There are many traces of past civilizations and colonists on the earth. Ancient Artifacts, Evidence of Aliens Visiting Earth Artifact Search - Forbidden Archeology

There are many traces of past civilizations and colonists on Earth. It seems that on Earth, as well as on other planets, civilizations were born and died repeatedly, leaving behind numerous traces. Plus, the planet must have been repeatedly visited by other intelligent beings...

What the reader will get acquainted with in this article is known to many interested researchers. But all this information turns out to be unknown or inaccessible to the vast majority of people, often only because the official academic science does not want to explain many archaeological and written finds, so as not to destroy the official picture she created of the development of intelligent life on our Earth.

In this regard, it is necessary to talk about some of these findings and give appropriate explanations, especially since they fit very well into the picture of the development of intelligent life, which is given in Slavic sources. So, what have archaeologists found only in the last two centuries, and what is hidden in every possible way by official academic science?

1. The magazine "American Science" in July 1852 placed information about blasting in Dorchester. Rock explosions were carried out at a depth of 4.5-5 meters, and together with broken fragments of stone, an ancient vase was thrown to the surface, along the walls of which there were six flowers in the form of a bouquet, with a vine and a wreath. The vase was made of metal resembling zinc and inlaid with silver.

The biggest secret find, which was pointed out by people who found fragments of the vase, was the fact that the vase was embedded in natural stone, which testified to the deep antiquity of the manufacture of the vase. The local rock, according to the maps of the US Geological Survey, is attributed to the Precambrian era and has an age of 600 million years.

2. In search of fragments of a meteorite, the expedition of the MAI-Kosmopoisk Center combed the fields in the south of the Kaluga region and, thanks to Dmitry Kurkov, found a piece of stone. When dirt was wiped off the stone, a bolt about a centimeter long was found on its chip, which somehow got there.

The stone consistently visited the paleontological, zoological, physics and mathematics, aviation technology institutes, the Paleontological and Biological museums, laboratories and design bureaus, the Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow State University, as well as several dozen more specialists from the most various areas knowledge. Paleontologists have removed all questions regarding the age of the stone: really ancient, it is 300-320 million years old. The “bolt” got into the rock before it hardened and, therefore, its age is no less than the age of the stone.

3. A humanoid skull was found in Siberia, devoid of superciliary ridges and dated at 250 million years old.

4. In 1882, the American Journal of Science published a report about the discovery near Carlson (Nevada) during the excavation of several human footprints in shoes of quite elegant execution, exceeding in size, and very significantly, the feet of a modern person. These footprints have been found in layers from the Carboniferous period. Their age is roughly dated to 200-250 million years.

5. In California, paired footprints were found, the size of which is about 50 cm, stretched out in a chain in which the distance between the prints is two meters. These footprints indicate that they belong to people over 4 meters tall. These footprints are also about 200-250 million years old.

6. On the rocks of the Crimean Peninsula, again dating back many millions of years, there is a trace of a human foot 50 centimeters long.

7. In 1869, a piece of coal with an inscription in an incomprehensible language was brought to the surface from a coal mine in Ohio (USA). The find could not be deciphered, but scientists admitted that the letters were made before the coal hardened, that is, hundreds of millions of years ago.

8. In 1928, in a mine shaft in the state of Oklahoma (USA) at a depth of hundreds of meters, a wall of cubic blocks was discovered, with sides of 30 centimeters with perfect facets. Naturally, this wall aroused surprise, distrust, and even fear among the miners, since it dates back to the Carboniferous period, that is, to a period of 200-250 million years ago.

9. Expedition of the Bashkir state university, headed by Professor Alexander Chuvyrov, found in the Southern Urals a fragment of a three-dimensional map of our earth, created 70 million years ago.

A plate covered with various signs was dug up in the vicinity of Mount Chandur. The surface of the upper face was smooth, like porcelain. Fingers felt glass under the yellowed ceramic veneer. Then the fingers felt the velvety surface of the stone - dolomite. Ceramics, glass and stone - in nature, such compounds do not occur.

In 1921, the historian-researcher Vakhrushev, who visited Chandura, mentioned the plates in his report. He reported that there were six plates, but four were lost. The sources of the 19th century say that there were two hundred plates. The Chinese who participated in the research reported that such ceramics had never been produced in China, as they were as hard as diamonds.

The stone - dolomite - also turned out to be strange, absolutely homogeneous, which is not currently found in nature. The glass turned out to be diopside. They learned how to cook like this at the end of the 20th century. However, the glass of the plate is not welded, but produced by some unknown cold chemical process.

At the junction with stone and ceramics, the compound is a so-called nanomaterial. Mysterious signs were applied to the glass with some kind of tool. And only then the surface was covered with a layer of ceramics. The map shows the relief that was in the Southern Urals 120 million years ago. The most striking thing is that, in addition to rivers, mountains and valleys, strange canals and dams are marked. A whole system of hydraulic structures with a total length of twenty thousand kilometers.

Fragment ancient map(slabs) weighed more than a ton, she was barely pulled out of the pit. In order to visually study the relief of the map without distortion, the height of the intelligent creature that could use it should be about three meters. The size of the plates exactly correlates with astronomical values. For a complete map of our land, 125,000 plates are needed. The equator fits into 356 such stone maps. This corresponds exactly to the number of days in a year for that period. Then it was nine days shorter. The signs on the map turned out to be mathematically accurate.

Some of them have been deciphered. It turned out that in the left corner there is a diagram of the celestial sphere, indicating the angle of rotation of our Earth, the inclination of its axis, and the inclination of the axis of revolution of the Moon. Imprints of shells of mollusks that lived in those distant times were also found. Apparently, the creators of the plates deliberately left these "time marks".

After studying the plate in various scientific institutions, including foreign ones, it was concluded that the plate is not a fake, but a reliable artifact of the distant past of our earth, which allows us to conclude that it was created by intelligent beings.

10. No less impressive is the collection of Dr. Cabrera, a citizen of Peru, who since the early 60s of the 20th century has collected a huge number (about 12 thousand) of oval stones (from very small ones, the size of a fist, to hundred-kilogram boulders) in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe small town of Ica. The entire surface of these stones is dotted with shallow drawings of people, objects, maps, animals, and even numerous scenes from life.

The main mystery of the stones from Peru is the images themselves. On the surface, with the help of some sharp tool, scenes of hunting for ancient animals were scratched: dinosaurs, brontosaurs, brachiosaurs; organ transplant surgery scenes human body; people viewing objects through a magnifying glass, studying celestial objects with a telescope or spyglass; geographical maps with unknown continents.

One of the French journalists of the Parimatch newspaper, describing the collection, suggested that through the drawings on the Ica stones, some ancient civilization With high level development wanted to convey information about itself to future civilizations, suggesting an impending catastrophe.

Something similar has already happened in Latin America. In July 1945, monuments of ancient Mexico were discovered. The American collector V. Zhulsrud bought up a large number of items. The images on them resembled dinosaurs, plesiosaurs, mammoths, as well as people in the neighborhood with extinct ancient reptiles.

