Works of outstanding representatives of the Kuban literature. Unified All-Kuban class hour. Writers of the Kuban - for children Russian and Soviet writers about the Kuban

Suntseva Sofia and Khabibova Arina

This work contains biographical material about the Kuban writers. The topic of this study was determined by the desire of the authors to draw the attention of their peers to the literature of their native "Kuban", to show that it is diverse, interesting and will help to better know their origins, their Cossack people.



research project

Literary creativity Kuban writers

For junior schoolchildren

"My first teaching and research project"

(Cuban studies).

Suntseva Sofia,

Khabibova Arina,

3 "B" class MOUSOSH No. 2 im. I.I. Tarasenko,

Vyselkovsky district, the village of Vyselki.


Chebotareva Irina Pavlovna,

Primary school teacher

MOU secondary school №2 them. I.I. Tarasenko

Art. Settlements 2012

1. Introduction.

2. Literary review.

2.1 The beginning of the Slavic book culture.

3.2 "Remarkable compilations"

4. Conclusion.

5. List of used sources and literature.

1. Introduction

We love to read. Books teach us, make us think about a variety of things: about good and evil, about honesty and lies. Books immerse us in the magical world of fairy tales and lead us on journeys. We have Cuban studies at our school. Word "Cuban studies" meansknowledge about your small homeland, - from the words “know”, “know your native Kuban, its nature, history, economy, life, culture.

Starting from grade 1, we get acquainted with Kuban writers and their work. Just a few lines - and before us is a portrait of the native Kuban land.

The distance of the steppes through

Horus expanse of eagles -

native side,

Our edge is poplar!

(Viktor Stefanovich Podkopaev)

Tall herbs,

You, herbs, grow to glory!

Green shirts off

White-yellow daisies.

Elegant poppies blush,

As in the new beshmets, the Cossacks.

And like the floods of a river

Sky blue - cornflowers...

(Vitaly Borisovich Bakaldin)

Thick fog floats low.

Peace fills the earth.

And hold the sky like a basket

Above the poplar farms.

(Kronid Alexandrovich Obishchikov)

Interesting, the Kuban land is rich in events. The history of the Krasnodar Territory is unique.

There is something to show, there is something to tell about the past and present of the Kuban. We wanted to learn as much as possible about the "masters of the word", outstanding representatives of the literature of the Kuban, about the Kuban poets, to find out the secrets of their skill. We wanted to draw the attention of other children to the literature of our native Kuban. Show that "Kuban literature for children" is very diverse, interesting and can help us to better know our origins, our Cossack people. This determined the chosen theme of our project.

Subject: Literary creativity of Kuban writers for younger students

Goal of the work: expand knowledge about the work of Kuban poets and writers; develop

Interest in the literature of the native land and the desire to study it;


  1. Expand knowledge on the topic;
  2. Collect biographical information about some writers and poets.
  3. reveal the significance of the Kuban literature;

Research methods:

  1. reading various literature; work on the Internet;
  2. survey; interview;
  3. excursion

2. Literature review

Many names of prominent writers are associated with Kuban: A. Pushkin, Y. Lermontov,

L. Tolstoy, M. Gorky, A. Fadeev, A. Tolstoy and many others. The Kuban land nurtured its sons-artists literary word. This is Golovaty Anton Andreevich (1732 - 1797) Military judge of the Black Sea Cossack army, the third ataman. He headed the deputation of the Cossacks to "submit" a petition to Catherine 2 for the withdrawal of land to the Black Sea Cossacks on Taman. He was actively engaged in the arrangement of the Cossacks - immigrants in the Kuban. Author of poems that became popular Cossack songs. Kukharenko Yakov Gerasimovich (1799 - 1662) - the first writer and historian of the Kuban, the ataman of the Black Sea Cossack army from among the native Black Sea people .. Scherbina Fedor Andreevich (1849 - 1936) An outstanding Kuban historian, author of the two-volume "History of the Kuban Cossack Host". Piven Alexander Efimovich, Belyakov Ivan Vasilievich. Obishchikov Kronid Alexandrovich, Gatilov Vitaly Vasilyevich, Podkopaev Viktor Stefanovich Ivanenko Viktor Trofimovich, Loginov Viktor Nikolaevich, Varavva Ivan Fedorovich, Bakaldin Vitaly Borisovich, Khokhlov Sergey Nikanorovich, Zubenko Ivan Afanasyevich, Abdashev Yuri Nikolaevich, Nepoba Vadim Petrovich, Palman Vyacheslav Ivanovich, Zinoviev Nikolai Aleksandrovich and etc.

2. 1 The beginning of the Slavic book culture.

Starting my research, I would like to dwell a little on its origins. The beginning of the Slavic book culture was laid by the brothers Cyril and Methodius.

In the 9th century, Greek monks created the Slavic alphabet, which later received the name "Cyrillic", after the name of one of the brothers. They translated from Greek to Slavic The gospel is a book that tells about the life of Jesus Christ. The alphabet that Cyril and Methodius invented was convenient for people, because it was close to colloquial speech. The first Slavic alphabet had 43 letters, and then their number decreased.

Before the beginning of the history of children's literature, it was still far away, but its most important tradition - following the high teacher's goal - was laid down during the formation of the all-Slavic written culture. In memory of the great deed of Cyril and Methodius, there is a monument on Slavyanskaya Square in Moscow, and every year on March 24 the Day of Slavic writing. What were the first books, who wrote and created them, what did children read in ancient Rus'? We wanted to answer all these questions by looking into the history of ancient Russian children's literature.

IN Ancient Rus' the first books were written by hand on sheets of parchment - well-dressed calfskin. Then such sheets were sewn into a book and a beautiful cover was made for it. Handwritten books were very expensive. Not everyone could read them, because reading and writing had to be taught in special monastic schools. Simple people couldn't afford it. In the 16th century, Ivan Fedorov created the first printing press in Russia. First, he printed the church book "Apostle". This book was printed for almost a year, it turned out to be very beautiful, with drawings and patterns. And then he printed the first Slavic "ABC" and a few more books. After this invention, the number of literate people in Russia increased significantly.

The entire history of Old Russian children's literature can be divided into four periods:

  1. 15-16 centuries - the first cognitive works appeared
  2. Late 16th-early 17th centuries - 15 printed books for children were published
  3. The beginning of the 17th century - the beginning of poetry
  4. The end of the 17th century - the formation of different genres and types of children's literature.

A particularly great contribution to the development of children's literature was made by the work of Savvaty, Simeon Polotsky and Karion Istomin.

Savvaty, the director of the Moscow Printing House, should be considered the very first children's poet in Rus'. The referee was responsible for the content and literacy of the book. Therefore, the most educated people were appointed to this position. Currently, more than ten poems by Savvaty are known, written by him especially for children. Among them is the first poem placed in the alphabet. It consists of 34 lines. In the poem, simply, warmly and clearly, he told the children about the book, praised literacy, gave various tips on how to learn to read. This is an excerpt from that poem:

“... This visible little book,

In alphabetical order.

Printed by royal order,

You, young children, to learning ... "

He believed that there is nothing in the world more valuable than literacy and that the most suitable time for learning is childhood.

