How to remember traffic rules tickets before the exam: useful tips and tricks. Methods for quickly memorizing tickets and traffic rules for passing the exam in the traffic police How easier it is to learn questions on

How to quickly learn traffic rules? Are there any techniques that allow you to quickly and effectively remember all the rules and feel confident not only in the exam at the traffic police, but also in real conditions on the road?

Studying the rules of the road (SDA) is one of the main stages in the training of novice drivers. Knowing their duty to everyone who plans to drive is impossible without this.

Although, at first glance, brochures with rules do not look like thick tomes, they contain a lot of different information, and sometimes it becomes quite enough to learn and assimilate it. challenging task. Therefore, the question is quite logical: how?

So, friends, if you are interested and you really wondered how to quickly learn the theory of traffic rules, then read on.

In fact, the techniques that we will talk about today can be successfully used to study any other information. We will consider the following memorization methods:

  • visualization method;
  • association method;
  • mnemonic method;
  • development of characteristic thinking - in our case, we learn to think like a driver;
  • use of simulators and other special programs.


The first option, as you might have guessed, is based on visual memory. It is the best suited for memorizing numerous road signs, and there are about 200 of their varieties in traffic rules.

At first it may seem that the signs are all different, but in fact the color and shape of the signs is an belonging to a certain group, namely:

  • forbidding - the most strict, round, a red stripe in a circle, the background is white or blue. These include the legendary sign "brick";
  • prescriptive - these signs are also round, but with a completely blue background, their implementation is no less mandatory than the previous group. For example, they indicate how to move at an intersection, where to turn, and so on;
  • warning - these signs are triangular with a red border. They notify the driver that there is something ahead that requires increased attention, for example, a sharp turn, descent, ascent, narrowing of the road, railway crossing, and more;
  • informational - blue background and rectangular or square shape. Their name speaks for itself - they give the person behind the wheel, as well as pedestrians, to learn about something important. For example, such signs inform about the place of a pedestrian crossing, public transport stop, distance to locality etc.

Among this diversity there are exceptions. For example, a diamond-shaped sign "main road" or an inverted triangle "give way", but they are few and easy to remember

We connect associations

Well, we are getting closer to learning how to learn traffic rules quickly and efficiently. And the next assistant in mastering this difficult material will be the method of associations.

Its essence is to bind their meaning to the familiar rules of association close to you - this greatly simplifies their study.

Well, for example. no entry sign, which is a red circle with a white rectangle in the middle. It was not in vain that it was nicknamed “brick” among the people, since the image on it resembles this object.

Here is a simple association for you - a brick, a brick wall, which means you can’t go any further. Something like this can be done with other nuances described in the SDA.

Mnemotechnical method - inventing rhymes

A strange title, but it perfectly describes the next method of how to quickly learn traffic rules - the mnemonic method.

Its essence is similar to the previous one, but in this case remember complicated rule simple poems and rhymes will help.

For example, how to get into your head the rule that you need to skip the interference on the right?

And it's very simple - "Who is on the right, he is right."

"Who is on the right is right" Folk wisdom

Or actions when stopping at a railway crossing - the prayer "Ave Maria (AVM)": A - emergency gang, B - drop people off, M - measure necessary to clear the crossing.

In fact, friends, you don’t need to invent anything, on the Internet you will find a lot of rhymes that will help you learn the rules.

Think like an experienced driver

When reading traffic rules, always analyze them. Imagine yourself driving different situations and so on.

It is best to analyze the material covered on the street, watching the road, or in public transport, putting yourself in the place of a bus or minibus driver.

What would you do at the moment? Did the driver do the right thing? Was he wrong in a particular situation?

On the eve of the exam

No matter how responsible we are, no one will believe us when we say that we have learned all the rules, and in order to get the coveted rights, you need to pass exams.

Is it possible to quickly learn traffic rules at home? The answer is you can!

How to learn fast traffic rules tickets? And can this be done at home? The answer is, of course, you can. Fortunately, now on the Internet you can find a lot of sites with simulators that simulate passing the exam.

Such applications exist not only online, but also for computers, and for mobile phones. And, surprisingly, on the official websites of the same State traffic inspectorate, you can safely test yourself for knowledge of traffic rules.

So, friends, now you know how to quickly learn traffic rules and what tricks will help you with this. Master the rules and become full members of a large community of drivers. And repeat the signals of the traffic controller

All the best to you and see you on the pages of our automotive blog!