These finds have been much discussed by both historians and archaeologists. However, they did not come to a positive conclusion and attributed them to falsifications. The Ica stones that appeared, more diverse, more detailed, more numerous, with a greater number of images, put the official historical science into a dead end, from which it can get out only by reviewing all its conceptual foundations.

One serious feature in the image of a person in the drawings catches the eye. These images have a disproportionately large head. The head-to-body ratio is 1:3 or 1:4, while modern man has a head-to-body ratio of 1:7.

Dr. Cabrera, who studied the found stones with drawings, came to the conclusion that such a ratio of proportions in the structure of ancient intelligent beings suggests that they are not our ancestors. This is also evidenced by the structure of the hands of the creatures depicted in the figures.

The professor devoted more than 10 years to studying the exhibits found before he made the first public conclusions. One of the main conclusions suggests that on the American continent in ancient times there were intelligent beings like modern man and extinct as a result of some kind of catastrophe, which at the time of death had great knowledge and experience. Ica stones are assembled into groups according to the directions: geographical, biological, ethnographic, etc.

11. The presence of great knowledge and experience is indicated by drawings depicting trepanation of skulls, as well as skulls of various sizes and shapes. The large size of the skulls with an elongated and rounded occiput indicates that in the distant past, some people had a brain mass three times that of modern people. The ability to change skulls and increase the mass of the brain suggests that people of the distant past possessed the secrets of the Gods - the Teachers who created them.

This is also evidenced by the megaliths of the Peruvian city of Tiwanaku. Ancient structures were assembled from beautifully processed stones weighing several tens of tons and fitted to each other so that it is still impossible to stick a knife blade between them.

There is a firm belief that the builders of these structures had the secret of softening the rock, after which they sculpted from it, like from plasticine, what they wanted, as well as the secrets of gravity, since it is easy to move whole stone blocks of several tens of tons over fair distances in mountainous conditions by conventional means impossible.

Some ancient structures in Peru were destroyed by explosions of unprecedented force, most likely nuclear explosions. From them remained funnels and huge blocks of inverted rock.

No less interesting are the drawings found in the Nazca desert in Peru, laid out on the ground and depicting various birds and various geometric shapes. It was possible to detect these images with the help of aviation. Who and when posted these drawings, and for what purpose did they serve?

12. In 1982, 140 kilometers from Yakutsk, the Prilensky archaeological expedition of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR led by Yu. Molchanov, at an altitude of 105-120 meters near the Lena River, more than four and a half thousand items were found material culture in geological layers that are about 3 million years old.

13. Legends about the arriving star Gods, in addition to being widespread, have some foundations. This can be evidenced by an archaeological expedition of the 70s of the XX century to the ancient Mexican city of Cholum, 100 kilometers from Mexico City.

The ritual complex excavated at Cholumu was dated to the 7th-13th centuries and was dedicated to two "Gods": a man and a woman who flew from Heaven with other "Gods", but remained to teach people various sciences and agriculture. As a result of unknown events, the "Gods" died, but the inhabitants, grateful to them for these sciences, arranged a crypt for them and built a ritual complex.

The German archaeologist who carried out the excavations took several pictures from the surviving skulls. The photographs show huge craniums, with their drop-shaped shape resembling the skull of a “star child”.

And yet, the most famous skull in various circles, which caused many interpretations and hypotheses, turned out to be the skull of the “child of Taung”. It was discovered back in 1924 during excavations of the village of the same name in Northwest Africa. The mystery of the skull, which is undoubtedly attributed to the humanoid species, has been tormenting scientists from different directions for more than 70 years. Some consider it the skull of a mutant child, others - the skull of an adult.

Lee Berger and Ron Clark from the University of the Witwatesorand have been studying a skull of a huge volume with a powerful forehead and a slightly elongated nape for several years and have come to the conclusion that it does not belong to an earthly creature. It is also established that he died by hitting the stones. Moreover, the researchers finally established themselves in the idea that, despite a number of features, the skull belonged to an adult who lived two and a half million years ago.

On our land there are skulls with injuries inflicted thousands of years ago with the help of firearms. The Natural History Museum in London displays the skull of a human being, which was found in 1921 in what is now Zambia.

The skull, dubbed the Broken Hill find, is interesting in that it has a perfect round hole with perfectly smooth edges on its left side. The shape of the wound indicates that it was made by a bullet flying at high speed. On the opposite side of the skull was another hole, indicating that the bullet had passed through. This was confirmed by forensic experts from Berlin.

The fact is that a strange find was discovered at a depth of 18 meters, and this could not have happened if a creature of a different species had been killed in the centuries when firearms penetrated Central Africa. Several such remains have been found. For example, the skull of a bison, found near the banks of the Lena River, dates back 40 thousand years. It contains a hole with smooth edges, made by a bullet fired from a firearm.

14. In October 1922, Dr. Ballu alerted the readers of the New York magazine to the discovery of mining engineer John Reid. In the coal seams of the state of Nevada, a piece of stone was found with an imprint of the sole of a shoe frozen in its surface. Not only the contours of the sole were visible, but also a series of stitches that held the parts of the shoe together. The engineer showed the find to geologists at Columbia University, who considered it an imitation, although they admitted that the coal piece from the rocks could date back more than 5 million years.

15. In 1871, several bronze coins were found in a mine 42 meters deep, which was being developed in the state of Illinois. Naturally, coal seams that formed hundreds of thousands of years ago were developed in the mine, as evidenced by the depth of occurrence. The absence of other traces of human activity is also explained by the time of formation of coal layers.

16. One of the outstanding archaeological finds of the 70s of the XIX century was the Salzburg parallelepiped, stored in the museum of the German city of the same name. It was found in deposits of the Tertiary period (12 million years ago) and consisted of carbonaceous iron interspersed with nickel. Official scientists declared it a meteorite.

However, this "meteorite" turned out to be very strange, as it had the shape of a processed cube. In addition, he did not have melting, which should have appeared in a real meteorite. Thus, everything suggests that this parallelepiped (cube) is a man-made product of intelligent beings.

17. In Philadelphia, at a depth of 21 meters, workers found a marble slab with letters carved on its surface. They called respected citizens from a nearby town, and they testified to the find, which lay under many layers of shale and ancient clay.

18. In the first years of the beginning of the millennium, the press of Russia was bypassed by the news about the discovery in the provincial village of Salamasov, Tula region, of two huge stones covered with images of monkeys, panthers, dinosaurs, platypuses, disks, symbols of an incomprehensible purpose.

Geological pits made on the site of Bald Mountain brought amazing data: the stones are 100-200 thousand years old. A real examination of the stones is yet to be done, but the discovery of the artifact itself indicates the existence of some kind of developed human culture in the distant past.

19. In India, on the outskirts of Delhi, near the tower of Qutub Minar, there is a column consisting of pure iron. It contains 99.72% iron, the remaining 0.28% are impurities. On its black and blue surface, only subtle specks of corrosion can be seen. Who and when made this iron column is unknown. It is also unknown how and from where she was brought to Delhi.