2.2 From the history of Kuban literature.

How did Kuban literature begin? The literary traditions of the Kuban date back to the Middle Ages. On the Taman Peninsula, a marble slab was found with a Russian inscription carved on it (the so-called Tmutarakan stone): “In the summer of Indict 6, 6576, Prince Gleb measured the sea on ice from Tmutorokan to Korchevo 14,000 fathoms»

The Enlightener of the Slavs Cyril visited the Black Sea coast, in the Khazar Khaganate and in Chersonesos he saw a book written by the so-called. "Roushki" (Russian?) signs (there is a hypothesis that they were used to create Cyrillic). In 10-12 centuries. on the Taman Peninsula there was the Tmutarakan (Tmutorokan) principality, ruled by Russian princes. Here lived an ancient Russian church leader of the 11th century, the abbot of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery in 1078-1088, the founder of the church and monastery in the name of the Most Holy Theotokos in Tmutarakan, the scholar-chronicler, the Orthodox saint Nikon of the Caves. It is believed that Nikon kept a chronicle, which was subsequently continued and became part of Nestor's The Tale of Bygone Years.

The stories from "The Tale of Bygone Years" by Nestor were used by writers of the 19th-20th centuries: A.S. Pushkin, A.I. Odoevsky, A.N. Maikov, A.K. Tolstoy and others. Textbook poem by A.S. Pushkin "Song of prophetic Oleg”Written by him thanks to this particular source.

In 1792, former Cossacks moved to the Kuban shores. In songs composedAnton Golovaty, that distant, legendary time was clearly imprinted ... The first literary group of Kuban writers was created in 1939.

During the Great Patriotic War, the following became participants in the battles and chroniclers in the Caucasus: K. Simonov, K. Pavlenko, L. Sobolev, B. Gorbatov, I. Selvinsky, V. Zakrutkin, E. Petrov, S. Borzenko. Continuing the traditions of the Kuban magazines "Prikuban steppes", "Petrel", "New Way", in 1945 the almanac "Kuban" was established.

In 1947, a writers' organization was established in the Kuban. In 1950, it received the status of a branch of the Union of Writers of the USSR, and in 1967, on the 20th anniversary of the organization, it was renamed the Krasnodar Regional Writers' Organization. In 1996, the popular name of the organization "Union of Writers of Kuban" was legally confirmed.

3. Studies of the life and work of Kuban writers.

Getting acquainted with the biography and works of writers, we decided to make a brief essay about them.

3.1 Brief biographical information.

Father's land! cherry blossoms,

Two seas and blue skies.

For you Kuban poets

Saved the best words.

K. Oboyshchikov

Oboishchikov Kronid Alexandrovich

Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR - Russia,

Member of the Union of Journalists of the USSR - Russia,

Honored Worker of Culture of the Kuban,

Cavalier of the Order of the Red Star,

Cavalier of the Order of the Patriotic War II degree,

Awarded 17 medals for participation in the Great Patriotic war,

Honored Artist of the Kuban,

Honorary Member of the Regional Association of Heroes Soviet Union,

Russia and full cavaliers Order of Glory,

Laureate of the Regional Literary Prize. N. Ostrovsky 1985,

Laureate of the Regional Literary Prize. E. Stepanova 2002,

Awarded with the medal "For outstanding contribution to the development of the Kuban" I degree,

Sign of the Minister of Defense "For Patronage over the Armed Forces",

Memorial signs to them. A. Pokryshkin and "For loyalty to the Cossacks."

He was born on April 10, 1920 on the Don land, in the village of Tatsinskaya. At the age of ten he moved with his parents to the Kuban. He lived in the village of Bryukhovetskaya, the cities of Kropotkin, Armavir, Novorossiysk. The first poem "The Death of a Stratostratus" was published in the newspaper "Armavirskaya Kommuna" in 1936, when Kronid Aleksandrovich was in the eighth grade. After leaving school, he worked in the port, at the elevator. But he always dreamed of becoming a pilot. His dream came true in 1940, he graduated from the Krasnodar Aviation School.

From the first day of the Great Patriotic War, he took part in the battles on the South-Western Front, then, as part of the air regiment of the Northern Fleet, he covered caravans of allied ships. “... I had to fly in winter and summer over the taiga, sometimes in very difficult weather conditions. Can you trust me to solve all these the most difficult tasks even then the bright creative talent of our recognized regimental poet Kronid Oboyshchikov helped,” recalls Aleksey Uranov, laureate of the State Prize. During the war, Kronid Alexandrovich made forty-one sorties. Two difficult decades gave military aviation, with courage, dignity and honor, having fulfilled his duty as a defender of the Motherland.

His first collection of poems, Anxious Happiness, was published in Krasnodar in 1963. In the same year he became a member of the Union of Journalists of the USSR, and in 1968 - a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR. In total, the poet published 21 poetic collections of poems, seven of which are for children. Many songs have been written to Oboyshchikov's poems by composers Grigory Ponomarenko, Viktor Ponomarev, Sergey Chernobay, Vladimir Magdalits.

The poems of Kronid Alexandrovich have been translated into Adyghe, Ukrainian, Estonian, Tatar and Polish.

He is one of the authors and compilers of the collective collections "Glorious Sons of the Kuban", dedicated to the Kuban Heroes of the Soviet Union, and the albums "Golden Stars of the Kuban", for which in 2000 he was accepted as an honorary member of the Regional Association of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Russia and full holders of the Order Glory.

The main theme of his works is the courage and heroism of pilots, front-line brotherhood, the beauty of the earth and human souls.

Vitaly Petrovich Bardadym

Prose writer, poet, local historian, member of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation,

honorary member of the Union of Architects of the Russian Federation,

Laureate of the Regional Prize K. Rossinsky,

Order "For Love and Loyalty to the Fatherland"

cross "For the revival of the Cossacks",

medal "For outstanding contribution to the development of the Kuban" II class.

medal "300th anniversary of the Kuban Cossack army",

medal "For Merit", honorary citizen of the city of Krasnodar

Vitaly Petrovich was born on July 24, 1932 in Krasnodar into a family of hereditary Cossacks. Without graduating from school, he was drafted into the Army in the Navy (1951-1955) in Sevastopol. Combining service with studies, he graduated from the 10th grade of an evening school. After demobilization, he worked as a radiologist and graduated from the Leningrad Electrotechnical Medical College in absentia. He began to print in 1966 in regional newspapers, the almanac "Kuban", in "Literary Russia", "Literary Ukraine", "Week", etc. In the ZhZL series he published essays " Kuban Cossacks"(Heroes of Shipka, 1979) and" The First Black Sea "(Prometheus. T. 13. 1983). For many years I walked around Yekaterinodar courtyards. He traveled through the Cossack villages, through the broken Kuban monasteries, met with old-timers and collected the living history of the Kuban. He studied in the archives of Krasnodar, Moscow, St. Petersburg ... Since 1974, his essays about Yekaterinodar began to be published in periodicals, and 4 years later the first book "Etudes about the Past and Present of Krasnodar" was published. Vitaly Petrovich Bardadym is the author of well-known local history books: Guardians of the Kuban Land (1986, 1998), Sketches about Yekaterinodar (1992), Military Valor of the Kubans (1993), poetry collections Cossack Kuren (1992), "Sonnets" (1993), "Silver Spoon" (1993) - a collection of stories about the fate of Yekaterinodar residents, "Architects of Yekaterinodar" (1995), "Kuban portraits" (1999), "Kubans admired them" (2006). In addition, he is the author of books about famous singers of past years: “The same Peter Leshchenko” (1993), “Alexander Vertinsky without makeup” (1996), “Yuri Morfesi. Bayan of Russian Song" (1999). In his books, he writes about the nature of the Kuban, park culture, cinema, architectural masterpieces, but most importantly, about people who served their land with labor and deeds. He is the compiler of selected works of the classics of the Kuban literature, first published in Krasnodar: N. Kanivetsky "On top of happiness" (1992), A. Piven "A bag of laughter and a bag of laughter" (1995), N. Vishnevetsky "Historical memories" ( 1995).