Eat various schools driving, where teaching methods can differ significantly from each other. But no matter how different these institutions are, at the final stage of training, everyone takes an exam. This, without any doubt, is a very responsible and important step in the life of every future motorist. Tickets for traffic rules change every year, so no one can simply take and cheat.

Although we can say that there is an alternative way - a bribe. And since a person always follows the path of least resistance, a part does so. But there are several significant nuances here. Firstly, it is quite expensive, and secondly, such drivers are not encouraged on the roads.

Therefore, if you are one of those who are going to pass on the rights on their own, then get ready for the fact that it will not be easy, very difficult.

From the lows to the highs

We are all human and we all have our flaws. Agree, even from the school bench, one can notice a penchant for mathematics for some schoolchildren, at the same time, others were easier to cope with Russian, and still others were excellent athletes. All this to the fact that with the car exactly the same. It is difficult for someone to shift gears, for others to park, and for others to reverse, and so on. All this can be called a weakness.

It would seem, why are there actually tickets? Yes, everything is quite simple, if you know how to park properly, when and how to cross an unregulated intersection, and where to give way, then most likely you will pass the exam without any problems.

In the end, today it is much easier to pass the exam than 10 years ago. Why, you ask? The answer is simple - you can use professional help. Now we are talking about a trial exam. There are a large number of sites providing such a service, one of the best is this. This resource has several significant advantages:

  • a huge theoretical course;
  • the possibility of passing tests of categories TS A and B;
  • current traffic rules with detailed explanations;
  • unlimited attempts.

No wonder they say that in order to become a real specialist in any field, you need to constantly practice. This rule works 100%. The fact is that in driving school you are taught theory.

Naturally, you will meet all this on exam papers, but the question is, how well will you be prepared?

If you constantly train, then the chances of success will increase significantly. But you need to understand that the preparation will take precious time. Therefore, it is necessary to devote approximately several hours a day to preparation. Undoubtedly, it will not be possible to learn absolutely all traffic rules tickets, but you will be ready for almost any question.

The night before the driving test

Each student lives from session to session. How many course and diploma projects were completed in one day, hundreds and even thousands. And, it would seem, who prevents to do all this, but not overnight, but in a couple of months. This is exactly the same situation in our case. Most driving school students begin to move already when it is too late to do so.

For this simple reason, the percentage of failed first attempts is so high. Of course, many people prepare more carefully for the second exam, but you will have to pay for such pleasure not only financially, but also morally.

One simple rule follows from all this - it is necessary to prepare throughout the entire training, and not in one night. In this case, you will need to teach a little bit, 1-2 tickets per day. Although a lot depends on how many tickets will be on the exam. Usually from 40 to 100 pieces. Approximately 20-40 minutes a day, and the norm is fulfilled, it is simple and does not burden the psyche.

Of course, this does not mean that the ticket learned 3 months ago does not need to be repeated before. But you will quickly remember it, and it will not be difficult to give the correct answer.

If you still made it to the last exam and tomorrow, and you need to study a lot, then get ready for the fact that it will be difficult.

First, it is necessary to sort out the most theoretical questions. Fortunately, today almost everyone has the Internet, so you can find answers to them without any problems. You need to understand that in fact, there are not so many questions. Often they are repeated. In practice, many people have problems with signs, as well as traffic at unregulated intersections.

Give it a go most attention. If you have tickets on hand, then it all comes down to the fact that you can just memorize each of them. This will not give you understanding, but you will remember the correct answers.

Exam traffic rules or it's time to prove yourself

In the traffic police, everything is simple, first you pass the theory, and then the practice. If the first stage has not been passed, then you are simply not allowed to the second. For this simple reason, we can say that theoretical knowledge is somewhat more important than practical. The logic here is quite simple - you don’t know the rules, you have nothing to do on the road. In principle, such reasoning is quite logical.

Although it can be said with 99% certainty that more than half of the drivers do not know all the rules by heart. Nevertheless, they successfully move on the road, respecting themselves and other road users. But in our case, verbal persuasion will not help, and you still have to give answers to drawn ticket. Most importantly, don't worry.

You must pass everything and go to take the practice. Sometimes there is no choice of ticket, the commission comes in, gives a ticket and a pen, any other items on the desk are not allowed. Answers must be given in the form of testing, which is already good. Try:

  • to focus on;
  • give answers slowly, but do not delay;
  • try to simulate the situation and find the right solution;
  • forget that you have the right to make a mistake.

