L kassil your defenders read online. Lev Kassil - seven stories. Perfect pitch - Lev Kassil

Valentina Legotina
Synopsis of GCD on speech development. Reading and retelling the story of L. Kassil "Air"

Abstract integrated GCD for OO « Speech development » (fiction) with children of the preparatory group

Subject: Your protectors. Reading and retelling the story L. Kassilya« Air»

Legotina Valentina Viktorovna,


cities New Urengoy, YaNAO

Target: Continue to acquaint children with the defenders of the Russian army. Develop interest in fiction through Leo Kassil's story« Air» from book "Your Defenders"



Introduce children to story by Lev Kassil« Air» from book "Your Defenders"

Learn to understand the content of the work.


Develop the ability to answer questions using compound and complex sentences.

Develop the ability to retell a story based on diagrams(a joint retelling, listen to comrades, do not interrupt, do not repeat.


To cultivate patriotic feelings, an emotionally positive attitude towards the defending soldiers.

TOE integration: *"Cognitive development» (social environment)

To consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchildren about the defenders of the Russian army.

*« Speech development» (speech development)

Develop children have coherent speech, memory, thinking.

preliminary work:

Conversations about the Russian army, about the Motherland, soldiers;

memorizing poems about the military;

looking at albums, illustrations depicting the types of troops, military equipment;

looking at the picture -. Vasnetsov "Three heroes";

epic reading"Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber",

stories L. Kassilya from the book about the military"Your Defenders",

stories from. Baruzdin "A soldier was walking down the street".


GCD progress

caregiver: Guys, I'm standing now before you in military uniform Guess what we are going to talk about today? (About the military, about the defenders of our Motherland)

In ancient times, in Ancient Rus', stood guard over our Motherland, very strong people- wealthy. People composed songs, fairy tales, epics about them. Nowadays, the defender of the country is Russian army. As before, our Motherland is defended by strong, courageous men. Our warriors are distinguished by resourcefulness and endurance.

Guys, what holiday will our country celebrate on February 23? (Defenders of the Fatherland Day)

And what do you think, who are the defenders of the Fatherland? (These are those who protect, protect, defend the Motherland. These are warriors who warn of danger. These are soldiers, officers, military sailors, tankers, paratroopers)

What qualities should a defender have? (They must be brave, courageous, courageous, strong, patient, dexterous, courageous. They must be honest, courageous, hardy, hardy, disciplined. Must be able to endure hardships, know a lot, be able to, go in for sports, shoot well, run fast.)

1. Guess the riddles and name the profession of a defender.

Di: "Guess the profession"

1. The fortress is rushing all in armor.

Carrying a gun

(Tank, profession - tanker)

4. What a brave bird

Rushed across the sky?

Only the path is white

Left from her.

(Aircraft, profession - pilot)

2. There is such a huge house,

He does not stand still.

Do not go into it

After all, he runs on the waves.

(Ship, profession - sailor) 5. Rockets in air start,

And the guns fire loudly,

In battle they are always ready

Launch a projectile at the enemy!


3. Under water, an iron whale,

The whale does not sleep day and night.

No time for that whale,

Day and night on duty

(submarine - submariner) 6. He guards the border,

He knows and knows everything.

In all matters, the soldier is an excellent student

Is it called? (Border guard)

Guys, who were the riddles about. (About the military guarding our Motherland)

2. And what poems do you know about the military. Which of you wants to read.

Children recite poems about the military

border guards

The birds are sleeping on the branches

The stars in the sky do not burn.

A detachment of border guards hid near the border.

Border guards do not sleep at home frontier:

Our sea, our land, our sky are guarded. S. Marshak Sailor

On the mast is our tricolor flag,

There is a sailor on the deck.

And he knows that the seas of the country,

ocean borders

Both day and night should be -

Under vigilant guard.

N. Ivanova

Everywhere like an all-terrain vehicle,

The tank will pass on tracks

gun barrel ahead,

Dangerous, enemy, stay away!

The tank is heavily armored

And will be able to meet the fight! N. Ivanova Paratrooper

Paratroopers per minute

They descend from heaven.

untangled parachutes,

Comb the dark forest

Ravines, mountains and meadows.

Find a dangerous enemy. N. Ivanova

thank you guys

3. Today I would like to introduce you to story by Lev Kassil« Air» from his book on the military "Your Defenders"

a lion Kassil« AIR (phased reading using schemas)

1. It used to be like this. Night. People are sleeping. Quiet around. But the enemy does not sleep.

Fascist planes are flying high in the black sky. They want to drop bombs on our houses. But around the city, in the forest and in the field, our defenders hid.