Ivan Fyodorovich Varavva

The name of Ivan Varavva was given to the Krasnodar Regional Youth Library.

The prototype of the main character of the film "officers» Red Army soldier Ivan Varavva, whom he playedVasily Lanovoy, was the grandfather of the poet, about whom he told a lot to his friendBoris Vasiliev.

Slides captions:

Mini-project Literary creativity of Kuban writers for junior schoolchildren "My first educational and research project" (Kuban studies). Authors: Sofia Suntseva, Arina Khabibova, 3 "B" class MOUSOSH No. 2 im. I.I. Tarasenko, Vyselkovsky district, the village of Vyselki. Head: Chebotareva Irina Pavlovna, primary school teacher, secondary school No. I.I. Tarasenko

The purpose of the work: to expand knowledge about the work of the Kuban poets and writers; to develop interest in the literature of the native land and the desire to study it; 2

Tasks: to expand knowledge on the topic; collect biographical information about some writers and poets; reveal the importance of Kuban literature. 02/27/2012 3

Research methods: reading various literature; work on the Internet; survey; interview; excursion 27.02.2012 4

Our research The beginning of the Slavic book culture. 02/27/2012 5 Brothers Cyril and Methodius The entire history of ancient Russian children's literature can be divided into four periods: 15-16 centuries - the first cognitive works appeared End of the 16th-beginning of the 17th centuries - 15 printed books for children were published Beginning of the 17th century - the beginning of poetry End of the 17th century century - the formation of different genres and types of children's literature

From the history of Kuban literature. 27.02.2012 6 Literary traditions of the Kuban date back to the Middle Ages. .(A marble slab with a Russian inscription carved on it was found on the Taman Peninsula.) In the 11th century, the ancient Russian church figure, chronicler Nikon, whose manuscripts were included in the Tale of Bygone Years, lived here. In 1792, Anton Golovaty composed songs depicting the resettlement to Kuban Zaporozhye Cossacks. In 1939, the first group of Kuban writers was created. In 1947, a writers' organization was created in the Kuban. In 1996, the popular name of the organization "Union of Writers of Kuban" was legally confirmed.

Born in 1920 on the Don. He spent his childhood and school years in the Kuban: in the village of Bryukhovetskaya. He wrote his first poems in the fourth grade. From the first day of the war he was at the front. Awarded with orders and medals. He served in aviation for over twenty years. Author of twenty collections of poetry, six of them written for children. Kuban composers created dozens of songs and two operettas on these verses. K. Oboyshchikov is the author of books about the Heroes of the Soviet Union: “Glorious Sons of the Kuban” and “Golden Stars of the Kuban”. Father's land! Cherry dawns, Two seas and blue skies. For you, the Kuban poets Saved the best words. K. Oboyshchikov Kronid Alexandrovich Oboishchikov life and work of Kuban writers and poets

Unlikely Vadim Petrovich 02/27/2012 8 Born in 1941. The poet's childhood and youth were spent in the villages of Abinskaya and Belorechenskaya. He began writing poetry at an early age. For many years he worked as an editor, published more than a hundred books by Kuban writers. V.P. Unlikely - the author of seventeen books of poetry and prose for adults and children: "Palm Morning", "Early Frosts", "Pride of the Earth", "The Sun Woke Up", "Sequence", "Day of Salvation", "My Prophecy" and others. Everyone in the world probably has a Favorite corner of the earth, such, Where the leaves in a special way on the willow Bent over the thoughtful water. V. P. Inappropriate

Bakaldin Vitaly Borisovich 02/27/2012 9 Born in 1927 in the city of Krasnodar. He published his first story when he was in the eighth grade, and his first poems in his student years. The author of dozens of books, Vitaly Borisovich never forgot about his first profession - a teacher! He not only devoted poems and poems to the school theme, but also for many years worked with gifted children in a children's literary studio. His works for children: "Aleshka's adventures", "Russian port of Novorossiysk", "In our yard", "Smeshinki", for teenagers "Princess - touchy")

Nesterenko Vladimir Dmitrievich 02/27/2012 10 Born in 1951 in the village of Bryukhovetskaya. V. Nesterenko has been writing poetry for kids for over 30 years. The publishing houses of Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Moscow published about 40 books of the Kuban poet. Their total circulation exceeded 2 million copies. The works of V. Nesterenko were included in anthologies and anthologies of children's literature, in textbooks on Kuban studies. More than 50 songs have been written to the poet's poems. Our countryman is the author of the magazines Murzilka, Funny Pictures, Anthill, and many newspapers. V. Nesterenko is a great friend of children's libraries. "Friends" Polkan and I do not get bored, We are great friends: We run and bark together - We cannot live without each other. V. D. Nesterenko

Belyakov Ivan Vasilyevich 02/27/2012 11 Belyakov was born on December 8, 1915 in the village of Mokry Maidan, Gorky Region. WWII participant. . In 1947, after demobilization, Ivan Vasilievich arrived in the Kuban. One after another, his books, collections of songs, poems, fairy tales are published. A combat officer who went through a cruel, bloody war, began to write kind, bright books for children about "blue-eyed boys", about "little Larisa". He became a children's poet. The cycles “I help my mother”, “Flying light”, “Sun splashes” reveal to the children the wonderful world of plants and animals. The author encourages young readers not to pass by the beauties of nature, to comprehend its secrets. The tales “Once Upon a Spring” and “The Hare Built a House”, included in the collection “Merry Round Dance”, teach children to love animals.

Miroshnikova Lyubov Kimovna 02/27/2012 12 Born in 1960 in Krasnodar, in a family of simple rural workers. Childhood and youth were spent in the suburbs of Krasnodar Lyubov Kimovna wrote her first poem in the first grade. In 1991, the first collection of poems for children "Who should be a sparrow" was published, then "How a sparrow saved a sunny bunny." Lyubov Miroshnikova's children's poems brought her victory in the Children's Poetry nomination. We meet the poems of the poetess on the pages of the textbook "Kuban studies"

Bardadym Vitaly Petrovich 02/27/2012 13 Vitaly Petrovich was born on July 24, 1932 in Krasnodar into a family of hereditary Cossacks. He began to publish in 1966 in regional newspapers, the almanac "Kuban", in "Literary Russia", "Literary Ukraine", "Nedelya", etc. In the ZhZL series he published essays "Kuban Cossacks" and "First Black Sea" Traveled through the Cossack villages, on the broken Kuban monasteries, met with the old-timers and collected the living history of the Kuban. Vitaly Petrovich Bardadym is the author of well-known local history books: “Guardians of the Kuban land”, “Etudes about Yekaterinodar”, “Military prowess of the Kuban”, poetry collections “Cossack hut”, “Sonnets”, “Silver Spoon” - a collection of stories about the fate of Yekaterinodar, "Architects of Yekaterinodar", "Kuban portraits", "Kubans admired them" (2006).