This colossus weighs 6.8 tons. The lower diameter is 41.6 cm, towards the top it narrows to 30 cm. The height of the column is 7.5 m. It is surprising that at present pure iron is produced in metallurgy by a very complex method and in small quantities, however, iron of such purity, like a column, it is impossible to obtain with modern technologies.

20. In the Indian village of Shivapur, not far from the local temple, there are two stones. The weight of one of them is 55 kilograms, the other is about 41. If eleven people touch the larger one with their fingers, and nine people touch the smaller one and all together utter a magic phrase on a strictly defined note, both stones rise to a height of about two meters and hang in the air for about a second, as if there was no gravity at all.

Today, everyone who can afford a tourist trip to India is able to make sure that this is not a fiction. Stones are the attraction of any tourist route.

21. The roof of one of the temples of the city of Puri in India is made of a monolith weighing 20 thousand tons. How such a monolith was delivered to the city and raised to the temple, there is no answer.

22. Numerous finds by archaeologists in Svalbard and Novaya Zemlya also have a lot of surprises. In particular, at the end of the 20th century, bronze figurines of winged people were found in the permafrost on Vaigach Island.

23. The majestic temples and pyramids of both Americas, in the planning of which the interactions of the movements of the Sun and the Moon are recorded. For the architectural embodiment of these interactions, systematic observation of the movement of celestial bodies for more than one thousand years and scientific understanding of the results obtained are necessary.

The accuracy with which the builders carried out all the calculations raises doubts that the Indians could do this. In any case, the Indians have not built anything like this in the last thousand years.

24. The calendar of the Mayan people was more accurate than the modern Gregorian, and they kept the chronology from 5,041,738 BC. This suggests that the inventors of the calendar and chronology, most likely, were not Indians. In addition, the most recent cycle of the Mayan calendar ends in 2012 Gregorian. Modern researchers of this calendar call 2012 the end of time.

25. Far from everything is clear with the Egyptian pyramids. The time of their construction, which was established by official academic science, causes big doubt. The accuracy of construction, the accuracy of orientation to the cardinal points and the energy of the pyramids are inaccessible even to modern builders, which directly indicates their construction in the distant past.

In addition, some Sumerian writings dating back more than 10 thousand years have recently been deciphered. They say that the pyramids were already standing in those days. Apparently, it is no coincidence that the Egyptian civilization from the time of the first dynasties of the pharaohs, about 3200 years BC, already gives the impression of an established culture that accepted someone's ancient knowledge in a form accessible to their understanding.

Subsequently, this knowledge was encrypted by the Egyptian priests as the final conclusions in the form of numerous teachings and instructions.

26. But if the American and Egyptian pyramids are more or less widely known, then few people know about the pyramids in other places on our Earth. More recently, it became known about the discovery of pyramidal structures in China. They are found in the central regions of China in the town of Mao-Lin and in some other agricultural regions of the country.

The largest pyramid was found near the town of Qiyang. It has a height of up to 300 and a width at the base of up to 500 meters. Even taking into account the earthen, or, as archaeologists say, cultural layer, this pyramid is twice as large Egyptian pyramid Cheops, which has a height of only 148 meters.

It is impossible to learn anything about the secrets of the Chinese pyramids, since the leading scientists of China are absolutely sure that the state of academic science at this stage does not allow for a thorough and correct assessment of the ancient culture during which these pyramids were built, so you should wait with the excavation and not try to change the prevailing view of China's past.

27. To the northeast of the island of Taiwan is an archipelago of tiny islands belonging to Japan, which holds many secrets. Not far from the islet of Ionaguni, in calm weather, a mysterious stone massif is visible under the surface of the water. It rises at the bottom like a temple. It was opened in the 1990s by the Kihachiro Aratake group of scuba divers.

Masaki Kimura, professor of geology at Okinawa University, became the first scientist who could not resist and sank under water to examine the mysterious object with his own eyes. He was convinced that the object is clearly not of natural origin. Following him, the Ionaguni monument was examined and studied by other scientists and underwater archaeologists.

They found blocks weighing 200 tons with perfectly finished surfaces. More than 70 structures have already been discovered underwater. Some of them are over 12 thousand years old. Recently, another unexplained phenomenon was recorded in the same area. From the height of the flight of a passenger airliner in the area of ​​the archipelago, mysterious flashes of bright light can be observed at the very surface of the water.

28. Not deprived of the pyramids and today's Russia. One such pyramid is located near the city of Nakhodka in the Primorsky Territory on the Brat hill. Visually, this hill is a geometric body with proportions corresponding to the pyramids of Egypt. At present, the Brat hill is half torn down and washed away by one of the branches of the Suchan River. However, the researchers found that the base of the hill-pyramid Brat is of natural origin, that is, it is composed of natural granites.

At the top of the hill there is now a quarry. In one corner of the quarry, the remains of some ancient structure were found - parts of plastered walls with traces of paint. This ocher is light brown and brown. The wall was made of an unknown composition: mortar with marble chips, mica and mineral inclusions, partially crystallized. Such a solution was poured at a temperature not lower than 600 degrees. Now it is impossible to imagine how it was done.

The discovered walls indicate that there was a room inside the Brat hill, in its upper third. The upper part of the hill was Soviet time deliberately blown up, and the rubble went to the construction of the city of Nakhodka. The researchers also found that the hill-pyramid Brat appeared at the end of the official glaciation, which is estimated to be at least 40 thousand years old.

29. Mercator and Piri Reis maps are also interesting. One of Mercator's maps depicts the Northern Continent (Daaria) as it was before the flood. The Piri Reis map shows Antarctica without ice and part of South America. These cards are also not accepted. official science, although the coastline of Antarctica on the Piri Reis map is more precise than modern cards Antarctica, created on the basis of data and images received from satellites.

30. In 1969, during an expedition to the mountainous regions Central Asia, Professor JI. Mamarjanyan, who led a group of scientists from Leningrad and Ashgabat universities, discovered an ancient burial. Archaeologists have determined the age of the found skeletons - over 20,000 years.

Nine of them had traces of serious bone damage that people received as a result of fights with large animals. A thorough examination showed that after some of the ribs were cut out by ancient surgeons, a hole formed in the chest through which a heart transplant operation was performed!

31. No less interesting for us are the ancient stone labyrinths of the Solovetsky Islands. Who made them and when?

32. On February 13, 1961, American geologists discovered an unusual object among fossil shells: “a hexagonal insulator pierced by a cylindrical hole, in which there was a rod of light metal with a diameter of 2 mm with taps.” This find by appearance matches the modern spark plug. But the age of this archaeological find is about 500,000 years!

ZZ. A.V. Trekhlebov in his book "Cry of the Phoenix" writes about the Achinsk rod, made of mammoth tusk, which is approximately 18 thousand years old. It is covered with a dotted spiral pattern made with stamps of various shapes. This wand, according to some scientists, reveals the laws of solar and lunar eclipses and even, perhaps, is a model of the Universe. At present, no one has such astronomical instruments. There are no appropriate materials and stamps for this, and most importantly, no relevant knowledge.