Day and night they are on guard. The bird will fly by - and that will be heard. A star will fall - and it will be noticed.

Guys, what does the text say? (children's answers)

(The enemy does not sleep, but our defenders stand guard over the Motherland)

2. The defenders of the city fell to the auditory tubes. They hear the engines rumble in the air. Not our motors. Fascist. And immediately call the boss:

The enemy is flying! Be ready!

Guys, what planes are flying and want to attack our Motherland? (answers)

What did our defenders do?

(The defenders heard the rumbling of fascist aircraft and warned the chief of the danger city ​​air defense)

3. Now, in all the streets of the city and in all the houses, the radio:

"Citizens, air raid alert

At the same moment it is distributed team:

- Air!

Guys, what did the radio inform the residents of the city about!

(That's right, danger, oh air raid alert)

4. And the fighter pilots start the engines of their planes.

- Air!

And far-sighted searchlights are lit. The enemy wanted to sneak in unnoticed.

It didn't work out. He is already waiting. Defenders of the city on the ground.

Give me a beam!

And all over the sky beams of spotlights sang.

Fire on fascist planes!

And hundreds of yellow stars jumped in the sky. It was hit by anti-aircraft artillery. Anti-aircraft guns shoot high up.

“There is the enemy, beat him!” say the projectors. And direct light beams are chasing fascist planes. Here the rays converged - the fascist plane got entangled in them, like a fly in a web.

How did the defenders of the city begin to defend the city?

(Searchlights aimed yellow beams at enemy planes, and anti-aircraft gunners fired at fascist planes)

5. Now everyone can see it. Anti-aircraft gunners took aim.

Fire! Fire! Once again fire!

Anti-aircraft gunners have a sharp eye, a faithful hand, accurate guns. Spotlights have a strong beam. Do not escape the fascist.

Fire! Fire! Once again fire! - And the anti-aircraft gun shell hit the enemy in the engine itself.

Black smoke billowed from the plane. And the fascist plane crashed to the ground.

He failed to get to the city.

What words did the anti-aircraft gunners shout during the battle?

What happened to the Nazi plane?

Did he manage to get to the city?

(Well done, guys, they answered correctly. Our anti-aircraft gunners have a good eye, a faithful hand, and accurate guns.)

6. Beams of searchlights walk across the sky for a long time. And the defenders of the city listen to the sky with their pipes. And anti-aircraft gunners are standing by the guns. But all around is quiet. There is no one left in the sky.

"Threat air attack passed. Hang up!"

Guys, the air battle is over, and anti-aircraft gunners continue to guard the city?

Why do they continue to guard the city? (To be always on guard of the Motherland)

caregiver: let's rest guys

To serve in the army, you must be strong, dexterous

Physical education minute

Every day in the morning

We do the exercises (walking in place)

We like it very much

Do it in order:

Fun to walk (walking)

raise your hands, (hands up)

lower your hands, (hands down)

Sit down and get up (4-6 times)

Jump and jump. (5-7 jumps)

4. Now we will try retell the story of Leo Kassil« Air» according to schemes (A joint diagramming)

Physical education minute "Be careful"

Children perform movements according to the text.

They stood up straight and smiled.

Stretched their hands towards the sun.

Hands to the side, forward.

Make a right turn

Make a left turn.

Sit down and get up

We take out the floor with our hands.

And on the spot we walk

Raise your legs higher

Children, stop! One-two!

Here the game is over.

5. Game "Who serves where?"


Imagine that we are in the army.

You already know that there are different types of troops in the army.

You need to guess who serves where.

Who is on the tank? (Children: Tankers serve on the tank).

Who serves on the border? (Children: .... border guards).

Who serves in rocket troops? (Children .... missilemen).

Who serves on submarines? (Children .... submariners).

Who serves in military aviation? (Children: …. military pilots).

What is the name of a soldier who does not have military equipment? (Children: .... infantryman).

6. Educator: Guys, with what story did we meet today? ( Leo Kassil's story« Air» )

What do you think is different story from a fairy tale? (A fairy tale is a fictional work, there is magic in it, etc., but story- it all happens in reality,

About whom story?

What does it teach you story?

What should be the defenders of the Fatherland?