Varavva Ivan Fedorovich 02/27/2012 14 The poet was born in 1925. He spent his childhood in the villages of Kushchevskaya and Starominskaya. During the Great Patriotic War, he traveled from the Kuban to Berlin, was awarded orders and medals. He wrote his first poems while at the front. Now more than thirty collections of poetry by I.F. Barabbas have been published. For many years he collected and recorded folk Cossack songs, and then published the book "Songs of the Kuban Cossacks". Then the collections “At the old cordons”, “Kuban summer”, “Stars in poplars”, “The girl and the sun”, “Golden bandura”, “Cherry land” are released. Composers wrote more than two hundred songs to the poems of Ivan Barabbas. Honorary ataman of the village of Pashkovskaya

"Wonderful collections" 27.02.2012 15

A unique collection of oral folklore. 02/27/2012 16

Conclusion "He who does not know his past cannot understand the present and foresee the future" My land In life, we are given one Motherland. I have it - Cherry at the window. Right at the door Gold fields, Duma age-old slender poplars. Here my path Laid in the bread, Here is my fate - Joy and struggle, Here the spike that I have grown is poured - It can be seen, so be it, Here I will live a century, Be friends to the end, Love to the end, Here are my friends, Here is my family, There is no more say - This is my land. V.B. Bakaldin 27.02.2012 17

Continuing the series of materials about the history of Yekaterinodar, we again turn to the topic of the lost heritage. One of the places where historical memory of the city - the All Saints Cemetery, where military, state and public figures were buried in the 19th and first half of the 20th century. Some graves are monuments of history and architecture, many are destroyed, some are no longer recognizable. It is here in different time famous Kuban writers were buried, but it is currently impossible to find their burial places.

The Kuban writers of the 19th and early 20th centuries are united by the fact that they wrote in Ukrainian, they were practically not printed in the Kuban, their graves are unknown. Especially for the portal, Vladimir Begunov collected information about five authors whose biographies and works will be of interest to anyone who is interested in the history of the Kuban.

Captive Ataman

Acting ataman Yakov Gerasimovich Kukharenko seems to have nothing to complain about. He is considered the first Kuban writer, in Krasnodar there is a memorial plaque dedicated to him, in the textbook on Kuban studies for the eighth grade, the story about the life and work of the ataman-writer occupies a whole page. And in his former house is now the Kuban Literary Museum. However, few of the Kuban people have read his books, and finding them is problematic. Kukharenko wrote in the Kuban dialect of the Ukrainian language. His most famous creation is the play "Black Sea Life" (this poetic translation by Professor Viktor Chumachenko is closer to the essence of the work than the generally accepted title "Black Sea Life") - written in 1836. The play was dragged through the censorship committee by Shevchenko, who was delighted with it, and in general the writers had a strong friendship. In Yekaterinodar, the play was staged three years later. This is a comedy with a classic love triangle: Marusya loves Ivan, but he must go with the Cossacks on a campaign against the highlanders. At this time, the girl's mother wants to give her in marriage to a rich old Cossack.

Even before the post of ataman, Yakov Kukharenko, in collaboration with Alexander Turenko, wrote the first historical work on the Kuban Cossacks: “Reviews historical facts about the Black Sea army. The military office ordered the monograph in 1834, but the text was published more than half a century later in the journal Kyiv Starina. In the century before last, the essay of the ataman "Plastuna" was popular. Here is a fragment from this essay translated by Arkady Slutsky:

“In addition to hunting with a gun, the scouts set up all sorts of self-traps: traps, wooden traps<…>The scout does not know luxury; High reeds, floors, in some places the bush protects it. One sky sees the scout in the floodplains, and how it looks up; by the clear stars at night he knows his way. In bad weather, the gloom is in the wind, which bends the high tops of the reeds. In the wind, both day and night, the best hunting. The wind blows - it rustles, the reeds rustle, the scout goes without hiding. The wind died down - the scout stopped, listens.

On September 17, 1862, a group of highlanders attacked Kukharenko, who went to Stavropol without an escort. Twice wounded in a skirmish, the ataman was taken prisoner. While the highlanders were bargaining with the Cossacks for a ransom, the sixty-three-year-old Kukharenko died of blood loss. The army bought the body of their ataman from the highlanders, he was buried with honors at the All Saints cemetery of Ekaterinodar. At the end of the 19th century, relatives reburied the ashes of Kukharenko on Fortress Square in the fence of the Resurrection Church. During the construction of the buildings of the regional clinical hospital named after. Ochapovsky in the 1960s, the graveyard was demolished, and the bones of the first settlers of Ekaterinodar dug out of the ground were taken to a landfill.

Escape from prison

The most talented Kuban author of the 19th century was Vasily Mova. He wrote in Ukrainian under the pseudonym Limansky. In the loss of the burial place of Mova, unlike Kukharenko, the Soviet government had nothing to do with it. Back in 1910, the Ukrainian poet Mikhailo Offensive made a literary pilgrimage to Yekaterinodar, but he could not find the grave of the writer at the All Saints Cemetery. Offensive then wrote indignant lines about the unworthy attitude of the inhabitants of the city to the memory of the writer.

Vasily Mova was born in 1842 into a Cossack family on the farm Sladky Liman in the Kanev region. Here lie the origins of his pseudonym - Limansky. After graduating from the gymnasium, Mova, among several especially capable students, was sent by the Kuban Cossack army to study in Kharkiv University at government expense. But the future writer did not have a soul for science. Due to frequent absences from classes, the army at some point refused to continue to pay for the education of a negligent student. Even during his student life, Vasily Mova began to actively publish in the press. Upon his return to Yekaterinodar, he worked as a forensic investigator, free time dedicated to literature.

The story "From Our Family (From the Memoirs of a Seminarian)" is one of the few works written in Russian for the Russian-language newspaper "Kharkov". Here is an excerpt from it with the author's punctuation:

“The next day they delivered the chisel to me. Every night I gouged the wall, and in the morning I lightly laid it with bricks, covered it with clay and moved the bunk. At four o'clock the matter was over. Now it remains to figure out how to get out of the gate. The miners worked on this as well. Our convicts carried flour to the bakery, and the ready-made coolies often stood under a canopy—it was through these coolies that the whole thing happened. Cautiously, I got out at night, poured half the flour into the garbage pit, climbed into the darkest corner with the sack, and there I climbed into it and began to wait with fear for the morning. This night dragged on for a long time, I will remember it all my life<…>dawn appeared<…>Soon they carried me, me and bags of flour. My comrade groaned under me; at the very gates, a soldier foolishly hit me with his butt, and again I almost shouted. They brought bags and dumped them in the pantry<…>I wait an hour, I wait another, - there is no one! And the flour is choking, the sacks are mercilessly crushed from all sides - my death and nothing more! I hear: the door creaked, someone coughed and said: “Well, living flour, turn around.”

