple. They performed one of the numbers of the program to the amazing and probably the most famous song (Adriano Celentano) "Confessa". By itself, the number under the spotlights fascinated, but even more I was captivated by this amazing voice with a hoarseness. Guess what I wanted to do? First, understand what the song is about. And, secondly, to sing yourself. But for this you had to know Italian.

And then one day, on one of the warm summer evenings, I made up my mind. Okay, I will learn English! Because it is necessary. And I will learn Italian. Because I want. This difference between “need” and “want” played a very important role for me. I know the second language better than the first.

Do not force yourself, friends! Let learning a new language bring satisfaction and joy from what happens. And, most importantly, teach for yourself, not for others. After all, how nice it is to hear small but successful attempts to pronounce a phrase in Italian, the words “Brava!”


Hello! With you Alex! In the last article, we talked about the features of classes with. And today we’ll talk about how to learn Italian and almost for free.

Very beautiful, isn't it? And for this reason, the study of the Italian language attracts many beginner polyglots and simply interested people.

Why do people learn Italian?

This language impresses with its melodiousness and softness. It is spoken by the legendary Celentano. It says "The Divine Comedy". And in general, in general, Italian became the basis for many European languages.

Also, he is taught not just to expand his horizons. After all, every year thousands of tourists go to Italy for new experiences. And while traveling, you need to buy food and ask for directions to the nearest bus stop. Without a language it is very difficult, not everything can be explained on the fingers.

The Italian language is also needed by labor migrants. They go to Italy to work in the hope of earning more money.

A person who is fluent in Italian has a chance to get a more prestigious position. Many do not know how to learn Italian from scratch. Beginners think it will take years. But experienced linguists assure that Italian can be tamed in a couple of months. Of course, you will not speak on lofty topics, but you will quite tolerably support everyday conversation.

Where to start studying? Surely you will ask. And let's start with dozens of tips that will help beginners. You need to listen to these tips and follow all the recommendations. Then you will have the opportunity to learn Italian in short term and quality.

  1. Constantly remind yourself of motivation. When you have a clear goal, learning goes much faster. Every day think about why you are learning Italian.
  2. Attend an Italian language course. The intensive course will help you understand basic grammar. You will also memorize the basic vocabulary that is used in everyday life. When you learn how to express yourself on everyday topics, you can continue learning on your own.
  3. Learn Italian with your heart. Listen to Italian songs, watch films with translation and in the original. Immerse yourself in the culture of Italy. Without knowledge of culture, it is impossible to fully learn the language.
  4. Learn not the name of the letters, but how they are read. What is the point of knowing the name of this letter h? You only need to know that it is not readable in Italian. Don't waste time learning the alphabet.
  5. Do not try to learn difficult words and phrases. Why do you need to know how Italian radishes will be if you don't eat them? First, learn only the most important and common verbs and nouns. Over time, you will increase the difficulty level.
  6. Also, to learn Italian at home, use YouTube. There are hundreds of Italian learning videos. Moreover, the videos deal with a variety of aspects: pronunciation of words, construction of phrases, conjugation of verbs. You can find answers to all your questions.
  7. Find yourself a study partner. Excellent and easy way to learn Italian is to comprehend it together with someone. So some competitive aspect is introduced into the training. A study mate can be found online. Or ask friends. Maybe one of them will agree to study with you. Or you can hire a good tutor.
  8. Experience a foreign atmosphere. In order to learn a language, you need to visit its homeland. And if a trip to Italy is not yet affordable for you, you can visit conversational clubs. They are probably in your city. At meetings, communication is only in Italian. Over time, you will realize that you understand Italian intuitively.
  9. Learn something new every day. Avoid downtime. May you learn one new word a day. But it's better than nothing. If you don't want to learn something new, just conjugate the verbs. Repetition never hurts even the venerable Italian connoisseurs.
  10. Turn learning Italian into a hobby. Do not perceive training as hard labor. Italian is one of the most beautiful languages ​​in the world. Knowing him is a great honor. Do not miss your chance, join the world of linguistic aesthetics!

It is difficult for beginners to learn Italian when the wrong approach to learning has been chosen. If you already write and try to read in the first lesson, such training will not lead to anything good.

Learn Italian by ear first. Let your phone always have the songs of Cutugno, Celentano, Ramazzotti. Watch daily films in Italian. Get used to the very melody of speech.

Initially, Italian penetrates the soul, and then we learn to speak it. If you feel that you yourself will not be able to overcome the basics of grammar, contact the teachers, sign up for courses. After working out the base, you can go on a free voyage.

And most importantly, never give up. Of course, even the great Leonardo da Vinci did not immediately figure out the conjugation of verbs. Therefore, the first failures are not a reason to get upset and quit training. Only the brave and persistent can tame the Italian.

And as always video) The girl shares her personal experience.

Regards, Alexey!