34. In the same book, A.V. Trekhlebov writes about geometric microliths - very small, not more than one centimeter wide, thin and very sharp silicon plates. Microlith blades are 100 times or more sharper than the most advanced modern steel scalpels. They were able to cut wood, bone and even glass. In terms of hardness, they are inferior only to diamond and corundum. Knives, sickles, etc. were refueled with these microliths.

The standard character of microliths and their high manufacturability indicate that they were created by a highly developed civilization with advanced and energy-saving technologies. These microliths were distributed from the Urals to Egypt, and the most ancient of them were found in the Southern Urals, they are more than 10 thousand years old.

But these are far from all the monuments of the past of our Earth, which do not find a proper explanation from the official academic science. Some ancient monuments are declared to be falsifications, others receive a primitive explanation, and others, which cannot be denied, are simply hushed up.

Monuments that receive a primitive explanation, in particular, include drawings in the Peruvian Nazca desert. Official scientists claim that these drawings on the earth's surface were laid out by the Indians using balloons. This explanation raises many questions.

- Who taught the Indians how to weave a material that is denser than modern parachute fabric, given that over the past thousand years the Indians have not created anything significant?

- How could the Indians stabilize the position of the balloon, without which it is impossible to keep the drawing in an unchanged position for observation?

- How did they transmit signals to the ground from a balloon and control the work of thousands of people?

- And most importantly: why did they need these figures-drawings, invisible to those who were on the surface, if they did not fly over the Earth or in outer space?

Official historians and scientists of other profiles believe that the figure drawings and soil of the Nazca desert cannot be used for space takeoffs and landings. But this is valid only under the condition of using modern terrestrial rockets.

And if interstellar ships landed in the Nazca desert, capable of hovering and gently descending on earth's surface? This fundamentally changes things. These ships, which had different shapes and sizes, landed and started from the sites allotted to them, which were precisely indicated by various figures-drawings.

Recent information confirms the above. Cosmonaut Grechko, who visited Peru, was shown a mountain, the top of which had once been cut off. The resulting site resembles an airstrip, on which aircraft, similar to modern aircraft, could land in ancient times.

The possibility of using this runway for flights was also confirmed by cosmonaut Grechko. Thus, together with drawings-figures, this artificial strip is a huge runway complex, which in ancient times was used by aerospace aircraft.

It does not matter whether these archaeological sites belong to some past intelligent culture that existed in the area, or whether they are monuments of several successive civilizations. What is important is something completely different, namely that they existed in the pre-Flood time.

Before the Flood, this is not a primitive time, as modern academic science interprets it, but a huge time period before the death of Atlantis and the flood that happened at the same time.

After these catastrophic events, the developed cultures that had arisen and existed in America began to rapidly degrade. The buildings of the pre-Inca collea people copy the structures of antediluvian civilizations, but they are made of stones commensurate with modern bricks. As for the buildings of the famous Incas, they are quite primitive. These buildings are built from fragments of hard rocks of various natural shapes and sizes, held together with mortar.

This suggests that the civilizations of America that arose in the post-Flood time lost ties with their Higher Worlds, and along with them lost a large amount of ancient knowledge that they were given by representatives of the Higher Worlds. As a result, the post-Flood earthly peoples began to rapidly degrade. So, archeological monuments not recognized and not explained by official academic science lead us to the following conclusions:

First, intelligent communities on our Earth appeared more than 500 million years ago.

Secondly, they were the result of the arrival and activity of representatives of the Higher Worlds from different parts of our Galaxy.

Thirdly, intelligent communities created by representatives of the Higher Worlds after some time perished as a result of natural disasters or in the process of disastrous wars, which makes us recognize the information from ancient Indian sources telling about the existence of 22 civilizations on our Earth in antediluvian times, quite reliable.

Fourthly, the death and subsequent degradation of the remnants of past intelligent communities are confirmed by the presence of people on our Earth. various kinds, exotic peoples (Dagons and Dzopa), as well as anthropoids.

Fifthly, the archeology of unrecognized and unexplained monuments of the past, without a doubt, confirms the content of the Slavic sources.

The art of ancient civilizations can be interpreted in many ways, how to know what drove the inspiration of the ancient master. But sometimes the question is obvious, the artist clearly wanted to express the scenario: Aliens visiting the Earth.

the gods took care of the inhabitants of Earththe gods took care of the inhabitants of Earth

The stone withstands a serious test of time, so we have a unique opportunity to see through the eyes of our ancestors the greatest event of distant ages - the visit of the Earth by aliens.

Statues of aliens on the island of Nuku Hiva.

In the case of the outlandish sculptures of Nuku Hiva, we can contemplate large, almond-shaped eyes, which can be recognized as belonging to a race of aliens.

Nuku Hiva is the largest island in French Polynesia. European explorers reached the archipelago at the end of the 16th century, by which time the islands had been inhabited for almost 2,000 years.

The ancient culture left behind a rich collection of intriguing artwork depicting creatures with unusual heads and large eyes. The figures are terribly reminiscent of the "gray aliens" as we imagine them.

Some of the sculptures are likely to be hybrid creatures, displaying a combination of human and alien features. From ufologists, we know about two alien civilizations depicted in stone on Nuku Hiva: reptiles and gray aliens.

Anunnaki spaceships.

Myths and legendary evidence from ancient texts around the world contain many references to the existence of an extremely advanced alien civilization.

spaceships of the ancients

The Anunnaki, who visited Earth in ancient times, in all likelihood helped primitive people build fascinating monuments that have survived for thousands of years.

Artifacts of Papua New Guinea.

In the 1960s, two brave explorers, a husband and wife, were guests of a mysterious Pygmy tribe in Papua New Guinea. As a sign of mutual respect, both sides exchanged gifts. The elders of the tribe gave the couple two inexplicable artifacts that the leaders, in principle, could not possess.

Nevertheless, intriguing artifacts speak for themselves: a bust with an elongated head, large eyes, with an appearance completely alien to Earth. Another relic was a bird - which was suspected of an aircraft.

Very ancient artifacts, located in a place where the inhabitants did not represent the technology for their manufacture, everything came to them supposedly from their ancestors!

The elders claimed that stone rarities are part of their tribe, passed down through countless generations. The origin of the figurines is simply lost against the backdrop of the incomprehensible depths of time, and the change of tens of hundreds of generations.

So what are the versions regarding artifacts? Must be travelers from another dimension? Or maybe again a product of the human imagination? Perhaps everything is simpler, and a couple of stone idols? While no one is arguing, we will probably never know the answer.

The three-bladed disk is a lost technology of the ancients.

On the first floor of the Cairo Museum flaunts a mysterious artifact, the purpose of which remains unknown. A round plate with three sections curved towards the center was found in the tomb of Sabu, the son of Pharaoh Ajib.