In 1933, a pensioner from Krasnodar, Stepan Erastov, died in Sukhum. The body of the deceased was brought home and buried at the All Saints Cemetery. In Krasnodar, perhaps, he would not have lived to his age. Erastov was a revolutionary, in tsarist times he spent four years in Siberian exile, but it was not the Socialist-Revolutionaries, in whose ranks he was, who came to power in Russia, but the Communists. The attitude towards the former SR would hardly be tolerant.

However, the literary heritage of the writer is valuable not only and not so much as a revolutionary biography of the author. Stepan Ivanovich Erastov was born in 1856 in Ekaterinodar, in the family of a Russian priest and a Kuban Cossack. He studied at the Stavropol gymnasium, and then at Kiev and St. Petersburg universities - in both cities he was considered unreliable in the police because of his circle of friends, since even then he was in close contact with the People's Will.

In addition to active political activity Erastov was an excellent writer of everyday life, propagandized Ukrainian language and culture. He dedicated his memoirs hometown. They were published in the journals "Native Kuban" and "Kuban: problems of culture and informatization" (magazine of the Krasnodar Institute of Culture).

Erastov, like Kukharenko and Mova, wrote in Ukrainian. Here is a fragment from "Memoirs of an old Ekaterinodar". The translation was made by a group of linguists led by Viktor Chumachenko:

“However, I loved the Old Bazaar and had my joys in it. As a kid, I wandered around the bazaar and listened to the music of the bazaar hubbub and sounds. Vendors invited me to their tents, enticing me with delicious gingerbread, poppy seeds, and pickles; the candy-bearers loudly called out: "Come on, those sweet-tempered ones! Come on, those sweet-tempered ones!" - which immediately hissed in their fragrant oil in a frying pan. (Oh, to feast on sweets now ...). And there - they offered borscht with bacon, pies with liver; bagel makers squeal in thin voices about bagels with poppy seeds, fishermen sedately point to huge heaps of ram, chabak and other fish; Gypsies loudly praise their goods. To each his own. And all this formed into a dense vocal group, created a kind of music. And I especially loved the time of the evening, when the sun was setting and when working people from everywhere gathered in the market for rest and supper. Tired people sat in groups on benches or on the ground and carried on a leisurely quiet conversation. And I looked at the tired mustachioed faces and listened to the conversations.

Hounded philanthropist

Another unknown grave at the All Saints Cemetery belongs to the poet and writer Yakov Zharko, who also wrote in Ukrainian. In 1912, in the collection "Ekaterinodartsy" Zharko ridiculed with satirical verses City Council and local officials. After the death of Fyodor Kovalenko became the director of the art gallery. In 1928, when the Museum of the Revolution was organized in Krasnodar, Zharko donated his collection of icons to the Department of the Christian Religion.

In the 1930s, the OGPU hounded the poet. Zharko's son was sent to camps to build the White Sea Canal, Yakov Vasilievich himself was arrested and searched several times, during which many of his manuscripts were destroyed. Zharko, along with Erastov and Petliura, was a member of the revolutionary Ukrainian party. It was, however, before the revolution, but the Chekists were of little interest in this detail. The poet spent several weeks in a Krasnodar prison, where investigators tried to force him to confess to espionage and counter-revolutionary activities. They released him hotly, but his heart could not stand it, and he soon died.

Yakov Zharko's books have never been translated into Russian. The smallest pieces were published in literary magazines and anthologies. For example, an autobiography written at the end of his life for a collection of poems, which at the last moment they decided not to publish. Here is a fragment from it, where the author recalls his youth at the end of the 19th century:

“I completed my studies at the paramedic school and got the right to work as a teacher. He dreamed of settling somewhere in the village and living among the common people. But failed! - The governor did not approve the position. I lived with my father. Father and mother were getting old. I coughed. They didn't let me go anywhere. Mom experienced so much grief, the death of children, and therefore did not want to listen to me go somewhere. They bought a cow… They fed me and gave me warm milk “until I wanted to”… Maybe that’s why I have survived until now” (“On Myself”, 1933).

Unpublished story about the White Sea Canal

Perhaps, somewhere in the All Saints cemetery, Tikhon Strokun also rests. He was a poet-bandurist, performed in the 30s of the XX century with songs on the regional radio. Strokun played on a huge fifty-stringed bandura, he made these musical instruments himself. Contemporaries called him an outstanding bandura player. In 1931 he graduated from the Faculty of Ukrainian Philology of the Krasnodar Pedagogical Institute, taught Ukrainian language and literature, published poetry and prose in Ukrainian. In 1933 he was arrested and sentenced to ten years in the camps for counter-revolutionary activities. Like his son Zharko, Strokun built the White Sea Canal during his imprisonment. Tikhon Strokun returned to Krasnodar only after the war, worked as a Russian language teacher and librarian. His criminal file contains a book about the construction of the White Sea Canal, written in the zone. Once upon a time, fragments from it and notes from the case were prepared for publication, but the matter never came to publication.

Professor Viktor Chumachenko, who read the manuscript, says:

“The story ended with a scene where the prisoners were standing on the shore, the first steamboat was sailing along the waters of the White Sea Canal, and they were shouting: “Glory to Comrade Stalin! Glory to Comrade Yagoda!” Strokun, like many others, believed that if he wrote such a panegyric to the leaders, he would be released.”

By the way, in the archives of the KGB, a pseudonym unknown to literary critics was also revealed, under which Tikhon Strokun was printed - Uncle Gavril.

Find Strokun's last name in archival lists The author of the article failed to find the All Saints Cemetery. The official list of burials ends on January 3, 1965, Tikhon Strokun died on July 20 of the same year. Whether he was buried with his relatives after the closure of the cemetery, or whether his grave is located at the then only open Slavic cemetery is unknown.

They also tried to find the poet's surname according to the lists of burials compiled in 1985 - 1986 by the keeper of the All Saints cemetery from the words of relatives. These lists are in the city archive. But it is unlikely that it is possible to master 41 handwritten volumes, filled in haphazardly, sometimes in illegible handwriting. So there is no clear evidence of the poet's resting place at the moment.

Huge trees destroy the tombstones of the All Saints cemetery with their roots, everything is overgrown with grass, desolation reigns in the churchyard. Perhaps in a few years there will be nothing left to save. The graves of the writers referred to in this article are no longer to be found, but other ancient tombstones reminiscent of people whose lives became part of the history of the city may be lost.

Ministry of Labor and Social Development

Krasnodar Territory

State treasury institution of social services

Krasnodar Territory "Slavic Social and Rehabilitation Center

for minors"

Outline plan

educational lesson on this topic

Kuban writers and poets.

ModuleII(8-13 years old) "I'm getting older"

Teacher Nikolaenko O.N.

settlement state farm

Slavyansky district

Subject: « Kuban writers and poets.


educational : to introduce children to writers and poets of our region;

developing : to develop interest in the literature of the native land and the desire to study it;

educational : to bring up kind, sympathetic and well-read children;

Equipment : portraits of K. Oboyshchikov, V. Nepodoba, Varvara Bardadym, V. Nesterenko and 2-3 of any others, poems, articles.

Conduct form: information dispute.

Course progress.

1) – Friends!

Our region - Kuban - is rich!

