Test for Nekrasov. Questions about the work of N.A. Nekrasov. List of critical literature. What are the famous prose works of Nekrasov

Test work on the biography and work of N.A. Nekrasov (Grade 10)

1) Where was N.A. Nekrasov born?

A) in Germany

B) in Ukraine

B) in Russia

2) At what age did N.A. Nekrasov begin to compose poetry?

A) from 5-6 years old

B) from 6-7 years old

C) from 7-8 years old

3) In what city did Nekrasov's father send him to enter the Noble Regiment?

A) to Petersburg

B) to Moscow

B) to Yaroslavl

4) In which magazine did the provincial poet N.A. Nekrasov make his debut?

A) "Son of the Fatherland"

B) "Contemporary"

IN) " Russian word»

5) Who owns the words addressed to N.A. Nekrasov: “Do you know that you are a poet - and a true poet?”

A) I.S. Turgenev

B) V. Zhukovsky

B) V. Belinsky

6) Under what initials is Nekrasov's first collection "Dreams and Sounds" published?

A) N.A.

B) N.A.N.

C) N.N.

7) In what year did N.A. Nekrasov buy the Karabikha estate in the Yaroslavl province?

A) 1856

B) 1861

B) 1867

8) In which poem does the hero “dare” to fall in love with a noble daughter and pay for it with hard labor?

A) "Troika"

B) "Gardener"

B) on the road

9) In which poem does the whole village rely on the mercy of the “good master”?

A) "Forgotten Village"

B) "Coffin"

C) "Orina, a soldier's mother"

10) In 1874 Nekrasov wrote the famous poem "Elegy". To whom did he dedicate it?

A) engineer A. Erakov

B) theater critic F.A. Koni

C) the poet V.A. Zhukovsky

11) February 21, 1852, on the day of the death of N.V. Gogol, Nekrasov writes a poem. Which?

A) the railroad

B) "Poet and Citizen"

C) "Blessed is the gentle poet ..."

12) Poems of what cycle are testamentary in nature?

A) "Panaevsky" cycle

B) the cycle "About the weather"

C) the cycle "Last songs"

13) What poem are the lines from?

“It’s only a pity that we won’t have to live at this beautiful time, either for me or for you”

A) student

B) "Railway"

C) "I don't like your irony..."

14) In which poem N.A. Nekrasov lyrical hero appeals to the shadow of his beloved mother?

A) "Frost, Red Nose"

B) "Russian women"

C) "Knight for an hour"

15) Who was on duty at the bedside of the dying poet?

A) I.N. Kramskoy

B) I.S. Turgenev

C) F.A. Koni

16) How many people came to say goodbye to the outstanding son of Russia N.A. Nekrasov?

A) more than a thousand

B) more than three thousand

c) more than five thousand

Answers: 1) B 2) B 3) A 4) A 5) C 6) C 7) B 8) B 9) A 10) A 11) C 12) C 13) B 14) C 15) A

1 option

1. Specify the years of life. N.A. Nekrasova.

1) 1814-1841; 2) 1809-1853; 3) 1821-1877; 4) 1820-1876

2. In the life of N.A. Nekrasov

2) there were tests at St. Petersburg University, which he did not pass;

3) there was a poem written a day before the death of A.S. Pushkin;

4) there was a work that was burned due to severe criticism.

3. The first collection of poems by N.A. Nekrasov was called

1) "Dreams and Sounds"; 2) "Magic sounds"; 3) "Lyric"; 4) "Evening lights".

4. Nekrasov influenced the formation of literary and public views

1) father; 2) G.R. Chernyshevsky» 3) I.S. Turgenev; 4) V. G. Belinsky

5. Indicate the years in which N.A. Nekrasov was the editor of the Sovremennik magazine.

1) 1836-1851; 2) 1847-1866; 3) 1848-1884; 4) 1837-1876.

6. A mistake was made in the listing of the names of N.A. Nekrasov’s poems.

1) "In memory of Dobrolyubov" 3) "On the death of Shevchenko"

2) "Death of a poet" 4) "Belinsky V.G."

7. The plot of which poem by N.A. Nekrasov is based on the life story of a coachman?

1) “Am I driving down a dark street at night ...” 3) “On the road”

2) "Troika" 4) "Elegy".

8. Which poem reveals the theme of the poet and poetry?

1) “Uncompressed band” 3) “Blessed is the gentle poet”

2) "Railway" 4) "Troika".

1) "I don't like your irony" a) peasant theme

2) "Forgotten Village" b) the theme of the ideal of a public figure

3) "In memory of Dobrolyubov" c) the theme of the poet and poetry

4) "Elegy" d) theme of love

What are you greedily looking at the road 1) "Troika"

Away from cheerful girlfriends? 2) "On the road"

To know, the heart sounded the alarm - 3) "Song to Eremushka"

Your whole face lit up all of a sudden. 4) "Uncompressed strip"

1) iambic tetrameter; 3) three-foot trochee;

2) three-foot anapaest; 4) three-foot dactyl.

1) hyperbole; 2) personification; 3) epiphora; 4) metaphor.

13. Point out a feature landscape lyrics N.A. Nekrasova.

1) nature is given in the image of moments, impressions at this particular moment;

2) pictures of nature are given in context social life of people;

3) pictures of nature convey the poet's philosophical thoughts about life;

4) pictures of nature convey the poet's idea of ​​the beauty and harmony of the world.

1) "Frost, Red Nose"; 2) "Mtsyri"; 3) "Russian women"; 4) "Sasha".

15. What characteristic does not apply to the lyrics of N.A. Nekrasov?

1) Poetry opened to readers spiritual world Russian peasant.

2) New heroes contribute and new speech- sometimes "rude", "dissonant".

3) The poetry of N.A. Nekrasov is the poetry of “pure art”.

16. When was the poem “Who is living well in Rus'” written?

1) 1865-1877; 2) 1863-1876; 3) 1862-1876; 4) 1861-1877.

17. What story is also based on the hero's journey?

1) Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"; 3) Turgenev "Fathers and Sons";

2) Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"; 4) Gogol "Dead Souls".

18. From which province "seven men came together"?

1) Tight; 2) One-piece; 3) Gorelova; 4) Non-spruce.

19. Who was the first to meet the wanderers?

1) landowner; 2) pop; 3) soldier; 4) a peasant.

20. What was the name of Matrena Timofeevna's husband?

1) Ivan; 2) groin; 3) Klim; 4) Philip.

21. Which of the heroes of the poem is not directly involved in the action?

1) Matryona; 2) Utyatin; 3) Jonah; 4) Savely.

22. Which of the heroes of the poem is depicted as submissive to the landowner?

1) Savely; 2) Glukhovsky; 3) Ipat; 4) Vlas.