The find dates back over 5,000 years and is seen by many as proof of advanced technology. ancient egypt. The function of the three-bladed disk is completely unknown, but scientists believe the object is a decorative overlay.

However, for many it is obvious that the Sabu disk is the result of a complex technological process, so its function should be more specific than the role of decor. Doesn't it look like a propeller?

The one-piece construction is made of hard stone, and the disc is incredibly thin, even for modern technologies. A symbol of faith in ancient aeronautics, which came from previous civilizations, is what adherents of the paleocontact idea see in this.

Combined with the idea that, even before the ancient Egyptians, the pyramids provided electricity (as it is now assured), this part of the unknown machine declares: we are not the first civilization to reach a certain technological level.

Remarkable artifacts, largely ignored by mainstream science, affirm the old truth: there is nothing new under the Sun. Why, believing that we are not alone in the universe, ancient works of art cannot be evidence of aliens visiting the Earth?

Is it impossible that the ancient aliens made contact with the local population of the Earth, in one way or another influencing civilizations? It is also quite normal that people felt they owed something to the "heavenly gods", carving the images of those who came in stone figures, preserving the memory of the event for millennia.

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What a person most of all does not want to part with is stable ideas about the world that have been formed over a long time. It's no secret that in our post-socialist countries the ideas of materialism are widely developed. And religions are considered something superstitious, “backward”. In the 19th century, a lot of traces of prehistoric civilizations were found, later on the finds and discoveries were written in serious scientific publications, scientific conferences. It is striking that then all these facts were carefully “filtered out” and removed - because they did not fit into the theory of the formation of life and man accepted by science. This approach is, to put it mildly, unscientific.

In the article by I. Fibag "Traces of alien intervention in the prehistoric past of the Earth?" attempts are being made to detect "traces" of aliens. The author proposes to pay attention to geological, paleontological and biological anomalies, which cannot yet be convincingly explained by natural causes. The author cites the following geological anomalies:

- A deposit of nitrates of unknown origin in the Atacama Desert (Chile). According to expert G. Eriksen, this deposit is “so unusual that if it did not exist, any geologist would rightfully say that this could not happen in nature.”

- "Natural nuclear reactor” in Gabon, the mechanism of “launching” of which 1.7 billion years ago is unclear.

- "Libyan glass" aged 28 million years, in its properties differs sharply from tektites and other natural glasses, but resembles glasses of artificial origin.

The article also contains anomalies of a paleontological and biological nature:

- Repeated, mass extinction of species (the death of lizards 65 million years ago, during the transition from the Permian to the Triassic period, for unknown reasons, 90% of the inhabitants of the sea and 70% of the creatures that lived on land disappeared);

- "Cambrian explosion of life" 570 million years ago, as a result of which almost simultaneously all the main types of animals were born - chordates, arthropods, etc.;

- Apparent uselessness of about 95% of the human genome.

Darwin's evolutionary theory assumes a smooth, successive transition from marine plants and animals to terrestrial ones. But paleontological evidence does not support this idea. Moreover, in different historical periods, completely new species suddenly appear.

"Forbidden Archaeology"

Michael Baigent's book "Forbidden Archeology" contains many stunning facts known to science, but subsequently subjected to "knowledge filtering". These findings run counter to modern ideas about human evolution. Let's take a look at some of them. In 1880, J. D. Whitney, a California geologist, published a list of stone tools found in California gold mines. Among them were: spearheads, stone mortars and pestles. The tools were found deep in mine shafts, under thick intact layers of lava, which are 9-35 million years old. In the early 1950s, Thomas B. Lee (National Museum of Canada) found advanced stone tools in glacial deposits at Sheguyandah (Manitoulin Island in northern Lake Huron). According to geologist John Sanford (Wayne State University), the oldest Sheguyandakh tools are between 65,000 and 125,000 years old. Science believes that people came to America from Siberia about 12,000 years ago.

In the works of the French Academy of Sciences (April 1868), F. Garigo and X. Filho reported on the discovery of mammalian bones in Sansan in layers of the Middle Miocene (about 15 million years ago). Some of the bones were clearly broken by humans (especially the broken bones of the small deer Dicrocerus elegans). Some are broken as a result of natural processes. Garigo is convinced that the first bones were broken by man while extracting the marrow. These finds were presented at the convention of the International Congress of Prehistoric Anthropology and Archeology, held in Bologna in 1837.

In Siberia, many stone tools were found about two million years old. For example, in 1961, hundreds of crude pebble tools were found near Gorno-Altaisk on the Utalinka River. In 1984, scientists A.P. Okladnikov and L.A. Ragozhin reported that these tools were found in layers 1.5-2.5 million years old. Another Soviet scientist, Yuri Molchanov, found stone tools similar to European eoliths (shards of stone with cutting edges) in a parking lot near the Lena River near the village of Urlak. According to potassium-argon and magnesium methods, the age of the formations with found tools is about 1.8 million years.

In Mineralogy, Count Bournon writes about a discovery made by French workers at the end of the 18th century while mining soft sandstone near Aix-en-Provence. Sandstone was mined in layers and hardened in the air. At a depth of 40-50 feet, workers removed the bed and layer of clayey sand that separated the eleventh bed from the twelfth, and there they found the remains of columns and fragments of semi-worked stone (this was stone that was quarried). They also found coinage, hammer handles and other tools, fragments of wooden tools. Special attention attracted a board 1 inch thick and 7-8 feet long. It broke into many pieces, not one of them was lost, and they could be put back together and return this board or plate to its original form. “She was the same type used by masons and miners. It was similarly worn, its edges were just as rounded and grooved.

Many prominent research scientists of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries repeatedly reported marks on bones from the Miocene, Pliocene and early Pleistocene formations. Such traces arise during the processing of material by a person. Such scholars include Desnoyers, de Quatrefage, Ramorino, Bourget, Delaney, Bertrand, Lausseda, Garrigo, Filhol, von Ducker, Owen, Collier, Calvert, Capellini, Brock, Ferretti, Bellucci, Stope, Moir, Fischer, and Keith. The finds were reported in well-known scientific journals of the 19th century, they were discussed at scientific congresses. Then these facts disappeared from sight.

Some Reflections on the History of Life on Earth.

The age of our Earth, according to geology, is slightly more than 4 billion years. Scientists believe that life originated almost a billion years later, along with bacteria and algae, whose traces can be seen in ancient rocks. For a long time it was “peaceful and calm”, then suddenly new species of plants and animals appear in the form of an “explosion”. For example, this was the case with the "Cambrian explosion" about 530 million years ago. Suddenly, every known species of complex animals and plants appeared. Among the early fossil evidence, no transitional stages of their development are found. Animal species appeared fully formed, developed - as if they were "released" ...

Paluxy River in Texas. "Taylor's Path". Path of fossil human footprints crossed on the left side by the footprints of a three-toed dinosaur. This ancient rock is over 100 million years old.