In it fat fields grow,

Bread falls asleep in the bins,

Building new houses

Machines are built, steel is forged,

Comfortable furniture is created…

Creators of all these good deeds -

Craftsmen, glorious Kuban.

They are wizards of labor, always the first in work.

V. Nesterenko.

Blessed and glorious is the Krasnodar Territory - the region Agriculture, higher educational institutions and many research institutes, the land of first-class resorts and magnificent landscapes, the land of two southern seas: the Black and Azov. It is hardly possible to name such a place in the country, a city, a region, a region where the products of Krasnodar factories, products of the light and food industries of the Kuban would not be used. Hard and valuable varieties of wheat, rice, fruits, vegetables, excellent tea, sugar, etc. are produced by the Kuban. More than a hundred agricultural crops are cultivated on the Kuban land. cultures.

But the Kuban land is famous not only for productive fields, gardens, melons and vegetables, it is also rich in noble people, whose labor exploits are known far beyond the borders of the region.

The history of the Krasnodar Territory is interesting and eventful. There is something to show and tell from the past and present of the Kuban. Many names of prominent writers are associated with the Kuban: A. Pushkin, Yu. Lermontov, L. Tolstoy, M. Gorky, A. Fadeev, A. Tolstoy and others.

Our Kuban poets and writers I. Varavva, V. Ya. Nepodoba, K. Oboyshchikov, A. Piven and others do not remain in debt. Composers of Kuban wrote music for many poems of our poets.

2) Kronid Upholsterers.

He started writing his first poems in the 4th grade. The Krasnodar book publishing house published 13 collections of poetry, 5 of them for children. In 1993, he published a lyrical report "Journey through the Motherland", about the people of the Rodina collective farm in the Ust-Labinsk region. In the second grade, you went through the book Pedestrian Bunny.

Kuban is such a land.

Kuban-land is like this:

Only the first beam will slip -

And the field comes alive

And the thunder of the earth floats,

And the plow cuts the earth

Like oil.

All year round

Something is planted here

And they remove something

And something blooms.

Kuban is such a land:

Edge to edge

Two Denmarks will enter.

washed by the seas,

Hidden in the woods

wheat fields

Looks at the sky.

And the snowy peaks

Like a gray warrior

Like the wisdom of old.

Kuban is such a land:

It has fighting glory

And labor glory

Bonded with cement.

Blossoms in Novorossiysk

Holy Land.

And like obelisks

The poplars are frozen.

Kuban is such a land:

Golden from bread

Steppe side.

She welcomes guests

And sings songs

And opens the soul

Transparent to the bottom.

Cossack fire,

Beautiful, young

Kuban land is like this:

One day caresses -

Love forever!

3) Vadim Nepodoba.

This Kuban poet dedicated his collection of poems "The Sun Woke Up" to his daughter Dasha. Reading them in the 2nd grade, you were convinced that they help you feel and see the beauty of wildlife, understand what real work, homeland, family are. He is currently the author of 14 books of poetry and prose for adults and children.

In zoo.

Me and my dad at the zoo

Yesterday was half a day.

Deer, leopards

They looked at me.

The monkey called me

With a baby on my back.

The bear broke the bars,

To come to me.

The tiger c-growled close

And he gave a paw.

bowed low

There is an elephant in front of me.

Fox cubs ran up

And stood at the door...

Well how did they know

That I love animals!

counting rhyme

One, two, three, four, five.

I went to bed to sleep.

I don't need to buy-bye-

I consider myself

To sleep soundly, soundly:

One two three four five:

Once a hare fell asleep in the snow,

Two - a mouse fell asleep in a mink.

Three bullfinches sleep under the roof,

In their places in the apartment

All four toys sleep.

The moon sleeps on a cloud - five.

Dasha also wants to sleep.

4) Varvara Bardadym

This Kuban poetess wrote a collection of poems for children "The Hostess" in a very funny and fun way. All her poems are permeated with love for children, their little sorrows and joys.

Don't be sad.

Nods to me

Blue bell.

I leaned towards him

He doesn't call


Maybe bored alone?

Don't be sad!

Sadness will pass

In the morning the sun will rise.

And dance over you

Moth mischievous.

And the bees will circle

The round dance is cheerful,

And a flock of titmouse

Shouts, flying:

WITH Good morning!


You smile back

And you will understand - you can not be sad,

If there are friends nearby.


Daughter whole hour roared.

Mom didn't want to listen.

Gone away: she was tired.

The daughter stopped crying.

Her father tells her jokingly:

Hey, cry for one more minute!

Daughter waved her hands

I'm not crying for you, mom!


I was a sailor yesterday

And I was the driver.

Today's new game:

Hands like wings...

I threw them apart

Turned into an airplane.

I'm flying down the street.

Grandma is worried

And flies after me

And for the grandmother grandfather,

And for grandfather Trezor.

I dive into the yard

I'm landing

To the peas, to the garden.

5) V. Nesterenko.

This poet lives and was born in the village of Bryukhovetskaya, the author of 6 children's books. He well understands the life of rural children, and he talks about them in his collection of poems "Horse".

Ferris wheel.

Best day is Sunday

Finally, he has arrived!

Ferris wheel-

How I dreamed of him!

I rise higher

over my station

more and more I hear

the smell of ripe fields.

Here is a familiar river

At the distant boundary

dark blue ring

It lies in space.

Birds merry song

Rushing towards the sun, ringing ...

ferris wheel

Drops me.

Ferris wheel-

Adults need to be told

Wheel of surprise

I ask you to call.


Polkan and I don't get bored,

We are great friends with him!

We run and bark together

We cannot live without each other.

I wear Polkan bones

And when the night comes

The dog asks:

Would like to visit you...

How to help a shaggy man? ..

Let the mongrel live in the booth!

They tell me, but I'm still angry:

Know, Polkan, it's very hard for me -

I will move in with you.


At the end of October,

Without asking permission

Breaking the barriers

From a heap of clouds

Sneaked into the autumn

Miracle Domain

Frost, who

Was very prickly.

And autumn sighed

Anxious, tired

And there was a leaf fall

Lonely, lonely

And the black field

It became silver

And a puddle mirror

Glued ice.

6) We listened to the poems of only some of our countrymen, found out what books you can read at your leisure, did you like it? (children's answers)

And now we will draw each one that he remembers the most! Tell us what's in your drawings!

What do you remember the most from the poems you heard, why?

(answers of all children)

So our conversation has come to an end, thank you for giving me pleasure with your answers and pictures!

Who was born in the Kuban, say - the edge is not miles

"Where I was born - it came in handy there"

Russian proverb

A wonderful children's writer Vladimir Nesterenko lives in the Kuban. His work is known not only in our Krasnodar Territory. The talent of the Kuban writer was noticed by the recognized names of children's literature Agniya Barto, Sergey Mikhalkov, Valentin Berestov.

V. Nesterenko was born in 1951 in the village of Bryukhovetskaya. While studying at school, he, like many peers, wrote poetry. They were printed by the regional newspaper "The Builder of Communism", which was edited by P.E. Pridius, who became one of the first mentors of the future writer.

But in 1973, at one of the seminars for young poets, Moscow poet Georgy Ladonshchikov advised a graduate of the Adyghe Pedagogical Institute to write poetry for children. After graduation, Vladimir Nesterenko worked as a school teacher for a year, and in the fall he was drafted into the army. The whole class saw him off, before Nesterenko arrived at the unit, all 35 people sent a letter with New Year's congratulations. Colleagues envied: no one received so many letters.