23. Which of the heroes was prepared for this path:

Fate prepared the mind for 1) Agapa Petrova;

The path is glorious, the name is loud 2) to Yermila Grin;

People's Protector, 3) Grisha Dobrosklonov;

Consumption and Siberia. 4) Savely.

“Roman hits Pakhomushka, / Demyan hits Luka, / And the two brothers of Gubin / Iron Prov hefty”?

    "Prologue"; 2) "Pop"; 3) "Happy"; 4) "Landowner".

25. Name the character by the portrait:

The chest is sunken; like depressed 1) Veretennikov;

Stomach; at the eyes, at the mouth 2) Yakim Nagoi;

Bends like cracks 3) Ermil Girin;

On dry land. 4) Stonemason-olonchalin.

There were twelve thieves, 1) Job;

There was …….. ataman, 2) Pitirim;

Many robbers shed 3) Philip;

The blood of honest Christians. 4) Kudeyar.

27. Pan Glukhovsky is the hero of what legend?

29. Which song is not a song by Grisha Dobrosklonov?

1) "Rus"; 2) "Among the world of the valley"; 3) "Salty"; 4) Burlak.

30. Who did Matryona blame for the death of her first child?

1) yourself; 2) mother-in-law; 3) Savelia; 4) husband.

31. What is the problem that unites the three insert legends in the part “A Feast for the Whole World”?

1) the problem of sin; 2) the problem of the struggle against oppression;

3) the problem of obedience; 4) the problem of happiness.

32. In the "Prologue" poems are used

1) epic motifs; 3) satirical images;

2) mythological heroes; 4) fabulous elements.

33. In what part of the poem does the direction of the search for heroes change?

1) "Happy"; 2) "Last child"; 3) "Peasant woman"; 4) "Feast - for the whole world."

34. What artistic technique used in the "Happy" chapter?

1) eavesdropping; 2) changing clothes; 3) "a tale within a tale"; 4) monologue.

35. What folk genre is not used in Matrena's story about her life?

1) folk song; 2) crying; 3) signs; 4) riddles.

36. The main idea of ​​the song "Part of the people":

1) the purpose of a person in life is to serve the people;

2) the happiness of the people is in its freedom;

3) the Russian people are hardworking people;

4) everyone in life chooses the path himself.

Test on the biography and work of N.A. Nekrasov (Grade 10)

Option 2

1. Place of birth of N.A. Nekrasov.

1) Nemirov; 2) Karabikha; 3) sinful; 4) Yaroslavl.

2. In the life of N.A. Nekrasov

1) was trip around the world on the frigate "Pallada";

2) participation in the defense of Sevastopol;

3) was editorial activity;

4) there was love for E. Denisyeva.

3. The first poem by N.A. Nekrasov was published in

1) 1838; 2) 1840; 3) 1836; 4) 1843

4. To whom did N.A. Nekrasov bring his first poems?

1) to Belinsky; 2) to Dobrolyubov; 3) to Panaev; 4) to Zhukovsky.

5. N.A. Nekrasov becomes the editor of which magazine after Sovremennik?

1) "Library for reading"; 2) "Domestic Notes"; 3) "Muscovite"; 4) "Dragonfly".

6. Which work does not belong to N.A. Nekrasov?

1) "Poet and Citizen"; 3) “Russia cannot be understood with the mind…”:

2) "You and I are stupid people"; 4) "I'm sorry."

7. Which poem by N.A. Nekrasov has the features of satire?

1) "Reflections at the front door"; 3) "Schoolboy";

2) "Troika"; 4) "Uncompressed band".

8. What poem by N.A. Nekrasov reveals the topic big city?

1) "Motherland"; 3) “Am I driving down a dark street at night”;

2) "Elegy""; 4) "Poet and Citizen".

9. Match the poems of N.A. Nekrasov with the themes of his work.

1) "Yesterday at six o'clock" a) peasant theme

2) "Troika" b) the theme of love

3) “The village suffering is in full swing” c) the theme of the fate of a peasant woman

4) “You and I are stupid people” d) the theme of the poet and poetry

10. From which poem is the passage taken:

Let the changeable muse speak to us, 1) "Elegy"

That the theme is the old “suffering of the people” 2) “Poet and citizen”

And that poetry should forget it, 3) "Blessed is the gentle poet"

Do not believe, young men, she does not grow old. 4) "In memory of Dobrolyubov"

11. Determine the poetic size of the passage from task 10.

1) iambic six-foot; 3) three-foot amphibrach;

2) iambic six-foot with pyrrhic; 4) four-foot trochee.

12. Determine the means of expression in the excerpt from task 10.

1) inversion; 2) personification; 3) comparison; 4) antithesis..

13. What characteristic does not apply to the lyrics of N.A. Nekrasov?

1) Nekrasov's poetry is social.

2) Nekrasov spoke in his poems about the unattractive aspects of life in St. Petersburg.

3) Many of Nekrasov's poems are characterized by dialogue, the polemical views of the characters.

4) Nekrasov's poetry is devoid of a civic motive.

14. Which poem does not belong to N.A. Nekrasov?

1) "Prisoner of the Caucasus"; 2) "Pedlars"; 3) "Silence"; 4) "Sasha".

15. What characteristic does not apply to the poem. N.A. Nekrasov "Troika"?

1) The basis of the poem is the principle of antithesis.

2) The first part is a vivid portrait of a rural beauty.

3) The second part is the author's reflections on future life heroines.

4) At the end of the poem, the author’s joy sounds about the happy fate of a peasant girl.

16. The poem "To whom it is good to live in Rus'" was created

1) two years; 2) five years; 3) for almost ten years; 4) twenty years.

17. In what magazines were the individual parts of the poem published?

1) "Contemporary", "Library for reading"; 2) "Muscovite", "Dragonfly";

3) "Contemporary", "Domestic Notes"; 4) "Northern bee", "Bulletin of Europe".

18. Who in the poem considered “peace, wealth, honor” to be happiness?

1) pop; 2) Matryona; 3) Prince Utyatin; 4) Grisha Dobrosklonov.

19. In the past was a convict

1) Savely; 2) Ermil Girin; 3) Yakim Nagoi; 4) Klim Levin.

20. Surname Matryona

1) Timofeeva; 2) Ivanova; 3) Gubernatova; 4) Korchagin.

21. Name the hero:

The old man spattered with saliva, 1) Obolt-Obolduev:

Hissed! And so upset, 2) Vogel;

That the right eye twitched, 3) Altynnikov;

And the left one suddenly expanded 4) Utyatin.

And - round. Like an owl, -

Spinning wheel.

22. Which of the heroes of the poem is the people's intercessor in a dispute with Veretennikov??

1) stonemason-olonchalin; 2) "soldier with medals"; 3) Yakim Nagoi; 4) "yard man".