Dinosaurs appeared on Earth 190 million years ago and existed for almost 125 million years during the Jurassic period. Unexpectedly, mysteriously, the dinosaurs “passed off the stage” about 65 million years ago. This allowed early mammals to spread widely on earth. Scientists draw great attention on one of the branches of mammals - primate monkeys. Therefore, science says that it is from this moment (a little less than 4 million years ago) that the countdown of humanity begins in the African savannah, when ape-like people descend from the trees. The very first tools made of stone fragments, according to archaeologists, began to be used about 2.5 million years ago. Modern culture dates back 10-11 thousand years, when agricultural communities appeared. And even later, about 5 thousand years ago, people began to use metal ...

There is an interesting case in the book when in early 1848 in California (forty miles northeast of the modern city of Sacramento) a carpenter was building a saw frame powered by water. Due to the fact that the stream turned out to be rather small, he decided to dig deeper into the bottom. As a result, several gold nuggets were soon discovered, exposed from under the flowing water. Soon the California Gold Rush began. The area where the gold was being searched for quickly expanded to hundreds of square miles around the original site. Gold rested in rivers that originated in the Sierra Nevada mountains, carrying their waters through the central part of the Great California Valley and flowing into the ocean at San Francisco. Already gold was not mined by washing gold-bearing rocks in a tray and sifting through a sieve, but using more sophisticated technologies.

It soon became clear that the main source of gold was in the deep layers of sand at a depth of hundreds of feet - in the bed of a once very ancient river. Therefore, the prospectors carried out horizontal development. But the sand turned out to be firmly hardened, like concrete, so I had to resort to explosions, use a pickaxe. Along with the gold, many unusual artifacts and human remains were found. They began to talk about a long-vanished civilization that existed millions of years ago. Some gold diggers began to collect these artifacts: skulls, bones, stone weapons and tools, as well as other remains cultural activities. In December 1851, the London Times printed the story of a prospector who dropped a piece of gold-bearing quartz. A rusty but completely straight iron nail was firmly embedded in the split rock.

A 1989 Smithsonian Institution review noted that most of the finds appeared to be sand deposits between 38 and 55 million years old. However, it was also noted that many artifacts appeared either as a result of mining near the surface of the earth, or as a result of erosion of rocks. Scientists acknowledged that such artifacts were in a very difficult category of identification, and were not so easy to explain in the traditional way. They evaded further consideration of this issue ...

In the book of one of the Eastern schools of qigong Zhuan Falun, written by Li Hongzhi, in the chapter “Qigong belongs to prehistoric culture”, it says: “Many courageous foreign scholars have already openly recognized the existence of a prehistoric culture that represented a civilization before our current civilization. That is, before our current civilization, there were still periods of civilization, and they are not limited to one cycle. And archaeological finds indicate that everything found belongs to different periods of civilization. Therefore, it is believed that every time humanity was subjected to crushing blows of disasters, only an insignificant part of people remained alive. They returned to primitive life.

Gradually, a new humanity appeared and entered a new civilization. Then humanity again went to destruction, and again a new humanity appeared. And so the periodic changes followed one after the other. Physicists say that there are patterns in the movement of matter, and changes in our entire Universe also have patterns.

In conclusion, I would like to add that such an explanation of all these above findings suggests itself when the brain is not burdened with stereotypes and is able to accept facts without prejudice. Perhaps the time is near when the textbooks will be rewritten, and in them various alternative theories about the origin of mankind will have a legitimate right to exist.

We do not live on the basis of knowledge of reliable history, but on the basis of historical myth, in which archeological data, messages from ancient legends, chronicles and forged falsifications are interpreted in some way. According to the prevailing historical myth, the current humanity was born in the animal world, came out in the Stone Age, the first regional civilizations arose around 5- 7 thousand years ago, about 3 thousand years ago, written history began. And thanks to written history, we can more or less well learn about the past of regional and global civilizations, starting around the middle of the first millennium BC.

Main thesis
this, cultivated for many centuries historical myth in all its variations, to which the reader of history textbooks and popular literature on near-historical topics must come to This - the thesis about the course of the global historical process uncontrollable by people, as well as in advance unpredictable for them.

All public administration, according to this thesis, has chronological limits on the lifetime of one generation, and spatial
- if not state borders, then the borders on which military force of this state in peacetime can be based and exercise combat patrols. And beyond these chronological and geographical limits, everything, according to him, allegedly flows by itself without any purposeful influence of any intra-social forces. This myth is a cover for the bosses of global politics, who carry it out in accordance with the doctrine of building a global “elitist” slave state.
In recent years, there have been attempts to replace this historical myth with a chronologically shorter version of a supposedly authentically known story. In particular, in the works of the mathematicians of Moscow State University A.T.Fomenko and G.V.Nosovsky, on the basis of statistical analysis reports of the chronicles state that the chronicles are basically reliable, starting from XI
- XII centuries AD, and all over ancient history is a history of the Middle Ages, repeatedly displaced into the past, in which medieval real people act under other nicknames and in a different geographical localization of medieval real events. But even this myth, by default, tends to depict the uncontrolled course of the global historical process.
But the fact is that there are facts that do not fit into either one or the other historical myths. To destroy a myth, it is enough to insert into it just one fact that he cannot explain. In particular, in the early Middle Ages there were maps that depicted Antarctica, the shores of the North and South America. Moreover, Antarctica was depicted without an ice shell, in which form it has never been in the memory of the current civilization, according to its official history.
The current civilization began global cartographic survey only several centuries after the appearance of these maps, in the era of the great geographical discoveries(since 1492 if you count from the first voyage of Columbus). A global cartographic survey lasting four centuries was completed by her basically only in 1906, when R. Amundsen passed from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean through the straits in the archipelagos of northern Canada; and was finally completed only with the end of the program of surveying the Earth's surface from orbit in the 1970s.
Contrary to this really reliably known, on medieval maps coastlines Antarctica, the Americas, Europe and Africa for a long distance are depicted with an error in longitude, which the level of development of chronometry and mathematics in the current civilization made it possible to ensure only starting from the 80s of the 18th century AD. (see my works on this subject and - A.K.)
The Sphinx at the Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt has been dated by traditionalist historians, together with the pyramids themselves, to no more than five thousand years. Historians explain its bad appearance by wind erosion: winds blew, carried sand, sand and weathering scraped out part of the material, etc. When a professional geologist (Doctor of Geology from Boston University R. Schoch
A.K.), he came to the conclusion that the Sphinx was watered by heavy rains for a long time and it was damaged by water erosion ... however, in the current civilization, the Sphinx stands in one of the driest places on the planet, where rare rains could not cause water erosion, leaving vertical hollows on the stones, while weathering and wind erosion leave horizontal traces, forming bizarre shapes: mushroom rocks, umbrella rocks, figure rocks, etc. In addition, almost most of the time of the existence of the current civilization, the Sphinx was covered with sand, as a result of which there is no need to talk about wind erosion. If we assume that the Sphinx- image of a man of the era of the constellation Leo the Sphinx- cultural monument an era when its location had a different climate with heavy rains. He- a product of a global civilization that preceded ours and perished in some global geophysical or astrophysical (according to some myths, the Moon and Venus were not in the ancient firmament) catastrophe, only after which the formation and development of the current global civilization began.
The obelisks of Egypt also point to the past global catastrophe. They were used as sundials. At the same time, the scales of these chronometers are such that the duration of the morning, noon, pre-sunset “hours” is not the same, which amazes those who are faced with this fact. But if Egypt were at a latitude of 15 o (actually, it is located approximately between 25 degrees and 30 degrees north latitude), then the existing scales of Egyptian solar chronometers would ensure the equality of all hours in a day.