The last point is especially interesting. The fact is that you can give 2 wrong answers out of 20. For this simple reason, dealers sometimes stop thinking at the final stage and put crosses just like that. But you don't have to. If you spent the time for preparation productively, then the traffic rules exams will be passed without fail.

Instead of a conclusion

Get a book with traffic rules of 2015, believe me, in the process of finding answers, it will help you a lot. If the book still does not act as the main option, then today there is a huge amount of information on the net. The most useful are illustrated pictures. As practice shows, in this way it is easiest to remember and understand what is what and why it is so. In the end, you will always get help. By constantly practicing, you will be able to prepare well and pass the theory, and then the practice.

Every self-respecting driver should know the rules of the road by heart. Moreover, this knowledge should be in your head not only during the exam in the traffic police for obtaining rights, but also after you receive these rights.

Traffic rules should remain in the driver’s head, not only during the exam

Imagine that this is a kind of weapon that you can use in the event of light (and not so) accidents, as well as during stops by traffic police officers. Unfortunately, not all traffic cops do their job conscientiously - there are situations when they use the naivety of drivers who are poorly versed in the nuances of traffic rules in order to lure out a certain amount of money. Knowing the rules of the road will protect you from such, frankly, unpleasant situations.

Remember the most important thing - the rules of the road are by no means created in order to confuse drivers, force them to give a bribe when passing an exam, or for other similar purposes. You can even say that these rules are “written in blood”, since many appeared there precisely because of the high statistics of accidents when not performing (or performing) any actions.

Video instruction: how to learn traffic rules quickly and easily

Accordingly, it is the most responsible way to treat the study, as well as maintaining knowledge of the rules of the road - your safety and the safety of other drivers (and passengers) who are next to you on the road depend on this.

If you are an experienced driver, then it is worth refreshing your knowledge in about six months or a year.

Be sure to take the latest edition of the rules, with all the changes made. Remember that by taking a book with traffic rules of 2012 in 2014, you run the risk of missing some important changes made over these two years, respectively, giving a chance to the workers of the baton and cap to stop you for, for example, driving with the headlights off outside the city line in autumn and winter.

It is definitely worth restoring your knowledge of traffic rules after a long break in driving practice - human brain is designed in such a way as to throw out from memory those parts of information that are not used, respectively, be sure that you managed to forget many nuances during this time.

When exiting new edition rules should not be attempted to read them in one day. Buy a printed edition and read in the evening for 10-20 points. Thus, knowledge will be better deposited in your memory. Always have a copy of the rules in your car - when you're waiting for someone, don't waste time reading the document.

Another tip - get a printed version with illustrations.

The fact is that many people have a very well developed creative thinking, respectively, remembering, looking at the pictures illustrating the situations described, will be much easier.

How to quickly learn traffic rules tickets

Do not try to learn all the traffic rules at once: distribute the entire volume into equal parts and learn a little every day

In addition to maintaining knowledge, there is another situation - when you need to learn the rules "from scratch", and even in a short period of time. Naturally, the case of preparing for an exam for obtaining a driver's license is described. It’s worth mentioning right away that, in this case, it would be best to learn the rules on tickets approved by the state traffic inspectorate (again, make sure you have the latest edition on hand).

Most effective method to learn them in 1 day is to solve these very tickets on a computer. The internet abounds a large number programs for preparing for exams (including those that literally repeat one to one those used by the traffic police). You simply download such a program and run the “exam” over and over again, completely passing all the tickets. After 4-5 such iterations, you will notice that the number of errors is steadily falling.

As a result, by the evening you will literally know all the tickets by heart, and when you come to the exam the next day, you can easily answer everything (and in a much shorter period of time than the one given for providing answers). Using this method, it is relatively easy to learn tickets in one day.

The most effective method to learn traffic rules in 1 day is to solve these same tickets on a computer online

There is here and back side- you will just as easily and quickly forget everything that you have learned. Accordingly, after passing the exam, try to calmly, without "fever", read all the rules of the road, understand incomprehensible situations, and also remember all the main points.