23. Which of the characters is called "branded, convict"?

1) Kudeyara; 2) Savelia; 3) Naked; 4) Vlas.

24. In which chapter of the poem does this happen:

“The hayfields / Go in a correct sequence: / All at once brought in, / the scythes flashed, tinkled, / The grass instantly trembled / And fell, making a noise!”

1) "Feast for the whole world"; 2) "Prologue"; 3) "Last child"; 4) "Peasant woman".

25. Which of the indicated heroes is not a “shareholder” hero?

1) Obolt-Obolduev; 2) Matryona; 3) Utyatin; 4) Glukhovsky.

26. Insert a missing word:

“Write: In the village of Bosov / 1) Yakim Nagoi;

lives, 2) hero;

He works to death, 3) a stonecutter;

Drinks half to death!” 4) Ermil.

27. What legend is Gleb the hero of?

1) "About two great sinners"; 2) "Woman's parable"; 3) "Peasant sin";

4) "About an exemplary serf - Yakov Verny."

28. What word did the strangers like?

1) "Untolerate - the abyss!"; 3) “To endure is an abyss!”

2) “Give!”; 4) “Yes, our axes / They lay for the time being!”

29. What song is included in the image of the fate of Matryona??

1) "Hungry"; 2) “My hateful husband…”; 3) "Salty"; 4) Burlak.

30. Who is Jirin competing with for the mill?

1) with Utyatin; 2) with a pop; 3) with Savely; 4) with Altynnikov.

31. What role does the image of Yakim Nagogo play in the poem?

1) shows the industriousness of the Russian peasantry;

2) shows the role of beauty in the life of the Russian peasantry;

3) shows the role of the holy fool in the life of the Russian peasantry;

4) shows the protest of the Russian peasantry.

32. Who gave the peasants a self-assembled tablecloth?

1) fox; 2) wolf; 3) warbler; 4) gray bunny

33. What artistic technique is used in the following description:

Lost for a dime! 1) litote;

It is known, not self-interest, 2) hyperbole;

And his arrogance cut him off, 3) a metaphor;

He lost his sorinko. 4) epiphora.

34. What artistic technique is used in the part "Peasant Woman"?

1) songs; 2) confession; 3) monologue; 4) insert novels.

35. What folklore image is used in the part "Peasant Woman"?

1) road; 2) villain; 3) hero; 4) evil spirits.

36. What is not included in the composition of the part "Feast - to the whole world"?

1) songs by Grisha Dobrosklonov; 3) description of the feast;

2) legends about sins; 4) thoughts of wanderers about happiness

  • I. General section.
    1. To whom did Nekrasov dedicate his first poetic experiments?
    - Mother, Elena Andreevna, a bright image that the poet sacredly kept in his heart all his life.

    2. In what great works does the poet reverently draw the image of the mother, as an ideal of moral height?

    - "Knight for an hour", "Mother", "Motherland".

    3. What paintings by Russian artists remind us of young Nekrasov's impressions of the road "beaten by chains" - Vladimirka, which passed not far from his parental home?
    - I. Levitan "Vladimirovka", I. Repin "Under escort", V. Jacobi "Halt of prisoners".

    4. What famous painting reminds us of Nekrasov's poem "On the Volga", written on the basis of childhood impressions?

    - I. Repin "Barge Haulers on the Volga".

    5. How did Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov name his first collection of poems?

    - "Dreams and Sounds"

    6. To which of the poets did Nekrasov wear his first collection, which was being prepared for publication, for review?
    - V. A. Zhukovsky.

    7. Who was a severe critic of the first works of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov?
    - V.G. Belinsky

    8. In what works did Nekrasov capture the image of V.G. Belinsky?
    - "Bear Hunt" and "V.G. Belinsky

    9. Name the author of the painting "Nekrasov and Panaev at the bedside of the dying Belinsky"?
    - A. Naumov.

    10. Under what pseudonym did N.A. Nekrasov?

    - Under the pseudonym "Naum Perepelsky"

    11. In 1845 - 1846 Nekrasov (with the participation of the best contemporary writers) almanacs. What were they called?
    - "Physiology of St. Petersburg" and "Petersburg Collection".

    12. Nekrasov has been the publisher of which magazine since 1847?
    - Nekrasov, together with I.I. Panaev has been publishing the journal Sovremennik since January 1847.

    13. Who was the founder and first publisher of this magazine?
    - A.S. Pushkin.

    14. Where was N. A. Nekrasov’s poem “At the front porch” (“Thinking at the front entrance”), banned in Russia, published?
    - In the newspaper "The Bell", published by A.I. Herzen abroad.

    15. To whom did N. A. Nekrasov dedicate his poem "Pedlars"?
    - To the peasant of the village of Shody, Kostroma province, Gavrila Yakovlevich Zakharov, with whom they often went hunting.

    16. In what major works does Nekrasov talk about the Decembrists?
    - In the poems "Grandfather" and "Russian Women".

    17. About whom did Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov write: “You saved my living soul in me”?
    - About the mother; poem "Mother"

    18. In which poem does Nikolai Alekseevich talk about the hard forced labor of children in a factory?
    - In the poem "Crying children."

    19. What other poems does Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov dedicate to children?
    - “Grandfather Mazai and Hares”, “Uncle Yakov”, “Bees”, “General Toptygin”, “Nightingales”.

    20. Who painted the painting “Repair roads on railway"? Which poem by Nekrasov is close to this painting on the topic?
    - The author of the picture is K. Savitsky, the poem by N.A. Nekrasov "Railway".

    21. What poem is N.A. Nekrasov dedicates to N.G. Chernyshevsky?
    - The poem "Prophet".

    22. Whose emotional excitement is so aptly drawn by Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov in these lines:
    A) “It darkened in the eyes, the soul shuddered,
    I gave - did not give a golden ring?

    - the hero of the poem "Gardener"

    b) “The face showed a trace of a recent illness,
    Shame, despair, prayer and fear”?

    - the poor man from the poem "The Thief"

    V) “It stands under a pine tree a little alive,
    without a thought, without a groan, without tears…”?

    - Daria from the poem "Frost, Red Nose"

    G) “... walked thoughtfully
    First on the big road...
    He was having fun
    That's sad. horny
    Vakhlatskaya feast,
    Thought worked strongly in him
    And poured out in a song"?

    - Grisha Dobrosklonova from the poem "Who Lives Well in Rus'."

    23. In which work of N. A. Nekrasov this picture of a summer day is drawn:
    "Woke up: in the wide cracks of the barn
    Look funny sun rays,
    The dove coos; flying over the roof
    Young rooks are crying…”

    - "Peasant children"

    24. In what poem did Nekrasov describe the impressions of a young man who ended up in a big city like this:
    “How wonderfully the city is decorated!
    The spiers of its churches and towers
    Go to the sky; luxuriant in it
    Theatres, streets, dwellings
    Lucky world - and all around
    Boundless cemeteries…”?