Private infantry regiment Nesterenko followed the advice of G. Ladonshchikov when he already served in the ranks Soviet army in Khabarovsk. An ordinary soldier published his poems in the regional newspaper "Young Far East" and the military "Suvorov Onslaught".

After serving in the army, V. Nesterenko returned to the Bryukhovetsky district, where he was invited to work in the district committee of the Komsomol, and then he came to the radio and the newspaper. But V. Nesterenko always had a sponsor kindergarten where he came with poetry. At first I read from a notebook, and in 1980 in Moscow, in the publishing house "Children's Literature", the first book "Freckles" was published. Soon several more books were published, and Vladimir Dmitrievich Nesterenko was admitted to the Writers' Union.

The writer from the Kuban hinterland managed to interest the venerable capital publishers. Nesterenko considers Agnia Barto to be his “godmother”, who selected his poems at the seminar and recommended them for publication. V. Nesterenko has been writing poetry for kids for over 30 years. The publishing houses of Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Moscow published about 40 books of the Kuban poet. Their total circulation exceeded 2 million copies.

The works of V. Nesterenko were included in anthologies and anthologies of children's literature, in textbooks on Kuban studies. More than 50 songs have been written to the poet's poems. Our countryman is the author of the magazines Murzilka, Funny Pictures, Anthill, and many newspapers. Funny poems, riddles and tongue twisters from Nesterenko were included in the one-volume Journey with Murzilka, which contains the best publications of the magazine over its 70-year history.

V. Nesterenko is a great friend of children's libraries. On the initiative of the regional children's library named after the Brothers Ignatov, a collection of the poet "Our Motherland - Kuban" was published, which became a good help for students of the history of their native land.

The working life of a writer from Bryukhovetskaya has been connected with journalism for many years: for more than 20 years he has been the editor of the regional radio, his own correspondent for the newspaper Kuban News, Chief Editor regional newspaper "Bryukhovets News", correspondent of the newspaper "Kuban Today".

Writes Nesterenko and literary parodies. Some of them were included in the 3rd volume of the "Kuban Library", and in the 7th volume of this edition, Vladimir Nesterenko is the compiler of the works of prose writers and poets writing for the younger generation. Nesterenko brought together over forty authors - venerable and little-known, whose creations are worthy of the attention of kids and their

parents, teachers, caregivers. Essays, articles, journalistic materials by V. Nesterenko are printed " Russian newspaper”, magazine “Don”, weekly “Peasant”, other periodicals.

Vladimir Dmitrievich was awarded the medal "For Labor Distinction", has the title of "Honored Journalist of the Kuban", laureate of the Krasnodar Territory Administration Prize in the field of culture for works for children.

In honor of the 60th anniversary of the birth of V.D. Nesterenko was awarded a commemorative badge of the Murzilka magazine.

These quiet places are called home

Vladimir Dmitrievich Nesterenko knows how to pick up a golden key to any heart. Like a great storyteller G-X. Andersen had "Galoshes of Happiness", so the wonderful poet Vladimir Nesterenko has "Magic Boots". A lot of them. And it only seems to him that they are "on the wrong foot." Children and adults read his poems and become kinder.

The sun scanned the earth

Every ray left a mark

There is no more important thing in the world

How to give warmth and light.


And these verses can also express the life and creative credo of V. Nesterenko. The main source of warmth and light in Nesterenko's poetry is love for his native land, his father's home and loved ones. In the artistic world of the poet, any path from home should always lead to the hearth:

Darkness. Only light in the windows.

It's not easy to walk in the dark.

But the moon has its own path

Steal in my path.

And to the very threshold

the path took me

"Moon Path"

and the best and quietest places are called “homeland”:

This is the river Beysuzhok -

The thread is blue.

Here is a green shore

The distance behind him is steppe.

Here the grass is always thick,

The horses are grazing.

These quiet places

They are called homeland.

"quiet place"

The silence in the native land is such that

... heard:

On the wings of the wind

Like on the waves


Silent clouds.

The poet uses a variety of poetic forms. A favorite genre is a lyrical miniature, which can become a plot poem, a landscape sketch, a small poetic instruction, a riddle poem or a joke, a lyrical monologue (dialogue), and a long-loved by kids game form"Say a word."

In Nesterenko's poetry, there is a sense of a large and small homeland, and by and large - a sense of spiritual kinship with the world and people.

« Adults and children see the world differently, - Vladimir Nesterenko is convinced, - guys perceive only what is clear to them, so I personally have always had little co-authors. First the neighbor's kids, then their own children, now the grandchildren. And all the stories are from our stanitsa life.

In the morning brother loudly

I spoke with the cow:

Show me the tongue

Lend me milk!

Vova had a serious look -

He held a bucket in his hand.

Brother heard:

"At the cow

Milk on the tongue.

Young readers feel very well not only rhyme, but also rhythm, they perfectly perceive the language of images. Here is how, for example, the poet speaks of spring:

Look: there are buds on the branches.

Here they puffed out their cheeks.

Dismantled girlfriends laughter -

Snow flees from the field:

He is in a hurry, and they have fun -

Kidneys burst from laughter.

A very lyrical sketch of the onset of the first autumn days. The author subtly noticed the sad mood of farewell to the summer.

The field with the plow said goodbye,

Verse until March bird din.

Wild ducks acute angle

Cuts the sky in half.

Maple with an orange beret

Waving to the birds for a long time.

- The summer song is sung, -

My grandfather speaks quietly to me.


Vladimir Nesterenko often refers to the image of a working man. He admires the heroic strength of combine operators, tractor drivers, is proud of the Kuban workers growing bread.

Summer! sultry weather -

Bright rays are everywhere.

The field is like a frying pan

What was taken out of the oven.

It is not easy for people under the sun -

But harvesters are leading to the steppe -

After the hot harvest will be

Every home has warm bread.


Deep respect for the feat of our great-grandfathers, the unhealed wound of losing loved ones in the Great Patriotic War is heard in Vladimir Nesterenko’s poem “At the Obelisk”

For the book "Front Award" at the Moscow Book Festival in 2006, V. Nesterenko received a diploma for patriotic education the rising generation.

The poet's work is permeated with love for his small homeland, reflects its history, today and is directed to the future.

steppe spaces,

high mountains.

Two gentle seas -

All this is Kuban.

native station,

open faces.

Thick wheat -

All this is Kuban.

Both the farm and the city

They have their temper

Special speech -

All this is Kuban.

Do not look gloomily here

Don't walk around

With your own culture

Proud of Kuban.

Orthodox people,

And his path is glorious.

Here they think about the main

And they love Kuban.

Life of old streets,

And new Krasnodar,

And the generosity of the bazaars -

All this is Kuban.

And the song that cries!

And our Cossack spirit!

How much do you mean

For all of us Kuban!

Here is how the Kuban writer Nikolai Ivenshev spoke about the work of V.D. Nesterenko:

“... A boy or a girl reads books, becomes kinder. We read it as if we had washed ourselves. An adult takes a book, and for a moment he becomes a child. He will forget about his affairs and he will want to play catch-up or tic-tac-toe. Great remedy for a bad mood!” Indeed, Nesterenko's poems do not and cannot have an upper age bar. It is pleasant and useful to read them at ten, twenty, thirty, and fifty.