In the case when there is more than one day left before the exam, but at least a week, try to take the study of traffic rules responsibly - that is, do not learn the correct answers to the tickets, but the rules themselves. Here are some tips for better memorization:

And most importantly, the rules must not only be known, they must be followed. Respect for each other on the road, as well as knowledge and implementation of traffic rules by citizens are an integral feature of a developed state, and this is what we all strive for.

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Learning the rules of the road implies not only the possibility of passing an exam at a driving school and obtaining a driver's license, but also familiarity with the etiquette of behavior on the road, knowledge of which is the key to saving the lives of all road users.

Often, novice drivers face difficulties in the process of studying the theoretical part of the exam. A large amount of information to remember, in tandem with a complex writing language, is not an easy task for beginners. In this article, we have collected proven methods for quickly remembering the rules that will help you structure information, highlighting the main thing, and, of course, achieve your own understanding of the situation on the road.

Before you start learning traffic rules, make sure you have tools that will help make the task easier.

The tools you will need are the following:

  • a computer or mobile device that supports the installation of educational programs and applications;
  • directly paper source of knowledge - a collection of traffic rules.

And, of course, be patient: you will need it for cramming especially difficult-to-understand items in the printed collection.

Armed with the necessary tools, you can begin to study:

  • First read the material by reading it carefully.
  • Try to structure a large amount of information by breaking it into several semantic categories.
  • Briefly outline the main provisions of the rules, pronouncing them to yourself.
  • Retell the outlined material, trying to explain each rule along the way.
  • Repetition of the studied material should be repeated: as they say, repetition is the mother of learning.
  • Avoid a specific order when choosing rules for retelling, the best option- scattered.
  • Do not neglect the help of loved ones - involve them in the learning process, offering to play the role of an examiner.
  • Give block study of the rules at least a couple of hours a day, always alternating with rest.
  • Since the morning hours are considered best time to assimilate and remember information, try to set aside time to study the rules in the morning.
  • Do not mistakenly believe that attending classes at a driving school is enough to master the material. On the contrary, it is better to consolidate the material at home by reading and repeating it again.
  • It has been tested in practice: the use of all types of memory (visual, auditory and motor) contributes to better memorization of the material. Let it be texts, drawings, video and audio materials of lectures on traffic rules and note-taking of the material.

We use the visualization method

If you have a fairly well-developed visual memory, we recommend that you purchase an illustrated collection of traffic rules.

The presence of visual images of objects and signs in combination with small text inserts will allow you to quickly memorize a text that is difficult to digest. As a rule, in such cases, even the page on which this or that rule was depicted is often remembered.

Experts assure: the visual method undoubtedly works, contributing to the memorization of even voluminous materials. When taking notes of lectures, do not forget to make sketches for yourself, depicting schematically what is presented in the dry text.

The Internet also comes to the rescue today with all the variety of video materials of an educational nature. Among other things, a video with examples and excerpts from real life. Watch and remember.

As for signs, it is important to remember the shape, color and semantic information.

Most prohibition signs are circular in shape, with a white background and a red line around the outline.

There is also a cross line. For prescriptive signs, the characters are a round shape and a blue background. Warning signs are characterized by a triangular shape and a white background, while information signs are rectangular or square.

We develop associative thinking

The essence of the association method is to search for regular connections between the information provided and an example from life, which makes it easier to assimilate the material. Here you can give a common example of a traffic sign prohibiting entry - this is the so-called "Brick" sign.

Developed associative thinking will allow you to easily remember the studied material and pass the exam with excellent marks.

Mastering mnemonics

This method implies a method similar to the previous method of remembering information by creating associative series. However, here the list of methods used can be somewhat expanded. This adds the search for rhymes, consonances, letter codes, or assigning a separate place to the subject in a well-known room.

On the Internet today, a large number of different "reminders" in the form of collections are available.

Here are some excerpts from them:

  • the well-known rule of three D - give way to the fool;
  • the no less common abbreviation USSR makes it easy to determine the driver’s actions at the start of movement - light, clutch, speed and handbrake;
  • it’s enough just to remember the rule about interference on the right, having learned the saying “who is on the right is right”;
  • Ave Maria prayer, AVM will help you remember the procedure for a sudden stop vehicle at a railway crossing - A - turning on the alarm, B - disembarking passengers from the car, M - measures to free the crossing from the vehicle.

Live and think like a driver

Surprisingly, if you start thinking like a driver, even if you are not driving at the moment, you will be able to assess the traffic situation from the outside.

When you are near busy traffic, just watch how other drivers drive their cars.