I would like to give you memorable gifts - coloring pages dedicated to

Current page: 1 (total book has 3 pages)

Your protectors

Illustrations A . Ermolaeva


Sit down, my friend, open this book, look at the pictures, listen to what is being said here.

This book is about Soviet army, about your glorious defenders.

Our Motherland has many friends in different countries. But she also has evil enemies - those who are accustomed to profiting from the work of others, to rob someone else's good. They hate our peaceful, working country. But the Soviet Army is firmly guarding the Motherland.

You slept well at night, and the border guards stood guard all night so that no one would secretly crawl onto our land. And those who guard our sky were on duty at their posts.

And in the morning, when the birds were still sleeping, planes took off into the sky. Experienced commanders began to teach young pilots to fly. Our ships raised their flags at dawn and sailed across the seas, over the waves. The old captains began to teach the young sailors the maritime service. You are still sleeping in the morning, and the tankers are already starting the engines of their combat vehicles. And infantry soldiers have already entered the field for training.

And the pilots, and the sailors, and the foot soldiers - all have red stars on their hats.

All people know the light of these scarlet stars. Good fame brave Soviet soldiers! Many years ago when I was Civil War The Red Army defended the Soviet country: it beat the White Guards and drove out the foreign troops sent to our land by rich capitalists from fourteen countries.

And in 1941, an evil and strong enemy attacked us - the Nazis from Germany. There have never been enemies more terrible than them. Four long years went by Great War. Our army was smashed to smithereens by the vaunted fascist troops. Kicked them out of our land and helped neighboring countries get rid of the fascist invaders.

But not immediately - in heavy, dangerous battles, we won the victory. Some fought with the enemy on the ground, others beat the Nazis in the air. On the seas and rivers, among rocks and mountains, in forests and steppes, our troops defeated the enemy.

These are your protectors. And today they stand guard peaceful life so that you and other guys can live and not be afraid of anyone, sleep peacefully and read different books.

Read this book, look at the pictures and remember what an important and glorious thing is the defense of the Motherland. It's just not an easy thing. You have to be strong so you don't get tired. Courageous - not to be afraid. And you need to become skillful - in order to know well how to handle weapons. Grow up, my friend, and so are you!


It used to be like that. Night. People are sleeping. Quiet around. But the enemy does not sleep. Fascist planes are flying high in the black sky. They want to drop bombs on our houses. But around the city, in the forest and in the field, our defenders hid. Day and night they are on guard. The bird will fly by and they will hear it. A star will fall - and it will be noticed.

The defenders of the city fell to the auditory tubes. Hear - rumble in the height of the motors. Not our motors. Fascist. And immediately a call to the head of the city's air defense:

The enemy is flying! Be ready!

Now, in all the streets of the city and in all the houses, the radio began to speak loudly:

"Citizens, air raid alert!"

At the same moment the command is given:

- Air!

And the fighter pilots start the engines of their planes.

- Air!

And far-sighted searchlights are lit. The enemy wanted to sneak in unnoticed. It didn't work out. He is already waiting. Defenders of the city on the ground.

- Give me a beam!

And all over the sky beams of spotlights sang.

- Fire on fascist planes!

And hundreds of yellow stars jumped in the sky. It was hit by anti-aircraft artillery. Anti-aircraft guns shoot high up.

“There is the enemy, beat him!” the projectorists say. And direct light beams are chasing fascist planes. Here the rays converged - the fascist plane became entangled in them, like a fly in a web. Now everyone can see it. Anti-aircraft gunners took aim.

- Fire! Fire! Once again fire!

Anti-aircraft gunners have a sharp eye, a faithful hand, accurate guns. Spotlights have a strong beam. Do not escape the fascist.

- Fire! Fire! Once again fire! - And the anti-aircraft gun shell hit the enemy in the very engine.

Black smoke billowed from the plane. And the fascist plane crashed to the ground. He failed to get to the city.

For a long time, searchlight beams go across the sky. And the defenders of the city listen to the sky with their pipes. And anti-aircraft gunners are standing by the guns. But all around is quiet. There is no one left in the sky.

“The threat of air attack has passed. Hang up!"


A large plane flew into our sky. Black and yellow crosses on the wings. Behind - a fascist mark, like a burr-thorn on a dog's tail. Enemy aircraft. Bomber.

But we all have and you have brave defenders - our glorious pilots.