    - In the poem "Unfortunate"

    • II. To whom Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov dedicated these lines:
    1.“You taught us to think humanely,
    Almost the first to remember the people.
    Almost the first you spoke
    About equality, about brotherhood, about freedom.

    - V.G. Belinsky; dramatic poem "Bear Hunt".

    2. "As a woman, you loved his homeland,
    Their works, hopes, thoughts
    You gave it to her; you are honest hearts
    Conquered her."

    - N.A. Dobrolyubov; poem "In memory of Dobrolyubov"

    3. “You didn’t let the enemy sleep,
    branding and cursing
    And tore off the mask of insolence
    From a fool and a scoundrel."

    - I.S. Turgenev; poem "Turgenev"

    4.“He has known everything: the Petersburg prison,
    Inquiries, interrogations, courtesy gendarmes,
    Everything - and the expanse of the Orenburg steppe
    And her fortress ... "

    - T. Shevchenko; poem "On the death of Shevchenko."

    5. “... let's take better risks,
    Than safe idleness
    Give the rest of your life."

    - M.E. Saltykov - Shchedrin; poem “M.E. Saltykov.

    6. “Serve not glory, not art, -
    Live for the good of your neighbor."

    - Russian writer; poem to the Russian writer.

    • III. From which works of N.A. Nekrasov these lines are taken
    1."I dedicated the lyre to my people"
    - The poem "Elegy".

    2."Go into the fire for the honor of the fatherland,
    For faith, for love...
    Go and die flawlessly.
    You won't die in vain... It's solid,
    When blood flows under him.

    - The poem "Poet and Citizen".

    3."He is pursued by blasphemy,
    He catches the sounds of approval
    Not in the sweet murmur of praise,
    And in the wild cries of anger.

    - The poem "Blessed is the gentle poet."

    3.“... the life of my fathers is barren and empty,
    Flowed among the feasts, meaningless
    The depravity of dirty and petty tyranny."

    - The poem "Motherland"

    4."From the jubilant, idly chatting,
    Enveloping hands in blood
    Take me to the camp of the perishing
    For the great cause of love!”

    - The poem "Knight for an hour."

    5. “Belinsky lived then, Granovsky,
    Gogol lived,
    There are still glorious two - three -
    All living things learned from them then ... ".

    - "Bear hunting".

    6.“Rus will show that there are people in it,
    What is her future.

    - Poem "Unfortunate"

    7.“Know and believe, friends: blessed
    Every storm for a young soul -
    The soul ripens and grows stronger under a thunderstorm.

    - Poem "Sasha".

    8."Life to free impressions
    Give your soul free
    human aspirations
    Don't let me wake up in it."

    - The poem "Song to Eremushka."

    9."Who lives without sorrow and anger,
    He does not love his homeland."

    - The poem "Newspaper".

    10."… Russian people…
    Will endure everything - and wide, clear
    He will pave the way for himself with his chest.

    - The poem "Railroad".

    11.“Not obedience is stupid -
    A friendly force is needed."

    - The poem "Grandfather".

    12.Volga! Volga! In the spring of high water
    You don't flood the fields like that
    Like the great grief of the people
    Our land is full."

    - The poem "Reflections at the front door."

    13."Even the Russian people
    No limits set:
    Before him is a wide path.

    14." The share of the people
    his happiness,
    Light and freedom
    First of all!"

    - The poem "To whom it is good to live in Rus'."

    15."The will and labor of man
    Marvelous divas create.

    - The poem "Grandfather".

    16."Who, serving the great purposes of the age,
    He gives his whole life
    To fight for a brother - a man,
    Only he will survive himself ... "

    - The poem "Zine".

    17.“Sow what is reasonable, what is good, what is eternal,
    Sow! Thank you heartily
    "Russian people!"

    - Poem "To the Sowers".

    18."Other times, other pictures
    I see the beginning…”

    - The poem "Woe of old Naum"

    • IV. Do you know the characters of the poem "Who lives well in Rus'"
    1. “The chest is sunken; like a depressed
    Stomach; at the eyes, at the mouth
    Bends like cracks
    On dry ground…”

    - Yakim Nagoi, a man from the village of Bosovo.

    2. "A man with shortness of breath,
    relaxed, thin
    (The nose is sharp, like a dead one,
    Skinny hands like a rake
    Like the spokes of the legs are long,
    Not a man - a mosquito).

    - Bricklayer; chapter "Happy".

    3. “... was fragile on his feet,
    Tall and thin to the extreme;
    He is wearing a frock coat with medals
    He hung like on a pole.

    - Soldier; "Feast - for the whole world."

    4. "The man is raw, special,
    The head is not bowed.

    - Agap Petrov, former serf of Prince Utyatin.

    5. "... round,
    mustachioed, pot-bellied,
    With a cigar in your mouth."

    - Obolt - Obolduev, landowner.

    6. "Through dense forests,
    Through swampy swamps
    On foot came, rogue!
    One as a finger: cap
    Yes, a cane, but in a cane
    For fishing projectile.
    And at first he was quiet ... "

    - German Vogel, manager.

    7. “Thin, like winter hares ...
    Nose with a beak, like a hawk,
    Mustache gray, long
    And - different eyes ... "

    - Prince Utyatin (Last child).

    8. "He wore a red shirt,
    Cloth undershirt,
    Lubricated boots;
    He sang Russian songs smoothly
    And I loved listening to them.

    - Pavlusha Veretennikov.

    9. “You approach him first,
    And he advises
    And he will provide information;
    Where there is enough strength - will help out,
    Don't ask for gratitude
    And if you give it, you won't take it!"

    - Ermil Girin.

    10. "With a huge gray mane,
    Tea, twenty years uncut,
    With a big beard
    Grandfather looked like a bear ... "

    - Saveliy, Holy Russian hero.

    11. "A stubborn woman,
    Wide and thick…
    Beautiful, gray hair,
    The eyes are large, stern,
    Eyelashes are the richest
    Stern and swarthy.

    - Matrena Timofeevna, a peasant woman.

    12. "The face is thin, pale
    And the hair is thin, curly,
    With a hint of beauty.
    ... the bone is wide,
    But very emaciated

    - Grisha Dobrosklonov.

    • V. Which of the characters in the works of Nekrasov ...
    1. ... “I already knew for sure. what to live for the happiness of a miserable and dark native corner”?
    - Grisha Dobrosklonov; poem "To whom in Rus' it is good to live."

    2. ... "forty medals forged on a spear - on the forty-first he blew it"?