"Don't play on the road" 2008 Rostov-on ProfPress

Hard worker ant 2006

"Letter" (Krasnodar, 2006 Rarities of the Kuban

Our Motherland - Kuban Krasnodar, Tradition, 2007

"Front Award" (2005)

"Cock Calendar" (2005)

“His Majesty is electricity” (Krasnodar “Printing Yard Kuban” 2004)

"ABC in reverse" (2004)

Boots on the wrong foot. Koasnodar, 2002 Rarities of Kuban

"That's the bird, that's the beast" (1998)

“Perch jumped out of the river” (publishing house “Krasnodar book publishing house”, 1997)

“Tell me a word” (publishing house “Krasnodar book publishing house”, 1996)

“One is a riddle, two is a guess” (publishing house “Krasnodar book publishing house”, 1994)

"Ladoshka" (publishing house "Krasnodar book publishing house", 1991)

"Cherished desire" (publishing house "Krasnodar book publishing house", 1987)

"What do grains dream of?" (Publishing House "Children's Literature", 1985)

“My song” (publishing house “Krasnodar book publishing house”, 1985)

“Colorful tomato” (publishing house “Krasnodar book publishing house”, 1983)

"Summer afternoon" (publishing house "Kid", 1983)

"Freckle" (publishing house "Krasnodar book publishing house", 1980)

The main publications of D. Nesterenko:

The Krasnodar Writers' Organization was established by the Decree of the Secretariat of the Writers' Union of the USSR of 08/08/1947 and the decision of the Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks of 09/05/47. The Constituent Assembly was held on 09/05/47. On June 1, 1950, it received the status of a branch organization of the Union of Writers of the USSR. The creators of the Kuban Union of Writers and its first members were prose writers A.N. Stepanov, P.K. Ignatov, P.K. Inshakov, playwright N.G. Vinnikov, poet A.A. Kyry. The Krasnodar regional branch of the Writers' Union of Russia today has 45 masters of the word.

P.K. was elected the first head of the regional writers' organization. Inshakov. Subsequently, the organization at different times was headed by A.I. Panferov, V.B. Bakaldin, I.F. Barabbas, S.N. Khokhlov, P.E. Pridius and others.

Kuban novelists, laureates of the Stalin Prize Anatoly Stepanov, Arkady Perventsev, were appreciated not only in our country, but also abroad. The writers Viktor Likhonosov (the novel Unwritten Memories. Our Little Paris), laureate of the State Prize, laureate of the Yasnaya Polyana Prize, Honorary Citizen of Krasnodar, Hero of the Kuban, received high recognition; Anatoly Znamensky, laureate of the State Prize, laureate of the M.A. Sholokhov Prize (novel "Red Days"),

Kuban writers Pavel Inshakov, Pyotr Ignatov, Alexander Panferov, Georgy Sokolov, Vladimir Monastyrev, playwright Nikolai Vinnikov came out with talented works to the all-Russian readership. Films were made based on the works of Viktor Loginov, he is the author of more than 40 books, twice an order bearer. Kuban poets Vitaly Bakaldin, Honored Worker of Culture of Russia, Honorary Citizen of Krasnodar, laureate of the International Prize. M.A. Sholokhova, Ivan Varavva, laureate of the All-Russian Literary Prize. A.T. Tvardovsky, laureate of regional awards; Honorary Citizen of Krasnodar, Hero of Labor of Kuban. And also Sergey Khokhlov, Honorary Citizen of the city of Krasnodar, laureate of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation, Boris Tumasov, laureate of the International Prize. M.A. Sholokhov, whose circulation of books exceeds 6 million, Hero of Labor of the Kuban Kronid Oboyshchikov - Honored Workers of Culture of Russia, laureates of regional awards. E. Stepanova, N. Ostrovsky, K. Rossinsky. Honored Workers of Culture of the Kuban Seytumer Eminov, Valentina Saakova, Vadim Nepoba, Nikolai Krasnov.

To the galaxy of these brilliant veteran writers, one can safely add the names of representatives of the middle generation. Nikolai Zinoviev, laureate of the administration of the Krasnodar Territory (2004), the Union of Writers of Russia "Big Literary Prize" (2004), named after A. Delvig "Literaturnaya Gazeta" 2007; international literary competitions: newspapers " Literary Russia"-" Poetry of the Third Millennium "(2003) and" Golden Pen "(2005); Literary and Theater Prize named after Viktor Rozov "Crystal Rose" (2008), Prize of the Union of Writers of Russia named after Eduard Volodin "Imperial Culture" (2009), rightfully belongs to the number of poets who conquered the poetic Olympus of Russia. Winner of the 2004 International Literary Competition “Soul Touched Soul”, laureate of the Silver Pen of Russia competition, laureate of the Literaturnaya Gazeta Prize. Anton Delvig, Prizes of the Administration of the Krasnodar Territory named after. E. Stepanova Nikolai Ivenshev, Vladimir Arkhipov, corresponding member of the Petrovsky Academy of Arts, International Academy of Poetry, laureate of the All-Russian Orthodox Literary Competition named after the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky, the international literary competition "Golden Pen", Honored Workers of Culture of the Kuban Ivan Boyko, Viktor Rotov; Laureate of the award of the magazine "Our Contemporary" Nina Khrushch, laureate of the Literary Prize. M. Alekseeva Svetlana Makarova, laureates of literary prizes named after. A. Znamensky Lyudmila Biryuk, Nelli Vasilinina, Vladimir Kirpiltsov, prose writers Alexander Dragomirov, Gennady Poshagaev. Known became the names of the Kuban poets of the laureate of the All-Russian Prize. Alexander Nevsky Valery Klebanov, laureate of the international literary competition. A. Tolstoy Lyubov Miroshnikova, laureate of the All-Russian Literary Competition. M. Bulgakov Alexey Gorobets, laureate of the Krasnodar Territory Administration Prize Vladimir Nesterenko; Vitaly Serkov and many others. For a great contribution to strengthening the power and glory of Russia, the Supreme Council of the Forum "Public Recognition" awarded the Kuban prose writer, Honored Worker of Culture of the Kuban I.I. Mutovina with the Golden Sign and awarded the title of laureate of 2003.

Membership in the organization is fixed, based on an extract from the protocol of admission to the Writers' Union of Russia, which is sent from the Secretariat of the Union of Writers, and the membership card of the organization.

The main activity of the Krasnodar regional branch of the Union of Writers of Russia is the creation of highly artistic books of prose, poetry, journalism, continuing the spiritual traditions of Russian classical literature, popularization of creativity of the Kuban writers.

Chairman of the board of the Krasnodar branch of the Writers' Union of Russia - Svetlana Nikolaevna Makarova. Members of the board of the organization: L.K. Miroshnikova, N.T. Vasilinina, L.D. Biryuk, V.A. Arkhipov, N.A. Ivenshev, V.A., Dineka, V.D. Nesterenko.

Chairman of the Audit Commission - Andrey Nikolaevich Ponomarev. Commission members: T.N. Sokolova, G.G. Poshagaev.