Like a storm swept across the field. Only red stars flashed on the wings - and now they are in the sky! And the engine roars, and the air howls, the wind is behind, the clouds are in pieces! It was a small and fast fighter plane waved towards the enemy. Angry, sharp as a bullet, "hawk".

Our fast “hawk” caught up with the Nazis and began to peck at the enemy, to beat from machine guns - machine guns in his wings.

The Nazis fought back. They fired from a cannon, fired from all their machine guns.

One bullet wounded our pilot in the arm. It hurt the pilot, but he did not want to miss the enemy for anything. Like an angry bee, the "hawk" buzzed and hovered over the fascist plane. He flew in from the side and went in from the front. He caught up from behind and rushed at the enemy from above. The fascist was spinning, spitting fire from a cannon, snarling with machine guns.

For a long time there was a battle in the sky.

Suddenly, the machine guns of the "hawk" fell silent.

What's happened?..

Out of ammo. Nothing else to shoot.

The Nazis rejoiced: “What can he do with us without cartridges!”

“No, you won’t get away from me!” Our pilot said, dispersed his little “hawk” with all his might and boldly flew straight to the very tail of the enemy aircraft. “You won’t leave!”

The Nazis fired desperately at him. Whole flocks of bullets rushed towards.

But the "hawk" hit the bomber's rudder with its propeller on the fly and cut off the fascist's tail - as if it had been cut off with a sharp sword.

The fascist plane crashed down at once. He poked his nose into the ground and exploded on his bombs.

And at the "hawk" only the propeller bent from the impact. The wounded pilot pulled the car up to his own and reported to the commander that the task had been completed - the enemy had been destroyed.

- You are wounded, sit down, - said the commander. - Thank you for your service. Great ram!

And the battering ram is that bold blow with which our "hawk" cut the fascist.

This happened more than once during the war.

Many years have passed since then.

But one day, a spy plane from one overseas country flew secretly into our peaceful sky. He wanted to look out unnoticed, where we have built new factories, where the defenders of the country are at their posts.

High, above all the clouds, a spy plane was flying.

The overseas pilot thought that no one on our land knew about his arrival. Yes, he miscalculated!.. We have, where necessary, special devices - radars - showed: a stranger in the sky!

And out of nowhere, the spy was overtaken by a high-speed projectile fired by the defenders of our sky.

The overseas plane was blown to pieces. And the frightened pilot barely managed to jump off with a parachute.

He flopped to the ground.

And surrendered to our soldiers.

“We,” he says, “we didn’t know overseas that your shells could fly so high.

“Well, now you will know,” they say to him, “no more poking around.


We said: "Do not go, fascist, into our seas - it will be bad!"

The Nazis did not listen. They put thousands of their soldiers on ships, loaded the ships with tanks and guns. And the Nazis sailed to the Soviet shores.

But the Soviet Navy is vigilantly guarding our seas.

The water began to seethe, the waves parted, and our submarine rushed towards the enemy ships. It is all in the water, only the tube sticks out above the waves. Through this tube, submariners see everything that is happening at sea. They saw the fascist ships, took aim and fired a long torpedo projectile over the waves. A torpedo hit a Nazi ship. There was an explosion. A whole mountain of fire and water rose above the sea. The ship began to roll on its side.

The submariners took aim again, launched a second torpedo. They landed on another ship. Cannons and tanks flew into the sea... Everything disappeared under the water.

And again it is quiet on the sea. Our sentinel ships and submarines walk the sea. Guards march along the shore. There are sentries at the naval guns.

And in our time, such far-sighted instruments are installed on the sea and ocean shores that it is only for a foreign ship to sneak up to our shores without asking, as they will immediately notice it. And they will indicate exactly where he is, where he is sneaking, how many kilometers to him. Where is there to sneak unnoticed to the Soviet shores! Do not go, enemy, into our seas!


Order: do not let the Nazis on the road! Not one gets through. This is an important road. They drive shells for battle on it in cars. Camping kitchens deliver lunch to the fighters. And those who are wounded in battle are sent along this road to the hospital.

You can not let the enemy on this road!

The Nazis began to attack. Many of them have gathered. And ours here have only one gun and there are only four of us. Four gunners. One brings the shells, the other charges the gun, the third aims. And the commander manages everything: where to shoot and how to point the gun. The gunners decided: "We will die, and not let the enemy through."

“Surrender, Russians!” the Nazis shout. “There are many of us, but there are only four of you. In two counts, we'll kill everyone!

Gunners answer:

- Nothing. There are many of you, but little sense. And we have four of your deaths in each dream row. Enough for all of you!