    - Savushka; Poem "In the Village"

    3. ... "works to death, drinks half to death"?
    - Yakim Nagoi; poem "To whom in Rus' it is good to live."

    4. ... did the master promise to “beat him up with a cudgel”?
    - A guy beaten by a master; poem "Hound hunting".

    5. ... when he grows up, will he be "an official in appearance and a scoundrel in soul"?

    - Baby; poem "Lullaby".

    6. ... fell in love with a noble daughter and was severely punished for this?
    - Gardener; poem "Gardener".

    7. ... brought his wife, friend, cook, daughter to death, and yet, according to him, “did no harm to anyone in life”?
    - The hero of the poem "Moral Man".

    8. ... lived in the village for forty years, but did not distinguish barley from a rye ear?

    - Landowner Obolt - Obolduev; poem "To whom in Rus' it is good to live."

    9. ... "He reads books and roams the world -
    He is looking for gigantic deeds,
    Fortunately, the legacy of rich fathers
    Freed from small labors?

    - Agarin; poem "Sasha"

    10. ... “He knew why he plowed and sowed,
    Yes, he started the work beyond his strength ”?

    - Plowman; poem "uncompressed band".

    11. ... hid traces of shackles from his grandson?
    - Former Decembrist, returned from exile; poem "Grandfather"

    12. ... married an illiterate peasant on the orders of the master, although she herself was educated?
    - Pear; poem "On the Road"

    13. ... obeyed all her life "a gloomy ignoramus" and "she carried her lot in silence as a slave"?

    - Nekrasov's mother; poem "Motherland"

    14. ... considered herself lucky, because she "had born up to a thousand rap in a small garden"?
    - Old woman; chapter "Happy" from the poem "To whom in Rus' to live well."

    15. ... cried as the forest was cut down?
    - Sasha; Poem Sasha.

    16. ... after many years she met her beloved in the hospital, and when he died, "she sold everything she had, buried him with honor"?
    - Nurse; poem "In the hospital"

    17. ... waited a long time for her son - a soldier, and when he returned "sick" and died, barely survived his loss?

    - Old Orina; poem "Orina, a soldier's mother."

    18. ... "the beauty of the marvel, was both dexterous and strong"?

    - Peasant Daria; poem "Frost, Red Nose".

    19. ... so until her death she did not wait for the forest to repair the hut?

    - Nenila's grandmother; Poem "Forgotten Village"

    20. ... did not refuse to go to her husband, although she was threatened with "cautious hard cracker and life locked up, shame, horror, the work of a stage way"?
    - The wife of the Decembrist Princess Trubetskaya; poem "Russian women".

    21. ... having met her husband in hard labor, "before embracing her husband, she put fetters on her lips"?
    - The wife of the Decembrist M.N. Volkonskaya; poem "Russian women".

    • VI. Who said about Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov ...
    1. "Do you know that you are a poet - a true poet?"
    - So said V.G. Belinsky, after reading the poem "On the Road".

    2. “Tell Nekrasov for me that his poem drove me crazy; day and night I repeat this amazing work - and I have already learned it by heart.
    - So I.S. Turgenev wrote to V.G. Belinsky about the poem by N.A. Nekrasov “Am I driving down a dark street at night ...”.

    3. “... tell him that I love him dearly as a person, that I thank him for his good disposition towards me, that I kiss him, that I am convinced that his glory will be immortal, that Russia’s love for him, the most brilliant and the noblest of all Russian poets. I weep for him. He really was a man of very high nobility of soul and a man of great mind. And, as a poet, he is, of course, superior to all Russian poets.”
    - So N.G. Chernyshevsky wrote from Vilyuisk to his cousin A.N. Pypin, in the days of Nekrasov's fatal illness.

    4. “This man, twisted and brought up by censorship, planned to die under its yoke. Amid the almost impossible pains to write a poem, which the censorship was not slow to cut out ... And the poem is wonderful ... ".
    - M.E. Saltykov - Shchedrin.

    5. “Not for a moment belittling the great altars of Pushkin and Lermontov ... we still say - there is no such person in Russian literature, in all literature, before whom with love and reverence they would bow lower than before the memory of Nekrasov.”

    - A.V. Lunacharsky.

Literary quizzes for schoolchildren

Material Description: I offer you a literary quiz on the work of N.A. Nekrasov. The material for compiling the literary quiz was the works of Russian classical literature studied in general education school and recommended for extracurricular reading.

The material can be used in a variety of ways. It is possible, for example, to organize a "literary tournament" when the participants of the game are divided into two equal groups and try to achieve "victory" - victory in this kind of competition. This game is interesting.
The quiz can be used when summarizing the topics covered.
1. Arouse students' interest in literature, develop a cognitive interest in reading, instill a persistent interest in studying the work of N.A. Nekrasov.
2. To form general cultural literary competence through the perception of literature as an integral part national culture, form communicative competence students.
1. Educational: expand the understanding of the writer's work, deepen the knowledge of students;
2. Developing: develop individual creative abilities of students, figurative and logical thinking, imagination, the ability to think outside the box;
3. Educational: instill interest in the writer's work and Russian literature in general.
Equipment: Exhibition of books by N.A. Nekrasov

Literary quiz on the work of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov

I. General section.
1. To whom did Nekrasov dedicate his first poetic experiments?
- Mother, Elena Andreevna, a bright image that the poet sacredly kept in his heart all his life.

2. In what great works does the poet reverently draw the image of the mother, as an ideal of moral height?
- "Knight for an hour", "Mother", "Motherland".

3. What paintings by Russian artists remind us of young Nekrasov's impressions of the road "beaten by chains" - Vladimirka, which passed not far from his parental home?
- I. Levitan "Vladimirovka", I. Repin "Under escort", V. Jacobi "Halt of prisoners".

4. What famous painting reminds us of Nekrasov's poem "On the Volga", written on the basis of childhood impressions?
- I. Repin "Barge Haulers on the Volga".

5. How did Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov name his first collection of poems?
- "Dreams and Sounds"

6. To which of the poets did Nekrasov wear his first collection, which was being prepared for publication, for review?
- V. A. Zhukovsky.

7. Who was a severe critic of the first works of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov?
- V.G. Belinsky

8. In what works did Nekrasov capture the image of V.G. Belinsky?
- "Bear Hunt" and "V.G. Belinsky

10. Under what pseudonym did N.A. Nekrasov?
- Under the pseudonym "Naum Perepelsky"

11. In 1845 - 1846 Nekrasov (with the participation of the best contemporary writers) almanacs. What were they called?
- "Physiology of St. Petersburg" and "Petersburg Collection".

12. Nekrasov has been the publisher of which magazine since 1847?
- Nekrasov, together with I.I. Panaev has been publishing the journal Sovremennik since January 1847.