Material sources of past civilizations

What the reader will get acquainted with in this article is known to many interested researchers. But all this information turns out to be unknown or inaccessible to the vast majority of people, often only because the official academic science does not want to explain many archaeological and written finds, so as not to destroy the official picture she created of the development of intelligent life on our Earth.

In this regard, it is necessary to talk about some of these findings and give appropriate explanations, especially since they fit very well into the picture of the development of intelligent life, which is given in Slavic sources. So, what has been found by archaeologists only in the last two centuries, and what in every possible way hiding official academic science?

1. American Science Journal in July 1852 posted information about blasting at Dorchester. Rock explosions were carried out at a depth of 4.5-5 meters, and together with broken fragments of stone, an ancient vase was thrown to the surface, along the walls of which there were six flowers in the form of a bouquet, with a vine and a wreath. The vase was made of metal resembling zinc and inlaid with silver.

The biggest secret find, which was pointed out by people who found fragments of the vase, was the fact that the vase was embedded in natural stone, which testified to the deep antiquity of the manufacture of the vase. Local rock according to the maps of the US Geological Survey, attributed to the Precambrian era and has an age 600 million years.

2. In search of meteorite fragments the expedition of the MAI-Kosmopoisk Center combed the fields in the south of the Kaluga region and, thanks to Dmitry Kurkov, found a piece of stone. When dirt was wiped off the stone, a bolt about a centimeter long was found on its chip, which somehow got there.

The stone consistently visited the paleontological, zoological, physics and mathematics, aviation technology institutes, the Paleontological and Biological museums, laboratories and design bureaus, the Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow State University, as well as several dozen more specialists in various fields of knowledge. Paleontologists have removed all questions regarding the age of the stone: really ancient, it 300-320 million years. The “bolt” got into the rock before it hardened and, therefore, its age is no less than the age of the stone.

3. Found in Siberia humanoid skull, devoid of superciliary ridges and dated at 250 million years.

4. In 1882 in a magazine The American Journal of Science published a report about a find near Carlson, Nevada, during the excavation of several human footprints in shoes of quite elegant execution, exceeding in size, and very significantly, the feet of a modern person. These footprints have been found in layers from the Carboniferous period. Their age is roughly dated 200-250 millions of years.

5 Pair Footprints Found In California, the size of which is about 50 cm, stretched out in a chain in which the distance between the prints is two meters. These footprints indicate that they belong to people taller than 4 meters. The age of these tracks is also about 200-250 million years.

6. On the rocks of the Crimean peninsula, dating back to many millions of years, depicts a trace of a human foot 50 centimeters long.

7. In 1869 from the mine a coal mine in Ohio (USA) removed a piece of coal with an inscription in an incomprehensible language to the surface. The find could not be deciphered, but scientists admitted that the letters were made before the coal hardened, that is hundreds million years ago.

8. In 1928 in a mine shaft in the state of Oklahoma (USA) at a depth of hundreds of meters, a wall of cubic blocks was discovered, with sides of 30 centimeters with a perfect finish on the edges. Naturally, this wall aroused surprise, distrust, and even fear among the miners, since it dates back to the Carboniferous period, that is, to the period in 200-250 million years ago.

9. Expedition of the Bashkir State University, headed by Professor Alexander Chuvyrov, found in the Southern Urals a fragment of a three-dimensional map of our earth, created 70 million years ago.

A plate covered with various signs was dug up in the vicinity of Mount Chandur. The surface of the upper face was smooth, like porcelain. Fingers felt glass under the yellowed ceramic veneer. Then the fingers felt the velvety surface of the stone - dolomite. Ceramics, glass and stone - in nature, such compounds do not occur.

In 1921, the historian-researcher Vakhrushev, who visited Chandura, mentioned the plates in his report. He reported that there were six plates, but four were lost. The sources of the 19th century say that there were two hundred plates. The Chinese who participated in the research reported that such ceramics had never been produced in China, as they were as hard as diamonds.

The stone - dolomite - also turned out to be strange, absolutely homogeneous, which is not currently found in nature. The glass turned out to be diopside. They learned how to cook like this at the end of the 20th century. However, the glass of the plate is not welded, but produced by some unknown cold chemical process.

At the junction with stone and ceramics, the connection is the so-called nanomaterial. Mysterious signs were applied to the glass with some kind of tool. And only then the surface was covered with a layer of ceramics. The map shows the relief that was in the Southern Urals 120 million years ago. The most striking thing is that, in addition to rivers, mountains and valleys, strange canals and dams are marked. A whole system of hydraulic structures with a total length of twenty thousand kilometers.

A fragment of an ancient map (slab) weighed more than a ton, it was barely pulled out of the pit. In order to visually study the relief of the map without distortion, the height of the intelligent creature that could use it should be about three meters. The size of the plates exactly correlates with astronomical values. For a complete map of our land, 125,000 plates are needed. The equator fits into 356 such stone maps. This corresponds exactly to the number of days in a year for that period. Then it was nine days shorter. The signs on the map turned out to be mathematically accurate.

Some of them have been deciphered. It turned out that in the left corner, a diagram of the celestial sphere was encoded, indicating the angle of rotation of our Earth, the inclination of its axis, and the inclination of the axis of revolution of the Moon. Imprints of shells of mollusks that lived in those distant times were also found. Apparently, the creators of the plates deliberately left these "time marks".

After studying the plate in various scientific institutions, including foreign ones, it was concluded that the plate is not a fake, but a reliable artifact of the distant past of our earth, which allows us to conclude that it was created by intelligent beings.

10. No less impressive collection Dr. Cabrera, a citizen of Peru, who since the beginning of the 60s of the 20th century has collected a huge amount (about 12 thousand) of oval stones (from very small ones, the size of a fist, to hundred-kilogram boulders) in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe small town of Ica. The entire surface of these stones is dotted with shallow drawings of people, objects, maps, animals, and even numerous scenes from life.

The main mystery of the stones from Peru is the images themselves. On the surface, with the help of some sharp tool, scenes of hunting for ancient animals were scratched: dinosaurs, brontosaurs, brachiosaurs; scenes of surgical operations for transplanting organs of the human body; people viewing objects through a magnifying glass, studying celestial objects with a telescope or spyglass; geographical maps with unknown continents.

One of the French journalists of the Paris Match newspaper, describing the collection, suggested that through the drawings on Ica stones some ancient civilization with a high level of development wanted to transfer information about itself to future civilizations, suggesting an impending catastrophe.