The Nazis got angry and rushed to ours. And our gunners rolled out their light cannon to a convenient place and are waiting for the Nazis to come closer.

We have heavy, huge guns. A telegraph pole will fit into a long muzzle.

Such a gun hits thirty kilometers. Only a tractor will take her away. And here we have a light field gun. You can rotate it with four people.

The artillerymen rolled out their light cannon, and the Nazis ran straight at them. They swear, they tell you to surrender.

“Come on, comrades,” the commander commanded, “direct fire on the advancing Nazis!”

The gunners pointed the muzzle of the cannon directly at the enemies.

Fire flew out of the muzzle, and a well-aimed projectile killed four fascists at once. No wonder the commander said: in each shell there are four deaths.

But the Nazis keep climbing and climbing. Four artillerymen fight back. One brings the shells, the other charges, the third aims. The commander controls the battle, says where to hit.

One artilleryman fell: a fascist bullet killed him. Another fell, wounded. There were two guns left. A fighter brings shells, charges. The commander himself aims, he fires at the enemy himself.

The Nazis stopped, began to crawl back.

And then our help came. They brought more guns. So the artillerymen drove the enemy away from the important road.


Ps-ss!.. If you see where our people hid here, don't tell anyone. They have a guard post here. This is a military secret.

Fascist trucks got stuck in the forest. It's snowing, blizzard. And ours lay down in the forest, hid in the bushes. Guard the forest road. Everyone will notice. And you can't see yourself. They are wearing white coats, and the snow is white all around. The Nazis think: these are snow bumps. But suddenly bullets flew out of one bump. A fascist officer fell, two more fascists fell.

Our sergeant Zabelin is a sharp shooter. Not a single bullet will be wasted. Such shooters are called snipers.

The fascists began to shoot at the forest, but they themselves do not know where they are aiming. Can you catch the invisible!

Arrows have long gone. We returned to ours. They say to the commander:

- So, they say, and so. The Nazis got stuck in the forest. Five cars. And they began to count the Nazis - they counted thirteen. Only three don't count. Zabelin reduced.


River. Bridge across the river.

The Nazis decided to transport their tanks and trucks to the other side of this bridge.

Our scouts found out about this, and the commander sent two brave sappers to the bridge.

Sappers are skilled people. Pave the road - call the sappers. Build a bridge - send sappers. Blow up the bridge - again sappers are needed.

Sappers climbed under the bridge, laid a large mine. Full of explosives. Just throw a spark there, and a terrible force will be born in a mine. From this force, the earth trembles, houses collapse.

The sappers put a mine under the bridge, inserted a wire, and they themselves quietly crawled away and hid behind a hillock. Unwound the wire. One end is under the bridge, in a mine, the other is in the hands of sappers, in an electric machine.

The sappers lie and wait. It's cold for them, but they endure. You can not miss the Nazis on this coast.

They lie for an hour, another ... Only towards evening did the Nazis appear. There are many tanks, trucks, infantry is moving, gun tractors are being transported ...

Enemies approached the bridge. Here the front tank has already thundered on the boards of the bridge. Behind him - the second, third ...

“Come on!” one sapper says to the other.

“It’s early,” answers another. “Let everyone enter the bridge; then immediately.

The front tank had already reached the middle of the bridge.

"Come on, you'll miss it!" - the impatient sapper hurries.

"Wait," the elder replied.

The front tank had already approached the very shore, the entire fascist detachment was on the bridge.

“Now is the time,” said the senior sapper and pressed the handle of the machine.

A current ran through the wire, a spark jumped off in a minute, and there was such a crash that it was heard ten kilometers away. Thundering flames erupted from under the bridge. Tanks and trucks flew high. Hundreds of shells exploded with a bang, which the Nazis were carrying on trucks. And everything - from the earth to the sky - was covered with thick, black smoke.

And when the wind blew that smoke away, there was no bridge, no tanks, no trucks. There is nothing left of them.

“Just right,” said the sappers.


Nazi tank number 532 went to the forest for reconnaissance. And the forest road was guarded by our grenade launcher. He hears: the trees in the forest crackle, as if an elephant is walking. But we don't have elephants. This means that the tank is breaking through the forest.

Here it appeared all: and the number is already visible - "532", and the black fascist cross.