13. Who was the founder and first publisher of this magazine?
- A.S. Pushkin.

14. Where was N. A. Nekrasov’s poem “At the front porch” (“Thinking at the front entrance”), banned in Russia, published?
- In the newspaper "The Bell", published by A.I. Herzen abroad.

15. To whom did N. A. Nekrasov dedicate his poem "Pedlars"?
- To the peasant of the village of Shody, Kostroma province, Gavrila Yakovlevich Zakharov, with whom they often went hunting.

16. In what major works does Nekrasov talk about the Decembrists?
- In the poems "Grandfather" and "Russian Women".

17. About whom did Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov write: “You saved my living soul in me”?
- About the mother; poem "Mother"

18. In which poem does Nikolai Alekseevich talk about the hard forced labor of children in a factory?
- In the poem "Crying children."

19. What other poems does Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov dedicate to children?
- “Grandfather Mazai and Hares”, “Uncle Yakov”, “Bees”, “General Toptygin”, “Nightingales”.

20. Who painted the painting "Repair Roads on the Railroad"? Which poem by Nekrasov is close to this painting on the topic?
- The author of the picture is K. Savitsky, the poem by N.A. Nekrasov "Railway".

21. What poem is N.A. Nekrasov dedicates to N.G. Chernyshevsky?
- The poem "Prophet".

22. Whose emotional excitement is so aptly drawn by Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov in these lines:
A) “It darkened in the eyes, the soul shuddered,
I gave - did not give a golden ring?

- the hero of the poem "Gardener"

B) “The face showed a trace of a recent illness,
Shame, despair, prayer and fear”?

- the poor man from the poem "The Thief"

IN) “It stands under a pine tree a little alive,
without a thought, without a groan, without tears…”?

- Daria from the poem "Frost, Red Nose"

G) “... walked thoughtfully
First on the big road...
He was having fun
That's sad. horny
Vakhlatskaya feast,
Thought worked strongly in him
And poured out in a song"?

- Grisha Dobrosklonova from the poem "Who Lives Well in Rus'."

23. In which work of N. A. Nekrasov this picture of a summer day is drawn:
"Woke up: in the wide cracks of the barn
The rays of the cheerful sun look,
The dove coos; flying over the roof
Young rooks are crying…”

- "Peasant children"

24. In what poem did Nekrasov describe the impressions of a young man who ended up in a big city like this:
“How wonderfully the city is decorated!
The spiers of its churches and towers
Go to the sky; luxuriant in it
Theatres, streets, dwellings
Lucky world - and all around
Boundless cemeteries…”?

- In the poem "Unfortunate"

II. To whom Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov dedicated these lines:
1.“You taught us to think humanely,
Almost the first to remember the people.
Almost the first you spoke
About equality, about brotherhood, about freedom.

- V.G. Belinsky; dramatic poem "Bear Hunt".

2. “As a woman, you loved your homeland,
Their works, hopes, thoughts
You gave it to her; you are honest hearts
Conquered her."

- N.A. Dobrolyubov; poem "In memory of Dobrolyubov"

3. “You didn’t let the enemy sleep,
branding and cursing
And tore off the mask of insolence
From a fool and a scoundrel."

- I.S. Turgenev; poem "Turgenev"

4.“He has known everything: the Petersburg prison,
Inquiries, interrogations, courtesy gendarmes,
Everything - and the expanse of the Orenburg steppe
And her fortress ... "

- T. Shevchenko; poem "On the death of Shevchenko."

5. “... let's take better risks,
Than safe idleness
Give the rest of your life."

- M.E. Saltykov - Shchedrin; poem “M.E. Saltykov.

6. “Serve not glory, not art, -
Live for the good of your neighbor."

- Russian writer; poem to the Russian writer.

III. From which works of N.A. Nekrasov these lines are taken
1."I dedicated the lyre to my people"
- The poem "Elegy".

2."Go into the fire for the honor of the fatherland,
For faith, for love...
Go and die flawlessly.
You won't die in vain... It's solid,
When blood flows under him.

- The poem "Poet and Citizen".

3."He is pursued by blasphemy,
He catches the sounds of approval
Not in the sweet murmur of praise,
And in the wild cries of anger.

- The poem "Blessed is the gentle poet."

3.“... the life of my fathers is barren and empty,
Flowed among the feasts, meaningless
The depravity of dirty and petty tyranny."

- The poem "Motherland"

4."From the jubilant, idly chatting,
Enveloping hands in blood
Take me to the camp of the perishing
For the great cause of love!”

- The poem "Knight for an hour."

5. “Belinsky lived then, Granovsky,
Gogol lived,
There are still glorious two - three -
All living things learned from them then ... ".

- "Bear hunting".

6.“Rus will show that there are people in it,
What is her future.

- Poem "Unfortunate"

7.“Know and believe, friends: blessed
Every storm for a young soul -
The soul ripens and grows stronger under a thunderstorm.

- Poem "Sasha".

8."Life to free impressions
Give your soul free
human aspirations
Don't let me wake up in it."

- The poem "Song to Eremushka."

9."Who lives without sorrow and anger,
He does not love his homeland."

- The poem "Newspaper".

10."… Russian people…
Will endure everything - and wide, clear
He will pave the way for himself with his chest.

- The poem "Railroad".

11.“Not obedience is stupid -
A friendly force is needed."

- The poem "Grandfather".

12.Volga! Volga! In the spring of high water
You don't flood the fields like that
Like the great grief of the people
Our land is full."

- The poem "Reflections at the front door."

13."Even the Russian people
No limits set:
Before him is a wide path.

14." The share of the people
his happiness,
Light and freedom
First of all!"

- The poem "To whom it is good to live in Rus'."

15."The will and labor of man
Marvelous divas create.

- The poem "Grandfather".

16."Who, serving the great purposes of the age,
He gives his whole life
To fight for a brother - a man,
Only he will survive himself ... "

- The poem "Zine".

17.“Sow what is reasonable, what is good, what is eternal,
Sow! Thank you heartily
"Russian people!"

- Poem "To the Sowers".

18."Other times, other pictures
I see the beginning…”

- The poem "Woe of old Naum"

B] IV. Do you know the characters of the poem "Who lives well in Rus'"
1. “The chest is sunken; like a depressed
Stomach; at the eyes, at the mouth
Bends like cracks
On dry ground…”

- Yakim Nagoi, a man from the village of Bosovo.

2. "A man with shortness of breath,
relaxed, thin
(The nose is sharp, like a dead one,
Skinny hands like a rake
Like the spokes of the legs are long,
Not a man - a mosquito).

- Bricklayer; chapter "Happy".

3. “... was fragile on his feet,
Tall and thin to the extreme;
He is wearing a frock coat with medals
He hung like on a pole.

- Soldier; "Feast - for the whole world."

4. "The man is raw, special,
The head is not bowed.