I am the administrator of this site and part-time author, in free time I write articles related to the topic of the site. In 2015, he became interested in website building and making money on it. Studied many different courses, photoshop, basics of html, seo and others. I independently learned how to write optimized texts, in connection with this I became interested in the subject of the site. And now it can't be stopped

Italian has a special energy and sound. No wonder it is recognized as the language of love: melodic, rhythmic, temperamental, with beautiful phonetic transitions and combinations of sounds. Listening and speaking Italian is a real pleasure. If you want to learn - follow our advice.

How to learn Italian fast

In any endeavor, whether it's skydiving or trying to learn Italian from scratch, the most important thing is attitude and motivation. Whatever way you choose for yourself - on your own, classes with a tutor, courses - the main thing is not to slow down and bring the matter to the end. One of the driving forces is motivation. Below are stimulating facts that will help you learn Italian from scratch on your own and quickly.

One of the national prides is the Italian film fund, or rather the director's school, known throughout the world for such masterpieces as La Dolce Vita, The Taming of the Shrew, and The Smell of a Woman. Adriano Celentano, Sophia Loren, Ornella Muti - you will be able to hear the original speech from the lips of the legendary stars, without translation into Russian.

    You will understand storylines opera performances. After all, it is in Italian that the characters of the classical opera communicate. You will perceive music in combination with words, get a double aesthetic pleasure.

    Morandi, Celentano, Ramazzotti- this music is beautiful and subtly touches the strings of the soul. By learning Italian, you will understand the meaning of each song and even be able to sing along.

    Museums- one of the treasures of the country. They store about 70% of the world's art treasures recognized by UNESCO as unique. Knowing the language, you can join any sightseeing tour and learn a lot of interesting things about each of the exhibits to the letter.

    Italy is one of the most picturesque countries which boasts many unique monuments of history and architecture. Rome, Florence, Venice - thousands of tourists from all over the world come to these cities all year round. By learning Italian at home, you will be able to travel freely and make new friends. The dictionary and phrase book will no longer be useful.

Fashion and design. Italians have a sense of style in their blood. If you want to know the intricacies of the fashion industry, you definitely need to visit Milan Fashion Week. Legendary couturiers, current collections, what will be in trend all year, you will be the first to see. Do you want to get into fashion design? major cities Italy has specialized schools from which beginner fashion designers are produced. In the question of how to learn Italian at home, in this case there is only one answer - to think about the end result and achieve the goal.

cooking. If you have a talent for cooking or a specialized education and want to become a true professional, Italy will perfect place for brilliant results. This school of chefs and restaurateurs is considered one of the strongest in the world. And you can't do without knowing the language.

  • Italians mostly speak their mother tongue and are reluctant to speak English, French or other European. Therefore, if you are planning to find business partners, you will have to seriously think about how much it will take to learn Italian from scratch. And before proceeding with specific actions, achieve a conversational level - in order to freely communicate with the interlocutor.

    Your travels will become brighter and richer if you communicate with the locals in their native language during the tour. They are very hospitable and friendly, they will gladly show you the sights, tell you interesting stories and invite you to visit. At the end of your trip, the list of friends will be enriched with a couple of smiling Italians.

    Another incentive to learn Italian is perspective job translator. There are not so many specialists with a profile in italian. Level wages high enough. Mission is noble.

    You dream of marrying an Italian and changing your place of residence - you can’t cope without a language. Learn grammar, expand your vocabulary, practice in live speech. A diploma from the RHF faculty is not needed, it is enough to reach a conversational level.

    This language is easy to learn, it has easy and understandable phonetics. If there are many subtleties in French that require training over the years, then here the sounds and letters are in clear correspondence between spelling and pronunciation - this is similar to Russian.

There are many reasons that motivate you to learn Italian on your own for beginners. And each of them is weighty and significant. Still strive for new knowledge - we have collected useful advice to help you achieve the desired result.


most efficient and fast way- Hire a tutor. Nothing could be more intense individual lessons. First, you choose a convenient schedule for yourself. Secondly, the teacher draws up a training program specifically for your level of knowledge, corrects the process depending on the difficulties that have arisen, focuses on mistakes, works out weak sides. The main thing is to find a good tutor who will give you a capacious theory and speaking practice.

The most common option is language courses. To do this, you need to find a school that suits you geographically and according to the schedule. The group, as a rule, consists of 10-15 people with approximately the same level of knowledge.

The training system is standard: lectures, audio and video lessons, tests, communication. The disadvantage is that you yourself need to pay attention to errors and correct them in time. In group lessons, the emphasis of the teacher is scattered on all students, help is needed - do not hesitate to draw attention to yourself.