When traveling in public transport, put yourself in the driver's seat, analyze his actions. Then compare what you saw with the material already covered, note the mistakes and incomprehensible moments in order to subsequently ask the instructor a question at a lesson in a driving school. In addition, you can also adjust the plan for further practical classes.

This method is called rational, that is, based on understanding. After all, in order to come to an understanding, each rule should be considered separately, logically explained and applied in practice.

Online simulators

Today, virtual network users have access to many online training programs.

These programs, as a rule, are used as "simulators" of memory, reducing to automaticity the issuance of answers to examination questions.

Each of them is based on an approximate list of tickets using illustrations and texts that are usually used in official sources.

It is important to know that the content of the online testers does not guarantee that there will be similar questions on the exam. Online simulators are just an opportunity to prepare for an exam at a driving school by testing yourself on the knowledge of self-learned material.

The situation when three days before the exam you need to learn a large amount of material is familiar to many. We will tell you how to develop memory and assimilate the necessary information within a short period of time. It doesn’t matter if you have to take the exam, GIA or traffic rules.

Proper organization of the process

From how well you plan the process of preparing for the exam, its result directly depends. Therefore, approach this issue systematically:

  • if during the semester you rarely attended lectures and did not consider it necessary to make up for what was missed, then two or three days to master the material will not be enough. Start preparing for the exam at least a week in advance, then you will have a chance to remember most of what you read;
  • Set up a ticketing schedule and stick to it. Divide the number of exam questions equally by the number of days left until the test, and learn the daily norm without putting off until tomorrow. Otherwise, on the last day before the exam, you will have a hard time. Agree, there is a difference - to learn 25 or 50 questions a day, because memory ordinary person has its limits;
  • set aside time intervals for preparation from 7.00 to 12.00 and from 14.00 to 17.00. During these hours, our brain is highly active, and it is able to easily absorb and quickly memorize material. Take a 10 minute break every 40 minutes. Walk around the apartment, warm up, go out into the yard - disperse the blood that has stagnated while sitting and feed the brain with the oxygen it needs so much;
  • do not be distracted by watching TV, or computer games, or telephone conversations. Do not even think about checking social networks to find out how your friends are doing - postpone communication until the evening when the daily ticket rate is over;
  • take breaks for breakfast and lunch. Remember: the brain needs food, otherwise its efficiency will decrease significantly, and memory will deteriorate. Although they say that glucose stimulates the brain, do not go to extremes by eating an incredible amount of candy. Better eat a bar of dark chocolate - it has much more benefits;

  • do not stay up at the computer until late at night. Remember: in the morning the head must be fresh, otherwise all attempts to assimilate the material will go to waste.

You may have to limit communication with friends and stop going to nightclubs for the duration of the session. In our opinion, this is a small price to pay for a good grade in the test book. And you can catch up by hanging out with friends at parties after the exam.

Techniques for quick assimilation of material

Alas, not all of us are endowed with the ability to quickly memorize large amounts of material, and therefore, we think, everyone is interested in how to develop memory. Mnemonics can help with this - a technique that facilitates memorization. Here are a few tips that may come in handy while preparing for the exam.

  1. Do not cram the material, but try to understand, then it will be easier to reproduce what you read. Mechanical memory is ineffective.
  2. Divide large texts into parts and learn gradually. The assimilation of small passages is much easier, because it does not overload the untrained memory.
  3. If you need to memorize several materials, start with a larger one. The same applies to exam questions: while you are not tired yet, learn more complex ones, and leave simple ones “for a snack”.
  4. Learned should be repeated. After reading the topic, make a mental plan for the answer and briefly retell what you have learned. The rule "Repetition is the mother of learning" has not been canceled, only the teaching must be conscious - see point 1.
  5. Retell what you read to your family. When we voice and explain to someone what we previously said mentally, knowledge is systematized and deposited in memory, so it will not be difficult to extract them to the surface during the exam.
  6. Write cheat sheets. Not so much to use them, but to better remember. It has been proven that information that has been read and written down is remembered much better.
  7. Starting to prepare just a day before the test, you greatly reduce your chances of getting a good grade. However, there is still a chance of a successful outcome. Read the material "diagonally" - visual memory will catch the main thing, and during the exam you will be able to fish out the necessary thesis from the back streets of the brain and reveal the topic.

Good luck!

Take it, tell your friends!

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