Our fighter hid in the bushes, but accidentally touched a branch. Snow fell from the bush. The Nazis sensed something was wrong, they began to shoot at the bushes from a cannon and a machine gun. A tank is already thundering nearby, bullets are upholstering branches just above the soldier’s head. But the fighter did not flinch.

He took a whole bunch of grenades in his right hand, and another grenade in his left, a spare one. Boldly crawled up to the tank itself, swung. Now he will throw a bunch under a fascist tank. Grenades explode, destroy the tank.

It has not yet been drawn here, but believe that our brave grenade launcher did not miss! The Nazis no longer had tank number 532.


Our submarine went on a long voyage. She sank two enemy ships and hid in the waves of the sea.

Fascist planes chased the boat for a long time. The destroyers of the enemy scoured the sea, lying in wait for her. And the boat sank sea ​​bottom and lies there lurking. The Nazi destroyers did not wait for the boat, they went to their shores. Quiet in the depths of the sea. Only the fish sometimes hit the iron side of the submarine.

It's been a long time. It became difficult to breathe in the submarine. You need to ventilate the boat, let clean, fresh air into it. And for this you need to rise to the surface of the sea. The commander ordered to surface. The boat began to carefully rise from the seabed.

And there, above, two fascist planes circled under the clouds and looked out for a Soviet boat to appear from the sea. As soon as the boat surfaced, it was immediately noticed enemy pilots. And the Nazis throw bombs into the boat and shoot from the bullet

metov. Boiled water around our submarine. Do not have time to go deep into the water. Get her depth charges.

But our Red Navy submariners did not lose their heads. Immediately rushed to the anti-aircraft gun. There is a gun on a wet platform, as if on a plate. Spin, aim, shoot in all directions!

“Fire!” commanded the commander from the captain's bridge.

Tax, tah, tah, tah!.. Shell after shell into the sky.

The fascist did not dodge. The anti-aircraft gun of submariners got it. An enemy plane caught fire - and somersaulted into the sea. Only splashes upwards and the water hissed.

And there is no plane.

And the other fascist got scared, turned the plane and started to run away.

The divers breathed fresh air, ventilated the boat, then screwed up all the hatches and doors, corked tightly so that not a drop of water leaked inside. And again the boat went into the depths of the sea. And again you can't see her.

More than twenty-five years have passed since then. Now we have such submarines that they can even reach the enemy from the bottom of the sea behind the clouds. This boat will go into the depths of the sea and launch a rocket from the depths. A rocket will drill through the water, burst into the air above the sea, soar high into the sky and overtake the enemy.


Soldier Ivan Kotlov went into battle. Ivan was hit by a fascist bullet. She pierced her arm and hit her in the chest. Ivan fell. And the comrades went ahead, to drive the enemy. Ivan lies alone in the snow. The arm hurts, it is difficult to breathe - the bullet in the chest interferes. Lies and thinks: “My end is coming. I'll die now." And closed his eyes. And I stopped thinking..

Suddenly he hears: someone softly touches him. Ivan began to open his eyes, but it's not so easy. Frozen eyelashes. One eye opened, then the other. He sees: a girl crawled up to him, there is a red cross on the bag - a nurse from the detachment. He takes a bandage out of his bag and begins to bandage the wound, carefully so as not to hurt.

“There was a fight all around, and she crawled in,” thought Ivan and asked:

You will live, comrade. I'll bandage you now.

- Thank you, sister! - says Ivan Kotlov. - Let me know your name.

“Nadya’s name is,” she answers, “Nadya Balashova.

She bandaged the wounded man, took his rifle, wrapped her arm around Ivan Kotlov and dragged him to a safe place. The Nazis shoot at her, and she crawls and drags the wounded. Small but strong. And he's not afraid of anything. So she saved Ivan Kotlov. Nice friend, brave girl Nadya Balashova!


The Nazis entered one of our villages. They themselves began to warm themselves in the huts, and the inhabitants were driven out into the cold. The guys froze on the street, began to ask to enter the house, and the Nazis began to shoot at them.

The boy Tisha ran away into the forest. A detachment of partisans was hiding in the forest.

The Nazis thought: where they came, they became masters there. And the people will obey them... Yes, it was not there! The inhabitants went into the forest, got weapons, began to partisan, harass the Nazis.

And the commander of the forest partisans was nicknamed "grandfather Chapai." Tish found partisans in the forest. I told Grandpa Chapai everything.

- All right, - said grandfather Chapai, - let's punish the Nazis. They will know how to be rude!