- Agap Petrov, former serf of Prince Utyatin.

5. "... round,
mustachioed, pot-bellied,
With a cigar in your mouth."

- Obolt - Obolduev, landowner.

6. "Through dense forests,
Through swampy swamps
On foot came, rogue!
One as a finger: cap
Yes, a cane, but in a cane
For fishing projectile.
And at first he was quiet ... "

- German Vogel, manager.

7. “Thin, like winter hares ...
Nose with a beak, like a hawk,
Mustache gray, long
And - different eyes ... "

- Prince Utyatin (Last child).

8. "He wore a red shirt,
Cloth undershirt,
Lubricated boots;
He sang Russian songs smoothly
And I loved listening to them.

- Pavlusha Veretennikov.

9. “You approach him first,
And he advises
And he will provide information;
Where there is enough strength - will help out,
Don't ask for gratitude
And if you give it, you won't take it!"

- Ermil Girin.

10. "With a huge gray mane,
Tea, twenty years uncut,
With a big beard
Grandfather looked like a bear ... "

- Saveliy, Holy Russian hero.

11. "A stubborn woman,
Wide and thick…
Beautiful, gray hair,
The eyes are large, stern,
Eyelashes are the richest
Stern and swarthy.

- Matrena Timofeevna, a peasant woman.

12. "The face is thin, pale
And the hair is thin, curly,
With a hint of beauty.
... the bone is wide,
But very emaciated

- Grisha Dobrosklonov.

V. Which of the characters in the works of Nekrasov ...
1. ... “I already knew for sure. what to live for the happiness of a miserable and dark native corner”?
- Grisha Dobrosklonov; poem "To whom in Rus' it is good to live."

2. ... "forty medals forged on a spear - on the forty-first he blew it"?
- Savushka; Poem "In the Village"

3. ... "works to death, drinks half to death"?
- Yakim Nagoi; poem "To whom in Rus' it is good to live."

4. ... did the master promise to “beat him up with a cudgel”?
- A guy beaten by a master; poem "Hound hunting".

5. ... when he grows up, will he be "an official in appearance and a scoundrel in soul"?
- Baby; poem "Lullaby".

6. ... fell in love with a noble daughter and was severely punished for this?
- Gardener; poem "Gardener".

7. ... brought his wife, friend, cook, daughter to death, and yet, according to him, “did no harm to anyone in life”?
- The hero of the poem "Moral Man".

8. ... lived in the village for forty years, but did not distinguish barley from a rye ear?
- Landowner Obolt - Obolduev; poem "To whom in Rus' it is good to live."

9. ... "He reads books and roams the world -
He is looking for gigantic deeds,
Fortunately, the legacy of rich fathers
Freed from small labors?

- Agarin; poem "Sasha"

10. ... “He knew why he plowed and sowed,
Yes, he started the work beyond his strength ”?

- Plowman; poem "uncompressed band".

11. ... hid traces of shackles from his grandson?
- Former Decembrist, returned from exile; poem "Grandfather"

12. ... married an illiterate peasant on the orders of the master, although she herself was educated?
- Pear; poem "On the Road"

13. ... obeyed all her life "a gloomy ignoramus" and "she carried her lot in silence as a slave"?
- Nekrasov's mother; poem "Motherland"

14. ... considered herself lucky, because she "had born up to a thousand rap in a small garden"?
- Old woman; chapter "Happy" from the poem "To whom in Rus' to live well."

15. ... cried as the forest was cut down?
- Sasha; Poem Sasha.

16. ... after many years she met her beloved in the hospital, and when he died, "she sold everything she had, buried him with honor"?
- Nurse; poem "In the hospital"

17. ... waited a long time for her son - a soldier, and when he returned "sick" and died, barely survived his loss?
- Old Orina; poem "Orina, a soldier's mother."

18. ... "the beauty of the marvel, was both dexterous and strong"?
- Peasant Daria; poem "Frost, Red Nose".

19. ... so until her death she did not wait for the forest to repair the hut?
- Nenila's grandmother; Poem "Forgotten Village"

20. ... did not refuse to go to her husband, although she was threatened with "cautious hard cracker and life locked up, shame, horror, the work of a stage way"?
- The wife of the Decembrist Princess Trubetskaya; poem "Russian women".

21. ... having met her husband in hard labor, "before embracing her husband, she put fetters on her lips"?
- The wife of the Decembrist M.N. Volkonskaya; poem "Russian women".

VI. Who said about Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov ...
1. "Do you know that you are a poet - a true poet?"
- So said V.G. Belinsky, after reading the poem "On the Road".

2. “Tell Nekrasov for me that his poem drove me crazy; day and night I repeat this amazing work - and I have already learned it by heart.
- So I.S. Turgenev wrote to V.G. Belinsky about the poem by N.A. Nekrasov “Am I driving down a dark street at night ...”.

3. “... tell him that I love him dearly as a person, that I thank him for his good disposition towards me, that I kiss him, that I am convinced that his glory will be immortal, that Russia’s love for him, the most brilliant and the noblest of all Russian poets. I weep for him. He really was a man of very high nobility of soul and a man of great mind. And, as a poet, he is, of course, superior to all Russian poets.”
- So N.G. Chernyshevsky wrote from Vilyuisk to his cousin A.N. Pypin, in the days of Nekrasov's fatal illness.

4. “This man, twisted and brought up by censorship, planned to die under its yoke. Amid the almost impossible pains to write a poem, which the censorship was not slow to cut out ... And the poem is wonderful ... ".
- M.E. Saltykov - Shchedrin.

5. “Not for a moment belittling the great altars of Pushkin and Lermontov ... we still say - there is no such person in Russian literature, in all literature, before whom with love and reverence they would bow lower than before the memory of Nekrasov.”
- A.V. Lunacharsky.