Something similar has already happened in Latin America. In July 1945, monuments of ancient Mexico were discovered. American collector V. Zhulsrud Bought a lot of items. The images on them resembled dinosaurs, plesiosaurs, mammoths, as well as people in the neighborhood with extinct ancient reptiles.

These finds have been much discussed by both historians and archaeologists. However, they did not come to a positive conclusion and attributed them to falsifications. Appeared Ica stones, more diverse, more detailed, more numerous, with a large number of images, put the official historical science into a dead end, from which it can get out only by revising all its conceptual foundations.

One serious feature in the image of a person in the drawings catches the eye. These images have a disproportionately large head. The head-to-body ratio is 1:3 or 1:4, while modern man has a head-to-body ratio of 1:7.

Dr. Cabrera, who studied the found stones with drawings, came to the conclusion that such a ratio of proportions in the structure of ancient intelligent beings suggests that they are not our ancestors. This is also evidenced by the structure of the hands of the creatures depicted in the figures.

The professor devoted more than 10 years to studying the exhibits found before he made the first public conclusions. One of the main conclusions suggests that on the American continent in ancient times there were intelligent beings similar to modern man and extinct as a result of some kind of catastrophe, who by the time of their death had great knowledge and experience. Ica stones are assembled into groups according to the directions: geographical, biological, ethnographic, etc.

11. About having great knowledge and experience, drawings depicting trepanation of skulls, as well as skulls of various sizes and shapes, speak. The large size of the skulls with an elongated and rounded occiput indicates that in the distant past, some people had a brain mass three times that of modern people. The ability to change skulls and increase the mass of the brain suggests that people of the distant past possessed the secrets of the Gods - the Teachers who created them.

The megaliths of the Peruvian city say the same. Tiwanaku. Ancient structures were assembled from beautifully processed stones weighing several tens of tons and fitted to each other so that it is still impossible to stick a knife blade between them.

There is a firm belief that the builders of these structures had the secret of softening the rock, after which they sculpted from it, like from plasticine, what they wanted, as well as the secrets of gravity, since it is easy to move whole stone blocks of several tens of tons over fair distances in mountainous conditions by conventional means impossible.

Some ancient structures in Peru were destroyed by explosions of unprecedented force, most likely nuclear explosions. From them remained funnels and huge blocks of inverted rock.

No less interesting are those found in Peru in the desert Nazca drawings laid out on the ground and depicting various birds and various geometric shapes. It was possible to detect these images with the help of aviation. Who and when posted these drawings, and for what purpose did they serve?

12. In 1982, 140 kilometers from Yakutsk, by the Lena archaeological expedition of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR under the leadership of Yu. Molchanov, at an altitude of 105-120 meters near the Lena River, more than four and a half thousand objects of material culture were found in geological layers, whose age is about 3 million years.

13. Legends of the arriving star Gods, in addition to being widespread, have some grounds. This can be evidenced by an archaeological expedition of the 70s of the XX century to the ancient Mexican city Cholum 100 kilometers from Mexico City.

The ritual complex excavated at Cholumu was dated to the 7th-13th centuries and was dedicated to two "Gods": a man and a woman who flew from Heaven with other "Gods", but remained to teach people various sciences and agriculture. As a result of unknown events, the "Gods" died, but the inhabitants, grateful to them for these sciences, arranged a crypt for them and built a ritual complex.

The German archaeologist who carried out the excavations took several pictures from the surviving skulls. The photographs show huge craniums, with their drop-shaped shape resembling the skull of a “star child”.

And yet, the most famous skull in various circles, which caused many interpretations and hypotheses, turned out to be the skull "Child of Taung". It was discovered back in 1924 during excavations of the village of the same name in Northwest Africa. The mystery of the skull, which is undoubtedly attributed to the humanoid species, has been tormenting scientists from different directions for more than 70 years. Some consider it the skull of a mutant child, others - the skull of an adult.

Lee Berger And Ron Clark from the University of Witwatesorand for several years examined a skull of a huge volume with a powerful forehead and a slightly elongated nape and came to the conclusion that it does not belong to an earthly creature. It is also established that he died by hitting the stones. Moreover, the researchers finally established themselves in the idea that, despite a number of features, the skull belonged to an adult who lived two and a half million years ago.

On our land there are skulls with injuries inflicted thousands of years ago with the help of firearms. The Natural History Museum in London displays the skull of a human being, which was found in 1921 in what is now Zambia.

Skull named "a find from Broken Hill", is interesting in that on its left side there is a perfect round hole with completely smooth edges. The shape of the wound indicates that it was made by a bullet flying at high speed. On the opposite side of the skull was another hole, indicating that the bullet had passed through. This was confirmed by forensic experts from Berlin.

The fact is that a strange find was discovered at a depth 18 meters, which could not have happened if a different kind of creature had been killed in the centuries when firearms made their way into Central Africa. Several such remains have been found. For example, a bison skull found near the banks of the Lena River, dated 40 for thousands of years. It contains a hole with smooth edges, made by a bullet fired from a firearm.

14. In October 1922 Dr. Ballu alerted readers of the New York magazine to the discovery of mining engineer John Reid. In the coal seams of the state of Nevada, a piece of stone was found with an imprint of the sole of a shoe frozen in its surface. Not only the contours of the sole were visible, but also a series of stitches that held the parts of the shoe together. The engineer showed the find to geologists at Columbia University, who considered what they saw an imitation, although they admitted that a piece of coal from rocks could date back more than 5 millions of years.

15. In 1871 in a mine 42 meters deep, which was developed in the state of Illinois, several bronze coins were found. Naturally, coal seams that formed hundreds of thousands of years ago were developed in the mine, as evidenced by the depth of occurrence. The absence of other traces of human activity is also explained by the time of formation of coal layers.

16. One of the outstanding archaeological finds of the 70s of the XIX century was the Salzburg parallelepiped, stored in the museum of the city of the same name in Germany. It has been found in deposits of the Tertiary period ( 12 million years ago) and consisted of carbonaceous iron interspersed with nickel. Official scientists declared it a meteorite.

However, this "meteorite" turned out to be very strange, as it had the shape of a processed Cuba. In addition, he did not have melting, which should have appeared in a real meteorite. Thus, everything suggests that this parallelepiped (cube) is a man-made product of intelligent beings.

17. In Philadelphia, at a depth of 21 meters, workers found a marble slab with letters carved on its surface. They called respected citizens from a nearby town, and they testified to the find, which lay under many layers of shale and ancient clay.

18. In the early years of the beginning of the millennium The news about the discovery in the provincial village of Salamasov, Tula Region, of two huge stones covered with images of monkeys, panthers, dinosaurs, platypuses, disks, symbols of incomprehensible purpose, bypassed the Russian press.

Geological pits made on the site of Bald Mountain brought amazing data: stones 100-200 thousand years. A real examination of the stones is yet to be done, but the discovery of the artifact itself indicates the existence of some kind of developed human culture in the distant past.

Finding Artifacts - Forbidden Archeology

Were Russians the first people on Earth?

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