We waited until night. When it got completely dark, grandfather Chapai led his partisans to the village. Unnoticed, the partisans crawled their way to the huts where the Nazis slept. They surrounded the enemies on all sides. Grandfather Chapai ordered everyone to lie still.

- Wait, now the month is out. Let it shine, so as not to miss us.

The forest partisans had a girl, Marusya.

- Won't you freeze? asked her grandfather Chapai.

“Nothing,” he says. - Let's start the fight, then I'll warm up.

Here is a month. Grandfather Chapai looked at the moon and said:

- Well, now, at my command, strike all at once!

He got up on his knees, swung and threw the first grenade. She hit the window of the hut, killed many fascists there, and those who survived jumped out into the street. But then the partisans began to beat them with machine guns and rifles. The partisan Marusya shot accurately. Grandfather Chapai threw grenades directly at the Nazis.

The fight is over. Not a single fascist left. Who was hit by bullets, who was killed by a grenade, and who surrendered as a prisoner.

- .Well, Marusya? asked grandfather Chapai.

- Hot! - said Marusya and removed the scarf from her head.

But the partisans did not take Tisha with them. Grandfather Chapai said this:

- You did your job. Well done! Now climb on the stove, warm up. Freeze completely.

And Tisha remained in the partisan dugout.

And the war ended - he went to study, now he became a tractor driver on the collective farm, and grandfather Chapai was the chairman there.


It is snowing. White fluffs fall from the sky. Only they are very big. More and more cereals are being made. Everyone is like a cloud. And under every cloud a man sways. Now he's getting the ground with his feet. Got to the ground. Stepped...

What kind of people? Who is walking from the sky? Paratroopers.

High above the place where the Nazis sat down, our large planes swept past. In airplanes - fighters with skis. All in white coats. Back and front white satchel bags. Our pilots looked out for a suitable place far behind the Nazis. Opened the doors of the planes L - behind the doors is empty! Only the wind is blowing and the clouds are passing by. The ground below is barely visible. Jump!

The daredevils rushed upside down one by one. And right behind everyone's back, white silk broke out. The wind snatched the parachutes out of their satchels, straightened them out, unfolded them like umbrellas, and the paratroopers slowly floated, swaying in the sky. Snowflakes fly around, and parachutes, along with snowflakes, fall to the ground.

Get to work right away! Fast! On skis! To battle! Put down the gun!

The Nazis swooped in. They did not immediately understand where the Soviet soldiers came from behind their backs. Did they fall from the sky?

“They say Aslan is on his way to us. He may have already landed. And then a strange thing happened. The guys knew as much about Aslan as you do, but as soon as the beaver said this phrase, each of them was seized by a special feeling. At the name of Aslan, each of the guys felt something tremble inside him. Edmund was gripped by an inexplicable fear. Peter felt extraordinary courage and readiness to face any danger. It seemed to Susan that there was a fragrance in the air and wonderful music was heard. And Lucy had a feeling that ...

Little Ghost (Illustrated) Otfried Preusler

Oh, what a little Ghost! Do you know why children who read the fairy tales of the German writer Otfried Preusler are never afraid of anything? Yes, this is because scary, terrible grandmothers, hedgehogs, water and ghosts live only in books with fairy tales! And they are fun and interesting to read. "The Little Ghost" is one of the best fairy tales for kids by the famous German writer Otfried Preusler. For preschool and primary school age. Illustrations by L.A. Tokmakova

air seller Alexander Belyaev

The story by Alexander Belyaev "The Air Seller" tells how the greedy Englishman Mr. Bailey decided to seize a monopoly over the most valuable thing on our planet - air. He built an underground laboratory in Yakutia, where air currents were drawn in with the help of powerful installations, which provoked unprecedented tornadoes, destruction, death and suffering of millions of people.

The Wizard of the Emerald City (with illustrations) Aleksandr Volkov

The fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City" tells about the amazing adventures of the girl Ellie and her friends - the Scarecrow, the Bold Lion and the Tin Woodman - in Magic country. For many years, millions of boys and girls have been reading this story with pleasure.

Snow Queen (with illustrations) Hans Christian Andersen

This fairy tale with such a cold name has been warming millions of children's hearts all over the world for almost 200 years. Its author is the brilliant Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875). The book was illustrated by the well-known Ukrainian master of book graphics Vladislav YERKO, the winner of a number of prestigious art and book exhibitions, the holder of the title "Man of the Book" as the best artist of 2002 according to the Moscow Book Review. His illustrations for the book by Paulo Coelho and Andersen's The Snow Queen, which ...