Nekrasov's creativity test (Grade 10) OPTION 1
1) Nekrasov's name was

a) Ivan Alekseevich

b) Alexey Nikolaevich

c) Sergey Alekseevich

d) Nikolai Alekseevich

2) Nekrasov

a) traveled around the world on the frigate "Pallada"

b) participated in the defense of Sevastopol

c) was the editor of the Sovremennik magazine

d) was in love with P. Viardot

3) Nekrasov studied

a) at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum

b) in the Nizhyn gymnasium

c) at Moscow University

d) at St. Petersburg University

4) The work "To whom in Rus' it is good to live"

a) epic novel

b) epic story

c) an epic poem

d) epic story

a) the railroad

b) Nevsky Prospekt

c) "In memory of Dobrolyubov"

d) "Russian women"

6) What village was not mentioned in the “Prologue” of the poem “Who should live well in Rus'”?

a) paid

b) Dyryavino

c) crop failure

d) Bezrukovo

7) Who were the men looking for in the poem “Who is living well in Rus'”?

a) happy

b) rich

c) a scientist

d) self-assembled tablecloth

8) Who from the animal world helped the peasants in the “Prologue” of the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'”, gave them a self-assembled tablecloth?

a) fox

c) foam

d) titmouse

9) Who in the poem considered “peace, wealth, honor” to be happiness?

a) landowner Obolt-Obolduev

c) Grigory Dobrosklonov

d) Prince Utyatin

10) The action "To whom it is good to live in Rus'" takes place

a) in Moscow

b) in Kalinov

c) "in which village - guess"

d) in Petersburg

11) Features of what genre does Nekrasov use in the "Prologue" "Who should live in Rus' ..."?

a) epic

c) past

12) Which of the heroes of “Who Lives Well in Rus'” was a convict in the past?

a) Savely

b) Ermil Girin

c) Yakim Nagoi

d) Grisha Dobrosklonov

13) What is the proportion of Russian women, presented in the poem "To whom in Rus' ..."

a) the female share is as difficult as the male

b) the female share is heavier than the male

c) the female share is lighter than the male

d) a woman has no share at all

14) Determine the poetic size: "Sow reasonable, good, eternal ..."

a) dactyl

c) anapaest

15) Whom does Nekrasov call happy in the poem “Who should live well in Rus'”?

a) fat-bellied merchant

b) Grigory Dobrosklonov

c) butt

d) men

16) Who from the poem “To whom it is good to live in Rus'” does not directly participate in the action?

a) Savely

b) Yakim Nagoi

c) Ermil Girin

d) Odintsov

17) Who told about himself:

"The family was big

Grumpy... I got it

From girlish holi to hell!

Husband went to work

Silence, advised to endure ... "?

a) Matrena Timofeevna

b) Nenila Vlasyevna

c) Princess Peremetyeva

stubborn woman,

Wide and dense

Thirty-eight years old.

Beautiful; gray hair,

The eyes are large, stern,

a) nimble Orefievna, burmistrova godfather

b) Nenila Vlasyevna

c) Princess Peremetyeva

d) Matrena Timofeevna

19) Name the poem by N. Nekrasov dedicated to N. A. Dobrolyubov
20) What is the name of the literary trend that arose in Russian literature in the 30-40sXIXcentury, seeking to objectively depict the surrounding reality?

Nekrasov's creativity test (grade 10) OPTION 2

1) Years of life of N Nekrasov:

d) 1799 - 1837

2) In the life of Nekrasov

b) there were tests at St. Petersburg University (against the will of his father), which he did not pass

c) there was a poem written a day before the death of A.S. Pushkin

d) there was a work burned due to severe criticism

3) Nekrasov studied at

a) Petersburg University

b) Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum

c) Nizhyn gymnasium

d) Simbirsk University

4) The poem "To whom it is good to live in Rus'" was created

a) two years

b) five years

in ten years

d) twenty years

5) Which work does not belong to Nekrasov:

a) "Noble Nest"

b) "In memory of Dobrolyubov"

c) "Railway"

d) "Russian women"

6) The work "Who lives well in Rus'"

a) epic story

b) epic poem

c) epic novel

d) epic story

7) How many men met on the “pillar path” in the poem “Who in Rus' should live well”?

a) five

b) six

at seven

d) ten

8) In which chapter of “To whom it is good to live in Rus'” this happens:

“Roman hits Pakhomushka, / Demyan hits Luka. / And the two brothers of Gubin / Ironing Prov hefty "

a) Prologue

b) "Pop"

c) happy

d) "Landlord"

9) Who was the first to meet the men from the poem “Who in Rus' should live well”?

a) fat-bellied merchant

b) landowner

c) a peasant woman, Matryona Timofeevna

10) Who said: “You admonish the deceased / And support those who remain / You try as much as you can / The spirit is cheerful! And here to you / The old woman, the mother of the deceased, /
Look, stretching with a bony, / Callused hand ... "?

b) merchant Altynnikov

c) Obolt-Obolduev

d) Prince Utyatin

11) In which chapter of “Who Lives Well in Rus'” did it happen?

And today is a festive day, / Where did the people go? / They go in the village - on the street /

Some guys are small, / In the houses - old women ...

a) Prologue

c) "Village fair"

d) "Happy"

12) What role does the image of Yakim Nagogoy play in the poem “Who is to live well in Rus'”?

a) shows the industriousness of the Russian peasantry

b) shows the role of beauty in the life of the Russian peasantry

c) shows the role of the holy fool in the life of the Russian peasantry

d) shows the protest of the Russian peasantry

13) What features of the landlord class were not reflected in the image of Obolt-Obolduev?

a) stupidity

b) love of country

c) wisdom

d) permissiveness

14)) To whom the lines are addressed: “Fate prepared for him / A glorious path, a loud name / People’s protector / Consumption and Siberia”

a) Grigory Dobrosklonov

b) Ermil Girin

c) Yakim Nagoma

d) grandfather Savely

15) Which of the heroes of the poem says about himself: “Branded, but not a slave!”?

a) Yakim Nagoi

b) Grigory Dobrosklonov

c) Ermil Girin

d) Savely

16) Who told about himself:

"Abram Gordeich Sitnikov,

master manager,

Began to bother hard:

"You are a written kralechka,

You are a pouring berry ... "?

a) Matrena Timofeevna

b) Nenila Vlasyevna

c) Princess Peremetyeva

d) an old woman, pockmarked, one-eyed

17) Whose portrait characteristic?

And myself to mother earth

He looks like: a brown neck,

Like a layer cut off with a plow,

brick face,

a) Yakim Nagoi

b) Grigory Dobrosklonov

c) Ermil Girin

d) Savely

18) What character are we talking about?

The old man fell asleep in the sun

Feed the pigs Demidushka

Stupid grandfather!

a) Yakim Nagoi

b) Grigory Dobrosklonov

c) Ermil Girin

d) Savely

19) Indicate in which poem N. Nekrasov addresses the younger generation with the following words: “Let the changeable fashion tell us, / That the theme is old - “the suffering of the people” / And that poetry should forget it ... "?
20) The principles of what literary movement determine the features of the picture of the world created by N. Nekrasov?


1 option

1-d, 2-c, 3-d, 4-c, 5-b, 6-d, 7-a, 8-c, 9-b, 10-c, 11-d, 12-a, 13- b, 14-a, 15-b, 16-d, 17-a, 18-d, 19-"In memory of Dobrolyubov", 20-realism
Option 2
1-c, 2-b, 3-a, 4-d, 5-a, 6-b, 7-c, 8-a, 9-d, 10-a, 11-c, 12-b, 13- c, 14-a, 15-g, 16-a, 17-a, 18-g, 19-"Elegy", 20-realism