Live communication

If you want to learn Italian on your own - search interesting interlocutor. Live communication is the basis of efficiency. Through dialogue, you will learn speech turns, catch the correct intonation, expand your vocabulary. The second question is where to find such a person. Option two: foreign students from Italy (which is very rare for Russian universities) or via the internet. Skype conversations are a great opportunity to see, hear and communicate. Tip: agree in advance on the time of communication, take into account the difference in time zones.


An ideal method that allows you not only to delve into the language environment, but also to get a lot of impressions, is a trip to Italy. If your goal is to learn Italian on your own, choose special tours, by analogy with English language camps. Finances allow - you can hire a tutor and combine travel with classes.

without leaving the apartment

If you plan to learn a language at home, choose good online courses. The program should be understandable, classes should be supported by audio and video material. At the end of each stage - testing. Failed to complete the task - repeat the past and try again. Work on mistakes in this case is only on your conscience, strain your willpower.

Whatever method you choose - do not stop, set yourself up for a successful ending. And to make the classes easier and more efficient, we will tell you about little tricks that will simplify the learning process:

    You must learn to hear yourself. Only then will you understand your speech errors. Try to speak Italian as much as possible. Sing songs, recite poems, express your thoughts out loud - you'll see, loved ones will love it. Italian is beautiful, even if its meaning is incomprehensible.

    Prepare stickers with difficult words, which you can’t remember in any way, and paste them in different rooms - where you most often visit. So you will train your memory and you will not be mistaken.

    Buy books in Italian. It is best to choose fiction and preferably what you read in Russian. Difficulties arise - reinforce the process with a dictionary. Write down the phrases you like and say them.

    Watch movies, TV shows. This is another opportunity to hear live speech. The presentation of information by TV presenters is a speech standard to which one should strive.

    Keep a small dictionary in your pocket or purse at all times. If you want to say a phrase in Italian, but forgot the word, use the cheat sheet. And the more often you rely on the regulatory framework, the richer and more competent your speech reserve will be.

Italian is a unique language, with its own history and energy. Today he is ardently loved all over the world, but this popularity did not arise immediately. Previously, before the full detachment into the subgroup of the Romano-Germanic languages, Italian belonged to the common people, was used among people of the lower and middle classes. Surprising but true. And this is not the only surprising fact.

Charles V, one of the emperors of the Holy Roman Empire, said about Italian a phrase that every third Italian knows today and repeats at every opportunity. Translated into Russian, his words sounded something like this: “Each language is needed for something. I speak Spanish with the Lord, French with men, German with my faithful horse, and Italian with beautiful women.” And today, Italian is considered the language of love, conquering women's hearts.

    Debut in fiction, written and published in Italian, - famous work Dante's "Divine Comedy", which instantly spread around the world, became no less popular than Shakespeare's "Hamlet".

    Italian is conservative, having not changed either phonetically or structurally over the past seven centuries. And it's not about the strictness of the standards. The language is convenient and easy to learn, does not require speech and grammatical improvement.

    Italian loves borrowed words. Sometimes even with an overabundance, polluting the original standards. So, at the beginning of the 20th century, Mussolini made rather tough attempts to limit the use of foreign words. For this reason, little Italians know Mickey Mouse as Topolino and Donald Duck as Paperino.

    One of the features is the endings in words with a vowel sound. This rule applies to both categories: common nouns and proper ones. The inhabitants of the North of Italy can be identified by the end of the surname with “o”, and the southerners - with “i”.

The language of terms in the musical and culinary fields is mainly based on words borrowed from Italian. Musicians all over the world know: concerto, sonata, soprano, maestro, piano. And, of course, all chefs are familiar with pasta, mozzarella, pizza, amaretto, cappuccino.

    26 letters in the longest word in italian. This is precipitevolissimevolmente, which means “very quickly” in Russian.

    The number of tenses in Italian can be confusing at first. There are 15 of them, but not all of them are used in modern speech. So, for example, Passato remoto and Passato prossimo can be observed territorially - among the inhabitants of Tuscany. These forms of the past and near past tenses are used today only when writing official documents.

    Not all Italians have the same pronunciation. However, this phenomenon is also characteristic of other languages. Our northerners okayut, southerners - swallow vowels in syllables and pronounce the fricative “g”, and so on. Synonymous speech mutations also occur in Italian. For example: Coca-Cola from the lips of the inhabitants of Tuscany will sound like Hoha-hola.

Many words consist of two parts, the first of which is constant, and the second is adjoining and changing the meaning. Sometimes similar-sounding word forms have contradictory meanings: bellissima is translated into Russian as “beautiful”, but bellona is faded.

Summing up

Italian is beautiful, popular and easy to learn. If you want to achieve a conversational level, start with self-study, learn the basics of grammar and phonetics. The next step is to practice. Talk more, find an interlocutor who will help you correctly place intonations, speech and semantic accents. And the ideal way is to immerse yourself in the language environment, go on a trip to Italy. So you will reinforce the knowledge base, improve your skills, spend time brightly, richly and with benefit.