Learn to read fast Oleg Andreev

The book talks about how to learn to read quickly, understand what you read deeper and more fully, understand the reasons for slow reading and how to master the technique of fast and effective reading. The authors provide 10 conversations with exercises and control tasks that allow you to master the method of speed reading on your own or with the help of teachers.

Left eye of the dragon Alain Lex

According to an ancient prophecy, if the Primordial Gods find a way to return to the world they created, it will collapse under the weight of their power. Trying to prevent a catastrophe, the Order of High Magic has been continuously searching for and destroying anyone who can become a participant in the prophecy for more than a thousand years. The vampire and black magician L "erth does not know that the attempts on his life, planned by the Heads of the Orders, are connected with an ancient prophecy. He lives only in order to collect ancient artifact- and return the beloved, who died many centuries ago. His heart is buried under...

The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors (with illustrations) Vitaly Gubarev

Guys! Do you love adventures that take your breath away and make you want to hide under your pillow? Then this book is for you! Together with Olya and the girl Yalo from the Looking Glass, set off on your journey. You have to fight with terrible villains, help out of trouble good people and even defeat all-powerful rulers. Do not waste time, forward to new adventures and real victories! The book contains illustrations.

left eye Andrey Plekhanov

Dunno on the Moon (Illustrated) Nikolai Nosov

The book has 217 illustrations! This book is a continuation of the adventures of the funny little Dunno and his friends - Professor Zvezdochkin, Donut, Dr. Pipyulkin, Vintik and Shpuntik and others. Shorties build a rocket, go to space trip to the moon, where they have many extraordinary adventures. For children of primary school age.

desert lion Viktor Ostrovsky

Viktor Ostrovsky - former Israeli intelligence officer Mossad After retiring, he began to write about the behind-the-scenes aspects of the activities of his "firm". Why was the Mossad created? Whom does he serve? Does he fight terrorists or support them? Viktor Ostrovsky answers all these questions on the pages of the exciting, adventurous genre of the novel The Lion of the Desert, built according to all the laws. The scene of the novel is the countries of Europe and the Middle East. Nathan Stein - a Mossad officer - is trying to prevent the massacres organized by the Arab ...

The Three Musketeers (Illustrated) Alexandr Duma

A well-known historical adventure novel from the era of Louis XIII, written by the famous French classic writer Alexandre Dumas père. Publisher 1977. Illustrations by I. S. Kuskov. Afterword and notes by M. Treskunov.

Not for adults. Time to read! Marietta Chudakova

The famous historian of literature of the twentieth century, the world-famous connoisseur of Bulgakov’s work and the author of his “Biography”, as well as the author of the most fascinating detective story for teenagers “The Cases and Horrors of Zhenya Osinkina” talks about books that must be read by all means before the age of 16 - never later! Because the books on this Golden Shelf, collected for you by Marietta Chudakova, are so cunningly written that if you are late and start reading them as adults, you will never get the pleasure that they have for you - ...

How to read books S. Povarnin

How do we usually read books? So, "as it is read". So, as our mood, our mental properties, the developed skills, external circumstances suggest. It seems to us that we read not badly. However, this is mostly a mistake.

Stepchildren of the Universe (illustration: N. Grishin) Robert Heinlein

Robert Heinlein entered American literature in the early 40s and had a profound influence on the development of the science fiction genre in it. Here is how Arthur Clarke evaluates his work: “Bob Heinlein is one of the founders of modern science fiction and the first researcher of many topics that have become the main ones in it over the past thirty years. It would hardly be an exaggeration to say that the influence he had on the development of the genre can only be compared with the influence exerted by Wells, who also sowed the seeds, the shoots of which were reaped enthusiastically by subsequent ones ...

Alone Sailing Around the World (Illustrated) Joshua Slocum

"Sailing Alone Around the World" is Joshua Slocum's entertaining account of his world tour. The voyage lasted more than three years (April 1895 - June 1898). It was a kind of record: for the first time, a person went around on a small yacht "Spray" around the globe, remaining one on one with the sea element. Author's illustrations.

What will happen if the criminal lads transfer their showdowns to the virtual? Can a drawing on a tile threaten the existence of all mankind? How to use cats to prevent a global catastrophe, gibbons to correct karma, and the left eye to move to other realities? You will find answers to these questions in the works of the popular writer Andrei Plekhanov.